What are the benefits of corn porridge. Is it possible for a nursing mother to have corn porridge

After the conquest of America by the conquistadors, the wealth of the New World poured into Europe. Numerous caravans of ships loaded with gold, silver and precious stones, transported not only countless treasures. The ships carried in their holds unprecedented birds, animals, and vegetables, berries, nuts and fruits outlandish for European residents.

Today, many plants whose homeland is Northern or South America are cultivated all over the world. It is hard to imagine what Europeans ate before, who did not know potatoes and tomatoes, zucchini and squash, sweet and hot peppers. To the two American continents, mankind owes its acquaintance with sunflowers and beans, strawberries and cocoa, pumpkins and peanuts.

Corn - the queen of the fields

Corn - "golden bread"

Among these plants that have become familiar to us, one of the leading places today is occupied by corn. Bread and biscuits made from cornmeal, sugar boiled cobs and healthy oil, canned grains and cereals from corn grits - this is an incomplete list of foods that are included in our regular diet. And how can you not remember about the delicacies loved by many: corn sticks, cereal and popcorn.

This crop of the cereal family was the staple food of the Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Olmecs and other Indian tribes. Her role in the life of the Indians, as in all American history, is difficult to overestimate. How important this plant was for the indigenous inhabitants of the New World is indicated by the following fact: one of the most revered gods among the ancient Aztecs was Sinteotl, the god of corn.

Today, corn, along with wheat, rice and soybeans, occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of sales among cereals.

The fruits of this plant are widely used in the national cuisine of many countries, and not only in Latin America. Italian polenta, Mexican tortilla, Hutsul banosh, Georgian mchadi and gomi, Romanian and Moldavian hominy - these world-famous dishes are made from corn flour or cereals.

They can also be prepared at home and included in your daily diet. And to start acquaintance with corn dishes should be with the most ordinary, but this healthy porridge. It will not bring any harm, and the health benefits of corn porridge are beyond doubt. In addition, this dish is low in calories, and you can include it in your home menu without fear for your figure.

Useful properties of corn porridge

corn porridge - the benefits and harms

Groats are made from corn grains by crushing and grinding. food industry produces five types of cereals, which differ from each other in the degree of grinding and the size of the grains. Depending on the variety of corn from which the cereal is made, it can have a color of different intensity: from pale to bright yellow. It is believed that for the preparation of real hominy, groats of saturated yellow color with an orange tint.

The uniqueness of corn porridge is that the cereal retains all its valuable qualities even after heat treatment. This dish contains a lot of fiber, which stimulates the intestines. Corn grits significantly inhibits the processes of fermentation and decay in the digestive tract, and removes toxins and decay products from the body.

But not only this is useful corn porridge for the human body - it is rich in vegetable protein, vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, and also contains a number of essential amino acids.

In addition, corn is one of those rare foods that contain gold, albeit in trace amounts. In addition, dishes from it have a low calorie content and help strengthen the immune system.

Calorie porridge from corn grits

How many calories are in corn porridge?

For those who are trying to lose weight and are on a diet, it will be interesting to know what is the calorie content of corn in various types, products made from it, as well as porridge from corn grits. We give data on the calorie content in 100 grams of different dishes:

  • Raw corn - 86 kcal.
  • Boiled cobs - 123 kcal.
  • Canned grains - 119 kcal.
  • Corn grits - 337 kcal.
  • Porridge from corn grits on the water - 90 kcal.
  • Porridge on water with butter and sugar - 141 kcal.
  • Porridge from corn grits in milk - 186 kcal.
  • Milk porridge with pumpkin, sugar and butter - 193 kcal.
  • Popcorn - 325 cal.
  • Corn flakes - 363 kcal.

The beneficial properties of corn grits and its rich composition have not gone unnoticed by nutritionists: experts recommend including this porridge in the diet of children, adults, the elderly and pregnant women.

Corn porridge recipes

  • On the water

Cooking corn porridge is not very difficult. The cereal must be washed from impurities until the water becomes clear. Coarse grains should first be soaked in water for 3-4 hours.

If porridge is boiled in water, then 3 parts of water are usually taken for 1 part of corn grits. Grains are added to boiling salted water, and when it starts to boil, reduce the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for an average of 20 minutes. Served with butter.

  • In the oven

To cook corn porridge in the oven, you need to take 2.5 parts hot water and 1 part cereal. Place the ingredients in a heat-resistant dish, salt, add a little vegetable oil, optionally - sugar and pre-soaked dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).

