Pain in the back of the head, pressure. Headache in the back of the head

Modern man often complains of pain in the back of the head. Many suffer from such pain syndromes, but they cannot determine the causes of their occurrence.

Pain in the back of the head can occur when the head is positioned incorrectly during sleep. Quite often, pain syndromes progress against the background of existing diseases.

To understand why the back of the head hurts, it is necessary to identify the causes of such pain.

Let's name the most common ones.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a type of spinal disease in which a rapid aging process occurs intervertebral discs and vertebrae of the neck.

Several vertebral regions can be affected at the same time.

If osteochondrosis affects the cervical area, the victim is diagnosed with “ cervical osteochondrosis».

The disease can occur due to:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • low mobility;
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • overweight;
  • incorrect body position during sleep;
  • genetic predisposition.

The first appearance of the disease - pain in the neck and heaviness in the back of the head - can be confused with a state of overwork.

If a person is not provided with medical assistance in time, the changes occurring in the spine can become irreversible.

Cervical spondylosis

With cervical spondylosis, the vertebrae in the cervical region are deformed. Specific growths (osteophytes) form on them, causing pain to the victim when the head rotates.

Pain syndromes can also appear when a person is in a quiet, motionless position, especially at night.

This is due to increased voltage cervical area spine during the rest period.

In addition, a kind of painful “shooting” may appear in ears and eyeballs.

Cervical spondylosis most often affects the elderly population, as well as people who move little.

Cervical myositis

Are you worried not only about pain in the back of your head, but also in your lower back? Find out more.

Treatment of pain in children

If pain in the occipital region in a child is associated with stress or depression, then in the morning he needs to drink lemongrass and ascorbic acid.

Tea with lemon helps not only relieve painful sensations, but also gives the child additional energy.

If a child often complains of pain in the back of the head, it is better to limit him from nuts, bananas, chocolate and cheese.

Kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt and other foods rich in calcium should be included in the diet.

Prevention of occurrence

To prevent pain in the back of the head, you need to take a number of actions:

  • Monitor your sleep duration. You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. If you have frequent pain in the occipital region, it is better to sleep on an orthopedic pillow.
  • Don't forget about physical exercise and exercises. Properly selected exercises will help relieve pain and heaviness in the occipital area. And their daily implementation will increase efficiency.
  • Follow a diet. People suffering from frequent pain in the back of the head are not recommended to eat Chinese cuisine, a lot of chocolate, nuts, bananas, smoked meats, cheese and spicy foods. It is better to give up alcohol and tobacco forever.
  • Carry out water procedures regularly. Hot bath with the addition of chamomile decoction will help relieve tension in the neck and pain syndrome. Bath procedures should be kept for 15 minutes. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed +40 degrees.
  • Take vitamins. Annual use of the complex necessary for the body vitamins will help prevent pain in the occipital region.
  • Conduct aromatherapy sessions. Lavender oil has healing sedative properties. For headaches, it is recommended to rub it into the temple area.
  • Use healing herbs and plants. They are recommended to be taken in the form of capsules or tablets. Removes very effectively painful attacks Pyrethrum plant in the back of the head. It is very useful to drink infusions linden tea, green tea with the addition of mint leaves. You can add lemon balm to tea, which has excellent antioxidant properties.
  • Don't forget about rest. Don't forget about proper rest. Frequent overloads always have a negative impact on health.

Whatever the reason behind the occipital pain, you should not leave everything to chance - you should immediately contact a specialist. If treatment is not promptly addressed, the disease may become irreversible.

Most pain is associated with the presence hidden diseases that pose a danger to human health.

Pain in the back of the head usually confuses even the patient himself, who cannot always determine the location of the painful sensations. Even a headache, among many other reasons, can stem from overstrain of the deep extensors of the neck, located just below the back of the head.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper cervical region, accompanying any movement of the neck, including turning the head and tilting it, can occur even with normal touching of the occipital region.

Causes of pain in the back of the head

Arterial hypertension

Headaches in the back of the head, especially in the morning, may be a consequence of the development.


If a patient is constantly exposed to stress, mental tension begins to increase, which also leads to headaches. Pain of this nature can be caused by both chronic and acute stress. Risk factors are age over 30 years and being female.


Excessive overstrain, both physical and mental, arising, among other things, as a result of prolonged stay in uncomfortable position, can also cause headaches. Such sensations are not uncommon among car drivers and those who work at a computer for a long time.

Diseases of the cervical spine

Diseases affecting the cervical spine also often cause the patient to have pain in the back of the head and neck. The pain increases with any movement of the head or turning the neck. Such symptoms are typical for traumatic sprains, spondylitis, subluxations of intervertebral joints, etc.

