Nature's recipes: herbal decoction for beautiful hair. What herbs can be used to rejuvenate the female body?

Every year we move further and further away from our cheerful, carefree youth. And although the soul is still just as young, it wants to have fun and flutter around as before, but time, unfortunately, leaves its mark on the body. The former beauty fades, it becomes harder to do what was previously done with ease. And then thoughts arise about how to slow down time, not allow old age to come so quickly, and rejuvenate your body. Some people start thinking about rejuvenation for the first time somewhere after 30, others don’t notice when they hit 40-50 and only then sound the alarm.
Fortunately, there are many ways to rejuvenate the body. And everyone can choose the one that they like best, that suits their capabilities, rhythm of life and, of course, is financially accessible.

The simplest and easiest affordable way rejuvenating the body with the help of products. After all, every day we have breakfast, lunch and dinner, so why not do it profitably. There are products that have the effect of “rejuvenating apples” and can prolong youth for for a long time. The list is quite large, but the first positions are occupied by:

olive oil

“Liquid gold” - this is how the ancient Greeks spoke with admiration of olive oil. Even then it was known about its unique qualities. This product is still highly valued and in many countries is considered a panacea that helps get rid of many ailments and stay forever young.

Thanks to unsaturated fatty acids contained in the oil, it is excellent prophylactic from ailments of blood vessels and heart. Vitamins K, A, E and D strengthen muscles, bones and immune system. Those who regularly add olive oil in food, will not suffer from diabetes and obesity. It also helps lower blood pressure and normalizes the functioning of biliary tract and can withstand even oncological diseases, reduces the activity of cancer cells.

People suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines should definitely include olive oil in their menu; it not only promotes good work, but also heals wounds, including those inside.


Humanity has known about the magical effects of nuts on our body for many millennia. In ancient Babylon, they were even forbidden to be consumed by the common people, so that they would not become too smart. Indeed, nuts have stimulating properties mental activity, also help to avoid heart attack and stroke.

Walnuts added to your diet will help you look much younger. They have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. But scientists have given almonds first place in the fight against unexpected old age. It contains much more vitamin A, B and E, iron, calcium and phosphorus than its other relatives.


Many people considered coffee to be one of the harmful products and quite in vain. But coffee lovers shouldn’t jump for joy and immediately run to devour mugs of it. Everything should be normal and each product should be consumed within reason.

Coffee is a great anti-ageing product, improves brain function, concentration, and memory. After a small cup of coffee in the morning, you feel a surge of vigor and mental activity, the brain begins to think more actively and absorb information. It contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process of cells. However, all these properties are found in natural coffee, and not in cheap instant coffee or in 3-in-1 bags.

After drinking coffee, do not rush to throw away the grounds; they will also help maintain youth on your face and body. You can use it to make a face mask or add it to water when taking a bath. The skin will look fresh, healthy and have excellent color.


You can often hear the saying that all laughers love chocolate. But in fact, it’s the other way around; it’s chocolate that gives a person a boost of vivacity, energy and produces the hormone of happiness.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates brain function, improves memory, and fights aging and cell destruction. Chocolate also reduces the risk of developing diseases. of cardio-vascular system and increased blood pressure. Dark chocolate is the healthiest.


Many of us have known about the benefits of oatmeal since childhood, when mothers taught that the most healthy breakfast- this is a porridge from oatmeal.

Thanks to the fiber, vitamins and microelements that are contained in oatmeal, it has a wonderful effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and the entire body. In addition, the flakes strengthen nervous system, have a positive effect on the stomach, intestines and give a boost of energy for the whole day.

red wine

Ask any Frenchman what they consider a panacea for all ailments and a symbol eternal youth, of course, he will answer - red wine. They try to use it regularly, but, of course, within reasonable limits. And as statistics show, the French experience heart attacks much less frequently than other nationalities.

Red wine contains antioxidants and amino acids that prevent cells from aging quickly and stimulate metabolism. A glass of red wine will be very useful for people who, due to their profession or place of residence, are exposed to radiation, as well as for those who suffer from weather dependence.

How to rejuvenate the body at home?

