Treatment of stuttering in children and adults. Self-treatment of stuttering with folk remedies

Stuttering affects more than 8% of all children under the age of 12, and about 5% of adults. It is not surprising that stuttering is of interest among the population. And who, if not a psychiatrist, a doctor who treats this pathology, it is worth talking about stuttering in adults, the features of its treatment and prognosis.

What is stuttering?

First, let's figure out what it is and what provokes the development of stuttering. It is now a very popular opinion that stuttering is a genetically determined disorder. There is plenty of evidence for this; many scientists confirm this theory in the course of their research in this area. Other reasons (stress, poor socialization, etc.) can become a trigger factor only if there is a predisposition.

We all experience stress, various nervous shocks, suffer from many diseases, but at the same time we may not suffer from stuttering. This disorder develops on “fertile soil” caused by genetic disorders.

Stuttering is typical neurological disorder, which is psychogenic in nature. Accordingly, treatment of stuttering in both adults and children should be aimed not only at correcting work nervous system, but also to the highest nerve functions, - on the psyche.

In the treatment of stuttering, it is customary to distinguish three directions: suggestion, relaxation and distraction. It makes no sense to describe these areas separately; they are all effective only in conjunction with each other. It is more expedient to divide the methods of treating stuttering in adults into medicinal and non-medicinal: such a division better reflects the essence and goals of the treatment process.

Non-drug treatment for stuttering

The first thing a doctor who wants to cure a patient with a stutter must do is convince him that he must speak. You need to talk as much as possible, without being embarrassed by the speech impediment (this will only make it worse). Stuttering is not one of those diseases that needs to be hidden from society - there is nothing wrong with that.

You need to understand one simple pattern: the more you speak, the better your speech becomes. Stopping the conversation, on the contrary, aggravates the disorder. A good option is to find a job that involves communication. Yes, it will be very difficult at first, but the result (believe me!) is worth it. Remember that stuttering is a behavioral disorder that you can correct even on your own. Don't be afraid to speak up!

They may offer you behavioral psychotherapy or treatment of stuttering with hypnosis. If you can't cope on your own, this should help you. However, it is worth saying that the effectiveness of psychotherapy for stuttering is very doubtful: the results of such treatment are not comparable with the results of “self-therapy”.

For the most part, your chances of quickly getting rid of your stuttering are up to you. The doctor will tell you what to do, having become closely acquainted with your problem (methods and approaches are individual for each person), and will monitor your progress, but the most important part of the treatment still falls on you.

Medication (supportive) treatment

The use of medications greatly facilitates the treatment process: medications affect mainly causal factors diseases. Drug therapy for stuttering, it is prescribed very carefully, only when necessary. If possible, they try to avoid this.

Medications do not affect stuttering: their purpose is to pathological processes, which lie at its original basis. Here are the groups of drugs that can be used in the treatment of stuttering in adults:

- antispasmodics (very rarely, only for certain forms of stuttering);
- tranquilizers;
- mood stabilizers (drugs that normalize mood).

Deserves special attention sedatives and tranquilizers. The first ones are used in almost all cases: in any case, stuttering will be associated with stress. Stuttering occurs against a background of stress, and it leads to stress - this is a classic vicious circle. Sedatives, to a certain extent, can break this cycle, thereby facilitating the treatment process.

Depending on how much your problem bothers you, you may be able to use herbal or herbal medications to treat stuttering in adults. synthetic drugs. The latter have a more powerful effect, however, side effects they have a lot more.

Tranquilizers (originally drugs designed to relieve anxiety) also have a sedative effect. At the same time, they help to navigate positive result treatment. Patients are often initially confident that their attempts will be unsuccessful - this is a categorically wrong attitude. If you can’t get rid of it on your own, you should tell your doctor about it (of course, if he doesn’t notice it himself).

It is worth repeating once again that only the patient himself can cure stuttering. All the efforts of the doctor, medications and others aids- this is nothing more than mandatory support. Listen to your doctor’s advice, strictly follow the instructions and combine all elements of treatment - this is the only way you will achieve the desired result.

