Common and distinctive features of measles and chicken pox. What you need to know about childhood infections

Hello! Tell me, please, chickenpox and measles - is it the same thing? Today a colleague came to work with a rash after a sick leave. He said it was chickenpox, the quarantine had already passed. I'm afraid to get infected. Can you get chickenpox if you had measles as a child? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Measles and chickenpox - various diseases. They are of viral origin, transmitted by airborne droplets and cause a number of similar symptoms, but there are also characteristic differences. It is not difficult to determine what a person is sick with if you know about the features of pathologies.

The main difference between chickenpox and measles is the nature of the rash. First, small dot spots form, then papules appear. Some of them turn into bubbles with clear liquid. The difference between measles and chickenpox is obvious: in the second case, spots, dried wounds, nodules and blisters are found on the skin at the same time.

The incubation period for measles is 8-12 days, in rare cases, symptoms of the disease appear only after 3 weeks. The virus is taking its toll. Light form sometimes found in vaccinated children. First, the patient has a fever severe cases up to + 40 ° C), the throat turns red, congestion and cough appear. The virus is almost always accompanied by conjunctivitis.

On the second day, a white rash appears on the mucous membrane of the cheeks. On the 5th day, fever worries again, spots appear. At first, small nodules appear, which gradually increase in size. The spots cover almost the entire surface and merge with each other. By this time, the rash on the mucosa disappears. Spots appear sequentially on the body: first on the chest, head and neck, then on the torso, and finally on the legs.

After measles to the virus chicken pox immunity is not developed, so a person can become infected. The reverse is also true.

There are many childhood infectious diseases caused by viruses, each of which manifests itself in different ways and requires a separate approach to treatment. And even if some manifestations of diseases are similar, this does not mean at all that the human condition and the consequences of the disease will be the same. Different viruses cause characteristic pathological changes in the body and are especially dangerous arising complications.

herpes under the microscope

Since measles and chickenpox are caused by different viruses, they behave differently in the body. The degree of their danger is also different. For example, it is desirable to have chicken pox in childhood, and it is better not to get sick with measles at all, for which vaccination is carried out.

The manifestations of the disease are similar, but there are also distinctive features. After attenuation of the infection to one and the other virus, the body develops immunity (impossible).

Chickenpox: common symptoms and characteristic differences

The disease develops most actively in the autumn-winter period. Outbreaks are observed in children's and school institutions, and children get sick en masse. By the age of majority, 70% of young people have already had chickenpox and are immune to it. The rest can, which is much more difficult to transfer.

Measles: main signs and characteristics

The disease has infectious nature and is caused by an airborne paramyxovirus that has a 100% ability to infect people who are close to a human carrier.

Like any virus, it forms “dead” crystals in external harm, which are capable of developing vigorous activity only inside the body.

The disease spreads seasonally, peaking between October and April, when people most are indoors and in close contact with each other. A patient with measles is dangerous to others from the moment the incubation begins until the end of the development of the disease, which lasts 7-10 days.

The danger of measles is that it gives serious complications. The death rate is 150,000 people (often children under 10) per year. Therefore, vaccination is important, which avoids the disease or.

Vaccination - The best way protect yourself and your children

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then it is also important for her to be vaccinated, as the fetus may become infected or infant if the mother has paramyxoviruses in her blood. Due to the incidence of children has decreased, which cannot be said about the adult population, therefore, the phenomenon is quite frequent.

Prevention of measles during pregnancy is essential

The pathogen enters the body through Airways and organs of vision. Then he goes the following way:

  • penetrating into the cells, it actively multiplies;
  • three days later, through the bloodstream, it enters the spleen;
  • here its reproduction continues throughout the entire incubation period;
  • then the "hordes" of viruses settle inside the body: on the skin, in the conjunctiva, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and nervous systems.

