Opalescence technology – is home or office teeth whitening better? Composition and active substances. Which is better: Opalescence “PF” or “TresWhite Supreme”

  • What type of teeth whitening is the safest and most gentle on tooth enamel?
  • Why whitening often causes significant damage to teeth and gums and how this happens;
  • How do various teeth whitening technologies (including those aimed at home use) differ in safety and effectiveness;
  • And whole line interesting practical nuances that will protect your teeth and health in general from mistakes and unnecessary problems.

To everyone who is very distrustful of teeth whitening, I would like to immediately say that safe teeth whitening really exists. However, before delving into this topic, let's first define some nuances and terms, and see what, in fact, whitening harms (why many people are so afraid of it), and what is the difference between true whitening and lightening the enamel surface.

Gentle teeth whitening involves minimal impact of the used whitening system on the structural elements of enamel and dentin. Unfortunately, in practice this is not always achieved, since the most effective true enamel whitening agents are combinations of substances that actively penetrate deep into the surface layer of enamel and disrupt its normal structure. Simply put, not only coloring pigments are destroyed, but also the structure of the enamel and dentin itself is damaged (calcium and phosphorus are washed out, the protein matrix of the enamel may be affected).

As a result, often after such effective teeth whitening (from the point of view of the whiteness of the smile), the enamel is a kind of porous sponge that needs emergency care– remineralization procedure, including fluoridation.

On a note

After teeth whitening, at first there may be quite a pronounced sensitivity of the enamel to various kinds irritants (hyperesthesia), when it hurts to drink cold water, eat solid food, and sometimes it hurts even just to breathe through the mouth.

During the recovery period, the enamel is very vulnerable to staining, for example, with wine, coffee, tea and other strongly coloring solutions, which is why it is recommended to adhere to the so-called white diet for some time (sometimes it is also called a transparent diet). In fact, we are talking about not consuming those products that can again give the enamel a dark tint.

It is also important to distinguish between true teeth whitening and lightening:

  1. Whitening tooth enamel involves chemical (or photochemical) destruction of colored compounds in its surface layer to a certain depth. Powerful oxidizing agents simply discolor colored substances, converting them into uncolored compounds. As you understand, such whitening will not always be safe for teeth, however, the right approach and with strict adherence to all technology, this can be achieved.
  2. But teeth whitening is based on a completely different principle of operation - we are talking about the mechanical removal of pigmented deposits (for example, plaque, tartar) from the surface of the enamel. In this case, ultrasound, technology can be used Air Flow, abrasive whitening toothpastes and other methods. In general, teeth lightening is more gentle than true whitening, although it is very important to follow the technology here.

Thus, in both the first and second cases, a positive result can be achieved: the surface of the teeth actually becomes lighter.

However, if you want to choose the safest teeth whitening option, and at the same time effective, it will be useful to first look at what it involves potential danger technologies used today (including for home use, including various whitening pencils, strips, trays).

Let's talk about this in more detail.

Why, in fact, does teeth whitening harm the enamel and how dangerous is it?

If we remember the structure of human teeth, it becomes clear that their whitening (lightening) is always associated with a direct or indirect effect on tooth enamel.

Let's imagine a situation: a person looks in the mirror and sees that his teeth in the smile zone are somehow yellowish. I wish they were at least a little whiter. The simplest thing that comes to mind is to take a harder brush and rub the surface of the teeth until the shade given to it by nature appears (in general, this is what people used to do - remember the previously popular tooth powders or brushing teeth with charcoal , chalk and even clay).

Of course, today people understand perfectly well that this idea is best case scenario not the most pleasant, and at worst – harmful, as it will cause tooth sensitivity from various irritants (hot, sour, cold). This is the so-called “sore feeling” when, for example, when biting into a hard, sour apple, a shiver occurs throughout the body.

On a note

Various rubbing of teeth to the so-called “shine” often refers to the sphere traditional medicine, and are used exclusively at home with great risks not only for dental health, but also for general health person. Abrasion of the surface layer of enamel in a short time without proper compensation has never led to anything good.

This also includes an over-reliance on whitening toothpastes with a high RDA abrasiveness index, including toothpastes from Thailand with clay, the abrasiveness of which does not seem to be standardized or controlled at all. The use of such pastes can not only lead to tooth sensitivity, but also aggravate the problem of wedge-shaped defects, if any (see example in the photo).

True (chemical) teeth whitening can also hardly be called safe. During the procedure, high concentrations of peroxides and acids are most often used to ensure the necessary chemical reactions occur on the surface of the enamel and inside it. The danger of the procedure is directly proportional to the concentration of the bleaching agent: the higher the concentration, the greater the risks for the future health of the tooth and for the oral mucosa.

“I did Zoom whitening 5 years ago, in three approaches. The first time everything was fine. The second time it hurt a little, but the third time I wanted to swear. But the doctor immediately warned that some people postpone the third visit as much as possible; I decided not to wait. Then I came home, and there the nightmare began, I ate about 4 tablets of Ketonal in the evening.

Then everything was fine, the pain went away, my teeth were white, I smiled from ear to ear. A month later, I began to notice something wrong on my upper front tooth: first a small crack, then a chip formed. Then it only dawned on me that these were the effects of “safe” whitening, and I ruined my tooth at my own expense. I had to put a filling on half a tooth...”

Kristina, Moscow

Acid (usually phosphoric acid) actively washes out calcium, and peroxides, being strong oxidizing agents, can destroy collagen fibers in the enamel structure. If whitening is carried out not in the dentist’s office, but at home, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • The appearance of tooth sensitivity;
  • Microporosity of the enamel (colored compounds from food can then easily get into the pores, after which the teeth sometimes become even darker than before the procedure);
  • Uneven enamel whitening – some areas may appear lighter than others. If there are areas with fillings, then the discoloration can be especially pronounced;
  • Chemical burns of the gums with acid and hydrogen peroxide (sometimes it comes to the point that when trying to whiten teeth at home, the skin literally peels off from the gums in flaps).

