The benefits and harms of duck meat, a description of its properties with photos, as well as recipes for dishes with this product. Duck meat, composition, benefits and harms, low-calorie duck dishes

At least once a year festive table a baked duck or a cooked part of it appears - duck breast. But everyone knows such meat as particularly tough, fatty and therefore not suitable for everyone. It is these two factors that become the main reason for refusing to use duck meat and don't even suspect it nutritional value. So is there any benefit to duck meat or is it... more harm. Let's find out in this article. After all, even in this meat you can find a lot useful qualities, skillfully hidden by nature.

Many will be surprised, but duck meat was consumed 4000 years ago. As a food product, duck dates back to the Yuan Dynasty in ancient China. Duck is still considered a delicacy in many countries and is eaten worldwide. famous recipes preparations of this bird, such as Peking duck. It is served in many of the most expensive restaurants.

Composition and beneficial properties of duck meat

The duck is a very neat bird. Most people do not like to cook it at home, but are happy to order it in restaurants or cafes.

No matter what anyone says, duck meat is not inferior in its chemical composition even beef, and in terms of taste – grilled chicken. The fact is that duck contains the following necessary for the human body:

  • Amino acids;
  • Enzymes;
  • Choline;
  • Betaine;
  • Vitamin A;
  • B vitamins, including vitamin B12;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • The vitamin of youth is tocopherol (in other words, vitamin E);
  • Proteins (“builder” of cells);
  • Fats (still necessary for tissues);
  • Minerals represented by sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and other minerals.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of duck meat. Like any meat, this meat is rich in protein and allows you to increase your protein intake. Each portion domestic duck can provide about 18 grams of complete animal protein. Protein is important for maintaining immune system, muscle tissue and makes the skin strong and healthy.

So 100 grams of Peking duck meat contains 24 grams of protein. Breast and leg of domestic duck – 28 and 29 grams, respectively.

True, the calorie content of cooked Peking duck is high and contains 337 calories. While lean meat has only 201 calories.

Vitamins of this group are needed by the body for metabolism and perform a number of important functions in the body. For example, a serving of duck contains almost 32 percent of vitamin B5 and 17 percent of vitamin B12 of the recommended amount. daily norm. Both of these vitamins are needed for normal operation nervous system: Vitamin B5 is involved in the transmission of nerve signals, and vitamin B12 protects the nervous system from stress.

True, it should be noted that this type of meat with high content fat and cholesterol, especially if the duck is eaten with skin.

100 grams of such meat can contain up to 70 milligrams of cholesterol, which is almost a quarter of the recommended daily consumption(no more than 300 mg) for an adult healthy person. With diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and some other diseases, this norm should be less, no more than 200 mg per day.

Saturated fat intake should also be limited. This rate should be from 7 to 10 percent, depending on daily calories burned. A serving of boiled duck contains 4 grams of saturated fat, and already fried it increases by 2 times.

It is also worth noting the fact that domestic duck is higher in calories and fat than wild duck. For example,

  • Wild duck contains almost 23 grams of protein fractions and only 3 grams of fat, which determines its caloric content no higher than 120 units;
  • Domestic duck (not musky) has 20 grams of protein and 19 grams of fat, which is why the calorie content increases significantly and amounts to 350 kilocalories;
  • The sedentary Muscovy broiler duck boasts a caloric value of 350–405 kilocalories.

All this is important to consider when buying a duck.

Benefits of duck meat

Considering all the advantages of duck meat, you should not completely give up eating this type of meat. After all, except negative qualities, of course, there are benefits to duck meat, which is why it is worth including it in your menu.

