Plant dietary fiber inulin. How it is produced and what it is used for

What is inulin

InulinOrganic substance natural origin, which, when broken down, forms a fraction of sucrose and some glucose. Mostly natural inulin is found in the root system and tubers of some plants. The isolated substance is a dry white powder and is highly soluble in hot liquid. In industry, inulin is used as a raw material for the production of fructose.

When inulin enters the stomach, it is not broken down - our body does not secrete enzymes for this. The absorption of this substance occurs only in the large intestine when work begins intestinal bacteria. They break down inulin, which promotes additional growth beneficial bacteria, stimulates intestinal activity and rids the body of toxins. Due to this beneficial property, inulin is considered a prebiotic.

Where is inulin found?

Harm of inulin

In most cases, there are no contraindications to the use of this prebiotic. However, harm to inulin for the body can occur if a person has an individual intolerance to the substance. In any case, before using drugs based on it, a specialist’s recommendation will not be superfluous.

If the polysaccharide was derived exclusively from chicory rhizome, it should be taken with caution. The harm to inulin in this case can be significant. It poses a danger to patients diagnosed with the following ailments:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Spasms and chronic diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • Haemorrhoids.

It should also be taken into account that simultaneous administration inulin and antibiotics are incompatible. The result may be incomplete absorption of drugs, as well as the occurrence of unwanted side effects. Therefore, you should consult your doctor about the possible combination of medications and nutritional supplements used.

Benefits of inulin

After numerous studies and experiments, scientists have proven great benefit inulin for the body. It has the most pronounced effect on the intestines, beneficially affecting its activity and promoting reproduction beneficial bifidobacteria. Inulin can also quickly lower cholesterol levels and reduce blood glucose levels, successfully replacing it with natural fructose.

A large amount of this substance is contained in Jerusalem artichoke, but industrial inulin is most often produced from chicory. Important!

Inulin has a number of effects on the body:

  • Stimulates human defenses, improves immunity;
  • Removes toxins, waste, radionuclides and harmful deposits of heavy metals;
  • Improves lipid metabolism, which leads to noticeable weight loss;
  • Improves intestinal function, prevents feces from accumulating, and prevents constipation;
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer several times;
  • Promotes normal absorption useful vitamins and carbohydrates;
  • Cleanses the liver.

Inulin in baby food

The intestines of a newborn are absolutely sterile, and his first food, breast milk, during the first months of the baby’s life forms in him normal microflora. Only mother's milk contains a balanced amount of vitamins, microelements and beneficial oligosaccharides, which perform the work of prebiotics, populating the intestines with the necessary bifidobacteria. With time breast-feeding is being forced out familiar products complementary foods, however, the amount of prebiotics in the child’s diet should not decrease!

That is why leading manufacturers of baby food began to enrich their products with a prebiotic - inulin, which helps the baby not only improve digestive functions, but also increase the absorption of magnesium and calcium, which significantly strengthens its fragile skeletal system.

Infant formulas enriched with prebiotics are ideal for baby nutrition. They are especially useful for babies who have frequent constipation, flatulence and intestinal dysbiosis.

Do not think that inulin in baby food can cause harm rather than benefit. This polysaccharide is even included in hypoallergenic cereals, which pediatricians recommend introducing into the diet of an allergic child, since only correction of the intestinal microflora contributes to the favorable removal of harmful allergens from the body.

Inulin in cosmetics

Thanks to its beneficial properties and natural origin, inulin is widely used in cosmetology. It has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin, and the benefits of inulin are evident from the first days of using the cosmetic product.

This polysaccharide in skin care products has the following effects on the skin:

  • Improves oxygen exchange in cells;
  • Nourishes and moisturizes;
  • Promotes natural cell regeneration;
  • Stabilizes collagen production;
  • Evens out the relief of the epidermis;
  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • Eliminates inflammation and roughness.

