Is it possible to drink Sophora? Vinegar tincture

In the article we discuss Sophora japonica tincture. We will tell you how the drug is useful, what are the contraindications for use and possible risk has health benefits. By following our advice, you will learn how to prepare medicines for the treatment of stomach diseases, blood vessel cleansing, hypertension, varicose veins veins, diabetes, dental diseases and psoriasis. You will learn how to use herbal tincture in for cosmetic purposes for skin and hair care.

Beneficial features and contraindications or Crimean lie in its rich chemical composition. Herbal preparation contains rutin, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, glycosides.

Medicinal properties Sophora japonica is used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems. The drug has a general strengthening, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect. Sophora japonica tincture is used in medicinal purposes In small doses, the herbal preparation is taken for preventive purposes. It has a pronounced immunostimulating effect. This is especially useful in spring and autumn during periods of vitamin deficiency and a surge in morbidity. Despite the mass positive qualities, before taking Sophora japonica tincture for prevention, you should consult a specialist.

The herbal preparation is known for its ability to cope with neoplasms. Therefore, tincture of Sophora japonica is often prescribed for oncology. The product destroys malignant cells and prevents their proliferation.

According to the instructions for use, tincture of Sophora japonica is prescribed for disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The product effectively increases motor activity joints, relieves inflammation and eliminates pain syndrome for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism.

You found out what Sophora japonica tincture cures and what beneficial properties it has. Now we’ll tell you how to properly prepare and take medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

How to prepare Sophora japonica tincture

Before preparing the Crimean sophora tincture, it is necessary to prepare medicinal raw materials. The flowers or fruits of the plant are used as it. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or collected and dried yourself.

The product is infused with vodka or alcohol. Let's look at recipes for making Sophora japonica tincture in different ways.

Flowers or berries of the plant are used to prepare a vodka tincture.. To get soft active remedy, flowers are infused, fruits are used to obtain a more concentrated drug


  1. Sophora japonica flowers - 200 gr.
  2. Vodka - 1 liter.

How to cook: Place the flowers of the plant in a glass container, add vodka and stir. Place the jar in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Shake its contents periodically. Ready drug strain through a gauze filter. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 20 drops of the product 3 times a day. The drug must be diluted in half a glass of water before use.

Result: This recipe for tincture of Sophora japonica with vodka has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and restorative actions.
To prepare the tincture, use the flowers or fruits of Sophora japonica. Before preparing a tincture of Sophora with alcohol, it should be diluted with water. In this case, alcohol is added to the liquid, and not vice versa. Depending on the amount of water, you can prepare a less or more concentrated product. For infusion, you must use green berries.


  1. Japanese sophora fruits - 100 gr.
  2. Medical alcohol - 300 ml.
  3. Water - 204 ml.

How to cook: Wash and grind the fruits of the plant in a meat grinder, transfer the resulting mass into a glass container. Add diluted medical alcohol to it and mix the product. Cover with a plastic lid and store in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. Leave for 2 weeks.

How to use: Dip a piece into the resulting product soft fabric or gauze, squeeze out excess liquid and apply to the sore spot. Keep the lotion for half an hour. The course of treatment procedures is 14 days.

Result: The product has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action. When used externally, it enhances cell regeneration and prevents the formation of scars and scars on the skin.

You learned how to properly prepare a herbal preparation based on vodka and alcohol. Let's take a closer look at the options for using tincture from the fruits of Sophora japonica and what diseases it helps with.

For the stomach

For the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract use a tincture of the plant's fruits. It restores the gastric mucosa, normalizes digestion and eliminates inflammation.

Sophora tincture for stomach ulcers is taken ½ teaspoon diluted in 100 ml of water. The course of admission is 3 weeks. During the first five days, an exacerbation of the disease may occur. This manifests itself in discomfort in the abdominal area. Symptoms go away on their own within 6-7 days.

For cleaning vessels

Before taking Sophora tincture to cleanse blood vessels, the drug must be diluted with water. Add ½ teaspoon of medicine to 200 ml of liquid. The drug is taken 1-1.5 hours after meals 3 times a day. Treatment course- 3 weeks, break for 7 days, then another 3 weeks of taking the drug.

Tincture of Sophora japonica effectively cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves blood composition and tones the walls of blood vessels. For achievement maximum effect It is important to take the entire course of the drug.

For hypertension

Thanks to high content vitamins, organic acids and nitrogen-containing compounds, Sophora japonica tincture has a pronounced hypotensive effect. The product normalizes blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels.

Before drinking Sophora tincture for hypertension, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of the drug in 100 ml of boiled water. This dosage is taken 3 times a day for a month.

For varicose veins

Alcohol tincture of Sophora helps to effectively eliminate the fragility of capillaries for varicose veins. For complex action The drug is taken orally and used externally to rub the feet.

Sophora tincture for varicose veins is taken 30 drops diluted in a glass of boiled water 2 times a day - morning and evening. An alcohol-containing product is also used to rub the extremities twice a day.

