Foods rich in long-term carbohydrates. Slow vs. Fast: Glycemic Index

AND complex. The first, sometimes also called fast, give an instant surge of strength and increased performance. And others provide a slow and gradual release of glucose, the main source of energy, which makes them more valuable and useful.

Complex carbohydrates: on the shelves from “a” to “z”

Actually in complex carbohydrates everything is extremely simple, and they got their name because of their molecular structural structure. The group of complex sugars includes long-chain oligo- and polysaccharides, formed by different numbers of organic monomer units, which determine whether the “long-lasting” carbohydrate belongs to a specific class chemical compounds, predominantly aldose, ketosis, less often food acids and alcohols. These substances provide release necessary for the body energy due to the gap chemical bonds between structural units molecules, which causes a long time period for the breakdown and digestion of polysaccharides in the intestine.

To successfully carry out its activities, the human body requires the following types complex carbohydrates:

Most of the smoothly digestible carbohydrates are found in plant foods , but there are also components that can be obtained from food of animal origin. For example, glycogen, called animal starch, in small quantities Fall into human body With meat products, but is mainly synthesized by cells as a reserve supply of glucose. Or chitin, the only source of which is seafood (crayfish), also reproduced by living structures within themselves within the framework of the body’s needs. Exists erroneous opinion that carbohydrates that provide the body with slow energy are less caloric, although there is no obvious relationship between kilocalories and the carbohydrate composition of products, but there is a significant difference in the mechanism of action on the body.

The importance of complex polysaccharides for the body

Natural foods contain optimal quantity perfectly balanced components, which is very important when it comes to carbohydrates. Many people still misunderstand the meaning of the word "polysaccharide", imagining the caloric and sweet food, although this is not always the case. Complex sugars rarely lead to weight gain extra pounds, their use has an extremely positive effect:

  • they keep everyone employed cellular structures the body, smoothly and evenly feeding them with energy throughout the day;
  • control brain activity, preventing glucose starvation;
  • regulate and normalize muscle activity;
  • In some physiological processes carbohydrates act as receptors;
  • with the help of complex sugars, the body replenishes glycogen reserves used up during the day;
  • reduce the risk of developing liver atrophy and fat deposition in liver cells.

Slowly digested glucose polymers, unlike its monomeric forms, do not cause sharp increase blood sugar and do not provoke active production insulin, minimizing the risk of diabetes mellitus, That is important principle proper nutrition.

The human body, deprived sufficient quantity slow carbohydrates will eventually begin to destroy itself, because fiber and dietary fiber necessary to maintain the functioning of the digestive system:

  • promote the removal of waste and toxins;
  • prevent the accumulation of feces;
  • normalize intestinal microflora, eliminating putrefactive processes;
  • improve peristalsis;
  • prevent the development of diseases of the stomach and intestines, which include gastritis, colitis, flatulence, etc.
Sufficient amount of carbohydrate components guarantees normal functioning of the pancreas, timely and effective breakdown and absorption of fats and proteins by the intestinal walls, as well as maintaining normal metabolism. Mostly long-absorbing sources of glucose are recommended for many diseases: atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity of the second degree and higher. Slow carbohydrates are like “orderlies of the body” - they not only clean and put it in order, but also prevent the development of many diseases ( cancers intestines and digestive organs), maintain normal arterial pressure, elasticity skin and participate in the work and synthesis of protein structures (antibodies, enzymes, hormones).

The importance of polysaccharides in healthy eating and weight loss

The role of complex sugars in proper and healthy eating is due not only to the normalization of digestion, but also to the maintenance of tone, balance of strength and energy, because, digested over a significant period of time, they contribute to a long-term feeling of satiety. All known low-carbohydrate diets are based exclusively on the mechanism of carbohydrate breakdown of polymers and the duration of their decomposition. The body smoothly breaks down long-chain polysaccharide molecules, and the first glucose monomers enter the blood only through 35-40 minutes after eating. And during this period it is very important not to eat something sweet, trying to get the much-desired feeling of satiety. Further digestion of complex carbohydrates continues for at least three hours, during which hunger is not felt, but a surge of strength and vigor is observed.