Inulin is very beneficial for hair. It effectively nourishes thin scalp, strengthens weak hair follicles, restores damaged strands. At regular use products containing this polysaccharide show a noticeable improvement in hair condition. They become silky and smooth, their loss and split ends stop.

Inulin can be found in a variety of cosmetics, it is especially useful for skin and hair. Our readers recommend! Many of our readers are interested in the question. How to lose weight without exhausting diets, giving up a number of foods and time-consuming exercises. At the same time, people are looking for a way that does not harm their health. We didn't know how to answer this question until one of our readers recommended an effective and absolutely natural remedy for weight loss. This product has no side effects, contraindications and does not harm the body in any way and consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Weight loss is achieved through the removal of waste, toxins and broken down fat deposits. In just a couple of weeks you will notice the first stunning results. Choose a weight loss program (free) →

Inulin can be seen in:

  1. Anti-aging creams;
  2. Tonics;
  3. Kremov;
  4. Caring shampoos and hair conditioners;
  5. Bathing gels;
  6. Decorative and children's cosmetics;
  7. Antiperspirants;
  8. Masks, facial serums.

In pharmaceuticals, inulin is used in the production of dietary supplements that are prescribed to diabetics. However, it should be understood that inulin cannot replace insulin - it only reduces dangerous level glucose in the blood and reduces the likelihood of complications to zero.

The polysaccharide is recommended for people with acute and chronic intestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, hepatitis, bone diseases. Inulin helps strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to colds.

Inulin is a natural polysaccharide that is completely safe for the body. It is included in daily products, and its content in children's products allows parents to strengthen weak immunity your child and avoid many unpleasant diseases. Due to the absolute absence of side effects, the prebiotic is recommended for use by patients with chronic intestinal diseases, elderly people, under stress and radiation exposure.

The benefits of inulin have been proven by microbiologists and doctors - this unique prebiotic does not pose a danger even with long-term use. However, before introducing it into the diet, you should take into account all the features of taking this supplement, and if detected allergic manifestations It is better to stop taking the drug.

Chicory inulin - what is it? Inulin food

Chicory inulin – what is it?

Chicory is a plant with cute, delicate flowers blue color. A special substance, inulin, is obtained from its roots. A bitter drink is prepared from chicory, which tastes like brewed burnt coffee.

Inulin is the energy reserve of the plant. It represents carbon. Many people do not know such a thing as chicory inulin. What is it and how is it mined?

This substance“built” on the basis of fructose residues. During the hydrolysis process under the influence of inulinase, it completely breaks down into fructose.

Inulin is a prebiotic, accordingly, in organs digestive system it is not absorbed. It is processed by intestinal microflora.

Inulin: where it is found, how it is extracted and how it is used

Useful properties of inulin

The above substance affects the human body as follows:

  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has the ability to remove harmful radionuclides, toxins and heavy metals;
  • stimulates the growth of bone tissue, thereby preventing the occurrence of various diseases skeleton;
  • has a positive effect on the absorption of calcium by the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves condition lymphoid tissue, which consists of cells lining the intestinal mucosa (this helps increase resistance bronchial tree, ureters);
  • helps maintain a healthy liver;
  • normalizes heart rate;
  • balances the work of the central nervous system;
  • enhances the activity of the heart.

In addition, inulin has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects.

Chicory (drink): benefits and harms

This product is obtained from instant chicory. To taste and appearance it bears a close resemblance to roasted coffee. But unlike the latter, the chicory drink does not contain caffeine, and therefore does not harm human health. Caffeine is contraindicated for people with various diseases. It causes vasodilation, provokes a violation heart rate etc.

Instant chicory has another advantage - a sweetish taste, therefore it is extremely useful for people suffering from diabetes.

Properties of soluble chicory:

  • improves intestinal microflora;
  • suppresses appetite;
  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes the functioning of the digestive system.

Interestingly, in addition to inulin, liquid chicory contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, pectins, resins and microelements (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium), as well as carotene, tannins and protein substances, organic acids.

