A solution of string for bathing a child. Calming effect of the sequence

The first bath of a newborn child remains in the memory of parents for life as one of the most touching moments. On the other hand, this ritual for parents who do not have the proper experience can be called very responsible. There are many questions associated with it: how to prepare a bath for a child, what temperature should the water be, what time is best to bathe the baby, how to do it and, of course, how to remove maximum benefit.

Baths with herbal decoctions are very beneficial for children's delicate skin. A series is very often used for bathing newborns, since water procedures Working with her is not only pleasant, but also very helpful. Preparing such a bath is quite simple; you just need to know the optimal proportions in order to brew a decoction of the desired consistency, as well as how to brew the series correctly and for how long.

Almost all medicinal herbs have a beneficial effect on the human body, including children. The most common herbs used for water procedures for babies are chamomile, string, mint, and pine needles.

Today, pharmacies sell many preparations that are designed specifically for use in the bath for infant. As for pediatricians, they believe that the string is the most suitable option for bathing small child. This herb is considered the most beneficial for children's skin, eliminates all problems, gently and carefully exerting its effect. It is not at all surprising that she is already quite long time used as in folk medicine, and in the manufacture of many pharmacological agents and drugs, as well as in cosmetology.

Sequential baths should be prepared for the following skin problems in newborns:

  • for diaper rash in the area of ​​infant folds;
  • for diaper rash caused by the interaction of the skin with the diaper;
  • with diathesis;
  • when ulcers appear;
  • for prickly heat;
  • for dermatitis;
  • when a milky crust appears on the baby’s head.

The series soothes irritated skin, relieves itching, helps cope with inflammatory processes, and has a mild drying and antimicrobial effect. In addition, the baby will sleep calmly and sound sleep after such a bath taken in evening time. The series owes all these properties to the manganese in its composition. To achieve maximum effect from such bathing and to prevent allergic reactions in the baby, it is important to know how to properly brew the series.

How to properly prepare a bath with a string?

The line for bathing newborn babies must be pre-brewed, at least 1 hour before the intended swim. You can also brew it even in the morning to use for evening bathing. It can easily be preserved for so long without losing its healing properties or deteriorating.

The series can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is sold in bulk in special packaging, as well as in pre-packaged bags. The proportions for preparing a bath should be calculated based on the amount of water that will be used for bathing. For about 10 liters of water you need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of herbs or 6 sachets.

As for the recipe for preparing a decoction from the string, in folk and official medicine exist completely different recipes. One of the simplest and most common is the following:

  1. the required amount of string is poured hot boiled water(about 1 glass);
  2. the poured raw material should be infused for approximately 10-12 hours;
  3. The broth must be filtered using gauze;
  4. The strained broth is added to a bath of water.

For convenience, many modern mothers today use ready-made string extracts, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Also with this extract medicinal herb There are many bathing products available, including baby soap. The convenience of using ready-made products is undeniable, but do not forget that they will not have the same effect therapeutic effect like freshly brewed grass. In addition, when bathing a child in a decoction of string, no need to use additional funds: shampoo, soap.

How to bathe a newborn in a bathtub with a string?

Taking such a healing bath before bedtime will calm the baby’s nervous system, relax, relieve skin irritations, after which he will sleep soundly and carefree.

Don’t forget that even though the string is a safe, natural and hypoallergenic bathing product, it still doesn’t hurt to check your child’s individual reaction to it. The first acquaintance with the decoction should be done carefully and using the most minimal proportions of raw materials.

An allergen test is carried out on the child's skin in the wrist area. Water with a decoction of the string is applied to the child’s skin and observation is carried out. If there is no rash, irritation or spots, then the child can be completely immersed in the bath and undergo water procedures.

If a bath with a series is taken in medicinal purposes, then the maximum effect is achieved after several procedures. However, you should not overdo it with such activities, since the series can quite dry out the delicate baby skin. For a newborn baby, it will be enough to bathe in a decoction of the string 2 times a week. The rest of the bathing should be done in ordinary water, without any additions, or alternate between different herbal infusions, for example, using chamomile.

After bathing, all the baby’s folds can be lubricated with cream (about treating infant folds). Thus, the baby’s skin will be able to remain fresh, clean, and the child himself will receive a lot of pleasure from this healing procedure.