As you can see, if performed independently, the procedure is far from safe. However, in-office teeth whitening, that is, carried out by a specialist in a clinic, along with very high efficiency, can still be characterized as completely safe, since with the right approach almost all problems can be avoided. unwanted effects, or eliminate them in a short time.

How safe is it to use whitening toothpastes?

How safe is it to drive fast? Of course, to the extent that the person sitting behind the wheel knows how to control the vehicle at such speed. The vehicle itself plays an equally important role.

Likewise, the choice of even a good, high-quality whitening paste does not reduce the role of a person in competently cleaning the enamel surface from plaque.

The use of highly abrasive whitening toothpastes should be done with a full understanding of how the procedure affects your teeth and what can happen if the toothpaste is used incorrectly. It’s certainly difficult to call the use of such toothpastes the safest way to whiten teeth, and the wording “whitening” clearly doesn’t apply here, since it’s more correct to talk about lightening. If used correctly, such a paste could be called “well-cleansing plaque”, and if the technique of brushing teeth is violated (excessive pressure on the brush, predominance circular movements etc.) – “wearing away the enamel and leading to».


However, there are also whitening toothpastes characterized by an average abrasiveness index (RDA of 75) and therefore suitable for daily use, that is, one might say, completely safe for the teeth of a healthy person. The manufacturer can achieve the whitening effect as follows:

  • Using special enzymes (bromelain, papain) that can destroy the protein matrix of dental plaque;
  • The use of sodium or potassium pyrophosphates are effective complexing agents that extract and bind calcium ions from the structure of tartar and, as a result, make it more susceptible to mechanical cleaning;
  • And also due to a specially selected abrasive system ( different shape particles, particle material, etc.) – for example, Renome.

Such pastes provide gentle whitening (lightening) of the enamel. Examples: toothpaste Splat Whitening Plus, Sensodyne Gentle Whitening, ROCS Coffee and Tobacco, etc.

About the principle of operation and safety of Air Flow technology

Air Flow is a technology for mechanical “whitening” of teeth, aimed at removing plaque from their surface using a special device (similar to a sandblaster).

Perhaps we should immediately debunk some myths about this procedure:

  1. During the procedure, no true enamel whitening occurs, however, as a result of getting rid of plaque in more than 80% of cases, the teeth actually become noticeably whiter;
  2. In many literary sources, the Air Flow device is called a sandblasting device, although in fact it is advisable to call it a soda blasting machine - the principle of operation of Air Flow is based on cleaning teeth from plaque using a powerful jet of an aqueous suspension of sodium bicarbonate (ordinary baking soda).

Today, the Air Flow technique is one of the best and safest methods of “whitening” teeth, since during the procedure there is no harm to the internal structures of the enamel, and the overall abrasive effect is strictly controlled by a specialist.

However, a stream of soda released under high pressure, may slightly disturb its surface layer during the polishing process. That is why, immediately after such professional teeth cleaning, the dentist must carry out remineralization and (or) fluoridation of the enamel.

This is interesting

The most common method of fluoridation of teeth after Air Flow is the application of a special fluoridating gel on an individual tray to the surface of cleaned enamel. Typically, the entire fluoridation procedure lasts no more than 1-2 minutes.

Advantages of teeth whitening using Air Flow technology:

  • There is an effective and quick cleansing all surfaces of teeth (even those hard to reach with a toothbrush) from stained plaque after coffee, tea, cigarettes, etc.;
  • Air Flow is a gentle procedure, it is almost always painless, and is suitable even for sensitive teeth;
  • After cleaning the plaque, the teeth become 1-2 shades lighter without significantly damaging the enamel structure.

Contraindications to this procedure apply mainly to people with bronchial asthma and serious pulmonary disorders, as well as patients on a salt-free diet.

“... They sat me down in a chair, put on a cap and glasses. First, they cleaned my teeth with ultrasound, although I only had a little bit of tartar. Then it was the turn of Air Flow, it is such a powerful jet that you can easily cut your gums. This is where the glasses helped, as they saved us from small splashes. It doesn’t feel much better than ultrasound, but it will definitely clean everything between the teeth. Then it was time for fluoridation, they smeared it with some kind of paste or gel, and rubbed fluoride into the enamel. But then what a bliss it was to feel freshness in your mouth, your teeth became whiter, their natural color returned to them. The only problem I can mention is that my gums were bleeding for some time, but everything was quite tolerable.”

Olga, Samara

Ultrasonic techniques for mechanical teeth whitening

Ultrasonic teeth whitening is also gentle and quite in a safe way brightening tooth enamel. As with Air Flow technology, ultrasonic teeth whitening techniques are aimed at cleansing surfaces of pigmented deposits.

Perhaps the main difference between the use of ultrasound is the possibility of very effective removal tartar (supra- and subgingival), while using soda blasting it is almost impossible to achieve this.

On a note

That is why dentists often implement professional oral hygiene using two methods: first, they remove tartar using an ultrasonic device or a special attachment (scaler), and then use Air flow technology. Thus, the teeth are first freed from tartar, and only then from plaque from all surfaces.

In principle, it is possible to remove dental plaque using ultrasound, but it will take more time and it is not always possible to reach hard-to-reach spaces.

Professional hygiene always ends with preventive fluoridation of all teeth.

After ultrasonic removal of tartar (and in some cases, plaque), the teeth become 1-2 or more shades lighter. The principle here is simple: the more “dirt” there was on the teeth, the more pronounced the effect.

So ultrasonic teeth whitening can also be considered one of the best and safest, since there is no effect on the deep enamel structures. Therefore, ultrasound is suitable even for sensitive teeth - with the caveat that in rare cases it is necessary to carry out infiltration anesthesia in order to make the patient as comfortable as possible.

