A full range of hygiene using air flow. What is Air Flow

In order to keep your smile snow-white for as long as possible, you should take care of the condition of your teeth even when at a young age. To prevent oral pathologies and maintain a healthy smile, you should regularly visit the dentist's office for professional cleaning. This is the most available method maintaining the health of your teeth without significant costs. Today a lot has been developed preventive measures, but the most effective is Air Flow.

Indications for Air Flow

  • feeling bad taste in the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • presence of yellow or dark spots on the surface of the enamel;
  • the appearance of bad breath.

The effective Air Flow technique will become indispensable for those who smoke a lot and abuse coffee or tea, which contribute to the darkening of the enamel. It only takes one visit to the dentist to restore your smile to its natural beauty. The Air Flow hygienic procedure is indicated for all patients seeking a beautiful smile, regardless of their age and condition of the oral cavity.

Mechanism of action

Air Flow is an innovative procedure that is carried out to remove accumulated plaque and pigmentation from the surface of the tooth. Air Flow cleaning is done with a special device through which high pressure a special mixture is supplied, consisting of air, baking soda, and a fine mixture of water. Air Flow hygiene ensures effective removal plaque, food debris in the interdental space and hard-to-reach places. Air Flow whitening has no contraindications in the presence of crowns, dentures, etc. Before professional teeth cleaning, you must remove all inflammatory processes oral cavity. Otherwise, there will be no significant effect from the procedure. To make the preventive session comfortable for both the doctor and the patient, before starting Airflow enamel cleaning, the dentist places a saliva ejector in the patient’s mouth. During the procedure, the device is located at a distance of 5 millimeters from the tooth, the doctor makes circular movements, trying not to affect soft fabrics oral cavity. Once the Air Flow cleaning is completed, the remaining mixture is removed with a dental vacuum cleaner. The final stage of the Air flow procedure is grinding and polishing the enamel using special pastes.

Removing plaque with an airflow system.

If the patient has low pain threshold, the doctor can use local anesthesia which will allow the patient to undergo the Flow procedure with the least discomfort. For this purpose, some time before cleaning, a safe gel is applied to the gums.

Benefits of Air Flow

  • efficiency - brushing removes unpleasant plaque even in the most inaccessible places, where it is difficult to reach with a regular toothbrush;
  • absolute safety – during Air Flow hygiene, tooth enamel and oral mucosa are not damaged;
  • Air flow cleaning is painless and does not cause discomfort even after the session ends;
  • excellent polishing – the surface of the teeth becomes smooth;
  • cleaning gets rid of and has a whitening effect, which is obtained naturally;
  • efficiency - for high-quality cleaning of all teeth it will take only 30-40 minutes.

Efficiency of Air flow

After cleaning Air Flow, the result will be hard to miss! The surface of the tooth will become smooth, the enamel will acquire a natural healthy shade and become several shades lighter.

Air Flow result. The work of Marina Mikhailovna Filatova.

The cost of cleaning using the Air Flow method is more than affordable, so everyone can experience its effectiveness for themselves. For proper dental hygiene, the procedure should be repeated every six months. Since the main substance is regular soda, you can clean the tooth without the appearance side effects and allergic reactions.

Despite its prevalence, the innovative method of cleaning Air Flow from plaque is not used in all clinics. This is explained by the fact that the equipment is not cheap, and the implementation of such a service requires financial investments. Not all dentists have this opportunity, so if you are offered alternative cleaning methods, you should not immediately agree, but rather go to another clinic.

Outdated methods of cleaning enamel significantly interfere with the Airflow procedure, since they affect the condition of the oral cavity. The choice is always yours, but you should keep up with the times and use the best! Millions of patients around the world have been convinced of the effectiveness of the method of removing tartar and plaque, as evidenced by multiple positive reviews.

What happens after Air Flow

Tooth enamel is very sensitive and vulnerable to external factors during the week after the procedure, so you should not alternate too cold food with hot food, otherwise there is a risk of painful sensations. For several days, you should avoid eating food that has dyes and minimize smoking, otherwise the enamel may very quickly acquire a darkish tint again. In order to preserve the results obtained for as long as possible, dentists recommend using an ultrasonic toothbrush and a high-quality brush at home. toothpaste with whitening ingredients.