Final benefits:

  • We bathe the little ones correctly
  • Cooking pine bath for a child

The string has been used for many generations, its healing properties have been known for a long time. The disinfecting qualities of this herb are largely explained by the presence large quantities magnesium Therefore, baths with a series relieve diaper rash, skin rash, irritation and inflammation, but not as aggressive as with potassium permanganate. There are a number of weak sedatives that calm the nervous system.

Advice. Do not rinse your baby after a bath with a series and the substances in the decoction will continue to act for some time. You just need to blot the water on the body with a towel and let the child dry.

How to properly prepare a sequence

Because herbal mixture should simmer for at least an hour and a half, brew the series in advance. If bathing is carried out in the evening, you can make a decoction in the morning or at lunch. Pharmacy chain is available in tea bags (like tea) and in dried leaf form.

For brewing, take about 10 grams. dried herb(3 tablespoons) per 10 liters of water. The volume of a standard baby bath is 30-40 liters, which means you will need to take from 7 to 12 tbsp. spoons depending on the amount of water.

If the child is already bathed in a large bath, then the proportion is the same: the bath holds approximately 200 liters of water, and 15-16 tbsp of herbs is required. spoons

Brew the herb in a jar, pour boiling water over it, and cover with a metal lid. Place the jar in a pan of water and keep it on steam bath over heat, stirring the broth occasionally. After 15 minutes, turn it off and leave for an hour or more. Before use, strain the decoction.

Attention! If your baby's skin is too dry, it is better to use pharmaceuticals for bathing with a series or ready-made concentrates for baths. Such means are convenient to use, especially when there is no time or opportunity to brew herbs. And most importantly, they do not dry out the skin so much, acting more gently.

How long to bathe a baby, features of bathing with a series

Herbal bathing should last no more than 15 minutes, and the water temperature should be 35-36 degrees.

There are several important points:

  • Before the first bath, be sure to do an allergy test for the newborn (wipe the baby’s wrist with a decoction and check for redness, itching or peeling of the skin);
  • Do not use the series too often, so as not to dry it out delicate skin crumbs (optimally once a week);
  • To soften the skin after bathing, do not forget about moisturizing baby cream;
  • for the same reasons, do not use soap and gels when bathing with a series - this increases the risk of drying out the skin even more.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the series - excellent remedy for skin problems, but there may be contraindications, like any medicine, so you need to be careful. For example, if there is purulent inflammation, then it’s better not to bathe the baby, but to apply lotions in a series.

Bathing in the infusion of the series: video

With the birth of a child, bathing turns into a kind of ritual. This is not only a way to maintain the personal hygiene of a newborn or infant, but also an opportunity to strengthen muscles, light hydromassage and relaxing procedures. Many young mothers know that from the first days of life a baby can be bathed in water with the addition of medicinal herbs. That's what they advise older generation and pediatric doctors. Very often a child develops small rashes on the skin caused by various factors. It is recommended to bathe the baby by adding a special herbal tea. And each such composition includes everyone famous plant series. Pediatricians and dermatologists first of all recommend adding string to the bathing water of babies. And this procedure is very effective. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of how to properly brew and use the series while bathing children.

The benefits of bathing a baby in a line

A series is a plant with yellow flowers. It has long been popular in folk medicine. And today, many pediatricians recommend that young parents add a decoction of the string to the bathing water for newborns and older children. This medicinal plant contains a large amount of manganese, so the string has antimicrobial properties.

In the first months after birth, many parents are faced with the appearance of rashes, redness and diaper rash on the baby’s skin. This can be not only an allergic reaction, but also manifestations of irritation such as prickly heat, chafing or diaper rash from wearing diapers. The baby's skin adapts to new conditions. Small pimples often form on the baby’s cheeks; pediatricians explain this by a surge of hormones that reach the baby with mother’s milk. As a rule, doctors recommend as a means of combating unpleasant symptoms on the skin of the baby, bathe it in a decoction of the string.

Several decades ago, pediatricians recommended bathing children in water with added manganese. Now experts refute this method. The fact is that weak solution manganese, light pink color, not effective. But if you make it more concentrated, the solution becomes dangerous for the baby. If it gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it can cause chemical burns. Therefore, doctors recommend bathing newborns in a series.