Deformation and proliferation of osteophytes

Intense pain in the occipital part of the head and neck is caused by deformation and proliferation of osteophytes - the lateral processes of the vertebrae. This disease is called cervical spondylosis. It is a mistake to believe that osteophytes are formed due to salt deposition: their appearance is associated with the degeneration of ligament tissue into bone tissue. This disease most often affects a person at an advanced age, but can manifest itself earlier if a person is physically inactive, moves little, or leads a sedentary lifestyle. Characteristic features cervical spondylosis are considered painful sensations in the back of the head and return shoulder girdle, sometimes radiating to the ears, eyes or covering the entire back of the head.

Pain is felt regardless of whether the patient is moving or at rest, but during activity it usually intensifies. The mobility of the neck also decreases, and it becomes difficult to turn the head. The quality of sleep also deteriorates: due to neck pain, the patient often wakes up; increased load to the cervical spine. Symptoms of spondylosis also include prolonged cervical and occipital headaches and difficulty moving the neck when turning the head. The examination reveals limited mobility of the vertebrae cervical region spine. If you press on the intervertebral joint from behind, the pain intensifies. For a more vivid effect of the study, you can ask the patient to tilt his head back a little.


Seal muscle tissue in the cervical region, called myogelosis, can be caused for the following reasons: muscle stiffness in an awkward position; draft; posture disorders; stay in stressful situation. Characteristic signs of myogelosis neck muscles considered: pain in the back of the head; dizziness; pain in the shoulder girdle and stiffness in shoulder movements.

Occipital neuralgia

Neuralgia occipital nerve often accompanied by attacks of pain in the back of the head, which radiate to the cervical spine, ears, lower jaw, and back. Acute bursts of pain cause sneezing, coughing, and head movement. The patient tries to keep his head in one position to relieve pain. Prolonged course of neuralgia of the occipital nerve leads to the development of hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity in the area of ​​the entire back of the head. The sources of occipital neuralgia are mainly spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the cervical spine.

Colds and hypothermia also increase the risk of this type of neuralgia. Pain in the occipital part of the head, characteristic of occipital neuralgia, usually occurs in the form of attacks. The nature of this pain is sharp, it radiates to the ears and neck. Turns of the neck, torso, and head are accompanied by increased pain; coughing also causes shooting-like attacks. The rest of the time the patient is constantly accompanied by pressing pain in the back of the head. The study reveals hyperesthesia of the skin on the back of the head and spasm of the neck muscles.

Cervical migraine

Its symptoms are intense pain in the temple and back of the head, which can radiate to the brow ridges. In addition, it creates a feeling of sand and pain in the eyes, blurred vision, dizziness, hearing loss or tinnitus. Unlike true hemicrania, cervical migraine has a characteristic defining marker. When creating artificial compression in the vertebral artery (it is enough to simply press it with your finger at a distance of 2/3 along the line connecting the mastoid and spinous processes of the 1st cervical vertebra) the occurrence or intensification of pain indicates that you are faced with a cervical migraine.

Vertebrobasilar syndrome

Sometimes cervical osteochondrosis causes the so-called vertebrobasilar syndrome. Its symptoms include vestibular manifestations (tinnitus, dizziness, blurred vision, other visual and hearing disorders), pain in the back of the head. Also characteristic of this syndrome are hiccups, nausea, vomiting, pallor of the skin of the face, and some impaired coordination of movements. For of this disease characterized by fainting without loss of consciousness, accompanied by loss of balance and immobility, resulting from a change in the position of the head (tilting back, turning).

Prolonged muscle tension

Long lasting muscle tension, associated with incorrect position neck and head with physical exercise, reading or writing. If this situation repeats quite often, a person may experience the so-called. tension headaches. Their main symptom is pressure, progressing to pain in the occipital and frontal part of the head. This sensation may accompany holding the head in one position when watching TV or working at the computer, reading, writing, or playing sports.

Also, similar signs can be observed with anxiety, overwork, and concentration on work. The patient may have the impression that an invisible hoop or headdress is placed on his head, squeezing the skull. The nature of the pain is moderate, not spasmodic, but constant. Most often, painful sensations are localized in the forehead (muscle pain), temples, back of the head, and neck. Usually there is soreness in the muscles of the forehead, temples, back of the head and back surface neck. When pressed, tension is felt and in some places there is even compaction; touching causes pain.

Dizziness and tinnitus may also occur. Pain can often be reduced by immobilizing the neck. Unpleasant sensations can be localized on one, but more often on both sides of the head, and are not accompanied by nausea. Doctors believe that the reason for their occurrence is the relationship between prolonged muscle contraction and a physical or emotional stimulus that occurs when concentrating on a specific action.