Mix everything well, cover with a lid and place in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes. If you like baked porridge, before cooking, you must remove the lid and wait for the formation of a golden crust.

  • On milk

Cook corn porridge can be in milk. To prepare it, take ¾ cup of cereal, 2 cups of water and 2 cups of milk. First, the washed cereal should be placed in boiling water and boiled, stirring constantly.

After it absorbs all the water, you need to pour it with boiling milk, salt and add sugar or honey if desired. Cook the corn porridge until tender for another 20 minutes, and season with butter before serving.

  • In a slow cooker

To prepare corn porridge in a slow cooker, take 1 measuring cup of pure cereals, pouring up to the mark of 120 ml, 1 liter of cold milk, salt to taste, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 20 grams butter.

In the evening, all products are placed in the multicooker bowl, mixed, the lid is closed and the “Multi-cook” mode is set for 1 hour at a temperature of 100 degrees, and after the signal, the porridge is left in the “Heating” mode until the morning.

And for your breakfast, aromatic and healthy corn porridge with milk will be ready. This dish will appeal to those who love porridges with a liquid consistency.

Cornmeal porridge: are there any contraindications?

Perhaps the only warning about eating corn porridge for adults is peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum during the period of exacerbation. Except in cases of individual intolerance to the product, it should be avoided by people with pancreatitis, as well as by people with reduced body weight and lack of appetite.

Although cereals are a weak allergen, however, occasionally corn porridge can cause allergies in children. Therefore, it should be included in the child's diet with caution. This is especially true of complementary foods for infants with cornmeal.

  1. With long-term storage, corn grits begin to taste bitter over time, so you should not make large quantities of it.
  2. Sunflower seeds: properties and calorie content, benefits

At the end of the last century, corn was called none other than the queen of the fields. Today it is grown, of course, not on such a scale, but, nevertheless, very actively, and not only in our region, but almost all over the world. Many wonderful products are made from this crop - corn sticks and flakes, flour, starch, canned food, etc. One such product is cornmeal. Despite the fact that it can be found in any store, it is very rarely included in the diet of most families, which, by the way, is completely in vain, because it can bring a lot of benefits to our body.

Why is corn grits useful?

First of all, it is worth noting the very low calorie content of corn grits, one hundred grams of dry product has only 328 kcal, and one hundred grams of porridge made from it has only 86 kcal. That is why it can be safely eaten by people who follow their figure and adhere to healthy eating. At the same time, it saturates well and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

The benefits of corn grits, in addition to being an excellent dietary product, are also in many valuable components included in its composition. This culture is rich in vitamins of groups B, PP, A, H, essential amino acids- tryptophan and lysine, it contains such valuable trace elements as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and many others. In addition, corn grits is also a hypoallergenic product, so dishes from it can be given even to the smallest children without any problems, and it is also introduced into the diet of people prone to food allergies.

The benefits of porridge from corn grits are also great for the digestive tract. Contained in it in considerable quantities from harmful deposits - fecal stones, slags, removes radionuclides, toxins, pesticides from the body. Such porridge eliminates putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines, relieves constipation. Its regular consumption will strengthen the immune system, will help preserve youth and attractiveness.

The substances that make up the cereal, for example, vitamins E, calcium and potassium, have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, skin, hair, and the carotenoids contained in it make the product very useful for, as they reduce the likelihood of developing lung cancer. Also, dishes from it increase the elasticity of blood vessels, lower cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots, and hence cardiovascular diseases.

Phosphorus present in corn is good for work nervous system, vitamins B5 and B1 help eliminate depressive conditions and are a good prevention of neuralgic diseases, and magnesium and vitamin B6 increase resistance to stress. Corn grits are recommended for people suffering from diabetes, diseases of the blood, gallbladder, stomach and liver.

In addition to all this, corn, and, accordingly, cereals made from it, has one unique property - to retain all the most useful properties even after heat treatment. There is also evidence that it helps to eliminate fat from the body.

Is corn grits harmful?

Most products, and often even the most useful ones, have contraindications for use, and therefore can not be used by everyone. The harm of corn grits is minimal - it is contraindicated only for ulcers in the acute stage (since the fiber contained in it can irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract) and high blood clotting. Also, it should not be abused by people who have low body weight and are trying to gain it. In this case, the harm of porridge from corn grits lies in its low calorie content. Everyone else, and especially those who want to lose weight, can safely include it in their menu.