Whitening strips, trays, pencils and chewing gums

Let's start with whitening gum. Everything is simple here - this is the most common myth that whitening chewing gums can actually lighten the enamel. Many people around the world continue to use them in the hope of a miracle, although in practice no miracle happens, except that the pockets of the manufacturers of such chewing gum are miraculously filled.

Believe it or not, there are also chewing gums on sale for weight loss, for heartburn, and for arousal. Perhaps chewing gum for baldness and hemorrhoids will also appear soon - why not...

Further. The so-called whitening strips are one of the most convenient means of home teeth whitening, and can really give a noticeable result. The principle of whitening is that special gel strips are applied to the surface of the front teeth, and due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide in the gel, the enamel is whitened (however, this method is neither gentle nor safe - this will be discussed below).

Depending on the concentration of the active components in the strips (which is determined by the manufacturer, the quality of the product, the shelf life), the effect can be achieved at different periods of time: the enamel becomes noticeably lighter, usually within 1-2 weeks, although sometimes a positive result is not achieved at all.

Let's consider why in some cases the result can be practically zero:

  • Whitening strips are not able to remove plaque and tartar from the enamel surface. Even in-office whitening is not performed on “dirty” teeth, as it would be ineffective;
  • The concentration of peroxides in most teeth whitening strips on the market is significantly lower than in professional whitening products - this is due to the fact that the manufacturer initially thinks about the safety of the procedure performed by an untrained person at home.

On a note

In general, strip whitening can hardly be called a gentle and safe method, since it absolutely does not take into account the individual characteristics of each individual person. For example, with sensitive tooth enamel, such whitening will become a real torture, as well as for people with serious gum problems (especially if the strips are used incorrectly).

When active components get on the gum and remain in contact with it for a long time, an inflammatory process develops. Essentially this is chemical burn, which can go away on its own after a short period of time, but sometimes leads to primary inflammation of the gums or causes an exacerbation of existing chronic lesions.

Now a few words about whitening trays.

At the moment, mouthguards that are used for independent home use(most often from China) have a lot of negative reviews. The reasons are the same: low concentrations of peroxides and (sometimes) the presence of plaque and tartar, which greatly interfere with obtaining the desired effect.

When using whitening trays, the best and relatively safe option for home teeth whitening is to use custom trays made from an impression by your dentist. As a rule, they are used after preliminary cleaning of the enamel from stone and plaque, and also (almost always) after in-office teeth whitening - to consolidate the result.

These trays with whitening gel for home use have detailed instructions and individual recommendations, thanks to which the risks of damage to the enamel and oral mucosa are minimized during and after the whitening procedure.

It is important to know

It is almost impossible to completely exclude the possibility of developing inflammation on the marginal gum, however, each patient always has feedback from their doctor. Usually, whitening gels and trays are prescribed by the dentist as a fixative after the main whitening procedure, but often a pleasant addition is the effect of even greater lightening of the enamel (by 1-2 tones).

Of course, with such high efficiency, it is difficult to call this type of whitening gentle, but the most important advantage is its controllability, which greatly increases the safety of the procedure.

It is also worth mentioning whitening pencils, which, generally speaking, are a very controversial means for home teeth whitening (they are effective, but safety largely depends, as they say, on the “curvature of a person’s hands”).

“I bought myself a teeth whitening pencil in Los Angeles. In just 2 weeks, my teeth became much lighter than they were, the only shame is that already on the 3rd day they began to hurt so much during whitening that I could hardly stand the urine. And then it hurts to eat, but I endure, because beauty requires sacrifice!”

Yana, Moscow

The principle of operation of whitening pencils is quite simple: the gel contained in the pencil is squeezed onto the surface of the front teeth (see example in the photo below), then you need to continue smiling for some time so that the composition dries.

To ensure the safety of the whitening procedure for the gums and mucous membranes of the lips, pencils from reliable manufacturers do not have a very high concentration of enamel-lightening components.

On a note

A review of popular review sites shows that the majority of opinions associated with the use of teeth whitening pencils are negative, and this is quite logical from the point of view of medicine and human logic. The fact is that on the market for these whitening products there are often low-quality counterfeits from China, which are massively purchased and sold through popular online stores. Moreover, roughly speaking, they are purchased for 100 rubles, and sold for 500-1000.

Secondly, whitening pencils purchased abroad, one might say from a company, are in demand and have sufficient quantity advantages, but the mentality of our population is not taken into account. It should be recalled that effective whitening pencils, which lighten teeth by 1-2 or more shades within 1-2 weeks, do not work on teeth with heavy plaque and tartar and cause harm to the enamel structure (especially sensitive ones) to varying degrees.

In-office teeth whitening

Office or, in other words, professional whitening dental treatment is carried out by a dentist using gels containing hydrogen peroxide (or its derivatives). The procedure can be carried out with or without a catalyst, and heat, laser, or ultraviolet light can be used as catalysts.

This is interesting

Some clinics position carbamide peroxide in whitening gel as more effective remedy compared to hydrogen peroxide. However, in an aqueous environment (during the contact of this compound with tooth tissue), carbamide peroxide decomposes into hydrogen peroxide and urea, so there is no significant difference.

The principle of any type of in-office whitening is that the active components of the whitening gel are able to penetrate to some depth into the tooth enamel (between microcrystals of hydroxyapatite, fluorapatite), discoloring the colored compounds accumulated here over the years. The surface of the tooth becomes lighter.

The final result of whitening depends on many factors, but the main ones are the following:

  • The quality of the material used (here we are talking not so much about the safety of the enamel gel, but about percentage active component, gel rheology, presence of stabilizer and other excipients);
  • The presence of additional activators that speed up the procedure and, to one degree or another, determine the final color of the tooth;
  • Gel exposure time.

In-office whitening of sensitive teeth is possible, but this procedure it will not be possible to call it gentle and safe. If the client insists on his own, knowing about the increased sensitivity of the enamel, then very severe pain may occur during the procedure. As a result, although the effect can be achieved, significant damage will be caused to the enamel (increased remineralization and fluoridation will be required).

