Why do fat people think they are fat? Interesting facts about fat people and obesity

I am glad to welcome you, my dear readers, visitors and other good personalities! Today we are looking into why people get fat? We will get acquainted in detail with the fat cell and the mechanism of its work, consider what causes the accumulation of fat in the body and the consequence of which is the “spreading” of the figure. We will have to deal with this and much more later.

I can't wait to start broadcasting, so don't hold me up), make yourself comfortable, we're starting.

Why do people get fat: cause-and-effect relationships

I think you are aware of my attitude towards “parishioners”? If not, then in a nutshell it can be expressed this way - universal respect. I am really pleased that people themselves have come to the realization of changes in themselves, and most importantly, they decided to pump up their brain first, i.e. approached the process very responsibly. In general, I will say without exaggeration that I consider my audience an intellectual community that knows what it wants and is looking for the means (tools in the form of information) to achieve your goals.

Therefore, as you have probably noticed, almost all articles on the resource provide an in-depth study of the issues posed, they are supported by various scientific data and research. So, today we have just such a note, so get ready, we’ll be harsh.

So, to begin with, I would like to say that if you type the query “how to lose weight?” into the search bar, you will see that it is simply wildly popular. Statistics confirm this, because everyone 3 -th person on earth has problems with overweight and in every possible way dreams of getting rid of the hated kilograms. Well, it's a laudable goal, but it seems to me that the search for answers to this kind of questions must begin not with studying the investigative connections (due to what), but with understanding the origins (reasons), i.e. answer to a completely different “queschen” - why do people get fat? And it is precisely to “excavations” in this direction that we will devote our entire further narrative, let’s go.


If you have not yet paid your respects to the note, then do not delay and start with it.

Have you ever thought about the questions: “why are some people more obese than others?”, “why do some people have more fat cells than others?”, “how do they work?”.

In general, let's understand how fat cells function inside our body and what role they play in maintaining human health.

Why people get fat: fat cells

A fat cell (adipocyte) is a cell, the basis of which is a fat drop, surrounded by cell nucleus (pushed to the periphery) with cytoplasm. Its main function is to take and store excess energy from food in the form of fat. (the latter is stored in the form of fatty acids, triglycerides).

Adipose tissue, or a group of fat cells, lies between the skin and muscle (subcutaneous fat, 1 ) and around major organs (visceral fat) , For example abdominal cavity (2 ) .

According to the theory of fat cells, their number in the human body is a constant - a constant value, i.e. Once formed, they never reduce their numbers again. When a person is trying to lose weight (get rid of subcutaneous fat), then by adjusting nutrition or cardio exercises he reduces the size of these cells, but by themselves they do not go anywhere, only their “qualitative” changes. (not quantitative) state.


32% of the US population is overweight and obese, in Russia this percentage is 25% .

On the other hand, American Scientific research they say that a person can not only fill his fat cells to their maximum capacity (inflate), but also make them larger. There are certain time intervals and life circumstances when the human body can create a “fat” cell. Moreover, having created it once, it will never go anywhere else.

The following image clearly demonstrates the difference between someone who has never been obese ( 1 ) and those who were fat and then reduced their fat cells.

Well, now some shocking information :).

A child at birth has a certain number of adipocytes and their number on average is 5-6 billion cells. If a mother does not monitor her diet during pregnancy and allows herself high-calorie foods, sweets and flour, then she can easily increase the number of fat cells that the child will have at birth.

Those. It turns out that a woman in labor directly influences her offspring and may already initially give the child a tendency to gain excess weight. The periods of childhood and early puberty are also important in a child’s life, because... At this time you can also increase the number of your fat cells.

Therefore, parents need to teach their children to eat healthy (using the food pyramid) and develop healthy eating habits. Otherwise, they will go into life with bad nutritional habits and, along the way, will experience problems with obesity and its negative factors influence on the body.

Adult healthy man, located in the body, has 25-30 billion zh.k., while an obese adult - 75 billion. This number can be in 10 times higher (compared to 25 ) and get to 250-300 billion. The adipocytes of an overweight person can be in 3 times more sizes cells of a compositionally well-built person.

Note(for your reference):

Human health is not determined by the needle on the scale. (in terms of tonnage), but the percentage of fat in his entire body and how much of it “encircles” the internal organs.