How to cook corn grits

Corn grits are divided into several types depending on the shape and size of grains. It can be polished, small and large. If you need to quickly prepare a dish from corn grits, you should choose the finest grinding, most often it is used for children's cereals.

At all different types corn porridges are popular in many countries, and their taste, as well as the duration of cooking, depends directly on the quality of the raw materials. The best dishes come from fresh or properly stored cereals.

Moldovans believe that bright yellow, almost orange groats are the best, while others, choosing it, are guided by the size of the grains and how homogeneous they are. Naturally quality product should not contain husks, impurities and odors.

It is recommended to store cereals at low temperatures, ideally up to +5 degrees, in dark, dry places. At high humidity (more than 70%), insects quickly start up in it, rancidity and mustiness appear, naturally, it will not be possible to cook a good dish from such a product.

At home, corn grits are best stored in ceramic, metal or glass, in last resort, plastic containers that can be tightly closed. They need to be placed in dark, cool places. Thus, cereals should be stored for no more than a month.

How to cook corn porridge

Despite the usefulness, corn porridge is quite capricious in cooking, as it tends to burn and clump. Therefore, in the process, it must be interfered with as often as possible. In addition, corn grits increase almost four times during cooking, so when preparing it, be sure to consider this feature.

To prevent lumps from forming in the porridge, it is recommended to cook it as follows:

  • Method number 1. First of all, it is worth mentioning that porridge from corn grits can be cooked both in water and in milk. To prepare one glass of cereal you will need three or four times more water(milk), i.e. three to four glasses, in this case the porridge will come out thick enough, if you like it thinner, you can increase the amount of liquid to 4.5 or more glasses. So, in order not to form lumps in a cauldron or a pan with a non-stick coating, pour half of the water (milk), in our recipe 1.5-2 cups. When it boils, add salt, its amount depends on whether you plan to make the dish sweet or salty, if it is sweet, a pinch will be enough, but then add sugar as well. Then slowly, stirring constantly, pour out the cereal. As a result, a thick mass should come out, stir it well until it acquires a uniform consistency. Then slowly pour out the remaining liquid and bring the porridge to readiness in the oven or over very low heat, this usually takes at least half an hour (depending on the type of cereal, it may take more or less time). Do not forget at this time periodically (preferably more often), mix the porridge.
  • Method number 2. To prepare porridge in this way, porridge and liquid can be taken in the same proportions as for the previous one. Pour the water (milk) into a suitable container and heat well. In a hot (not yet boiled) liquid, add salt (and sugar, if necessary) and pour the cereal in a thin stream, stirring all the time. While stirring, wait until it boils, then reduce the heat as much as possible and continue to cook, stirring as often as possible, until cooked,


Milk porridge

For children and adults who love sweets, as a rule, corn grits are boiled in milk. It is better to make such porridge not too thick, so it is worth taking four or even five times more liquid than the cereal itself. You can cook it in one of the above ways. You can also use the following recipe.

unfavorable ecological situation, prevalence chronic diseases associated with metabolic disorders and cell metabolism, an abundance of products with flavors and preservatives, in which carcinogenic properties are detected - all these are the realities of the modern lifestyle. Against the background of this enumeration, it seems quite natural to return to healthy food and the trend towards everyday use folk recipes on which more than one healthy generation has grown up.

These recipes include a dish of corn grits, better known as corn porridge. The benefits and harms of any porridge have been known in Rus' since ancient times, and more recently they were considered one of the main dishes characteristic of the national mentality.

The benefits and harms of corn porridge are well known to folk healers, healers, and modern nutritionists who recommend it for a number of diseases. This well-known remedy to prevent disruption gastrointestinal tract, nervous and immune system, optimization of the work of the heart and blood vessels, prevention of cancer.

Corn has been used as food by humans for thousands of years, not only because of the ability to get enough with the help of tasty and a simple dish, but also because of the variability of methods of its preparation. Huge benefit from use was noticed by the ancient Indian tribes, who knew that potential harm can bring any food if you overeat it.

Corn porridge is good in any cooking option, as a sweet dish, side dish, or a separate component of the menu. This is a simple and satisfying dish with a fairly high calorie content, which has invaluable properties. They are used in both therapeutic diets and as independent remedy for weight loss.

Modern medicine revolves around clinical research composition of foods consumed by humans. The question of the benefits and harms of any of them, including corn porridge, is considered from the point of view of the presence useful substances, trace elements and vitamins.

