Dental treatment for children. Complications and consequences of caries in children

IN last years dental diseases have become very “younger”. No one is surprised anymore by caries or pulpitis of baby teeth, which appear in children at the age of three or four years, and sometimes earlier. The question arises: is it necessary to treat baby teeth? There is an opinion that they will fall out anyway and then new, healthy ones will grow. But this is a big misconception.

Why is it necessary to treat baby teeth?

Firstly, if in oral cavity If there is a tooth affected by caries, it represents a constant source of infection that spreads to the entire body.

Secondly, the disease quickly spreads to other teeth because baby teeth are small, have very thin enamel and cannot resist infection.

Thirdly, sick baby tooth poses a danger to the future permanent tooth; from an infected source, the germ of a future molar can be damaged and even completely dissolve.

Fourthly, the health of the nasopharynx and stomach directly depends on the health of the teeth.

We can conclude: the health of an adult largely depends on the condition of his baby teeth in early childhood.

Dental treatment for three-year-old children

It has several features:

  • dental procedures should not last more than 30 minutes;
  • the drill should be used minimally, and with interruptions;
  • double anesthesia is required.

Most often, treatment is carried out under local anesthesia, which is applied in two stages.

The future injection site is treated with an aerosol or gel with a special “tasty” additive that kids like and gives a “freezing” effect. After this, an injection of an anesthetic drug is given. Today, there are anesthetics that are practically safe for children: these are drugs based on mepivacaine and articaine, which can be used from infancy.

But there are times when it is necessary to use general anesthesia for children during dental treatment.

  • Large volume of dental work.
  • A young age (up to four years) when the child cannot follow the doctor’s commands.
  • Psychological disorders. In this case, the child does not need additional stress.
  • If you are prone to allergies, which can be caused by local anesthesia.

Together with the dentist, the child is observed by a team of anesthesiologists who closely monitor vital processes.

Treatment under general anesthesia allows the doctor to do more extensive work, treat more teeth and cope with complex cases that would be painful for small child conscious.

Upon completion of treatment, the baby is removed from the state of anesthesia under the supervision of doctors.

Anesthesia is indispensable when removing baby teeth, if any. certain problem or the child is afraid. After all, any involuntary unnecessary movement during medical procedures can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Preparation for dental treatment under general anesthesia

  • The child needs an ECG.
  • An analysis for hemosyndrome is given.
  • For rent general analysis blood.

If your baby is allergic to certain medications, you should definitely notify your doctor.

The portal contains prices for treatment childhood caries in Moscow. Convenient tables for comparison show the cost of the most common dental services for children. Using the filter, you can select the area and metro station you are interested in, selecting the most suitable geographical option. Reviews about the treatment of caries of primary teeth left by parents of young patients will be useful.

How to properly treat caries in children? Modern approach

Caries of primary teeth in children develops rapidly. Often from the onset of the pathological process to the appearance acute pain It only takes 6-12 months. Treatment of caries in children should begin as soon as cloudiness or yellowish spots appear on the enamel.

Stages of caries of primary teeth

The main reason why caries appears in a child at 2 years old is insufficient mineralization. A baby's enamel matures and becomes saturated with minerals gradually; it cannot effectively resist the attack of bacteria, like the enamel of an adult. Bottle caries in children it is caused by:

  • drinking sweet water and juices at night;
  • breastfeeding or drinking milk porridge;
  • lack of oral hygiene.

Parents can understand that at this age children sleep poorly. If the baby wakes up, eats and falls asleep, no one will wake him up to rinse his mouth. In 80% of cases, caries in a 3-year-old child is a continuation of the bottle form of the disease, which was not noticed and not cured. What features does caries have? temporary teeth in children:

  • opaque white spots appear on the enamel;
  • the white color of the spots darkens, the lesion deepens;
  • yellow color gives way to brown;
  • The baby begins to suffer from toothache.

Unfortunately, most often caries in children forms where they cannot reach Toothbrush, in places that are difficult to inspect and clean, for example, in dimples on the chewing surface of the teeth, near the gums, at the junctions between teeth. Pathogenic bacteria multiply and penetrate through the enamel into dentin, and then cause inflammation of the pulp. Deep caries in children is becoming a real problem, because toothache drives the child crazy, and tears and hysterics begin in the dental chair.

Fortunately, there are methods for treating caries in children, in which the child experiences a minimum of stress. General rule for this disease: the sooner the parents take the baby to the doctor, the less harm there will be to health, and the less money will have to be spent on the dentist.

Prevention and treatment of initial caries in children

The question that concerns every parent: should caries be treated in baby teeth if they will fall out sooner or later anyway? Dentists definitely recommend trying to save the tooth first, and only removing it if it is deeply damaged. Premature removal leads to improper chewing load, disturbances in bite and rate of teething permanent teeth.

Over the past 5 years, methods of treating caries in children have changed significantly. Now kids tolerate a visit to the doctor well, because treatment of caries in children early age It is carried out quickly and not painfully. When choosing a clinic, parents need to make sure that doctors use new standards, and not remove any baby tooth the old fashioned way.