Pain in the back of the head can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Treatment of pain in the back of the head

Before you treat anything, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the causes of the pain. If the disease is complex, for example, arterial hypertension or promotion intracranial pressure, then such a disease requires urgent etiotropic therapy. Diseases that are considered not complex can be treated with courses medical procedures. The most common such therapies are:


Of course, everyone noticed that if you rub and stretch the area of ​​the neck and back of the head, the pain will significantly decrease. If the cause of a person’s illness is known, then massage can do real miracles. But you can only rely on professionals. Massotherapy, as a rule, are prescribed in courses and these courses can be repeated once or twice a month. At home, you can only slightly rub the area of ​​pain. If a person is diagnosed with hypertension or spondylosis, then massage is completely prohibited.

Exercise therapy (physical therapy)

Specialists will select you special exercises to warm up and relieve tension from the cervical region. Be sure to repeat after the trainer for the course to be successful.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

It helps a lot with a number of diseases, for example, spondylosis, myogelosis, osteochondrosis, intracranial pressure and other diseases.

Manual therapy

A special procedure that is not related to massage, but is done by the hands of a doctor. It helps very well for the treatment of pain in the occipital part of the head, the cause of which is osteochondrosis or myogelosis.


Helps if you have the following diseases: cervical osteochondrosis, stress. The procedure consists of a targeted effect on human skin.

And finally, we can say that to overcome pain in the back of the head, you need to normalize your rest and sleep time.

Diagnosis of pain in the back of the head

  • MRI of the brain.
  • CT scan of the cervical spine.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys.
  • General blood test.
  • Biochemical blood test (basic minimum + lipid profile study).
  • General urine analysis.
  • Ultrasound of the heart.
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist (with mandatory examination of the fundus and visual fields).
  • Consultation with a neurologist to determine the final diagnosis, prescribe (if necessary) further studies and treatment.
  • If the patient has no gross neurological disorders, at hypertension, NDC - consultation with a neuropsychiatrist (psychotherapist) is required.

Questions and answers on the topic "Pain in the back of the head"

Question:Hello! My husband (31 years old) constant pain in the back of the head, mainly on the right side of the back of the head (for 8 years), mainly due to changes in weather. Blood pressure during headache is within 100/60. IN Lately"Citramon-P" helps, head and neck massage relieves pain. Works as a driver. A local neurologist checked the reflexes (with needles), looked at the eyes, and said that these were external muscle pains. Prescribed 2 tablets of "Lucetam" 2 times a day for a month. The headache stopped, but dizziness began. Now my head hurts as before, very much! Please advise what to do?

Answer: Let him go to a chiropractor.

Question:Hello, I am 19 years old, height 174 cm, weight 64, this summer I went to the south, there was a kind of poisoning and was diagnosed with gastroenteritis, after which I was worried about heaviness in the back of my head and a state of weakness. I did an MRI - diagnostics, here is the conclusion: MRI data for the presence pathological changes focal and diffuse nature not detected in the substance of the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum. MR - signs of not clearly expressed arachnoid changes of a liquorocystic nature. Microcyst of the epiphysis. I went to see a neurologist, the doctor said there was nothing wrong, prescribed treatment: Actovegin No. 10 intravenously, Mexidol No. 10 intramuscularly and Milgamma No. 5 intramuscularly every other day, but I am still worried about heaviness in the back of my head and weakness. I give injections for 5 days. Are the medications prescribed correctly? Explain the MRI conclusion and tell me what the diagnosis is?

Question:I am writing to you with the following question: I am 31 years old; during sexual intercourse, as I approached orgasm, I got a very bad headache in the back of my head. The pain was throbbing and the closer to orgasm the more it became. It usually went away within a couple of hours. The last time in the morning there was a feeling of “pulsation” in the area of ​​the back of the head and temples, which completely disappeared only in the evening. Please advise what to do. Maybe you should first take some tests before going to the doctor or taking a course of some pills?

Answer: Headache with sexual tension or physical exertion, it can be an independent disorder or a manifestation of some kind of disorder in the brain of a different nature. In order to understand this, you need to do an MRI of the brain and examine the blood vessels of the brain. And then when normal indicators After these tests, have your headache treated by a neurologist specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of headaches.

Question:My son is 3 years old. At 2 he went to the garden and began to get colds once a month consistently! But what worries me is this: a week ago, in the morning when he woke up, he began to cry while coughing and complain of pain in the back of his head! Then during the day everything is fine, and the next morning the same picture. For a week now in the morning he has been complaining that his head hurts and rubbing the back of his head, but this is only when he coughs. Tell me what could be the matter! The neurologist examined the child and said that there was no neurology, the skin was healthy and the area of ​​the head was not painful. Help! I'm very worried! You may need to take some tests or do an ultrasound or MRI.

