How do nervous tics manifest themselves in children? Treatment with pharmacological agents

Nervous tics are commonly called involuntary, sudden and repeated muscle contractions. This disease is familiar to many people, but most often it affects children under ten years of age. Parents do not immediately notice the child’s symptoms, and treatment is delayed because of this. With time frequent blinking or coughing alerts adults, and the baby is taken to a specialist. Since usually all indicators are normal, he advises contacting a neurologist. Only then do parents begin to deal with the problem. Diagnosing the disease takes a lot of time, so don’t hesitate. It is better to seek help as soon as alarming symptoms appear.

How does tic manifest itself and when does it occur?

Contractions are often most noticeable on the face and neck. They can be manifested by blinking, sniffling, movements of the head or shoulders, twitching of the lips and nose. Sometimes a child has several symptoms.

Neurologists say that the most likely time for the disease to occur is 3-4 years and 7-8 years. This is explained by the peculiarities of the development of the body: at this age, children face various crises and move on to new stages of life.


It is not easy to identify this disorder because for a long time neither the child nor the parents realize that the movements are involuntary. The most important criterion that should alert you is the inability to control muscle contractions. When observed, the child may blink and twitch rapidly. This is one of the most common symptoms.

Types of nervous tics

Depending on how long the disease lasts, tics are usually classified as follows:

  • Transistor. In this case, symptoms appear for less than a year.
  • Chronic. It lasts for more than a year.
  • Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. It is diagnosed when a child has extensive motor tics and at least one vocal tic.

If a nervous tic is detected in a child, treatment will depend on which muscle groups are involved. Therefore, the disease is usually divided into types:

Local (one muscle group);

Common (several groups);

Generalized (almost all muscles contract).

Why does this disorder occur?

When nervous tics occur in children, the reasons for this phenomenon are very worrying for their parents. To make the picture more clear, experts recommend remembering what events preceded these manifestations. As a rule, the disease is caused by a complex of reasons.

Hereditary factor

Neurologists say that it is of primary importance. But there are a number of caveats.

If one of the parents suffers from this condition, it is not necessary that the child also be diagnosed with tics. This indicates a predisposition, but does not guarantee this disorder.

It is impossible to determine from external factors whether there is genetic predisposition. Perhaps the parents had psychological problems, which through upbringing were passed on to the child through uncontrollable emotions. In this case, it is worth talking about the method of response, and not genes.

Experiences and stress

Parents are very worried when a nervous tic is detected in a child. They begin treatment immediately, but sometimes it is first necessary to think about the triggering factors and eliminate them. If a specialist says that stress may be the cause, parents are skeptical. But it is worth remembering that for adults and children the reasons for worry can be completely different. In addition, even positive emotions, if they are particularly vivid, can excite the nervous system of an impressionable child.

TVs and computers

Childhood neurology affects many children, so parents should take timely measures. Watching TV for a long time brings big problems. This is due to the fact that flashing lights affect the intensity of brain activity. When this happens very often, the natural rhythm that is responsible for calm is disrupted.

Insufficient physical activity

Parents need to figure out how to get rid of nervous tics, because they affect the child’s mental health and can change from one type to another and grow over time. Their main mistake is that they give great importance mental stress of the child and completely forget about the physical one. Children also need it so that their energy finds a way out. Otherwise, reflex muscle contractions may occur.

Errors of education

Child neurology can be affected by parental personality traits that they have no control over. Lead to this disorder the following factors may exist.

Psychogenic and symptomatic tics

To understand how to get rid of nervous tics, you need to know that they are primary (psychogenic) and secondary (symptomatic). The first ones occur most often between the ages of five and seven years, since this period is the most critical for the child. The causes of their occurrence can be stress and psychological trauma, which are divided into acute and chronic.

Symptomatic disorders are caused by birth injuries, tumors and metabolic disorders of the brain. Sometimes the reason is viral infection, which caused short-term hypoxia.

How to treat the disorder?

Parents who have identified a nervous tic in their child should not put off treatment. First of all, you need to contact a neurologist, and then a psychologist. If the tics last for quite a long time, the baby will be prescribed medication, but in order to get good results, you can’t do it with pills alone. It is necessary to correct all factors that can cause the disorder.

Parents must:

Reduce the time spent watching TV;

Provide physical exercise;

Develop optimal mode day and observe it;

Minimize worries and stress;

If possible, conduct sand therapy or sculpting sessions;

Do exercises to tense and relax the facial muscles;

Do not focus the child’s attention on the problem so that he does not try to control the contractions.

Do not despair if your child is diagnosed with a nervous tic. Causes and treatment may vary in each case, but you need to know the general rules. It is not recommended to give to a baby potent drugs, since there is a high probability side effects. If the disorder is a consequence of another disease, then comprehensive treatment is necessary.


