All about critical women's days. Critical days: why they are delayed


Critical days (menstruation) are a cyclic rejection of the endometrium, which is accompanied by the release of blood from the vagina. The first menstruation begins in girls at the age of 11-14 years and lasts monthly until the onset of menopause.

Anatomical features

During puberty, the pituitary gland stimulates the ovaries to produce hormones.

Critical days appear at intervals of 20-35 days. Under the influence of hormones, one of the eggs begins to mature. The maturation process lasts approximately 14 days, after which ovulation occurs - the release of an egg into fallopian tube.

Then there are two scenarios for the development of events:

  • the egg is fertilized by a male sperm;
  • Without fulfilling its function, the egg dies.

In the second case, the thickened mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected, which is the beginning of menstruation.

Duration bleeding may range from 2 to 8 days, the first days are copious discharge, but then their number decreases. This process is repeated monthly and is interrupted when the egg is fertilized.

During puberty, a frequent cause for concern is discharge of light red or Brown. At that time sexual function has not yet improved and such phenomena do not require treatment or intervention.

It is normal for there to be no menstruation before the onset of puberty, during pregnancy and postpartum period. If after 16-17 years menstruation does not occur, this indicates serious developmental disorders.

If menstrual bleeding start later or ahead of schedule, the duration of the cycle is not constant, you should consult a gynecologist.


Is it possible to have sex in critical days?

Sexual intercourse during menstruation is not prohibited. At this time, girls are more liberated and relaxed, not worrying about possible pregnancy. During menstruation it is almost impossible to get pregnant. But a large number of couples prefer to avoid such experiments, girls are shy, and guys are disdainful.

According to doctors' recommendations, it is not advisable to have sex without condoms during menstruation in order to prevent inflammatory processes in the genitals. It is also better to restrain yourself from extreme sensations if the girl has heavy discharge or pain in the lower abdomen, and there are no hygiene products at hand.

Is it possible to go to the solarium on menstrual days?

There is no single point of view.

Pros: Heat and ultraviolet rays eliminate physical discomfort. Cons: heating the body during a session speeds up blood flow in the body, which can cause increased bleeding. After visiting a solarium, women may notice the resumption of bleeding 2 or 3 days after the end of menstruation. Heat encourages the growth of bacteria, which can contribute to the development of infection.

Dermatologists note a decrease in melanin in the body during menstruation, so there is no point in a woman visiting a solarium. Strictly prohibited no, but doctors are inclined to believe that it is better to postpone visiting the solarium until the discharge ends.

Should you stop playing sports during your period?

The answer depends on the training goal and the girl’s health condition. With absence gynecological diseases If you feel good and there is no feeling of weakness, you don’t have to change anything in your training regimen. It is necessary to exclude exercises that use an inverted position so as not to upset the body’s energy balance.

If you feel weak in your body, you need to change the type of exercise. Instead of strength training, attend yoga or tai chi.

If there are problems in the gynecological area, loads on menstrual days should be excluded.

How long do critical days last?

U healthy woman at regular cycle Menstruation lasts 3-7 days and she loses 50-70 ml of blood. If the cycle is disrupted, menstruation may vary, but maximum duration should not exceed 7 days.

If the discharge persists for a longer period, you should urgently contact a gynecologist.

Restoring the normal menstrual cycle

After pregnancy and childbirth, in postoperative period menstrual cycle gets lost.

How quickly it gets better normal cycle, depends on the method of feeding the child. If a woman does not breastfeed, recovery will take 6 to 8 weeks. When breastfeeding, periods may be absent for several months or the entire period of breastfeeding.

This is due to the fact that milk is produced under the influence of the hormone prolactin. Prolactin affects the ovaries, preventing their maturation and ovulation.

Menstruation after cesarean section begins at the same time as during natural birth.

Laparoscopy is prescribed for infertility in women whose periods have stopped completely.

Period or menstruation (lat. mensis - month, menstruus - monthly) is a monthly cleansing process female body, during which girls experience bleeding from the vagina.

According to science, menstruation is the shedding of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) and its removal along with blood from the vagina.

Often, when talking, instead of “menstruation” you can hear: critical days, affairs, monsters, bloody Mary, guests from Krasnodar, guests from Krasnoarmeysk, guests on the Red Cossack, days of closed doors, days of the Red Army, hedgehog in tomato sauce, the ship sprung a leak, crimson rivers, friends came, red days of the calendar, accident, revolution.