For diabetes

To treat type 2 diabetes, a tincture of Sophora japonica flowers is used. When taken in a course, the drug reduces blood sugar levels.

According to the instructions for use, tincture of Sophora japonica for diabetes is taken according to a certain scheme. To the minimum dosage of 10 drops, add 1 drop of the product daily until the volume of the medicine reaches 1 teaspoon. Then this dosage is taken for 20 days.

For teeth

For treatment dental diseases use alcohol tincture of Sophora japonica. The product is diluted in water and used for rinsing the mouth. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of the drug in 200 ml of liquid.

Sophora tincture for sore teeth and gumboil effectively eliminates inflammation and pain. The treatment procedure must be carried out at least 3-5 times a day.

For psoriasis

Tincture of Sophora japonica is used for psoriasis and to treat other skin diseases. The product effectively restores the integrity of the epidermis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates peeling and itching of the skin.

Sophora tincture for psoriasis is used for lotions and compresses. Healing procedures must be carried out twice a day - morning and evening for two weeks.

You learned how to infuse Sophora with vodka, how to use it and what diseases it helps against. Now let's look at options for using the product for cosmetic purposes for skin and hair care.

For face

Alcohol tincture of Sophora japonica can be used in pure form for cauterization of skin inflammations. The product effectively dries acne, prevents its spread throughout the skin.

The drug can be added to ready-made cosmetical tools for facial skin care or use it as an ingredient for nourishing and firming masks. The product has a tonic effect on the skin.

For hair

Sophora japonica tincture is used to strengthen and nourish hair. The product is added to industrially produced shampoos and balms or used as a component for homemade masks.

One tablespoon of plant-based tincture is diluted in a glass warm water and use the solution to rinse curls after washing your hair. The product reduces fragility and hair loss, gives it a healthy shine.

Tincture of Japanese Sophora and White Mistletoe

To enhance the therapeutic effect, Japanese Sophora is combined with other healthy ingredients. In folk medicine, a combination with white mistletoe is popular. The resulting product is used to combat cancer, diseases of the digestive system, respiratory and nervous systems.


  1. - 50 gr.
  2. Japanese Sophora - 100 gr.
  3. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the roots of Japanese sophora and white mistletoe flowers with a knife, pour them into a glass jar and pour in vodka. Close the container with a tight-fitting lid, shake the contents and leave to infuse in a cool and dark place for 2 week. Pass the finished preparation through a gauze filter. After you have prepared the mistletoe and Japanese sophora tincture, store the product in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon with 100 ml of boiled water 3 times during the day.

Result: Tincture of white mistletoe and Japanese sophora has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the fact that the drug has high antitumor activity, before drinking Sophora japonica tincture for cancer, you should consult a specialist. If self-medicated, the drug can cause irreparable harm to the body and lead to adverse consequences.

Contraindications to the use of Japanese Sophora tincture:

  • hypotension;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reaction;
  • children up to 12 years of age.

You have learned the medicinal properties and contraindications of Japanese Sophora tincture. Let's summarize.

For more information about Sophora japonica tincture, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. The beneficial properties and contraindications of Crimean sophora lie in its rich chemical composition. The herbal preparation contains rutin, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, glycosides.
  2. The drug has a pronounced restorative, tonic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect.
  3. At excessive consumption plant-based products and violation of the dosage regimen may cause overdose symptoms. These include dizziness, dry mouth, migraines, nausea.

This is a beautiful tree that reaches a height of 12-25 m. It can be found in parks and squares. It grows wild in China, Crimea, Japan, and Central Asia. Sophora japonica has many medicinal properties and some contraindications. When treating with this plant, you need to take into account all the factors that you can get exclusively positive result and forget about health problems.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the fruits and flowers of the plant is very diverse, due to which the medicinal properties of the prepared medicines are achieved.

Japanese Sophora contains:

  • flavonoids – rutin;
  • acids of natural origin;
  • alkaloids – pachycarpine;
  • glycosides;
  • fixed oils.

Important! Rutin is not produced by the human body, which is why medicines containing Sophora japonica are so useful for treating many ailments.

Also important components The medicinal plant contains a large number of microelements - iodine, boron, zinc, calcium and others.

The main medicinal properties of Sophora fruits and inflorescences are achieved due to the presence of quarcetin and rutin in its composition.

Medicinal properties

Valuable flavonoids, in particular rutin, have an extremely beneficial effect on the body. They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, increase the strength of capillary walls, and stimulate the functioning of the adrenal cortex.

The medicinal properties of this substance are very extensive:

  • lowers blood and intraocular pressure;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • stimulation of bile production;
  • relieves allergy symptoms;
  • eliminates swelling.

Quercetin has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antispasmodic effects, fights allergic reactions of the body. This component has a positive effect on tissue regeneration and stimulates the body's protective functions.

Thanks to the presence of alkaloids, muscle function throughout the body improves, contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus increases, and excitability is significantly reduced nervous system, the number of hypertensive crises decreases.

Organic acids, which in large quantities contained in Japanese Sophora, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates fermentation processes in the stomach and intestines. Harmful substances, toxins are removed from the body faster, blood composition improves, and the number of red blood cells increases.