Medicine actively uses everything beneficial features of this substance, however, the greatest emphasis is placed on its effect on metabolic processes, as a result of which inulin is the most common and important component all medications for diabetics (most often type 2) and people with any degree of obesity. However, it is important to understand that inulin, even with its consonance and ability to reduce sugar levels, is not a full-fledged analogue of insulin. In addition, this substance has many positive aspects.

  • Inulin facilitates the absorption of a number of microelements: in particular, magnesium and zinc, as well as iron, which has a positive effect on the condition of cardio-vascular system and the process of hematopoiesis.
  • The ability of inulin to lower cholesterol levels and influence lipid metabolism leads to a reduction in the risk of vascular plaques and blockage of blood flow, and the prevention of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis.
  • Some inulin molecules can bind to heavy metal salts, resulting in cleansing of the body and prevention of cancer.
  • Also, the result of the work of inulin can be called general strengthening immunity, prevention of liver disorders, stimulation of contractions of intestinal walls and synthesis of beneficial bacteria in the gastric microflora.

No harm from inulin has been documented, but as a precaution, it is not recommended to introduce it into food for children under 12 years of age. During pregnancy, the drug is allowed, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Inulin- this substance plant origin, belonging to the group of polysaccharides. It is extracted from the roots and tubers of some plants (jerusalem artichoke, chicory). This substance is considered and when it enters the human intestine it is not digested.

Beneficial features

Inulin has the main properties of prebiotics:

  • promotes growth in the number
  • stimulates intestinal function;
  • promotes the removal of waste and toxins.

Inulin also reduces blood glucose levels, making it useful component in the production of diabetes drugs.

Inulin also has the following benefits:

  • Normalizes weight. Scientists conducted an experiment during which a group of overweight people took 21 g of inulin per day. As a result, they experienced an increase in the amount of hormones that provide a feeling of fullness (these studies are sufficient to confirm the fact that inulin helps control appetite).
  • Reduces appetite. Studies show that inulin suppresses the feeling of hunger, inhibits the rise in blood glucose levels and prevents the deposition of excess sugars into fats. This property of inulin is used in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.
  • Suppresses inflammatory process. Inulin has a weak anti-inflammatory effect and, in combination with other agents, normalizes the condition of the intestines.
  • Laxative effect. Does not allow excess accumulation feces in the intestines, prevents constipation.
  • Removes salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.
  • Stimulates growth bone tissue, preventing the development of fragility of bones and joints. The effect is achieved by improving calcium absorption.
  • Cleanses the liver, enhances the effect of taking it medicines during treatment of hepatitis types B and C.
  • Reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms Gastrointestinal tract.

To achieve these effects, patients are recommended to increase daily consumption inulin, by eating certain products and the use of dietary supplements, which will be discussed below.

Application of inulin

Inulin is used in the production of baby food. Since the newborn's intestines are sterile, most beneficial microflora is formed thanks to breast milk. As complementary foods are introduced, the amount of prebiotics may decrease. To prevent this from happening, baby food manufacturers add inulin to it. It improves digestion and increases the absorption of magnesium and calcium.

Taking inulin is most useful for children prone to constipation and flatulence.

Since the polysaccharide is extracted from plants and not chemically, it is not harmful to health: it is even included in hypoallergenic products.

Due to its natural origin, inulin is actively used in the production of cosmetic products. The polysaccharide promotes the regeneration of cellular tissue, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, eliminates inflammation and produces natural collagen. Inulin is also useful for the condition of hair - it makes it strong, strengthens the hair follicles, and prevents split ends and hair loss. The polysaccharide is included in anti-aging creams, face masks, hair conditioners and shampoos, and children's cosmetics.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

There are no restrictions on the consumption of inulin, as well as side effects from taking it. The only contraindication for consuming a large number of products and dietary supplements containing polysaccharide is considered intolerance to this compound. In the absence of allergies, the use of polysaccharide is indicated for elderly people, children, patients with chronic pathologies and intestinal disorders.