The skin of a newborn is very vulnerable and delicate, it quickly reacts to any irritants, so it needs to be protected and the thin epidermis carefully cared for. The chain is best suited for this purpose. This plant has the following positive properties:

  • anti-inflammatory: relieves irritation, redness and itching;
  • softening: a child’s skin needs to be moisturized, so bathing in a series is very useful for babies;
  • antimicrobial: thanks to great content manganese;
  • drying and healing: helps cope with diaper rash and microcracks on the baby’s delicate skin;
  • relaxing: a bath with a sequence before bedtime perfectly calms the baby’s nervous system and sets him up for a restful sleep.

Is it possible to bathe children in a line: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

  • for the prevention and protection of the baby's skin immediately after birth. Dr. Komarovsky points out that you don’t need to add a sequence during bathing. But if the baby has problems with skin, a decoction of this plant will perfectly cope with the problem without causing inconvenience to the child;
  • allergic reactions: atopic dermatitis, diathesis, eczema;
  • diaper dermatitis and diaper rash;
  • prickly heat and other rashes caused by external irritants.

It is recommended to buy the mixture for making the decoction only at the pharmacy. This way, parents can be sure that the plant has passed radiological control and is completely safe for the baby. The plant is sold in crushed form in packs or bags. There are also special bathing fees for babies on sale, which include a series.

Forms of release of grass - photo gallery

The series is also sold in packages. But pediatricians recommend buying the plant in a pack for bathing and preparing the decoction yourself. It's harder to determine in packages required quantity plants The bathing collection includes not only string, but also other medicinal plants The series is produced by different companies, so the pharmacy has a huge selection of packs with crushed plants

How to properly brew a bathing pot: number of bags, proportions, etc.

Before adding the string to the water, you must prepare a decoction or infusion; you cannot add dried plant straight into the water for swimming. The turn must take place. Dr. Komarovsky recommends the following scheme for preparing the infusion:

  • have to take liter jar or another container with a volume of one liter;
  • pour the chopped string into a glass;
  • pour the plant into a jar or container;
  • pour boiling water over the herb: the water must just boil so that the string is well brewed;
  • cover the resulting infusion and leave for 10–12 hours.

It is necessary to prepare the infusion in the morning so that by evening the herb is completely brewed. Then you need to add the infusion of the string to the prepared bathing water. To do this, it is first recommended to strain it through gauze or mesh. The bathing water will be light brown in color, somewhat similar to weak black tea. This is the kind of bathing water that will be beneficial for a child.

Many pediatricians consider bathing babies in a line to be beneficial. The effect of such bathing has been proven by more than one generation of mothers

But what to do if the mother forgot to set the infusion cycle in the morning, is there really no way to bathe the baby with this healing plant? Don't be upset. In this case, you can prepare a decoction that can be immediately added to a bath of water:

  • Place 4 tablespoons or 4 sachets of string in a container;
  • pour 200 ml of water;
  • heat in a water bath for about 15–20 minutes;
  • Cool the resulting broth for 40 minutes and then strain;
  • The volume of the decoction is approximately 1 glass.

For the decoction to be effective, it must be sufficient quantity. Therefore, 1 glass of decoction is added to 10 liters of water in the bathtub. If you take, for example, 40 liters of water, then you will need 4 cups of broth.

Basic rules for bathing children of different ages in a line. Recommendations for newborns and infants.

Doctors recommend bathing a child in succession from birth to three months. Afterwards, you can continue to add a decoction or infusion as desired to prevent skin problems. You can start bathing your newborn in a series as soon as the umbilical wound dries, approximately a couple of weeks after birth:

  • string is considered a hypoallergenic herb, but the baby may have an individual intolerance to this plant. First you need to conduct a sensitivity test: soak a cotton pad in a warm decoction or infusion and apply it to a small area of ​​skin on the baby’s elbow. If after 40–60 minutes there is no reaction, you can immerse the child in a bath with a series;
  • For the first bath, it is recommended to use a pure decoction or infusion of the string to find out the child’s reaction. If you brew a mixture of herbs for the first bath, it will not be clear which herb negatively affects the baby’s skin if redness or allergies occur;
  • For the first time, leave the baby in the bath for no longer than ten minutes, gradually the bathing time can be increased to half an hour. Take longer to bathe your baby with this medicinal plant not recommended so as not to dry out the baby’s delicate skin;
  • Do not rinse the baby clean water after bathing, this reduces the effectiveness of bathing with a series;
  • doctors recommend bathing your baby no more than three to four times a week with an infusion of the series; on other days you can limit yourself to water procedures just in clean water. If the child does not have irritation or other negative reactions on the skin, a decoction of the string can be used for prevention no more than once a week;
  • It is recommended to bathe a child with grass once a day, preferably in the evening. The relaxing properties of the series will help your baby sleep soundly at night.