Due to the presence of many medicinal components, Japanese Sophora has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • tonic;
  • antispasmodic.

Also, medicines containing extracts from fruits or flowers are effective in the fight against viruses, microbes, and infections. They will help you deal with chronic diseases lungs, stomach, liver.

Important! Sophora japonica is an excellent radioprotector. It is used to prepare patients before radiotherapy.

Remedies that are prepared on the basis of this plant strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stop bleeding, and remove them from the body. excess liquid. This medicine is often used as antitumor therapy.

This plant is used as additional means in the treatment of such a serious illness as tuberculosis. It improves the patient's condition and speeds up recovery.

A medicine containing Sophora japonica has a positive effect on the condition of the digestive system. It helps with pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers. The plant increases mucosal regeneration and improves the digestion process.

Important! Tincture or decoction of Sophora has antihelminthic effect. These drugs are found in the intestines, liver or other organs.

The medicinal plant is indispensable for treatment, as it significantly reduces blood sugar levels. It also has a positive effect on the pancreas and stimulates insulin production. Medicines in the form of tinctures are used for the skin in the treatment of various diseases.

Prepare healing oil very simple.

  1. Take 100 g of dry fruits, pour 100 ml of boiling water. Leave them for an hour.
  2. Separate the fruits from the liquid and grind until mushy.
  3. Add olive oil or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3.
  4. Infuse the mixture for 20 days on a windowsill where there is access to sunlight. Strain the oil from the solids.

Place the product 3 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nostril.

Sophora japonica blooms almost all summer. The fruits ripen towards mid-autumn, after which they remain on the branches throughout the winter.

Ready raw materials for cooking healing medicines can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. But it’s still much more pleasant to collect the plant yourself. Only then can you be sure of the quality of the final product, which will make it possible to obtain an effective medicine.

The flowers and fruits of the plant are ideal for preparing home remedies for herbal medicine. In this case, you need to collect only the blossoming buds, and the fruits should be slightly unripe, tender green tint. The leaves of this plant are not suitable for preparing medicines because the concentration useful substances they are insufficient and much smaller than in other parts of the tree.

Important! Best time for the procurement of raw materials - late August or early October.

Prepare the components very carefully, because Japanese Sophora has toxic properties. After collecting fruits or inflorescences, dry everything. Only in this form can they be used to prepare various healing decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures.

Dry the raw materials using an electric dryer. Optimal temperature for flowers – 40°С, and for fruits – 30°С. If it is not possible to use it, place the sophora on plain white paper, place it in a place protected from rain, where there is access to sunlight.

Important! Harvest the plant in dry weather to ensure a high-quality final product. Wet flowers will rot and darken when dried.

When the raw materials are ready and completely free of moisture, sort them out to remove impurities, small twigs or debris. Store the healing mixture in a glass container.

Shelf life dried fruits and Sophora flowers - no more than a year. After this term expires most of useful substances, medicines prepared from these raw materials no longer have such therapeutic effect.

Contraindications for use

Medicines containing Sophora japonica are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. There is also no need to use them when a woman is breastfeeding.

Do not treat small children who have not yet reached the age of three with this plant.

Important! If you are a driver or your work involves performing important tasks, do not take any products with Sophora. It reduces activity and has a depressant effect on the nervous system.

Also, sometimes the plant can cause an allergic reaction - itching, redness and rashes appear on the skin. In this case, you must definitely stop taking the medication.

Sophora japonica has an exceptional effect on the body positive action, increases the body's protective functions, helps to heal chronic diseases. Contraindications for use are minor, so it can be taken by almost all people.

Sophora tincture is the simplest and most common form of using Sophora japonica fruits for medicinal purposes. Sophora japonica tincture is made from the fruits of a large tree belonging to the legume family.

The plant reaches a height of about thirty meters. The roots of the tree are powerful, going deep underground. The stems are branched and the crown is wide. The leaves are elliptical in shape and grow in pairs.

The stems and leaves are slightly lowered with light hairs. The flowers are yellow and gather in clusters at the top. The fruit has an elongated shape, like a bean pod.

No more than six red-black seeds develop inside the fruit. The flowering period of the plant falls in mid-July or August, and fruit beans appear from September to October, which do not fall from the trees in winter.

The tree is widespread throughout China, Japan, Vietnam, Central Asia and the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula. Biochemical composition Sophora japonica (or Styphnolobia japonica) is full of alkaloids.

They contain about three percent in the leaves, and 4% in the seeds. The roots contain phenolic-type dyes, and the seeds contain essential oil.

Active substances in Japanese Sophora: kaempferol, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP and many useful other components.

What diseases is Sophora tincture used for?

Application can be oral (inside) and external. External use is indicated for:

  • Burns and trophic ulcers.
  • Wounds and bedsores.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Furunculosis and carbuncles.
  • Mastitis (female breast disease).
  • Psoriasis.
  • Paraproctitis.
  • Baldness or poor growth hair on the head.