In this regard, despite the high calorie content for its class of products, corn porridge is at the forefront of the list of recommended dishes. Still not knowing about unique composition corn grains, from which flour and cereals are prepared, bread and cakes were baked from them, soups and side dishes were prepared. Cobs were eaten in ripe form, and many diseases were treated with corn stigmas and leaves.

Received scientific information about chemical composition not only confirmed the obvious beneficial properties of corn products, but also allowed them to be used purposefully, including in diet menu. At a time when mankind did not yet have necessary knowledge, ethnoscience has already used food and growth of corn to stabilize and optimize the functioning of body systems, and the rest of its parts for treatment.

This is quite understandable, given that the composition of the grains collected from the cob, even in dried form, includes:

  • essential amino acids in a large assortment, among them the vital tryptophan, arginine and lysine;
  • non-essential amino acids, which are slightly less, but present aspartic acid, glycine and cysteine;
  • biotin (also known as vitamin H), in a high percentage;
  • B vitamins, from thiamine to pyridoxine, as well as rare vitamin B9 (folates);
  • vitamins A, E, PP, beta-carotene, niacin;
  • macronutrients: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and sodium;
  • trace elements: boron, aluminum, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, nickel, tin, molybdenum, titanium, chromium, cobalt and manganese;
  • sugars, starch and dextrins;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Such a composition can be the envy of any complex drug preparation, sold in a pharmacy to make up for the lack of certain substances in the body.

The absence of gluten makes corn porridge the food of choice for people with an allergic reaction to it, and the few nutrients are largely destroyed by cooking.

Therefore, corn porridge is given to babies, starting from certain age, in a strongly boiled, (almost to the consistency of mashed potatoes), form.

Medicinal use

The main purpose for which the use of porridge from corn grains is recommended is to replenish the nutrients that a person lacks. They can be obtained from it in a perfectly digestible form when eaten. However, its systematic and dosed eating can give the effect of losing weight.

It has long been known that if you eat corn porridge in the morning at in kind, and in the evening - along with kefir, and at the same time drinking at least 2.5 liters of purified water, you can lose an extra 5 kilograms of weight without any torture. And no harmful effects for nervous and digestive system it will not come. IN medicinal purposes dried grain product can be used to obtain the following effects:

  • optimization of the gastrointestinal tract (removal of toxins from the intestines, increased peristalsis, reduction of the level of decay and fermentation processes, minimization enzyme deficiency lower divisions):
  • giving tone to the walls of blood vessels and splitting cholesterol (this improves the overall functioning of the cardiovascular system);
  • obtaining a preventive anticarcinogenic effect;
  • lowering the level of glucose in the blood;
  • ennoblement appearance hair and nails;
  • improving mood and memory, activating the work of brain cells;
  • extensions therapeutic diet with pollinosis;
  • to prevent the development of depressive, oppressed and panic states, stabilization of the nervous system.

More than a dozen articles have been written about the benefits of corn porridge for women during the period of bearing a child. After all, it is with this dish that you can reduce the risks of a lag in the development of the fetus, the occurrence iron deficiency anemia, remove toxins in a timely manner and get necessary substances for body reserves.

Statistical data confirm that eating porridge from crushed corn grains makes it possible to avoid, in this condition, disturbances in peristalsis and save teeth.

The dish has a lucky feature not to lose during thermal processing great amount useful substances contained in it. This explains its irreplaceable properties. The ability to cheer up is useful in postpartum period when there is a risk of depression.

The harm of porridge from corn grits

As with any component of food, which has invaluable possibilities when used wisely, immoderate or incorrect use food product can harm the body. Therefore, it is not recommended under certain conditions, and is limited in some cases. Absolute contraindications recognized:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (increased peristalsis and irritation of the affected mucosa);
  • increased nervous excitability(it is characterized by an exacerbation of the condition due to an excess of certain substances contained in corn);
  • chronic and acute conditions with severe kidney pathology (copper can provoke a deterioration in a relatively stable process);
  • menstrual cycles with problematic complications.

In some cases, doctors may allow the use of a small amount, about once a week, even with the above pathologies, but in daily menu under no circumstances should it be turned on.

In pediatrics, it is also recommended to start complementary foods with buckwheat and rice porridge, and only then enter into children's diet corn, strongly boiled and reminiscent of mashed potatoes. For such cases, there is a special finely ground cereal, which can be used not only for baby food but also to save time on cooking.