Of course, not all polymer sugars are completely digested by the intestines; for example, dietary fiber and cellulose are absorbed on average at 70-75 % , playing the role of ballast substances rather than food. They help regulate intestinal activity, controlling its motility, preventing the occurrence of constipation and dysfunction.

It is very important to consume slow carbohydrates for people who are engaged in active physical work , or bodybuilders, since the lack of complex polysaccharides can provoke irreversible changes and shift the balance of proteins in the body, borrowing some of them to replenish energy. I wonder what nutritionists It is not recommended to indulge in large amounts of complex carbohydrates in the evening, because such a hearty dinner will provoke an increase in the load on the liver and pancreas, bringing with it restless sleep, a feeling of heaviness and even nausea.

Foods rich in slow carbohydrates have different calorie content, but even the most nutritious of them do not cause excess body weight gain. The fact is that with a properly constructed diet, when most of All carbohydrates supplied with food (about 60%) are complex and make up lunch and partly dinner; the body does not lack glucose fuel. This allows it to replenish the glycogen reserves in the liver cells and muscle fibers that have been used up during the day, without creating unnecessary subcutaneous and fatty deposits. Nutritionists recommend focusing on sugars of plant origin:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • legumes

They found maximum starch and fiber content, plus vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and others nutrients. It is important to remember that satisfaction of hunger when eating such foods comes gradually, and to measure portion sizes to prevent overeating. In fairness, it is worth noting that simple carbohydrates are no less important for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. But it is the polysaccharides that bear the main task, which is to provide the cells with the much needed glucose.

Taking into account the structural features and properties of polysaccharides, products that differ in their high content, do not have a sweet taste and are characterized low glycemic index (GI). The latter refers to the rate of breakdown of a carbohydrate molecule into glucose and the ability of the product to increase blood sugar levels. It must be remembered that complex carbohydrates contained in various groups Products vary in their effect on the body, ability to provide energy, and nutritional value.

Cereals, cereals and porridges

Most healthy carbohydrates contained in whole grain products: baked goods and bread made from flour coarse, especially with the addition of bran, as well. But when choosing porridge, you should remember that cereals, for the most part, contain simple sugars. You can safely include pasta made from durum wheat in the list of products with slow carbohydrates. WITH special attention need to be purchased rice– the more heat treatment it has undergone (grinding, steaming, etc.), the more “useless” it is as a source of food elements. Buckwheat or pearl barley porridge and legumes (peas, soybeans, all types of beans), boiled in water with a minimum amount of salt.

Vegetables and fruits

Rich in “glucose fuel”, predominantly green in color - this color indicates the presence of a large amount fiber, and those with green skin were found pectins, but they are found in some, for example, black currants and gooseberries. Your daily diet should definitely include apples, pears, plums, cherries and peaches, apricots, fresh green pea and corn, pumpkin, tomatoes and others herbal products. Of particular interest is potato– depending on the method of preparation, it may contain a predominance of fast or slow carbohydrates. Therefore, it is recommended to consume this vegetable exclusively boiled or steamed.

Other products

But they also do not contain carbohydrates. But the human body is easier and faster synthesizes its own glycogen, and seafood (shrimp, crabs and their products) are an unrivaled source chitin.

The benefit to the body is determined by the numerical value of the glycemic index (GI) - the lower it is, the more slow carbohydrates the product contains. It is this indicator that is decisive when constructing a schedule and diet.