The color of menstruation. Blood clots during menstruation

Blood during menstruation in the first days is bright scarlet, in the end it is dark, with specific smell. If you find lumps and clots in the blood during menstruation, do not be alarmed, these are areas of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium, which is secreted along with the blood. If a woman is not pregnant, the endometrium is constantly renewed: the old layer dies and comes out during menstruation, and a new one grows in its place.

First menstruation (Menarche)

The first period is called "Menarche". Menstruation begins between the ages of 9 and 16 and indicates the body's ability to become pregnant. Often, the age at which a girl’s first period begins depends on the age at which her mother began menstruation, i.e. - established by inheritance.

Signs of your first period may begin a couple of months before your period appears. White or mucous discharge becomes more frequent, the lower abdomen feels a little tight and the chest ache.

The first menstruation may appear as just a couple of drops of blood, which over time develop into regular and equal discharge.

Symptoms during menstruation

Before and during menstruation, almost all women experience the same symptoms, only in some they are less pronounced, in others - to the fullest:

nagging pain lower abdomen;
- swelling, heaviness and pain of the breast;
- lower back pain;
- irritation;
- fatigue;
- heaviness in the legs;
— ;
- apathy.

Cycle and duration of menstruation

The menstrual cycle is the period from the first day of the onset of menstruation to the first day of the start of the next menstruation. The normal menstrual cycle is 20-35 days. The duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days.

After the first menstruation for a year, the cycle may not be regular, but then it improves and repeats clearly each time.

You can track your menstrual cycle using a calendar by simply marking each day of your period. There are also special applications for PCs and smartphones, by installing which you can mark and track your cycle.

In order for women to feel less discomfort during menstruation, scientists have come up with some hygiene products- pads, tampons, and even a device that I think not everyone knows about yet - a menstrual cup.

Both pads and tampons are classified according to the amount of secretion they hold. This capacity is indicated by the number of drops on the package. The more droplets, the longer the tampon/pad lasts until the next time they are replaced.

Of course, it is advisable to have these hygiene items in different capacities. For example, at the beginning and end of menstruation it is better to use a tampon or pad with 2-3 drops, at the height of menstruation - 4-6.

What to use - pads or tampons - is up to you. You can alternate, for example, if you go to the pool, you can’t do without a tampon, but at night you can use a pad. For some girls, pads create diaper rash, while for others, the tampon causes enormous discomfort. Therefore, try and look for the most convenient option for yourself.

As I already said, in the world there are menstrual cups, which are reusable. They need to be removed and the contents poured out. True, this is not always convenient.

During menstruation, it is necessary to strictly observe. Wash yourself at least 3 times a day, and when changing a pad or tampon, be sure to wash your hands, both before and after contact.

If you have inserted a tampon or pad and suddenly become very ill, immediately take out this care product, and if you do not feel better, consult a doctor immediately.

What not to do during menstruation

During your period you should refrain from:

- going to the beach or solarium;
- facial cleansing;
- depilation;
- Do not drink alcohol, coffee and spicy foods.

All of these factors can increase bleeding and lengthen your period.

When should you see a doctor?

For questions about menstruation, please contact.

You should contact a gynecologist if:

- first menstruation appeared before 9 years of age;
- You are already 17 years old, and your first period has not yet appeared;
- menstruation lasts 1-2 days or more than 7 days (menstruation failure);
— the discharge is very scanty (a couple of drops) or very copious (change your pad or tampon more often than after 2 hours);
- the menstrual cycle lasts less than 20 days or more than 40 days;
- feel severe pain during menstruation;
— when using a tampon you suddenly began to feel unwell;
- there is bleeding between periods;
— after the cycle was settled, the failure began;
— I haven’t had my period for a couple of months.

Video: All about periods

The female body is unique in nature. Pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation, constant hormone surges. It’s unlikely that a man could stand something like that. But at the same time, the stronger sex still manages to take offense at women if during such moments the girl becomes somewhat irritable and, perhaps, difficult to control.

It's all about hormones

Critical days, i.e. menstruation occurs in women due to the interaction of various sex hormones that are present in the body. Yes, on at different stages During the menstrual cycle, they behave differently, sometimes increasing or decreasing in quantity. Most women practically do not notice the changes occurring in their body (with the exception of blood discharge), but some ladies are still sensitive to such changes.