Answer: First, measure your blood pressure and show your child to an ENT doctor. If this picture continues, and apparent reason will not be found, then do an MRI.

Question:Hello! Recently I suffered from laryngitis and pharyngitis. I was treated by an ENT specialist. During my illness, I began to notice that when I tilted my head, the back of the head and frontal area hurt. Now the pain in the morning, after waking up about 10 minutes, it begins to ache in the back of the head, radiates into frontal part head and the lymph nodes under the jaws hurt. Blood pressure is the same as always (hypotension 100-60). The neurologist and therapist are inclined to believe that it is vascular. But I’m worried: could this be a complication after an illness or some kind of infection? Thank you.

Answer: We recommend that you consult an ENT doctor who will rule out the possible presence of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.). If you do not have these diseases, then the likelihood that headaches are associated with complications after a sore throat is extremely low.

Question:For a long time (about several months), I have been experiencing strong shooting pains on the left side of the back of my head, as if it were cramping. bottom part head and neck on the left side. Recently I felt a painful point in that place, when you press it you feel pain and radiates painful rays in different directions, on the neck, shoulders, left ear, even approximately in the area of ​​the tonsils. I can't figure out what it could be. It looks like a tiny red bump. Could it be some kind of tick that has already gone deep? Or what it could be...

Answer: First, consult a neurologist, as pain may be associated with the spine and muscle tension. By the way, this often happens.

Question:Hello! I am constantly bothered by pain in the back of my head on the right, closer to the ear. Sometimes the entire back of the head hurts, accompanied by a rise in temperature to 37 degrees! What could it be? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Hello, you should do an MRI of the brain and cervical spine in order to find out the cause of the pain. The temperature rises as the body reacts to pain.

Question:When the back of the head hurts, is the pressure low or high?

Answer: Pain in the back of the head is a symptom various diseases. It may be associated with blood pressure, cervical osteochondrosis, myositis, etc. You need to look at the complex of symptoms to determine what the cause is.

Most of us spend our working day in the already familiar sitting position in front of the computer, which, of course, cannot but affect our health. It is this long hours of sitting that leads to pain in the back of the head, which almost all of us encounter in life. And many, unfortunately, do not pay any attention to such pain, citing the fact that this regularly occurring ailment is a common consequence of a working day. However, if you do not pay due attention to pain in the back of your head, then sooner or later unpleasant consequences there is no way to avoid it. In this article we will tell you about what can cause pain in the back of the head, as well as what needs to be done if you have pain in the back of the head.

Causes of pain in the back of the head

    Cervical osteochondrosis. This disease is the most common cause of pain in the back of the head, neck and temples. In addition to such pain, this disease may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, and dizziness. There is often a feeling of a veil before the eyes. Osteochondrosis is characterized by increased pain when moving the head. Almost everyone whose work involves a sedentary lifestyle is susceptible to this disease.

    Cervical spondylosis. This spinal disease is chronic. With spondylosis, various cracks and tears appear in the cartilaginous discs of the spine, which can subsequently lead to intervertebral hernia. With this disease, in addition to pain in the back of the head, pain appears in the shoulders and neck. Spondylosis, just like osteochondrosis, is characteristic of those people who, due to various reasons lead sedentary lifestyle life.

    Cervical migraine. This disease occurs as a result of the impact of bone and cartilage structures on vertebral artery, which is designed to be responsible for the blood supply to the occipital lobes. At cervical migraine In addition to pain in the back of the head, the patient experiences pain in the neck and temples, and also develops decreased vision and hearing. Regular dizziness is another symptom of this disease.

    Cervical myositis. This disease is associated with inflammation of the neck muscles, which can be triggered by an injury or hypothermia, for example, when ventilating a room.

    Hypertension or high blood pressure. This disease accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms, which include pain in the back of the head. Most often, with high blood pressure, pain in the back of the head appears immediately after waking up. Oddly enough, but often after sudden vomiting, such pain stops.

    Neuralgia of the occipital nerve. This type neuralgia may be associated with earlier onset diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis and cervical spondylosis. Also, previously transferred various colds– influenza and ARVI. In addition to pain in the back of the head, pain also appears in the neck, back, lower jaw and ears. Another symptom of occipital neuralgia is pain in the back of the head that appears when coughing.

