Healing properties of cloves. Alcohol tincture of cloves

You can find seasonings in any housewife's kitchen. Among them there will definitely be cloves - a widespread spice, which is the unopened buds of the clove tree. The seasoning is loved for its bitter, spicy taste and rich aroma. It is an integral component of many culinary masterpieces.

Of course, its main use is the production of marinades: fish, meat, vegetable, mushroom, fruit and berry. In addition, it is an invariable component of various spicy mixtures. However, even without mixtures, dry buds decorate many dishes. Thus, confectioners value its caps as a piquant addition to the taste of various sweets, puddings and compotes (here it can be mixed with cinnamon). Meat lovers also know well that adding cloves and black pepper can make the result unforgettable.

Thanks to its lasting scent dried cloves received recognition from perfumers who include it in oriental fragrances. In addition, it can also be used as incense (in this role it gained popularity in Japan and China). Also in some countries it is used in the production of flavored cigarettes.

Cloves can be used not only in cooking and perfumery - this spice has medicinal properties and, when used wisely, helps to cope with many diseases.

Cloves are a unique spice that contains a vitamin complex of groups A, B, P, C, E. The presence of minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber allows the spice to occupy a leading position in unique beneficial properties.

An excellent antiseptic is plant oil, which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Cloves are a fairly popular spice. beneficial features were noticed after recent medical research and contraindications to its use do not apply to patients with oncological diseases. For them, the plant is truly unique, since its fruits are capable of producing significant positive result, aimed at the recovery of patients in this category.

According to the results of studies, the properties of the spice can prevent and slow down the growth of cancer cells, facilitating the overall recovery of the patient. Researchers have also found the use of cloves for leukemia patients.

Use in folk medicine

Thanks to unique composition, cloves are very popular among adherents traditional medicine, as well as from medical professionals. The spice can be easily used at home to prepare all kinds of useful potions.

People often use recipes to treat complex and not so complex diseases. To prepare healing decoction or a spice infusion, you just need to choose the appropriate recipe.

You need to take it three times a day, half an hour before meals. In the evening, pour boiling water over the already used flowers of the plant again, which you need to drink the next day. On the third day of treatment, an infusion of new spice flowers is prepared.

The medicine must be taken for six months. It is also useful for diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels.

Runny nose, cough, cold

  • Mix the crushed seasoning with 1 teaspoon of honey; eat this mixture slowly so that it is absorbed into the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  • For a cold, 5 buds of clove spice should be ground in a mortar to a powder, then poured into a glass of boiling milk. Wait 20 minutes, strain the broth and consume warm - drink in slow sips, holding the liquid in your mouth.
  • A mixture of a tablespoon of ground cloves, cinnamon and almonds will help cope with headaches. Pour water over all the spices until you get a thick consistency. Folk ointment ready – rub it into your temples for 5 minutes and migraine attacks will stop causing you inconvenience.
  • To relieve a spasmodic cough, take 5 drops of clove essential oil, a tablespoon of honey and a small clove of garlic. Mix everything and consume before bed. The recommended dosage is presented in the recipe for one day.


  • A simple recipe will help you get rid of stye - add a few drops of water to a crushed clove bud, mix and gently apply to the eye area.

Low pressure

  • If you have low blood pressure, instead of drinking caffeine, try chewing a few clove buds, which will normalize your blood pressure and pleasantly freshen your breath.

Skin rashes

  • A drop of clove oil, which must be applied to the inflamed area once a day, will help cope with unpleasant skin rashes during adolescence. The oil especially helps to cope with boils and pustules.

Recipes for weight loss

Magnificently demonstrates clove spice beneficial properties for weight loss. To achieve guaranteed reduction weight, the use of spices must be strictly according to the recipe.

Cope with fat deposits problem areas Oh, tea will help, it’s very easy to make yourself:

  • You need to mix half a teaspoon of chopped spice and the same amount of ground ginger. Add 1 teaspoon of green tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for 40 minutes. The result is a strong, concentrated composition that should be used as tea leaves. You should drink this tea throughout the day without sugar, you can add lemon to taste.
  • Another recipe for weight loss: oil for self-massage of problem areas. It’s quite simple to prepare: you need to mix 2 tablespoons of ground spice with any massage oil and let the mixture brew thoroughly for 24 hours. Use to massage the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and sides.