Oral administration is indicated for:

  • When does fibrosis occur? internal organs: pulmonary fibrosis, liver fibrosis, fibrosis thyroid gland, retroperitoneal fibrosis.
  • With a long course of mastopathy, when fibrocystic compounds appear in the chest.
  • Risk of stroke.
  • Poor strength of vessel walls.
  • Chronic hypertension.
  • Myopathies.
  • Spasms of peripheral vessels.
  • Bleeding in the lungs.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Stomach ulcer and duodenum.

Recipe for making Sophora japonica tincture at home

  • To make the classic recipe alcohol infusion from the fruits of Japanese sophora, you need to collect fresh legumes and rinse them well under running water cold water. After thorough washing, the plants are cut into small pieces and pre-wiped with napkins. The cut pieces are placed in a liter jar up to half, and the rest of the jar is filled with 70% alcohol or vodka. The jar is closed tightly with a nylon lid and placed in a cool, dry place where it does not get sunlight, exactly for a week and a half. Contents every couple of days liter jar need to shake. After the infusion period has expired, the contents are filtered through gauze. The infusion of Japanese Sophora is prepared at home and is completely ready for use. General instructions for use to strengthen the body with infusion: 20-30 drops are consumed twice a day before lunch and before bed for 30 days. The remains of the infusion can be used to treat external skin lesions.
  • To prepare a recipe for an infusion of flowers at home, take a tablespoon of dried flowers and pour a bottle medical alcohol 70%. Mix the contents and leave to infuse for 10 days in a cool, dry place. After 10 days, the mixture is filtered through cheesecloth and the flowers are discarded. The recipe is completely ready. Instructions for use: to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink 40 drops after each meal for exactly a month.
  • A recipe for oncology – styphnolobia and white mistletoe. To prepare medicinal mixture, you need to chop the fruits of styphnolobia and mistletoe in equal proportions and pour in a liter of alcohol. Leave for three weeks in a cool place, shaking the contents of the jar periodically. After the expiration date, strain the solid contents through cheesecloth and discard. Instructions for use: half an hour before meals, drink 4 times a day, but do not overdo it. A solution of two components has pronounced medicinal properties not only in the fight against oncology, but also hepatoprotective properties. This mixture is useful for patients with chronic kidney disease. Positive properties The infusion will help with kidney diseases.

Regular use of styphnolobia infusion has pronounced medicinal properties on the entire human body. The infusion of styphnolobia has: pronounced anti-inflammatory medicinal properties, general strengthening properties, antiseptic, hemostatic, antitumor medicinal properties. Depending on the pathology that has arisen, before using the infusion, you should definitely consult with your doctor, who will tell you correct dosage. It is usually recommended to take the tincture no more than four times a day, after meals for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; before meals, the infusion is used orally for other types of pathologies. You can not drink the drug longer than a month, and then you need to take a break. For external use, the infusion is applied as a compress or applied to a wound.

Demand traditional medicines today is very high due to people's distrust pharmaceutical industry. Those who prefer natural herbs synthetic chemical compounds, are probably guided famous phrase that medicines “cure one thing and cripple another.” This is partly true, but not in such an exaggerated form.

Although there is one oddity in this desire for naturalness: when drugs in pharmacies could be counted on one’s fingers and pharmacology was just becoming popular, people stood in line for medicines. When there were countless numbers of them, many returned to their starting point and began to strive to heal again. serious illnesses roots and decoctions.

But Sophora occupies an intermediate place between the categories of “folk remedies” and “ medical supplies", because today a Sophora tincture is produced, which consists of two components - alcohol and fruit extracts.

Tincture of Japanese Sophora today is mainly used in dermatology, although it may well be suitable for the treatment of diseases from another area.

Preparation of Japanese Sophora tincture

You can not only buy Sophora tincture at the pharmacy, but also prepare it yourself - the main thing is that the tree from whose flowers it will be made grows in an environmentally friendly area - far from the highway and factories. Here's what you need to do to get the tincture:

  1. Take fresh Sophora fruits and alcohol in such quantity to obtain a 1:1 ratio. If dry fruits are used, increase the amount of fruits to a 1:2 ratio.
  2. Chop the raw fruits, place in a container with a tight lid and dark glass, and fill with 70% alcohol.
  3. This mixture should sit for about 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature.
  4. After the allotted time, squeeze out and filter the tincture, and then store in a cool place.

Application of Sophora tincture

Japanese sophora has such medicinal properties that the tincture is most often used externally. However, this does not prohibit taking it orally for relevant diseases.

Sophora for vessels

For example, to treat vascular diseases, half a teaspoon of tincture is diluted in a glass of water and taken morning and evening. Before use, you should consult your doctor to rule out probable complications and individual intolerance.

Sophora for stomach ulcers

You can also find the statement that Sophora tincture can be taken for. This can only be done if the tincture is not alcohol-based, because alcohol is contraindicated for diseases of the gastric mucosa.

Sophora in dentistry

Sophora tincture is also used to treat periodontal disease and stomatitis. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. spoon of Sophora tincture and rinse your mouth.