When a nervous tic is present in children, the symptoms can be either pronounced or completely invisible. But it is better not to wait until the disease begins to progress and take preventive measures. The baby should get enough rest, go for walks fresh air, and it is also very important to surround him with care and love, to provide a comfortable and calm environment.

Any short-term, involuntary simple movement that occurs due to the contraction of one or more muscles following an erroneous command from the brain is called hyperkinesis. If an inappropriate movement becomes fast and repetitive, this phenomenon is called a tic.

Not only may it be affected muscular apparatus, but also vocal. Along with movements, smacking, uttering some sounds, etc. are possible. The person understands that these manifestations are inappropriate, but is unable to cope with them. The problem is becoming more and more common, affecting every fourth child under the age of 10 years.

Among neurological diseases in childhood it occupies one of the leading places. What is it - a nervous tic in a child? What are the causes of eye twitching, coughing and coughing, shoulder movements and other symptoms? How to get rid of this, how to treat infants and what is the treatment for older children?

Causes of development depending on age

The mechanism of occurrence of tics is complex and in many respects has not been fully determined. All researchers agree that Both genetic and psychological factors are involved. Possible organic brain damage in the perinatal period is assumed.

For a nervous tic to appear, at least three factors need to coincide:

  • Predisposition or heredity. Often with tics it is discovered that the father or grandfather had the same problem, and the mother or grandmother suffered from neurosis obsessive states.
  • Wrong upbringing. Increased control and uncompromisingness of parents, lack of communication, intra-family conflicts and a formal attitude towards the child provoke problems.
  • Severe stress or serious illness viral disease, operation.

Usually, initially the child has increased anxiety, which leads to chronic stress.

Frequent minor stress also leads to this. The baby’s brain goes into constant anticipation of danger and does not rest even in sleep.

The mechanisms that adapt to stress are gradually depleted, and if the baby was predisposed to insufficient inhibition of pathological reactions by the brain, a traumatic factor can cause the onset of a tic.

Infants may experience tremor immediately after birth, which causes physiological twitching of the legs and/or arms, lower jaw, lips The reason can be anything: colic, crying, bathing, changing clothes, hunger. All these manifestations usually disappear without a trace within the first three months of life.

You should start to worry when the head begins to twitch. This is already a pathology, which usually intensifies over time. Tremors can occur on any part of the body; As the baby grows, it becomes more intense and longer lasting.

Inexperienced parents of infants often get scared, seeing deviation in almost every movement, and begin to sound the alarm. Most often there are no pathologies behind all this; the baby outgrows it. For peace of mind, it is enough to consult a pediatrician.

Main types, characteristics, description

Tics are classified according to several indicators:

The way a tic manifests itself is a clear characteristic that is understandable even to a non-specialist. As an example, here are several types of nervous tics in children:

Such manifestations, having arisen once, can gradually disappear on their own. But if the child does not find support in environment, all this turns into a pathological habit and gradually transforms into a tic. This often happens after severe viral illnesses.

Exacerbations of the problem begin in autumn and winter, which is associated with increasing mental load during schooling. In summer, remission (symptoms subside) often occurs.

Complex manifestations

A complex tic involves several muscle groups: abdomen, back, limbs, neck, facial muscles, vocal muscles. In most children, nervous tics begin with blinking their eyes. Gradually, shoulder lifts, gaze opening, head turns, and limb movements are added. This prevents the child from completing written structures while learning.

May be accompanied by coprolalia (swearing), echolalia (repetition of single words), or rapid slurred speech (palilalia). In the latter case, the last word in the spoken sentence is repeated.

Getting more complicated clinical picture usually from top to bottom: first the facial muscles are involved in the process, then the problem affects the shoulders and arms. Later, the torso and legs join uncontrolled movements.

The most severe form is Tourette's syndrome, described in the 19th century as a disease of multiple tics.

The clinical picture together includes obsessive-compulsive neurosis due to attention deficit, vocal and motor tics.

The disease occurs with a frequency of 1 case per 1 thousand boys or per 10 thousand girls. The problem first appears at the age of 3-7 years with twitching of the shoulders and local facial tics.

One type of tics is replaced by another. After a few years, vocal tics appear, and sometimes the disease begins with them. It all depends on the age and characteristics of the body. The child’s consciousness is completely preserved during tics, but he cannot control these movements.

Peak manifestations occur between the ages of 8–11 years. Excessive movements may cause muscle pain, for example, in cervical spine spine due to frequent and strong turns of the head. Due to the sudden tilting of the head back, the child may hit a hard object behind him, which leads to injury.