Some people have more fat than others, but the amount is not the main factor that determines whether a person is obese. The main influence on obesity is not proper nutrition and genetics.

Now we will look at what happens to fat cells and how we gain weight?

Triglycerides are stored inside the cell; the fatty spot, expanding, increases its diameter. If we take into account that there are billions of fat cells in the human body, then, increasing in diameter, together they give the effect of a “sprawling” figure.


Triglycerides act as energy reserves. After your body has depleted all available fast fuel depots (let's say glucose, glycogen), it switches to fat reserves.

Weight loss occurs when you use more energy every day than you get from food. In case food does not supply all the necessary energy, fat reserves are used as a backup source of nutrition. When a person loses weight by reducing calorie intake, then 75-85% accounts for fat reserves and from 15 before 25% on “thin” (lean) fabric and water.

Why do people get fat: why does a person need fat?

Adipocytes perform many vital functions in the body, such as:

  • soften and protect (for example, from bruises) vital organs;
  • create an insulating layer that prevents the body from losing heat;
  • allocate chemical substances, which have a certain effect on appetite;
  • protect nervous tissue;
  • help regulate menstrual cycle among women.

Speaking of young ladies. They are familiar firsthand with the phenomenon of cellulite, which is caused by the spread of fat cells to surrounding tissues (particularly thighs, buttocks). As a result, such additional (fat) weight causes the latter to lose elasticity, and all this leads to the appearance of a specific mesh.

Now let's answer the pressing question: how can you reduce the size of fat cells.

The main thing to remember here is the golden formula:

The most in effective ways in eliminating excess weight are the following types physical activity:

As you can see, lifting weights comes in last place in the fight against gaining weight. Active swimming in the current 60 minutes helps burn whole 790 calories. To say goodbye to 0,5 kg of fat must be consumed 3500 feces - i.e. 4,5 Hours in the pool is quite enough :).

Why do people get fat: theoretical foundation

Fat deposits on parts of the body are concentrated depending on the gender of the person, in particular:

  • men: chest, stomach, buttocks - the constitution resembles the shape of an apple;
  • women: chest, hips, waist, buttocks - the constitution resembles the shape of a pear.

The difference in location is due to the male (testosterone) and female (estrogen) sex hormone.

The main stages in the formation of fat cells are the following periods: gestation (third trimester) And puberty. It is in them (especially the second one) there is a clear difference between the number of adipocytes between men and women. An important physiological fact is that a person can become more obese throughout life. (body stores more fat), however, the number of fat cells remains unchanged.

The homosapien body contains two types of fat cells:

  • white - play an important role in the processes of energy metabolism, thermal insulation and mechanical shock absorption.
  • brown - occur mainly in newborns (between the shoulders) and plays important in thermogenesis (heat generation).

All adipose tissue consists of a unique type of cells - fat. White women class large, they have small cytoplasm (which is only 15% total volume) and a large fat drop, the volume of which is 85% .

A schematic representation of two types of fat cells is shown in the figure.


For better structure and perception of information, all further narration will proceed in the form of “question-answer”.

How does fat enter the human body?

Any food consumed by a person contains fats (triglycerides) - some foods have less of them, some have more. First it enters the stomach, then the intestines, and there the following happens to it:

  • The emulsification process starts - this is when large drops of fat mix with bile salts from the gallbladder. The mixture breaks up large droplets into several smaller droplets called micelles. All this increases the fat surface area.
  • The pancreas produces enzymes called lipases. They “attack” the surface of each micelle, thereby breaking fats into their simplest components - glycerol and fatty acids.
  • these parts are immersed in the cells lining the intestines.
  • In the intestines, fat molecules are coated with a protein called chylomicron. As a result, the fat becomes more soluble in water.
  • then the chylomicrons first enter the lymphatic system, and then into the bloodstream;

The breakdown of fat molecules into glycerol and FA is due to the fact that they are too large to pass into cell membranes in this form. Therefore, fats must be “broken down.”

So, let's summarize. Fat in the body is first broken down to its simplest components, then combined with protein and rearranged into chylomicrons, and only then enters the bloodstream through the lymphatic system.