To prolong youth, it is not necessary to go to expensive clinics, spend huge funds, you can do this at home. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time, but if the result is important, then you can try. In addition, those who expect that youth can be restored with the help of one product or exercise will be disappointed. The fight against aging is a whole complex of problems aimed at effective methods.

First of all, you should think about healthy eating, include more in your menu healthy products and, of course, exclude harmful ones from it. You can also resort to medicinal plants and time-tested folk recipes.

We must not forget about physical exercise. Exercising allows us to maintain a great figure, a great mood and makes our body younger and more attractive.

Some people manage to maintain their youth and beauty with the help of technology correct breathing, others are doing Tibetan gymnastics or yoga. There are also those who strive excellent results using the power of thought, programming your body for rejuvenation.

How can a woman rejuvenate her body at 40?

At the age of 40, life, one might say, is just beginning - the children have already grown up, the career has been made, all that remains is to live and enjoy everything that surrounds you. But how not to let old age overshadow all the beauty of life?

Often women, in order to appear younger and more attractive, put on more makeup, hiding sagging skin underneath. But this does not solve the problem, because you need to start from something completely different. Let us think about whether our body gets into sufficient quantity required vitamins and microelements? Do we give him the opportunity to rest at least sometimes and not chase the frantic rhythm? modern life? After all, this is also very important.

You should definitely reconsider your diet and, if possible, give up flour and sweets. After all, at this age muscle begins to disappear, and fatty tissue, on the contrary, grows. Getting rid of bad habits and cleansing the body of toxins will give it strength to fight aging.
In addition to proper nutrition, there are many other means of rejuvenating the body, for example, a Russian bath. It not only cleanses the body of toxins, but also improves blood flow, strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

How can a woman rejuvenate her body at 50?

Often at 20 or 30 years old, some people think that life ends at 50. But even at 70 or 80 years old, a woman can bloom and flutter, regardless of her age, let alone 50. There may be many secrets to this, but the main thing is to take care of yourself and take care of your body.

The rules for rejuvenating the body at 50 are the same as at 35-40 years old: proper nutrition, regular classes sports, avoiding stress and proper rest.

Does fasting rejuvenate the body?

According to some scientists, fasting is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenating the body. One day of fasting can rejuvenate our body for as much as three months.
Having cleansed itself of waste and toxins, the body seems to shed the burden of past years. Lightness is felt throughout the body, the skin acquires a healthy color, becomes velvety, and disappears. various rashes, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and shine appears in the eyes. Some even experience improved vision and hearing.

Fasting rejuvenates the body not only externally, internal organs are also being restored. Blood circulation improves, metabolism and heart rate are normalized, blood pressure. After fasting, the cardiovascular and cardiovascular functions much better. excretory system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system.

It is worth remembering that immediately after the first day of fasting it is impossible to get the desired result. For some, on the contrary, it gets worse at first, they feel sick and weakened, and disruptions occur. digestive system. But this is a short-lived phenomenon and you need to wait it out. You also need to come out of fasting slowly, following a strict diet.

Having cleansed the body with the help of fasting, a person feels lightness not only in the body, but also in the soul, it seems that complete harmony with oneself has come. But, unfortunately, this method, like any other, has its contraindications, so before you start fasting, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What vitamins can rejuvenate the body?

If there is a lack of vitamins in the body, it begins to age quickly, the skin becomes flabby, and internal organs quickly wear out. In addition, over the years you need to take more vitamins, because they are already less absorbed.

vitamin C

As scientists say, older people have no idea how important this vitamin is for them. It has a beneficial effect on life expectancy, prevents anemia and other important health problems.
The most vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables, and there is a lot of it in greens: dill, cordial, parsley. But rose hips are a storehouse of vitamins.

B vitamins

Each of the vitamins in this group plays its own role important role in the body, without them it will not be able to fully function. Separately, they are found in many products, but all of them and in large quantities, B vitamins are found in yeast.

vitamin E

“Elixir of youth” is how vitamin E is often called. It plays a very important role in rejuvenation. The vitamin promotes the formation of new cells and prolongs the life of old cells in the human body.
The most vitamin E is found in wheat sprouts. Also found in nuts, spinach, rose hips, sea buckthorn, dried apricots and oatmeal.