To prepare any porridge, it is better to use dishes with thick walls and a rounded bottom (the so-called cauldron). It makes especially good porridges that can be consumed as a separate dish - cooked with mushrooms, cracklings, milk, dried fruits or pumpkin.

Any of these combinations are delicious. proper cooking, especially if you add a piece of real butter before the end. Porridge can be boiled, pre-fried and brought to readiness for a couple in a double boiler, simmer in the oven without any contraindications. But about adding flavoring and semantic ingredients, it is better to first consult with your doctor or nutritionist.

There are legends about the benefits of corn. This plant is recognized both official and alternative medicine. For the manufacture of medicines are mainly used corn silk. But today we will not talk about that. Corn porridge has become the object of adoration for many gourmets. The benefits and harms of such a dish are the topic of our article.

Corn porridge - the key to health

Ever since childhood, mothers and grandmothers echoed us that porridge must be eaten, otherwise you will not be strong, courageous and healthy. Indeed, in cereal crops a huge natural force and a rich component composition are concentrated.

Today, corn porridge is increasingly found on our tables. There are many recipes for its preparation. Someone likes porridge with milk or water, someone makes side dishes or flat cakes from corn grits. Some liked sweets made from corn.

There are several varieties of corn grits on sale, it differs in numbers. The lower the number, the finer the grind of the corn.

On a note! If you want to cook a viscous and homogeneous porridge, then it is better to choose cereals under No. 1. The largest grinding in groats No. 5.

Composition of corn grits:

  • B vitamins;
  • tocopherol;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • retinol;
  • silicon;
  • vitamin P;
  • cellulose;
  • carotene;
  • carbohydrates.

Have you ever wondered how many useful things are in corn grits? A simple man in the street will say that cereals give strength and energy, a charge of vivacity for the whole day. Now let's take a closer look at corn porridge.

Even during heat treatment, these components do not disappear, but remain almost in their original quantity. So, B vitamins are allies of our nervous system. They help to normalize her work, sleep and activate brain activity.

Without carotene, retinol and vitamin E, the beauty and radiance of the skin is impossible. Curls and nails will also thank you for this nutritious diet. Silicon normalizes functioning digestive tract and vitamin P helps to strengthen the immune system.

On a note! Many people mistakenly think that cereals are a high-calorie product and, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, can cause weight gain. This is not so, since corn porridge can be safely attributed to the number dietary products. Of course, it is worth considering how you prepare it. Meat, seafood, flour, dried fruits, sweet syrups and other additives must be summed up to calculate the calorie content of porridge.

100 g of corn porridge cooked with water contains approximately 328 kilocalories. They are quickly absorbed, but do not accumulate if you expend energy. During the diet, you can eat such a dish, but only in moderation.

Now let's talk more about useful properties corn porridge. You must know what's on your plate! In addition to the richest component composition, experts recognized one more amazing property corn grits - its hypoallergenicity. This allows you to introduce porridge into the feeding of the smallest children, without fear for the manifestation allergic reaction organism.

Porridge is recommended to eat if there are problems in the functioning of the intestines. Especially such a dish is useful in violation of the production of enzymes. Nutritionists in development diet food for people with diseases of the digestive tract, as a rule, they include such a product in the menu.

If you systematically eat corn porridge, the condition of the skin will improve. They will become elastic and come in tone.

Let's turn again to component composition. The variety of micro and macro elements in it pleasantly surprises. Due to this, corn porridge helps to lower high cholesterol levels. You can immediately see a causal relationship - such a dish will become prophylactic against the formation of blood clots and atherosclerosis.

The benefits of corn porridge for the body do not end there. Even our heart needs such a product.

Healing properties of corn porridge:

  • prevention of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • decreased absorption of sugar into the blood;
  • improving well-being in diabetes mellitus;
  • splitting of decay products in the intestinal cavity;
  • fight against depression;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • ensuring the accumulation of protein in tissues.

You can independently increase the utility factor of corn porridge. For example, in ready meal add some dried apricots, raisins, prunes and figs. If you are on a diet or counting calories, adding granulated sugar better to refuse. Honey or maple syrup are ideal sweeteners.

On a note! Porridge cooked on a milk basis with the addition of butter turns out to be a high-calorie dish. IN dietary ration such a dish is unlikely to fit. Corn porridge can also be boiled in water, it will turn out no less tasty and healthy.

The child's body needs balanced diet for full growth and development. Corn porridge will take pride of place in your baby's menu. The child needs vitamins, micro and macro elements. In addition, porridge is supplemented fresh berries, fruits.