You need to be careful with the use of inulin in the following cases:

  • pathology digestive tract accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence and heartburn (inulin enhances these manifestations);
  • reception antibacterial drugs, since inulin can prevent their complete absorption;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • spasms of the upper respiratory tract.

Only the attending physician can determine whether a person needs additional doses of inulin.

Sources of inulin


The most a large number of inulin is found in fruits Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear). This polysaccharide is also extracted from the following plants:

dietary supplements

Consequences of inulin deficiency

In patients with diabetes mellitus, a lack of inulin causes a worsening of the disease. In diabetes, the absorption of glucose, which is the main source of energy, is disrupted. Insufficient energy reserves lead to chronic apathy and fatigue, a person becomes susceptible to depression. High content Sugar in the blood makes it thick, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of all organs and systems. Problems with the kidneys, heart, liver appear, blood vessels, nerves and tissues are damaged. To replenish energy reserves, the body draws them from the fat layer, which causes an increase in cholesterol - it is deposited for vascular walls, forming plaques and blood clots. Therefore, people with diabetes are at risk for developing heart attacks and strokes.

If there is not enough fat mass, the body actively breaks down proteins. This leads to loss of bone mass, osteoporosis and joint diseases. Also, a person’s metabolism is disrupted, which provokes the loss of beneficial intestinal microflora, digestive disorders, development and decrease in immunity.

Even in the absence chronic diseases, every person can feel the consequences of a lack of inulin in an increased tendency to depression, frequent colds, intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis.

Tips for maintaining gut health and increasing the amount of beneficial microflora:

  • eat at least one product daily that contains a lot of inulin - garlic, onions, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • drink chicory drink instead of coffee - it does not increase the level blood pressure, does not cause insomnia and saturates the body with beneficial polysaccharides;
  • take dietary supplements containing inulin and other prebiotics after a prolonged cold, antibiotic treatment and when chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract.
Polysaccharide inulin began to be closely studied by physicians at the end of the last century. Manufacturers of dietary supplements have also become interested in inulin. So much was said about him and with admiration that many began to doubt whether this was just another marketing ploy and a way to make money on human trust. It turned out that such a compound actually exists and is found in some plants and products. Let's try to understand the properties of inulin and its effect on human body.

Useful and healing properties

Chicory inulin – what is it?

Instructions for using inulin

Inulin is present in small quantities in many foods. Their use depends on age characteristics and human preferences. Among side effects individual intolerance to the substance, the occurrence of heaviness and discomfort, diarrhea, heartburn. Inulin as a medicine and supplement is available in the form of drops, powders, and tablets. Acceptable for adults 1 teaspoon the drug four times a day for a month. As for tablets, the dosage should not exceed 10 tablets per day. Take 2-3 capsules. once a day. Inulin is recommended to be taken with meals.

Daily consumption of inulin guarantees an increase in the number of bifidobacteria in the intestines. This contributes to the suppression of development pathogenic bacteria, coli, viruses, helps reduce the risk of malignant cells.

Medical research shows that daily norm inulin makes up from 3 to 5 grams. If side effects occur, use of the substance should be stopped and a replacement should be found.

What can be replaced

Another prebiotic has similar properties, including dietary ones - oligofructose. The polysaccharide is no less often used on an industrial scale. Oligofructose is used in low-carbohydrate and diabetic diets due to its low calorie content - just 1.5 cal/g. It is produced in the form of powder or syrup, dissolves well without the formation of sediment. The sweetness is only a third of sugar. Inulin normalizes intestinal activity in people with gastrointestinal problems and helps with serious illnesses. It is recommended for use by patients diabetes mellitus, and the polysaccharide content in products for diabetics allows you not to give up your usual diet, including sweets. Inulin monitors not only internal state body. Positive results noticeable by the condition of the skin and hair.