Sophora for hair

In cosmetology, Sophora tincture is used to strengthen hair - for this purpose 1 tbsp. diluted in half a glass of water and rubbed into the scalp.

Instructions for use of Sophora tincture

Application alcohol tincture Sophora japonica from a pharmacy is no different from a homemade tincture.

So, pharmacy tincture Sophora consists of 48% alcohol and Sophora fruits. This is the remedy plant origin, which has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

It is prescribed for the following diseases:

This remedy is prescribed orally from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon several times a day. Externally used as applications, compresses and irrigations.


Traditional medicine practitioners and folk healers confidently use a plant called Sophora japonica (not to be confused with Sophora pachycarpa), or Styphnolobia. Preparations based on styphnolobia extract trigger such a powerful regeneration process that they are used in the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular, respiratory, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal systems. What is the secret of this plant, unique in composition and properties?

What is Sophora japonica

A deciduous tree of the legume family, externally similar to acacia with a spreading crown, with branched stems, dark gray bark, reaching 25-30 m, with a powerful rhizome system - this is Japanese Sophora (Sophora japonica) or styphnolobium. It blooms with yellowish fragrant flowers in July, the flowering period is once every 24 months. Fruits in September; black-red seeds (3-6 pieces) remain on the branches all winter. Fruits with flowers are endowed with valuable properties (hemostatic, antimicrobial, wound healing, adaptation) and are indispensable for various medicines.

Botanical description

Japanese styphnolobium (Styphnolóbium japónicum) is also called the “weeping tree” or “mating knot tree”. It is a talisman, a symbol of Beijing: Chinese doctors consider it a plant of longevity, good health using decoctions of bark, roots, flowers, fruits for treatment. The plant is cultivated for decorative purposes. Loves arid climates, insufficient lighting, but low temperatures, strong winds could destroy him. Prefers saline meadows, banks of reservoirs, rocky hills, and loamy soils. Botanical features of Sophora japonica:

  • Belongs to the legume family, genus Styphnolobia.
  • The height is 25 meters.
  • The crown is spherical, like an acacia.
  • The bark is covered with cracks, dark in color, gray.
  • The leaves are oblong, falling off in the winter.
  • Branches without thorns.
  • The first inflorescences appear in the thirtieth year of the tree’s life; it blooms once in 2 years.
  • The flowers are fragrant, white-yellow in color, resembling panicles. Sophora japonica is an excellent honey plant.
  • The fruit is an indehiscent bean in the shape of a cylinder up to 8 cm long, with thickenings. Unripe beans are brown-green in color, then turn red or black. They ripen closer to October and remain on the tree until spring.

Where does it grow?

Sophora japonica lives on loamy soils, sandy loams, along rivers, loves lake shores, and rocky slopes. The wild species is found in East Asia(provinces of China, Vietnam, Japan, Mongolia, Korea). The plant has become widespread and is cultivated in the Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd Region, Altai, Crimea (Crimean sophora), and southern Ukraine.

Collection and preparation of plants

A sunny, clear day is suitable for collecting raw materials. In unblown inflorescences and unripe beans, the concentration healing properties maximum. Store the workpieces in paper, linen bags, glass containers for a year while they are in use. healing properties. Collection information:

The uniqueness and diversity of the chemical composition of styphnolobia will be the envy of anyone medicinal plant. Useful components:

  1. Alkaloids: matrine, pachycarpine. They relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, and have a hypnotic and sedative effect.
  2. Flavonoids: quercetin, rutin, kaempferol, genistein. Rutin (vitamin PP) has anti-aging, regenerating effects, normalizes metabolism, strengthens capillary walls. Quercetin lowers blood pressure (BP). Both substances have a calming and antispasmodic effect.
  3. Ascorbic acid. Increases blood clotting, improves immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Glycosides. Normalizes cardiovascular function, muscular systems.
  5. Organic acids. They relieve pain, inflammation, participate in tissue regeneration, kill pathogenic viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
  6. Macro-, microelements: Ca, Fe, K, I, Mg, Zn, B.
  7. Fixed oils and linoleic acid, used in cosmetology.
  8. Vitamin C.

Medicinal properties of Japanese Sophora

Sophora japonica, a photo of which can be found on websites with recipes for medicinal potions, has been considered a tree endowed with valuable properties since ancient times. Medicines are made from it. Styphnolobia has become widespread among practitioners of traditional medicine (infusions, decoctions, and teas are prepared from it). Honey from the inflorescences prevents the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of sclerotic plaques, blood clots, reduces blood pressure, and cleanses the walls of blood vessels. Benefits of the plant:

  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Promotes tissue regeneration and wound healing.
  • Strengthens the immune system protective properties body, suppresses allergic reactions.
  • Thins the blood, increases the elasticity of capillary walls, helps resolve blood clots and cholesterol plaques.
  • Clears the skin of rashes and reduces itching.
  • Treats stye on eyelids.
  • Stimulates hair growth.
  • Liquefies and removes mucus.
  • Has antioxidant properties.
  • It is an antidote against toxicosis.
  • Regulates processes genitourinary system, reduces swelling.
  • Regulates metabolism, reducing cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
  • Prevents decreased vision, strokes, and heart attacks.
  • Improves blood supply to the extremities during gangrene.
  • Treats hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Positive Impact on the body when suffering from lupus.
  • Preparations from styphnolobia raw materials are used for the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system, cancer, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, stomach ulcers.