In accordance with the available vitamins, macro- and microelements, duck is characterized by the following beneficial properties:

  • The body is being cleansed of carcinogenic substances;
  • Betaine and choline are directly involved in the construction cell membranes;
  • Anemia is treated and prevented thanks to minerals involved in the production of red blood cells;
  • Enzymes regulate metabolic processes;
  • Due to fats, the structure and complexion improves;
  • Vitamin A helps maintain visual eye function;
  • Doctors recommend introducing duck meat into the diet of people with physical and nervous exhaustion;
  • By saturating the body with proteins, duck meat activates the immune system and is therefore necessary during the period of colds and flu;
  • Amino acids have an excellent effect on man's health and help long time maintain potency without using medications.

Including duck meat in your diet increases your intake of important minerals, particularly zinc and selenium, which are not found in all foods. I fulfill both of these minerals important role in the activation of enzymes necessary for healthy cellular metabolism.

Zinc improves the immune system, and selenium as an antioxidant can prevent many diseases, including cancer.

One serving of duck meat contains 17 percent of the recommended daily intake of zinc for men and 24 percent for women.

Sele is a quarter of this amount and contains 14 mcg per serving of meat.

Harm of duck meat

The main harm of duck meat, of course, is its fat content and high cholesterol and calorie content. Therefore, the first contraindication to eating duck is high cholesterol. After all, it itself is considered a source of cholesterol, “contributing” to the disruption of natural processes in blood vessels.

In people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver, hard fibers will not only interfere with the digestion of meat, but will also cause exacerbations of chronic diseases.

It is also worth completely eliminating duck meat for anyone who has an individual intolerance to poultry meat.

Therefore, if you are watching your cholesterol levels, then duck meat should be consumed no more than once a day and no more than 100 grams. It is also better to cook the duck with the least amount of fat, removing the skin. Even if you really like the crunch of the fried crust, you should give up this pleasure, preferring stewed duck rather than fried duck.

How to choose a duck

Today, the breed of so-called musk ducks is widespread, which arrived in the domestic Agriculture relatively recently from China. At the same time, they began to be bred in households as a relatively cheap live commodity.

However, according to experts, the most acceptable for consumption is domestic duck, which is descended from the mallard. After all, it is more similar to the wild duck, which was first hunted and then domesticated since the times of ancient Rus'.

In appearance and behavior, these two varieties are somewhat different. Mallards are more active and do not grow to large sizes. So they are a little smaller and don't have too much fat, making them a relatively healthy diet.

  • Size (a duck weighs up to 3 kg, and a tougher drake weighs up to five);
  • The surface of the carcass (the skin of a fresh duck is always shiny, with a yellowish tint);
  • Cutting the meat part (such a bird belongs to the dark-grade species, which is why fresh meat will have bright red color, but not brown or dark red);
  • The presence of skin stickiness (it is not acceptable);
  • Elasticity ( skin covering should recover quickly when pressed).

If desired, receive tasty dish It is recommended not to store duck meat for a long time, but to cook it within 24 hours. In addition, even if the services of a refrigerator cannot be avoided, then it is better to wrap the carcass in parchment paper and place it in a container, which is not located in the freezer, but on the middle shelf (the main thing is not to freeze the fat, which may subsequently give off unpleasant aftertaste and bitter.

How to cook duck

Often the whole duck is baked in the oven, always adding sour apples. It is advisable to remove the skin before serving, so as not to spoil the dish by the presence of high fat content. The paws and tips of the wings are always cut off beforehand and the rear end passage, which gives an unpleasant aftertaste.

For those who love duck meat, but are afraid of cholesterol and fat, it is recommended to cook marinated duck breast and duck liver. At the same time, during the cooking process it is important to leave a cover so that the meat does not turn out dry, but is juicy and remove it before serving.

If only meat remains, then it needs to be marinated by adding red pepper, salt and lemon juice. This will give the fibrous weft a softer texture. When cooking duck, avoid adding extra oil or fat. for juiciness, it is better to then water it with the duck’s own juice and fat.

Duck necks are used today in the preparation of jellied meat.

Duck is served in the restaurant with salad and cranberry sauce. Duck goes well with stewed cabbage, fried beets, carrots, parsnips. It will be great to add parsnips when cooking, it will add a rich aroma to the meat.