Contraindications to Air flow

  • bronchial asthma;
  • dental hypertension;
  • allergic reactions to citrus fruits, since ultrasonic cleaning devices use natural lemon essence.

Are you interested in the Air Flow technique? Feel all the delights of this useful event You can visit our dental clinic, which uses advanced equipment and safe treatment methods. Air Flow cleaning is carried out by experienced dentists who are attentive and responsible in their work. Patients are received in cozy, bright rooms. You can make an appointment or find out the cost of cleaning by calling the contact phone number.

By using modern dentistry can be carried out not only effective treatment teeth, but also their whitening. Professional cleaning Air teeth Flow– that innovative procedure that allows you to solve the problem of darkening of the enamel.

What is Air Flow teeth cleaning?

Air Flow procedure in dentistry (Air Flow) – relatively new way whitening teeth from yellow and gray plaque, dark spots and other contaminants that not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but can also cause serious dental diseases.

Teeth brushing using the Air Flow method based on the use of a Swedish airflow system device. The hygienic procedure is performed using a jet stream with a water-abrasive solution.

It cannot be said that technology refers to chemical method impact or mechanical. Professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow is rather an additional technique aimed at removing soft and hard plaque from the enamel, which cannot be removed with an irrigator or toothbrush.

AirFlow teeth cleaning allows you to get rid of darkening of the enamel, removing pigment not only from the surface, but also from the pores. During dental procedures, three substances are used - finely dispersed cleaning powder, water, and air.

The abrasive substance is usually soda. Its grains are finely dispersed, so they do not harm the enamel, but have a gentle whitening effect. Flavorings are added to the mixture to give it a lemony taste.

There are also special powders with anesthetic. Such products are intended for the treatment of patients with excessive tooth sensitivity and sore gums. However, it should be borne in mind that the components of such powders include lidocaine, which can cause allergies and is therefore not suitable for all patients.

Don't brush your teeth yourself baking soda. It differs from special powder as it has larger particles that can seriously damage the enamel.

Many people choose the use of ultrasound among all methods of teeth cleaning. Dentists instead ultrasonic method influences are recommended to resort to modern technology– cleaning with an abrasive mixture under pressure.

It is recommended for people whose teeth are constantly exposed to dyes. This happens when regular use coffee, tea, soda, some medications, as a result of smoking. Coloring components tend to penetrate the enamel structure, causing it to darken.

Airflow whitening is carried out by thoroughly removing plaque and pigment formations. Lightening occurs to the natural color of the teeth. It should be understood that If a patient’s teeth naturally have a grayish tint, they will remain that way.

You should not count on teeth whitening in cases where the darkening of the enamel is not due to external factors, but with internal processes. Thus, stains due to fluorosis and tetracycline teeth cannot be removed using a water-abrasive mixture.


Air Flow teeth whitening is more prestigious and more effective than others dental methods removing plaque. Dentists highlight the following advantages of this technology:

  • It has a gentle effect without thinning or damaging the enamel structure. Exposure to finely dispersed powder, water, and air does not harm the tooth surface, but carefully and accurately removes plaque.
  • Possibility of use even if there are veneers, fillings and artificial crowns in the mouth.
  • Except effective cleansing, antibacterial treatment of the oral cavity is carried out.
  • Teeth cleaning with Air Flow device – good prevention caries and periodontitis.
  • By removing plaque with a jet of cleaning powder, the specialist does not damage the integrity of the tooth tissues or increase their sensitivity.
  • Simultaneously with the removal of plaque, gentle sanding is carried out, resulting in a leveling of the coating.
  • Air Flow whitening prevents gum damage. The hygienic procedure is absolutely painless, does not cause even the slightest discomfort, and therefore does not require painkillers or local anesthesia.
  • The procedure does not take much time - it lasts 30–60 minutes. During this time, the specialist can treat all the patient’s teeth, while other whitening methods will require several sessions.

Air Flow technology is not easy to remove various deposits, but also to whiten teeth by several shades: up to their natural shade. The substances used in dental procedures are completely hypoallergenic.