The process of storing fat in the body

When you eat something “yummy” (such as a chocolate bar or jam) or regular food, the presence of glucose, amino acids or fatty acids in the intestines stimulates the pancreas to produce a hormone called insulin. Insulin exerts its influence on many cells, in particular the liver, muscles and adipose tissue. The hormone tells cells to do the following:

  • absorbed amino acids, glucose and fatty acids;
  • stopped the destruction of glucose, FA and amino acids;
  • began the processes of construction: glycogen from glucose, fats from glycerol and FA, proteins from amino acids.

Lipoprotein lipase activity depends on insulin levels (enzymes that regulate blood lipid levels). If insulin is high, then lipases have high activity If insulin is low, lipases are inactive. Fatty acids are then absorbed from the blood into fatty acids. muscle cells and liver cells. In them, when stimulated by the hormone insulin, fatty acids are converted into fat molecules and stored in the form of drops.

Converting carbohydrates or protein into fat is 10 times less efficient than simply storing fat in fat cells, but the body can do this too.

if you have 100 extra calories in the form of fat (near 11 gram floating in the blood), fat cells can store it with everything 2,5 cal energy. On the other hand, if you have 100 extra calories in the form of glucose (near 25 grams floating in the blood), housing class use 23 calories of energy to convert glucose into fat and then store it.

When making a choice, the fat cell will capture fat and store it rather than carbohydrates, because. It's much easier to store.


Brown fat is found in significant amount in newborns. Its purpose is to retain heat, its fat cells are composed of smaller droplets of fat with the inclusion of mitochondria, which are capable of generating heat. A newborn baby produces its own heat (carries out thermogenesis) by breaking down fat molecules into fatty acids in their adipocytes and releasing energy from their mitochondria. The same process occurs in hibernating animals.

Why do people overeat

As you know, all human processes are controlled by his brain center of activity. So, at the basis of the appearance overweight there is a violation of mutual connections between the hypothalamus (where the appetite regulation center is located) and adipose tissue.

There is a satiety hormone - leptin, which is found in adipose tissue. When the latter penetrates the center of hunger, it inhibits its activity. If a person is overweight, then we can definitely say that he has various shapes leptin deficiency.

This causes the hormone's control over appetite to be disrupted. As a result, a person experiences constant overeating - as a result of a disruption in the functioning of the hunger center in the brain. The usual amount of food no longer eliminates the feeling of hunger, and the person wants to hamster and hamster.

The hypothalamus is also the home of the appetite control center. The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating feelings of hunger and satiety 2 center of brain cells. They begin their activities based on information from various parts of the body, for example, blood sugar levels, contraction/expansion of the stomach, etc. It turns out that initially the feeling of hunger arises in the “pot”, and only after some time is transferred to the stomach (there is an urge to growl, etc.).

In newborns, the activities of these two centers are well coordinated - i.e. if the baby is full, that is, no one will force him, but when hunger sets in, he turns on the siren for the whole house and begins to scream and cry loudly.

What happens when a person is hungry

Blood glucose levels drop, which in turn leads to an increase in the activity of the hypothalamus (HT), the central regulator endocrine system person. The appetite center is activated in it, which transmits nerve signals to the brain, and the person begins to experience a feeling of hunger, forcing him to search for sources of food (see image).

How does the process of fat destruction occur?

When a person stops eating (or does not eat for a long time), blood insulin levels drop. However, the body still uses energy, and if the latter does not come from outside, then it is taken from internal reserves complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

In such conditions various organs The following hormones begin to be released:

  • pancreas – glucagon;
  • pituitary gland - ;
  • pituitary gland - ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone);
  • adrenal glands - adrenaline;
  • thyroid gland - hormone thyroid gland.

All of these hormones act on liver, muscle, and fat tissue cells and have the opposite effects of insulin. When you're not hamstering (for example, train in the gym), the body relies on its internal energy reserves. The main source of such energy is glucose. For example, brain cells can only receive energy from it.

First of all, to maintain energy, carbohydrates or glycogen are broken down into simple glucose molecules - this process is called glycogenolysis.

Then, through the process of lipolysis, the body breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids. The latter can be used for energy or used to make glucose through a multistep process called gluconeogenesis. In this process, amino acids can also be used to create glucose.