How does pregnancy rejuvenate the body?

How does pregnancy affect the body, does it rejuvenate it or vice versa? These questions still lead scientists to debate. Some argue that pregnancy is a considerable burden on the body and for the happiness of being a mother, a woman has to pay with her youth, beauty and figure. Others say the opposite irrefutable facts that pregnancy rejuvenates the body.

Scientists from Jerusalem have proven that pregnancy slows down age processes and the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, for example, a damaged liver is restored.
Motherhood gives a powerful charge of energy to the body from the psychological side. A woman, preparing to become a mother, fulfills the most important role given to her by God; she is expecting her baby, for whom she already feels incredible love and tenderness. Couldn't this be the secret of youth and beauty?

What herbs help rejuvenate the body?

In the old days, when there were no super-fashionable means for rejuvenation, our great-grandmothers used medicinal plants for this. Herbs have not lost their relevance today. After all, Mother Nature has created many incredible benefits for us. Even the most inconspicuous herb can sometimes relieve an insidious illness and fill the body with energy.

For those who decide to engage in rejuvenation, it is worth resorting to the following herbs:

St. John's wort

As people say, St. John's wort can cure 99 diseases. And if a person is healthy, then he looks young. An excellent effect is observed when preparing an infusion of St. John's wort in combination with other herbs. You need to take a tablespoon each of St. John's wort, mint and chamomile. Pour a liter of boiling water over this mixture and leave it wrapped for three hours. Take half a glass before meals.
For external use, a lotion is prepared from St. John's wort. To do this, take 1 tbsp. herbs in a glass of water and boil for about 10 minutes. After cooling, strain and add boiled water to make a full glass, as well as 2 tbsp. vodka.


It's miraculous aromatic plant has a great effect on our body. Mint relieves inflammation various diseases, increases blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, and prevents the formation of blood clots. It has a calming effect, copes well with insomnia, relieves fatigue and returns color to the cheeks.

shepherd's purse

The plant helps the body to be young and healthy. Decoctions from it activate metabolic processes, cleanse and are a preventative against sclerosis.

How does medicine rejuvenate the body?

If you don’t have the time and desire to rejuvenate the body at home and have the financial opportunity, you can go to the clinic for this. Before your visit, of course, it’s worth checking what reputation this establishment has, customer reviews about it and what methods they use to rejuvenate.
But the methods are different: injection, infusion of new, young blood, selection of programs for quick recovery body.

How should you live, what should you eat and drink in order to stay young for a long time?

Every person dreams of staying forever young, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Many centenarians who have cheerfully crossed the hundred-year mark share their secrets. What are they doing that they were able to live to such ages and at the same time preserve themselves so well? As it turns out, nothing special.

All you need to do is give up bad habits, stop stuffing yourself with chemicals, and mostly use natural products, more vegetables and fruits. Do not try to save yourself from difficulties and completely rely on the benefits of civilization. After all, walking a few kilometers will have a more beneficial effect on our health than driving even the most luxurious car. You need to move more and be on fresh air. And in the summer it is useful to at least sometimes be in the sun to produce vitamin D.
There is no need to overwhelm your body with constant haste and stress; take care of it, and it will thank you with long-lasting youth and beauty.

Humanity learned to extract the very first medicines from plants, having learned about them healing power empirically. That’s where it stands to this day: all the most effective means To maintain the health of the body, they are created on the basis of natural ingredients.

There is no need to talk about cosmetology: used or allegedly used in the composition the latest tools herbs for beauty have become real publicity stunt. But we are not talking here about the tricks of product manufacturers, but about the properties of medicinal herbs known to us.

Each herb has its own properties

If you start listing herbs that are beneficial to the body as a whole, you will need to give almost the entire list famous plants. But what properties each of them has is the subject of separate study. One thing is certain: you shouldn’t jump at all the recipes without taking them into account.

Here is some basic knowledge from the herbal field

Most popular in folk cosmetology, our native simple herbs - chamomile, dandelion, marigold, yarrow, sage, St. John's wort, linden, coltsfoot, plantain - all of them are known as proven raw materials for decoctions and infusions and are successfully used for washing, rinsing and compresses on the skin face and neck.