    Vertebrobasilar syndrome. This syndrome occurs due to cervical osteochondrosis. In addition to pain in the back of the head with this disease, the following symptoms are added: double vision, dizziness, hearing loss, pale face, hiccups and nausea. Another extremely important symptom of this disease is a sudden fall without loss of consciousness.

    Prolonged muscle tension or improper exercise can also lead to regular pain in the back of the head. Incorrect posture, excessive strain and stress can also cause such pain.

What to do for pain in the back of the head

Step 1. Examination

Of course, without contacting a specialist, you cannot cope with such a problem as pain in the back of the head. Therefore, in case of regularly recurring attacks of pain in the back of the head, it is necessary to contact the appropriate specialist, namely a neurologist, who will subsequently diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Apart from any medicines, the doctor may prescribe a trip to specialists of other specialties: a massage therapist, a physical therapy doctor or a chiropractor. However, if you have a sudden attack of pain in the back of your head, you can resort to using the following medications:

    aspirin. This drug blocks an enzyme that promotes the development various inflammations, and also helps relieve pain;

    paracetamol. Also known by names such as efferalgan, panadol and daleron. Helps eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, however, this drug less effective than its predecessor;

    ibuprofen. This medicine has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen analogues – MIG 400, Nurofen, Advil;

    Diclofenac ointment. Helps eliminate inflammation. This drug is also available under names such as Voltaren and Naklofen;

    ketorolac. Powerful pain reliever. Its analogues are drugs ketorol and ketones;

    pentalgin. Just like ketorolac, it belongs to the group of the most powerful painkillers.

All of the above drugs are universal remedies for the most various pains, so when pain symptoms in the back of the head these remedies are also effective. However, remember that frequent use any medications or painkillers cause addiction in the body, which ultimately leads to gradual increase doses of medicine, and, as we all know, any pills have a negative effect on everything internal organs, especially on the liver. Therefore, going to the doctor should not be put off for long.

Physiotherapy procedures such as magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, laser, ultrasound treatment will also bring great benefit in the process of dealing with pain in the back of the head. With the help of the above measures you can achieve good results in the fight against diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis, myogelosis, spondylosis, as well as occipital neuralgia.

For pain in the back of the head without a specialist in the field manual therapy it is not possible to do without, because it is the massage therapist who helps relieve tension in the cervical vertebrae, as well as improve blood circulation. Today there are two types of massage: soft and hard. Each type of massage is useful and contraindicated at the same time for each individual disease, therefore, in order to relieve pain in the back of the head on your own, without the help of a qualified massage therapist, you should not resort to a hard massage.

Physical therapy is another way to get rid of pain in the back of the head. In order to this method helped you, you need to visit an appropriate specialist who, depending on your disease, will prescribe you necessary complex exercises.

Step 2. Preventive measures

In order for the identified disease to recede forever, or for your pain in the back of the head to be less regular, you should follow these simple rules:

    When you spend a long time at the computer, take ten-minute breaks once an hour: move around, stretch your neck and vertebrae - do not allow blood to stagnate and muscles to numb. It is also recommended to adjust the height of the chair and monitor, which, in turn, should match the level of your eyes;

    constantly monitor your blood pressure. If you suffer from hypertension, you should definitely contact a specialist who will prescribe a medicine that is suitable for you;

    movement is the key to the health of your back and spine, and therefore the back of your head as well. Take daily 30-minute walks before bed, and do exercises in the morning. By regularly resorting to these methods, after a week you will feel a noticeable improvement in your general condition;

    Proper sleep is another important component in the fight against pain in the back of the head. Buy an orthopedic pillow. By the way, it is recommended to sleep with pain in the back of the head on your back - it is this position during sleep that promotes maximum relaxation of the muscles of the occipital region;

    After completing the course of treatment, do not forget about this effective way relieving pain in the back of the head, like a massage. Massage your scalp regularly - this will help relax your muscles and also promote normal blood circulation.

How can traditional medicine help with pain in the back of the head?

Traditional medicine can also help eliminate pain in the back of the head, however, remember that various herbs and infusions, on the one hand, can relieve pain, but on the other hand, they can cause damage to your body. Therefore, before using any folk remedies, you need to consult a specialist. But if your pain in the back of the head is intermittent, then there are several universal remedies that will help get rid of such pain:

    herbal teas – the best remedy, helping to eliminate pain in the back of the head. You can brew linden flowers - this infusion will help you relieve pain. Another effective remedy is a tea made from a mixture of herbs: peppermint, meadowsweet and medicinal sage. For prevention, such teas can be consumed several times a week (if you have no contraindications to them).

    for pain in the back of the head you can do hot compress on the sore area. In this case, you need to drink one glass of hot tea. However, this method does not help everyone; someone, on the contrary, needs a cold compress instead of a hot compress. You can also wipe the back of the head with an ice cube.