Benefits of cloves for women's health

Since ancient times spicy plant used to treat all kinds of gynecological diseases– seasoning-based products help increase the tone of the uterus and normalize the monthly cycle.

In addition, with the help of clove decoctions, you can stimulate labor and also treat inflammation. genitourinary system among women.

To prepare healthy remedy you can use this recipe:

  • add crushed spice (1 tablespoon) to 1 liter of water, let the mixture brew for 24 hours. You need to take the infusion for 10 days, before going to bed, 50 ml. This remedy helps get rid of many gynecological problems V short time.

Cloves in gynecology

The beneficial properties of cloves for women allow, with the help of traditional medicine, to get rid of discomfort during menopause and improve reproductive function. Herbal medicine specialists have discovered the use of cloves in the field of gynecology.

However, all prescriptions require prior consultation with your doctor to avoid negative consequences for your body.

Here are detailed recipes for spice treatment for use at home.

Infertility treatment

When used daily, cloves can provide significant assistance to women in the fight against infertility. Preparing clove spice will not take much of your time.

Take 4 tablespoons of the crushed plant (you can use a coffee grinder) and pour a glass of boiled purified water. Leave the prepared tea to steep for half an hour in the room, then use gauze or cotton wool to get rid of the grounds.

Spice treatment should be carried out before meals - drink 3 tablespoons of tea, therapy should be repeated 4 times in one day. Be sure to prepare fresh tea every day to reap the medicinal health benefits of the spice.

Cloves for menopause

During menopause or hormonal change All women experience hot flashes, which cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, the beneficial properties of cloves for women are especially valuable at this time.

The following recipe will help you cope with age-related hormonal changes.

To reduce pain in the evening, 15 pieces of fruit are poured with a glass of water heated to 40 degrees and left until the morning. The next day, you need to drink half the tea before breakfast, and the rest before dinner. To make the spice treatment more effective, prepare a fresh batch of tea every evening.

Benefits of cloves for face and hair

Women have long known cosmetic properties spices with a strong aroma. Products from the seasoning are beneficial for the face, as they provide an antioxidant effect and help fight the first signs of aging. They are also used to enhance hair growth and get rid of dandruff.

Take advantage of useful and healing properties spices will help mask recipes:

  1. To get rid of dandruff, as well as strengthen the hair follicles, you can simply add the essential oil of the plant to your usual shampoo.
  2. In order to get rid of acne, should be added to one teaspoon olive oil a few drops of spice essential oil. Warm the mixture a little, soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to your face.
  3. Rejuvenating face mask – mix gray clay (5 g) with pomegranate juice (10 ml) and three drops of spice essential oil. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Mulled wine with cloves

Try making a wonderful mulled wine drink using cloves in the recipe.

A warm alcoholic drink stimulates the heart, relieves autumn blues and depression, especially popular during colds. The most important thing is proper preparation.

For treatment, take 0.5 liters of quality wine, heat it a little and add 5 clove buds and a pinch of cinnamon. Mulled wine is ready. Adults are recommended to drink it as a stand-alone drink; teenagers should add a few teaspoons of alcoholic beverage to tea (consult your doctor).

What are the benefits of clove tea?

Tea prepared with added spice will help protect the body from sore throat and acute respiratory viral infections during the cold season. It is also recommended to take it simply for the prevention of respiratory diseases; this drink improves immunity, calms the nervous system, warms up during chills, and helps cope with headaches.

Let's list the main beneficial properties of clove tea:

  • Eliminates physical stress, relaxes after a hard day and stress.
  • Fights muscle spasms.
  • Eliminates stomach colic.
  • Helps activate digestion processes.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Removes painful sensations in the throat during colds.
  • Prevents the development of cancer cells, being an auxiliary medicine for oncological diseases.

IN classical way During preparation, several dried buds are added to the tea, the drink is left for 5 minutes, and then consumed in small sips.

A simple recipe for healthy medicinal tea:

For 500 ml of water use 3 cloves, 2 lemon slices, a little grated ginger, half a cinnamon stick, 30 ml fresh juice orange and 1 teaspoon of black tea. All ingredients are mixed, then filled with water and brought to a boil. The resulting decoction is used as tea leaves. You can drink this tea several times during the day, adding honey or sugar to taste.