For problematic, inflamed skin, the help of steams from verbena, bedstraw, leaves and fruits of black currant, and Veronica officinalis is indispensable.

The same chamomile, calendula, plantain, and dandelion have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. For complexion, from age spots and freckles, there are herbs for beauty such as parsley (infusions and masks with fresh herbs), red currants, strawberries, marigolds.

A mixture of parsley and dandelion juice removes blemishes from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh and beautiful.

You can wash your face and wipe your face with an infusion of chopped dandelion stems every morning, and your face will become clean and your freckles will disappear unnoticed. All parts of this miracle plant are healing. IN folk recipes beauty and health there are flowers, stems, leaves, and roots of dandelion. They are used in the form of infusions, tinctures, steams, decoctions at the most various problems and diseases of the body.

Herbs for internal use

You can’t ignore teas and herbal infusions for drinking. As you know, every disease is primarily reflected on the face, and those who begin skin care with general health body. Herbal teas are both tasty and healthy. The preparations are most often based on herbs with a laxative and diuretic effect, cleansing the intestines and blood vessels of waste and toxins. Improvement of skin, getting rid of excess weight This is a side effect.

You can buy ready-made teas and infusions in pharmacies, but many people prefer to make their own infusions, and rightly so. With only one condition: it is still better to buy herbs for beauty in pharmaceutical packages, and not in bunches by the road. Healing fees There are a great many for cleansing and healing from ailments, their recipes are not difficult to find.

Let's share one universal composition for rejuvenation, cleansing, increasing immunity.

  • Grind 100 g of chamomile, immortelle, birch buds and St. John's wort in a coffee grinder, mix, pour into a ceramic or glass bowl and close with a lid.
  • In the evening, brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain.
  • Add a tablespoon of good honey to a glass of infusion and drink it at night.
  • In the morning, heat the rest of the infusion in a water bath and drink it with a tablespoon of honey half an hour before meals.

Drink in this manner without interruption until the entire supply is gone. After a few days, the effect will begin to be felt: the body is cleansed of toxins, lightness appears in the body, weight begins to decrease, and complexion improves. Give it a try.

What is tasty for us is also tasty for the skin

An experienced woman knows what is tasty and healthy food You don't have to eat every last crumb. You should leave a little for your face and hands.

We cooked oatmeal - it would be a sin not to pamper your skin with this healthy mask.

Boiled potatoes - warm compress under the eyes, to remove bags under the eyelids, and potato decoction is an excellent bath for the hands.

Everyone loves berries, but you can’t spare a berry or two for wiping your face. Strawberries, viburnum, cherries - we can’t even imagine how our skin loves them. What about black currants? We shouldn’t think that its juice will turn our skin inky, nothing like that.

  • Dip a cloth moistened with water into Fresh Juice currants, squeeze lightly and place on face for half an hour. After this, wipe your skin with a piece of ice and look in the mirror. Tired skin became fresh and rosy again.
  • For dry, aging skin, this cream is very useful: 2 tablespoons of currant pulp, 1 teaspoon each of honey and olive oil.
  • From blackcurrant juice pure form can be done vitamin mask: moisten a napkin folded in several layers in it and place it on a cleansed face for 20 minutes. Then wipe with a cotton swab mineral water and apply nourishing cream. This is an extreme mask for enriching the skin with vitamins.
  • Using compresses with the juice of this berry can cure acne on the face. Infusions from its leaves are also useful - regular rubbing of the facial skin with them ensures firmness and elasticity.

This is an example of just one of the berries. Almost everything is delicious herbal products pleasant and beneficial not only to the stomach, but also to the skin. And in general, we need to treat ourselves well, and proven remedies from nature itself will help us with this. Health to everyone!

Women's health and beauty. Folk remedies

Women's health and beauty. Folk remedies.

Female beauty is an elastic concept, but each of us dreams of velvet, healthy skin and it is desirable that wrinkles do not appear longer. All this is real, especially if you nourish yourself from the inside, and not just with creams, masks and massage.