    Place a previously crumpled cabbage leaf on the back of your head. Oddly enough, cabbage can really reduce pain syndromes.

    St. John's wort decoction helps eliminate pain in the back of the head. To prepare it, you need to do the following: pour 1 tablespoon of dry St. John's wort with 300 milliliters of boiling water. Next, simmer over low heat for about 8 minutes. Strain and let it brew for about half an hour. It is recommended to drink the resulting decoction half a glass three times a day.

Pain is a way for the body to convey information about emerging disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. In view ordinary person and a medical professional about what pain is, there are differences, often leading to mutual misunderstanding and difficulty in diagnosis. In the popular understanding, pain is a pronounced, intense, acute sensation that causes inconvenience that is difficult to eliminate. For a doctor, pain is any unpleasant feeling. Strength, duration, periodicity or constancy, localization and time of manifestation are only characteristics that facilitate the search for the cause.


Headaches are a common complaint. This is natural, since it is precisely the appearance of a disturbing sensation in the area where the brain is located that the body signals about deviations from optimal conditions for this to work the most important body. Maintaining the parameters necessary for the brain is ensured and depends on the effective interaction of all body systems.

Delivery of oxygen to the brain is a function of the circulatory system. Difficulties in blood transport are caused not only by changes in blood vessels and heart, but also by control failures nervous system, and even with muscle or bone pathologies. The oxygen saturation of the blood depends both on the functioning of the respiratory system and on the correct functioning of the endocrine organs.

Behind this list of systems is a huge number of diseases, each of which can manifest itself in the form of a headache, reporting discomfort to the brain. Therefore, simply the concept of “headache” cannot help accurately identify the cause of the disturbing sensation. To determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to introduce additional characteristics that narrow possible area search.

Defining Characteristics

The data needed to describe pain are:

  • localization;
  • persistence or short duration;
  • intensity;
  • frequency of occurrence;
  • flow tendency (increase, constancy or subsidence of intensity);
  • connection with changes in the overall load (including physical and emotional) of the body;
  • connection with a specific movement;
  • presence of accompanying symptoms.

Headache in the occipital region

By “headache” we mean pain emanating from the area above the line drawn from the corner of the eye through ear canal. Pain from the area below this line is called facial pain.

In a narrow anatomical interpretation, the occipital region is considered to be the posterior-lower section of the skull ( occipital bone). In an expanded everyday understanding, the concept of “occipital” is closely related to the definition of “ rear end head" and includes part of the parietal bones.

Main groups of causes of occipital pain

All causes of pain emanating from the back of the head can be divided into several groups:

  • Postconcussion(a consequence of previously received damage from direct trauma with the development of transient or irreversible changes in the functioning of the brain). The appearance of such pain is always preceded by a traumatic episode. Usually available visible damage fabrics The nature of the pain is constant, intense, often spreading to the entire head. Typically nausea, dizziness, difficulty in coordination, and vomiting occur.
  • Infectious inflammatory lesions of the brain. The symptoms are characterized by an accompanying increase in temperature and vomiting. Typically there is a sharp tension in the muscles of the occipital region, which manifests itself in limited head movement. Easily detectable when trying to bring the chin closer to the chest.
  • Neck muscle pathologies. There is a clear connection with head movement, a decrease in intensity with complete immobility. There are no symptoms of brain damage (nausea, dizziness). Absence elevated temperature. Often unilateral spread of pain to the shoulder girdle area.
  • Nerve lesions in the neck. The symptoms are similar to those of muscle pathology. The defining difference is the occurrence of a “flare of pain” in one place along the trajectory of the head movement.
  • Consequences of non-traumatic changes in the bone structure of the spine(osteochondrosis, osteo and chondropathy). There are no signs of brain damage. No fever. Strengthens with movement. A typical identification is the occurrence of pain during sleep when it is the cause of awakening. A decrease in the severity of sensations is typical two to three hours after sleep.
  • The group with the most frequency of occurrence is pain of vascular origin. Associated with disturbances in the tone of blood vessels that transport blood in the body. With an increase in tone, there is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries, and with hypotonicity, a decrease. In both cases, a severe headache in the back of the head may occur. No fever. No dependence on movement. Characterized by dizziness and nausea. Vomiting that does not improve the condition is possible. Weakness. The reason is confirmed by measuring the pressure.
  • Volumetric processes of the brain. This group includes all reasons causing compression brain structures due to the appearance of additional volume inside them (tumor growth, outpouring of blood from vessels into the tissue). It is typical that headaches are accompanied by accompanying symptoms in the form of sensory disturbances (numbness), movement (paralysis), and speech disorders.
  • Botulinum toxin poisoning. In addition to severe headaches, visual disturbances, nasal voice, hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing appear.
  • Brain tumors. Feasibility additional allocation V separate group is explained by the fact that among the extremely diverse manifestations of these diseases, there is also an option in the form of a single symptom - severe pain in the occipital region.

