Incredible facts about human senses. Incredible Facts About the Human Body

Interesting facts about human structure


The approximate capacity of our memory ranges from three to 1000 terabytes.
The brain consumes one-fifth of all oxygen, weighing only two percent of body weight.
Scientists say that the higher a person's IQ, the more dreams he dreams.
According to modern research, nerve cells in our body grow throughout our lives. Previously it was believed that the number nerve cells decreases with age and does not recover.
The brain as such is not sensitive to pain. When you hit your head, pain is felt through the tissues surrounding the skull.
Four-fifths of our brain is water.

Interesting facts about the structure and operation of human organ systems

Hair, nails

Of all the hair areas, facial hair grows the fastest. If a man does not shave throughout his life, he will grow a beard more than 30 meters long.
We lose 60–100 hairs every day. The exact number depends on age, diet, gender and season.
Women's hair twice as thin as men's.
One human hair can support up to 100 grams of weight.
The nail on the middle finger grows the fastest. It is noticed that what longer finger, the faster the nail grows on it. On the little finger this speed is the lowest.
The same amount of hair grows on the surface of our body as that of chimpanzees, only ours is thinner and shorter, making it less noticeable.
The lifespan of a hair on your head is from 3 to 7 years.
In order for others to notice that you have begun to go bald, you need to lose half of your hair.

Internal organs

Most large organ in our body - small intestine. If all its intricacies were straightened out, it would be four times our height.
Concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is such that it can corrode a razor blade, and not just the pizza you eat.
Total length blood vessels in our body reaches 100 thousand kilometers.
The human body is made with a large margin of redundant reliability - a person will survive if his stomach, spleen, three-quarters of the liver, 80% of the intestines, one kidney, one lung, and almost all organs from the pelvic and groin area. Of course, such a life cannot be called pleasant, but the removal of these organs is not fatal.

Body functions

The air exhaled during sneezing moves at a speed of more than 160 kilometers per hour.
The same air during coughing spreads at a speed slightly less - 100 kilometers per hour.
Women blink twice as often as men.
Volume filled Bladder averages 400 milliliters, although some people are able to “tolerate” up to a volume of one liter.
Over the course of our entire lives, we produce enough saliva in our mouths to fill two swimming pools.


After a hearty, hearty meal, our hearing becomes less acute for a while.
Only one third of the world's population has 100% vision.
Without saliva, we cannot taste food. Try drying your tongue with a tissue or cotton wool, and then try to taste the food.
Women have a more subtle sense of smell than men. Moreover, every fiftieth inhabitant of the Earth does not distinguish odors at all.
Our nose is capable of distinguishing 50,000 different smells.


Upon reaching 60 years of age, a person loses about half of his taste buds.
Our eyes remain virtually unchanged in size throughout our lives, unlike our ears and nose, which grow throughout our lives.
By the age of 60, every second person snores.

Muscles and skeleton

When you smile, 17 muscles work, and when you frown, 43 muscles work. It is much more beneficial and easier for our face to keep a smile.
Our height in the morning is one centimeter greater than in the evening, which is due to the compression of the spinal cartilage throughout the day.
The most strong muscle in our body, taking into account the size - tongue.
The most strong bone in the human body - jaw.
The only organ in our body that cannot regenerate is our teeth.

Through a microscope

Human skin is renewed on average every 27 days.
Every hour, 600,000 pieces of skin fall off of us.
The tongue print, like fingerprints, is unique to each person.

The main means by which we interact with the world around us are our senses. We can hear, see and smell with them. Their importance cannot be overestimated.

That's all Interesting Facts about our senses.

Facts about hearing organs

After eating your hearing getting worse. If you are heading to a concert or musical after a hearty lunch, then this will be a disservice to your ears. Try to eat less if you want your hearing to be perfect.

Read also: Incredible facts O human body. Internal organs

Interesting Facts:

  • Ears are also organs balance.
  • A favorable background for a person ranges from 45-50 decibels (corresponding to a quiet conversation). According to acousticians, everything above this background is already called noise load and contributes to weakened immunity person.
  • U 30% Children are diagnosed with hearing problems, which may result in poor performance at school. This is why doctors insist on hearing tests for infants.
  • Loud sounds that affect a person for a long time can deprive one of hearing.
  • Men have worse hearing than women.