During exacerbations, children have problems with self-care, and they cannot attend school. At 12–15 years of age, the disease enters the residual phase - the final phase, in which the process stops, residual symptoms are observed in the clinical picture.

This is manifested by local tics. If Tourette's syndrome was not complicated by obsessive-compulsive neurosis, then in the residual phase a complete cessation of tics may occur.

Watch a video about Tourette's syndrome in children:

How to save your baby from pathology

The duration and nature of the disease is influenced by the age at which the disease began to develop:

  • up to 3 years - this is a symptom of an existing complex disease (brain tumor, autism, etc.);
  • in the period from 3 to 6 years - the problem usually drags on until adolescence, then begins to gradually decrease;
  • in the period from 6 to 8 years - favorable prognosis, the problem will go away without a trace.

The main principle of therapy is A complex approach, accounting individual characteristics body and the course of the disease. First, during a conversation with parents, the doctor finds out the possible causes of the problem, and methods of pedagogical adjustment are discussed. TO drug therapy they don’t come running right away.

You will find out what to do if your child starts having convulsions when he has a fever.

What can you do at home?

First of all, identified provoking factors are eliminated. The severity of tics decreases with lower demands on the child. You need to follow a daily routine, adjust your diet by removing foods that do not provide any benefit (soda, fast food, etc.), and establish adequate physical activity.

If recurring traumatic situations within the family are identified, family psychotherapy may be needed. Any joint activity (cleaning the apartment, cooking, baking a cake), a kind word spoken at the right time will help the child get rid of internal tension.

The easiest way to calm the nervous system is with evening walks, swimming, warm baths with essential oils lavender and lemon balm.

Watch a video about how a nervous tic manifests itself in a child, what are the symptoms and treatment of the disorder in children of primary school age:

How can a doctor help?

The diagnosis is made by a neurologist after examining the child. It will be good if parents prepare a film of the problem at home, since during communication with the doctor the picture may be “blurred”.

The child should also be examined by a psychologist and assessed emotional characteristics, degree of attentiveness, memory ability and ability to control impulsive behavior.

Consultation with a psychiatrist, magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalogram may be necessary. The doctor may recommend taking a course psychological correction individually or in group classes.

Specially trained specialists will correct the emotional or mental sphere that is late in development, using games, conversations or drawing, and will work on the child’s self-esteem.

A teenager in a group will be able to play out possible conflict situations and, having rehearsed in advance, select best option behavior, which will increase the chance of avoiding an exacerbation of the tic.

Treatment with medications is resorted to only when previous methods of therapy have exhausted themselves without producing results.

The drugs are prescribed by a neurologist; self-medication is strictly prohibited.

After the tic has completely disappeared, the medication continues for another six months, then the doses are gradually reduced until complete withdrawal.

What medications are prescribed

Neuroleptics that have analgesic, anticonvulsant,, antihistamine, sedative, antipsychotic effects. These are Fluphenazine, Haloperidol, Pimozide, Tiapride, Risperidone.

Connect to the main course aids: to maintain general well-being (vitamins), vascular drugs and nootropics that improve metabolic processes in the brain.

If obsessive-compulsive neuroses are also present, then antidepressants are added to the treatment.- Fluoxetine (Prozac), Clomipramine (Clofranil, Clominal, Anafranil).

When choosing a drug for a child, take into account the convenience of titration (dosing) of the drug. The most convenient are drops (Risperidone, Haloperidol) - using liquid form It is convenient to measure the required maintenance volume, avoiding unjustified overdoses. This is very important when prescribing long courses.

Folk remedies

As an easily accessible remedy, the easiest way is to use motherwort tincture, giving it to your child before bedtime. You can buy several herbs and make the collections yourself:

  • Grind the herbs of cudweed, thyme, valerian and chicory roots, and heather leaves. Mix by adding 2 parts of the remaining ingredients to 1 part chicory. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture, like tea, in a glass of boiling water for about half an hour. Give the child three times a day from 50 to 150 ml, depending on age. This infusion quickly relieves tension and calms you down.
  • To 3 parts of chamomile add 1 part of valerian root and 2 parts of mint and lemon balm. Brew in the same dosage as in the previous recipe. Take in the morning before meals and before bed from 50 to 150 ml, depending on age.

Massage and exercise

For nervous tics, massage has proven itself to be the best because it is effective means. But the specifics of the procedure depend on the type of disorder. The essence of all manipulations is to relax the desired area of ​​the body.. Light stroking, rubbing, kneading are performed.

Sharp strong impacts, toning muscles, the goal of all movements is relaxation. To improve blood supply to the brain, the collar area is massaged.