In the fat cell, other types of lipase work to break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. They (lipases) also activate various hormones such as glucagon, adrenaline and growth hormone. The resulting glycerol and fatty acids enter the blood and then, through the bloodstream, move to the liver. Once glycerol and FA are there, they can either be further “broken down” or used to create glucose.

Why do people get fat: F.A.Q. on the processes of weight loss and fat loss

Your weight is determined by the rate at which your body can store energy reserves from food and the rate at which it can use that energy. Remember that in the process of getting rid of excess fat, the number of fat cells does not change, each of them just becomes smaller.

As you can see, the main reason why people gain weight is poor nutrition and genetics (low ability of the body to quickly receive and “use” energy from food).

Therefore, if you want to be in body and have a healthy weight, use the following tips:

  • adjust, balance your diet according to;
  • if you lead an inactive lifestyle ("work-home-work"), then yours daily calorie content should not exceed: for women – 1800 feces, for men – 2300 feces;
  • include even the most primitive types of activity in your daily routine. For example: taking the stairs rather than the elevator; walking to work, etc.;
  • remove the drawer from the kitchen - according to statistics, a person eats 10-15% eating more while ogling;
  • do not go on diets and do not even try to starve;
  • During the day, eat frequently, without skipping meals and do not take more breaks in between. 3 hours;
  • remember such a phenomenon as “physiological scissors” - this is the period of time between the real fullness of the stomach and the appearance of a feeling of satiety. After eating, the signal to the brain about the feeling of fullness of the body reaches only through 20 minutes, so eat slowly or leave the table slightly hungry.

Follow these tips, and then you won’t have to look for answers to the question - why do people get fat?

Well, something like this, it’s time to take stock.


Today we looked at quite interest Ask, which concerns the fight against extra pounds. I am sure that now you know why the figure “spreads” and what to do about it. The only thing left to do is gather your willpower and hit the fat deposits. I believe you can do it, be brave, gentlemen!

PS. I am always glad to receive your comments, questions and other thoughts, please write them down!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Question: "Why am I getting fat?" worries many. Root cause of deposition extra pounds on different parts of the body - this is overeating. At first, you gain a little weight, but over time, the weight begins to grow rapidly due to bad habits: eating too much and spending little energy. In other words, you change your diet to unhealthy foods and stop moving actively. Why is this happening?

The most common sources of excess fat deposits on the body are:

  • psychological factors, namely laziness, eating stress, conflicts;
  • frequent overeating, which occurs due to the fact that there is a lot of tasty food in the refrigerator; there is no willpower to refuse such foods;
  • disordered eating - no diet;
  • age-related changes, slowing down the process of digesting foods;
  • lack of sleep - disruption of sleep patterns leads to many diseases, including obesity;
  • Constantly missing breakfast also leads to weight gain, because thanks to breakfast you replenish your energy supply for the whole day. If you deprive yourself of a morning meal, then later you will still eat food, and the body will accumulate fats for future use;
  • hormonal changes - disorders associated with diseases, body changes, stress;
  • small physical activity- also a kind of laziness, you can in any case find time to jog or do sports exercises if you have the desire;
  • frequent use of short-term diets.

Psychological causes of excess weight

No matter how strange it may be, but with people who have overweight, psychologists should work. Often reasons heavy weight are various emotional experiences or psychosomatic phenomena. These include many factors.

  1. Misunderstanding of parents or their excessive care - all this can lead to obesity. Everyone remembers how, in childhood, a grandmother or mother would ask and persuade the child to eat everything on the plate. Obedient kids do just that. But the portion in the vessel is often designed for an adult. As a result, the baby suffers from excess body weight.
  2. Fears of some problems and insecurity also often make a person weak, as a result of stress they eat a lot of food, both tasty and high-calorie. The diet contains sweets and fats, so the result will not take long to arrive.
  3. You can't hate yourself. When a person does not like his reflection in the mirror, problems are inevitable. Increase your inner self-esteem, change more often, go to beauty salons, take care of your body. There is no need to be critical of yourself, because your shell will be forced to protect itself. This problem will definitely come out in the form of obesity.
  4. An excessive sense of responsibility also provokes this illness. Many ladies carry such a burden on their shoulders. They take care of the family upon themselves, believe that they cannot cope at work without their participation, and so on in everything. It’s clear that such a fragile body psychological state won't stand it. So you need to eat a lot to get it all out. Or maybe it’s better to start trusting your family and employees more and evenly distribute responsibility...