The product's name Total carbohydrate content, g / 100 g GI
8,1 5
Basil7,8 5
5,4 10
White mushroom2,1 10
Leaf lettuce2,3 10
4,2 10
Honey mushrooms3,7 10
7,3 15
13,7 15
2,1 15
3,8 15
10,8 15
6,5 15
Radish3,4 15
Asparagus3,2 15
red5,9 15
Green bell pepper5,3 15
Dill4,1 15
16,1 20
Green olives1,3 20
fresh1,8 20
0,3 22
on the water22,4 22
Plum9,6 22
13,6 26
green11,5 30
fresh16 30
Red apples11,2 30
brown55 30
5 30
low fat1,2 30
Strawberry6,3 32
9,5 34
11,5 35
8,3 35
53,7 35
natural3,5 35
Wholemeal pasta23,2 38
Green peas, fresh12,8 40
8,1 40
Gooseberry9,1 40
29 40
white47,5 40
Crab meat96 40
Red beans47,8 42
Canned pear62,1 44
Whole grain bread56,5 45
Bread "Borodinsky"40,7 45
9,2 49
Sherbet66,2 50
49,7 50
11,5 50
sugarless55,4 50
23,5 52
71,7 55
Mango13,5 55
Durum wheat pasta23,2 55
Bran bread made from wholemeal flour43,9 55
Oatmeal cookies67,8 55
49,1 60
Peeled rye flour61,8 60
22,6 60
Apple jam55,9 61
Pork tenderloin5,7 61
Dry peas46,5
Green peas6,8

Fitness trainers and nutritionists It is strongly recommended to include foods from all groups in the diet - this will allow you to achieve a balanced and rational daily menu, covering the body's energy needs.

Carbohydrate norm

The total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day is approximately 100-150 g. The energy requirement for athletes is determined somewhat differently; in this case, carbohydrate consumption reaches 200 g, which is typical for the gaining stage muscle mass or recovery period. In this case, about 55-60% should be occupied by foods with slow carbohydrates, namely:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • grain and cereal products.

Nutrition adjustments in terms of the content of carbohydrate components is possible only according to a specially designed diet. Typically, this approach is used by bodybuilders to dry their bodies or build muscles. In all other cases the shift carbohydrate balance between simple and complex sources glucose may provoke negative consequences:

  • glucose deficiency can lead to liver exhaustion, various dysfunctions and its so-called degeneration;
  • with an irregular intake of carbohydrates, the body begins to obtain them by transforming proteins and fats from food entering the body;
  • Glucose is involved in lipid metabolism; its insufficient amount can lead to improper burning and uncoupling of fats.
It's important to remember that deficiency and excess of sugars extremely harmful to the body. A clear glucose deficiency will first lead to the depletion of its own glycogen reserves, and after that the body will begin to take protein from the muscles, internally synthesizing it into amino sugars. More serious consequences of carbohydrate starvation may include poisoning of brain tissue, frequent fainting and even acidotic (diabetic) coma.

Excess glucose unused by cells is transformed into fat with associated problems in the form of caries, impaired insulin production and an increased risk of developing diabetes. This is why you should be especially careful when dealing with low or high carbohydrate diets. And especially not to make a decision about this diet on your own without consulting a nutritionist.

The biggest misconception of those losing weight, especially young girls, lies in their confidence in the absolute harm of carbohydrates for the figure. However, by sharply reducing their consumption, you won’t be able to achieve the desired slimness, but loss of strength, lethargy, loss of appetite or depression will. It is very important to determine the optimal amount of calories and create a (fractional) nutrition plan that will allow you to bring your body back to normal without harming your health.

Interoperability and Compatibility

According to the principles of healthy eating, it is not recommended to eat sources of fat and carbohydrates together. The best decision– eat carbohydrate-containing foods separately, but it is permissible to combine sources of proteins and slow carbohydrates in one meal, only if these are not fruits or berries. Vegetables and cereals, rich in smoothly digesting polysaccharides, can be seasoned with vegetable oils.

Due to their high nutritional value, slow carbohydrates are considered the most best source energy. They perfectly satisfy hunger, promote a longer feeling of fullness, and reduce the number of daytime snacks, which will have a great effect on your figure and mood.

If you have something to say about the role of slow carbohydrates in a healthy diet, join the discussion at

Not only specialists, but also ordinary people, who know the price our health, the ability to smile at the world from the very early morning, we are sure that fast carbohydrates– these are the enemies of a fit figure and an active and active human body as a whole.

The words: “fast” and “harmful” in the context of a not ideal, but healthy diet and carbohydrate foods are synonymous. Their breakdown is very rapid - as a result, glucose makes a jump upward, and then “comfortably” settles down in the body as subcutaneous fat!

What foods are rich in fast carbohydrates?, so destructive for the figure, mood and general condition in particular? ( Full table see below.)