Improving blood circulation in the brain helps improve the condition of the entire nervous system.

An underwater massage shower also perfectly relieves muscle tension. Usually a course of 10 sessions is prescribed; you need to complete it completely, even if your health improves earlier. Exercises are of great help, in particular breathing exercises Strelnikova.

Therapeutic stretching with weights will also be effective.. With the help of a complex selected by a specialist, it is possible to change muscle tone and form correct work brain. Thanks to biofeedback between muscles and brain neurons, it is possible to change existing behavioral programs.

Alternating stretching and relaxation has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Loads should not be aimed at the elasticity of one muscle, but at the entire body, spinal column, shoulder and hip joints.

Features of treatment of infants

For infants with pathological tremor, massage is mandatory to avoid such severe consequences like hyperglycemia, pathological changes intracranial pressure, hypocalcemia, cerebral hemorrhage. Children's therapeutic massage for nervous tics in a child under one year old can be used from 1.5 months of age. Massage relieves muscle spasms, stabilizes the nervous system.

To conduct a massage course, contact a specialist or at least take a few initial sessions with him. Having learned simple techniques, you can massage at home yourself.

The movements used are simple (stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration). Learn to do them correctly. Look at which areas of the baby's body should be avoided (lymph nodes, heart, liver and spine).

For infants up to 3 months, the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes; for older children, the time can be increased, but the duration of the session should not exceed 20 minutes.

The main criterion during a massage is the child’s behavior. If he behaves restlessly or is capricious, the procedure is stopped.

Prevention of not only tics, but also any psycho-emotional problems - a friendly, calm atmosphere in the family, balanced diet. Diet All foods and drinks that stimulate the nervous system (coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa) are limited.

Spending time at the computer and in front of the TV should be limited to half an hour a day, and all free time should be devoted to sports, handicrafts, and walks.

The psychological aspect is very important, all parents need to remember this, so at every opportunity you should:

  • listen to the baby’s opinion;
  • avoid overwhelming tasks
  • praise the child if deserved;
  • Refer a vulnerable child to see a psychologist.

You need to be patient with your child and educate him, and not let his development take its course. State of physical and mental health the child largely depends on the relationships that develop with peers in kindergarten and school, from the fulfillment of their duties by parents, from their attitude towards themselves and each other.

In a comfortable microclimate, everyone’s self-esteem increases, which eliminates the emergence of neuroses and them. similar conditions, which can lead to the formation of a nervous tic.

If it happens that the tic does begin, you should not wait in the hope that it will go away on its own. Contact your doctor immediately.

What to do if you notice manifestations of a nervous tic in a child, how to cure the pathology, you will learn from this video:

In contact with

– sudden, repetitive movements that occur due to involuntary contraction of various muscle groups. They are manifested by obsessive facial, motor and vocal actions: blinking, closing their eyes, twitching the nose, mouth, shoulders, fingers, hands, turning the head, squats, jumping, shuddering, coughing, noisy breathing, pronouncing sounds and words. Comprehensive diagnostics includes examination by a neurologist, consultation with a psychiatrist, and psychodiagnostic examination. Treatment is based on adherence to a daily regimen, psychotherapy, psychocorrection, and medication.

General information

Synonymous names for tics are tic hyperkinesis, nervous tics. The prevalence is 13% in boys, 11% in girls. Tics in children occur between the ages of 2 and 18 years. Peak periods are 3 years and 7-10 years, the epidemiological indicator reaches 20%. The onset of the disease is least likely after 15 years, most high risk development is observed in first-graders - the crisis of seven years and the beginning of schooling become provoking factors for “tics of the first of September.” In boys, the disease is more severe and less responsive to treatment. In a significant proportion of patients, seasonal and daily exacerbations of symptoms are detected, hyperkinesis intensifies in evening time, autumn and winter.

Causes of tics in children

Hyperkinesis develops as a result of the complex influence of biological and external factors. From birth, a child has a certain predisposition ( biological basis) to this pathology, which is realized under the influence of diseases, stress and other negative influences. The causes of hyperkinesis in children can be divided into the following groups:

  • Disorders of intrauterine development. The result of hypoxia, infection, and birth trauma is an imbalance of cortical-subcortical connections. When exposed unfavorable factors it manifests itself in tics.
  • Burdened heredity. The disease is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner. Since boys get sick more often, a dependence on the gender of patients is assumed.
  • Stressful situations. A provoking factor may be school maladjustment, increased study load, passion for computer games, family conflicts, parental divorce, hospitalization. The incidence increases during age crises.
  • Traumatic brain injuries. Tics may be long-term consequences traumatic injury to the central nervous system. The most typical are hyperkinesis of the motor type.
  • Some diseases. Often, long-term illnesses with symptoms that include a motor component lead to the formation of tics. For example, after respiratory infections, coughing, sniffing, and throat sounds are observed.
  • Psychoneurological pathologies. Tics develop in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cerebrasthenic syndrome, and anxiety disorders. Hyperkinesis debuts against the background of exacerbations of the underlying disease.