The symptoms of measles can vary slightly depending on age, physiological characteristics organism, the state of the immune system. General manifestations infections are as follows:

  • signs of a cold: fever, cough, weakness, runny nose;
  • intoxication is observed;
  • then appears - inflammatory process mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • after 2-4 days, whitish rashes are found on the buccal mucosa;
  • from the 5th day a rash appears in the form of bright spots behind the ears and on the forehead, later the whole body is covered with it;
  • red spots grow, acquire irregular shape and merge;
  • when the rashes are maximum, there is a high (up to + 40C) temperature;
  • after 4-7 days, the rash begins to pass, being replaced by dark spots which disappear after a couple of weeks.

An ill person develops strong immunity. Re-infections occur due to immunodeficiency of the body.

The Most Revealing Features of Measles and Chickenpox

Since diseases are caused by different viruses, it is obvious that their manifestations will differ. Consider the main ones on the example of a comparative table.

Table "Signs of measles and chickenpox: differences"

Signs of chickenpox Signs of measles
pathogen - causative agent - paramyxovirus
does not survive in external environment survives at extremely low temperatures
the virus settles in the respiratory system route of entry - respiratory and visual organs
illness begins with symptoms of a cold onset of the disease - pain in the abdomen and head, general weakness
the rashes disappear after a week, leaving small scars that fade over time the rash disappears after a week and pigment spots form in its place, which gradually turn pale and disappear
it is desirable to be ill in childhood in mild form it is desirable not to get sick at all by vaccinating

With one and the other form of the disease sometimes occur. Often the infection itself is not so terrible as the consequences to which it can lead.

Is measles rubella?

Measles and rubella are similar in many ways, but they are different diseases. This acute infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets. They are well tolerated in childhood and difficult when a person is already an adult. There are similarities in the manifestations of diseases.

But rubella is caused by another virus from the genus Rubivirus, and accordingly, it behaves a little differently. Rubivirus remains viable in the external environment for only a few hours, does not die when frozen, so its transmission is sometimes possible household way. Compared to measles, closer contact with a carrier of the virus is needed.

The disease can progress with clinical symptoms and in latent form. The causative agent is excreted with droplets of moisture when breathing, with urine, feces.

The incubation period is quite long: 10-25 days. Women are susceptible to this infection. childbearing age(20-29 years old). The virus enters the body through the upper respiratory tract or damaged skin.

The place of localization of the rubivirus is The lymph nodes, where its reproduction and multiple quantitative growth take place, and then its migration inside the body begins with the blood flow. After past infection it develops immunity.

The manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  • three days there are symptoms of a cold plus lacrimation and photophobia;
  • lymph nodes become inflamed, becoming painful to the touch;
  • then a rash begins and develops on the face and neck;
  • rashes spread throughout the body and persist for 4 days.

The rash is small, pink or red. The edges of the spots are even, the skin around does not change. In adults, the spots can merge, with childhood rubella this is not typical. Adults show the same symptoms as children, but the disease is more severe and prolonged.

What you need to know

After rubella, complications sometimes occur, they rarely appear in the form of rubella encephalitis or arthritis.

Rubella should not be ill for pregnant women, since the viruses infect the fetus, cause mutations at the gene level, and there is no question of the birth of healthy offspring.

Comparison of three viral infections: chickenpox, measles and rubella

Let's try to figure out what is common and how infectious diseases differ with the help of a comparative table.

Table "Similarities and differences of chickenpox, measles and rubella"

Chickenpox Measles Rubella
caused by the herpes virus caused by paramyxovirus caused by rubivirus
incubation period– 10-21 days incubation period - 7-17 days incubation period - 10-25 days
rashes in seeing spots with a red rim and white contents inside red, bright eruptions that enlarge and may coalesce. small red or pink rashes of a rounded shape with smooth edges
the virus settles in the respiratory tract the virus enters the body through the respiratory and visual organs the virus is introduced through the respiratory organs or skin
approximately the same development of the disease
way of transmission: airborne
strong immunity after recovery
the disease occurs in a mild form in childhood and with strong immunity
after the disease, complications are possible
transmission of the virus occurs through contact with its carrier in 100% of cases

Routine vaccination against measles and rubella is essential. Vaccination against chickenpox is not carried out, it is recommended that she be ill in childhood.