Tea recipe for colds

The beneficial properties of clove tea are known to many during colds. Spice added to tea helps fight viral infections. It is recommended to drink a warm drink as a preventive measure in winter and autumn.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • purified boiled water – 0.5 l;
  • 2 clove buds;
  • a little ginger;
  • a tablespoon of tea leaves;
  • half a cinnamon stick or a small pinch of dried spice;
  • lemon slice;
  • 3 tablespoons orange juice;
  • sugar to taste.

Pour water into a small saucepan and place ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Boil the decoction and pour it into a brew of black or green tea, after 5 minutes add lemon, sugar and Orange juice. Drink aromatic tea 3 times a day at home or at work.

Another recipe has no less beneficial properties of clove tea during a cold and will appeal to all milk lovers.

To prepare it you will need:

  • boiled milk – 0.5 l.;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • tea leaves – 3 teaspoons;
  • cloves – 3 buds;
  • grated ginger.

Pour dried buds with ginger into a glass of water and bring to a boil, add tea leaves, let the tea brew for 5 minutes. Strain the warm drink through cheesecloth or a sieve, add boiled milk. Tea with milk and cloves is ready to be poured into cups and consumed.

Coffee with cloves

A drink with this seasoning normalizes cerebral circulation, it warms and tones perfectly. It is especially recommended to drink this coffee during the cold season.

Lemon with cloves against mosquitoes

And finally, a problem that at first glance has nothing to do with health, but literally haunts us every summer. Let's talk about how lemon and cloves can help get rid of mosquitoes. To do this, you just need to cut a lemon and stick a few buds of dry spice into the pulp. The resulting aroma as a result of this simple procedure will be pleasant to you and will repel mosquitoes.

Clove oil: properties and uses

Aromatic essential oil, whose properties have long been known, helps relieve headache, eliminates cellulite (when added to massage oil), provides an antiseptic effect, and can also serve as a pain reliever.

Use in medicinal purposes you can already finished oil, which is sold in pharmacies.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

At all times, cloves have been used for healing, but it is important to know when you can use the bud of the flower, and when only the cap. The beneficial properties of cloves are very popular among adherents of folk and traditional medicine, and contraindications to the plant should be taken into account before using it. Therefore, before treatment, carefully study the recipe.

  • The recommended amount of fruit for preparing one dish is no more than 5 buds for 4 people.
  • When preserving, it is recommended to adhere to the proportions of 3 buds per liter of liquid.

If you use cloves to prepare marinades or dishes that require the addition of alcoholic drinks, then the bitterness of the spice can quickly be extracted in the alcohol itself, bringing no benefit, but only worsening aromatic properties dishes.

There is a group of people who should not include cloves in their daily diet:

  1. Children under 2 years of age should avoid this type spices.
  2. Pregnant women should not use cloves, as they increase the tone of the uterus.
  3. Spice is also harmful when increased acidity gastric juice, since it tends to activate the selection of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract. Against this background, it is natural to limit the use of cloves to people with stomach ulcers, gastritis, and gastroduodenitis.
  4. Availability high pressure is a reason to avoid cloves, as it helps to increase it.
  5. Individual intolerance to clove spice - expressed in allergic manifestations on the skin.

How to identify a quality product

A sure sign that fermentation is complete is that the petiole leaves a trace of essential oil on the paper when pressed.

Another way to check the quality of a dried bud is to throw it in water. If the carnation is of high quality, it will either sink or float “standing up”, with its cap up. And if it starts to float horizontally, it means that the essential oil has been exhausted from it, and the spice has already lost its properties.

In any case, having decided to try cloves (spice) or its oil on yourself, you must remember the strict dosage of the spice, contraindications and possible side effects due to individual intolerance.
An aromatic spice is a good opportunity to keep your body in good shape and in good health, for both women and men. Take the chance and be healthy and cheerful!

The beneficial properties and contraindications of clove spice are described in treatises on traditional medicine in Asia and the Middle East. In many modern European countries the plant is considered pharmacopoeial, i.e. officially recognized as medicinal. Cloves are a source of valuable essential oil that has analgesic, antimicrobial and many other medicinal properties.

Clove seasoning is the unopened buds of the clove tree, dried in the sun. They are collected twice a year and dried to a certain condition. A quality spice should be oily, leave a mark on the paper and sink in water.