The pathogenetic basis of tics continues to be investigated. The central place is given to the functions of the basal ganglia. The main ones are the caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra. Normally they are in close interaction with frontal lobes cerebral cortex, limbic structures, visual thalamus and reticular formation. The connection between the subcortical nuclei and the frontal regions responsible for controlling actions is provided by the dopaminergic system. A decrease in the level of dopamine and disturbances in neural transmission in the subcortical nuclei are manifested by a deficit of active attention, insufficient self-regulation of motor acts, and a disorder of voluntary motor skills. The functioning of the dopaminergic system is disrupted as a result of intrauterine damage to the central nervous system, hereditary changes in dopamine metabolism, stress, and head injury.


Tics in children are classified based on several factors. According to etiology, hyperkinesis is divided into primary (hereditary), secondary (organic) and cryptogenic (occurring in healthy children). According to symptoms – local, widespread, vocal, generalized. Depending on the severity of the disease, single and serial tics and tic status are distinguished. In accordance with the International Classification of Diseases, according to the nature of their course, the following are distinguished:

  • Transient tics. They are in the nature of local and widespread hyperkinesis. Manifest as winks, facial twitches. Completely disappear within a year.
  • Chronic tics. Represented by motor hyperkinesis. They are divided into three subtypes: remitting - exacerbations are replaced by complete regression or local single tics during exercise; stationary – persistent hyperkinesis for 2-4 years; progressive – absence of remissions, formation of tic status.
  • Tourette's syndrome. Another name is combined vocal and multiple motor tics. The disease begins in childhood, and the severity of symptoms decreases towards the end of adolescence. IN mild form tics continue into adults.

Symptoms of tics in children

Local (facial) tics are hyperkinesis that involve one muscle group. Among the manifestations, frequent blinking is observed in 69% of cases. Less common are squinting, twitching of the shoulder, wings of the nose, corners of the mouth, and tilting of the head. Blinking is persistent and periodically combined with other facial tics. In squinting, the dystonic component (tone) predominates. A distinctive feature of facial tics is that they are practically unnoticed by children and do not interfere with their everyday affairs. According to the severity of the clinical picture, local tics are often isolated.

With widespread hyperkinesis, pathological movement involves several muscle groups: facial, muscles of the head and neck, shoulder girdle, upper limbs, abdomen, back. Typically, tics debut with blinking, later followed by opening the gaze, twitching the mouth, closing the eyes, tilting and turning the head, and raising the shoulders. The course and severity of symptoms vary - from single transient to chronic with the development of tic status in exacerbation. Children have difficulty completing tasks that require increased concentration causing emotional stress (anxiety, fear). Problems arise when writing, assembling small parts of a construction set, or reading for a long time.

Simple vocal tics often involve coughing, sniffing, or noisy inhalation and exhalation. Less common are squeals, whistling, and pronouncing simple high-pitched sounds - “a”, “u”, “ay”. During periods of exacerbation of nervous tics, vocal symptoms may change, which is mistakenly regarded as a new debut. Example: a child coughed, no vocal symptoms were observed in remission, but later appeared noisy breathing. Difficult vocalisms occur in 6% of patients with Tourette's disease. Represent the involuntary pronunciation of individual words.

Voicing swear words is called coprolalia. Continuous repetition of whole words and fragments - echolalia. Vocalisms are manifested by single, serial and status tics. Intensify with fatigue, after emotional and mental stress, have a negative impact on the child’s social adaptation - uttering words that do not correspond to the situation, swearing, limits activity in communication, and prevents the establishment of new contacts. In severe cases, the patient is unable to attend school or public places.

In Tourette's disease, the clinical picture is determined by the age of the child. The disease debuts between the ages of 3 and 7 years. Facial tics and shoulder twitching occur primarily. Hyperkinesis spreads to the upper and lower extremities, turning and throwing back the head, extension/flexion of the hands and fingers, tonic contractions of the muscles of the back, abdomen, squats, and jumping are noted. After 1-2 years, vocalisms join. Rarely do vocal tics precede motor tics. The peak of symptoms is observed from 8 to 11 years. Serial, status hyperkinesis develops. During exacerbations, children cannot go to school and need help and household services. By the age of 12-15 years, the disease enters the residual stage with local and widespread tics.