An alternative synthetic hormones are phytoestrogens that are synthesized in plant tissues. Phytoestrogens include sterols, flavones, flavonones, isoflavones, coumestans, lignans and chalcones. In addition to estrogen-like effects, phytoestrogens exhibit antioxidant activity.

Soybeans, red clover, grapes, alfalfa, pomegranate, wild yam, are rich in phytoestrogens. palmetto, hops and some others. Fat-soluble phytoestrogens (phytosterols) are found in oils: soybean, peanut, corn, sesame, olive, palm, avocado, and wheat germ.

There are wonderful folk remedies For female beauty:

The secret of beautiful skin.

If you want your facial skin to be clean and remain young for a long time, then you need to monitor regular bowel cleansing and add internal cleansing to external skin cleansing. To prevent stagnation And putrefactive processes in the intestines you need to eat foods rich in fiber. For example, eating one carrot every day at night will protect against constipation and have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body - the main thing is that this consumption of carrots is constant and becomes part of your regimen.

Beet seeds for youthful skin.

To look younger, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. beet seeds, brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drink in small sips. Drink every 3rd day. Drink 9 glasses in total.

The following salads are recommended for people who have skin problems (sallow complexion, acne, tired appearance). You just need to remember one condition: eat such salads, preferably in the morning, with green tea, and at least 3 weeks. Then the result will not be long in coming.

French salad improves skin.

This salad improves your skin beyond recognition after a month. Pour 2 full tablespoons of oatmeal with 6 tablespoons of boiled water cold water. After an hour, add 3 tbsp. l. cold boiled milk, tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a large apple with peel grated on a coarse grater and juice squeezed from a lemon. Mix the salad thoroughly and eat it for breakfast, chewing slowly and well.

American beauty salad.

Pour 2 tbsp overnight. spoons of oatmeal 3 tbsp. spoons boiled water. In the morning, add 3 tablespoons of low-fat yogurt (without additives) or kefir, 1 teaspoon of honey, 5-6 hazelnuts, 1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds and some raisins.

Canadian beauty salad.

Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal 3-4 tbsp. spoons of hot milk, leave for 1 hour. Add raisins, chopped dried apricots and prunes, honey and sunflower seeds to taste.

Tincture of youth and beauty.

If you drink the following tincture, a woman will remain young, healthy and attractive for a long time. Take one glass of juices - carrot, beetroot and black radish. Mix, add a glass of honey and pour a liter of vodka over the mixture. Leave to steep for two weeks, then carefully pour into clean bottles and discard the sediment. Take one tablespoon 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. After six months, repeat the course. This drug has a great effect on overall well-being and appearance. This tincture also helps against hypertension.

Carrot juice for beauty.

You can give your face freshness like this: Mix carrot juice, honey and cream in equal proportions. Take 50 ml in 30 minutes. before meals 3 times a day.

Linden for women's health and beauty.

A woman, if she is over 40 years old, must drink a cup every 6 months in the morning for 6 weeks. linden tea, brewed like regular tea.

Wine of youth.

Prepare a collection of equal weight parts of sage and lavender leaves. 100 g of the dry mixture should be poured into 1 liter of dry red wine and left in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. The contents of the jar must be shaken periodically. At the end of the infusion period, strain the tincture and squeeze out the rest. Take 30-50 g of this wine in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

A recipe for health, youth and beauty.

Beat 0.5 liters of cold milk, 2 tbsp. any fruit juice, 1 tbsp. apricot juice and raw egg yolk. Drink a cocktail throughout the day. Keep refrigerated.

A cleansing collection that will improve your complexion.

This is an excellent cleansing mixture that would be good for everyone to drink once a year, if there are no contraindications to the herbs, the effect is wonderful: not only does the body cleanse itself of toxins, but it even improves the complexion!

Take equal parts of immortelle flowers, chamomile, calendula, black elderberry, leaf walnut and lingonberries, speedwell herb, knotweed, horsetail, string, yarrow, buckthorn bark, rose hips. 1 tbsp. collection brew in a thermos 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for three hours, strain and drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals. Course - from 3 to 6 months (drink a month, 2-3 weeks break).

Indian rejuvenating drink.