In any case, in-office whitening is considered the best (effective) way to achieve white teeth., but the cost of the procedure may not be affordable for everyone. It is also useful to know that such deliberate damage to tooth enamel is actively criticized by doctors who approach the problem from the point of view of benefit to humans rather than commercial gain. In practice, the situation is such that up to 30-50% of people go to the dentist every day for whom whitening either does not need (since the existing shade of tooth enamel is given by nature and lightening it is a waste of time) or is contraindicated (for some gum diseases , as well as pregnant, nursing mothers, allergic to bleaching components, etc.).

The most important difference between in-office whitening and do-it-yourself (at-home) whitening is its controllability. A professional dentist will make every effort to minimize the risks and undesirable consequences of the procedure. For example, Special attention is given to protecting the mucous membrane from contact with the gel, which is difficult to achieve with home types of whitening - therefore, it is not uncommon to go to the dentist with burns to the mucous membrane, for example, after using whitening strips or pencils.

Most people assume that the tooth should whiten uniformly, but in practice this usually does not happen. Normally, a tooth has several shade zones: usually from a darkish cervical area, to a white middle and an almost transparent cutting edge.

If proper in-office bleaching is carried out, the color transitions will remain the same, but their shade will become lighter. It is also worth remembering that fangs are almost always slightly yellower than the rest of the teeth. And if there are fillings, especially in the smile area, then after whitening the difference in color between the enamel and the filling can become very noticeable.

Also, you should not refer to the Hollywood smile of celebrities, since blinding, uniform whiteness of teeth is almost always achieved simply and very expensively: with the help of modern types of crowns, veneers and lumineers. Moreover, it should be noted that, for example, veneers and lumineers can be securely attached to the teeth without their preliminary processing (“grinding”). This is an excellent and safe alternative to deliberately damaging tooth enamel using almost any type of whitening.

How safe are traditional “whitening” products?

Among the large number folk ways To lighten teeth, the most popular are, perhaps, all kinds of variations using soda, salt, lemon, wood ash (or coal) and strawberries. Most of these experiments on teeth cannot be called safe teeth whitening, as evidenced by reviews of those who have experienced it themselves.

“I recently read in a magazine that teeth can be whitened with a mixture of charcoal, soda and salt. I took birch charcoal for barbecue and crushed it. I mixed it with soda and salt in approximately equal parts and tested it on myself. I'll tell you this, it's just tough. I don’t know about my teeth, I didn’t notice that they became lighter, but my gums were completely corroded in just 3 days. They became inflamed and began to bleed. On the fourth day I could no longer brush, so I went back to regular toothpaste...”

Oleg, St. Petersburg

Firstly, each person has a different understanding of the algorithms associated with grinding and polishing teeth with the same soda mixed with something. Secondly, everyone has a different understanding of the measure (someone can gently brush their teeth for 1 minute, and someone can frantically rub for a quarter of an hour). Thirdly, every person different condition gums, as well as the amount of plaque on the surface of the enamel and its individual color characteristics.

Almost all folk methods are aimed exclusively at cleansing dental plaque, which is achieved with abrasives (soda, charcoal), organic acids from fruits, vegetables, etc. Isn’t it easier, instead of scratching the enamel with soda or salt, to simply, even with increased abrasiveness, give yourself a whitening course more safely (for example, ROCS whitening toothpastes, Mexidol Dent Professional White, President White Plus, etc. may be suitable)

You can also go to the dentist and remove plaque and tartar from all surfaces of the teeth, and after the procedure every day, carry out independent 3D cleaning of your teeth from soft plaque using toothbrushes, special pastes and dental floss. With adequate oral hygiene, you will need to repeat the professional cleaning procedure at the dentist no more than once a year.

Rules for eating after teeth whitening

Firstly, you will definitely be warned about increased tooth sensitivity for several days. Even after restoration of the damaged enamel structure (during remineralization therapy), teeth most often have a hard time, so it takes time to return to their former fullness of life.

Secondly, after teeth whitening, a so-called white diet or a list of foods that you absolutely cannot eat or drink during the first week is given. Of course, it is advisable to exclude cigarettes, strong coffee, tea, and red wines for as long as possible. This “transparent” diet after teeth whitening allows you to increase the lifespan of the resulting Hollywood smile.

This is interesting

Practice shows that only a few people are able to completely give up dyes for at least a week: from tea and wine to chocolate and berries. Cases are also rare complete failure from cigarettes and coffee for the sake of preserving a snow-white smile, acquired at a high price (both literally and figuratively).

That is why dentists in Russia can be calm about the availability of teeth whitening work, because even despite achieving a first-class result, after some time the client will again fall into the arms of his favorite “dentist-cosmetologist.”

Absolutely safe whitening

Let's summarize.

The question of which teeth whitening is the safest can be answered briefly: one that does not harm tooth tissue, gums and oral mucosa, as well as human health in general. And if so, then the conclusion can be drawn that today there is absolutely no safe whitening teeth. The only question is which procedure will achieve a fairly good result with relatively little damage to the enamel and gums during the procedure.

Do not confuse professional oral hygiene (ultrasound and Air Flow) with true tooth enamel whitening procedures. During hygiene, the surface of the teeth is cleaned of deposits, under which there is lighter enamel. For some, after the procedure it becomes pleasant surprise, and for not entirely respectable dentists - financial gain, although fewer and fewer doctors are ready to replace these simple concepts for commercial reasons.

As a result, professional hygiene makes teeth lighter and is almost always more or less safe for the enamel.

Of the true methods of teeth whitening, it is difficult to choose any gentle and safe one, since it is almost impossible to keep objective statistics on percentage effective and ineffective whitening procedures, as well as the number of obvious failures and associated side effects in the form of enamel damage, chips, burns of the oral mucosa, allergies, long-lasting enamel hypersensitivity, etc.