Lead to complications severe forms hyperkinesis - serial tics, tic status, chronic progressive course. Children develop perception disturbances, a decrease in the functions of voluntary attention, and difficulty coordinating movements and developing motor skills. School failure develops - patients have difficulty mastering writing and do not perceive well new material, have problems with remembering. The educational lag is complemented by social maladaptation - muscle twitching, involuntary movements, vocalisms become the cause of ridicule and detachment from peers.


Diagnosis of tics in children is carried out by a group of specialists - a neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist. Volume diagnostic measures determined individually at the first medical consultation. The obtained data is used for differential diagnosis, making a prognosis for the course of the disease, selecting the most effective ways treatment. A comprehensive examination includes:

  • Questioning, examination by a neurologist. The doctor clarifies the medical history (complications of pregnancy, childbirth, hereditary burden), asks about the onset of the disease, the progression, frequency, severity of symptoms, and the presence of concomitant neurological pathologies. During examination, evaluates general state, motor functions, reflexes, sensitivity.
  • A conversation with a psychiatrist. The specialist focuses on mental development And psychological characteristics child. Determines the connection between the onset of hyperkinesis and a stressful situation, excessive emotional stress, method of education, and family conflicts.
  • Psychodiagnostic study. A psychologist conducts a study of the child’s emotional, personal and cognitive sphere using projective methods (drawing tests), questionnaires, tests of intelligence, attention, memory, and thinking. The results allow us to predict the course of the disease and identify provoking factors.
  • Instrumental research. Additionally, a neurologist may prescribe an EEG and MRI of the brain. The resulting data are necessary for differential diagnosis.

Experts differentiate tics from dyskinesias, stereotypies, and compulsive actions. Features tic hyperkinesis: the child is able to repeat, partially control movements, symptoms rarely occur with voluntary, purposeful action, their severity intensifies in the evening, with fatigue, exhaustion, emotional stress. With the patient's enthusiasm, the tics almost completely disappear.

Treatment of tics in children

Therapy of hyperkinesis is implemented within the framework of a comprehensive differential approach. The selection of treatment methods is determined by the form of the disease, the severity of symptoms, and the age of the patient. The main goals are to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms, improve the child’s social adaptation, and correct cognitive functions. The following methods are used:

  • Maintaining a daily routine. Provides for the prevention of hunger, fatigue, mental and emotional exhaustion, physical and intellectual activity, following a schedule for eating, going to bed and waking up. The time spent watching TV shows and computer games is reduced to a minimum.
  • Family psychotherapy. The cause of tics may be a chronic traumatic situation or parenting style. Psychotherapy sessions include analysis of family relationships, working through negative attitude to ticks. Participants are taught methods to help cope with anxiety, tension, and child problems.
  • Individual and group psychotherapy. Alone with the psychotherapist, the patient talks about his experiences, fears, and attitude towards the disease. Using the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy, complexes are worked out, methods of relaxation and self-regulation are mastered, which make it possible to partially control hyperkinesis. At group meetings, communication and conflict resolution skills are trained.
  • Psychocorrection. aimed at developing lagging cognitive functions. Exercises are performed to correct spatial perception, attention, memory, and self-control. As a result, the child experiences fewer difficulties in school.
  • Drug treatment. Medications prescribed by a neurologist. The selection of funds, duration of treatment, dosage are determined individually. Basic therapy is based on the use of anti-anxiety medications (anxiolytics, antidepressants) and medications that reduce the severity of motor symptoms (antipsychotics). Additionally, nootropics, vascular drugs, and vitamins are indicated.
  • Physiotherapy. The sessions have a calming effect, normalize the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, and reduce the symptoms of the disease. Electrosleep, galvanization of segmental zones, therapeutic massage, electrophoresis of the collar zone, ozokerite applications to the cervical-collar zone, aerophytotherapy, and pine baths are used.
  • Biofeedback therapy. The biofeedback method is represented by a set of procedures that allow the patient to feel and master the control of a certain physiological function. With hyperkinesis, the child through computer program receives information about the state of the muscles, and during the training process masters voluntary relaxation and contraction.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis of tics is determined by the severity of the disease and the age of onset. Favorable outcome more likely in children who become ill at 6-8 years of age, with proper treatment hyperkinesis disappears within 1 year. Early start with the first symptoms at 3-6 years of age, the course of the pathology is typical until the end of adolescence. Prevention lies in organizing correct mode, alternating rest and work, reducing time playing on the computer, watching movies, TV shows. It is important to prevent situations of stress, to treat somatic diseases in a timely manner, preventing them from becoming chronic.