The main healing power of cloves lies in the essential oil.

It consists of 70-95% of the volatile substance eugenol. A smaller share falls on caryophyllene, furfural, and methyl benzoate. The seasoning contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, nicotine and ascorbic acid. The ash contains minerals: calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus.

Essential oils protect plants from harmful bacteria and fungal rot. Fumigating a room helps get rid of unwanted insects. Products made from volatile compounds find applications in medicine.

Cloves are used as:

  • pain reliever;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • stimulating the nervous system;
  • blood pressure elevating agent;
  • stimulant;
  • normalizing digestion;
  • enhancing uterine contractions during contractions;
  • antitumor;
  • anthelmintic.

Cloves are taken orally. The seasoning is infused with teas. Drops of oil are added to drinks. For external use, infusions and extracts are dissolved in bath water. Compresses are made from decoctions. Clove essential oil is used for massages and rubbing.

When applied to the skin, the seasoning products irritate external receptors. As a result of local action, blood circulation and lymph movement increase. The severity of inflammation is reduced and pain is suppressed. Clove rubs are effective for arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, neuralgia, and rheumatism.

The antiseptic effect of clove oil-based products is used in the treatment of skin diseases And erosive lesions mucous membranes. Eugenol prevents the spread of infection to healthy areas, kills pathogenic bacteria, promotes healing minor wounds. Treats rashes of various types: herpes, furunculosis, acne.

At unpleasant smell from the mouth, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, irrigation is carried out. During colds, cloves are used to gargle and rinse the nose.

The seasoning is used in aromatherapy as a tonic. It improves brain function, increases blood pressure, increases performance. Acts as an aphrodisiac - stimulates sexual desire.

Drops and infusions heal wounds in the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Normalizes appetite and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Remedies from cloves tone the uterine muscles and straighten the menstrual cycle. Strengthen efforts and promote delivery.

Recently, it was discovered that the seasoning has antitumor properties and can inhibit the development of cancer.

Use of cloves:

Clove spice for headaches

Cloves are both tonic and relaxing. It strengthens the blood vessels of the brain, stimulates the heart, and increases blood pressure. Clove oil is effective for headaches associated with disorders cerebral circulation or a drop in blood pressure.

You need to grind 5 g of seasoning. Mix the powder with a few drops camphor alcohol. Stir to a paste and apply the paste to the temples. Inhaling essential oil vapors can also help relieve pain.

Use in dentistry

Clove oil is a strong antiseptic and analgesic. Thanks to these properties, it has found applications in therapeutic dentistry and dentures. The product is added to hardening materials for the manufacture of temporary fillings, partitions, impressions and other orthodontic structures.

Clove oil helps fast healing damaged tissues, prevents the development of infections, has a local calming effect and relieves toothache. At home for suppression discomfort you need to lubricate the gums with a cotton swab dipped in diluted clove oil. The essence from the seasoning is diluted with any cosmetic or food vegetable fat in a ratio of 1:3, where a smaller proportion is cloves.

Cloves as a spice in gynecology

Cloves are good for women's health. Spice improves uterine contractility. Helps regulate the menstrual cycle. Reduces severity unpleasant symptoms for painful periods, premenstrual syndrome, menopause.

Used for gynecological diseases as a hemostatic agent. Strengthens labor activity.

To increase the tone of the uterus, prepare herbal infusion. Pour a spoonful of seasoning into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. The prepared drink is consumed before meals three times a day, a tablespoon. The duration of treatment depends on the woman’s health condition.

In cosmetology

To care for the skin of the face and neck, use diluted essential oil. 3-5 drops are dissolved in 10 ml of any cosmetic product. You can dilute cloves in other oils intended for external use: peach, sesame, jojoba, etc.

The prepared product is applied with massage movements to aging skin. After light stroking, it is washed off with warm water.

For the treatment of acne, redness and other skin blemishes, problem area lubricate with undiluted clove oil. It has an antiseptic and drying effect. During the procedure, try not to touch healthy skin.

In combination with burdock oil, the aromatic essence of cloves enhances the nutrition of hair roots. Can be used as a strengthening and healing agent.