At individual intolerance or if side effects occur after consuming a component, it can be replaced. Inulin is found in many foods. It can be purchased in the form of drops or tablets. Before taking inulin, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

We will be glad if you tell us about your experience of using inulin for treatment, prevention, or in a diet for weight loss. Is this your first time hearing about inulin? Share what impressed you most, what will you take note and are you planning to make products with inulin mandatory in your diet?

Human inulin is considered to be plants. This is a second-tier carbohydrate. It is found in Asteraceae, bluebells, violets, lilies, and chicory. Rich in them root system tuberose, narcissus, dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke. The concentration of the substance in them reaches 20%, which in terms of dry residue is more than 70%. Inulin is never synthesized by the plant alone; in parallel with it, related substances are formed: levulin, sinistrin, pseudoinulin, the hydrolysis of which gives the D isomer of fructose.

The most common sources of the polysaccharide are chicory and Jerusalem artichoke. Displaying the qualities of a probiotic, biologically active substance used in sports programs for weight loss.


Inulin has a sweetish taste and does not synthetic analogues. This natural carbohydrate is found in more than three thousand plant roots. Healing properties substances are determined by its action as a probiotic. It stimulates peristalsis and the growth of bifidumbacteria. Due to the probiotic's immunity to digestive enzymes, he saves his 100% healing qualities when passing through the intestines.


They are determined by the proximity of the probiotic structure to fiber, which stomach acid cannot destroy. Therefore, the polysaccharide only partially decomposes into components, which, in turn, form the necessary environment for the growth of beneficial microflora. Bifidumbacteria displace pathological microbial clones, making the intestines healthy and activating biochemical reactions. Unsplit inulin residues clean the gastrointestinal tract like a brush, taking with it toxins, radionuclides, bad cholesterol, salts of heavy metals. It is this property that dietary supplement manufacturers use when advertising their probiotic-based products. It is worth noting that the natural polysaccharide:

  • Stimulates the absorption of vital minerals by 30%. This promotes the formation of bone tissue, improves its density, which slows down the progression of age-related osteoporosis.
  • Shows the properties of an immunomodulator, activating the body's endurance and metabolism.
  • Helps you lose weight by simulating satiety without adding calories.
  • Replaces coffee without its negative effects.
  • Has the ability to improve taste qualities when preparing dishes, giving them a creamy taste.
  • Activates lymphoid tissue, increasing local immunity in the intestines, bronchi, and genitourinary system.
  • Demonstrates hepatoprotective properties, stimulating liver regeneration.
  • Perfectly moisturizes the skin, saturates it with oxygen, stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen, smoothing out wrinkles.


The naturalness of the polysaccharide allows it to be included in baby food. This is the best confirmation of the safety of the substance. The only essential negative action- flatulence. In addition, the carbohydrate is incompatible with antibiotics, since it inactivates them. Individual intolerance to the drug is also dangerous.

Products with inulin

Inulin enters the body when taking tablets or powder from a pharmacy, but it is easier to introduce it into daily diet. Sweet taste allows you to improve yogurt and drinks with inulin; it can be added to chocolate, baked goods, and confectionery. The most probiotics are found in chicory and Jerusalem artichoke. In addition, it is found in a number of plants presented in the table.

Source – chicory

Blue chicory flowers are free of inulin, but its roots are a real storehouse of the substance. This is a plant energy drink. It is carbon, its structure resembles fructose, and it gets its sweetish taste from it. If inulin is hydrolyzed, then the final product there will be pure fructose. It is a probiotic carbohydrate, that is, it is not absorbed in the digestive tube, but gives a feeling of fullness without any calories, and this property is widely used in medicine and sports.

Most often, chicory is consumed as a drink. It contains soluble chicory. It tastes like coffee, but does not contain caffeine, so it is harmless: it does not affect blood vessels and does not cause arrhythmia. The sweetish taste of the drink makes it possible to use it beneficially even for diabetics. It improves, suppresses appetite and balances intestinal microflora. In addition, it contains many vitamins and microelements. Chicory is not safe for varicose veins and hemorrhoids, as it affects the speed of blood flow. But for pregnant women, this is a real find.