A nervous tic is an uncontrolled, repeatedly repeated muscle contraction. Outwardly, it is manifested by rapid, identical movements (twitching of the eye, cheek or limb, blinking, sniffing, shrugging, etc.) or vocalization (coughing, smacking, and even pronouncing sounds and words). In children, nervous tics most often develop during critical periods: at 3-4 years or 7-11 years, and boys get sick about five times more often than girls. The prognosis for a cure for this disease is very favorable, but only if parents understand the reasons for its occurrence in time and competently provide help to the child.

Why do nervous tics occur in children?

The immediate source of a tic is an incorrect signal periodically transmitted from the brain to the muscles. The causes of nervous tics in children can be:

  • Psychotraumatic factors. In this case, the disease occurs against the background acute stress or permanent psychological discomfort. The risk of developing a psychogenic tic increases both with a lack of attention to the child and with its excess;
  • Traumatic brain injury or organic diseases brain. Tics of this origin are very persistent, and their treatment is associated with the treatment of the underlying disease;
  • Prolonged local irritation of tissues, for example, the eyes with conjunctivitis or the nasal mucosa with rhinitis. Initially, stereotypical movements (blinking, sniffling) arise as a way to get rid of discomfort, but do not go away immediately after recovery from the underlying disease (the so-called reflex tic);
  • Hyperactivity, increased anxiety or nervousness of the child. Neurosis-like nervous tics in children are characterized by variability of symptoms and recurrent nature;
  • Heredity. In children whose parents suffered from nervous tics, the disease is diagnosed more often. One type of genetically determined tic is Tourette's syndrome - a pathology in which multiple uncontrolled movements (contractions of several muscle groups) are observed, sometimes in combination with coprolalia (screaming obscene language), echolalia (repeating someone else's words) or palilalia (repeating one of your own words) .

Tics also include the so-called tic-like hyperkinesis - violent movements of the face or hands that are observed in children suffering from stuttering or other speech defects. In such cases, children use gestures to help themselves pronounce words. Often the causes of nervous tics in children are generally difficult to determine; in such cases they speak of the idiopathic nature of the disease.

Treatment of nervous tics in a child

The decisive role in the fight against the disease is to determine the causes of its occurrence. Depending on this, therapy may be:

  • Etiotropic (treatment of the underlying disease with secondary tics);
  • Symptomatic (getting rid of obsessive muscle contractions with the help of psychotropic drugs);
  • Behavioral (psychotherapy to eliminate anxiety and tension).

When deciding on treatment, specialists take into account the duration of symptoms of nervous tics in children. In 40% of babies, the problem disappears without any intervention within a few weeks. Symptomatic drug therapy Only those cases where signs of the disease have been observed for more than 12 months are required.

What to do if your child has a tic

Correct Behavior Parents play a huge role in the treatment of nervous tics in a child. Unfortunately, adults often mistake the symptoms of the disease for bad behavior and try to eliminate them educational methods. Under no circumstances should you do this! Increased attention to the child’s personality, prohibitions or punishments fixate him on the problem and make the illness more persistent. Having noticed symptoms of a nervous tic in children, parents should:

  • Behave calmly. The anxiety and fear of adults is immediately transmitted to the baby, and the course of the disease becomes more complicated;
  • Assess and optimize the psychological situation in the family. If adults talk nervously, in a raised tone, and are constantly unhappy with each other, then the child feels insecure, tense and excited. Discomfort in family relationships– excellent soil for the emergence and complications of psychogenic tics;
  • Try not to focus the baby’s attention on the peculiarities of his condition. The less others notice the tic, the easier it is to get rid of it;
  • Analyze your attitude towards your child. Equally bad are a dismissive (“fed, dressed, washed, no time for you”) and an overly demanding (“you are the meaning of life and the hope of the family”) style of communication. In both cases, the baby feels uncomfortable, his level of anxiety increases, and recovery from tics becomes problematic;
  • Limit stimulating activities (watching age-inappropriate television programs, computer games). It is better to give preference to walks in the fresh air, gentle sports, artistic creativity (drawing, modeling, etc.);
  • Try to raise the child's self-esteem. It is necessary to affectionately hug the baby and praise him as often as possible. The baby should feel that adults love him, appreciate him, are interested in his affairs and are proud of his successes. Increasing self-confidence often becomes a decisive factor in the treatment of nervous tics in a child;
  • Apply for it in a timely manner qualified help. The baby sometimes “forgets” about the disease during an exciting game, and mom and dad have false confidence that he can control tic-like movements. This is wrong. If symptoms do not go away within 2-3 weeks, consultation with a neurologist is required.