  1. Flour “white” products (bread, pizza, buns);
  2. Sugar and honey;
  3. Confectionery delights and carbonated drinks;
  4. Watermelon, banana, persimmon and grapes;
  5. Mayonnaise and ketchup;
  6. Alcohol (beer in particular).

Any nutritionist classifies all of the above products as taboo! Deadly poison, which tirelessly kills a person, fast carbohydrates cannot be called, but savoring them daily creates an unbearable load for the pancreas, which produces insulin - endocrine system is under threat. In the blood, sugar begins to “jump” up and down like a rubber ball, causing mood swings and body tone. If such food fills the niche of the “holiday” menu, you will feel a dramatic change in your body and morale...

It is preferable in an optimal diet. Especially on weekdays, when concentration and an active attitude are necessary at work. At the same time, it is better to eat high-carbohydrate foods during breakfast and midday lunch. Prepare a protein “table” for dinner.

A list of fast carbohydrates or a high GI does not protect your health!

The concept " glycemic index"(GI) is directly related to the value of blood sugar levels. The GI value shows how quickly the carbohydrates eaten are absorbed and enter the bloodstream. The higher the GI, the faster the carbohydrates and the more active person getting fatter! The calculation is based on a standard of 100 units - glucose. But dates have amazing indicators above this “ideal of harmfulness” (146 units).

Fast carbohydrates with an average glycemic index (55-70 units) - list of products:

  • Bread and pastries from rye flour(coarse grind);
  • Apricot, pineapple, kiwi, banana and melon;
  • Cooked carrots, beets, peas;
  • Cereals: rice, semolina;
  • Corn (popcorn);
  • Jacket potatoes.

Fast carbohydrates with high GI (above 70 units) - a list of foods that interfere with the good functioning of the body:

  • Any baked goods based on wheat flour, puff pastry or yeast dough. For example, morning toast has a GI of 100 units.
  • Sweet juices and cola (75);
  • Boiled or fried potatoes (95) and mashed potatoes (90);
  • Pumpkin (75) and watermelon (103);
  • Dried fruits and grapes (75);
  • Sugar and milk chocolate (70);
  • Candy bars (Snickers, Kit-Kat, Mars) and chocolate candies (70);
  • Rice, muesli with sugar and cornflakes (80-90);
  • Chips (85).


To ensure that health, positive ideas and actions become your companions, reduce your consumption of foods with fast carbohydrates, this way you will prevent the release of insulin into the blood. Let the cakes and jam on top of the piece white bread, candy and fried potatoes will become a “weekend” diet. Be especially wary of fast carbohydrates in the afternoon when they present greatest threat your figure.

The low glycemic index will promote weight loss and lightness throughout the day. Lose weight with a menu in which the list of products consists of nutrients with a GI not exceeding 55 units! A great mood and a toned figure - for this it is worth giving up excesses...

Fast carbohydrates: list of products - table

Click on the table to enlarge it. And then right-click and select “Save Image As...” to save the table to your computer.

What are slow carbohydrates? List of products, weight loss table, sources. The benefits and harms of slow carbohydrates. Postulates of proper nutrition. Diet "Week".

Many people have probably heard that to lose weight you need to remove carbohydrates from your diet. But not everyone knows that it is impossible to completely abandon their use. What carbohydrates are healthy and how to recognize them, experts advise.

A list of products, a table for weight loss, specialized menus are important components of not only a diet, but also proper nutrition. However, before you compose your diet, it is worth studying the issue more deeply.

why do people gain weight from some food, seemingly non-caloric, and vice versa. The thing is that food consists of easily digestible components, and those that are slowly “digested”. It's the latter that we'll talk about. For people losing weight, slow or complex carbohydrates are extremely beneficial. They are able to satisfy hunger for a long time, since they trigger in the human body complex processes, taking a lot of time. At the same time, the sugar level remains stable, energy is consumed evenly.

A concept called the glycemic index (GI) will help you recognize complex carbohydrates. This indicator allows you to determine how a particular product affects changes in blood sugar levels. For overweight people, it is advisable to include foods with a GI of less than 40 units in the diet. The following table will help you determine the GI of foods:

What are the benefits of slow carbohydrates?