It is worth remembering the main rule: each child is individual, so when bathing the baby with medicinal herbs, you need to monitor the reaction of the baby’s body. If the baby feels uncomfortable in the bath with a series, cries, or is too excited, it is better to stop bathing with the broth and consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the baby and give necessary recommendations, may advise replacing the string with another herb, for example, chamomile. First of all, the child should be comfortable, then bathing will bring not only pleasure, but also benefits for the baby’s health.

How to properly wash your baby - video

When faced with unexpected troubles (rash, allergic reaction, prickly heat), other skin problems in infants, do not rush to immediately use medications. The child is so small that no parent would risk using them for skin ailments. Age-old wisdom comes to the rescue traditional healers. A wonderful doctor for the baby there will be a line for bathing newborns. About her miraculous properties many young parents have heard: the plant is included in many healing fees. But not everyone knows how to apply them to solve problems.

Baby bathing sequence

The causes of skin problems in a small child can be of a different nature. Infants may have the following: skin problems:

  • irritation;
  • diathesis;
  • dermatitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • allergies;
  • heat rash;
  • skin ulcers.

Sequence for bathing newborns with rashes

The doctor prescribes baby baths with a series. The bathing procedure soothes the baby's skin and relieves inflammatory processes, reduces itching.

Skin problems in babies recede when faced with a concoction from the series. A herbal bath can quickly change the condition of the skin for the better. Eliminate any rash. What properties of the herb contribute to this strong impact for skin diseases in children under one year of age?

Grass string for bathing newborns

How is a series used to bathe babies? It is enough to carry out 10-12 procedures to completely cure the baby’s skin problem. The series is one of the natural and most commonly used remedies to combat skin problems in newborns. It contains many healing substances:

  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins (C, A).

It is used to prepare preventive and medicinal baths, carried out before bedtime, as they have a powerful sedative effect. In addition, it has a spectrum healing actions and is capable of curing not just one, but several ailments at once. Therefore, you need to brew it for each disease according to a special recipe. This will save the baby from side effects and ensure maximum benefit from bathing.

About the healing properties of the plant

The benefits of string for bathing

Preserving it depends on the ability to brew the herb correctly. useful properties and direction of treatment. In order for parents to better understand how the decoction will affect the baby, they should have a good idea of ​​what it is. miracle plant and what properties of it will help the child get rid of the disease:

  • A therapeutic or preventive bath made from a string has anti-inflammatory, restorative, antimicrobial and drying properties, and has a gentle effect on the baby’s skin.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system.
  • It is used as a disinfectant for disinfection instead of potassium permanganate, which has a harsher effect.
  • This is a strong hypoallergenic product. It is used to eliminate allergic reactions and is good for baby's skin.
  • Decoctions from the string are used for compresses.

The decoction must be prepared correctly, because for the baby’s thin and delicate skin the solution must be of low concentration.

How much to brew for bathing a newborn

Fifteen grams of dried string is enough for a baby bath. When a child is bathed in a large bathtub, the amount of herb increases up to two times. For the first solution, 0.5 liters is enough, for the second – 1 liter. The peculiarity of preparing tinctures from a series is that they are simple to prepare, but require a lot of time: before the infusion is ready, it is placed in a thermos, filled with water and infused for 10-12 hours.

How to brew a series for bathing a newborn

How to make a line for bathing a baby

If you urgently need to obtain a bathing product from the string for babies, you can use a decoction. It is prepared as follows:

  1. The dry collection is poured with boiling water.
  2. Cover it with a lid and place it in a steam bath for ten minutes on low heat.
  3. After which the container must be removed from the heat, wrapped in a towel and kept in it for forty minutes.
  4. The resulting broth must be filtered through gauze folded several times.
  5. The composition is ready. It is poured into the baby's bathtub. This decoction can be used within twelve hours from the moment of preparation.