Stuttering is a speech disorder that manifests itself in the regular prolongation or repetition of words, syllables or sounds, thus interrupting the smooth flow of speech. Unlike healthy people, whose abrupt repetitions in speech account for only about 7%, those suffering from stuttering experience significant discomfort from their illness, the proportion of interruptions in their speech is estimated at 10% or more.

Stuttering usually begins to be observed as early as childhood, boys are more likely to suffer from it; The disease reaches its apogee in adolescence, weakening after 30 years. The causes that provoke this speech disorder include diseases of the nervous system and neuroses caused by stress.

Treatment of stuttering is often complex, involving the use of various psychotherapeutic, physiotherapeutic, and medicinal techniques, the effectiveness of which primarily depends on how timely assistance was provided. They occupy a special place in this list unconventional methods combating speech disorders - in particular, herbal medicine.

Decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs

Mix nettles, hawthorn, fireweed, raspberries, oats (straw), caraway seeds, strawberries (leaves) and mint and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:20.

Warm the mixture over low heat and, without bringing to a boil, let it brew. After an hour and a half, strain and take a third of a glass 30 minutes before meals. The following potion is prepared with hops for stuttering: mix it with rose hips, dandelion root, cumin,, mint, cudweed, wormwood, violet and woodruff in equal proportions. About 5-7 years of collection, pour half a liter of chilled water and let it brew for 5 hours. Then put the mixture on the fire and, bringing to a boil, leave for another half hour. It is recommended to drink a third of a glass before each meal.

A useful infusion can also be prepared as follows: mix a small amount of chamomile and nettle with a little more angelica, St. John's wort, lemon balm, heather and hops, pour 300 ml of the mixture. hot water and let it brew. After half an hour, the product can be used by drinking 150 ml. twice a day.

An alternative could be this decoction: mix equal parts of licorice, lemon balm, sweet clover, calendula flowers and birch leaves with 300 ml. warm water. After 2 hours, strain and take before each meal.

You can also prepare an anise-based infusion. Pour a teaspoon of a mixture of St. John's wort, motherwort (leaves), anise, lemon balm, oregano and chamomile hot water and leave for three hours. After straining, drink the decoction before each meal.

Here's how you can use ash tree in the fight against the problem. Fresh leaves and add the flowers of the plant to boiling water and let them warm up for half an hour. After straining the broth, rinse it oral cavity 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Attention: swallowing this product is not recommended.

A decoction of bloodroot can also be used for therapeutic purposes. Add a pinch of the plant to 300 ml. milk and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil, let the drug brew and strain. It should be consumed in the morning for 10 days. Instead of milk, you can take wine.

Rue can be used instead of cinquefoil. Mix about 5 g of the dried plant with 0.5 liters of hot water and heat over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain the broth and rinse the mouth. Repetition frequency - 3-5 times a day for a month.

You can replace some of the ingredients in such decoctions with pine shoots, yarrow, Icelandic moss, blackberries, fennel.

Many people have stuttered famous personalities, including Lewis Carroll, Marilyn Monroe, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill, as well as Egyptian pharaohs.

Apple peel decoction

You can calm the nervous system of a stuttering patient using a decoction of apples. Add the apple peels to the water and cook the compote this way. If desired, the drug can be flavored with lemon balm and sugar. Drink 3 glasses per day.

Juices of medicinal plants

Squeeze out the nettle and mix its juice with ash tree juice in a ratio of 2:3. The resulting product should be placed in a small amount on the tip of the patient’s tongue and held for 5 minutes. The frequency of repetition of the procedure is 5 times a day, the duration of the course is 9-11 days.

You can also mix the juices of viburnum, lemon, cabbage, rose hips (100 g each) with 200 g of honey. It is recommended to take the drug orally, 1 tablespoon twice a day.

Essential oils based on medicinal plants

Aromatherapy using oils based on medicinal herbs and plants. Special attention should be given to the oils of rose, rosemary, sage, pine, geranium, lavender, sandalwood, basil, wormwood, thyme, bergamot.

They are used by wetting a handkerchief and bringing it to the bridge of the patient’s nose 3-4 times a day.