Preparations obtained from Sophora japonica are used traditional healers, and in traditional medicine. The effectiveness of the treatment has been tested experimentally. Indications for use:

  • Oncological diseases. Powerful stimulant immune system, supporting the body during the period of rehabilitation or exacerbation of the disease - Japanese Sophora - slows down growth tumor cells, relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • Cardiovascular diseases(angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis). The composition of styphnolobia is rich in vitamin P (Rutin), which is essential for diseases of the joints or heart. It stimulates blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, and makes capillary walls elastic. It is a means of preventing varicose veins, internal bleeding, strokes, and heart attacks. Clears blood vessels from blood clots, reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Brain hemorrhages or retinal hemorrhages.
  • Respiratory diseases (colds, asthma, tuberculosis).
  • Gynecological disorders. Used for fibroids, salpingitis, vaginitis, candidiasis, cervical erosion, inflammation fallopian tubes, infertility, reproductive dysfunction. Possesses antibacterial property. During menopause it normalizes hormonal background.
  • Diabetes. Styphnolobium has hypoglycemic properties and is prescribed in complex therapy with diet. Normalizes hormonal levels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the glands: pancreas, thyroid.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, loss of appetite, gastritis, colitis, dysentery, hemorrhoids, helminthic infestation liver, pancreatitis). Sophora japonica, having an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes and heals the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Slagging of the body. Sophora japonica removes waste and toxins from the liver and blood, and has antioxidant properties.
  • Violation of the external integument (psoriasis, burns, wounds, allergies). The tincture is used to rinse the mouth, gums, and throat in case of inflammation. Decoctions help healing when purulent processes, dermatitis, cracks, ulcers, eczema.
  • Rheumatism. Lotions relieve pain and reduce swelling.
  • Styphnolobium, rich in iodine, helps the thyroid gland.
  • Alopecia, seborrhea.
  • Insomnia.
  • External, internal bleeding.

Diseases of internal organs

Valuable substances, the basis of the chemical composition of Sophora japonica, are rutin and quercetin. The latter is used to eliminate chronic, relieve acute conditions. Basic properties:

  • has capillary-strengthening, hypotensive, antispasmodic effects;
  • launches the reparative (restorative) process of the body;
  • activates antioxidant activity;
  • stops allergies;
  • is an antidote for poisoning;
  • fights viruses, inflammation;
  • serves for immune correction of the body, it is actively used in the fight against hepatitis.

External use

The use of tinctures and decoctions of Sophora japonica externally is possible in the form of rinses, compresses, lotions, and drops. Cooking technologies:

  • Alcohol tincture. Used for skin treatment (treatment of wounds, ulcers, burns), strengthening hair follicles, hair growth, rinsing gums (against periodontal disease, stomatitis). Pour a 56% alcohol solution (1:1) over fresh beans, leave for 21 days, and drain. 1 tbsp. l. with 100 ml of water - use externally; 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water - for rinsing the mouth.
  • The decoction strengthens hair and treats sore throats. Grind the raw materials, pour boiling water (1 tbsp. beans - 150 ml), heat for 10 minutes. on low heat. Then decant and add water to 150 ml. Rinse your throat every 2-3 hours. Rinse clean, damp hair.
  • Infusion. For dressings, irrigation, washing of eczema, ulcers, wounds, pour 15 g of dry beans into 30 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, and drain. Add water to a volume of 300 ml.
  • Tea. Strengthening hair follicles, rub into hair roots overnight. Take a ready-made mixture of flowers and beans (1:1) - 2 tbsp. l., mix with 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for an hour, strain.
  • Oil. Restores skin after burns, wounds, insect bites, allergies, psoriasis, treats rhinitis. Pour boiling water over the fruits (1:1), after an hour, grind them to a paste. Fill vegetable oil(1:3), place under the sun for 21 days. Place 1-2 drops into the nose and lubricate damaged skin several times a day.
  • Light lotion. For youthful, beautiful skin. Dried flowers are crushed using a coffee grinder, pour 200 g of vodka (500 ml), and leave for 2 weeks. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté area 2 times a week.

The use of Sophora japonica in folk medicine

Styphnolobium is a natural biostimulant. Traditional healers they use inflorescences, leaves, seeds, roots, fruits for their healing potions in the treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs (tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, internal bleeding, cancer), endarteritis, myopathy, skin problems (allergies, psoriasis, rashes) , hair (baldness).

