Medicine for redness of the eyeball. Eye drops for red eyes

The phenomenon of red eyes is quite common and can affect everyone, not only adults, but also children. The main cause of redness is expansion blood vessels in the eyeballs. The phenomenon is not only unpleasant, as it causes discomfort and painful sensations, but also very dangerous. And in order to promptly protect a person from further consequences associated with the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to use eye drops against redness.

Causes of red eyes

One of the reasons is intense work, when a person is forced to work on books, documents, and a computer for several hours. Blood vessels eyeball As a result of such work, they become very tense, which leads to redness.

Another reason lies in increased arterial, ocular or intracranial pressure. Under some circumstances it happens sharp increase pressure affecting specific areas or tissues.

If redness of the eyes is accompanied by blurred vision, pain, excessive fatigue, you must contact a specialist - an ophthalmologist - for consultation and clarification. the real reason diseases. In other cases, eye drops will help relieve redness and fatigue.

In addition, dilation of the blood vessels of the organs of vision can occur due to the ingress of dust or other foreign bodies that cause irritation of the mucous membrane, exposure to sunlight, dry cold air and other factors.

Red eye can occur due to constant lens wear. This, in turn, leads to the development of subconjunctival hemorrhages. IN in this case Anti-fatigue drops will help.

Eye drops

Redness of the eyes is accompanied by symptoms such as: pain, burning, itching, lacrimation, sensation foreign body, deterioration of visual acuity. All this together is commonly called “red eye syndrome”. And to eliminate this syndrome, experts recommend using eye drops.

There is a group of drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect. When they are instilled into the eyes, the main active component of a-adrenergic agonists helps to narrow the capillaries of the conjunctiva, resulting in a decrease in the symptoms of redness and swelling.

  • tetrizoline;
  • naphazoline;
  • oxymetazoline.

Mode of application

These drugs should be used for the entire period of treatment until the symptoms of the disease subside. The recommended dose is 1 drop 3 times a day. The duration of use of the drug depends on the severity and extent of the disease and should not exceed 7-10 days.

It should be noted that drops should not be taken in case of such phenomena as: closed-angle glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation, serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system, pheochromocytoma.

What eye drops are there?

The most famous and common drops for red eyes are Vizin. The main active ingredient of the drug is tetrizoline hydrochloride. "Vizin" helps reduce swelling of the eye tissues due to its vasoconstrictor effect and is used for the following indications:

  • swelling with conjunctivitis of various origins: allergic, contact (dust, smoke, chlorinated water, bright light, cosmetics and others);
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx;
  • hyperemia and swelling of the ocular mucosa in patients using lenses.

There are also combined drops to relieve redness of the eyes, which are used for redness of the eyes of an allergenic nature ( allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis). To the category of combined eye medications relate:

  • "Spersallerg"
  • "Allergofthal".

The active ingredients of the drug "Spersallerg" are antazoline and tetrizoline. Eye drops have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antihistamine and antiallergic effects and contribute to the narrowing of the arterioles of the conjunctiva, eliminating its swelling, reducing the symptoms of irritation caused by the formation of the inflammatory process, reducing intraocular pressure, reducing capillary permeability, swelling, itching and lacrimation.

Drops for red eyes "Allergoftal", the active ingredients of which are naphazoline and tetrazoline, have an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, and also provide a timely, pronounced and long-lasting vasoconstrictor effect and are used for the following symptoms:

  • spicy and allergic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • swelling of the larynx of allergic origin;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • conjunctivitis of bacterial origin.

In case the redness of the eyes is caused by bacterial conjunctivitis or is viral nature, then antibacterial and antiviral drugs will help cure your eyes from redness. These are: tebrofen, oftan, interferon. In parallel, antiseptic substances are used that have antibacterial and cauterizing effects, aimed at reducing pain sensitivity.

In the case of non-infectious conjunctivitis and post-traumatic inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. For example, diclofenac solution is prescribed 1 drop 3 times a day for one week.

Along with the treatment of eye redness of various origins, auxiliary drugs are used that help relieve the inflammatory process. We are talking about vitamins and immunostimulating drugs.