First menstruation

Critical days for girls begin approximately at the age of 13-15 years. But sometimes these limits can shift, and menstruation begins a little earlier or later. If the framework has expanded quite widely and menstruation began at 9 years old or has not yet arrived at 16, this may indicate that you need to see a pediatric gynecologist and conduct some research. Signs that a girl will soon become a girl can be: various signs puberty, such as, for example, active breast growth, the appearance of pubic hair and armpits, aggressive behavior or frequent changes moods.

So that the girl is not afraid of her first bloody discharge, you definitely need to have an informative conversation with her about puberty. It’s better if mom does this, but she can also explain the situation and pediatric gynecologist. It is important that the girl is psychologically prepared for this, otherwise she risks receiving psychological trauma for the rest of her life. Information about how long critical days last is also important. On average, this is 4-7 days, but if spotting occurs for less or longer than the average period, you should consult a doctor.


On critical days, hygiene is important for every woman. There is nothing difficult, you just need to increase the quantity water procedures, and also apply special means protection - pads or tampons, which need to be selected taking into account the amount of bleeding. By the way, it is extremely undesirable for teenagers to use tampons, because... similar actions can negatively affect a girl’s still unformed reproductive system. It is also worth remembering that all hygiene products need to be changed periodically. It is not recommended to use one pad or tampon for more than three hours on critical days. This applies to both daytime and nighttime periods.

Painful sensations

It is also worth knowing that critical days are often accompanied by varying degrees painful sensations. This mostly happens in the first couple of days of your period. Sometimes such phenomena can occur several days before the appearance of spotting. Helpers in such a situation can be proper nutrition, gymnastics, and a calm daily routine. The use of painkillers is highly discouraged. But if a woman suffers from dysmenorrhea (severe pain during menstruation), she should consult a specialist and possibly receive drug treatment.

At times it is difficult to be a woman, especially during critical days that come every month and bring with them new emotions and sensations. There are some rules that need to be followed regarding the monthly experience. Hygiene is the main factor to be followed. There are things to be wary of during menstruation, as they are harmful and dangerous to a woman's health. Certain products, taken on such days will not be beneficial and will not bring good results.

IN " those days» You may feel itchy and need to shower thoroughly. Some women don't know that the vagina has its own system to keep itself clean. Typically produced good bacteria along with the bad ones. You should always wash yourself warm water instead of using soap, as this will kill friendly bacteria and lead to infection.

9. Fatty meats

Nobody wants to get an extra dose of pain during their period. Emergence discomfort occurs due to dishes that increase pain and swelling. Eating meat in ordinary life will not affect your well-being in any way, but during menstruation it can lead to pain and inflammation. Since fatty meat is very rich, its consumption leads to spasms and cramps, control cravings for meat during a specific period. You can eat fish or chicken instead.

8. Exercises

A period is when you feel bloated, fat and unattractive. So don't even think about going for a run or Gym. You'll end up angry and annoyed because your body unable to relieve stress from training. It is better to refrain from exercise for several days, then you can start jogging or exercising again.

You will also protect your clothes from stains. Physical exercise During the time when spasms persist in the uterus, they are not beneficial for the body. Some doctors prescribe exercise, but it involves specific movements to help manage pain and discomfort.

7. Eating tons of chocolate

7. Reusable sanitary pads

Over time, new and new species sanitary pads continue to be introduced into the market. We constantly want to try new products, each of which claims to be the best. Women should avoid using multiple types of pads. If you know that a particular type suits you, you shouldn't switch to another. Tampons are a new type of hygiene products designed for special purposes.

Some women heavy bleeding use two pads at the same time to avoid stains, which is unhygienic and also inconvenient. Using multiple pieces can lead to rashes and itching as you have to wait until they are ready to be replaced.

5. Eating ice cream

Cold foods should not be taken during menstruation. Sweets take first place in the ranking of cravings on such days. Cold ice cream can play a cruel joke in causing cramps. This is not common to all girls and women. Some people believe that ice cream is the only solution to get through the agony, for others it is just a food they would like to eat. It has been scientifically proven that women should ignore the use of dairy products during menstruation, particularly ice cream.

4. Participate in a dispute

Our hormones gain momentum with the onset of menstrual periods. The condition experienced by a woman at such a moment is called PMS (post menstrual syndrome). Some experience it before the onset of menstruation, and some experience it throughout. We can say that this syndrome indicates when it is not advisable to start arguing under any circumstances, since ultimately the hormones will speak for you and will be expressed the worst things. Getting involved in an argument should be the last thing you want on days like these.