Hormonal causes of excess weight

On the threshold of forty years, almost all women experience hormonal imbalances. Estradiol levels decrease, which causes a feeling of depression, constant fatigue, sleep disturbance and many other problems. In such cases, you should go to a specialist doctor so that he can determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe a course of treatment.

Hereditary causes of excess weight

Nutritionists dispute the fact that childhood obesity is hereditary. Of course, if it is customary in the family to eat a lot and nourishingly, then children cannot avoid excess weight while they live with their parents. Scientists say that everything depends on the environment where the individual will live in the future and his occupation. In any case, when a person eats right and moves a lot, heredity is not a problem.

A huge number of people are interested in why they gain weight and then get fat.

The main reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • sedentary (or simply sedentary) lifestyle.,
  • numerous diseases.,
  • improper diet.,
  • heredity.

Are you prone to being overweight? -

What processes occur in the body?

In order to delve more specifically into this issue, let’s first find out why and how the direct accumulation of fat occurs.

Energy storage

There is nothing superfluous in our body, in our organism - everything is functional. Even our hated ones body fat play a significant role in our body, helping it to function fully. Their main task is to store energy in case of hunger or food shortage.

Temperature regulation

Another important task is the basic regulation of body temperature. Just look at polar bears, walruses or other animals that are quite long period time spent under cold water. Thanks to such a thick layer of fat, they are protected from hypothermia better than any fur coat. This is where the question arises - why do those people who experience neither hunger nor hypothermia get fat?

Fats are stored in lipocytes (fat cells). At the same time they are in sufficient quantity enter the body along with the food consumed, where they can be present in finished form or synthesized from incoming glucose.

People are getting fat and obese

There are two types of obesity

With one of them, the number of lipocytes does not increase, but simply the amount of stored fat increases slightly (this type of obesity is called hypertrophic). In another type, the fat cell begins to multiply quite actively (this type of obesity is hypercellular).

Obesity levels

4 degrees of obesity: And

How does obesity occur?

The fact is that for some reason the process of fat synthesis begins to dominate the processes of their breakdown and removal of these fats from fat cells. Well, a person doesn’t use as much energy as he consumes fat! However, our body is no longer able to stop or even simply slow down the process of fat storage. And as a result, we become obese or simply get fatter.

Hormonal imbalance

It happens that the process of breakdown and synthesis of fats is turned on and off by certain hormones. This is why the imbalance hormonal environment can also lead to excess weight or obesity.

Removing fat from the body

The processes of removing fat from cells can be started by: cortisol (adrenal hormone) and adrenaline, and insulin can slow down these processes. Often patients begin to gain weight and gain weight quite quickly because the amount of insulin in the blood increases.

Estrogens and the female hormone prolactin begin to activate the formation process fatty acid(lipogenesis). And as a result of an excess of these hormones, fats begin to be deposited in adipose tissue.

Glucose plays the role of the main energy source. It replaces fats, which is why they do not have time to break down as actively as those with a sweet tooth would like. Glucose can also inhibit the breakdown of fatty acids by inhibiting enzymes that are responsible for transferring these same enzymes into energy cells. At the same time, sugar begins to activate the formation of fatty acids.

To put it quite simply, glucose begins to act on the body when called upon - everyone comes in, no one comes out!

So this is why the majority of people who eat flour and sugary foods in excess gain weight and gain weight.

Why do people get fat from flour products?

Concerning flour products, then flour contains a lot of starch and other components that contain a lot of glucose. These components, entering the intestines, fall apart, resulting in the release of glucose itself, after which it is absorbed into the blood.

Yes! - We need glucose because it is the most valuable supplier of energy, but at the same time it is also a killer of slender bodies if consumed uncontrollably.


Everything that we just told you may not be particularly accessible, it is too replete with facts and concepts, but in essence it is not vague.

To sum it up, then among all the main reasons for rapid weight gain are four - sedentary life, hormonal imbalances, heredity, great content glucose and fats in consumed food.

Today everyone strives to become thin, because modern ideals of beauty and standards require it. And just fifty years ago, ladies’ figures “in the body” were in fashion. As then, so today fat woman will always find its admirer, because not everyone looks at the body, there are many people for whom the inner content of a person is much more important than his appearance.