First, it’s worth understanding the question of why a person gets fat. The truth is that the body processes excess sugar into fats, which are deposited in problem areas. These are the features of metabolism human body. If a person is hungry, he often snacks on sweets. As a result, the body receives a lot of calories, which the body processes and turns into energy. And due to excess sugar, a lot of insulin is released. It is involved in the absorption of food, but on the other hand, its excess through a short time again provokes hunger.

But sugar, converted into fats, can no longer be used; it is deposited in fat and will only come out in “emergency mode,” which is difficult and dangerous to achieve. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the quality of food by creating a more balanced diet. The attractiveness of slow carbohydrates is that they require at least 2.5 hours to break down and absorb. As a result, they do not cause sugar spikes, and the energy is immediately spent on everyday activities.

Types and sources of slow carbohydrates

We will not give a list of products in the weight loss table. But let’s consider what complex carbohydrates are contained in the food that is often on our table. There are many varieties of them. This:

  • Starch;
  • Glycogen;
  • Cellulose;
  • Chitin;
  • Dextrin.

Experts advise preparing your diet in such a way that half daily ration were carbohydrates.
Sources of slow carbohydrates are:

  1. Starch is found in large quantities in grains (buckwheat, pearl barley, oats), legumes, and pasta. It actively maintains the level of monosaccharide in the blood, slowly turning into glucose.
  2. The body can obtain glycogen from pork or beef liver. Its amount is high in seafood and yeast.
  3. Insulin is a polysaccharide and is found in artichoke and chicory. It is necessary for diabetics.
  4. Fiber is an important component of nutrition, despite the fact that it is not digested. Contained in legumes and nuts. It helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, remove waste, toxins, poisons and decay products from the body. Fiber increases bile secretion, which increases the feeling of fullness.

How to consume carbohydrates during training?

Trainers advise taking slow carbohydrates before starting strength training. physical activities. Slow carbohydrates allow you to evenly supply the body with energy during the entire load, which increases endurance and burns faster body fat.

You should also take into account the serving sizes that are consumed. Naturally, the consumption of carbohydrates should correspond to the energy expended. If you exceed the amount of calories you take in, the old scenario will work, and the excess sugar will again go into fat deposits. It is believed that intense mental activity can be equated to good physical activity.

Slow carbohydrates for weight loss

You can lose weight different ways. For example, make a list of products and stick to it, or find a specialized table and follow its advice. There are pure protein diets that strictly limit carbohydrate intake. But they are not very useful; you cannot completely abandon them. The absence of carbohydrates in the diet is fraught with worsening mood and discomfort.

It is important not to give up carbohydrate foods, but to replace “bad” ones with “good” fast carbohydrates. To lose weight, you only have to slightly reduce the amount of food and carefully consider the foods that make up your diet. Some of them can simply be replaced with ones that are useful for weight loss.

Snacks should also be planned wisely. Most often, sweets and sandwiches are used for them, but they will have to be abandoned if you are planning a diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits and nuts should be used as snacks.

If a person likes to indulge in pasta, then they can be replaced with oatmeal, buckwheat and unprocessed rice. Mashed potatoes can be replaced with vegetable stew, and whole grain bread should be eaten instead of rolls.

The right breakfast for those who want to lose weight

When organizing meals for those losing weight, you should pay special attention to proper breakfast. The first meal should be the largest. It is better to include porridge with milk in the morning menu. A good option– buckwheat or pearl barley.

Advice! To prepare porridge, you should choose cereals with a shell, rather than processed grains. They have a lower glycemic index.

Porridge can be flavored with a piece of butter, since complete exclusion of fats from the menu will impair the absorption of fat-soluble fats. And with fats, the body receives polyunsaturated acids, which are not synthesized in the body and come only from the outside. In order not to violate metabolic processes, you need to add oil to your food. One spoon of olive oil will prevent dry skin.

You can cook your favorite omelet. But you should use vegetables rather than sausage or bacon as a filler. Drink only unsweetened drinks in the morning and throughout the day.