There is no specific treatment for these infections; children usually tolerate the disease quite easily. They must be under the constant supervision of their parents. General treatment reduces the annoying symptoms of the disease.


  • bed rest or gentle rest,
  • and frequent drinking
  • tracking the development and duration of skin rashes.

In case of severe disease, antipyretic, sedative, antihistamines. When chickenpox is used.

After illness, the body long time remains weakened, so it is advisable to isolate the child for 2 weeks so that he does not “catch” new infection. Despite such a fairly simple treatment, it is important that the attending physician monitor the course of its course.

Many parents tend to self-administer to their children, which is not only dangerous, but also completely pointless, since they have no effect on viruses. They are only effective against bacteria.

Do not overdo care

Thus, all of the above infectious diseases are curable and their outcome is favorable if the doctor's recommendations are followed. Despite some similarity of symptoms, you can easily distinguish chickenpox from measles, especially after reading our article.

- differences in children

When small child at some point, parents may face a rather difficult task - to understand what kind of infectious disease, accompanied by rashes, he fell ill. Most of all for childhood measles, rubella and chickenpox are characteristic, the differences of which I want to talk about below.

The fundamental point is that vaccination against measles and rubella is carried out by almost everyone, unlike. Hence, the frequency is higher. The second point is statistically more easy current compared to windmill. Measles, on the other hand, is the most dangerous childhood infection. Often the question is: is it the same disease - measles and chickenpox. I will say right away - no, these are different infectious diseases, with different pathogens and course. Now let's move on to the symptoms.

The onset of the disease

A common symptom of almost any infectious disease is prodrome. At this time, the baby’s mood, appetite worsens, activity and body decrease. With rubella and measles, conjunctivitis also occurs, the duration of which is from two to five days. The flu-like condition during measles is especially severe. Rubella during this period is characterized by an increase in the neck and neck. It is not easy to understand at this stage what kind of disease will develop further, one can only begin to guess, remembering possible contacts with sick people.

Eruption period

The nature of the rashes gives reliable information about the nature of the infection, so it is important to know how they differ.


Pale pink for rubella, pink for chickenpox, and pink or brown for measles.


It is important on which part of the body the first rash appeared. For rubella and measles, spread begins in the head and neck; chickenpox primarily affects the torso. The difference between measles and rubella is that rashes occur gradually over 4 days. Rubella exanthema spreads quickly - in one day. The difference between chicken pox and measles and rubella is undulating rashes, accompanied by fever, which last 3-4 days.

The nature of the rash

A chickenpox rash is a vesicle with a clear liquid inside, which opens and dries up a few hours after the formation. Measles and rubella are characterized by the appearance flat spots a few mm in diameter, and if with measles the spots tend to merge, then with rubella this does not happen.

Chickenpox - bubbles with a clear liquid


Unpleasant sensations in the form of itching are delivered only by bubbles with chickenpox.

Oral cavity

The rubella virus can infect the oral mucosa in the form of small pink spots. Chickenpox leaves bubbles in the mouth that quickly turn into painful sores. Special rashes in the mouth with measles - the so-called Filatov-Belsky spots, are small, millet-sized, white rashes surrounded by a red rim. You can find such rashes on inner surface cheeks

Outcome of rashes

At proper care chicken pox vesicles turn into crusts, fall off and leave no trace. Spots with rubella immediately disappear without a trace, but measles rashes first go through the stage of peeling and pigmentation.

Almost always, according to the existing rashes, you can understand what kind of infection struck the baby. But there are cases of a non-standard course of diseases, therefore, even with absolute certainty in the diagnosis, parents should show the child to specialists.

Maybe it's not an infection...

More often than any infectious diseases, children have allergic reaction as skin rashes. First, you should remember what new things the child has been in contact with in the last 24 hours - food, plants, animals, new toys, someone else's apartment, etc. Secondly, the frequency of symptoms, as with infections, cannot be determined. The rash may be various shapes- from spots to nodules, appear almost immediately and are located on separate sections bodies: neck, buttocks and arms, for example.

Allergic dermatitis can also be accompanied by a runny nose and conjunctivitis, and the rash itself can itch. Taking antiallergic drugs will cause a regression of symptoms the very next day. However, in any situation, control healing process the pediatrician should.

The disease begins with malaise, the temperature rises to 38 ° C, at the same time the first rashes appear: a reddish rash in the form of blisters filled with a clear liquid. At first there are few of them, but the very next day the child is literally sprinkled with red papules: arms and legs, neck, stomach, face and even mucous membranes. Such rashes continue for a week: in one place the bubbles dry up, forming brownish crusts, in another, new ones appear.

Children carry chickenpox quite easily, but adults can have serious complications. At weak immunity chickenpox can reappear, already in the form of shingles.

The incubation period lasts from 11 to 21 days. The infection is transmitted only by airborne droplets. A child becomes contagious 2 days before the first rash appears and ceases to be 5 days after the last rash appears.

What to fear? Complications associated with getting into the vesicles of staphylococci and streptococci. Do not let the child comb the rashes, be sure to treat the papules with either brilliant green or a dark solution of potassium permanganate. Change and boil laundry frequently. Do not peel off the crusts so that pockmarks do not remain.

Vaccination. Many countries consider vaccination against chickenpox mandatory for a child, while in our country the vaccination program is still being developed.


The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature to 39-40 ° C, runny nose, rough "barking" cough, redness of the eyes. The child complains of headache and pain in the eyes. On the second day, whitish spots with a red border appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks - characteristic symptom measles. After another 3-4 days, a rash appears - very large, bright red - first on the face, behind the ears, on the neck, then on the whole body and on the third day - on the folds of the arms and legs and on the fingers. After that, the temperature gradually decreases, the rash darkens, begins to peel off and completely disappears in a week and a half. Sometimes during the rash, a new jump in temperature occurs. During a fever, the child must be sure to lie in bed, drink a lot.

The incubation period lasts 9-14 days. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. The child is contagious from the moment of the first manifestations of the disease and all the time that the rash lasts.

What to fear? Complications in the form of bronchitis, otitis, lymphadenitis, pneumonia, meningoencephalitis.

Vaccination. Measles vaccination is carried out at 1 year, after six months - again, it protects the immune system for 10-15 years.

Those who recover from measles remain immune for life.

Scarlet fever

The disease manifests itself acutely: heat, headache, the child complains that it hurts to swallow. Sometimes there is vomiting. Scarlet fever is always accompanied by a sore throat, and its most characteristic symptom is bright crimson tonsils.

The rash appears on the first day of illness: these are small, barely noticeable pink dots on the face and body. In the lower abdomen, on the sides and in the skin folds, the rash is more intense. It passes within a week, leaving no pigment marks. In its place, the skin is slightly flaky.

The incubation period can be from 2 hours to 10 days. Scarlet fever is transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also through dishes, household items, toys. The child is contagious to others during the first 10 days after the onset of the disease.

What to fear? Complications on the kidneys, heart, which appear after the temperature normalizes and the rash and tonsillitis disappear.

Vaccination. There is no vaccination against scarlet fever. immunity from past illness persists for life. But those who have recovered from scarlet fever always have a risk of getting another. streptococcal infection- otitis, angina.


The disease begins with some malaise, a slight headache, a slight runny nose and cough. Rarely, but it happens that the temperature rises to 38 ° C.

The rash usually appears on the first or second day of illness. First on the face, then spreads throughout the body and lasts for about a week. Typical manifestation rubella - enlargement and soreness of the occipital lymph nodes.

The incubation period is from 11 to 24 days. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. The child is dangerous to others a week before the rash appears and for another 10 days from the moment of the rash.

What to fear? Complications in the form of arthritis. Rubella is the most dangerous for pregnant women, as it causes fetal pathology and is a direct indication for abortion.

Vaccination. The first takes place in 1-1.5 years, the second - in 6 years. Immunity lasts for about 20 years. Doctors recommend an additional vaccination for girls and women at an older age - in order to secure their future pregnancy.

By the way

What else causes a rash?

>> Roseola - viral disease, it is also called "three-day fever". It manifests itself as a sudden rise in temperature (sometimes up to 39-40 ° C), which lasts 2-3 days, then normalizes, and after a day a small pink rash appears on the body. Her feature- when pressed, it turns pale. After 3-7 days the rash disappears.

Doctors rarely make such a diagnosis, because before the rash appears, the parents manage to “feed” the antibiotic to the child and take the rash for an allergic reaction.

What to do? With a fever, give the child only antipyretic drugs, drink plenty of water. The rash will pass without antihistamines.

>> Prickly heat- usually occurs in infants. This small rashes reddish bubbles filled with a clear liquid, mainly on the breast, back, neck and in inguinal region. It usually appears in babies whose parents are too insulated.

What to do? Do not wrap. Give baby air baths. bathe in weak solution potassium permanganate or string. After the bath, sprinkle irritation with talcum powder.

>> Vesiculopustulosis- These are the consequences of sweating. If it is not treated in time, then staphylococcus aureus can get into the vesicles (pustules) and they begin to fester.

Among children viral infections There are very similar diseases in terms of symptoms. In addition, their distribution has the same form - airborne. Because of this, many parents mistake one disease for another. Even the most attentive adults should be warned that self-medication of any ailments, especially viral ones, is dangerous for health! Measles and chickenpox are very similar at first glance, but have a number of characteristic differences. They manifest themselves both in the main symptoms and in the methods of treatment.

Not only chickenpox and measles lead to the same ailments in humans. There are many infections that can cause fever, sharp rise body temperature and the appearance of pimples on the skin. At the first suspicious sign infectious disease it is necessary to leave the patient in home quarantine and call the local doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist is able to accurately determine the type of disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

It is very easy to get chickenpox indoors where there are a lot of people. The herpes virus is so volatile that it can travel tens of meters in the air. Every person who does not have antibodies to the Zoster virus in their blood will definitely get sick after contact with a source of infection. Absolute Exposure human body any age is a feature of chickenpox.

The causative agent of chickenpox is the herpes virus, which belongs to the third type of this family. After the microorganism enters the mucous membrane, its activation and reproduction in the epithelium begins. Moreover, the incubation period of the disease is 1-3 weeks, during which a person does not feel its vivid symptoms. Before the offensive acute course chickenpox, the patient has been contagious for about 2 days and can transfer viruses to other visitors to hospitals, educational or cultural institutions.

The first signs of herpes disease are the following ailments:

  • inflammation of the nasopharynx, runny nose, cough;
  • headache and general weakness;
  • aches in muscles and joints;
  • intoxication in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • body temperature above 39 C;
  • pinpoint rashes on any part of the skin, including the face and hairy part heads.

It is very difficult to determine chickenpox by the first symptoms, even doctors often refer the patient to undergo a blood test. If antibodies to the herpes virus of the third type are detected, then appropriate measures are prescribed to prevent and eliminate negative physical factors. First of all, prevention of a bacterial infection is required, which is caused by pyogenic organisms of staphylococcus and streptococcus. They easily penetrate into the wounds from the bubbles, along with sweat secretions and dirt when combing, and then provoke the development of inflammatory dermatological processes.

In the open air, the chickenpox microorganism dies within 10 minutes. Also, it is detrimental to ultraviolet radiation and high heat. It is not possible to transmit the infection through objects and third parties. Chickenpox is prevented by vaccination. Now it is provided to anyone from the age of 1 year on a voluntary basis. Exists emergency help upon contact with a source of the virus. Vaccination against chickenpox within 3 days allows immune system a person to create a full-fledged protection and develop antibodies to herpes.

There is a unique feature of viral chickenpox in that after recovery, its causative agent remains in a latent state and, with a sharp drop in protective forces, is able to activate and cause another type of disease - shingles. It usually affects old people and very weak people.

dangerous childhood disease, which causes an RNA virus from the genus Morbilliviruses. It is believed that the source of its origin was the plague. Like chickenpox, measles is spread through virus-laden air from a sick person through coughing, sneezing, or active talking. This infection is easy for children. younger age. Therefore, the mortality rate from measles in children under 5 years old was high.

In a closed space, the pathogen penetrates into the mucous membranes healthy person, then with the blood flow is in lymphatic system where it affects white blood cells. After active development during the incubation period, which is 8-14 days, the virus will spread through the bloodstream. At this time, the acute phase of the disease begins.

The symptoms of measles are:

  • temperature up to 40 C;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx, cough, hoarseness;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • whitish spots with a red rim on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • first eruptions on the face and head, and then all over the body.

The measles microorganism is unstable in open space and lends itself well to destruction by disinfection methods, including boiling and ultraviolet irradiation. A person becomes contagious 2 days before the onset external symptoms disease and up to 4 days after the onset of rashes. The most active period of infection occurs during the cold season, when large clusters children in kindergartens and educational institutions.

Newborns have temporary immunity to the measles virus, transmitted through the mother's antibodies. Measles in adults is much rarer and more complex. Multiple deaths from measles are determined by the occurrence of complications such as pneumonia, bacterial infection, disruption of the central nervous system, otitis media, encephalitis and others severe illness. The main prevention of measles is compulsory vaccination, consisting of a specially weakened strain of the virus. Vaccinated children may experience atypical form measles, when the main signs appear to a small extent and the incubation period lasts 21 days. After a natural recovery or vaccination against measles, a person acquires lifelong immunity.

Consider the main differences between viral childhood diseases according to certain characteristics.

  • Symptoms. When chickenpox occurs in waves characteristic rash on the body, passing through clear stages of development: from flat red spots to crusts. The mucous membranes are affected by herpes in moderate and severe chickenpox. During the appearance of measles, the rash occurs massively on the epithelium and has a different system of formation: from papules to peeling and pigmentation.
  • Flow. In its usual form, chickenpox has a latent period for children - 13-17 days, and for adults - 11-21 days. After incubation, prodromal manifestations occur in the form physical ailments for 1-2 days and then acute period rashes. On the fifth day after the appearance of the last bubble, a person ceases to be contagious. It is typical for measles to hide for 8-14 days, sometimes up to 17 days. Acute phase disease decreases on the 4th day from the onset of the rash.
  • Complications. Children aged 1 to 8 years old get chickenpox very easily. For teenagers and adults, it is dangerous with serious consequences. For unprotected pregnant women, herpes is dangerous in the first trimester with fetal pathologies and possible miscarriage. In the case of measles, the causative agent of the RNA virus is introduced into children's body and causes serious damage to cells internal organs leading to death.
  • Treatment. Exist antiviral agents, capable of influencing the structure of the herpes virus, but their use is advisable only in severe cases of chickenpox. Therefore, children are advised symptomatic treatment and prevention of additional bacterial infections. A specific drug against the measles virus has not yet been invented, so the entire treatment process comes down to relieving symptoms and preventing the effects of the virus. The main confrontation with the disease remains the mass vaccination of young children.

Since both are sharp infectious diseases caused by various microorganisms, then their influence on a person is fundamentally different, although they are visually similar in some physical manifestations. To ensure your own protection against viruses, you need to contact medical Center and do a blood test for the presence of specific antibodies. If they are not found, the doctor will refer the patient to a secondary vaccination against measles without fail, and against chickenpox - if desired.