This drink made from fresh autumn apples has a rejuvenating effect. Take the pulp of 2 apples, chop it, add 25 raisins and boil in 1 liter of water over low heat. When 1/3 of the original volume remains, strain the drink, add 2 tsp. powdered sugar, 1/4 teaspoon each of cinnamon and cardamom. Take 1 tbsp fresh decoction. morning and evening throughout the apple ripening season.

The “7 glasses” recipe will cleanse blood vessels, blood and rejuvenate the entire body.

Prepare a mixture of juices, Cahors wine and honey in a volume of 200 ml of each component:

1. Wine Cahors
2. Garlic juice (approximately 15 heads)
3. Carrot juice
4. Beet juice
5. Lemon juice
6. Radish juice
7. Honey

Take this mixture 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Cleanses the blood and blood vessels, rejuvenates the entire body, improves general state body. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. It lasts for about a month and a half.

Products of youth.

Broccoli, Blueberries, Nuts, Sea buckthorn, Tomatoes, Garlic, Sea buckthorn, Cocoa, Fruits, Citrus, Herbs (basil, parsley, dill)

Pine nuts for youth.

A recipe will help prolong youth and beauty: Take 1 kg of pine nuts and add 1 kg granulated sugar, pour 1 liter of vodka. Leave in a warm and dark place, shaking every day for 3 days. Pour the resulting brownish liquid into another container and save. With the remaining nuts in the jar, repeat the cycle 2 more times. After this, mix all 3 liters of extract and pour into dark glass bottles. Store in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for a month.

Rejuvenating tea.

Take 1-2 teaspoons of finely chopped dried watermelon rinds. Pour 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes and drink instead regular tea(but no more than three glasses a day!). Drink throughout the watermelon season and the results will please you until next summer!

Products for women.

Some medicinal herbs contain phytoestrogens that are beneficial for women. These substances are also found in food.
One of the types of female sex hormones - estrogens - is responsible for the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the formation of a figure resembling hourglass, youthful skin. To preserve youth and femininity, you can use phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones. There are quite a lot of them in legumes (most of all in soybeans) and grains (wheat is the champion), cabbage (especially broccoli), seeds and nuts.

Dairy products are another storehouse of phytoestrogens. There are especially many of these substances in fat milk, cream and hard cheese.
All of these foods can be good for you, but don't overdo them. If you eat too many phytoestrogens, the production of your own sex hormones will not be stimulated, but blocked. And this threatens disruptions in the menstrual cycle and early aging. So follow the principles of moderation and variety. If you cook dishes from different products(with and without phytoestrogens), the components you need will be supplied in normal portions, and hormonal balance will not be broken.

And remember that not all stimulant foods reproductive system, are good. Thus, nutritionists are increasingly criticizing the soybean craze. Yes, it is rich in proteins and others useful substances. But, like any other genetically modified product, it can be hazardous to health in the long term.

Herbs for beautiful skin

Dandelion, plantain, calendula, and chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties. To cleanse the skin of freckles and age spots, beauty herbs such as marigolds, strawberries, red currants, parsley, masks and infusions with fresh herbs are suitable. A mixture of dandelion and parsley juice can remove spots on the skin, after which the complexion will be beautiful and fresh. You can wipe and wash your face with the infusion of dandelion stems every morning, and then the freckles will disappear imperceptibly and your face will become clean. All parts of the dandelion plant are medicinal. They can be used in the form of decoctions, tinctures and infusions for different problems body and skin.

For internal use

You can’t ignore herbal infusions and teas for drinking. It is known that any disease is reflected on the face, so skin care begins with healing the body. Herbal teas are healthy and tasty. Most often these are herbs with a diuretic and laxative effect; they cleanse the intestines and blood vessels of toxins and waste. Losing excess weight and improving skin health are a concomitant effect. You can buy ready-made infusions and teas at the pharmacy, but many people make up infusions with their own hands, which is correct. But it’s better to buy herbs in pharmaceutical packages rather than collect them in bunches along the road.

You need to take proper and regular care of your skin, then it will remain tight, fresh and young. Care means protection from external influences, nutrition and cleansing (washing). For normal to dry skin, you need to use rich soap when washing your face every two days. At increased dryness wash your face herbal infusions, which are prepared from hawthorn fruits, field violet grass, linden flowers, mint leaves, and birch.