The most common type of speech disorder is stuttering. It often occurs in children aged 2 to 7 years. When stuttering, disturbances are observed: consistency in the smoothness and rhythm of speech, voice and breathing, and in the work of speech muscles. Seven percent of these types of speech interruptions are considered normal. Signs of stuttering are considered slowdowns if the frequency of speech interruptions lasts from a second to half a minute and is 10%. At the same time, convulsions occur in those organs that participate in the act of speech. Treatment for stuttering folk remedies is treated and develops in 2-4 years. This disease can last from several months, and sometimes for many years. For the most part, children who stutter, unlike adults, recover spontaneously. More boys stutter than girls. Because men have less emotional stability.

Almost everyone who stutters, when they are alone with themselves, speaks without hesitation and smoothly, reads with someone together, talks with some interlocutor. But when talking to strangers, in a hurry, when speaking in front of a large number of people, their stuttering instantly increases. This is explained by emotional excitement and tension, they arise when he communicates with people around him. Stuttering is almost unnoticeable when the child is in a comfortable, familiar environment - among friends and family.

In some cases, the child tries to imitate the incorrect speech of others and stutters. In a family where adults stutter, the likelihood that such a speech defect will appear in a child will increase significantly.

Sometimes stuttering occurs if a left-handed person is forcibly “corrected” into a right-handed person, this causes nervous breakdown, and leads to stuttering.

Treatment of stuttering with mumiyo and honey.
Take a teaspoon of honey and a mummy tablet. We do not swallow the medicine, but keep it in our mouth as long as possible. We take it in the morning and evening. And the course of treatment itself is 6 months. If necessary, you can repeat the treatment after a short period of 2 months.

Treating stuttering with aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy relieves tension in the speech apparatus and nervous system, relaxes, and has a calming effect. You can use oils of bergamot and wormwood, thyme, geranium, sandalwood. As well as oils of basil, lavender, sage, rose, pine, rosemary. Apply the oil to a handkerchief and apply it to the bridge of the nose four times a day.

A bath using aromatic oils. Take ½ cup of kefir and add a few drops of oil, pour it into the bath, the temperature of the water in the bath should be 37 degrees. You can get more best result, if we repeat the procedure every day for ten days.

Treatment for stuttering medicines.
1. Take a collection of mint, valerian, nettle, chamomile, mix and take ½ tablespoon of this collection, pour a glass of water. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain. We drink the finished infusion ½ glass twice a day. We carry out treatment for a month. The effect of the decoction is a feeling of confidence and calm in one’s abilities.

2. Take a collection of birch leaves, sweet clover, calendula flowers, licorice, and lemon balm in equal quantities and mix. Take ½ glass of hot water, leave for two hours, then filter. Take during the day, before meals, five times a day. This remedy works very well and normalizes speech function and the human nervous system, has a relaxing and calming effect.

3. Let's take a collection of tricolor violet, woodruff, cucumber, wormwood, and mint. And also from birch, dandelion, hops, caraway, rose hips. Mix and chop. And take 7 grams of crushed raw materials, leave it at a temperature of 26 degrees for six hours, bring it to a boil and leave it warm for 30 minutes. Take the resulting decoction strained 15 minutes before meals, 70 ml 4 times a day.

4. Take a mixture of cumin, oats, fireweed, and nettle in equal parts. And also a collection of hawthorn, raspberries, strawberries, mint, mix and chop. Pour 7 grams of the collection in one and a half glasses of boiling water, keep on fire, but do not boil. Let the broth brew for an hour and a half, then strain. Take 50 ml while still warm 40 minutes before meals.

5. Take a collection of oregano, chamomile, motherwort leaves, anise, lemon balm, St. John's wort, mix and pour boiling water over 7 grams of chopped herbs, leave for 3 hours. Before taking the medicine, strain it and take it 5 times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies.
There are many effective means, with the help of which we treat stuttering.

1) Add leaves and fresh flowers of white ash to boiling water. Let it sit for 20 minutes. First filter the infusion and rinse your mouth with it for 5 minutes. Do not swallow, repeat the procedure several times a day.

2) Take 2 drops of nettle juice and mix it with 3 drops of flowers and leaves of ash tree juice. Keep it on your tongue without swallowing for five minutes. Repeat 4-6 times a day. We continue treatment for 10 days.

3) An infusion of 200 grams of honey, cabbage juice, rose hip juice, 100 mg of viburnum juice, 100 mg of lemon juice, mix and take 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day. We recommend taking this medicine with seeds or almonds.