Can be stopped at the chalk spot stage pathological process, if you cover the tooth with a special sealant or strengthening fluoride varnish. The cost of fissure sealing starts from 250 rubles per tooth, and fluoride varnish coating will cost 350-450 rubles. The procedures take place quickly, in 15-30 minutes, without pain, no anesthesia is needed, without the use of a drill.

Treatment of caries of primary teeth in children using fluoride varnish has the following advantages:

  • the composition saturates the enamel with fluoride;
  • is happening accelerated maturation enamels;
  • the enamel is strengthened and compacted;
  • the pathological process does not spread deeper.

Caries is the process of destruction of dental tissue and the formation of empty cavities under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. More than 70% of children under 6 years of age suffer from this disease. Often, a visit to a doctor occurs only when the disease is advanced. Pigmentation of tooth enamel usually appears at 2-3 years of age and actively develops by 4 years of age. Let's look at why young children have toothache.

How to determine caries of baby teeth?

First, caries is observed on the front milk teeth in the form of white spots, later - brown or Brown. Then carious cavities (holes) appear in the root region, at the junction of teeth, and also on the crown, visible to the naked eye. If the pits (fissures) of baby teeth are infected, then these areas quickly turn black, the enamel is destroyed, and a “hole” is formed.

Pain and other symptoms

The main signs of caries in primary teeth, the presence of which should consult a doctor:

  • appearance age spots on tooth enamel;
  • child's complaints of pain when contacting cold or hot food and drinks;
  • appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth caused by rotting food debris under the influence of cariogenic bacteria (we recommend reading:);
  • Symptoms may occur in multiple ways.


The emergence and development of caries occurs for the following reasons:

Stages of milk caries

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The disease has several classifications. According to the activity of its flow, it is divided into:

According to the location of the spots:

  • fissure (in the pits of molars);
  • approximal (contact) in places where teeth touch;
  • cervical (at the base of the tooth), in children there is a variation of it - circular, when caries encircles the neck of the tooth like a ribbon;
  • flat – typical childish look, affecting the entire chewing surface of the tooth.

According to the degree of damage to dental tissue:

  • initial (spot stage);
  • superficial (enamel caries);
  • average;
  • deep.

According to the presence of complications - complicated and uncomplicated. According to the time of occurrence - primary (the tooth was not treated) and secondary (develops on a tooth that was filled, sometimes under a filling). Thus, if the dentist has diagnosed “primary deep fissure decompensated uncomplicated caries,” this means that in the fossa chewing tooth there is a formed hole, the tooth is destroyed, it is necessary to urgently treat it, put a filling without surgical removal.


The development of the disease begins with the fact that the affected tooth loses its shine, and then a stain appears on it white. This is the beginning of the process of demineralization of enamel tissue. None painful sensations not yet available. As the disease progresses, the spot turns yellow. Often parents do not notice these signs. At this stage, caries is easily treated, and its subsequent development can be prevented. If no measures are taken, the disease will progress to the next stage.


The second stage of the disease is manifested by darkening of the spot. Cariogenic bacteria have penetrated deeply into the enamel layer. Dental hypersensitivity develops. It hurts the child if something hot, cold or salty gets on the tooth. The pain quickly subsides. Small cavities begin to appear in the teeth, in which plaque and food debris accumulate. These depressions become the localization site for pathogenic bacteria.


The enamel at the site of damage has already been destroyed, bacteria have penetrated into the dentin. Development in progress inflammatory process. Cavities form in place of the destroyed tissue. They are filled with dentin remains. The pain is strong, but subsiding. Most often, a visit to the doctor occurs precisely at this stage of the caries process.


The disease is characterized severe pain, a significant cavity size, which is visible visually. The tooth tissue is practically destroyed. The child is capricious and does not want to eat. This is the most dangerous stage caries, which is fraught with complications. If treatment is not started in time, there may be serious consequences, up to flux.

How should baby teeth be treated?

Methods for treating caries of primary teeth, depending on the stage of the disease, can be divided into those that do not involve drilling and those that use a drill and filling.

At the initial stage

At the initial or superficial stages the disease can be cured without installing a filling in the following ways:

  • Infiltration. A gel is applied to the affected area to break down the enamel. Then the localization site is treated with alcohol for disinfection and applied protective covering made of polymer, resin-like in consistency.
  • Remineralization. Applicable at stage white spot. The goal of treatment is to restore normal calcium levels in tooth enamel.
  • Ozonation. This method disinfects the oral cavity.
  • Laser treatment – ​​killing bacteria without pain and discomfort. This procedure is usually not performed on children because it is difficult for them to sit in a chair for a long time.
  • Air-abrasive cleaning – treatment of affected areas with sandblasting.
  • Silvering – treatment of teeth for young children initial stage as a way of remineralization and prevention.

On average or deep stage A cavity has already formed that requires filling. It is done using a drill. Treatment involves removing softened areas of dental tissue, disinfecting the cavity and installing a filling on it. It is impossible to avoid dental drilling at these stages of the disease.