“Week” cereal diet to get rid of fat deposits

Slow carbohydrates have become widespread in dietary nutrition. Diets based on porridges are widely known, in which you can use almost any cereal, with the exception of semolina. You can add low-fat cheese, dried fruits, fresh berries and fruits, honey.

The essence of the “Week” diet is to eat one type of porridge every day. Eg:

  • Monday – millet;
  • Tuesday – oatmeal;
  • Wednesday – millet;
  • Thursday – cell;
  • Friday - pearl barley;
  • Saturday – rice.

On Sunday, you can use any porridge of your choice, or a mixture of cereals. Porridges are prepared according to the following rules:

  1. Porridge is cooked only in water.
  2. No salt is added.
  3. Porridge can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  4. All items are removed from the diet a few days before the start of the diet. harmful products(spicy and fried foods, fast food, alcoholic drinks).

Details here:

How to make a gainer with slow carbohydrates?

What it is? This is a cocktail of foods based on complex carbohydrates. To avoid making mistakes in choosing products, first use already ready-made recipes. Which? For example, the cheerful guy in the video will tell you in detail here):

Weight loss table

This table contains most of the GI values ​​of foods. Take note! (Clickable)

Slow carbohydrates are a real godsend for those losing weight. They give the body energy without being stored as fat. Make your list of your favorite foods, draw a table for weight loss, and you will never have problems with weight! This makes it possible to create a delicious and varied menu for every day, without having to worry about your figure!

The main source of energy for humans is carbohydrates. Their deficiency leads to fatigue, deterioration of health, loss of strength. However, many people for fast saturation use simple carbohydrates, which become main reason excess weight. An integral part of a healthy diet is. They are absorbed for a long time, generating energy for the body for a long time. Let's figure out what foods contain complex carbohydrates.

What are complex carbohydrates?

The building blocks of the human body are carbohydrates. They nourish nervous system, brain and vital important organs energy, maintaining normal glycogen levels. Without their participation, enzymes, amino and nucleic acids are not produced. In turn, carbohydrates are divided into monosaccharides (simple) and polysaccharides (complex). So that the body for a long time pleased us with its performance, it is important to dose them correctly.

When should you eat foods that are difficult to digest? Taking fast carbohydrates is useful when there is a lot of energy expenditure, for example, after a strength workout. To gain weight, it is also recommended to eat foods with a high glycemic index. In all other cases, nutritionists recommend introducing complex carbohydrates into the diet, which are better absorbed by the body, ensuring a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Types of complex carbohydrates

Slow carbohydrates do not accumulate in the fat layer, do not cause insulin spikes and are poorly soluble in water, so the body retains them for a long time. They are broken down (hydrolyzed) into simple carbohydrates, so their absorption by the body takes a long time. Slow carbohydrates have different glycemic index and different nutritional value. What are complex carbohydrates? Let's consider all types separately.

  1. Starch. Low-calorie substance with high energy value. Even with abundant consumption of starch, you will not encounter the problem of extra pounds. It quickly fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time. Starch – excellent prophylactic against oncology, normalizes metabolism, regulates sugar levels, improves immunity. The highest concentration of starch is found in following products: brown (brown) rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta, Rye bread, potatoes, lentils, soybeans, peas.
  2. Glycogen. This type of slow carbohydrate is a chain of glucose molecules. When for some reason its level begins to fall, glycogen helps maintain normal levels. In addition, the carbohydrate glycogen restores muscle mass, which is important for athletes who constantly subject their muscles to heavy loads. In food, glycogen is present in small quantities. You can replenish its reserves by eating: fish, liver, beef heart, red meat.
  3. Cellulose. Represents plant fiber of coarse origin, which is very important for the normal functioning of the intestines. Most fiber is found in whole grains that are not cooked or mechanically processed. When consuming it, it is very easy to control the feeling of hunger, because coarse fibers provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. Large fiber absorbs ballast and toxic substances lower section intestines, formed during the digestion of food. Small fibers optimize the activity of the stomach, spleen, and pancreas, improving the quality of food digestion. Products containing fiber: nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), whole grain cereals (unprocessed), greens and fresh vegetables, fruits with seeds (pomegranate, kiwi, apples, grapes), legumes.
  4. Pectins. They play the role of adsorbents. Pectin fibers turn into a colloidal mass of viscous consistency after dissolving in water. They absorb carcinogens, toxins, heavy metals. Pectins normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and free the intestines from toxins. These are adhesives that are formed from galacturonic acid residues. As a structural element, pectins are present in root vegetables, algae, some vegetables and fruits: black currants, carrots, cranberries, beets, cabbage, gooseberries, cherries, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants, watermelons, melons and others.