For dry skin, infusions of the herb trifidum, calendula flowers, pharmaceutical chamomile, sage leaves. These plants have a tonic and nourishing effect and are beneficial for aging neck and skin.

Normal or dry skin needs toning, oily, emollient, nourishing masks. You can maintain the elasticity and freshness of the skin if you prepare masks using hawthorn berries, strawberries, raspberries, fruits - peaches, apples, pears, apricots. For normal and dry skin, use vegetables - cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage. After steaming your face, you need to apply a mixture of fruits, berries or vegetables.

Will help with overwork under the eyes medicinal plants. Chopped parsley will help a lot if you apply it to your eyelids for 10 minutes.

At oily skin you need to use infusions of lungwort herbs, horsetail, wormwood, linden flowers, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot leaves. For 400 ml of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of ground ingredients, infuse, filter and wipe the skin of the face or use for washing.

All plants are good for the skin and stomach, you need to take care of yourself and natural herbs will help with this.

It is known that plants from distant Siberia have healing properties. It is no coincidence that this is recognized as such, because many of them bloom high in the mountains, in clean water meadows or dense forests, where the air is fresh and not polluted. Nature, almost untouched by man, gives people many medicinal herbs.

In the region of the Altai Mountains and around Lake Baikal, knowledgeable connoisseurs have long collected herbs to rejuvenate the body. Components of their inflorescences, roots and leaves are used to prepare cosmetic masks, creams that can be purchased at pharmacies. Many provide positive impact not only on the skin, but also on the human body as a whole. Some plants can be brewed in boiling water and drunk as medicine during the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Eleven wonderful herbs for rejuvenating the female body

  1. Thyme. Lots of vitamins and useful acids this herb contains. Rejuvenation when using it is very noticeable in men, as it is a cure for sexual impotence. Thyme also fights depression and many infections very well. Tea with it is incredibly tasty and aromatic.
  2. Calendula. It is widely used in cosmetology. Hand and face creams based on calendula have a rejuvenating effect. This is because it contains carotene, which is involved in cell regeneration. When collecting the flowers of this plant, you need to remember that the brighter it is, the more of this magical substance it contains, which gives youth.
  3. Cowberry. This berry contains a lot of vitamin E, it has a beneficial effect on the blood and blood vessels, cleanses and inhibits the aging process.
  4. Blooming Sally. Gives strength and tone, it can be taken for preventive purposes against cancer. Rejuvenation thanks to this herb occurs due to the content large quantities vitamins in it. Improves potency.
  5. Cedar. Used for skin rejuvenation and in the fight against hair loss.
  6. Immortelle. Cleanses the body of harmful substances and rejuvenates the skin.
  7. Nettle. Known for healing wounds, removing signs of fatigue and age-related changes, and also normalizes menstrual cycle.
  8. Badan. A medicinal plant containing many vitamins and antioxidants that help fight the aging of the body.
  9. Jujube. Heals wounds, has a very good effect on the heart and blood vessels, and reduces blood pressure.
  10. Spurge. Treats tumors skin diseases, warts and prolongs youth.
  11. Chamomile. Back in the 10th century it medicinal properties assessed by doctors. The skin becomes soft and the hair soft, the body blooms again and becomes younger. This is a simple flower, but very magical.

Herbal infusions for rejuvenating the female body

No matter how old the fair sex is, they always want to feel beautiful, desirable and young. And for this they need to be healthy. Among natural medicines There are also those that are created to ensure that the female body works like a clock. About them healing properties Even gynecologists have heard about it.

Many herbs can regulate the menstrual cycle if it is irregular, stop bleeding, treat tumors, and cope with breast diseases. It has even been proven that these plants contain hormones the same as those in women. Among these medicinal plants known alfalfa, oregano, nettle, red brush, hog queen, penny, vitex. Some of them can be purchased in pharmacies and used strictly according to the instructions.

People can be treated with antibiotics, while others choose folk remedies. There are many books by mountain healers that tell you how to properly use these remedies to rejuvenate the skin or organs. It is very important not to forget that nature is a valuable resource that can be used for the benefit of humanity, but without destroying it.