The mask is prepared on the basis burdock oil. A few drops of clove ether are added to it. The product is rubbed into the roots. The scalp is insulated with a towel for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, the hair is washed regular shampoo. Actions must be repeated regularly 1-2 times a week for a month.

In cooking

Cloves are a popular spice whose pungent, sweet taste goes well with most dishes. Mainly used in marinades. Used in cooking meat, poultry, fish, minced meat, broths, soups and confectionery.

The bitterness of the clove is hidden in the stem, and the sweetness in the cap. For the manufacture of confectionery products it is recommended to use top part spices combined with cinnamon.

The longer the cloves are processed high temperatures, the more bitterness it imparts to the dish.

Therefore, to obtain a subtle aroma, it must be added as close as possible to the time of preparation.

The infusion is prepared over boiling water. A small portion of cloves (half a teaspoon of buds) is poured into a glass. The mixture is infused for an hour.

The infusion is taken orally, half a teaspoon three times a day before meals. The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor. You can gargle with the strained solution and rinse your nose up to three times a day. With the same regularity, lotions are applied to the skin during the treatment of the rash.

Alcohol tincture clove buds are used to prepare compresses to combat rheumatism, neuralgia, and joint pain. 25 buds with a glass of vodka are infused for a week in a dark place.

The resulting product is used as an anesthetic. They lubricate bothersome areas. The skin is insulated with insulating material. Keep the compress for 30 minutes - 1 hour.

Tea with cloves and its beneficial properties

Tea with cloves has restorative properties. It is good for hypotensive people. Helps maintain blood pressure in a normal range.

Stimulates mental capacity. Improves the brain's perception of information.

Tea is used as an invigorating remedy for chronic emotional fatigue and decreased performance. Add 1-2 buds of spice to a glass of hot drink. After 2-3 minutes she is pulled out.

The bitterness of the spice is removed with honey and lemon. Tea can be consumed a cup a day as a tonic for the prevention of ARVI.

How to prepare and use clove essential oil?

Clove oil is obtained through chemical extraction or water distillation. He's being pulled out different parts plants: shoots, leaves, buds and buds.

You can prepare it at home medicine from regular seasoning and any cosmetic oil, such as sesame oil. Place 5 spice buds on a tablespoon of liquid base. The oil is heated in a water bath for an hour. Let it cool completely. The cloves are not removed.

Cold compresses are prepared with oil. Dissolve a few drops of the product in a glass of water. Moisten the tissue and apply it to the projection of the diseased organ. Keep for up to 20 minutes.

Mixed with cosmetic oil in the proportion of 3 drops per tablespoon of base. Using the product, massage is performed to relieve pain in arthritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, and rheumatism. Rubbed chest for bronchitis. Rub the skin when frostbite occurs.

For bathing, add 6-7 drops of concentrated product. Water treatments increase muscle tone, help to gain vigor of spirit and consciousness.

Contraindications for oral use

The spice is a strong stimulant, so it is best not given to children under 2 years of age. Pregnant women should abstain from any clove-based products until the end of their pregnancy. The seasoning has abortifacient properties and can provoke undesirable consequences.

Hypertensive patients are contraindicated to use infusions and drinks containing cloves, as it raises arterial pressure. Individual intolerance is also a contraindication for people with high susceptibility.

The healing properties of cloves have been proven scientific methods. Seasoning included medicinal plants in many countries in Europe and Asia. The fragrant spice is actively used in folk medicine and helps to heal the body both outside and inside.

Hello, dear readers!
Do you know the joke about how a wife asked her husband to buy a carnation, and he came with a bouquet? Yes, not all men (and not only them...) are well versed in spices. In today's article I want to talk about this “flower”. The benefits of cloves are such that they should definitely be present in your kitchen!

Personally, as a child, I myself believed that this constant heroine of many spices, herbs and seasonings - healthy cloves made from flowers. In fact, it grows on the clove tree in the form of buds, which are picked before they have time to open. There are about 300 species of such trees in nature, and they grow in Africa.

NB! For us, this spice is a frequent ingredient that appears in recipes for marinades or gingerbread, but nevertheless, the benefits (and harm, but more on that later) of cloves are much broader. She is well known to doctors and cosmetologists. The oil is even squeezed out of it, producing an excellent stimulant and anesthetic.