Before seeking a service from a dentist, you should familiarize yourself with its disadvantages. After teeth whitening Air Flow in rare cases, enamel sensitivity increases. This technology has other disadvantages:

  • does not give positive effect when exposed to rather hard and obsolete formations;
  • It is possible to whiten the enamel only by a few tones, unnatural white it will not be possible to achieve;
  • the Air Flow system does not allow removing deposits from under the gums;
  • Along with plaque and carious formations, the protective film is also removed, the restoration of which will take time, so the sensitivity of the enamel may increase.
If the procedure is performed by a dentist without experience in using the Air Flow device, there is a high risk of gum damage.

Indications and contraindications

Air Flow cleaning is indicated for use in the following situations:

  • darkening of the enamel;
  • formation of individual dark spots on the tooth surface;
  • the need to remove plaque in the interdental spaces;
  • the occurrence of orthodontic pathologies in the body;
  • inflammation of periodontal tissue chronic form: periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis;
  • preparation for the procedure of professional enamel whitening;
  • installation of braces, implants, prostheses;
  • improper closure of teeth.
The Air Flow device is recommended to be used for treating the dentition as a hygiene care before removing braces. Air Flow is also used to clean structures made from braces and implants; this procedure is often prescribed before fluoridation and prosthetics.

The use of technology is unacceptable for the following patients:

  • People with respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. There are cases in dentistry where patients have had their teeth cleaned using Air procedures Flow, and they found it difficult to breathe.
  • Persons with periodontal diseases.
  • Patients in whom soda and citrus fruits cause allergies.
  • People with excessively thin, sensitive enamel.
  • Patients with kidney disease during an exacerbation.
  • Children under 15 years old.
  • The presence of extensive carious cavities.

Tartar removal in pregnant and lactating women using this technology should be done with caution.

Preparing for cleaning and bleaching

Before carrying out comprehensive care for a person’s oral cavity, he must be prepared for dental procedures. To do this you need to do the following:

  • put a medical cap and glasses on the patient;
  • Place a saliva ejector under the tongue to prevent excessive accumulation of fluid in the mouth;
  • Lubricate your lips with Vaseline, as they can dry out while cleaning the tooth surface.
Glasses are needed to protect the eyes from splashes of an abrasive mixture with plaque and tartar, which are washed out of the mouth. Cap - to keep hair clean from small abrasive particles and bacteria.

After such preparation, you can begin to use the equipment to perform a set of actions: removing plaque, cleaning teeth from dark spots, brightening the surface.

How does the cleaning and whitening procedure work?

For cleansing using the Air Flow method, sodium bicarbonate is used - finely dispersed soda powder. The specialist pours it into a spherical container placed on the handle of the device. The device itself has two tanks, each equipped with a pump.

The photo shows a teeth cleaning machine.

One of these tanks is designed to supply water, the second - air. Both components are fed into a tube, and from there into a spherical container, where they are mixed with soda. The substances are then propelled by compressed air to the cleaning site through the rotating tip of the pen.

The intensity of the pressure can be adjusted; if necessary, the specialist can weaken it or increase it. Circular movements The dentist directs a jet to the teeth, carefully treating each tooth both from the inside and from the outside.

The photo shows the final stage of the Air Flow procedure

Technology for removing plaque as an independent procedure is rarely used. It is usually used in tandem with professional dental care.

After brushing the teeth using the Air Flow method the result becomes obvious immediately. According to patient reviews, immediately after the manipulation they noticed the following positive changes:

  • removal of tartar on the first day of cleaning;
  • the surface of the teeth becomes lighter by several tones due to the removal of pigments;
  • leveled out upper layer teeth, since the device grinds the enamel;
  • The teeth acquire an attractive shine due to grinding.

Photos before and after Air Flow teeth brushing

To avoid having to go back to the clinic with the same problem after a dental procedure, experts strongly recommend that patients follow these recommendations:

  • For three hours after the Air Flow procedure, you should not consume products that stain the enamel. These are beets, blueberries, coffee, black tea, juices, cherries. If possible, it is better to completely exclude them from the diet on this day.
  • It is recommended to refrain from smoking for several hours: nicotine will damage the lightened enamel.
  • If one procedure is not enough or other manipulations are planned, for example, such as ultrasonic cleaning, they cannot be carried out earlier than after 3 weeks.
To maintain the whiteness of teeth obtained in the dentist’s office, it is recommended to use an electric, ultrasonic or irrigator at home rather than a regular toothbrush. This type of care is especially necessary for smokers and coffee lovers.

Cost of the procedure

Prices for water-abrasive teeth cleaning are affordable for most patients. If you compare it with ultrasonic cleaning, it is not expensive at all. In Moscow average cost AirFlow services are 2.5–3.5 thousand rubles. for processing one jaw.

Professional cleaning using the Air Flow system is painless, harmless and effective. After half an hour spent in the dentist's office, people get a snow-white smile for a long time.

The other day I visited for the first time in my life a complex procedure called professional dental hygiene with ultrasound and Air-flow system. I know that many people do these procedures separately, but it seems to me that it is in this complex that the method of putting teeth and gums in order is more effective.

3 days have passed since visiting the doctor and I can already tell you about my feelings during the procedure and after.

So. I need to start with the fact that I have never resorted to any of the procedures before. Sometimes during dental treatment I simply asked the dentist to use a polishing attachment and a special paste to remove plaque from my lower front teeth, where it is most noticeable. That was the end of it. But over the almost 40 years I’ve lived, I can’t call the condition of my teeth terrible; I’ve never had any problems.

But recently I have started to worry about problems with my gums: there is no bleeding, but they have become inflamed from time to time. The dentist advised me to undergo a comprehensive procedure for teeth cleaning with ultrasound and Air-flow. Just at the clinic near home whole month There was a promotion for this very procedure, I decided to sign up and finally do it.

I must say that I was afraid of these procedures in advance, because out of my stupidity I had previously watched enough videos online and read reviews, most of which were that it was terribly painful and that I needed to give an injection (although I even treat my teeth without injections, not love them). I thought that, sorry, I would have a mouth full of blood, etc. In fact, both procedures turned out to be completely painless for me! For teeth and gums...

Now about each of the procedures separately. Before they started doing all this to me, they put a protective cap on me, and my eyes were protected from splashes and powder flying in all directions with plastic goggles. A plastic expander was inserted into the mouth, this is, of course, an unpleasant moment, but necessary to have access to all the teeth in the mouth.

Ultrasonic cleaning

For me it doesn't hurt at all. I understand that under the pressure of water, the teeth with the help of a metal nozzle get rid of the most noticeable deposits of tartar. Well, yes, the whistling sound is not very pleasant, but it did not cause any irritation or fear in me. My gums felt normal, I also did not experience any unpleasant damage to tooth enamel or increased tooth sensitivity in the treated areas. In general, for me this part of the procedure turned out to be the calmest and most pleasant.

Air-flow cleaning

I was already relaxed, thinking that since ultrasound and cleaning teeth with a metal thing are such garbage, then some kind of powder under pressure is generally a ridiculous procedure, imperceptible. But I was wrong))) Perhaps I have some non-standard structure and sensitivity of the teeth and skin of the lips, but my teeth and gums under the pressure of this blown powder did not hurt me at all, but my lips... This is some kind of nightmare! From the taste in my mouth, I realized that the powder used in the Air-flow method contains soda. And soda in such a lethal concentration brought my lips (the lower ones suffered more severely) to a ragged state (((That was very painful! Terrible redness, as if delicate skin lips were simply torn off. But maybe it's mine individual feature too sensitive and delicate skin of the lips.

Otherwise, everything was OK, my gums hardly bled, only in a few places where I had obvious problems with gum inflammation.

After such a comprehensive cleaning, they polished my teeth with a special nozzle with paste, and then applied fluoride varnish, warning me not to drink for an hour and not to eat for 2 hours. Well, don’t drink drinks or food that stain the enamel for 2-3 days after professional cleaning. That's what I did.

I was pleased with the result, although I cannot say that my teeth became whiter, although the plaque was removed from them with powder. They became a little lighter, but, most importantly, they became cleaner! Because this is still not whitening, but a hygienic procedure aimed at removing noticeable plaque and tartar.

Well, now I’ll show you photos before and after the procedure. It’s a shame, of course, that I walked around with such teeth for a long time...And by the way, I don't smoke, but lower teeth plaque forms very quickly and without smoking, and without drinking wild amounts of coffee and tea ((

Shame - but these are teeth before professional cleaning

After comprehensive hygiene, my result is this:

My teeth didn’t become much whiter, but definitely cleaner! Photo the next morning after cleaning

Moreover, I will also show you what lips I came with and how they were damaged in the end. It's a pity that I didn't take a photo right after the procedure...

Lips before professional teeth cleaning procedure. No damage...

Popular hygiene procedure. It allows you to make the enamel whiter and serves as the prevention of caries.

Brushing your teeth using the Air Flow method is safe and painless. After it, a feeling of freshness remains in your mouth for a long time, and your smile becomes snow-white and attractive.

Maybe it’s time for you to do a flow cleanse too, but you just don’t know about it yet? From the article you will learn everything about this procedure and can decide whether it will benefit you.

Air Flow is a technology for abrasive professional cleaning of tooth enamel. The Air Flow technique allows you to remove plaque from those places where the brush does not penetrate: in the interdental crevices and recesses of the enamel layer.

The name of the technology translates as “air jet”. Despite the name, cleaning is not done with air, but with calcium bicarbonate or, more simply, baking soda.

Soda is supplied from the tip of a special apparatus under high pressure. It is first mixed with water and air, resulting in the formation of a kind of soda aerosol.

Hitting the enamel, the smallest particles of soda knock down mineralized deposits, and the water-air mixture washes them and the soda itself off the surface of the tooth.

Often aromatic substances are added to the mixture, giving it nice smell both taste and breath freshening.

All reviews indicate that, despite the continuous supply of water to oral cavity, cleaning Air Flow does not cause any discomfort.

A nozzle is inserted into the mouth to suction the water so that the patient does not have to choke or swallow the soda mixture.

Moreover, there are frankly enthusiastic reviews regarding this procedure. All patients note high efficiency method. The water-air-abrasive mixture goes around each tooth, cleaning out deposits everywhere.

The results of cleaning last a long time; there are reviews that even after a year, the teeth remain as bright, clean and healthy as immediately after brushing.

If you have darkening of the enamel in the form of tartar, then Air Flow will help restore your teeth to their original appearance.

How does Air Flow professional cleaning work? The patient enters the office wearing shoe covers and sits in a regular dental chair.

They put a waterproof bib on it and start cleaning. The cleaning itself takes about 30 minutes.

The dentist directs the jet not at the gum, but away from it, holding the nozzle at an angle of 30 - 60 degrees. Finally, the patient is asked to rinse his mouth and brush his teeth with professional paste, using an electric nozzle with a rubber tip instead of a regular toothbrush.

The size of soda particles is so small that it allows them to penetrate into the interdental spaces, but at the same time they do not injure the gums.

But if the gums are “weak”, then they may experience slight bleeding. At hypersensitivity gums, the doctor may suggest local anesthesia, which consists of treating the soft tissues with a cotton swab soaked in lidocaine.

The sensations from the procedure are pleasant, similar to those experienced when massaging the gums. The impact of soda particles on the mucous membrane is not felt at all, but the bubbles of foam are very pleasantly felt.

After the cleaning is complete, your dentist may suggest a fluoride varnish. This drug protects against painful sensations that may occur in the first days after cleansing.

Fluoride varnish envelops the teeth like a film and comes off on its own after a few days. It should be taken into account that until the fluoride varnish comes off from the teeth, it will give the enamel a yellowish tint.

Who needs teeth cleaning?

Why do you need professional Air Flow cleaning: just for beauty or for protection against caries? Or so that dentures and fillings last longer?

The correct answer is that the entire body needs Air Flow cleaning. Teeth are not only a “calling card” and organs for grinding food.

The dentofacial system is connected with all digestive organs and affects their work. Healthy teeth without tartar and other foci of infection - this is a guarantee not only beautiful smile, but also general health.

Everyone, without exception, needs professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow. Everyone has deposits on their teeth.

For some they represent soft coating, and for some they have already managed to mineralize and turn into tartar.

Any deposit on the teeth is a place where microbes accumulate and a potential source of infection. If you do not clear the enamel of stones in time, then over time gum inflammation will begin, and then periodontitis.

Surprisingly, many people do not even suspect that without professional cleaning their teeth are in serious danger. Periodontitis does not manifest itself in any way at first.

Its first noticeable symptoms are bad smell from the mouth and slight bleeding of the gums.

To solve the problem, simply remove all deposits regularly - this guarantees the absence of periodontal disease.

Direct indications for Air Flow cleaning:

  • cleaning or ;
  • cleaning ceramic bridges;
  • enamel lightening;
  • cleaning the tooth before microdiagnostics or mineralization.

Air Flow cleaning is a harmless procedure, but it also has a few contraindications:

  • diseases of the lungs and bronchi, including asthma;
  • allergy to soda or aluminum (sometimes an aluminum compound is used in devices instead of soda);
  • weak, thinned enamel;
  • numerous unfilled carious cavities;
  • spicy .

Contraindications for cleaning Air Flow are pregnancy and lactation.

After cleaning Air Flow, you must refrain from smoking and consuming products containing natural or chemical dyes for at least a day.

These contraindications must be observed, otherwise the enamel will quickly lose its newly acquired whiteness.

The fact is that approximately 24 hours after brushing, it easily and quickly absorbs everything that gets on the surface of the teeth.

Which cleaning is better - ultrasonic or jet?

Modern dentistry offers a choice of several methods of professional teeth cleaning. No less than Air Flow, .

Therefore, a legitimate question may arise - which method is better? If we rely on the reviews of doctors, we can conclude that Air Flow cleaning is useful for those whose teeth have turned yellow from smoking, and ultrasonic cleaning is better at preventing caries.

During ultrasonic cleaning, tartar is crushed and washed away with water. Ultrasound not only cleanses the enamel of contaminants visible to the naked eye, but also kills germs and bacteria living under the gums and in the spaces between teeth.

Ultrasonic cleaning has no mechanical or chemical exposure on the surface of the tooth. This method is considered completely safe for enamel, since the scanner does not come into contact with it.

However, ultrasonic cleaning is not for everyone. The method is contraindicated in patients with pacemakers and heart disease. Ultrasound waves can damage dental implants and bridges.

The Air Flow procedure will not help get rid of large tartar, it only removes soft plaque. Ultrasonic cleaning removes even the hardest deposits.

The optimal cleaning method is a combination of these methods, when large mineralized deposits are removed in a targeted manner. ultrasound scanner, and then finishing is carried out with an abrasive jet.

The table gives Comparative characteristics two methods.

UltrasoundAir Flow
EffectRemoval of tartar, including from under the gums, prevention of cariesRemoving pigmentation, cleaning enamel before whitening or installing braces
Who is it shown to?EveryoneFor everyone, especially smokers, coffee and strong tea lovers
For whom it is contraindicatedPeople with implants, artificial crowns and bridgesPeople with deep caries chronic diseases respiratory system, weak enamel
Duration40 minutes30 minutes
ResultWhitening enamel, sterilizing tooth surfaces, relieving inflammationEnamel lightening, plaque removal, tartar prevention

Dentistry today offers a third method of cleaning enamel - with a laser. Laser cleaning allows you to very carefully clean your teeth from soft and mineralized plaque and, in addition, whiten them.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that it cannot be called cheap and accessible. Not every clinic has equipment for laser cleaning.

Doctors say that professional Air Flow cleaning is a mandatory procedure that must be carried out every 6 to 12 months.

If you have long forgotten natural color your teeth, then be sure to go to Air Flow. Indeed, in this case, for a reasonable and very affordable amount, you get the maximum benefit - all the reviews say so.

Toothbrush - excellent remedy to cleanse the mouth, but sometimes it is not enough. A snow-white smile will decorate any person, it’s no wonder that many strive to get it.

It has the following properties:

  • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

Indications and contraindications for Air Flow

Indications for use

  1. The presence of tartar, plaque and pigmentation of tooth enamel.
  2. Predisposition to the appearance or its initial stage(upon agreement with the doctor).
  3. To prepare your teeth for the whitening procedure, it is recommended to first carry out Air Flow cleaning.
  4. To remove marks from tooth enamel long-term wearing braces.


The procedure has a number of limitations, so a preliminary consultation with a dentist is necessary. Well-known contraindications are asthma, periodontal disease, complex forms of vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalances due to dieting. You can't brush your teeth during pregnancy and lactation.

Preparing for the Air Flow procedure

First of all you should go through preventive examination dentist Your doctor may also recommend a cleaning procedure after a routine exam if plaque or other indications are found. The cleaning powder may have a menthol or citrus flavor, so if you have an allergy or excessive sensitivity to the components, you should tell your doctor.

There is no need to apply makeup before the procedure, because particles of the cleanser get on your face when sprayed and you will need to wash your face after completion.

How to behave after the procedure:

  1. Refrain from eating and drinking for two hours.
  2. Do not drink colored drinks and fruits (coffee, tea, beets) for several days and do not injure the oral cavity with hard nuts and seeds.
  3. Buy toothpaste recommended by your dentist.
  4. For several days you should rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and chamomile decoction.

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents early tooth decay. Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

Price for the service

Air Flow is an oral hygiene maintenance procedure that is an advanced version of chemical polishing and scaling. The cleaning product contains tiny soda granules that do not damage the enamel. The price is lower compared to other cleaning methods.

Average cost in dental clinics St. Petersburg - about 1,800 rubles.

Patient reviews about the advantages and disadvantages of the Air Flow procedure

The obvious advantages of this manipulation are evidenced by the fact that tooth enamel is lightened several tones. The technology of hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity has a number of disadvantages for some patients, these should also be mentioned.


  1. Safe removal of pigmentation from tooth enamel from exposure to dyes, which results from systematic consumption of red wine, coffee, tea, beets, some berries, and smoking.
  2. The manipulation is performed without anesthesia because it is absolutely painless. Mild discomfort occurs the first two days after the procedure only in people with very sensitive enamel. This problem is easily solved by using a local anesthetic.
  3. Compound medical product used for the procedure is not chemical, therefore it does not harm tooth enamel, which cannot be said about the whitening procedure.
  4. The Air Flow procedure is also a preventive measure dental diseases(caries, periodontal disease).
  5. Deep cleaning of the periodontal canals is carried out, due to which the unpleasant odor is eliminated.
  6. At the end of the procedure tooth enamel varnished which provides additional protection.
  7. Medical manipulation will not take much time, it is done within half an hour.


  1. Air Flow does not provide a radical whitening effect, tooth enamel will retain its natural yellowish tint. Dazzling whiteness will be achieved only by chemical bleaching, the preparation for which is also the Air Flow cleaning procedure.
  2. Tartar (hard plaque) is very difficult to blast away cleaning agent, while the soft one is removed from the most inaccessible places.
  3. Obstructive respiratory diseases, as well as periodontal disease, are a contraindication to the procedure.
  4. Air Flow cleaning is an alternative to bleaching safe method impact on tooth enamel, but you will also have to take precautions to avoid damage to gum tissue and oral cavity.
  5. If the natural yellowish tint bothers you and really creates visual discomfort, then more effective procedure will laser correction or photobleaching, for example.

  1. There is no need to panic, the manipulation is painless. And you shouldn't expect snow-white smile. The result will depend on the natural shade of the enamel.
  2. It is better for girls to refrain from using cosmetics when going for the procedure.
  3. The gums may bleed for several hours after the procedure, so you should prepare a decoction of herbs for rinsing and toothpaste (or a gel to relieve swelling, such as Metrogyl) in advance.
  4. Allergy sufferers should be careful.

How is Air Flow different from whitening?

The effect of this procedure depends on the natural shade of the enamel, but it differs from chemical bleaching. The technique is called whitening because it cleanses large area surface of the tooth (including in hard-to-reach places), therefore the reflective effect increases and the enamel brightens.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, there is a psychological effect. Cleaning can be a full-fledged replacement for whitening, so clinics present Air Flow as an alternative option for natural, effective lightening of tooth enamel.