  • consult a dentist;
  • carry out professional oral hygiene (if indicated), getting rid of tartar and plaque - already at this stage the smile can become noticeably whiter;
  • and only then, having weighed all the pros and cons, think carefully and decide for yourself: is it worth risking your dental health for the sake of a possible even whiter smile, and how much willpower and patience may be enough to devote some part of your life to a “white” one? diet. If you are willing to take a risk, then choose in-office teeth whitening - this way there is much less risk of burning your gums and irreparably destroying the enamel.

Well, if you already have experience in teeth whitening, don’t forget to leave your review at the bottom of this page. Perhaps this review will help someone make their choice.

Useful video on the safety of in-office teeth whitening, as well as contraindications to this procedure

The dangers of home teeth whitening: expert comments and reviews from ordinary people

Whitening gel acts on tooth enamel due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide, a compound whose active oxygen penetrates deeply into tooth tissue. By entering into a chemical oxidation reaction with the organic component of the enamel, peroxide causes it to lighten. Simply using hydrogen peroxide can cause great damage to enamel. But whitening gels contain additional components that protect against aggressive influences. active substance. That is why gel whitening in some cases can also be used for teeth with increased sensitivity.

Whitening with a gel is a fairly simple procedure. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Using a regular toothbrush, the gel is applied during hygienic teeth cleaning.
  2. Can be applied to teeth with a special brush included in the kit.
  3. The gel is placed in mouthguards - special cases for teeth, made individually for each patient. Such devices must be worn for several hours during the day or used at night.

Indications and contraindications

The use of gel whitening is advisable in the following cases:

  • Darkening of tooth enamel after drinking coffee, red wine or smoking.
  • Changes in tooth color under the influence of medications (antibiotics, fluoride preparations).
  • Natural yellowish or gray tint of enamel.

This type of bleaching is contraindicated:

  • For acute diseases of periodontal tissues.
  • For diseases of the gums or oral mucosa.
  • In the presence of unclosed carious defects.
  • If the patient previously had allergic reactions for any components of the gel.

Gel whitening is most effective when using a special tray


Despite great amount advantages, such as the simplicity of the technique, its accessibility and quick effect, whitening with a gel also has some disadvantages:

  • Possibility of additional destruction of enamel in case of contact with unclosed carious cavities, microcracks and wedge-shaped defects in teeth.
  • Risk of developing mucous membrane irritation oral cavity in case of careless application of the gel or its leakage.
  • If the drug is accidentally swallowed, a burn to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and esophagus is possible.
  • Allergic reactions may develop to the components of the whitening gel.

But if the whitening technology and precautions are strictly followed, the use of gels is absolutely safe.

Gel whitening result: before and after photos

Popular brands of gels

There is a fairly wide range of whitening gels on the market. Let's look at the features of the most popular of them.

Plus White Whitening Booster

Gel Plus White Enhanced Whitening is designed specifically for home use. It contains oxygen peroxide and protective components that allow you to carefully and effectively improve the color of your enamel without leaving your own home. To use it, just apply the drug to toothbrush in combination with any paste and just brush your teeth as usual. The entire whitening procedure takes a few minutes a day, and the effect is noticeable after just a few uses. In addition, Plus White Whitening Booster gel additionally protects the surface of the teeth from the formation of soft plaque and tartar and freshens breath for a long time.

Depending on the initial data, when using the gel, it is possible to lighten tooth enamel by 2-3 shades. The effect lasts for several months.

Colgate Simply White

Colgate product - Simple White teeth whitening gel - reliable means to achieve natural whiteness at home in just 14 days. Initial changes in tooth color are noticeable after 3-4 days. The gel is safe for enamel and does not damage it. Use Colgate gel in the morning and evening after hygienic brushing of teeth. It is applied with a special brush, avoiding contact with the gums, after which you refrain from drinking and eating for 30 minutes. The gel is absorbed into the enamel within a few seconds, so there is no need to wait for it to dry. Maximum effectiveness is achieved by day 14 and lasts up to 12 months. Allows you to lighten enamel up to 4 tones.

Colgate Simply White Night

Teeth whitener Colgate Simple White Knight is a new development in whitening that allows you to achieve maximum effect for two weeks with a single use of the gel. The improved formula based on hydrogen peroxide actively brightens the enamel by 3-4 tones without destroying it. IN evening time Before going to bed, it is enough to treat the surface of your teeth with the preparation for a few seconds. The whitening effect lasts up to a year.

Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel

Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel for sensitive teeth

New unique gel for whitening sensitive teeth. Thanks to the formula, saturated with active forms of oxygen, it became possible to effectively and most gently lighten enamel up to 3 tones. The neutral pH level does not irritate the delicate mucous membranes of the mouth and does not cause discomfort to the most sensitive teeth. The gel is applied once a day to the surface of the enamel and rinsed after 5 minutes. The first result is noticeable after just one use. The effect lasts throughout the year.

R.O.C.S. Pro "Oxygen whitening"

Global white "Whitening Gel"

Gel based on 6% oxygen peroxide and potassium nitrate. Allows you to whiten tooth enamel with increased sensitivity to acid, high and low temperatures. The gel whitens teeth by 2-3 shades in just 7 days of use. Additionally, the product contains xylitol, a substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause caries and unpleasant odor. The gel is applied to the surface of the teeth using a brush or cotton pad. It can be used with a mouth guard. Exposure time: 7 minutes. The duration of the course is a week.

Although whitening gels are intended for use at home, only a professional dentist can select best product, which will not cause harm and will be effective in your particular case. Using teeth whitening gels without first consulting a doctor can be dangerous and cause serious dental problems.

The White Light whitening system is an effective means for convenient and quick teeth whitening at home. Its unique properties are based on light technology combined with the use of a special two-component gel.