What to do

Standard algorithm for severe pain in the back of the head:

  1. Determine the connection with the movement.
  2. Strengthening during movement (often spreading to the neck, shoulder girdle, arm) makes you think:

    - about disorders in the spine;

    - traumatic, congestive or inflammatory muscle damage;

    - nerve damage (“flash-like” nature of the increase over a short period of movement).

  3. Check the pressure. If high, immediately contact medical care.
  4. Determine body temperature. If high, seek medical help. With accompanying vomiting and limitation of head movements due to tension occipital muscles- emergency call!
  5. Record everything carefully associated disorders. Detection of visual impairment, difficulty swallowing, voice changes, sensitivity disorders, movement, and speech is a mandatory reason to seek emergency help!

The value of information lies in its application. Correct determination of the cause of severe pain in the occipital region of the head - the possibility of saving own health. What if it’s life?

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A headache is a very common and unpleasant signal of dysfunction in the functioning of the entire body. Pain can vary in symptoms even from one person to another. This will depend on the reasons and circumstances that caused it. When localizing pain in the back of the head, you need to be alert, since not all the time this is the result of sedentary work.

This discomfort is a manifestation of a serious illness or a simultaneous combination of several diseases.

Causes of pain in the back of the head

Pain in the back of the head caused by spinal diseases

To this group of diseases includes osteochondrosis and cervical spondylosis. In the latter case, we are talking about a violation of bone tissue cervical spine. Over time, growths develop on it, which make it difficult to turn the head in any direction.

This the disease is typical for people who suffer from physical inactivity, and are of advanced age. Most often, discomfort appears in the neck when they are on long time are in the same position. The pain appears especially severe at night, in a relaxed state. Later certain time unpleasant symptom spreads to ears and eyes.

For osteochondrosis, you can consider inflammatory processes cartilage and bone tissue of intervertebral discs and vertebrae. Intervertebral discs gradually sag and collapse, complicating human movements.

Disease due to genetic disposition and manifests itself in those people who are forced to be in the same position due to lifestyle or professional activity. Osteochondrosis itself is complicated by regular overeating of foods with large amounts of carbohydrates and fats.

The following people are at risk:

  • alcohol abusers;
  • staying in one position with a bent back for a long time;
  • smokers;
  • sleeping on a high-standing pillow and a very soft bed;
  • obese at any stage.

Often the data conditions are accepted as a manifestation of fatigue. But the pain in the back of the head continues to get worse and worse. The result may be serious consequences, which will complicate a person’s life in the future.

Muscle problems as a cause of pain in the back of the head

Most often the reasons are that my head starts to hurt(her occipital part), there are problems with muscular apparatus shoulder and cervical region. The pain is expressed by myositis and myogelosis. The latter condition is manifested by compaction of muscle tissue in this part, which occurs under the influence of such factors:

If a person suffers from myogelosis, then neck-shoulder area hurts and the back of the head. In this case, it becomes difficult for a person to bend or turn, as movements in this area of ​​the spine become limited. Dizziness may occur frequently.

If it's too much headache in the back of the head, then most likely we are talking about the disease cervical myositis, which is defined as inflammation of muscle tissue in this area. And the discomfort is caused by its swelling, which gives a person a headache.

The disease develops under the influence of the following factors:

To identify accurate diagnosis need to take an x-ray, based on its results, the subsequent treatment strategy will be determined. It should be taken into account that the disease can also be combined with rashes on the skin, which aggravate the situation and require the use of antibacterial drugs.

Problems with nerves and blood vessels as causes of pain in the occipital region

Vascular diseases- one of the most common in the world. And it is quite logical that they can provoke this uncomfortable state and interfere full life person.

Hypertensive syndrome appears due to increased vascular tone. Typically, this disease has hereditary character and needs supervision from childhood.

A surge in pressure can cause weakness, feeling tired and dizzy. The reason for the development of the disease may be:

If the back of your head begins to hurt, you should immediately check your condition with a tonometer.

During increased intracranial pressure a person often begins to experience pain, especially in the morning and at night, during advanced education cerebrospinal fluid. The discomfort cannot be relieved quickly. The symptom recurs regularly, accompanied by vomiting, nausea and dizziness. Changes in blood pressure are also characteristic.