Corn porridge has a beneficial effect on the entire body and the digestive tract in particular. In the process of digestion, corn absorbs all the garbage, toxins, heavy metal compounds, salts and toxins, and then removes them from our body without a trace.

On a note! Corn porridge is enriched with biotin - the most valuable element. Biotin helps strengthen curls and nail plates.

The use of corn porridge also has a beneficial effect on blood composition. The blood is cleansed vascular walls strengthened. Traditional healers claim that corn porridge helps to normalize blood pressure.

During the bearing of the fetus, a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the condition of the crumbs. AND future mom and the baby needs vitamins, minerals. Many useful components are contained in corn porridge. This product contains high concentration gland. As you know, a deficiency of this element can cause anemia.

As already mentioned, corn porridge is an indispensable product for the intestines. During pregnancy, almost all women experience the same delicate issue- constipation. If you eat corn porridge at least once a day, you can get rid of problems with the stool.

Important! In order not to gain excess weight and even lose weight, it is recommended to cook corn porridge on a water basis without adding butter. It is advisable to enjoy such a meal in the morning in order to have time to use up the calories received. A handful of your favorite berries and a cup of herbal tea will be a great addition.

When can porridge be harmful?

Unfortunately, there are no perfect products in our diet. Any delicacy can both benefit and cause harm if consumed in excessive quantities. Corn porridge is no exception.

There is copper in the composition of corn grits, so doctors believe that this product should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from renal pathologies. It is also better to limit yourself to use during menstrual bleeding.

As has been repeatedly mentioned, corn grits contain a high concentration of B vitamins. So, this product is useful for the nervous system on the one hand, and dangerous on the other. People suffering from excessive excitability, irritability or insomnia should not eat corn porridge.

On a note! When conducting research, experts found that corn porridge has negative impact on the well-being of people with epilepsy.

Nutrition for longevity

An excellent product that improves health is cereals produced by processing corn grains. It is an easily digestible food. Corn porridge, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article, has important feature: it promotes suppression putrefactive processes flowing in the intestines. This action is due to the product contained in corn grits. dietary fiber. The processed grains of the “queen of the fields” have valuable nutritional qualities. Corn grits, the benefits of which lie in in large numbers vitamins and minerals contained in it, also includes carbohydrates and carotene. That is why this product is recommended for consumption by the elderly and those whose lifestyle is sedentary. Porridge made from corn grits has a low calorie content. At the same time, it promotes the removal of fat. The benefit of corn porridge lies in its ability to cleanse the body of pesticides.

Health benefits and contraindications

Before corn porridge is included in the diet, the benefits and harms this product should be well studied. The cereal obtained by grinding the grains of the "queen of the fields" is included in the category of hypoallergenic food. This characteristic of the product is especially important when formulating a diet for children. In addition to inhibiting the processes in the intestines that contribute to decay and fermentation, corn porridge is recommended for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases. Groats from this cereal are used to make porridge, casseroles, soups. It can also be used as a pie filling. Corn grits even after the heat treatment process retains its nutritional properties. Numerous useful substances contained in it help to maintain the health of the body. Vitamin E present in this cereal nourishes skin and helps to strengthen hair, and vitamins B1 and B5 are recommended for prevention depression and bad health.

Corn porridge contains a number of other useful substances that have a positive effect on the state of all systems. human body. So, vitamin PP regulates all vital important processes and vitamin A is essential for immunity. A certain work is also performed by the trace elements that make up the composition of cereals from corn grains. Phosphorus is indispensable for the nervous system, and for normal functioning digestive tract - silicon. However, if corn porridge is present in the diet, its benefits and harms should be carefully studied by people suffering from stomach ulcers. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Such patients, before including corn porridge in their daily diet, should consult a specialist. Only then can you be sure that the food will be beneficial, and eating a new product will not negatively affect your health. The benefits of corn porridge are also in the dietary fiber, which the product is rich in. This useful element Helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. People who include corn porridge in their diet are less susceptible to diseases that affect the cardiovascular system.

Undoubted benefit

Thanks to the use of dishes from this valuable cereals normalizes cholesterol levels in the body. Corn porridge will also help those who want to lose excess weight. However, it should be borne in mind that if corn porridge is present in the diet, the benefits and harms of eating it should be carefully studied by those who have poor appetite and low body weight. Such people should eat high-calorie foods.