This cleanser was developed by the world famous Natural White company, which is a leader in the field of whitening technologies in the USA. In addition, the White Light system has a quality certificate and is produced in other countries using original American technology (in particular, in Chinese factories).

Instructions for use

It is necessary to use the White Light system in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Brush your teeth.
  2. Open the tubes of gel.
  3. Apply the composition in a narrow strip (about half a centimeter wide) to the lower and upper surface mouthguards. In this case, two types of gel - whitening and with an active substance - must be applied alternately.
  4. Apply the tray to your teeth immediately after filling it with the cleaning solution and wrap your lips around the outer frame to hold it in your mouth.
  5. Turn on the LED located on the front surface of the device by pressing the button provided for this.
  6. Wait until the whitening process is complete and carefully remove the device.

To activate an additional 10-minute cycle of cleaning tooth enamel, simply press the button again. Three such repetitions are allowed in one session.

In order for the use of White Light teeth whitener to be as effective and understandable as possible, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To enhance the whitening effect, the device can be used for 30 minutes daily for 5 days.
  2. Clean the device thoroughly after each use.
  3. To clean only one of the jaws, the mouthguard should be carefully divided into two halves, slightly pulling them in different directions.
  4. In order for the effect of the whitening course to last as long as possible, you must follow these rules: take regular care of your oral cavity; try to refrain from consuming highly colored foods and drinks; stop smoking and undergo periodic dental examinations.

Is it harmful to use?

Teeth whitening with the White Light device in combination with the two-component Sunshine gel is completely harmless to tooth enamel, dentin and roots. The safety of the product is associated, first of all, with the fact that whitening with its help only implies the replacement of carbon grids in the space of the enamel-dentin boundary with oxygen radicals (OR), which are a product of the breakdown of carbamide peroxide during each session. As a result of the saturation of the enamel-dentin boundary with oxygen radicals of the free type, the permeability of light increases, which leads to an increase visual effect whiteness of teeth.

In addition, the whitening procedure using the White Light Kit takes place in a neutral acid-base environment (pH), which guarantees the absence of any acid or alkaline reactions in the oral cavity during the session.

Cautions and contraindications for use

To know how to use White Light without harming your health and others unpleasant consequences First of all, you should take into account the warnings and contraindications for this remedy.


  • the device is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women;
  • not recommended when undergoing a course of orthodontic treatment;
  • It is prohibited to use in the presence of gum disease without appropriate consultation with a specialist;
  • Use by children under 16 years of age is permitted only after mandatory consultation with a dentist.


  • Do not attempt to use the machine to whiten porcelain heads, crowns, dentures, fillings or bridges. This tool Designed for cleaning natural teeth only.
  • The device and the included two-part gel are not suitable for removing stains on tooth enamel caused by tetracycline.
  • After using the White Light whitening system, there may be a temporary increase in tooth sensitivity, as well as lightening or irritation of the gums. These phenomena are not dangerous and go away on their own.
  • Use during sleep is strictly prohibited.
  • Keep the whitening kit out of the reach of children.
  • Avoid getting White Light gel in your eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse eyes with water.
  • Beware of prolonged contact of the product with the skin to avoid temporary irritation and lightening. After using the gel, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Do not allow White Light bleach to come into contact with fabric or clothing.
  • The gel should be stored in a cool place protected from the sun.

The result of teeth whitening with the White Light system: before and after photos

Gel composition

The main element in White Light is an active component called carbamide peroxide, which, under the influence of light created by the device’s light bulb, produces the release of active oxygen for the subsequent destruction of age spots. Thanks to this feature and the additional components of the gel, teeth whitening is performed without any damage to tooth enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

This technology for enamel whitening has the following advantages:

  1. Professional effect. The vast majority of developments for cleaning tooth enamel at home (whitening strips, toothpastes and others) often contain only up to 20% of the active substance, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. The White Light system contains the right amount of carbamide peroxide to achieve exceptionally professional results. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to obtain a quick and lasting whitening effect - 8-10 shades in accordance with the Vita scale;
  2. Safety of use. The gel included in the kit does not contain acids or other aggressive compounds. The basis for its work is the mechanism for replacing active oxygen molecules located at the enamel-dentin boundary, which is completely safe for teeth;
  3. Long term result. The effect of using White Light bleach can be maintained up to 18 months even if all recommendations for eating and drinking are not followed, as well as in the absence of proper hygienic care for the oral cavity.


  1. Insufficiently comfortable design of mouth guards. Since the shape of the device is made according to a template mold, due to individual characteristics The jaws of the mouthguard may not fit tightly to the teeth. As a result, some amount of the gel will be washed away by saliva, which somewhat reduces the degree of the final whitening effect;
  2. Less efficient compared to a professional grade procedure. The amount of carbamide peroxide in the two-component gel is not sufficient to carry out professional cleaning tooth enamel at home, and therefore allows you to achieve only an average result from the procedure.

How long does whitening take?

One whitening procedure can take 10-30 minutes. The general course of using White Light is at least 5 days. It is important to take into account that the period of the general course can be increased depending on the current state of the tooth enamel, as well as its natural color, and the duration of each individual procedure can reach 30 minutes, if more than quick effect bleaching.

In most cases, the whitening effect is visible already on the 5th day of using the system!

What is included

  1. Device with LED.
  2. Molded batteries class CR2025.
  3. Two tubes of gel with different properties(during the procedure, two types of gel are used simultaneously).
  4. Dental mouthguard.
  5. Detailed instructions for using the kit.

Gels, mouth guard and White Light LED device

How to care for the device

For proper care When using the White Light device, it is enough to follow the following tips:

  • To clean the light emitter, it is recommended to use ordinary soap and running water. In this case, avoid completely immersing the device in liquid.
  • To make it easier to care for the mouth guard before cleaning, you can separate it by slightly pulling the separated elements in opposite directions.
  • After cleaning, all elements should be wiped with a dry cloth.
  • It is recommended to avoid washing any components of the kit in the dishwasher to avoid damage.