Source – earthen pear

In pharmacies you can often find inulin from Jerusalem artichoke. This is explained by the fact that during its processing they use innovative technologies, allowing you to maintain maximum concentration in the powder useful substances. Therefore, the polysaccharide from Jerusalem artichoke exhibits more high efficiency as a sugar and fat burner. In addition, the roots of the plant are inert to nitrates and are able to neutralize them. And it contains more vitamins and minerals than chicory. Calcium, for example, several times. The therapeutic need is covered by two teaspoons of powder per day.

The use of inulin in sports

Today, inulin has gained a strong position in the sports industry as a dietary supplement that actively affects metabolism. Gainers and protein masses are produced with it. This substance is not absorbed in the digestive tube. Enveloping the walls of the stomach, inulin takes on a gel-like state and reliably protects the mucous membrane from any irritating agents. Including ethanol and nicotine.

A natural probiotic accelerates metabolism, due to which a person begins to lose weight. overweight. This happens because he:

  • Creates favorable soil for the proliferation of bifidumbacteria.
  • Blocks the growth of pathogenic flora.
  • Accelerates, which leads to weight loss.
  • At the same time, it suppresses the feeling of hunger. Due to the fact that blood sugar does not rise, there are no fluctuations in pancreatic insulin, the feeling of fullness is maintained for a long time.
  • Able to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, which is responsible for a slim figure. Therefore, he is actively included in fitness programs for weight loss for both men and women.

When losing weight, the body does not receive the usual amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and a decrease occurs. immune defense, but inulin takes over this function. Moreover, it reduces the level of ammonia, thereby preventing the onset of oncological processes

Inulin is also used in bodybuilding. There are special Scientific research, proving that hunger is suppressed by two peptide chains in the large intestine: peptide YY and glucagon GLP-1. These compounds correct fullness and make it possible to maintain the desired physique for a long time.

Indications for taking inulin

Found inulin wide application and in traditional medicine. He is appointed as part of complex therapy the following pathologies:

  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Pathologies of the digestive system: ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, hepatitis, biliary disorders.
  • CKD, ICD.
  • Sensitization of the body.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Autoimmune diseases, systemic collagenoses.

Contraindications to taking inulin

However, despite all the usefulness, naturalness and safety of inulin, it has contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance not only to polysaccharides, but also to probiotics in general.
  • Gestation and lactation.
  • Age up to 12 years.
  • VSD and hypotension.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Varicose veins and hemorrhoids with inulin from chicory.
  • Combination with antibiotics.

Methods of use

Methods of administration for therapeutic and sports purposes are different.

  • By clinical indications Take half an hour before meals, in tablets, orally, a couple of pieces up to 4 times a day, first dissolved in a glass of water, juice, or kefir. The course will require 3 bottles of inulin. The break between courses is two months. If powder is used, intake is limited to a teaspoon with each meal.
  • Sports training requires a dose of 10 g per day. Start with 2 g per day. After a few weeks, increase to 5 g, and then to 10 g. Drink in courses a month later or according to an individual schedule drawn up by a trainer.

At the end of the last century, under close attention Doctors and manufacturers of dietary supplements found a polysaccharide called inulin (by the way, do not confuse it with insulin - we are talking about completely different compounds). About him miraculous properties They began to talk so much and insistently that most people began to doubt: is this not another “divorce” of the population?

Let's start with the fact that inulin really exists. It is found in many plants that serve us as food or as a medicinal drug (by the way, we wrote about such plants in our articles about - we already talked a little about why inulin is so good). And it has been proven that it has a very beneficial effect on the human body.

What is "inulin"? There are many of us, but he is alone!

Inulin is a carbohydrate that is the energy reserve of the plant. The place of its “dislocation” is the roots and tubers of some plant species. Construction material For inulin, fructose residues are used (according to the most recent studies, it contains 9 fructose residues).