Cervical migraine is also one of the factors, which provokes pain in the back of the head. Migraines can spread to the eyes and ears, causing a sensation of noise and visual disturbances. The ability to work is significantly reduced: a person cannot concentrate, productively and quickly perform his professional duties.

Neuralgia of the nerve on the occipital part may be an independent disease, and in combination with spondylosis, osteochondrosis of this area of ​​the spine. It is often confused with migraine, as certain symptoms are quite similar:

  • localization of pain on one side of the head. It spreads to the ears and eyes. Sometimes the disease is characterized by pinching of both nerves at once;
  • photophobia;
  • discomfort when turning the head;
  • vomiting, nausea.

To determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed study.

Other causes of pain in the back of the head

Quite common causes of pain in the back of the head are:

  • Malocclusion. If the bite is not corrected in a timely manner, the load on the muscles during speaking and chewing will be incorrect. Over time, the likelihood of developing various unpleasant symptoms increases.
  • Stress. Under the influence of emotions, pressure begins to “jump”, this is caused by vasospasm in the neck area.
  • A specific profession that involves improper distribution of load on the muscle and bone apparatus.

How to relieve pain in the back of the head?

Before prescribing painkillers or taking medications that are clearly indicated for a specific disease, need to consult a therapist. Especially when the pain bothers you frequently and severely. The therapist will prescribe an x-ray of the cervical spine, and based on its results, he will determine the need to visit other doctors: a neurologist, a traumatologist. Often the help of a physical therapy doctor is needed, chiropractor, massage therapist.

Their treatment methods Suitable for many of the above diseases. The only difference is in the specifics of the application: the number of procedures per session, the duration of the procedure, the set of techniques and the intensity of the effect on a specific area.

At home you can use self-massage. First you need to study the specifics of the chosen technique and see how the specialist uses it. It is best for the introductory process to be carried out by him for the first time to explain the nuances and answer emerging questions.

Usually, Exercise therapy is prescribed simultaneously with a course of massage. The combination of these procedures significantly improves the patient's condition. The set of exercises can also be done at home. The most important thing is not to be lazy. If the problem is related to an incorrect bite, then you need to contact an orthodontist, since physical activity cannot eliminate it.

Physiotherapy also plays an important role. It is defined by the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound.
  • Amplipulse.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Laser.
  • Magnetotherapy, etc.

Using these procedures vascular and muscle tone of the head decreases, neck, pinched nerves are eliminated, blood flow is normalized. A couple of minutes of quiet lying or sitting under the device will only benefit the patient.

What to do when the back of your head hurts?

Therapeutic movements

There are special movements to relieve pain in the back of the head:

  • Sit on a chair, straighten your torso, and let your head lean forward under the force of its gravity. Sit in this position for about half a minute (count to 30 to yourself). Level your head, rest for half a minute and repeat the movement. In total, it is advisable to do 12–17 repetitions.
  • You can stand or sit while performing this movement. Raise your hands to the top, place them on top edges cheekbones with thumbs, and other fingers on occipital part. While inhaling, try to throw your head back, while creating resistance to this movement with your fingers, which are located at the back of your head. Your gaze should be directed to the top. Slowly count to 15. Then exhale for 5-6 seconds with your head tilted down, but with relaxed muscles. The gaze is also directed downwards. 4-5 repetitions are required.
  • Feel with your fingers sore spot at the bottom of the occipital part, between the 1st vertebra of the neck and the beginning of the skull. Place both at this point thumbs, and make 20 rotational movements with the pads. Afterwards, simply press your fingers on the painful area for a minute. Then rest for a few minutes. You need to do 4-5 repetitions.

Traditional methods of treatment (for mild pain in the back of the head)

They can help with mild pain in the back of the head traditional methods treatment:

In addition to the advice of doctors to reduce pain in the back of the head, you need to reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Reduce daily norm caffeinated drinks and consume clean water. The same applies to cigarettes and alcohol. Which you can do just fine without.
  • Take breaks at work, at least 10 minutes every hour. Moreover, you need to get up from your seat, put all papers and affairs aside, and just walk around. Walking will help efficient work muscles and normal blood circulation.
  • Drink a course of soothing teas or their analogues if you notice constant tension, irritability and short temper.
  • Arrange for sleep on a comfortable bed, in a ventilated and cool room. Sleep duration is at least 6–9 hours.

Treatment of many diseases which cause pain in the back of the head, require a professional and serious approach. The complex of required measures includes a large number of actions and processes. Therefore, actions aimed at preventing the development of diseases are fundamental for every person. This position will allow you to fully enjoy life, and will also save money and time.