Fruits of the plant

ethnoscience recommends taking Sophora japonica tincture along with tablets for the treatment of trophic ulcers, muscular dystrophy, coli. Externally, decoctions are used for any burns, abscesses, boils, purulent wounds ah, hair loss. Ointments are used to cure the effects of cutaneous tuberculosis. Styphnolobia bean oil treats a runny nose and is used to rinse the mouth, gums, and mucous membranes. Cooking at home:

Based on the fruit, “Quartcetin” and “Genistein” are made, containing rutin. "Quartcetin" has antisclerotic, antispasmodic effects, and is used for radiation injuries, periodontal disease, menopause. "Genistein" is used by cosmetologists (skin regeneration and lightening, wrinkle smoothing, acne and seborrhea therapy, anti-aging care).


Infusions of styphnolobia are healing drugs that stop internal bleeding, help treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, liver diseases, increase vitality. Preparation of tinctures:

  1. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over crushed dried flowers (20 g), leave for 2 hours. Use 1.5 tbsp of the cooled, strained solution. 3 times a day after meals to strengthen the walls of capillaries, reduce internal and eye bleeding.
  2. Fruits and flowers (50 g) are poured with 500 ml of vodka and infused for a month. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day for a course of 3 months. Tincture on water: 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per glass of water, brew in a thermos for 12 hours. Use the infusion to remove organic salts from the walls of vessels.
  3. Fresh beans are poured with a 56% alcohol solution (1:1) and left for 3 weeks. Take 1 tsp. 4 times a day for the prevention of bleeding, treatment chronic ulcers, for burns - as compresses.
  4. Styphnolobia flowers are used in the treatment of hypertension as follows: inflorescences (20 g) are infused in 100 ml of 70% alcohol for one week. Drink 25 drops 3 times a day for 20 days.
  5. Pour 50 g of dried flowers with vodka (100 ml), stir, leave for 10 days. This tincture treats gastritis, liver diseases, and dysentery.
  6. Dry raw materials (15 g) pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 10 hours. Strain, drink 2 tbsp. l. 2 times a day. Used to prevent salt deposits.
  7. Pour boiling water (500 ml) over dry fruits (20 g), cook covered over low heat for 5 minutes, leave for another half hour, strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals. The infusion helps strengthen the immune system.
  8. Pour boiling water over 15 g of dry raw materials, leave covered for 10 hours, cool, strain. Use 1 s. l. 3 times a day before meals. This tincture increases the overall tone of the body.
  9. Pour boiling water (1 glass) over the dried buds (15 g), leave for 2 hours in a thermos. The cooled and strained solution is taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Helps stop internal bleeding.
  10. Grind beans (100 g), pour apple cider vinegar(1 l), leave for one month in a darkened room, shaking occasionally. Before use, dilute the tincture with water (1 teaspoon per 150 ml of water), take 3 times a day for a course of 3 weeks. The infusion cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, helps against headaches and constipation. Contraindicated for people with increased acidity gastric juice.

Tree root decoction

A decoction of the roots of the tree is used in the fight against jaundice, tuberculosis, and malaria. The crushed dry raw material is poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon of roots - 250 ml of water), boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. After cooling, filter the solution and add to the original volume boiled water. It is recommended to drink 5 teaspoons of the decoction at least 3 times a day.

Fruit infusion for external use

Tincture of Sophora japonica is suitable in a 1:5 ratio with clean water for external use. It is used in the treatment of trophic ulcers, allergic rashes, purulent wounds, burns, psoriasis, baldness, stomatitis, periodontal disease (lotions, compresses, irrigations). Preparation: pour 56% alcohol into dry (proportions 1:1) or ripe (1:2) fruits, leave for 20 days, filter.

For hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disorders It is recommended to combine an infusion of styphnolobia beans with an infusion of mistletoe. Recipe for mistletoe tincture: 200 g of fresh branches and leaves of the plant, pour 500 ml of vodka, leave for one month. Both tinctures are mixed, the composition is aged for 7 days, after which it is taken in a course of 1 tsp. per day 1 month.

Tea from flowers and fruits

Tea made from Sophora flowers and beans relieves inflammatory processes, strengthens the immune system, has a rejuvenating effect on the body, strengthens hair, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces discomfort during high tides. Take tea up to three times a day, 150 ml. To strengthen the scalp and hair roots - without rinsing, rub into the roots before bed. How to cook:

  • mix fruits with inflorescences (1:1);
  • pour 4 tbsp. l. 1 liter of boiling water;
  • boil the resulting composition for 5 minutes;
  • let the broth cool, leave for an hour;
  • drain.


Japanese Sophora oil heals burns, wounds, and bedsores. Used for rhinitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx, psoriasis, allergic rashes, insect bites. To heal the skin, lubricate the affected areas several times a day. At acute rhinitis and cough - drop into the nose (1-2 drops up to 3 times a day). Effectiveness of oils: runny nose and cough disappear in 3 days, wounds heal after a few days, psoriasis rashes disappear after 45 days. Preparation:

  • the beans are infused for an hour in boiling water (proportions 1:1);
  • grind steamed beans;
  • the gruel is mixed with vegetable oil (1:3);
  • Place under sunlight for 21 days until the suspension is infused.