Famous facts about human vision

Near two-thirds human race It has poor eyesight. The quality of a person's vision deteriorates as they age.

Interesting Facts:

  • “Carrots are good for the eyes,” we have heard since childhood. Indeed, vitamin A, which carrots are rich in, is good for health. However no direct connection between the carrot and the eyes.
  • Most children born have gray Blue eyes. The eyes acquire their true color only two years later.
  • Green is the rarest eye color in humans. Only 2% people on earth have green eyes.
  • All people with blue eyes can be considered relatives. The mutation of blue eyes arose about 6,000-10,000 years ago, approximately in the area where modern the city of Odessa.
  • In 1% of people, the irises of the left and right eyes are different in color.
  • Theoretically, the human eye can distinguish 10 million colors and about 500 shades of gray.
  • The pattern of the iris of the eye is individual for each person.

Incredible facts about the sense of smell

Women are born with a better sense of smell , than men and remain so throughout their lives.

At the same time, according to statistics 2% The world's population lives without any sense of smell at all.

Your nose can tell the difference 50 000 various aromas.

Interesting Facts:

  • There are no two people who smell alike.
  • The ideal perfumes are those that you yourself do not smell.
  • Human memory may not remember everything except for the smells. Everyone has a phenomenal memory for smells.

Newborns are able to recognize the smell of their mothers. Some of this feeling is determined by genetics; but also by the general environment and hygiene, which create a unique chemical composition.

We all studied biology, including anatomical structure person. But, unfortunately, the school course provides only “dry” data, describing the main functions and type of organs, but very little data is given about their interesting features. Agree, it’s interesting to know how the digestive system works? What about the heart? Same helpful information, which not only closes gaps in knowledge, but also helps to better understand own nature. So, here are some interesting facts about the functioning of human organs.

What didn't we know all this time?

1. Facts about the gastrointestinal tract

The inner epidermis of the stomach walls is renewed every couple of weeks. This is due to the impact gastric juice, which dissolves the mucous membrane of our “culinary esthete”.
Longest internal organ small intestine. Its length measures approximately four times human height!

The hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach is so strong that it can dissolve small metal objects. We do not recommend using it in practice!

2. Interesting features of the heart and circulatory system

Pressure created by strong contractions human heart, enough to spray blood up to 8 meters away. And no wonder! Try to upgrade all circulatory system body...

The diameter of the aorta can be compared to the diameter of a garden hose, due to the need to enrich the heart with blood containing oxygen.

The total length of blood vessels is about 96 thousand kilometers. This is enough to encircle the Earth twice along the equator with a margin to spare!

A person can live normally if the blood is vascular system will not go discretely, but circulate constantly.

Women's heartbeats are more frequent than men's. This happens due to the smaller volume of the female heart, so it has to pump blood more intensively. Modern medicine does not take these features into account, but it would be worthwhile.

3. A little about the respiratory tract

The surface area of ​​human lungs is enough to cover a tennis court. This is possible thanks to thousands of bronchi and alveoli, which are filled with microscopic capillaries.

The left lung is slightly smaller than the right. This is necessary in order for the heart to fit.

The air we exhale when we sneeze moves at a speed of 160 km/h.

4. Organs of the urinary system, biliary tract

The liver is the main “bee” in the large “hive” of the body. It performs about 500 functions! In particular, it produces bile, decomposes red blood cells, synthesizes plasma proteins and performs a detox program after hectic holidays.

The adrenal glands change their size depending on age category and the state of the body. So, for example, in the third trimester of pregnancy, they approach the size of the kidneys, but in old age they are practically invisible.

At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the unborn baby's liver makes up half of its total weight!

It is the liver that regulates the temperature in the body at 37°C.

The total length of the capillaries in the kidney is about 25 kilometers. It has a million filter elements.