Principle of operation

Due to the exposure of the device’s lamp light to the main component of the gel, urea peroxide, active oxygen is released, which subsequently penetrates the enamel and destroys existing pigment spots. This process allows you to achieve effective teeth whitening without harming their structure and surrounding tissues.

Beautiful teeth are not only the absence of caries, but also their healthy color. But due to the consumption of certain products, the presence bad habits Tooth enamel can become yellow, which ultimately makes your smile less attractive and memorable. Today, you can take advantage of the opportunity to whiten teeth not only in specialized clinics and offices, but also at home. For this purpose, special whitening kits are used to make tooth enamel several shades lighter.

Causes of yellowing teeth

Since it is important not only to find the right whitening kit, but also to find out the cause of yellowing of the enamel, you should familiarize yourself with the factors that can trigger the problem. These include the following:

  • the patient does not brush his teeth or devotes insufficient time to the procedure; in this condition, plaque constantly accumulates on the crown, which can ultimately lead to the formation of tartar;
  • the presence of bad habits, especially smoking, due to which the teeth are constantly attacked by aggressive substances, and the resins are not cleaned from the enamel;
  • often drinking coffee, tea and other coloring drinks, as a result the patient, even with careful care, cannot achieve beautiful color enamels;
  • hereditary predisposition, sometimes even the most expensive toothpastes cannot make teeth beautiful enough due to genetics;
  • frequent consumption of berries and other foods with coloring pigments, especially in summer time when their quantity in the diet increases;
  • passion for carbonated drinks, carbon dioxide allows the pigment to penetrate deeper into the tooth, which can also cause carious destruction.

Smoking is one of the reasons for yellowing of enamel

Attention! It is also worth knowing that teeth begin to fade after removal of the nerve and subsequent treatment of the affected area. Sometimes similar condition occurs due to poor work by the doctor when he placed a filling on the patient’s blood, which was released due to damage to the gums.

PearlSmile PearlLight

According to the manufacturer, you can use such a complex even if you have overly sensitive teeth. Based on the results of the procedure, you can achieve a noticeable result by whitening the enamel up to 9 tones. The manipulation itself to return the snow-white color of the enamel lasts half an hour, after which the patient receives the desired effect.

For the convenience of the patient, all necessary instruments for the procedure are included. These include special pearl napkins, a silicone mouth guard, ultraviolet light that is completely safe for enamel, and the gel itself.

To get the desired result, you first need to clean all teeth from plaque and saliva using napkins. After cleansing, you will need to squeeze a third of the package of whitening component into the tray and attach it to the lamp. As soon as the silicone pad is attached to the teeth, you need to turn on the lamp for 10 minutes. After this time, it is turned off for 30 seconds and turned on again for 10 minutes. This must be done until the patient sits with the gel for half an hour.

Attention! Typically, approximately 3 treatments are required to achieve a whiter smile. In this case, you should pay attention to ensure that the base gel is evenly distributed throughout the tray. If this is not done, the teeth may become covered with areas of bleached enamel that was present before the treatment session.

Despite the fact that this complex is one of the best, when using it, patients should be prepared for the appearance of such temporary inconveniences as severe sensitivity of the teeth, the presence of a white tint on the gums, as well as increased irritability. To reduce the likelihood of such problems, it is recommended to use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste for sensitive teeth in the first weeks after treatment. It is advisable to avoid sour and spicy foods.

Crestal is created for those patients who have completely natural teeth. Using the kit on any artificial teeth or fillings risks their destruction, in some cases causing severe inflammation on the gums. It is also strictly prohibited to use such a complex in patients under 16 years of age, which may be due to the patient’s increased sensitivity.

To get the desired result, you must first brush your teeth with any paste and rinse your mouth well. To prevent even small pieces of food from getting into the whitening tray, it is best to add dental floss. She will be able to clean the space between the walls of the crowns.

After this, a small amount of gel is squeezed onto the upper and lower trays, which are then put into place. Immediately after installation, you must turn on the lamp included in the kit. The procedure lasts 10 minutes. To obtain faster results, irradiation should be repeated three times.

Attention! You should not carry out more than three treatments at a time, as this will negatively affect the condition of the enamel. If you need a quick result, you can treat your teeth for 30 minutes for five days.

Teeth whitening complex “5 minutes” from Brilliant

This kit does not contain hydrogen peroxide, so it can also be used if you have sensitive teeth. The kit must be used twice within one week.

First you need to apply a special solution in the product to the enamel. This is done using a pencil with a soft tip, which avoids damaging the gums and enamel. After this, a lightening gel is applied to the silicone plate and the tray is inserted into the mouth. After 10 minutes, the plate must be removed from the oral cavity.

The remaining gel is wiped off using special separately purchased napkins or using a medicinal paste from the same manufacturer. At the same time, you should not leave the medicine on the teeth for more than 15 minutes, so as not to provoke severe irritation and aggressive effects on the enamel, which can also cause its erosion.

Attention! After all the recommended manipulations, in one week of use, two procedures daily, the patient can lighten his teeth up to 4 tones. Approximately 20% of those who tried the product experienced sores on their gums and damage to their lips.

Global White system for intensive teeth whitening

The medicinal complex contains 6% hydrogen peroxide, so you should not use the system if you have increased tooth sensitivity. Despite the fact that the medication contains potassium nitrate, which reduces sensitivity, it will still not be possible to get rid of the discomfort.

To get the desired result, the manufacturer advises performing two procedures every day for 14 days. To do this, you first need to put on a retractor, then apply a small amount of gel to each crown using a microbrush. It is also necessary to use it in interdental spaces. The exposure time of the gel is 7 minutes, after which the retractor is removed and the remaining gel is removed first with water and then with toothpaste.

Attention! The complex is very popular among patients. Moreover, in almost 90% of cases it is possible to achieve a guaranteed result in lightening the enamel by four tones.