During the process of hydrolysis or fermentation under the action of inulinase (there is such an enzyme in plants containing inulin), it completely breaks down into fructose. From the point of view of absorption by the body, inulin belongs to the group of prebiotics - substances that upper sections are not absorbed by the digestive system. They are successfully processed by the microflora of the large intestine, receiving a powerful stimulus for their development.

What does inulin contain?

The highest percentage of inulin content is observed in Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear.

In addition to Jerusalem artichoke, large amounts of inulin contain:

  • – from 9 to 16%;
  • onions – a little more than 6%;
  • – more than 6%.

It was also noticed that many medicinal plants, which alleviate the condition of patients with diabetes, also contain inulin:

  • elecampane;
  • burdock, etc.

Inulin production technology

Inulin is extracted from plants by cold pressing. This gentle method preserves as much as possible all the beneficial properties of the prebiotic. And are used as raw materials for the production of inulin in industrial quantities, with chicory in first place.

Basic operations for inulin production:

  1. grinding of raw materials;
  2. extraction (extraction) of inulin;
  3. thickening the resulting extract;
  4. inulin precipitation;
  5. cleaning;
  6. drying.

Most important operation technology is extraction. The efficiency of inulin production depends on it. To perform this operation, special equipment is used - an extractor. It is a U-shaped column in which turbulent flows are created. The crushed raw materials and liquid are placed into the extractor, into which inulin passes during the extraction process.

Application area

Inulin is used in two industries:

  • food;
  • pharmaceutical

IN Food Industry inulin is used as a technological ingredient. This is due to some properties of the polysaccharide, due to which:

the presence of fat in the product is simulated (inulin is capable of forming a creamy substance with a texture similar to fat when combined with water). This property is used in the production of low-fat food products in order to reduce their calorie content. A quarter gram of inulin can replace one gram of fat;

the quality of mousses, ice cream, sauces, etc. is stabilized.

Inulin is added to baby food, baked goods, dairy products, chocolate, dietary products etc. Food processors cannot do without it during production various products instant cooking.

The pharmaceutical industry uses inulin to produce biologically active additives, which are recommended for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In first place here is diabetes(mostly of the second type). Although inulin is not a replacement for insulin, it nevertheless helps lower blood sugar levels and minimizes the likelihood of serious complications.

In addition to diabetics, inulin is useful for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • gastrointestinal infections (acute and chronic);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bone diseases;
  • frequent colds;
  • gastritis and hepatitis, etc.

Useful properties of inulin

Here is a short list of the properties of this substance that can help you be healthier and happier:

— the ability to remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body;

- stimulation of bone tissue growth and, as a result, prevention of the occurrence of various diseases bone skeleton. This effect is achieved thanks to positive influence inulin on the absorption of calcium by the human body. Research has shown that long-term use inulin (within a year) leads to an increase in bone density over 25%;

— . In particular, lymphoid tissue, which makes up a quarter of all cells in the intestinal mucosa, responds very positively to the introduction of inulin into the body. In turn, improving the condition of lymphoid tissue leads to an increase in the resistance of the bronchial tree, ureters, mucous membranes of everything gastrointestinal tract;

- beneficial effect on the condition of the liver. Inulin in combination with drug therapy undoubtedly enhances its effect in the treatment of hepatitis B and C.


To date, no properties harmful to human health have been found in inulin. The only thing that can prevent you from taking it is allergic reaction individual to this prebiotic.

But, despite the fact that inulin is considered completely safe and useful product, it would not be a bad idea to talk about this topic with your doctor before starting a course of treatment.

Where can you buy inulin?

You can buy inulin in pharmacies. But they don’t always get into our pharmacies quality products and if you have such an opportunity, we would advise you to watch this food supplement on foreign websites: for example, inulin is sold in powder form, relatively inexpensive, and the reviews are very good.