Bladder healthy person holds up to two glasses of urine for up to 5 hours.

5. External organs

The corneas of the eyes are the only part of the human body that is not supplied with oxygen through the blood. She gets it through tears.

Earwax, which is intended to lubricate and clean the ear canals, also has a bactericidal function. It can treat wounds and herpes.

Over the course of a lifetime, our body secretes about 3,000 cubic meters saliva.

6. Brain activity

The approximate volume of our memory is from 3 to 1000 terabytes.

The brain takes 20% of all oxygen “supplied” to the body, taking into account the fact that its mass is only 2% of the total body weight.

4/5 of our brain is water.

The number of nerve cells, contrary to scientists’ beliefs, grows throughout our lives.

The brain does not feel pain when struck. It is caused by injury to the muscle tissue that surrounds the skull.

The higher the intelligence, the more dreams the person sees.

7. Features of the musculoskeletal structure

The skeleton of a newborn consists of 300 bones, and the skeleton of an adult - of 206.

Of the total number of bones, a quarter of them are in the feet. And about half of all bones are in the feet and hands.

A frown uses 43 facial muscles, while a smile uses only 17! Smile, gentlemen!

The most strong bone in the human structure - the jaw, and the strongest muscle is the tongue.

5. General information

The human body does not need most of its organs! He lives quietly without a spleen, stomach, 80% of the intestines, without 75% of the liver and in the absence of one kidney, lung and any organ of the genitourinary system.

Approximately one person in ten thousand has a mirror image internal organs: his liver and appendix are on the left, and his heart and stomach are on the right.

In half an hour, the human body releases as much heat as is needed to boil half a liter of water.

Our body is a unique “machine” that has mass interesting features! The list of them can be endless! This is an undoubted source of pride for every homo sapiens. And know: you are unique!

The human body is a complex mechanism. Each organ performs its own function. Thanks to the so-called sense organs, we see, hear, taste and smell, and touch objects. With the help of our eyes, ears, mouth, nose and skin, we have a complete understanding of the world around us. Let us recall various interesting facts about the human senses. You can tell a lot of interesting things about the human senses, so for convenience we structure the information into sections.

Facts about eyes and vision

We see with our eyes the world. It has been established that thanks to vision, a person receives up to 80% of all information processed by the brain. What do we know about the work of these sense organs?

  • The muscles that control the eyes are the most active in the human body.
  • With open eyes a person will not be able to sneeze.
  • We blink approximately 17-25 times per minute.
  • As for children, it is believed that the eyes are fully formed by the age of 7.
  • About the structure of the eyes: ocular cornea- the only part of the human body that is not supplied with oxygen. And the eyes cannot freeze, because... they have no nerve endings.
  • There are people whose eyes different color. This is about 1% of the world's population.
  • The eyes, more than other sense organs, keep the brain busy.

  • The rarest eye color is green. On Earth, only 2% of people have green eyes.
  • Approximately 2/3 of the total population of the Earth cannot boast excellent vision, in addition, it was found that approximately 1/3 of all people cannot perfectly see objects at a distance of more than 6-7 m.
  • Women have better lateral (peripheral) vision than men.
  • Each person's iris is unique and can therefore be used for identification.

Facts about ears and hearing

“He who has ears, let him hear...” With the help of hearing, a person can freely communicate in society, perceive audio information and just enjoy the sounds of nature or your favorite melody. Many interesting facts are also known about the structure and functioning of such a sense organ as the ears.

  • When we put a large shell to our ear, we hear not the “sound of the sea,” but the sound of our own blood running through our veins.

  • Ears can grow throughout a person's life.
  • Even when we sleep, our ears work.
  • Our ear can distinguish approximately 3000-4000 sounds of different frequencies.

  • After a heavy meal, hearing deteriorates slightly.
  • The ears are also organs of balance.
  • A favorable sound background for a person is up to 50 decibels (analogous to a quiet conversation), all sounds louder than 50 dB are already a noise load and can weaken the immune system.
  • The most sensitive hearing is in childhood. Children hear in the range from 20 to 20,000 Hertz, and adults only up to 15,000 Hertz.