Tincture for diabetes and oncology

If you have cancer or diabetes mellitus prepare an infusion with vodka. Pour vodka (700 ml) over the fresh beans of the plant, crushed to powder, and leave in a dark room for a week. After straining, consume 1 tsp. (before breakfast and before bed) for a course of 85-90 days. Sophora for diabetes is prepared according to the following recipe: pour crushed fresh flowers or fruits of styphnolobia with alcohol (1:1) or vodka. Infuse in a dark glass bottle for 20 days, use 3 times a day, 20 drops.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on Styphnolobia japonica

Thanks to the multicomponent chemical composition of this plant, pharmacists have created drugs based on Japanese Sophora that are successfully used in classical medicine. They are used in complex therapy of tuberculosis, cardiovascular, genitourinary, reproductive systems, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland.


Available in the form of a tincture of styphnolobia beans in ethyl alcohol solution 48%. It is used for compresses, lotions, and irrigations for the following skin lesions:

The tincture is used internally for atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, intracranial pressure for 3 months (1 tsp with 50 ml of water - 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals). Contraindications: hypotension, pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age, individual intolerance to the components. The cost of 100 ml of tincture on pharmacy shelves is about 250 rubles.


Reduces blood pressure, increases the tone and contractions of the uterus during childbirth. Sold in tablet form (10 pieces each, 1 tablet 0.1 g active substance) or 3% solution in ampoules of 2 ml. Taken before meals or by injection. Indications for use:

  • Weak muscle tone of the uterus with labor activity. To stimulate contractions - injections of 2-4 ml of solution at intervals of 1.5 - 2 hours. To contract the uterus after childbirth, intramuscularly or subcutaneously 2-3 times a day.
  • Myopathy. 100-200 mg (1-2 tablets) per day, 40-50 days. After 2-3 months, the course of treatment is repeated.
  • Spasm of peripheral arterial vessels.
  • Ganglionitis. 50 - 100 mg (0.5 - 1 tablet) 2 times a day, course 15 days.
  • Inflammation nerve ganglia. 50 - 100 mg (0.5 - 1 tablet) 2 times a day, course 2 weeks.
  • Obliterating enderotheritis ( chronic course). In the form of tablets of 50 - 100 mg (0.5 - 1 tablet) 2-3 times a day, course up to 7 weeks. In the form of injections per day, no more than 0.45 mg,

Contraindications: cardiac, renal, liver, multiple organ failure, pregnancy, angina. Side effects: weakness, dizziness, dry mouth, tachycardia, decreased intestinal tone, effect on tone urinary tract, toxic effects from overdose. The price ranges from 800 rubles. per package, available with a doctor's prescription.


Ascorutin is intended for the treatment and prevention of capillary fragility, avitaminosis of vitamins P, C, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, diseases peripheral circulation, pathologies leading to thinning of the walls of blood vessels. Available in tablets of 50 pieces, 0.05 g each. The course of treatment is 1 month, then repeated. Dosage for prevention: children 3-12 years old: 1 tablet once a day; children over 12 years old, adults – 1-2 tablets per day. Dosages for treatment: children 3-12 years old: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day; children over 12 years old, adults – 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications for taking Ascorutin include: dysfunctions of the genitourinary system (especially kidney disease), increased content iron in the patient's blood, thrombophlebitis, severe stage cancer, pregnancy, children under 3 years of age. The cost of one package in city pharmacies ranges from approximately 32 to 60 rubles.

Side effects and contraindications

Preparations, infusions, and decoctions of Styphnolobia japonica should be used only after consultation with a specialist. Side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea, flatulence, stool disorder;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pain in the epigastric region (with deep stomach ulcers);
  • promotion blood pressure in case of overdose.

Considering the possible deterioration of the condition, it is recommended not only to obtain instructions from the attending physician, but to strictly follow them; if the condition worsens, immediately consult a doctor. For what diseases or conditions is treatment with Sophora preparations contraindicated:

  1. Hypotension.
  2. Cystitis.
  3. Allergy to legumes.
  4. Pathology of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Labor activities related to the management of various mechanisms.
  6. Age up to 3 years.
  7. 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  8. Lactation.

Features of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Rutin causes contraction of the muscles and muscles of the uterus, increasing the likelihood of miscarriage. The doctor prescribes the drug if stopping it causes harm or a threat to the life of the pregnant woman. Sophora japonica is prohibited for pregnant women with renal failure, liver dysfunction, cardiovascular diseases, and low blood pressure. When allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, stomach upsets, the drug is discontinued. When breastfeeding, decoctions of styphnolobia are used to heal cracked nipples.

In childhood

Sophora japonica is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. A patient over 3 years of age who is susceptible vascular diseases, pathologies of capillaries, hypovitaminosis (vitamins C, P), disorders of the peripheral circulatory system, the doctor officially prescribes Ascorutin. One course lasts a month:

  • Prevention. Children 3-12 years old: 1 tablet per day; from 12 years old 1-2 tablets per day;
  • Treatment. Children 3-12 years old: 1 tablet 3 times a day; from 12 years old 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