If it is not possible to make an infusion or decoction from the herbal collection, you can use the string extract. The product is sold at the pharmacy. The method of preparing it is simpler than from collection. Preparation instructions are included inside the bag. The product is not inferior in effectiveness to infusions and decoctions.

A line for bathing newborns in bags

In order for the effect of the series to be complete, it is alternated with decoctions of chamomile and nettle, which also have wound healing, drying and antiseptic properties. Interchange of these funds is acceptable. It is not recommended to use several decoctions in one bath. When allergic reaction it will be impossible to determine which grass caused this. When peeling the baby's skin after baths with a series, you can use similar infusions, decoctions or extracts of nettle or chamomile.

How to bathe a newborn in a line

Carrying out a test for individual tolerance of the solution

After young parents learned to make several types of products for herbal bath out of the sequence, you can start bathing the baby. There are also certain subtleties that should be studied in advance.

The main principle of bathing is always to be careful not to accidentally harm the baby.

This product is hypoallergenic, but a test for individual tolerance to it must be carried out. This procedure boils down to the following:
  • Prepare an infusion, decoction, or use an extract.
  • Dilute in the ratio to be used for bathing.
  • Use a cotton swab with the string solution to wipe the area on the baby's elbow.
  • If after 30-40 minutes there is no reaction (redness, rash), the child can be bathed in a bath with this concentration of the herb.

Rules for bathing a baby in a line

Bathing a newborn in a line

  • A baby can be bathed in a bathtub with a series from 2 weeks, provided that the umbilical wound is dried.
  • Add the infusion immediately before bathing. Do not use part of the solution. After bathing, dilute it to a weaker concentration and rinse your child with it.
  • Don't break the rules when bathing your baby in a line for the first time. The bathing procedure can last no more than 5-7 minutes. In subsequent times, it is gradually increased to 15 minutes.
  • Do not use other washing products (baby soap, shampoo). This can significantly reduce the effect of the healing effects of the herbal collection.
  • After bathing and rinsing the baby, wrap him in a towel.
  • Remembering that the series has by-effect(skin peeling), you can bathe your baby in a solution with a series of no more than three times a week until the problem is eliminated.
  • For prevention, bathing can be done once a week. All other days you need to bathe the child in ordinary water; you can use the properties of other medicinal herbs for these purposes.

A series as a remedy for diaper rash

Diaper rash is a common problem in newborns. Its solution is also within the power of the sequence:

  • Diaper rash goes away from swimming in a line.
  • When applying compresses. A cotton swab soaked in a solution with a string is applied to the folds for two minutes for five days.

If there is no improvement, then the remedy is not suitable for the child. You need to contact for help pediatrician, although in practice such cases are extremely rare.

Infusions, decoctions and extracts from the string are natural healers. Added when bathing a newborn, they strengthen his sleep, nervous system, help get rid of skin problems, restoring it healthy microflora. All this will be achieved by parents who correctly use the properties of the series for bathing newborns.

Is it necessary to bathe a child in a series: video

With the birth of a baby, bathing becomes a particularly reverent ritual in the family. Daily water procedures not only cleanse a profusely sweating baby, but also harden the baby and promote sleep. At the same time, decoctions and infusions for preparing children's baths must be used correctly, following the accepted rules, proportions and recommendations of the pediatrician. The most commonly used are chamomile, calendula, and motherwort.

The sequence is also useful for children. This herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family is recognized as the most valuable medicinal product. In total, about 200 species of string are known. In medicine, a tripartite succession is common, growing on moist soils, in wetlands, and along water bodies. Harvesting medicinal plant during budding or at the beginning of flowering. Leafy tops should not exceed 15 centimeters. You can also buy the herb at the pharmacy in the form of dried raw materials and in packaged form.

Before preparing a bath with a string for a baby, it is important to understand the benefits of this plant for child's body. The herb has a rich composition and contains a number of valuable components:

  • Vitamins and microelements (calcium, magnesium, manganese), which have a healing, drying and antifungal effect.
  • Ascorbic acid helps soothe delicate baby skin and relieve inflammation.
  • Tannins are a natural antiseptic and prevent the development of many diseases.
  • Essential oils have a calming effect. In addition, the oil gently nourishes the skin, helps get rid of flaking, crusts and dryness.