Where are complex carbohydrates found - list of foods

The basics of proper nutrition involve eating complex carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch, as they are better absorbed in the first half of the day. If you need to lose weight, eat more fiber, which is not digested at all and therefore does not turn into fat, but quickly fills you up. To gain body weight while eating, you need to pay more attention to the level of starch and glycogen in foods. Introducing more detailed information, where complex carbohydrates are synthesized.

Vegetables and fruits

This is the most important element healthy eating. Almost all vegetables and fruits contain complex connections, but to save maximum amount useful properties It is important to eat them raw or lightly cooked. Vegetables and fruits that have undergone heat treatment lose a lot of vitamins, fruit acids, and pectin substances. List of fruits and vegetables rich in complex carbohydrates: tomatoes, green bean, zucchini, Bell pepper, cabbage, raspberries, pomegranate, cherry.


Prepared using whole grain cereals, porridges should definitely become part of daily diet. The best for complete nutrition are oats, bulgur, wheat, and buckwheat. It is better to avoid white rice and semolina due to high caloric content and minimal fiber content. Derivatives from whole grain classic cereals: oat or buckwheat flakes, muesli.


Nutritionists recommend including it in your menu every day. vegetable salads with fresh herbs. It enriches the body with essential essential oils, minerals, acids, vitamins. Greens normalize functioning excretory system, activates the secretion of digestive glands. To the most useful greens with high content Complex carbohydrates include: lettuce, spinach, and lettuce.


All dairy products consist almost entirely of simple carbohydrates, because they contain lactose. But you shouldn’t completely give up dairy foods, because some types contain slow carbohydrates. These include: natural yogurt, low-fat kefir, skim cheese. Dairy products also contain many vitamins, a large number of phosphorus and calcium, without which normal functioning of the body is impossible.


Complex carbohydrates are not only found in solid foods. Their sources are freshly squeezed vegetables and fruit juices. The most large cluster Slow carbohydrates are found in tomato, carrot, orange, apple, and pineapple juice. In addition to them, freshly squeezed juices provide powerful support to the immune system, especially during cold seasons.

Legumes and grains

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains and legumes. Barley and cereals, pasta made from whole grains, wholemeal bread. If you need to get a lot of fiber, replace it with whole grains. As for legumes, to maintain the required carbohydrate balance during a diet or fast, eat more peas, lentils, chickpeas, and beans.

Table of complex carbohydrate content in food

To maintain normal human well-being daily norm carbohydrates should be 4-5 grams per kilogram of weight. For people involved professional sports or heavy physical labor, it is advisable to consume up to 8 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight daily. We suggest you find out in the table of complex carbohydrates their content in different products nutrition to calculate how much you need to consume per day.

Complex carbohydrates for weight loss

Nutritionists, when calculating an individual diet, always proceed from correct ratio BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Unfortunately, many people, when losing weight, completely refuse to consume carbohydrates, not knowing what they are for. This is incorrect, since the lack of complex carbohydrates can lead to weakening immune system and, as a rule, to the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Complex compounds during weight loss are useful for normal intestinal function, as fiber improves peristalsis and nourishes beneficial microflora. These are mandatory components of sports nutrition, because they contribute to muscle gain. What are these products? In recipes for weight loss, include durum pasta, lentils, and oatmeal.

The list of foods needed for energy while drying the body also contains prunes, dried apricots, eggs, fish, and meat. The list of breakfast dishes should include difficult-to-digest carbohydrates: millet porridge, raisins, nuts, honey. Instead of sweets, it is advisable to eat dried fruits, fruits and berries in small portions in the morning and evening.