Facts about tongue and taste

Human language is not only a part digestive system which helps chew food, but is also an important part of the speech system. Without language we would not be able to speak. So, what interesting facts do we know about language as a sense organ?

  • The tongue is the most flexible part human body.
  • This is the only organ capable of distinguishing tastes.
  • There are about 5,000 taste buds on the surface of the tongue.

  • About the structure: the tongue consists of only 16 muscles and is considered one of the weakest organs.
  • The imprint of each tongue is unique, just like fingerprints.
  • Some people can curl their tongue into a tube.
  • The color of the tongue helps the doctor determine the patient's health status.

Facts about the nose and sense of smell

In addition to various facts, many more are known about the nose. folk sayings: “The curious Varvara had her nose torn off at the market,” “Don’t stick your nose into other people’s affairs,” “Your nose turns up, but the wind is blowing in your head,” etc. But what can be said about the nose as a human sense organ.

  • There are about 11 million olfactory cells in the nose.
  • The shape of the nose is fully formed only by the age of 10.
  • The nose grows throughout life, although very slowly.

  • The taste of food is determined not only by the mouth, but also by the nose.
  • It has been observed that familiar smells that were once experienced can trigger memories.
  • If necessary, a person can breathe through only one nostril.
  • Pleasant smells relax nervous system person.

  • It is believed that women smell better than men.
  • 2% of people on Earth have no sense of smell.
  • To say about a person that he “has a dog’s sense of smell” is not entirely true - the human nose is capable of remembering about 50,000 odors, while a dog’s nose is millions of times more sensitive.

Facts about skin and touch

It has long been a known fact that the skin is the largest organ of the human body. Its area is on average 1.5 square meters. m (depending on height and build), and the total weight is 2-3 kg. The skin not only warms or cools our body at the right time, but also protects it from damage, saturates the blood with oxygen and secretes carbon dioxide. Moreover, skin is important organ senses with which we perceive everything around us. Let's read the facts about skin.

  • The enzyme melanin is responsible for skin color. The more it is produced, the darker the skin.
  • People with complete absence melanin are called albinos.
  • Up to 80-100 moles can be found on the human body.

  • Insects most often bite the skin of the feet.
  • The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypodermis).
  • About once a month upper layer the skin is completely renewed.
  • The thickest layer of skin is on the feet.

  • The thinnest skin is on the eyelids and in the eardrum.
  • About 500-600 ml of water is excreted through the skin daily.
  • Dust in the room also occurs due to keratinization of the skin.
  • The sense of touch is the first to appear in humans and the last to be lost.

Our senses help us live every day. When all organs work smoothly, we see, hear and feel everything. If at least one of the organs begins to fail, a person’s life becomes noticeably more difficult, not to mention the complete loss of any ability. Therefore, it is worth taking care of each of the senses in order to live fully.

Thanks to their senses, people can interact with the world around them. Many facts about the human senses remain unknown, but many of them have been studied by modern scientists. People even have sense organs that no one knows about.

40 facts about eyes (vision)

1. Brown eyes are actually blue, but this is not visible due to the presence of brown pigment in them.

2.With open eyes a person will not be able to sneeze.

3. When a person looks at the one he loves, his pupils dilate by 45%.

4.Eyes can only see 3 colors: green, red and blue.

5. Almost 95% of animals have eyes.

6.The muscles that control the eyes are the most active in the human body.

7.A person sees approximately 24 million images throughout his life.

8.Human eyes are capable of processing approximately 36,000 pieces of information per hour.

9.A person's eyes blink approximately 17 times per minute.

10. A person sees not with his eyes, but with his brain. This is why vision problems are associated with brain activity.

11. There is no blind spot in the eyes of an octopus.

12.If the person in the photo sees only one eye red during the flash, then he may have a tumor.

13.Johnny Depp is blind in one eye.

14.Bees have hairs in their eyes.

15. Most cats with blue eyes are considered deaf.

16. Many predators sleep with one with an open eye to hunt game.

17. About 80% of information received from the outside passes through the eyes.

18.With strong daylight or cold, the shade of a person’s eyes changes.