It’s good to be fat or bad – it’s up to you to decide!

We only advise you to keep yourself under control so as not to worsen the condition of your body and the functioning of all its systems. If you are always guided by principles healthy eating if you are driving healthy image life, your fullness will most likely not bring negative consequences. However, you can push your weight to a point where problems may arise not only with the opposite sex, but also with your own health.

Here you definitely need to start acting, saving yourself!

But you also need to try to get rid of excess weight very carefully, without fanaticism, since too zealous actions to lose it can lead to the same disastrous consequences as gaining it. It is considered ideal to lose weight with the help of a specialist who will constantly monitor you and your condition during the period of losing excess weight. If you act independently, there is a risk of undermining the strength of your body on your own.

Keep in mind that rapid weight gain most often indicates that some painful processes are occurring in your body that are deviated from the norm.

What awaits an overweight person who has become very fat?

Methods of surgical treatment

Look at the photo surgical methods obesity treatment.

By official statistics Every third person on our planet suffers from excess weight. In some countries this ratio is even more catastrophic. At the same time, obesity is not only affecting countries with high level life, but also does not bypass other countries. The reasons why people have excess weight there are many and often they have a systemic impact on human body.

After about thirty years, aging processes begin to actively manifest themselves in the human body. This is due to the natural degradation of all vital important systems, which determine the work of the body. It is at this age that all the consequences and effects on the body that occurred earlier begin to appear. Bad habits, wrong image life, obvious genetic predispositions, and so on.
One of the signs of aging is an increase in the amount of fat deposits, which lead to excess weight. Among the reasons that lead to obesity are:
Decreased muscle mass. The average person (depending on gender and genetic predisposition) loses 1.5 to 2% of muscle tissue per year. And since the amount of calories consumed remains unchanged, it is actively replaced by fat. Which takes up 2.5 times more volume than muscles, so visually, even with a constant weight, a person begins to look much more obese.
Changes in hormonal levels. This process occurs especially noticeably in men. The level of testosterone (male sex hormone) decreases every year, which in turn increases percentage fat in the body. WITH female body another process occurs, an excess of the female sex hormone (estrogen) appears, which is responsible for reproductive function. One of the features of this hormone is the accumulation of adipose tissue to ensure the development of the fetus (especially the proper development of the baby’s brain).

IMPORTANT: Since with age, in female body There is an imbalance of hormonal systems, as a result, the amount of estrogen is in excess, which leads to the accumulation of excess weight.

Slowing metabolism. In most cases, the metabolic rate slows down, which leads to the accumulation of fatty tissue due to excess calories.

Why do people get fat: psychology

Modern scientists believe that one of the main causes of obesity is stress, which modern people are increasingly exposed to.
It has been proven that the level of metabolism and normal functioning hormonal system person, has a huge impact on the long-term, good sleep. It is during night sleep that the body manages to test and regulate all the restorative processes that are launched by the body. And as you know, the biggest opponents of sleep are psychological stress and disorders.
In addition, under the influence of stress, many people develop a behavioral stereotype that is associated with food intake. Moreover, this behavior is usually caused by the subconscious need not only to saturate the body, but also by irritation of the pleasure centers, which make it possible to partially neutralize psychological negativity. As a result, the body receives an excess amount of calories, which are stored in fat cells.
One more psychological factor The appearance of excess weight can be called dietary and lifestyle habits. Many people, due to various circumstances, form a certain stereotype of behavior in Everyday life. There are many factors here, which are usually complex. These include the habit of eating a hearty dinner before bed, not having breakfast, taking long breaks in meals, not drinking enough water, eating fast food, periodically drinking alcohol, and much more.

IMPORTANT: All these complex bad habits, create an ideal environment so that a person cannot break out of a vicious circle: psychological stress- unhealthy lifestyle - physiological stress - obesity.
Therefore, it is often the fight against one’s own habits that is the starting point for preventing excess weight and getting a healthy and fit body.

How to avoid weight gain?