Composition and beneficial properties of these buds

They look very modest, but if you read the research, you can gasp! The benefits of cloves for the body are similar to the effects of multivitamin complexes.

  • Dried “flowers” ​​contain vitamins (retinol, that is, vitamin A; beta-carotene; group B in a solid composition; tocopherol, that is, vitamin E; phylloquinone, also known as vitamin K).
  • There are also macro- and microelements (phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc).
  • The health benefits of cloves are also determined by the presence of acids in it (fatty, unsaturated, non-essential and essential, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).
  • There are also nutrients such as ash, tannins, mucus, and glycosides.
  • There are also digestible carbohydrates (not only the familiar glucose, but also fructose and sucrose).
  • And of course, the benefits of cloves for the body would not be complete without such “clove benefits” as aromatic essential oil. It is this component that is responsible for the aroma of the spice (by the way, cloves contain as much as 20% of it). total mass). Add not 3 buds to the marinade, as in the recipe, but 5 or 6 - and that’s it, the spice will drown out the smell of all the other spices, and for company - also the vegetables.

NB! As for caloric content, everything is solid here: 323 kcal per 100 g. Another thing is that none of us can eat not only one hundred, even twenty grams of this product at a time!

The main advantages of this plant are...

  • This is a well-known narrow circles) pain reliever, wound healing.
  • Cloves are also famous for their calming and at the same time tonic properties.
  • This is a natural antispasmodic.
  • It has diuretic and diaphoretic properties.
  • In addition, the fragrant buds have antimicrobial, antiseptic and even antiviral effects.

Uses of cloves

NB! Is it possible for children? Yes, to get rid of worms. But it is better to give babies not the buds, but the seeds of the plant (mixed with flax seeds 1 to 10, at the rate of 3 grams of the mixture per 7 kg of the child’s weight). Another way: to prevent mosquitoes from biting Butuzov, their cheeks and open hands smear with clove oil.

Health Recipes

  1. Infusion against toxicosis

    Take 10 buds, pour a glass of boiling water over them, let them brew for 15 minutes. Drink morning and evening. And you shouldn’t be afraid that this remedy will irritate the already always dissatisfied “pregnant” stomach - it will improve digestion, positively affecting the mucous membrane.
  2. Infusion for diabetes

    Brew 20 buds with 1 glass (250 ml) of water. Let it brew. Drink three times a day for six months.
  3. Gynecology, namely uterine bleeding

    Infuse 1 dessert spoon of buds in 1 glass of boiling water. By the way, this remedy also stops hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Harmful properties of cloves

In addition to health benefits, cloves can also cause harm - unless, of course, contraindications are taken into account. And this:

  • pregnancy (the spice increases the tone of the uterus), breastfeeding (spoils the taste of milk),
  • too young (pediatricians do not recommend giving cloves to infants and preschoolers),
  • ulcer during exacerbation,
  • hypertension with “off-scale” indicators,
  • allergy to this product.

Like this healthy spice! Do you have a bag of cloves in your kitchen? If you grind it (or buy it already ground), you get the perfect seasoning for any meat dishes... I don’t know about you, but now I’ll even add these healthy buds to compotes (it would be perfect with plums or apples). And let them be afraid of colds and viruses!

All spice lovers know about the unique clove buds, which have a pleasant specific aroma and pungent taste, which are widely used in cooking to create an unforgettable taste for a wide variety of marinades, as well as products in the fish, sausage and confectionery industries. It is difficult to meet a housewife who does not have such a valuable product in her arsenal of food seasonings.

Clove spice is the dry, unopened flower buds (buds) of the clove tree from the Myrtle family, which is considered to be native to Indonesia and the Malay Archipelago. Currently, the plant is cultivated not only on the Maluku Islands, but also in India, Tanzania, Ceylon, Madagascar, on the islands of Pemba and Zanzibar, from where it is supplied to all corners of the world. In Europe, cloves appeared during Ancient Rome. Then the seasoning began to be imported from India.

The health benefits and harms of cloves are now well studied and are used to obtain a unique extract from the very heart of the plant - clove oil. Etherol is included in many cosmetic products, including homemade, used in aromatherapy, for example, for cold and hot inhalations, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, alcoholic beverages, dentistry. It is believed that the beneficial properties of cloves help enhance sexual energy, increase male power and help prolong sexual intercourse.