19. A resident of Brazil could protrude his eyes 10 mm.

20.About 6 eye muscles help turn a person's eyes.

21.The lens of the eye is much faster than a photographic lens.

22.Eyes are considered fully formed at the age of 7.

23. The cornea is the only part of the human body that is not supplied with oxygen.

24.The corneas of human and shark eyes are very similar.

25.The eyes do not grow; they remain the same size as at birth.

26. There are people whose eyes are different colors.

27.The eyes load the brain with work more than other sense organs.

28.Most great harm Cosmetics give your eyes a boost.

29.Most rare color the eye is green.

30. Representatives of the fairer sex blink 2 times more often than men.

31.The eyes of a whale weigh no more than 1 kilogram, but their vision is poor even at a distance.

32.Human eyes are not able to freeze; this occurs due to the lack of nerve endings.

33. All newborns have gray-blue eyes.

34. In about 60-80 minutes, the eyes are able to get used to the dark.

35.Colorblindness affects males more than females.

36. Pigeons have the highest viewing angle.

37.People who have blue eyes see better in the dark than those who have brown eyes.

38.A human eye weighs about 8 grams.

39. It is impossible to transplant eyes because it is impossible to separate optic nerve from the brain.

40.Only humans have whites of the eyes.

25 facts about ears (hearing)

1. Men are more likely to lose hearing than women.

2.Ears are a self-cleaning human organ.

3. The sound that a person hears when he puts a shell to his ear is the sound of blood running through the veins.

4.Ears are playing important role is to keep balance.

5. Children have more sensitive hearing than adults.

6. At birth, the child is able to hear the lowest sound.

7.Ears are an organ that can grow throughout life.

8.If a person eats a lot, his hearing may deteriorate.

9. Even when a person falls asleep, his ears work and he hears everything well.

11.The main cause of hearing loss is frequent noise.

12.Elephants can hear not only with their ears, but also with their legs and trunk.

13.Every human ear hears sounds in his own way.

14.Giraffes clean their ears with their tongue.

15. Crickets and grasshoppers hear not with their ears, but with their paws.

16. A person is able to distinguish between approximately 3-4 thousand sounds of different frequencies.

17.About 25,000 cells are found in human ears.

18.Sound baby crying is louder than a car horn.

20. Every 10th person in the world has poor hearing.

21.Drum eardrum in frogs it is located behind the eyes.

22. A deaf person can have a good ear for music.

23. The roar that tigers make can be heard from a distance of 3 kilometers.

24.If you wear headphones frequently, the phenomenon of “ear congestion” may occur.

25.Beethoven was deaf.

25 facts about tongue (taste)

1.Language is the most flexible part of a person.

2. The tongue is the only organ of the human body that is capable of distinguishing tastes.

3.Each person's language is unique.

4.People who smoke cigarettes have poor taste.

5. The tongue is that muscle of the human body that is not attached on both sides.

6. There are approximately 5,000 taste buds on the human tongue.

7.The first human tongue transplant was performed in 2003.

8. The human tongue distinguishes only 4 tastes.

9.The tongue consists of 16 muscles, and therefore this sensory organ is considered the weakest.

10.The fingerprint of each language is considered unique, just like a fingerprint.

11. Girls distinguish sweet taste better than boys.

12. Newborns suck breast milk using their tongue.

13.The organ of taste affects human digestion.

14.Anaerobic bacteria live on the human tongue.

15.The tongue heals much faster than other organs.

16.The tongue is the most mobile muscle in the body of every person.

17. Some people are able to roll up their own tongue. This is due to differences in the structure of this organ.

18. At the tip of the woodpecker’s tongue there are horny spines, which help him reach the larvae hidden in the wood.

19. The taste buds that are on the human tongue live for about 7-10 days, after which they die and are replaced by new ones.

20.The taste of food is determined not only by the mouth, but also by the nose.

21.Good taste abilities begin to form even before birth.

22.Each person has a different number of taste buds.