Precautionary measures

To know how and what to put in your eyes, you must first understand the cause of redness of the eyes. However, before burying eye drops You must wash your hands and avoid touching other objects.

In addition, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and with his permission, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved.

And finally - never self-medicate!

Working at a computer, constantly reading news on a smartphone, allergic reactions - all this can be the cause. inflammatory processes, dry eyes, pain. To relieve unpleasant allergy symptoms or the effects of light exposure, eye drops for redness and irritation are actively used.

Types of eye drops

Drops for irritation and inflammation are not the same medicines. The former are a means urgent help with dry cornea or dilated blood vessels in the eyes. The latter help get rid of allergic reactions, various diseases and other active inflammatory processes.

Each type of drop is divided by area of ​​action. Solutions to eliminate redness and fatigue (they are also called keratoprotectors) are divided into:

In addition, it is worth taking out drops separately for eye irritation caused by using contact lenses. Regardless of their structure, linings cause some corneal discomfort. When using lenses, it is very important to use products for dryness and tissue repair. Otherwise, conjunctivitis and redness of the whites will become your constant companions.

Moisturizing components are used as active substances in lens drops, which increase the viscosity of the tear film. Due to this, its integrity is preserved, the comfort of using lenses is significantly increased and the time of wearing the pads is extended. Often includes hyaluronic acid, mineral compounds, vitamins and synthetic substances.

Review of eye redness drops

The summary table below contains the most famous and effective eye drops for redness and fatigue, as well as for eliminating light irritation. In addition to the rating, we also indicated the main active ingredients and the area of ​​use of the drugs.

Name Composition and scope
Visine Main active ingredient is tetrizoline. It promotes rapid constriction of blood vessels, normalization of blood circulation, elimination of burning sensation and discomfort when blinking.
Visoptic Similar to Visin, but more expensive affordable price. It also contains tetrizoline hydrochloride. Used in ophthalmology to eliminate redness and treat allergic conjunctivitis.
Lecrolin Decongestant and antihistamine drops. The composition includes a powerful histamine blocker - sodium cromoglycate. It is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis, allergic reactions, and redness of the cornea as a result of dryness.
Montevisin The active substance of the drug is benzalkonium chloride. This is very effective drops to relieve redness, eliminate dryness and fatigue, and also moisturize the cornea. Can be used to treat conjunctivitis, as well as superficial damage cornea.
Naphthyzin Contains naphazoline nitrate. In ophthalmological practice they are used to quickly relieve swelling before eye examination. As nasal drops, they can reduce lacrimation and allergic reactions.
Okomistin They consist of benzyldimethyl and miramistin. Used for complex treatment of eye injuries or for the purpose of tissue regeneration after surgical intervention. In addition, they can quickly eliminate redness caused by local irritants. Relieves swelling and reduces lacrimation.
Oxtilia Contains benzalkonium chloride. Like analogues with this active ingredient, these eye drops help against inflammation, redness, irritation, as well as “dry” itching.
Taufon These are eye drops related to Taurine - they have the same main component, which helps eliminate redness and inflammatory processes. Reduce intraocular pressure, provide additional treatment glaucoma, make it easier to work at the computer, completely eliminate redness.
Okumetil Combined drops for inflammatory processes and related complications. The composition includes three active components: zinc, naphazoline and diphenhydramine. Reduce irritation and redness, and completely relieve swelling after the first use. Can be used to normalize blood pressure.
Taurine Consist of a synthesized protein related to to the human body– taurine. Added vitamin complex. Relieves redness, inflammation, quickly eliminates itching and normalizes the functionality of cell membranes.
Oksial They top the rating of eye moisturizing and soothing drops. The active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. This good drops to relieve feelings of fatigue, quick fix redness of the white, as well as dryness of the apple.
Emoxipin Effective and cheap eye drops for redness and irritation. Helps reduce Negative influence light loads, and also relieve the consequences of their exposure. Relieves fatigue syndrome and eliminates the effect of “dry” eyes.

The list includes how specialized drugs from irritation and inflammation (corticosteroid), and less aggressive - non-steroidal.

Name Composition and purpose
Aktipol The active substance is natural para-aminobenzoic acid. They belong to antiviral and regenerative drugs. Quickly relieve itching and swelling, reduce pain when blinking.
Albucid Well-known cheap drops that quickly relieve inflammation and itching. Prescribed for the treatment of infections and inflammatory processes. During use, active substance sulfacetamide, causes a slight burning sensation.
Artelak Basics active substance– hypromellose. The drug actively moisturizes the cornea, facilitates blinking and relieves “dryness” and irritation. Often used to relieve inflammation associated with mechanical damage fabrics.
Vitabact Antimicrobial drops used to treat conjunctivitis, as well as fungal diseases. Contains picloxidine dihydrochloride.
Inoxa The so-called blue drops. Relieves fatigue syndrome, restores normal pressure. Often prescribed for tissue regeneration after operations or examinations. Able to relieve inflammation of the conjunctiva.
Tobradex A combination drug consisting of dexamethasone and tobramycin. Dexamethasone helps remove the viral component, and tobramycin relieves redness, irritation and other consequences of corneal damage.
Rohto Z The best Japanese eye drops to relieve irritation and improve the condition of the cornea. Contains zinc and a unique refreshing complex that eliminates fatigue.
Oftalmoferon Highly efficient antiviral drug, prescribed to patients with complex forms of conjunctivitis. Contains Interferon.
Phloxal Powerful antibiotic. The main active ingredient is ofloxacin, which effectively relieves irritation. Characterized by wide range Actions – prescribed for the treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases.
Timolol (Timola) The compound Timolol maleate is used in ophthalmology to reduce intraocular pressure, corneal irritation and reduce inflammatory processes. For the purpose of treating viral or other diseases, it is recommended to combine it with specialized drugs.

Separately, it should be noted Levomycetin - reviews claim that these inexpensive eye

Most of us have encountered the problem of redness of the eyeball. There can be many reasons for this. To find out exactly what caused the problem, you should consult a doctor. Based on the causes of redness, treatment is selected and a successful result is achieved.

Causes of redness of the eyeball

  • constantly sitting at a computer, as well as working in dim light;
  • contact of foreign objects with the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • bright sun and strong gusty wind;
  • tobacco smoke, cosmetical tools, malnutrition;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • wearing glasses with the wrong lens selection;
  • wearing dirty lenses or getting used to them;
  • eye injuries, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, astigmatism;
  • allergic reaction, including to chemicals;
  • not enough tears;
  • eye surgeries;
  • high pressure.

Types of drops for redness of the eyeball

Since there are several causes of the disease, each disease is treated with its own type of drops:

  • antibiotic-based drops;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • from fatigue and overstrain;
  • from irritation from lenses and other mechanical impact;
  • to soothe the eye after surgical injuries;
  • antiallergic.

Antibacterial drops

These drugs contain antibiotics that quickly relieve inflammation and kill the source of the disease. These apply medicines in the presence of severe swelling, pain and irritation.

One of the best options for such symptoms are medications Tobrex and Sofradex. Despite the presence of antibiotics, the medicine has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane, which allows these drugs to be used even by infants.

Vitamin complexes and anti-fatigue

They replenish the lack of beneficial microelements, relieving irritation and pain. The best option such drops are Vitafacol, Strix and Taufon.

At permanent job at the computer or need to work in a poorly lit room, you should pay attention to such good and fast-acting types of drops as Visine, Levomycetin, Artificial tear, Oftolik, Inoxa. They quickly penetrate deep into the eyeball, equalizing its pressure and improving the functioning of the lacrimal gland.

Drops to facilitate adaptation to lenses and constriction of blood vessels

There are many drugs on the market in different price categories. Among them, dryness, irritation, pain and redness are best removed by medications such as Visiomax, Sante 40 and Systane. You should also definitely purchase lens washing liquid, such as complex treatment will quickly remove painful symptoms and gives a feeling of relief.

If the redness is caused by overly dilated blood vessels, you can use drops such as Visine, Floxal and. 1-2 applications are enough to achieve noticeable relief. If these drops do not improve you, you can try more powerful drugs. Neosin and Polynadim.

Antiallergic drugs

During the flowering period or from the use of preparations intended for cleaning and cleaning, the eyeball may turn red due to an allergic reaction. In this case, allergies can be accompanied not only by redness, but also by severe dryness, pain and stinging.

If special complications no, you can use it Okumetil and Naphthyzin. If there are more than serious symptoms Can be taken due to allergies Dexamethasone. It quickly removes swelling and pain, and also heals small scratches due to constant scratching or rubbing of the eye.

After injuries and surgical interventions

If there is damage to the mucous membrane of the eye, and you also feel pain or some kind of discomfort, you can use drops Maxidex and Oftan. It will also cope with the task perfectly. They relieve the inflammatory process at the cellular level, inhibiting the formation of bacteria, as a result of which swelling disappears and painful sensations. These same drugs do an excellent job of restoring the eyes after surgical interventions, including laser correction vision.

Rating of the most popular drops

NameTreatmentAverage price, rub.
1 TobrexTreatment of conjunctivitis191
2 VisineTreatment of fatigue, irritation, pain, vasodilation, stress273
3 NaphthyzinRelieves irritation from wearing lenses and allergiesFrom 28 to 40
4 LevomycetinRemoves severe pain and kills bacteria38
5 TaufonNourishes vitamins, relieves pain122
6 Artificial tearFatigue, stress, overexertion130
7 DexamethasoneAllergies, minor injuries83
8 OkomistinAllergy, conjunctivitis, pain201
9 MaxidexPostoperative period, bacterial processes204
10 SofradexConjunctivitis, fatigue, stress, irritation305

Regardless of how long your eye irritation lasts, you should consult an ophthalmologist before using the drops. If the chosen drops are suitable for your loved one or friend, there is a chance that they will cause a severe allergic reaction in you. If swelling increases or additional discomfort appears, the mucous membrane of the eye should be rinsed with plenty of clean water, stop the drops and seek help. It is also worth remembering that sometimes harmless redness may hide a serious disease that requires mandatory treatment.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. By their condition we can judge the health and lifestyle of any person. In the century modern technologies, when the computer monitor and phone screen replaced live communication and newspapers, the strain on the eyes became unbearable. Many of us are very closely connected with technology - this is our job. However, are there really no ways to get rid of redness in the whites of the eyes? First, let's figure out where it comes from similar reaction body and is it possible to get rid of red eyes by eliminating the irritating factor.

Causes of red eyes

  1. Gadgets. As mentioned, screens of monitors and phones are one of the main reasons why our eyes suffer. Flickering light forces us to constantly concentrate and peer into small details. At the same time, the eyes receive a colossal load. If you have to for a long time sit at the computer, from time to time look away at long distances - out the window, for example. Sometimes you need to focus on distant objects to avoid developing myopia.
  2. Lack of sleep. This is also one of common reasons, according to which our eyes turn red. Lack of sleep can ruin not only appearance, but also emotional condition person. The solution to this problem is very simple - you just need to get some sleep.
  3. Allergy to cosmetics. Often, red eyes are caused by poor-quality or simply unsuitable cosmetics, especially mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner. To get rid of allergic redness of the eyes, you need to immediately remove makeup by special means to remove makeup, rinse eyes clean water and accept antihistamines. To this point you can also add a reaction to other allergens - pollen, dust, animal fur.
  4. Excessive smoking. If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, you may not be wondering why your eyes are red. A large number of Nicotine affects the whites of the eyes, they become red and subsequently yellow. The same reaction of the body occurs to any other smoking mixtures - for example, hookah.
  5. Simple ARVI. Often the eyes turn red during a cold, accompanied by a runny nose, cough and fever. This is a normal reaction of the body, and to cope with it, you just need to wait for recovery.
  6. Eye strain. If you read small print, look at diagrams, or knit in poor lighting, you will experience red eyes. After all, the eyes have to strain to see small details, and then the light is bad! Take care of your eyesight and do not work in such conditions!
  7. Hit foreign objects. If you experience discomfort, a burning sensation, if you see redness in your eyes, dust, speck or other debris has probably got there. small item. Rinse your eye with running water. If the eye remains red, watery, and the feeling of discomfort does not go away, consult a doctor immediately.
  8. Contact lenses. If the lenses are chosen incorrectly, if you do not change them on time (as you remember, they have an expiration date), if there is microdamage on the lens, redness of the eyes is defensive reaction body. Change your lenses to new ones, and if the redness does not go away, consult an ophthalmologist. The same applies to incorrectly selected glasses.
  9. Cry for a long time. One more physiological reasons Prolonged crying, sneezing or coughing may cause red eyes. There is no need to fight such redness - it goes away quickly.

These are just the main reasons why our eyes turn red. And only in our power to preserve eye health and preserve vision. But sometimes red eyes are one of the main symptoms of the disease.

Diseases that cause red eyes

Redness of the eye is a dilation of the blood vessels in the sclera. If we exclude mechanical irritation protein (ingress of dust, aerosols, water or detergents), then redness can tell us about some diseases.

The first group includes the main diseases that affect the eye area itself - the cornea, pupil, inflammation of the eyelids:

  • Hydrocele of the cornea;
  • Corneal ulcer;
  • Hemorrhage in the tissue of the eye;
  • Tumor of the lacrimal gland;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Trichiasis (when eyelashes grow incorrectly, they are directed directly into the eye and irritate its membrane);
  • Chickenpox of the eye;
  • Herpes zoster of the eyes;
  • Herpes of the eye;
  • Keratitis;
  • Optic neuritis;
  • Barley.

The list of diseases can be continued endlessly. Correct diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose. Therefore, if the redness of the eyes does not go away for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor.

There is another group of diseases in which redness of the eyes is one of the important symptoms. However, this group concerns diseases not of the eyes, but of other organs of the body.

  • Hypertension;
  • Asthma;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • Intoxication (alcohol, toxicosis in pregnant women, tobacco);
  • Oddly enough, inflammation various departments intestines;
  • Diabetes;
  • Overdose of drugs.

Here are the main diseases that can be expressed by redness of the eyes. But if you do not have serious illnesses, is it possible to get rid of red eyes without medical intervention and medications? Of course it is possible. Here are some recipes.

  1. If your eyes are red, rinse them with cool running water. The liquid will relieve dry eyes, and the coolness will soothe them a little.
  2. Do cold compress for eyes. To do this, wrap ice cubes in napkins and apply them to your closed eyelids. Low temperature will narrow the blood vessels and bring the eyes back to normal.
  3. The best remedy for red eyes is tea. Apply two bags of brewed tea to your closed eyelids, and then rinse the pupil with the brewed liquid.
  4. An ordinary cucumber will help cope with redness not only of the eyes, but also of the eyelids. Place circles of this vegetable on your eyes and hold for 15 minutes. Your eyes will become attractive again.
  5. Rinsing the eyes with chamomile decoction will not only relieve redness, but also remove irritation and gently soothe the skin of the eyelids.

How to relieve redness of the eyes with folk remedies

There are many secret recipes that our grandmothers knew about. With their help you can quickly and effectively get rid of red eyes.

  1. Raw potatoes. Medium-sized potatoes need to be cooled in the refrigerator. Then you need to peel it and grate it raw. Squeeze lightly extra juice, put the pulp in gauze bags and make a compress for the eyes. Potatoes give long lasting effect from redness of the eyes.
  2. Aloe juice. Aloe leaves need to be washed and chopped. You need to squeeze the juice out of them and dilute it with three parts of clean water. This liquid needs to be instilled into the eyes to cope with redness.
  3. Milk rubs. Warm the milk until room temperature, soak cotton pads in it and wipe your eyes. This procedure can be done preventatively and daily.
  4. A series. Prepare a decoction of the string. If your eyes are red, wash your eyelids regularly with the prepared decoction. This plant has healing, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Milk compress made from flaxseed. Pour a tablespoon of flax seeds into half a glass of milk and cook the mixture over low heat. After this, the prepared broth must be cooled and strained. Soak clean pieces of cotton cloth in the prepared liquid and make a compress.

Medicines for red eyes

If you are not at home, but at work or in public place, quite difficult to deal with red eyes folk remedies. In this case, you should have vasoconstrictor drops with you that will instantly bring you back to life.

TO medicines that remove redness of the eyes include the following: Murin, Sofradex, Visin and others. “Artificial tears”, which imitate the composition of human tear fluid, are very popular. The basis of such drugs is hypromellose and polyvinyl alcohol. Artificial tears are sold at pharmacies without a prescription. By the way, if you wear lenses, you need to drip moisturizing drops regularly. Especially if this is aggravated by dry rooms or hot seasons.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measures to maintain eye health include the following:

  1. If you work a lot at the computer, take breaks every half hour. Just take a break from the monitor and blink often.
  2. Do eye exercises regularly. One of the most effective exercises– focusing the gaze on distant and near objects. And also make circular, vertical and horizontal movements of the pupils. Your eyes need a workout too!
  3. A game like billiards is very useful for vision. Here you can focus on balls at different distances, and green color cloth - very useful for vision.
  4. Wear Sunglasses not only in summer, but also in winter. After all, the sun reflected from the snow can also blind and cause red eyes.

Red eyes and the feeling of dry sand on the pupils are no fun for anyone. Therefore, such symptoms must be dealt with immediately when they appear. After all, what could be more valuable than eyes and their visual acuity? It is visually that we receive 80% of the information about the objects around us. Now you know how to get rid of red eyes in order to look at the world with an open and clear look.

Video: getting rid of red eyes

1221 03/08/2019 8 min.

Redness of the eyes is a very common symptom, which can be a consequence of simple fatigue or indicate the presence of serious illness. Working at a computer, constantly being stuck on a smartphone, allergic reactions and much more can cause inflammation, dryness, and redness of the eyes. To eliminate unpleasant symptom, use redness and irritation.

Application area

Eyes cannot become red and tired just like that, so before choosing certain eye drops, it is important to find out the cause of the problem. The main causes of red eyes:

The use of eye drops that eliminate redness is indicated:

  • People who have to work at a computer for a long time;
  • For specialists whose activities involve exposure to the eyes;
  • Contact lens users;
  • For preventive purposes: people over 40 years of age and those who live near a road in the center of a large city;
  • Patients with allergies;
  • Persons with hypersensitivity eye;
  • Women who often use decorative cosmetics.

Whatever the reason, it is necessary to use eye drops for redness as prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Features of the drugs

Eye drops come in different varieties. We list the main types of drugs and their features:

Each drug has its own characteristics, which the ophthalmologist knows about. After examining and identifying the cause, the specialist will select exactly the drug that is most suitable in your case.



These eye drops are used for redness or inflammation of the whites as a result of lack of sleep or fatigue. Vasoconstrictor drops for the eyes contain alpha-adrenergic agonists - substances that narrow the lumen of blood vessels, relieving swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the eye. They act directly on the manifestation pathological process, but not for the reason. Therefore, this group of drugs can be recommended as a short-term remedy for relieving eye redness (eliminating unwanted symptoms), but not for treatment.

Long-term instillation (more than 3-5 days in a row) of vasoconstrictor drugs is not recommended, since vascular receptors become accustomed to the solution, which can lead to persistent dilation of the conjunctival vessels (i.e., redness of the eyes will become permanent). In addition, you should not use this group medications to relieve redness caused by dry eyes when working at a computer. The vasoconstrictive effect leads to disruption of the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the eye and aggravation of the process.


This drug effectively relieves redness and swelling of the eyes, but has a number of side effects, including addiction. Visin drops should be used for no more than 4 days 3 times a day. The drug is contraindicated in children, pregnant women and patients with blood pressure changes.


These drops quickly relieve redness of the eyes, the effect of vasoconstriction is visible after a couple of minutes. The drug contains antiseptic components, so it is often prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis, accompanied by redness of the eyes.

Apply the product 2 times a day. If no improvement is observed after 2-3 days, you should stop using the drops and consult a doctor.


Quickly and effectively constricts the blood vessels of the eyes, even if redness is caused by allergic reaction or mechanical impact. Use the drug 3 times a day.

Naphthyzin, like Visin, is addictive, so it is not recommended long-term use. Besides, side effect The drug dilates the pupil, so the user should not drive.


These drops are often prescribed to patients with age-related changes in the organs of vision, to moisturize the eyes or for computer syndrome. Visomitin is also often used in combination with other restorative medications, as it enhances their effects.