4) Pour a pinch into a glass of cold milk or wine cinquefoil and bring to a boil. We infuse the broth, then filter it. We take the decoction in the morning. We are treated for 10 days. This method will do a great job with brain spasms.

5) Take 5 grams dry sweet rue and pour in ½ liter of boiling water. Brew over low heat for 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the strained broth. Keep it in your mouth without swallowing until it cools completely. We repeat the procedure 5 times a day. We carry out treatment for 3 weeks.

6) Take chamomile and nettle, mix with a much smaller amount of heather, St. John's wort, lemon balm, angelica, and hops. Add 1 tsp to a glass of boiling water. received fee. We infuse this medicine for half an hour. We drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

In conclusion, we add that stuttering can be cured using folk remedies. But without consultation experienced doctor, do not engage in treatment, but only after consulting a doctor.

Ekaterina Morozova is a mother of many children, editor of the “Children” section in Colady magazine


For the first time, stuttering usually appears at the age of two years due to the special sensitivity of the nervous system, active speech formation and, as often happens, sudden fear. More often this phenomenon occurs in boys (approx. - almost 4 times more often than in girls), and in many cases, alas, goes further into adult life, if the parents did not bother themselves with treatment, deciding that “it will go away on its own.” But according to statistics, it is at the very beginning of the development of this speech defect that it is easiest to cope with it. Moreover, successfully and forever.

What should parents do at home to supplement the treatment recommended by specialists?

What folk remedies can help a child get rid of stuttering?

What folk remedies can you use?

In fact, treating stuttering with “grandmother’s” remedies is an illusion. It is impossible to get rid of this disease with the help of herbs.

Numerous tips distributed on the Internet on this topic are based on sedative effect herbs Yes, there are plants that have a mild calming effect, but most of the recommended “super remedies for stuttering” at a minimum do not bring any results and have a completely different effect, and some can even harm the child.

Video: Speech therapist lessons. Exercises for children 3-4 years old

What do you need to know about the proposed folk methods?

Let's look at specific examples:

  1. Nettle juice. According to the authors this recipe, nettle has anticonvulsant properties. But considering that the substances in nettle juice do not actually “reach” the brain, the anticonvulsant effect of the plant remains very doubtful. In addition, it is unlikely that logoneurosis, which has psychosocial roots, can go away or even become less intense from exposure to nettles. It is also important to note that nettle has many other side effects.
  2. A decoction based on white ash. Another popular recipe replicated by many sites. The authors promise to mix the plant with other herbs and then keep this decoction in your mouth and spit it out. Alas, a bitter decoction that the child will have to keep in his mouth for several minutes will not give any effect. But poisoning, if swallowed, is easy. This plant contains specific alkaloids that have a toxic effect on nerve tissue upon penetration into the brain. And these substances, unlike nettle, penetrate into the brain quite easily.
  3. Honey. The product is contraindicated for children with allergies. For everyone else it will not be harmful, in complex therapy, but it will not bring much results in the treatment of stuttering.
  4. Kalina. A fruit drink made from these berries is really healthy, and in combination with light honey it can provide a mild sedative effect. Naturally, fruit juice will be useless as the main means of treatment.
  5. Chamomile decoction . A plant with undeniable healing properties and sedative slight effect, which is noticeable in children under 2 years of age. For older children, a “cosmic” dosage is needed to get the desired result. And such dosages threaten poisoning. In small doses recommended by your doctor, chamomile will slightly intensify your work. immune system, if required at all.
  6. Potentilla goose. If you need an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, the plant will be useful. As for logoneurosis, this remedy will in no way bring any benefit, even in medicinal preparations.
  7. Heather with hops. As for the properties of these two plants, it is indisputable: both have sedative/hypnotic properties, and the effect is enhanced when they are combined. But when brewing them for your child, remember that the child does not need a highly concentrated decoction, nor does he need excessive drowsiness. In addition, do not forget about individual allergies.


  • Herbs are a burden for child's body. If there is no urgent need for herbs (they were not prescribed by a doctor), then it is better to refuse such self-medication.
  • Carefully study the properties of the plants that you brew to treat any disease in general.
  • Do not prescribe herbal decoctions yourself, especially for a child: take any medicine only after consulting a doctor!
  • Do not rely entirely on information from sites on the Internet - even specific medical ones: consult specialists!
  • In itself, herbal treatment without complex therapy is a pointless exercise.

And most importantly, while you are trying to cure your child of logoneurosis at home, with herbs, the disease enters a stage at which even real treatment will become difficult and lengthy.

Foods that help improve a child’s speech - food that helps in the treatment of logoneurosis

Yes, there are some. Of course they are not magic pills, instantly acting on speech impediment, but their action is based on delivery/transportation " building material" For nerve cells, as well as brain cells, etc.

That is, this is not a treatment, but auxiliary products that will enhance the effect of the main therapy.

  1. Cottage cheese, sour cream, natural yoghurts.
  2. Linseed oil. You can spread it on bread or take it by the spoonful.
  3. Sauerkraut with vegetable oil.
  4. Fish fat. It can be taken in capsules or as a cooked fatty sea ​​fish. For example, halibut, herring, salmon, etc. In this fish, in addition to the “building material” for different cells, there are also Omega 3 fats.

As for sweets, their dosage for a child with logoneurosis should be greatly reduced. Sugar increases hyperactivity, which in this case completely useless.

What can parents do to treat their child's stuttering at home?

After production accurate diagnosis And full examination from specialists, as well as in combination with therapy already developed by doctors (and only in combination!), parents can use following methods and ways to help your child:

  • Analyze the situation and find the reasons for the child’s stressful condition. Start with yourself! Stress is often caused by parental screams, family quarrels, harsh attitudes, etc. Take care of the atmosphere in the house - it should be comfortable for the child.
  • Eliminate factors that provoke fear in a child : horror stories in cartoons and movies, stories “about a scary black room,” loud music and crowds of people, excessive publicity, etc. Adjust your child’s social circle during the main treatment.
  • Identify in time internal fears children. He may be afraid of spiders, bees, ghosts, the monster in the closet, the neighbor's dog and even the neighbors themselves, the dark and elevators, and so on. We analyze fear into its components together with the child and look for ways to get rid of it, depending on the child’s age.
  • Love the child. It's not about expensive gifts, but about attention. To love a child is to be able to listen and understand, to support, to participate in his life, to keep promises, to be able to ask for forgiveness, to allow the child to make his own choices, and so on.
  • We control our breathing. Teach your child to speak while exhaling. First we breathe in, then we talk. These are the basics of stuttering treatment. Moreover, as we exhale, we first pronounce one or two words, and only then, when the habit has formed, can we move on to trying to produce 3-4 words or more at once.
  • Teach your child to speak slowly. There is no need to rush anywhere. Adapt in your family to the desired pace of the child’s speech. Don't chatter yourself. Use your example to show your child how to speak.
  • Maintain proper posture. A straight spine means a better supply of oxygen to the brain.
  • Don't forget about massage (approx. - dorsal collar zone) from specialists.
  • Talk to the teacher/educator. Explain what not to do and how to communicate with the child. If there is no understanding, look for an institution where the child will feel comfortable. The roots of half of all neuroses in children come from school and kindergarten.
  • Reduce the level of demands on your child. Perhaps your bar is too high for your baby.
  • Sing songs. Buy karaoke and sing along with your child. Song therapy is always useful in the treatment of logoneurosis.
  • Play special games , involving the reproduction of specific sounds.
  • Do not tell your child that he is a stutterer and that you are treating his stuttering. The child should not think at all that there is something wrong with him. Carry out treatment unnoticed by the child and his psyche.
  • Don’t listen to advice like “treat fear with fear.” Such “therapy” can lead to a mini-stroke.
  • Read aloud every night. Themselves, together with the child, in turns, in roles. Organize theatrical performances and concerts.

Up to 20% of children become familiar with the problem of stuttering at a young age (approx. - up to 7 years). At the right approach and treatment, most manage to get rid of this speech defect, thanks to complex therapy and the necessary conditions created.

Games, breathing exercises, exercises for treating stuttering in a child at home

The main thing you need to know when choosing games for a child with logoneurosis:

  1. Too emotionally vivid, active games only aggravate the problem.
  2. The fewer participants, the better.
  3. Play better at home and in nature. Participation in public events should be temporarily postponed.
  4. Don't forget about useful computer simulators that were designed specifically for stuttering treatment. Just don't abuse the computer.
  5. You should play special games, the purpose of which is to treat logoneurosis, every day, for at least 15 minutes. In the evening - only relaxing games, in the morning - breathing games, in the afternoon - for a sense of rhythm.

So what to play?

Video: Games - dramatizations in the correction of stuttering at the stage of reflected speech

Breathing exercises

  • We lie down on our backs and place our favorite book on our stomachs. Next, inhale through your nose and breathe with your stomach, watching how the book rises and falls. Almost a boat on the waves. Exhale smoothly, slowly, through closed lips.
  • Develop a long exhalation. We use it for training bubble, spinning toys, airball games, etc. We blow through a straw and blow bubbles in the water, blow on dandelions and boats in the water, inflate balloons, etc.

Video: Breathing exercises for stuttering

Voice gymnastics

  1. Football players. Using a ball, we sing the syllable Mo (throw it on the floor), then Me (on the wall) and Mi (on the ceiling).
  2. Mime theater. We sing while exhaling and extending the sound of the vowels A, O, U and I, using different intonations. First angrily, then tenderly, then surprised, enthusiastically, sadly, and so on.
  3. Bell tower. In a low voice (with a large bell) we sing BOM, then with a smaller bell - BEM, then with a small bell - BIM. Next - in reverse order.
  4. Quiet, louder. We take turns singing the sounds A, O, E, U and Y - first quietly, then loudly, then even louder (in one breath), and then gradually fading away.

Articulation exercises

  • We snort like a horse so that our lips vibrate.
  • Sticking the tongue to the palate, we click with it, as if on a horse ride.
  • We inflate our cheeks and deflate them one by one.
  • Gently bite the upper lip with our teeth, then the lower lip.
  • We depict a watch by throwing the pendulum tongue from one corner of the mouth to the other.
  • We talk like fish - we pretend to speak by moving our lips, but we remain “mute.”
  • We inflate our cheeks and pull them in as much as possible.
  • We stretch our lips into a tube - as far as possible, then stretch them as wide as possible into a smile.
  • Opening your mouth, lick the imaginary jam first from upper lip- in a circle, then from the bottom.
  • “Brush your teeth” by stroking the inner row with your tongue lower teeth, then the top ones.
  • We puff out our cheeks and alternately poke our tongue into one cheek, then into the other.
  • We yawn heavily 5-6 times in a row with open mouth, and then, without closing our mouth, we cough the same number of times.

For each exercise – at least 3-4 minutes.

Training your sense of rhythm

Choose favorite poem and “clap” it, like drummers, together with the child. We do not clap on every syllable - the emphasis is on the strong beat of the poem.

We look for poems for rhythmic training from Marshak, Barto and Chukovsky.

A few more exercises: rhythm for logoneurosis

  1. Pump. Legs shoulder-width apart, stretch straight arms all the way to the floor and take a loud breath, rounding your back.
  2. Watch. Legs are shoulder width apart. We tilt our head to the right, pressing our ear to our shoulder and taking a loud breath through our nose. Then we straighten up and exhale, shaking our heads back and forth. Repeat with the left shoulder.
  3. Pendulum. We lower our heads and exhale sharply. Then we lift it, look at the ceiling and inhale noisily. Next, we exhale lightly and imperceptibly.
  4. Rifles. We exhibit left leg forward and roll from the right (from the toe) to the left. Then we squat down and, inhaling loudly, transfer our weight to our right leg.
  5. Hugs. We lower our hands down, take a loud breath, then hug ourselves by the shoulders and exhale calmly.

Video: Speech therapy massage for stuttering

This article in no way replaces the doctor-patient relationship. It is for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-medication or diagnosis.

Games, folk remedies, breathing exercises for stuttering, it is better to choose for classes with your child together with a specialist - a speech therapist or a neurologist!

Healing stuttering with herbs and vegetables

There are many effective traditional methods healing stuttering with pharmaceutical plants. Below are a few proven recipes that will help you get rid of stuttering.

Add the freshest flowers and leaves of snow-white ash to boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. First, strain the infusion and rinse your mouth for 3–5 minutes. We don't swallow! The function should be repeated a couple of times a day.

An infusion of 100 mg of lemon juice, 100 mg of viburnum juice, rose hip juice, cabbage juice and 200 g of honey should be taken twice a day, one tablespoon. It is recommended to take the remedy with almonds or seeds.

In a glass of wine or cool add a pinch of goose cinquefoil to the milk and bring to a boil. The broth must be infused and strained. The product must be taken in the morning. Healing is carried out within 10 days. This method is excellent for dealing with brain spasms.

You can pour 5 g of dry aromatic rue with half a liter of boiling water and brew over low heat for 5 minutes, and then rinse oral cavity with strained broth. Keep the product in your mouth until it cools, but do not swallow. It is recommended to repeat the function 5 times a day. Healing takes 2–3 weeks.

Mix nettle and chamomile with the smallest amount of hops, angelica, lemon balm, St. John's wort and heather. Add a teaspoon of the mixture to a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the remedy for 30 minutes, and drink half a glass during the day and evening.

Healing stuttering with pharmaceutical preparations

Method 1. Collection of chamomile herbs. nettle, valerian and mint. Pour half a tablespoon of the purchased composition into a glass of hot water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain. The finished infusion should be drunk half a glass twice a day. Healing should be carried out for 1 month. The effect of the decoction is a feeling of calm and self-confidence.

Method 2. Collection of lemon balm, licorice, calendula plants, sweet clover and birch leaves in equal amounts. Pour a glass of hot water, but not boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours, strain. Recommended intake: 5 times a day, preferably before meals. The product has a calming and relaxing effect, having an excellent effect on the human nervous system and normalizing speech function.

Method 3. Collection of rose hips, caraway and hops, dandelion root, birch leaves, mint grass, wormwood, dried grass, woodruff and tricolor violet. Need to mix the ingredients in two glasses cool water add 7 g of crushed raw materials, leave for 6 hours at a temperature of 26 degrees, bring to a boil and leave in a warm place for half an hour. The decoction should be taken strained, 70 ml more than 4 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

Method 4. Collection from mint grass, strawberry and fireweed leaves, raspberry shoots, hawthorn fruits, nettles, oat grass, caraway fruits. You should mix the ingredients in equal proportions and pour one and a half cups of boiling water into 7 g of crushed collection, keep on fire, but do not boil. Allow the medicine to infuse for 1.5 hours. It is recommended to take the pre-strained decoction warm, 50 ml 5 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Method 5. Collection from the fruits of St. John's wort, lemon balm, anise, motherwort leaves, chamomile, oregano. 7 g of crushed herbs should be poured with boiling water and left to steep for 3 hours. The medication is filtered in advance and taken before meals 5 times a day.

Healing stuttering with aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has a calming effect, relaxes, relieves tension in the nervous system and speech apparatus. It is recommended to use rosemary, pine, rose, and sage oils. lavender, basil, sandalwood, geranium, thyme, wormwood and bergamot. The oil is applied to a handkerchief and applied to the bridge of the nose 4 times a day.

A bath using aromatic oils has the same effect. You need to add a few drops of oil to half a glass of kefir and pour it into the bath, while the preferred water temperature is 37 degrees. The result will be better if you repeat the function every day for 7-10 days.

Healing stuttering with honey and mumiyo

The mixture for the 1st dose is prepared from 1 mummy pill and 1 teaspoon of honey. The medication is not swallowed, but kept in the mouth as long as possible. The function must be carried out in the morning and evening. The duration of healing is from 4 to 6 months. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a break of 1–2 months.

Comments and reviews:

From the age of 13 to 24, I also had difficulties with speech (stuttered). A few years ago, my father went to Altai on a business trip, met the local “Herbalist” and bought a collection of some rare herbs from her. Once a day I made an infusion from this collection and drank it. I didn’t fully believe it myself, but this herbal collection contributed. I haven’t had any problems with speech for over a year now.

Ivan! Tell me, what exactly happened there, otherwise I’ve been suffering for 5 years already! Nothing helps! I tried everything but no! my [email protected]

I'm 33 years old and I stutter when I'm nervous. How should I be treated and with what?