In order to avoid gaining excess weight, it is necessary to use a systematic approach, which can be characterized as a complex of rational nutrition and balanced physical activity.
When many people hear about balanced nutrition, they immediately imagine a strict restrictive diet regimen. This is not entirely true. In the case when it is necessary to get back in shape and lose excess weight, of course it is impossible to do without following a diet, which boils down to creating a calorie deficit. But if we are talking about preventing obesity, then the question is to use balanced components in the menu: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

IMPORTANT: In most cases, the human body lacks protein.

Because it is protein (in English - protein) that is the material for creating new body cells. In addition, it is used by the body in case of carbohydrate deficiency to replenish energy. Protein breaks down much faster than fat cells, therefore, if necessary, to obtain “fast” energy, it is protein (muscle) tissue that undergoes breakdown. This phenomenon is called catabolism. Unlike anabolism (creation), this destroys protein compounds and produces energy.
Recommended dietary proportions are 40-50% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 30-20% fat.
Many people who start using dietary food, try to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. This is where the big mistake lies. The body needs both carbohydrates and fats for normal and efficient functioning. Since it is carbohydrates that provide the body with energy and their lack can lead to the process of breakdown of protein tissues and an increase in fat deposits. Another thing is that

IMPORTANT: carbohydrates must be evenly supplied to the body, since their rapid introduction also leads to the appearance of fat deposits, because the body does not have time to use all their energy and begins to accumulate it.

Therefore, when consuming carbohydrates, the diet should contain mainly the so-called “ slow carbohydrates", For example various cereals. In this case, it should be excluded fast carbohydrates, such as sugar, baking and so on.
You should also not forget about eating fat. Excluding them from the diet, in turn, can lead to the opposite effect, since, paradoxically, it is they who trigger the protein absorption mechanism and participate in the process of anabolism. Another thing is that not all fats are healthy. It is necessary to eat foods that contain omega-3 fats, the source of which is for example sea ​​fish, some types of oil (for example, flaxseed and olive), nuts and so on.

IMPORTANT: When switching to a balanced diet, you must remember that it is better to increase the number of meals to 4-5, which is very useful for speeding up the metabolism (absorption) of the body. Such nutrition allows you to constantly maintain energy in the body and prevent its deficiency, which leads to a feeling of hunger.

How to regain your slimness?

Get your fit back appearance much more difficult than maintaining it. To do this you will have to go to great lengths. And first of all, you need to change your bad eating habits. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out a whole range of measures, which should include the following:

  • creating a diet aimed at creating a calorie deficit;
  • the use of rational nutrition, both in the selection of products and in its mode;
  • performing a combination of strength and cardio exercises to maintain muscle mass and burn fat deposits.

Usually success in achieving the formation slim body 70% depends on nutrition and 30% on physical activity, and this is confirmed by practice. It is the creation of a calorie deficit that allows you to get rid of excess weight, but usually the human body loses mainly muscle mass. Therefore, physical activity is also necessary to maintain it. Therefore, it is necessary to make a proper training plan.

At the same time, it should be remembered that in human body There are three types of fat deposits:

  • subcutaneous;
  • visceral (on internal organs);
  • genital (stomach and thighs in women, stomach and chest in men).

IMPORTANT: The first and second types of fat deposits are easily burned when using cardio exercises. In the case of sexual intercourse, men need force loads that trigger production mechanisms. male hormone- testosterone. For women, everything is much more complex; in the case of hormonal obesity, it is necessary to carry out hormonal tests and using medicinal methods put it in order. Otherwise, it is quite difficult and sometimes impossible to achieve significant changes in the amount of body fat.

In order to avoid gaining excess weight or lose excess weight, you can use the following tips:

  • drink one glass of water in the morning room temperature to speed up metabolism;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, water is necessary for the breakdown of fats;
  • Drink additional water during physical activity to avoid water deficiency;
  • eat 4-5 times a day in small portions;
  • do not combine proteins and fats, fats and carbohydrates in food;
  • balance the number of calories you eat with necessary norm their consumption;
  • use cardio exercises at least three times a week (this could be walking or slow running);
  • do not try to lose more than 1% of weight per week, this is too much stress for the body, remember the “yo-yo” effect;
  • get good sleep (6-8 hours a day);
  • do not drink alcohol (especially beer);
  • do not eat “fast” carbohydrates, give preference to cereals;
  • try to avoid stress.

IMPORTANT: Look at life positively!

Why do people get fat: video