Filling and its stages

The complete treatment process with the installation of a filling can be considered using the example of pulpitis treatment, which consists of the following procedures:

  • anesthesia;
  • opening of the inflamed cavity;
  • pulp removal;
  • tissue disinfection;
  • root canal filling;
  • application of medicinal gel or paste;
  • temporary filling;
  • installation of a permanent filling.

Differences from treatment of permanent teeth

A pediatric dentist differs in qualifications from a regular adult dentist because the treatment of primary teeth has the following features:

Elimination of holes and caries in baby teeth from 5 years of age

Starting from 5-6 years, baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones (more details in the article:). By this age, the child has 20 baby teeth. The rudiments of the permanent dentition are actively growing, the milk roots are resolving, and the teeth are becoming mobile. The appearance of permanent teeth occurs in the same order as baby teeth. The lower central incisors fall out first. Often parents do not notice the appearance of permanent teeth because they erupt behind the milk teeth, which do not always fall out. This situation requires the intervention of a surgeon and an orthodontist.

Young patients can receive the whole complex dental services on dental care and treatment, while we always take into account all the features of dental treatment for children, both psychological and physiological. Your child will not be afraid go to the dentist if you get to know our doctors and treatment methods!

Dental treatment for children - how not to be afraid of the dentist?

It is no secret that it is very important to develop in a child the correct attitude towards oral hygiene. The child must be shown for the first time pediatric dentist when the first tooth erupts. Pediatric dentist will tell you what to pay attention to, how to brush your child’s teeth and how to prevent caries. After this, you should come for a preventive examination once every six months.
How to make a trip to pediatric dentist not so scary for a child? If you teach your child to regular inspection at the pediatric dentist, then this will not cause him stress and will become a familiar event, the same as, for example, going to the store for purchases.
Accompanying a child to dental clinic , do not set him up for the fact that he will be in pain, be calm and friendly, then the child will feel your mood and feel that he has nothing to fear: you are nearby and take care of him, and friendly doctors try to make everything as less painful as possible. After going to pediatric dentist Praise your child and buy him a small incentive gift.
You can play dentist and patient at home: You can play the role of a dentist, and your child can play the role of a patient. Ask the child to show his teeth, open his mouth, explain that the doctor should not be disturbed, but you should not be afraid of him either. Having become accustomed to such a situation, the child will no longer be afraid of a real doctor, since he will know what to expect, and the situation will be familiar.

How to care for children's teeth at home?

You can start taking care of your baby’s dental health during pregnancy: you need to take fluoride, which will have a positive effect on the health of both the baby and the mother, and also eat more dairy products.
When the baby is born and then his first teeth appear, it is important to carry out caries prevention. The child must eat sufficient quantity dairy products. And for calcium to be better absorbed, vitamin D is needed, so you need to eat fish dishes and walk outside in sunny weather.
Of course, it is also necessary to monitor the child’s oral hygiene. Don't give your baby a lot of sweets. But most importantly preventive measure– This is regular brushing of teeth – at least 2 times a day. As for dental care, it is worth using a special children's toothpaste: it is more gentle than regular toothpaste.

Dental treatment for children – professional dental care

Pediatric dentist need to visit twice a year. If it turns out that the child’s tooth enamel is damaged, the doctor will perform restorative procedures. Dentist will cover your teeth with fluoride varnish or silver, which is very quick but effective for caries prevention. When will they start appearing permanent teeth, it is worth sealing the fissures of the teeth, that is, covering the indentations on top surface seal the tooth with a special sealant, which will prevent the occurrence of caries.

Treatment of caries in children

If you notice the slightest signs caries in a child, then immediately contact pediatric dentist. The sooner you start dental treatment for children, the easier it will be to cope with caries.
When caries is superficial, it can be cured by sanding down the affected surfaces. Caries in the spot stage can also be treated with special compounds without drilling the tooth. In case of formation of a full-fledged carious cavity installation of a seal is already required, and seals for children also have preventive properties and contain useful substances.

Dental treatment for children – pulpitis

When caries is not treated, it can progress to the stage of pulpitis, as the tooth pulp becomes inflamed. Due to the structure of children's teeth and weak enamel, pulpitis is more common in children than in adults. Pulpitis may or may not manifest itself: either the absence of symptoms or conditions such as fever, swelling, inflammation are possible. lymph nodes, acute pain.
Treatment of pulpitis in children does not differ from the treatment of adults, except that at all stages gentle treatment methods are chosen and taken into account childhood patient. Our doctors select best option dental treatment, painlessly treat pulpitis and, importantly, approach each child individually and try to create a favorable psychological atmosphere.

We are ready to take care of your child and the health of his teeth, starting from the appearance of his first tooth, tell you how to properly care for his teeth, choose the right means for care, teach your baby to brush his teeth correctly. Come to us and we will conduct professional prevention caries in a child using the most modern means and compositions that will strengthen teeth for many years. If problems arise and you need to cure caries or pulpitis, the doctors at our clinic will do this carefully and effectively. Healthy teeth of little patients are the result of our work, which we love!