Doctor Komarovsky insists that in the bath healthy baby no need to add herbs.

The rich multivitamin composition of the series helps to cope with common problems of newborns - eczema, diathesis, prickly heat, seborrhea. As well as their first symptoms, such as itching, redness, rash, acne and flaking of the skin. Bathing in water with herbal extract has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. The child sleeps better, plays happily while awake, cries and worries less.

In what cases is the sequence not used?

It is not always necessary to make baths with a series for a small child. Despite the numerous benefits of the plant, there is a possible risk of negative reactions. Before brewing the herb and adding the solution to your baby’s bath water, you should consult your doctor. Experts recommend avoiding using bath strings in the following cases:

  • absence skin diseases, redness, rashes or itching;
  • when peeling appears after water procedures (the grass can dry out the delicate skin of a toddler, if such a symptom appears, lubricate the body with a softening baby cream);
  • case of a severe allergic reaction (cases of allergies to the components of the series are few, but they should not be excluded from attention).

Swimming in water with the addition of a solution of string is strictly contraindicated for children with elevated temperature bodies. Children should also avoid water procedures after vaccination.

How to brew a string in bags and in the form of grass for bathing newborns

How the baby reacts to a bath with a series is influenced by the method and skill of preparing the herbal solution. To prepare the infusion, first prepare the grass, dishes, and water. 10 g (1–2 tablespoons) of dry medicinal raw materials are placed in an enamel container and filled with a glass boiled water room temperature, close tightly and heat in boiling water (water bath method) for 15 minutes, then cool for 45 minutes, remove from heat, stirring occasionally, then filter and quantity ready-made decoction bring boiled water to 200 ml (glass).

If the manipulations are carried out in the morning, then during the evening bathing you can use the prepared solution.

Using the herbal collection of the string to prepare an infusion or decoction, filter the resulting liquid before pouring it into the bath.

To make a decoction of 10 grams (1 - 2 tablespoons), put the herbs in an enamel container, pour in a glass of boiled water, cooled to 23-25 ​​degrees, close tightly, heat in a water bath (with continuous boiling) for 30 minutes, remove from heat, cool for 10 minutes, remove the grass using gauze, add boiled water to a glass.

Do not store the healing liquid for more than a day. The longer a solution sits, the less useful it becomes. The process of preparing the healing liquid is simple, so you should use a fresh preparation before each bath.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion from a bag

At the pharmacy you can buy a bagged series and even a collection in tablets. This form of release is no different from its loose counterpart. The difference lies in cost, shelf life and ease of preparation. An undeniable advantage of bagged herbs is that there is no need to strain the finished solution through cheesecloth. Simply squeeze out the bags and use the resulting liquid for a healthy, soothing bath. The amount of the finished solution depends on the volume of the bath. For 10 liters of water, prepare a decoction or infusion of 10 grams of string. If you measure in bags, you will need 6 pieces. For a bath with 20 liters of water, use herbal decoction or infusion of 20 grams of the plant (12 packets).

Rules for bathing a newborn in a bathtub with a string

Bathing a baby in water with a decoction of the series will only bring pleasure, benefit and positive emotions to the little one if the parents adhere to the series simple rules and recommendations:

  • do not bathe the baby if the umbilical cord wound has not yet completely healed;
  • Before the first procedure using a series, conduct a test for individual intolerance or allergies, to do this, soak the sponge in a concentrated broth and wipe the skin near the elbow; if the skin does not turn red within 30–60 minutes, feel free to use the bathing solution;
  • if a child has skin problems, bathe the baby in a bath with a sequence of 2-3 per week, for the purpose of prevention and strengthening nervous system, practice the procedure once every 7 days;
  • do not overdo it, use the solution for no more than a month, do not dilute the bath only in successions of up to a year, use other preparations;
  • It is better to limit the duration of water procedures to 15 minutes;
  • string is combined with other herbs, so solutions from a mixture of string and chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort are also used;
  • should not be used when bathing with herbs cosmetical tools, foam, soap;
  • After the toddler, you don’t need to rinse with clean water, just wipe with a clean and soft towel.

Don't worry if your newborn accidentally swallows a string of water. The grass won't do any harm small organism. For most children, water procedures bring positive emotions. The task of parents is to make bathing also a useful event.