Parents should be aware that nervous tics in children have nothing to do with bad habits or provoking (“to spite mom”) behavior. Tick ​​– independent disease resulting from a serious illness or unfavorable psychological situation. Correct behavior in the family and timely access to doctors usually help cure the child and save him from big problems in future.

If your baby begins to blink frequently, raise his eyebrows, or perform uncharacteristic actions such as walking in circles, then most likely he is suffering from a nervous tic. All children from 1 year to 17-18 years old are susceptible to this condition. But most often a nervous tic in a child is observed in the period from 2 to 3 years and from 6 to 11 years.


Nervous tics in children can manifest themselves in completely different ways. Let's look at the most common forms of this condition:

  • motor, during which the child blinks his eyes, raises his eyebrows, jerks his head, shrugs his shoulders, strains his facial muscles, bites his lips;
  • vocal, in which the baby may cough, sniffle and make other sounds;
  • combined- manifestation of several forms of tic at the same time.

You can find forms of tics in which the child constantly repeats the same action (rubs his hands, walks in a circle, slams the door several times in a row, and others). The condition can be either short-term or chronic - in the latter case, the tic lasts more than 1 year. At the first signs of changes in the baby’s behavior, treatment must begin!

Important! A nervous tic in a child can also be psychological, but in this case, one of the above symptoms is added to headache, impaired coordination of movements, attention and perception.

Reasons for appearance

The cause of this disorder is most often psychological or physiological problems, as well as wrong image life, frequent stressful situations. In addition, the source of nervous tics can be:

  • Helminths.
  • Fright.
  • Lack of vitamins or minerals in the body, in particular deficiency of calcium, potassium, magnesium.
  • Hours of watching cartoons, playing games on a PC or tablet.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of daily routine.
  • Lack of sleep or drinking tonic drinks.
  • Conflicts with parents or peers.
  • Attention deficit or excess (strict parents, many prohibitions, too strict boundaries).
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Important! Nervous tics in a child may be secondary. They arise against the background of previous or chronic diseases(herpes, encephalitis, all types of traumatic brain injuries, nervous disorders).

Symptoms and statistics

This disorder is accompanied by uncharacteristic symptoms that depend on the type of nervous tic:

  • headache;
  • the child’s eyes hurt, he rubs them;
  • baby bites his nails;
  • the baby constantly twirls a toy in his hands or fiddles with ribbons on his clothes;
  • the child constantly makes uncharacteristic sounds;
  • the baby has become inattentive and complains of weakness;
  • the child is irritable and withdrawn.

If the child is calm or busy playing, then the symptoms are invisible, but any stressful situation leads to their manifestation. It has been proven that boys are more likely to suffer from this condition than girls, but before the age of 18, more than 80% of children experience different shapes nervous tic.

How to cure a child: which doctor should I contact?

Do not make a diagnosis yourself - visit a neurologist, psychologist or local therapist. Get rid of it nervous disease possible in just a few weeks! You can get regular treatment herbal tea, which perfectly calms the nervous system:

  • chamomile drink;
  • pharmacy fees, in which valerian root predominates;
  • infusion of anise seeds.

It is also useful to give to the baby regular tea and milk with honey, but the amount of chocolate, cocoa and other foods and drinks with caffeine should be reduced. It is also better to exclude all sweets, spicy and fatty foods from your baby’s diet, replacing them with cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Advice! If your baby suffers from a motor tic, you can treat it with washes. cold water and compresses. Nervous tics in a child that were caused by stress are neutralized by eliminating the source negative emotions and parental care.

What to do if the tic is severe and does not go away?

The choice of treatment method is made only after the cause of the development of this disease has been determined. For example, if the cause is problems in the family, then the child should attend individual or group sessions with a psychologist.

  • antidepressants;
  • nootropics;
  • neuroleptics;
  • vitamins.

Drug treatment is carried out for 6 months, combining it with massage, taking medicinal baths and visiting the pool. If a child who is not yet 8-9 years old suffers from a nervous tic, then the treatment will be successful, but early tics, in the absence of adequate treatment, can persist until adolescence.

  1. Light physical activity helps cure a child's nervous tics.
  2. A favorable atmosphere in the family will be the key to the correct psycho-emotional development of the baby.
  3. Very useful in this condition water procedures and electrosleep.
  4. Regular and acupressure will help your baby relax.
  5. During treatment, it is worth establishing a clear daily routine and ensuring that the child sleeps at least 7-8 hours a day.
  6. Be sure to reduce the time your child spends at the computer or in front of the TV screen.

Let's sum it up

Most often, children under 6-7 years old blink their eyes or twitch their shoulders, but these changes in the child’s behavior should not plunge parents into panic. Timely treatment, love and care will help the baby get rid of this unpleasant condition in less than 1 month!