3. Do housework

2. Yoga

Certain doctors recommend a special set of exercises during menstrual periods, including exercises that relieve pain and spasms. Yoga should not be practiced during menstruation. individual exercises can lead to increased blood flow, especially standing on your head.

Among those few things that must be adhered to during critical days are: correct technique washing I. Some women don't know that the vagina has its own cleaning system. As a rule, along with bad bacteria, there are good ones.

If we wash in the direction from the anal area to the pubic area, then bad bacteria will enter the vagina, causing infections. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to washing during menstruation. Hygiene on such days must be observed with special care.

Menstruation- this is very important process, occurring in the body of each of us. Ignorance often makes us worry about trifles or ignore serious problems.


The process of puberty is unique in its essence. In just 5–6 years, a young organism experiences a real revolution. The onset of menstruation is the first step towards puberty, when a small, fragile girl grows into an adult girl.

What happens at this moment in the body? Brain hormones affect the most sensitive organs - the ovaries, each of which contains about 100-150 thousand immature eggs from the very birth of a girl. The first hormonal signal acting on the ovaries causes one of these eggs to mature.

At this time, in the uterus, having received a hormonal signal from the ovaries, the mucous membrane is prepared. Its thickness increases from 1 to 10 mm, many new blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and glands. It becomes soft, juicy and represents nothing more than a potential bed for the future conceived creature.

Approximately on the 14th day, after the egg begins to mature, ovulation occurs (the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube). There it either meets a male sperm and is fertilized, or, having failed to fulfill its function, dies. In this case, the bed prepared in the uterine cavity turns out to be unnecessary; the juicy, thickened mucous membrane is rejected and menstruation begins. This process is repeated every month until the mature egg is fertilized, or until the woman goes through menopause.

All about menstruation

Menstruation begins between the ages of 11 and 15 years. Each woman has a different age at which puberty begins. It depends on hereditary characteristics. That is, a girl will begin menstruation at the same age as her mother, aunt or grandmother. Taking into account acceleration, menstruation may begin earlier, which does not mean any deviations. If menstruation does not occur after 17 years, then this is a sign serious violations in development.

The duration of the menstrual cycle...

Some women are concerned about irregular menstrual cycles. First, let's be clear. The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next. Only 30% of girls have regular periods very quickly. For the rest, it takes a year or even more. But this does not mean that in a year menstruation will occur exactly 28 days later! The 28-day (so-called lunar) cycle is considered ideal. You understand that our life can hardly be called ideal. Nervous overload, stress, illness, poor ecology, nothing passes without a trace. All this can cause a delay in menstruation. A menstrual cycle of at least 21 days and no more than 35 days is considered normal. Within these limits, a difference between cycles of no more than 10 days is permissible. The remaining cases are deviations from the norm. In this situation, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, as ovarian dysfunction is possible.

Duration of menstruation...

Again, no exact number for all women. From 3 to 7 days is considered normal. The first two days there is more abundant discharge, the rest of the time, so to speak, there are residuals. If over the course of a week you are “gushing like a bucket,” then you need to see a doctor. I would like to remind you that if you are using a contraceptive such as intrauterine device, then do not be surprised at the more abundant and painful menstruation. IN similar situation This is normal. However, the coil has no effect on the duration of bleeding. It should not last more than 7 days.

The amount of blood lost...

During menstruation, blood loss is negligible. The body replaces it very quickly. On average, a woman loses 20–50 g of blood per day. Menstrual blood has a specific smell of blood and, as a rule, does not clot.

The quality of the discharge...

If in menstrual flow You sometimes find blood clots, don't panic right away. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that enzymes cannot cope with the abundance of secretions and allow the so-called “unprocessed” blood to pass through, which accumulates in the vagina and coagulates there. Clots are also typical for women who use IUDs. In this case, the clots are pieces of a fertilized egg that did not find a “shelter” in the uterus and was washed away by menstrual blood.


Bloody smear, the so-called “staining” at the beginning and end of menstruation should not last more than two days.


One more no less important question. Should periods be painful? This natural process accompanied by various, completely understandable phenomena. The hormones already mentioned affect the entire body. Therefore, the breasts swell, become heavier, and there is a feeling of some tension. Some women feel tired, irritable, weak; others experience increased heart rate and breathing, and feel chills or fever; Still others experience heaviness in their legs; the fourth have a pain in the lower back or a pulling in the lower abdomen... All these are signs premenstrual syndrome which each of you has experienced yourself. From a physiological point of view, you should not pay serious attention to them. However, if these symptoms lead to disability, you should consult a doctor.