Housewives who raise ducks also give helpful advice when cooking duck meat. First, boil the duck carcass until half cooked, and then bake. This will make the meat more juicy.

Can pregnant women eat duck meat?

The answer to this question is positive if the pregnancy is not complicated by any pathology and there are no contraindications. The only condition is proper preparation meat. It should be completely cooked and not half-baked. It is better to eat stewed meat rather than smoked or fried meat. And, of course, it is better to consult your doctor first.

Table of nutritional value and composition of duck meat

Duck meat, what are the benefits and harms of duck meat, watch the video

Duck's tender meat with a crispy skin has made it one of the most popular birds in cooking. It is prepared as an independent dish or added to others as an ingredient. Regardless of the chosen cooking option, duck retains its juiciness and unique delicate taste.

History and geography of the product

The familiar poultry originates from the wild mallard duck. Its domestication by humans began a millennium BC, and this process was completed in the 5th century. BC. the ancient Greeks raised wild ducks under nets. Domesticated mallard ducks were also very popular in China and Japan, from where they spread throughout the world.

The ancestors of modern domestic ducks on the American continent are considered to be small birds of this family that lived on the island of Yucatan since pre-Columbian times. A wild species of South American duck, which is still found in Paraguay and Brazil, became the basis for the development of the musky variety. Due to the prevalence of the bird in the wild, many countries on different continents have their own species of domestic duck.

About the popularity of duck meat valuable product nutrition can be judged by many historical evidence and archaeological finds discovered by scientists. Images of this bird are found during excavations in cultural layers of the 8th century. BC. In the famous Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala" duck egg called the basis of the Universe. Residents of the Russian North often gave the shape of a duck to kitchen utensils, for example, ladles and bowls, widely known in folk crafts.

Types and varieties

The meat of both wild and domestic ducks is consumed. Their differences lie in the size of the carcasses, fat content and flavor of the meat. The weight of each bird varies depending on gender within 2-4 kg. Drakes are usually larger than females, and domestic birds are larger and fatter than wild birds. Moreover, artificially bred ducks are characterized by early maturity; they grow and gain weight faster than those living in natural conditions.

Duck meat also differs depending on the age of the birds. Young ducks are very tender and cook faster, but older ones have more meat, and its taste has many shades. The choice depends on the dish being prepared and personal preferences.

There are more than 80 breeds of domestic ducks in the world, differing in growing conditions and timing, appearance, nutritional properties of meat. All birds of this species are divided into three large groups:
1) egg-laying;
2) meat;
3) meat and eggs.
The last two subspecies are more popular, since ducks are still inferior to chickens in egg production. IN separate group still allocate musky breeds, for their external resemblance to turkeys, they are often called indo-ducks.

Meat-type birds are distinguished by their large size and early maturity. With proper care, they can reach the desired weight in 50-70 days. These breeds include the world famous Peking, Khaki Campbell, Moscow White and Gray Ukrainian ducks. Egg birds are lighter in weight, but upon reaching sexual maturity they lay eggs well. Meat-egg breeds bred by crossing, for example, Rouen and Black White-breasted ducks, combine the advantages of both subspecies.

Beneficial features

Duck meat is valuable nutritious product, having a balanced composition. In it, in addition to the traditional meat products proteins, saturated fatty acid(Omega-3 and Omega-6), ash, choline and many vitamins (E, A, PP and groups B). Duck is also rich in beneficial minerals: fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, iodine, chlorine, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and sodium. Wherein bad cholesterol There is less in the rather fatty meat of duck than in pork.

Thanks to fatty acids, eating duck has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Twice the vitamin A content of chicken helps strengthen vision and improve skin condition. A large set of B vitamins supports the nervous system, and choline and betaine from duck meat are involved in fat metabolism and the formation of cellular structures.

Taste qualities

Duck meat is a dark type. It is characterized by red-brown color and high, in comparison with other birds, fat content, which does not allow it to be classified as dietary products. However, the special juiciness and tenderness of duck meat has won it many fans all over the world.

In terms of taste, duck is generally similar to most other poultry. But, like each of them, it has its own unique flavor and aroma. The whole roasted duck with a crispy crust is especially tasty. The specific duck smell, which not everyone likes, is easily masked thanks to various fillings that can be used to stuff the bird before baking.

Also for taste qualities For duck dishes, the freshness of the meat is important. Poultry should not be stored in the freezer for more than 3 months. Fresh or defrosted duck must be sold within 3 days.

Use in cooking

Duck meat is very popular among chefs. The duck is prepared whole or cut into pieces and stuffed with various fillings. Duck can be a separate dish or used as an ingredient. Duck meat:
grind into mince
grilled or steamed;
added to snacks and salads.

In kitchens different nations There are many recipes for duck dishes. It makes delicious soups (cabbage soup, borscht, solyanka) and main courses (roast, pilaf, stew). Tender duck fat is great for frying. Duck meat goes well with vegetables, various cereals, mushrooms and even fruits. Wines and sweet and sour sauces go well with it. The most popular in the world is the classic baked duck with apples and the hallmark of Chinese cuisine - "Peking duck".

Duck meat obtained from both domestic and wild birds. In general, carcass weight varies from 2 to 4 kg. To obtain meat, farmers raise meat breeds, which are characterized by precocity. This type of meat is dark, that is, it has a characteristic dark brown and brownish-red color (see photo).

It is this fact that makes it impossible to consider duck meat a dietary product.

How to select and store?

To buy tasty and fresh duck, you must follow the following recommendations:

Fresh duck meat should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to -4 degrees. In this case, it will be suitable for consumption within 3 days. If you are not going to use it at this time, it is better to freeze it. This will increase the storage time to 3 months if the temperature is -15 degrees and up to a year if - 25.

Benefits of duck meat It is rich in B vitamins, which normalize metabolism and the activity of the nervous system. This product also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the body, which have a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. Duck meat contains choline and betaine - substances that are necessary for fat metabolism, and they are also directly involved in the formation of cell membranes. Duck meat stands out among others for its amount of vitamin A, which is important for vision, as well as for the beauty of the skin.

The product is recommended for use by people with anemia, as well as problems with the nervous system. This has a positive effect fatty product on potency. The benefits of duck meat are also due to the presence of a large amount of proteins, which are easily absorbed in the body. This product is rich in proteins, so it is useful to use it during regular physical and mental stress. Meat also helps with nervous tension. It can be considered a powerful biostimulant that improves the immune system. Duck fat has an atherogenic effect, which helps remove carcinogenic substances from the body.

Use in cooking

Duck meat is very popular. It can be served in various culinary processing: stew, fry, bake, salt, grill, steam, etc. Moreover, carcasses can be cooked completely or in parts. Probably every person in his life has tried duck stuffed with apples at least once. Today there is a large number of recipes that are prepared using duck meat. These include first and second courses, pilaf, roast, stew, etc. In addition, to diversify and improve the taste of the product, various sauces are used, for example, orange, pomegranate, etc. Duck is combined with various cereals, vegetables, mushrooms, and also fruits. Many housewives are confused by the toughness of duck meat, but if you know some secrets, you can cope with this problem.

Duck offal is also used in cooking; here it is appropriate to recall the popular foie gras. Duck fat is also used for frying other foods. The meat can be ground into minced meat, which allows you to cook a lot different dishes. Well, we can’t help but recall a popular dish that is served in many restaurants around the world - Peking duck.

Cooking secrets

Duck meat has its own cooking characteristics, which should definitely be taken into account if you want to get a tasty dish:

Harmfulness of duck meat and calorie content

Duck meat can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product. In addition, it contains a large amount of cholesterol, so it is not recommended to be consumed if you are obese and diabetes mellitus. When you overuse duck dishes, cholesterol accumulates, which causes a number of problems with blood vessels and the heart. Such meat also contains refractory fats that are poorly digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Considering this, people with liver, pancreas and stomach problems should avoid dishes prepared with duck meat.

Do not forget about the high calorie content of duck meat, so consuming it can significantly harm your figure and provoke the development of obesity.

Properly cooked duck is always tasty and nutritious. This bird entered cookbooks many centuries ago. Peking duck, for example, has been known in China since the Yuan Dynasty. The history of breeding these domestic birds goes back at least 4000 years. The taste and nutritional benefits of this bird have been valued at all times: both when food was abundant and during periods of food shortage. Today, the meat of this bird is still popular. Restaurants offer duck fried, stewed or baked. It won't be difficult to cook delicious duck at home.

In French cuisine special place occupied by the musky duck (indo-duck, mute duck), which has gained popularity due to its dietary meat. No less popular in the world is the lean meat of mulards (ducks bred by crossing Peking and musk breeds). Many people refuse duck, considering it too fatty. But if you choose the right piece of meat (skinless breast, leg), you can forget about the extra calories. Moreover, the meat of this bird contains a lot useful substances, which should not be abandoned under any circumstances.

Nutritional properties

Duck, like other types of meat, is an excellent source of high-quality protein, contains balanced set amino acids. A serving of duck meat will provide generous amounts of iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. Poultry fillet contains slightly less potassium, magnesium, vitamins E, A, C and folic acid.

By the way, 100 g of duck contains almost half of the recommended daily intake of niacin ( nicotinic acid), which helps reduce “bad” cholesterol in the bloodstream. Iron contained in fillet improves blood composition and provides the body with essential vital forces. Duck meat is also known as a rich source of vitamin B6, a substance important for the formation of antibodies in human body and has a beneficial effect on the cells of the nervous system (as well as vitamins B5 and B12). Selenium, included in the vitamin-mineral complex of duck meat, activates the functions thyroid gland, and zinc restores the immune system.

In its nutritional composition, duck is very similar to other types of meat. Thigh, drumstick and duck breast without skin are the most dietary parts. They contain less fat and calories than chicken or turkey. For this reason, lean duck is an excellent ingredient in any diet. But it is important to know that duck fat is also a very useful food component and has many advantages. But more on that a little later.

The nutritional value duck (per 100 g raw product)
Meat with skin Lean meat
Calorie content 337 kcal 201 kcal (breast, leg – 140 kcal)
28 g 11 g
19 g 24 g
0.95 g 1.2 g
2.6 mg 2.6 mg
205 mg 252 mg
13 mg 12 mg
15 mg 20 mg
0.03 mg 0.03 mg
0.24 mg 0.24 mg
60 mg 65 mg
21 mcg 22 mcg
0.18 mg 0.27 mg
157 mg 203 mg
1.8 mg 2.7 mg
210 IU 77 IU
0.27 mg 0.47 mg
4.8 mg 5.1 mg
1.1 mg 1.5 mg
0.18 mg 0.26 mg
6 mcg 11 mcg
0.3 mcg 0.4 mcg
0.8 mg 0.8 mg
9.7 g 4.2 g
12.9 g 3.7 g
3.7 g 1.4 g
3.4 g 1.3 g

The role of duck meat for the body

This may surprise you, but the meat of an ordinary domestic duck can work wonders. It contains components on which the performance of most systems in the human body depends.


Help with anemia

Duck fillet contains several beneficial substances that protect against anemia. In particular, we are talking about vitamin B12 (important as a preventive agent), phosphorus (important for energy production) and iron (necessary for the formation of hemoglobin). By the way, iron reserves in duck are almost 2 times higher than the mineral content in beef, and more than 4 times higher than in pork and chicken. The concentration of vitamin B12 is approximately 3 times higher than the content of the substance in other types of meat.


You can restore your immune system different methods. And among the simplest and most delicious is duck meat. The product contains important selenium and zinc. These substances enhance the body's ability to resist free radicals.

Physical and mental health

The human body constantly needs copper, on which physical and mental health. And poultry meat (duck in any form) contains significant amount this mineral. Also, do not forget about the significant amount of B vitamins, without which correct work nervous system is impossible.

Bone Strength

The biochemical composition of duck meat promotes mineralization bone tissue, strengthening bones and teeth. When consumed regularly it serves as a natural prophylactic against osteoporosis.

Metabolism and weight loss

How to cook wild duck

Game birds can be prepared using the same recipes as domestic duck. However, most birds from wildlife characteristic fishy smell and taste. To get rid of unwanted odor, it is enough to completely cut off the skin and fat from the carcass. But the secret of English hunters will help neutralize the fishy taste. While cooking, put a few carrots into the carcass (you can add an onion and spices). Vegetables absorb all extraneous “notes”. There is another secret. Immediately after gutting, place the cleaned carcass in the cold for 3-4 days. This technique, they say, will get rid of both the smell and the fishy taste.

What goes with it?

Duck stuffed with apples is already a classic. But besides this, it’s worth knowing that fried or baked poultry goes well with stewed cabbage, beets or a vegetable mix of roasted carrots and parsnips. They enhance the rich flavor and aroma of the bird. You can use buckwheat, mushrooms, etc. as ingredients for stuffing. The best addition to wild duck is berry or fruit sauce, but Bay leaf It will only ruin the dish. And don’t forget to add a little dry wine during cooking - this best ingredient for any duck dish.

Many unfairly classify the duck as useless or even not at all healthy food. In fact, the meat of this bird is extremely healthy, and in some respects it has no equal among other types of meat products.

Ducks are very popular in China and other Southeast Asian countries, where they are raised by many families living in rural areas. In our country, duck is in less demand compared to chicken. Many will be surprised to learn that duck meat is considered much healthier than meat chicken. So what is the benefit of duck meat, what beneficial nutrients does it contain, and is it really harmful, as some nutritionists claim. Read the answers to all these questions in this article.

Many of us prepare duck for the New Year or Christmas table. On normal weekdays, duck is not often found on family menus. There are a large number of dishes that can be prepared with this type of meat. Take, for example, the recipe for duck with oranges. But many consider her fat and little healthy dish, which you can afford to eat only a couple of times a year.

However, this is fundamentally wrong. Duck meat is considered a delicacy. It was consumed 4,000 thousand years ago, and the first mention of cooking duck dates back to the Yuan Dynasty in ancient China.

The duck family is quite extensive and includes more than 100 species. Most modern duck breeds are descended from the wild mallard or musk duck. Modern duck breeds are divided into:

Egg and meat;


Black white-breasted;

Gray Ukrainian.

The average domestic duck, depending on the breed, weighs from two to 3.5 kilograms. Drakes - on average three to four kilograms.

What are the benefits of duck meat?

Most of us love duck meat for its taste. But few people realize that in addition to animal protein, it also contains other beneficial nutrients. Duck meat contains:

Minerals: selenium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sodium, iron, potassium, calcium and others;

Vitamins: riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B 6, B12 and others;

Monounsaturated fats;

Polyunsaturated fats;

An important part of poultry meat is vitamins. Vitamin B 3 or niacin helps metabolize fats and reduces levels bad cholesterol(LDL). 100 grams of meat contains almost half of the daily requirement of recommended consumption.

Vitamin B 5 and B 12 are involved in maintaining the functions of the nervous system. Vitamin B 5 is involved in the transmission of nerve signals. While vitamin B 12 protects nerve cells from damage.

Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, the transfer of oxygen and other nutrients to different organs and body tissues.

Duck meat is a rich source of zinc and selenium. Both of these minerals play a role in enzyme function and activate enzymes that are essential for healthy cellular metabolism.

Zinc improves immunity, and selenium helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. 100 grams of meat contains a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult man and woman.

Protein in duck meat, like any other meat, contains everything necessary for a person amino acids. Protein is needed for the immune system, maintaining tissue and skin regeneration. 100 grams of domestic duck contain 18 grams of protein, while the breast and legs of Peking duck contain as much as 28 and 29 grams, respectively.

Many people are interested in whether duck meat is dietary and how many calories it contains. No, duck meat cannot be classified as dietary meat. This high-calorie product. Much depends on the method of preparation and presentation of the prepared dish. The calorie content of skinless duck breast meat can be 200 or a little more calories. Whereas cooked with skin already contains more than 300 calories.

Benefits of duck meat

Duck is rich in flavor and nutrients. It costs more than chicken. But including it in your diet can provide health benefits.

Selenium has antioxidant properties and may protect the body from the effects of free radicals and reduce risk cardiovascular diseases, oncology.

Iron can help prevent anemia.

Phosphorus helps convert food into energy and is needed for a strong skeletal system.

Our body also needs copper. It is an important mineral for both physical and mental health.

Calcium may help prevent osteoporosis.

Eating duck meat will benefit your skin and hair. Riboflavin and niacin are important for maintaining healthy skin. Omega-6 and Omega-3 are excellent support for hair growth and skin regeneration.

In addition to the above, it should be noted that duck meat has important in the diet of people whose work involves high energy costs and nervous stress.

Harm of duck meat

Undoubtedly, duck meat should be on every person’s diet menu. It is nutritious and healthy. But not everyone can afford to include it in their diet. Duck meat is not recommended for:

Overweight and obesity;

Aggravation chronic diseases stomach;

Liver diseases;

Diseases of the pancreas.

However, this meat contains a lot of fat. We must not forget about cholesterol. A 100-gram serving of meat cooked with skin contains about 70 milligrams of cholesterol, and without skin – 75 milligrams. Whereas daily norm consumption, according to nutritionists, is within 300 milligrams. Therefore, if you suffer from heart or vascular diseases, have increased content cholesterol, you should limit your consumption of this type of meat.

When cooking, you should give preference to stewed or baked duck and exclude foods high in cholesterol from your menu. It is better to cook duck without skin.

Availability high cholesterol may lead to deposition on the walls blood vessels, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to choose a duck

Duck can now be bought not only at the market, but also in the store. If possible, it is better to buy poultry.

Ducks are slaughtered in the fall. There is a lot of choice on the market at this time. When purchasing, you first need to pay attention to the skin. It should be shiny, with a slightly yellowish tint, thick and with a layer of fat.

There should be no stickiness on the skin of the duck, the meat should be dense and elastic. When pressed, it quickly returns to its original shape.

It is worth paying attention to the color of the meat itself. Duck meat is a red meat and its color should be bright red, not brown or dark red.

How to cook duck

There are many recipes for cooking duck. Every kitchen has its own national recipe. This meat can be subjected to all types of heat treatment: frying, stewing, baking, grilling.

Most often, the duck is baked whole, stuffed with apples or oranges. Acid makes meat softer and tastier. In this case, the skin is not removed so that the meat does not lose juices and is removed before serving.

To keep the meat tender, you can marinate it before cooking by adding lemon juice to the marinade.

There is no need to add fat or oil when cooking. The duck has enough of it. When baking, as a rule, the meat is poured with its own juice.

When frying duck with skin, you need to make small cuts in the skin and fry first on the side where the skin is. In this case most of subcutaneous fat will drown.

Traditionally, duck is served with cranberry sauce. It goes well with many stewed vegetables: cabbage, parsnips, beets, carrots, mashed potatoes, rice.

That's all about the benefits and harms of duck meat. Now you have enough reasons to buy the carcass of this bird and enjoy the delicious taste of the meat.

About the benefits and harms of duck meat, how to choose and store

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