23.The desire to try something sweet may indicate a lack of self-control.

24.The more papillae there are on the tongue, the less often a person experiences hunger.

25.You can tell about a person’s health by the color of the tongue.

40 facts about the nose (sense of smell)

1.There are approximately 11 million olfactory cells in the human nose.

2. Scientists have identified 14 shapes of human noses.

3.The nose is considered the most protruding part of a person.

4. The shape of the human nose is fully formed only by the age of 10.

5.The nose grows throughout life, but this happens at a slow pace.

6. Despite the fact that the nose is receptive, it cannot smell natural gas.

7. In newborns, the sense of smell is much more developed than in adults.

8.Only three out of ten people are able to dilate their nostrils.

9. People who have lost their sense of smell will also lose their sexual desire.

10.Each of the human nostrils perceives odors in its own way: the left one evaluates them, the right one selects the most pleasant of them.

11. In ancient times, only leaders had a nose with a hump.

12.Familiar smells that you once smelled can renew past memories.

13. It is assumed that women who find their man's face attractive smell better than other females.

14.The sense of smell is what will be the first to deteriorate with age.

15. In the first year of life of newborns, the acuity of smell is lost by 50%.

16.You can tell about people’s age by the tip of their nose, because it is at this place elastin and collagen proteins break down.

17. The human nose is simply unable to distinguish some odors.

18.Before mummifying an Egyptian, his brain was pulled out through his nostrils.

19.There is an area around the human nose that releases pheromones that attract the opposite sex.

20. At a given moment in time, a person can breathe only through one nostril.

21.People often insure their nose.

22.Approximately half a liter of mucus is produced daily in the nose of every healthy person.

23.The nose can work like a pump: pump from 6 to 10 liters of air.

24.About 50 thousand smells are remembered by the human nose.

25.About 50% of people don't like their nose.

26.Slugs have 4 noses.

27.Every nose has a “favorite” smell.

28.The nose is closely connected with the center of emotions and memory.

29. Throughout life, the human nose changes.

30. It is the nose that influences the manifestation of sensuality.

31.The nose is the human organ that is least studied.

32. Pleasant smells relax the human nervous system, while unpleasant smells cause antipathy.

33.Smell is the most ancient sense.

34. Smells can be used to diagnose autism.

36.Smell is an irresistible element.

37. It is very difficult to control a person’s sense of smell.

38.About 230 million olfactory cells are found in a dog's nose. In the human olfactory organ there are only 10 million such cells.

39. There are abnormalities of smell.

40.Dogs can often search for the same scent.

30 facts about skin (touch).

1. Human skin contains an enzyme - melanin, which is responsible for its color.

2.On the skin under a microscope you can see about a million cells.

3.Round wounds on human skin take longer to heal.

4. From 20 to 100 moles can be on human skin.

5.Skin is the largest organ of the human body.

6.Women's skin is much thinner than men's.

7.Insects most often bite the skin of the feet.

8.Skin smoothness can be determined by the amount of collagen.

9. Human skin consists of 3 layers.

10. In approximately 26-30 days, an adult’s skin is completely renewed. If we talk about newborn children, their skin renews itself in 72 hours.

11.Human skin is capable of producing antibacterial chemicals that prevent the growth of germs.

12. Africans and Europeans have much more sweat glands on the skin than Asians.

13. Throughout a person’s life, they shed approximately 18 kilograms of skin.

14.More than 1 liter of sweat per day is produced by human skin.

15.The feet have the thickest skin.

16.Approximately 70% of human skin is water, and 30% is protein.

17.Freckles on human skin can appear in adolescence and disappear by age 30.

18.When stretched, human skin resists.

19. There are approximately 150 nerve endings on human skin.

20.Dust in the room occurs due to keratinization of the skin.

21.The thickness of a baby’s skin is 1 millimeter.

22.When carrying a child, a woman’s skin becomes more sensitive to sun rays, which can cause burns.

23.The science that studies the sense of touch is called haptics.

24. There were cases when a person created works of art using the sense of touch.

25.A person’s heart rate will slow down slightly if you touch their hands.