Probably everyone who has ever been on a diet or thought about healthy eating has heard the phrases “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates. Let’s try to figure out what’s behind them and how exactly to properly consume carbohydrate-containing foods.

The main source of energy for our body. They are found primarily in bakery, confectionery and pasta. There are also a lot of carbohydrates in sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, dates) and starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn), cereals (rice, semolina, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal) and legumes (beans, peas, beans)

Daily norm

Eating carbohydrates is necessary and recommended for absolutely any person. Without a sufficient amount of them, normal metabolism in the body, as well as active physical and mental activity, is impossible. Another thing is that the amount of carbohydrates consumed daily for different people should be different. If this a common person who does not play sports and does not set himself the goal of losing weight, then standard rate for him - from 50 to 70% of the daily diet, the rest is divided between fats and proteins.

And here there is very important point! For those who want to lose weight, eating carbohydrates at night is contraindicated. “Slow” or “simple” carbohydrates in foods eaten in the evening before bed are an absolute evil for the waist, hips and buttocks! They simply have nowhere to go (you don’t exercise before going to bed), and they easily become folds of fat. No wonder Christian Dior said: “Every piece eaten remains in the mouth for two minutes, two hours in the stomach and two months on the thighs.” Therefore, before you eat something tasty at night, allow yourself to think - is this momentary pleasure worth your future frustrations over extra pounds?

If not, then it’s time to finally find out what these harmful fast carbohydrates are and why they are called that.

What are fast carbohydrates?

Everything is very simple - fast or simple carbohydrates are those that are very quickly absorbed by the body. They contain any sweet products, not only (sweets, cakes, cookies, chocolate, honey, jam), but also fruits (bananas, grapes, peaches, apricots, watermelons, melons, cherries, dates, raisins), drinks (soda, compotes, sweet tea, alcohol), vegetables with a sweetish taste (potatoes, beets, turnips, pumpkin), ice cream, yeast bread, white polished rice. This list is quite long, but the principle behind it is the same - if there is sweetness in the food, it contains simple carbohydrates.

To prevent these foods from being stored as fat, it is better to eat them in small portions in the first half of the day. Another option is to provide after eating such food physical activity to burn acquired calories. With a strict diet and a focus on losing weight, fast carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet.

Of course, such an exception cannot become the norm. We need sugar as a source of energy and mental activity. It is much more rational to follow the principles of a balanced diet and be reasonably attentive to what and when we eat.

What are the benefits of slow carbohydrates?

Yes, you already realized that complex carbohydrates are broken down in the body much more slowly, and during the day they are gradually spent on active physical activity, and are not immediately converted into fats. Another benefit of slow carbohydrates is that they do not increase blood sugar levels. They can be consumed by those suffering from diabetes.

Taking slow carbohydrates is especially important for athletes and all people living physically active life. By including these foods in your pre-workout meal (40-50 minutes in advance), you will allow your body to increase endurance, strength, and activity during exercise.

We will arrange the list of slow carbohydrates (foods containing them) in the order of meals (from breakfast to dinner). So, what should a person who prefers to eat? healthy eating And active image life:

1. Cereals. You can eat any porridge in the morning, except semolina and rice. Buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley are especially useful.

2. Whole grain bread. In the first half of the day, you can easily afford to have a snack with a small piece of wholemeal bread.

3. Durum pasta. It is also best to consume no later than lunch. For those trying to lose weight - without adding any sauces.

4. Unsweetened vegetables and fruits. You can easily snack on them throughout the day without damaging your figure (cabbage, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapefruits, kiwis, green apples, avocados).

6. Legumes. They contain a large amount of protein, so they can be used as a side dish for dinner (beans, lentils, beans, soy).

Add to the right carbohydrates proteins (meat, fish) and healthy fats ( olive oil), and in front of you - balanced diet. At the same time, we do not urge you to give up the little dessert joys once and for all. A small piece of cake in bad weather will only lift your spirits if the rest of the time you prefer healthy foods, use gentle ways to eat them, move a lot and think positively.