The system has an affordable cost and good performance. It can only be used on natural teeth, so as not to provoke crumbling or oxidation of artificial materials during prosthetics and treatment of affected crowns.

It has a fairly strong whitening composition, so the procedure itself lasts no more than five minutes. According to the instructions, it does not have any abrasive effect on the enamel, it allows you to remove yellowness and darkening due to the use of coloring products, smoking and aging of the enamel.

During treatment, you first need to clean all teeth from plaque and food debris. After that in the classic way it is required to distribute the gel in a strip thickness of approximately 3 mm. After this, the mouthguard is immediately put on the upper and lower jaw for five minutes. To get good and long result It is required to perform 1-2 procedures every day for two weeks. Remains of the gel are removed with water or toothpaste.

The peculiarity of this medicine is that it can help even in the presence of tetracycline teeth and fluorosis, which appears with large consumption of water with increased amount fluorine in it. Both of these conditions cause severe damage to the enamel and internal cavity tooth

During the course, which usually lasts one week, you need to apply the gel to the enamel using an applicator up to twice a day. Keep it on dark areas for up to 30 minutes, after which it is washed off warm water. When performing the entire number of procedures, teeth become lighter by an average of 4 shades.

Attention! Before starting to use this system, it is recommended to visit a dentist to remove all hard deposits on the tooth surface. This way you can get a more pronounced result.

Brief information on all types of whitening

SetsStripesPastesDental procedure
Procedure timeUp to 14 daysUp to 4 weeksMonth30-60 minutes
Number of tonesUp to 7-8 shadesNo more than 5 tones1-2 Up to 12 shades
FlawsFor better effect It’s better to order custom mouthguardsThey slide along the dentition, there is no tight fitThe effect disappears quickly without constant useHigh cost of the procedure

Attention! Dentists insist that the most safe procedures for lightening are those that are carried out under the direct supervision of a doctor. He can give detailed recommendations on dental care, as well as determine the presence of possible contraindications.

Video - Teeth whitening

Before using any of the kits, you must first consult with your doctor, as this is required to prevent damage to tooth enamel. If you experience any discomfort or side effects when using a teeth whitening kit, it is better to abandon this method of cleaning the enamel and seek help from to a good dentist. It is also worth remembering that many substances used in such kits lead to damage to teeth even if the desired effect is present.

Wanting to give teeth White color, people resort to various methods removal yellow plaque: from avoiding foods that stain enamel to professional cleansing. Each of these methods has a number of disadvantages: low effectiveness, significant damage to bone tissue, and high cost. The WhiteLight system is the best option non-professional tooth enamel whitening, combining a visible aesthetic effect and affordability.

Features of the WhiteLight teeth whitening system

The White Light whitening system is the result of the work of the famous American company Natural White. The products of this manufacturer are highly effective, which is confirmed by quality certificates. In the process of making bleach, components are used that are used in dental offices, which increases the effectiveness of the home procedure.

Composition and active substances

The kit for lightening tooth enamel includes: a light-emitting device, 2 tubes of gel, a mouth guard, instructions for using the components in Russian and CR2025 lithium batteries. Before applying the compositions to the teeth, you must carefully study the description of their use: the action of the first is aimed at lightening the enamel, the second - at demonstrating the results.

It is the second gel that contains the active components, the main of which is carbamide peroxide. The amount of this element in the White Light system does not exceed 20%, which is due to the need to protect tooth enamel from destruction. In order not to injure the delicate tissues in the oral cavity, highly concentrated products (40-45%) are used under the supervision of a specialist.

How does bleach affect teeth?

The basis of the White System’s work is the removal of plaque using free oxygen released during the breakdown of the active substances included in White Gel.

Light emitted by a special device destroys carbamide peroxide, which is accompanied by the release free radicals. Penetrating into the enamel, these active molecules eliminate dental plaque without harming the oral cavity.

Indications for whitening

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The White Light system is used when there is a significant accumulation of plaque, yellowness or stains on the teeth. High efficiency achieved in the process of lightening enamel exposed to coloring products: coffee, tea or cigarettes. After several whitening sessions using the White method, you can observe the disappearance of dark spots and the acquisition of a uniform white color by your teeth.

White Light compositions are used by patients of all ages, except for persons under 16 years of age. This limitation is due to the need to protect fragile enamel from the effects of aggressive components. It must be remembered that whitening elements only affect bone tissue, leaving the installed fillings and crowns in their original shade.

When is it contraindicated?

The list of advantages of using Light whitening includes:

  • affordability;
  • quickly achieve a visible aesthetic effect;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • Possibility of using the system at home.

The disadvantage of Light whitening is the discomfort caused by wearing a mouth guard. The inconvenience is due to the fact that the structure is made according to a standard template. For this reason, it may slip in patients with malocclusion, allowing the gel to be washed away by saliva, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of cleansing.

The visible effect of the White Light procedure still cannot be compared with the results obtained after professional cleaning. The insufficient effect of the drug is due to low content carbamide peroxide, which destroys plaque. In addition, manipulation requires more time, whereas ideal snow-white smile can be obtained after one visit to the dentist.

Instructions for use of the whitening system

To avoid damaging your enamel and gums, you must read the instructions before you start using lightening products. The Whitener system application process includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning teeth with toothpaste and dental floss. Treating the oral cavity with a rinse.
  2. Alternately apply the bleaching and developing gel to the inner walls of the tray in a layer of 0.5 cm. It is necessary to avoid contact of the substances with the mucous membranes and skin, and if necessary, rinse them thoroughly with water.
  3. Place the prepared structures on the teeth for 10 minutes. To avoid damaging the enamel, you should not overexpose the mouth guards. It is unacceptable to use gels during sleep.
  4. Removing the system. Rinsing the mouth with water to remove any remaining substance.
  5. Thoroughly clean and dry the device, place it in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight.