Remedy after a hangover. The best pharmacy and folk remedies for a hangover

For every self-respecting lover to "pour over the collar" to find the most effective and relatively inexpensive remedy hangover is a real challenge. The well-known consequences of a plentiful libation on the eve - by no means contribute to good mood and work capacity. What funds can be called to help in the fight against a hangover? Let's dwell on the means that can offer us modern pharmacology. But first, a few words should be said about what a hangover is.

Hangover - what is it?

Most often in medical literature the terms "hangover syndrome", "alcohol withdrawal syndrome", " alcohol withdrawal". This syndrome is a pronounced mental and somato autonomic disorders after sobering up and eliminated or facilitated by another dose of alcohol - hangover. withdrawal syndrome usually occurs after 2-7 years of drinking, indicates irreversible changes in the body and is the main diagnostic criterion chronic alcoholism II and III stages. Withdrawal relief is carried out as part of the complex treatment of alcoholism, in particular, it involves the use of tranquilizers and sedatives, which implies the participation of qualified doctors, headed by a psychiatrist-narcologist; the expected effect can be achieved only in a hospital setting.
We will talk about the treatment of a common hangover, that is, symptoms of intoxication with products of incomplete oxidation of alcohol (acetaldehyde, acetic acid), which occurs after severe intoxication in people who do not abuse alcohol, for example, with an accidental excess. Unlike withdrawal syndrome, hangover general somatic disorders predominate - weakness, weakness, headache; statokinetic and autonomic disorders are absent or poorly expressed: sweating, tremor of hands, tongue, tachycardia, decrease or increase in body temperature, impaired coordination, unsteady gait, dizziness, restless sleep. In non-alcoholic individuals, a hangover is accompanied by an aversion to alcohol, and drinking alcohol only aggravates the hangover.

hangover treatment

Hangover treatment tactics are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • carrying out detoxification of the body;
  • elimination of pain and other symptoms;
  • restoration of water-salt balance.

What is the best hangover cure? Pharmacies offer the population a rich arsenal of drugs that can alleviate alcohol ailment. Consider those that are available for home use and are available without a prescription.

Carrying out detoxification of the body

Detoxification methods can be physical and biochemical. TO physical methods detoxification includes taking drugs from the group of sorbents:

  • activated carbon (tablets of 0.25 g); should drink at the rate of 1 tab. for every 10 kg of a person's weight 1.5 - 2 hours after the feast, drinking half a glass of water;
  • Enterosgel (paste or gel); sorbent and detoxifier; take 1-2 hours before meals or after meals, 1 tbsp. spoon (15 g) 3 times a day;
  • Filtrum-STI (400 mg tablets); has a high sorption activity and non-specific detoxification effect, removes alcohol well; drink 1 hour before meals, 2-3 tab. (it is better to grind);
  • Polyphepan (in granules, in the form of a paste); drink before meals 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day; first dissolve the drug in a glass of water for 2 minutes, then drink slowly;
  • Polysorb MP (powder); the action is similar to the previous one; daily dose 6-12 g; take an aqueous suspension 3-4 times a day.
  • TO biochemical methods includes taking products containing lemon, amber and other organic acids. Such means include, for example:
  • Bison (in bags) - based on succinic acid; dissolve 1 sachet in a glass of water and take at bedtime after drinking;
  • Antipokhmelin - dietary supplement, is not a medicine. Contains ascorbic, succinic, glutamic and fumaric acids, as well as glucose. Prevents the formation of acetaldehyde, and also neutralizes already formed toxins. Antipokhmelin should be taken simultaneously with alcohol. It is better to drink 1-2 tablets before and the same amount during the meal. IN last resort- drink 4-6 tablets in the morning with plenty of water or juice.
  • Zelnak is another dietary supplement against a hangover (in capsules). Based on medicinal plants. Prevents the oxidation of alcohol and the accumulation of its decay products. Drink 2 capsules half an hour before alcohol, either during a feast or immediately after it.

Elimination of pain and other symptoms

For this purpose, non-steroidal analgesics are used. It is better to give preference to instant tablets: Nurofen, Upsarin Upsa, Aspirin C and others. At worst, you can get by with such proven means as Citramon, Cofitsil, Askofen. Pain symptoms from the liver and gastrointestinal tract will eliminate antispasmodic no-shpa (drotaverine).

Treatment with combined drugs (mainly effervescent tablets):

  • Alka-Prim; includes aspirin and glycine; analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic; normalizes metabolism, has antioxidant and antitoxic effects; dilute in a glass of water and drink, dose - 1-2 tab. 3-4 times a day;
  • Alka-Seltzer; includes aspirin (pain reliever, relieves inflammation and fever), citric acid (provides rapid absorption of the drug) and sodium bicarbonate (neutralizes hydrochloric acid, reducing the irritating effect of the drug); take 1 tab. up to 6 times a day, after dissolving the tablet in a glass of water;
  • Zorex (in capsules); antidote, active substances: unithiol and calcium pantothenate; binds acetaldehyde, removes ethanol from tissues and organs; to prevent a hangover after drinking, take 1 capsule at bedtime with water, do not chew;
  • Limontar; components: succinic and citric acids; improves tissue metabolism, has antioxidant, antihypoxic properties, stimulates appetite, reduces toxic effect ethanol; for the prevention of intoxication - drink 250 mg 20-60 minutes before drinking alcohol.

Medicines that normalize the water-salt balance (rehydratants and detoxifiers)

Problems with thirst, dry mouth, hangover pills will help solve: Hydrovit Forte, Regidron, Citraglucosolan. These combined means contain sodium and potassium chloride, citrate in combination with dextrose, which normalizes the water-electrolyte balance and eliminates one of the painful symptoms hangover syndrome.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin-mineral complexes are extremely important for relieving a hangover. Very convenient are their instant effervescent options containing vitamins of groups C and B. These are: Celascon Vitamin C, Supradin, Berocca Plus and others.

Recent remarks

It is worth noting that the treatment of a hangover should be comprehensive and solve all the mentioned tactical problems. For example, taking aspirin at night in combination with No-shpa and activated charcoal in most cases prevents a morning hangover.

Needless to say, the best hangover cure is prevention. It is naive to advise citizens not to drink at all, but moderation in drinking and knowing your “safe rate” will prevent Negative consequences drinking strong drinks.

It is better to prepare for the holiday:

  • a couple of days before the feast, it is useful to eat foods rich in iodine;
  • drink in the morning before the holiday cholagogue(allohol, holosas, etc.);
  • take an aspirin tablet or its equivalent during the day;
  • 12 and 4 hours before drinking vitamin B6;
  • drink after a snack, which is suitable for potatoes, sandwiches with butter, lemons.

And one more thing: it may well happen that, despite the variety of hangover cures, self-treatment will not be successful. There may be atypical reactions of the body to alcohol, severe violations of cardiac activity, hypertensive crisis, poisoning by surrogates. Therefore, if your health does not return to normal for a long time, do not be shy - immediately call " ambulance» in order to prevent severe consequences and not overshadow the recent feast.

Hangover is the result overuse alcoholic beverages. During this state, a person experiences physical and psychological discomfort. Let's find out how to speed up the process of recovery and withdrawal harmful substances.


Exists whole line symptoms that every person who "went through" the day before inevitably faces. Among the most dangerous signs nausea and vomiting, disruption of the heart, dehydration and dizziness are released. As the amount of alcohol consumed increases, each of these symptoms becomes more noticeable. With regular binges, dry mouth becomes "usual", and the heart muscle increases several times due to fat accumulations. As a result, a person after a hangover shakes violently, and he develops tachycardia. Problems do not bypass the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of binges and malnutrition, growths form on the walls of the stomach, which eventually disappear. Together with them, the walls of the organ are torn, which leads to the appearance of ulcers.

The liver takes a big hit with a hangover

The liver takes a big hit with a hangover. Its main function is to filter the blood, which is why all toxic toxins pass through the cells of this organ. Another highly affected organ is the kidneys. Frequent binges lead to pyelonephritis and other dangerous diseases. The brain and nervous system are no less amenable to harmful effects toxins. Under the influence of acetaldehyde, brain cells die and are later excreted along with urine. From frequent use alcohol perish nerve endings, as a result of which the alcoholic feels frequent dumbness of the hands and feet. No less detrimental to nervous system influence the constant stress experienced by an alcoholic with every drinking bout.

It is important to know!

The easiest way with a 100% guarantee of results to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections and doctors. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...


No one has yet found the best hangover cure. However, there are a number of rules for providing first aid for the main signs of a hangover syndrome. Following these rules, the patient will quickly improve his health and speed up the process of removing toxins. This will require:

  • take a cool shower - it will invigorate and tone;
  • put on the head cold compress- it normalizes blood circulation in the brain;
  • take a warm aromatized bath - it will relax the muscles and relieve tension;
  • drink a couple of activated charcoal tablets - it will absorb the remaining acetaldehyde;
  • drink plenty of water - it will replenish water-salt balance;
  • eat chicken broth and fresh salads- they replenish the body with vitamins;
  • commit walking tour- It relieves tension and stress.

First urgent Care with the main symptoms of a hangover syndrome

Along with the recommendations, there is a small list of what is not worth or absolutely impossible to do to the patient. Firstly, you do not need to overload the brain with hard mental work, and the heart and muscles - physical activity. Secondly, categorically it is impossible to take potent medicines. So, experts forbid taking. This drug will further aggravate the patient's condition and increase the load on the heart. Third, do not eat fatty foods. The liver is already suffering, and fats will further worsen its condition.


You can get rid of the symptoms of a protracted hangover only if you follow all the principles of its complex treatment. First of all, you need to carry out the procedure of detoxification of the body. Secondly, you need to eliminate all pain symptoms. Thirdly, you need to restore the lost water-salt balance

You can detoxify your body with medication.

It will be possible to detoxify the patient's body with the help of biochemical and other medicines. The former include succinic, citric and other organic acids. For example, an effective hangover remedy included in this group is Buffalo. This medication is a powder based on succinic acid. Before use, it must be dissolved in water. The remedy is taken immediately after the banquet before going to bed.

To neutralize toxins, you need to take Antipohmelin. The composition of this supplement includes succinic, ascorbic, glutamic and fumaric acids. This drug is taken with alcohol. Several tablets are taken before the start of the banquet and the same amount - in the midst of gatherings. If you have a hangover in the morning, you will need to take another 5-6 tablets. To stop the accumulation of acetaldehyde, you need to drink a few capsules Zelnaka. This must be done before or after the banquet.

The rest of the medicines are aimed at adsorbing harmful substances and their decomposition products. These include activated charcoal. It should be taken a couple of hours after the banquet, drinking plenty of water. 2 hours before meals, you will need to take 20 g Enterosgel. If the next morning you suffer from a hangover, then you need to drink the same amount of the remedy. If necessary, repeat the dose in the afternoon and evening. To improve the condition, we advise you to drink Polyphepan. To do this, the powder is dissolved in water and taken 2 times a day.

Another known medicinePolysorb. For treatment, it is diluted in water and taken twice a day. Be careful - you can take no more than 10 g of funds per day!


Among the most effective means to get rid of muscle pain, stand out Nurofen, Citramon And No-shpa. They affect precisely the foci of pain. However, before taking any of the funds, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Often patients seek help in effervescent tablets that dissolve quickly in water. One of the most known meansAlka-Prim. It contains glycine and aspirin, which quickly relieve pain, inflammatory processes and normalize metabolism. During treatment, you need to drink 2 tablets three times a day.

Citramon helps to get rid of muscle pain

Another tool - Alka-Seltzer. These tablets contain lemon acid, aspirin and sodium bicarbonate. Together these components work well. pain and effectively reduce high temperature. You can drink no more than 6 tablets per day. A well-known Zorex consists of calcium pantothenate and unithiol. These components bind acetaldehydes and remove them from the body. Zorex should also be taken to prevent a hangover. To do this, you need to drink 2 tablets of the medication before the banquet.

Another tool - Limontar. Lemon and succinic acid included in these effervescent tablets, improve appetite, metabolism in tissues and remove ethanol. A couple of hours before the feast, you need to dissolve in water and drink 2 tablets of the remedy. Before taking effervescent tablets, you should also consult a doctor.


To quickly normalize the water-salt balance of the body, experts advise taking Regidron, Hydrovit Forte And Citraglucosalan. Their compositions contain all the components that will be required to eliminate the painful symptoms of a hangover and stabilize the water and electrolyte balance in the body. In addition to these medications, doctors advise taking a vitamin-mineral complex that helps speed up the process of removing acetaldehyde. Among these complexes best result gives reception Berocca Plus And Supradina.

At complex treatment hangover Special attention need to pay attention to the restoration of the liver. Since this organ processes more than 90% of ethanol, it will need the help of hepatoprotectors. They are divided into several groups. The first includes funds based on milk thistle. These include Gepabene, Silimar And Sibektan. They have a healing effect on the liver and a number of other organs. With their help, the body quickly restores the supply of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of alcohol molecules.

Medicines based on essential phospholipids

The second group includes medicines based on other medicines. Among them stands out Metaprote, Heptral And Liv-52. Last resort eliminates pain in the liver, coming from a hangover. The third group includes organ preparations. The most popular among them are Sirepar And Gepadif. Last group hepatoprotectors includes medicines based on essential phospholipids. The most famous among them are Essliver Forte And Essentiale Forte.

Before taking drugs for liver restoration, you need to undergo an examination and obtain a prescription from a doctor.

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Hangover. How to quickly get rid of a hangover. Hangover remedy.

The best remedy for a hangover is, as you know, you need to know your limits. And yet, how should you drink alcohol properly to avoid a hangover?

Rules for drinking alcohol - the best cure for a hangover

ethnoscience recommends eating a raw egg or a slice before drinking alcohol butter. Then alcohol will not be absorbed. To avoid alcohol poisoning during libations, in no case should you mix vodka with wine, vodka with beer ("ruff"). Do not mix 2 varieties of wine, especially red and white. The feast should start with weak drinks, then move on to stronger ones - this is the so-called rule for increasing the degree. It is known that alcoholic beverages with a strength of 20-30 degrees are absorbed into the blood the fastest, i.e. Whiskey diluted with water raises blood alcohol concentration faster than pure whiskey. Another rule - you can not breed alcoholic drinks sparkling water - it's just a killer mixture!

But what to do if it does happen? And on the face all his symptoms - headache, dizziness, dry mouth, intense thirst, ? There are a few folk methods getting rid of a hangover.

Get rid of a hangover - folk remedies

1. quick hangover- This folk recipe with ammonia. drink a glass cold water, to which 4-6 drops are added ammonia.

2. Quickly and strongly rub the ears of a drunkard with your palms. A rush of blood to the head will help bring the drunk to his senses.

3. Drink a glass of cold water in one gulp, to which 15-20 drops are added mint tincture on alcohol.

5. As you know, drinking alcohol greatly dehydrates the body, so with a hangover it is necessary plentiful drink, it is desirable to drink pure non-carbonated water.

6. Bath against a hangover: in the morning you can prepare a "sober bath". Need to fill the bath warm water and add freshly squeezed juice of two lemons and one grapefruit. Citrus juices are well removed from the body of the breakdown product of alcohol.

7. Activated charcoal will help remove toxins from a hangover - crush 7 tablets of activated charcoal, stir in a glass of water and drink. At the same time, you can take 1 tablet of soluble vitamin C.

How to cure a hangover with food

1. With a hangover, a pumpkin drink will help - pickles are peeled, grated or finely chopped. pumpkin juice mix with chopped cucumbers and a glass of their brine. Mix everything, season to taste with salt, sugar, pepper. Drink chilled with ice.

2. Salad will help with a hangover - sauerkraut is mixed (2 parts), fresh cabbage(1 part), grated carrots (1 part) and 1/2 cup cucumber pickle. Eat slowly in one go.

3. It is useful for a hangover to eat hot soups. Some peoples eat with a hangover syndrome "khash" - hot jelly.

4. Great remedy hangover spicy cocktail. Preparation - grease a wide glass vegetable oil so that on inner surface a thin oil film remains. In a glass, put 2 teaspoons of spicy tomato sauce, raw egg yolk, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, salt, pepper, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of vodka or pepper. Drink in one gulp, then lie down on the sofa, close your eyes, put a wet cold towel on your forehead and lie in this state for 15-20 minutes.

5. Folk remedy for a hangover for women - vitamin cocktail. Cooking - a glass of natural orange juice, one lemon with peel, one egg and 100 g of honey beat with a mixer or in a blender until smooth. Drink in small sips.

6. With a hangover, it is useful to chew licorice root.

7. Excellent hangover cure tomato juice With salt. Preparation: add 1 teaspoon of salt to tomato juice, stir, drink.

8. Cucumber, cabbage brine: put a clove of garlic and a pinch of ground pepper in a glass of brine. These drinks will retain fluid in the body and help relieve a hangover.

Ahead of the long May holidays, fun holidays, meetings with friends. Surely many will again "take too much." Bust with alcohol and poor-quality food poisoning - persistent problems accompanying Russians on holidays. At first everything is so great, fun and joyful. And the next morning, the inevitable hangover caused by negative impact alcohol on the body.

Let's talk today about how you can make it easier disease state and consider the best means hangover. And let's discuss how pharmaceutical preparations first aid, and effective folk remedies treatment. But let's start with
symptoms alcohol poisoning body:

How does hangover manifest itself?

It all starts with a severe headache, weakness, weakness. There is nausea, often vomiting. The patient's hands tremble, rise or, conversely, feel strong.

Very often to physical ailment are joining psychological problems. For example, a person in a state of hangover very often feels guilty, even if he did nothing terrible. This is due to certain biochemical reactions.

Of course, being in such a situation, any person is ready to accept any means, just to get rid of suffering. Of course, it is better not to bring yourself to such a state. But it is not always possible to control oneself, especially if several glasses have already been drunk and internal control is weakened. If in the morning you suffer from yesterday's revelry, you will be helped by:


Drink mineral water in the morning. Best buy alkaline, Essentuki, Arzni). Drink in small portions, but often. A glass every half an hour - an hour.

Will help famous drug, which alleviates the condition and normalizes the functioning of the liver. In addition, it will facilitate the intake of sorbents. You can take the drug. It will bind toxins in the body and quickly remove them from the body. The sorbent is It is taken in the calculation - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.

Help get rid of painful symptoms drugs and. You can buy them at any nearest pharmacy. They restore the level of potassium, magnesium in the body, normalizing osmotic pressure.

Take a few tablets of succinic acid (if your stomach does not hurt). This substance accelerates metabolic processes, increasing the synthesis of pyruvate. As a result, the patient's condition improves significantly. No wonder succinic acid, together with fumaric acid, is included in the popular Antipohmelin remedy.

When severe hangover will help Russian drug. It contains unithiol, which is an antidote. The drug binds acetaldehyde, ions heavy metals and removes them from the body. However, you need to be careful with it if you suffer from allergies.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, our ancestors treated hangover suffering with cucumber, tomato, cabbage pickle. It is no coincidence that on the tables during the feast there were always in large numbers dishes from sauerkraut, pickles, barrel tomatoes and other pickles and marinades. In addition, in the morning after the feast they ate hot fatty cabbage soup.

These products are able to effectively relieve painful hangovers, as they effectively restore electrolyte balance. But, unfortunately, not always modern man can be cured in these ways. If so, try other folk remedies for hangovers:

Mix a glass of low-alcohol light beer with raw egg. Mix thoroughly with a fork until smooth and drink in one gulp. After about an hour, eat cabbage soup or borscht.

In the morning, mix 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice, juice of 1 lemon and 1/4 cup bee honey. Add 1 raw yolk and beat this remedy in a mixer. Drink the resulting cocktail immediately. After about half an hour, you will feel noticeable relief.

Make an enema with a decoction of chamomile. This remedy will cleanse the body of toxins. Moreover, the faster you cleanse the intestines, the faster your health will improve.

Add 2 tsp to a glass of warm boiled milk. castor oil and a pinch of black pepper. Stir and drink slowly. True, after that it is better not to leave the house until the evening.

Salted tomato juice eliminates the painful condition very well. For 1 glass of juice put 1/2 tsp. salt. Drink in small sips. In the morning you can drink up to 1 liter. juice, then take a cool shower and lie down.

Such a tool helps a lot: dissolve 20 drops of mint tincture in a glass of clean cold water, drink in small sips. This will help eliminate headache, nausea. Repeat the treatment after a couple of hours.

To avoid a hangover

If you know that you can not resist and overdo it with alcohol, take the appropriate measures to prevent a hangover:

15-20 minutes before the feast, drink a glass of fresh milk or eat a sandwich with lard. You will not get so drunk if you eat a piece of butter beforehand. These products will cover the gastric mucosa with a thin greasy film, which will slow down the flow of alcohol into the blood.

Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Always eat well and eat a lot.

Alternate alcohol with soft drinks mineral water without gas or juice. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

A waste after a holiday with alcohol is always hard to tolerate by the body at all stages. Hangover pills will help you quickly and reliably neutralize the consequences of drinking alcohol.

Medicines of this type are sold without a prescription at any pharmacy and are usually available for affordable price. Inexpensive doesn't mean bad. See for yourself.

It just so happened that not a single holiday passes without alcohol-containing drinks, and detoxification after alcohol poisoning is a rather unpleasant and lengthy process.

Treatment of a hangover is not difficult, but a crucial moment, without which you will have to lie in bed in a nightmarish state for a long time.

You will be sick, sick. Vomiting may begin. Increase heart rate. The pressure and temperature will jump. will appear excessive sweating. Your head hurts and you won't be able to sleep again. A nasty smell of fumes will come out of your mouth. Cover the fear of alcoholism.

All this and general weakness will not allow you to work if you have a hangover on a working day.

Because in home first aid kit, among painkillers and other essentials, there should be pills for withdrawal symptoms.

They have two types:

  • relieving symptoms;
  • complex substances.

They differ in composition, cost, speed and efficiency. If the former relieve only nausea and headaches, then the latter help to remove poisons from the body and improve general state, exerting a multidirectional influence.

When choosing your own hangover cure, pay attention to:

  • Instruction leaflet - carefully study the list of contraindications and dosage.
  • Expiration date - always indicated on the package. Expired medication significantly aggravates intoxication.
  • Package condition - improper storage and depressurization worsen the properties of the chemical composition.
  • Do not drink alcohol on the day you take the medicine.
  • Do not take products to which you have previously had a negative reaction or allergy.
  • If you have diabetes or other chronic illness requiring constant use of tablets, make sure that the drugs are compatible.
  • Significant worsening condition after drinking the pill - clear sign improper reaction of the body to the substance. Call an ambulance immediately.

Any medical preparation may cause unexpected effects due to individual characteristics each person.

What medicines can be used

It is easy to get rid of a hangover quickly and in the comfort of your own home with the help of appropriate remedies.

Useful properties that such medicines have:

  • eliminate thirst and restore the functioning of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity;
  • perform detoxification at an accelerated pace, freeing the body from the decay products of alcohols;
  • normalize the water-salt balance after poisoning;
  • eliminate symptoms;
  • prevent dizziness due to weakness.

In order to be treated correctly and safely, and not to harm, you should know the main condition - familiarize yourself with the properties of a particular drug and which systems it affects. Thus, it will be possible to avoid unpleasant consequences and recover as soon as possible.


Substances that neutralize and remove poisons from the body. Help to recover from intoxication of any nature.

Most popular: White coal, Activated carbon, Atoxil, Smecta, Enterosgel.

It is worth using them separately from anti-hangover medicines.


The most effective in intoxication of any nature. The composition is similar to a solution that is administered through an intravenous drip, which helps to get out of a long and heavy binge to relieve symptoms and remove some of them.

Available in powder form. Dissolves in 1 liter of water. But you need to drink at least 2 liters per day. Tastes like normal but slightly brackish water.


Relevant for severe intoxication, which is characterized by nausea and vomiting - the body is trying with all its might to get rid of the resulting poison.

Drugs with this effect affect a special center in the brain, blocking vomiting and nausea.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets and injections. But at home it is safe to take only a few of them: Sturgeon, Cerucal, Metoclopramide. Enough 1 reception, in the morning, on an empty stomach. Within half an hour, the symptoms will pass for the whole day.


Headache, as a constant companion of a hangover syndrome, makes a person incapacitated more than other signs of intoxication. It can be overcome with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills.

List of medicines:

  • Analgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Aspirin;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Ketorolac.

It is worth giving up Citramon and Paracetamol, which heavily burden the liver. You need to drink them only after eating, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the gastric mucosa.


When drinking alcohol, the work of many systems, including the pancreas, is disrupted. The production of enzymes that are involved in the digestion and assimilation of food, as well as in metabolic processes, decreases.

As a result, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea occur. Therefore, it is necessary to help with artificial analogues so that the body can more easily endure the stress caused by alcohol poisoning.

Most effective medicines this group:

  • Mezim,
  • Creon,
  • Panzinorm,
  • pankurmen,
  • Pancreatin.


Phosphalugel, Maalox, Almagel - created to balance the pH in the stomach. They improve the functioning of the mucosa, relieving inflammation and neutralizing some harmful substances.

Release form in the form of a gel or suspension.

If you do not want to drink a lot of medicines to normalize your condition in the morning after a stormy holiday, one, but multifunctional, will suit you.

Complex preparations

Excellent help from a hangover are various drugs designed specifically to relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and accelerated elimination toxins. They replace a whole set of pills.


Most good way- a delicious pop that helps to move away from a hangover, eliminating the consequences of drinking: dizziness, pain, heartburn. Restores electrolyte balance.

The composition is based on: vitamin C, soda, acetylsalicylic acid.

It is enough to throw two tablets into the water and a fizzy drink will help to escape from the withdrawal syndrome.


Improves brain function, allowing you to concentrate. Calms the nervous system. Eliminates backfire drinking alcohol in digestive system. Accelerates the work of the digestive tract. Relieves headache. Normalizes sleep.

Contains: soda, glycine, acetylsalicylic acid.


Significantly reduces toxicity. Removes nausea, discomfort in the abdomen. Pain reliever. Speeds up metabolic processes and regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Consists of natural ingredients.

They are most easily absorbed by the body and have the most favorable and effective impact helping to get rid of a hangover: ginger, ginseng, guarana. licorice root, numerous vitamins and amino acids.


When alcohol is abused during a drunken state or frequent holidays, zinc deficiency is formed. This drug will help to fill it and get rid of some of the symptoms of a hangover.


It is aimed at accelerated detoxification: removing toxins naturally, improving metabolism, regulating the functioning of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. The main active substances are pantothenate and unithiol.


catchy name and high efficiency. The drug helps to completely overcome unpleasant signs otkhodnyak after drinking. Protects internal organs and other body systems from the harmful effects of ethanol breakdown products.

Consists of natural ingredients: various herbs and extracts from medicinal plants.

Morning Care

Liquid Korean drug with a strong poisoning effect fast action. Consists entirely of natural ingredients and does not contain alcohol, therefore it is harmless to the body.

Worth knowing! About all the mentioned drugs, user reviews are purely positive.

There are also many resources traditional medicine to improve your condition. Among them: succinic acid, cabbage or cucumber pickle, dairy products, herbal decoctions and so on.

Don't go for the own desire and get hungover with beer, wine, vodka or other alcoholic drinks, which men often do. You will only aggravate your condition, although there is a short-term relief. Better drink more mineral water.

How to avoid a hangover

An excellent way out of the situation with waste: to prevent this condition.

You need to take care of your health even before drinking alcohol. If you study the instructions in detail, some drugs are recommended to be taken before drinking or immediately after it in order to wake up with minimal consequences of yesterday's holiday.

To cope with such a task, for example, Aspirin (1 tab / 35 kg of weight - at bedtime after drinking and in the morning). The main thing is not to forget that what is happening today can come back around great tomorrow.