Cloves in cooking

Most often, the spice is included in the recipe for marinades of all varieties: fruit and berry, vegetable, mushroom. Less commonly, buds are added to meat and fish marinades and sauces. When creating confectionery masterpieces and sweet dishes, cloves are combined with cinnamon and vanilla. Compositions of buds with black and allspice allow you to create an unforgettable taste of stewed meat, especially lamb, minced cutlets, strong broths on the bones of beef and pork.

The presence of spices in dishes not only improves the taste, but also brings undoubted health benefits. Due to the pungent taste, clove inflorescences are added to food in a limited manner.

You should not independently increase the number of spice inflorescences present in the original recipes. Dried spice stored and sold in buds, since when ground, volatile compounds evaporate in a short time, and clove quickly loses its aromatic and medicinal qualities.

In addition to being used in cooking, cosmetology and aromatherapy, the clove spice, which has certain beneficial properties and contraindications, has been used for centuries for medical purposes to treat many pathological conditions. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures are prepared from it. oral administration And local application. And extracts and essential oils are included in some medications.

Useful properties of cloves

The original aroma and tart taste of clove inflorescences are provided by the following bioactive phytonutrients: tannins, essential oil containing eugenol, acetyleugenol and caryophyllene, fatty acid, mineral salts, vanillin, phytohormones, styrene, mucus, bioflavonoids, glycosides, sesquiterpenes, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins.

Thanks to the unique biochemical composition buds, the spice has:

  • anthelmintic,
  • bacteriostatic
  • hypertensive,
  • antispasmodic,
  • wound healing,
  • rejuvenating,
  • antioxidant,
  • regenerating,
  • antiviral,
  • fungicidal,
  • antifungal,
  • diuretic,
  • painkillers,
  • anti-cancer,
  • deodorizing,
  • carminative,
  • stimulating,
  • tonic,
  • restorative

impact on the human body.

The use of cloves in traditional and folk medicine

Regular use of the spice improves blood circulation, activates digestion processes, increases appetite, relieves flatulence and dyspepsia, activates metabolism, stimulates brain activity, restores strength after heavy physical and mental stress, cleanses the intestines of toxins, stimulates the regeneration of liver cells, relieves eye fatigue and improves overall tone.

Medicinal infusions on the buds destroy pathogenic microflora intestines and kill helminths for ascariasis and other invasions. Alcohol tinctures of inflorescences have an inhibitory effect on diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus, staphylococci, paratyphoid bacilli, dysentery microorganisms, anthrax pathogens.

Teas, water and alcohol extracts from the seasoning help increase the body's defenses, thereby strengthening the immune system.

Cloves help improve uterine tone and normalize menstrual cycle among women. A decoction of the buds is used to stimulate labor activity, and is also instilled into the eyes for conjunctivitis.

Gargle with clove infusion for sore throat and inflammation, as well as for acute respiratory infections. By chewing a clove bud and holding the pulp in your mouth, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor, make breathing easier when coughing and reduce toothache.

There are well-known traditional medicine recipes aimed at normalizing carbohydrate metabolism. Taking such remedies with cloves leads to stabilization of blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes.

Externally, clove-based medicines are used for rheumatism. Buds are included in medical fees aimed at the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Clove essential oil is added to any cosmetical tools(2 drops per 10 ml of base), be it a mask, shampoo, massage mixture, liquid soap, shower gel, body lotion or cream. Cosmetologists recommend enriching sea salt with clove oil (3 drops per glass of salt), which is then dissolved in a warm body bath. Such baths strengthen the nervous system, improve skin condition, and dissolve cellulite deposits.

Traditional medicine recipes with cloves

How to use cloves for medicinal purposes?

Thanks to medicinal properties cloves, a seasoning included in the recipes of many folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of diseases. For example, a widely used recipe for strengthening the immune system in winter time and raising vitality based on red wine.

To prepare the elixir, heat 300 ml of wine, add peeled lemon (1/2 fruit) and orange (large fruit), 5 clove buds, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, bring the liquid to a boil, cool at room temperature, filter and take 15 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.

Carnation at diabetes mellitus Type 2 is used as follows: an aqueous extract is prepared by infusing 50 g of buds in 1 liter of warm boiled water for a week (the closed container should be in a dark place).

The filtered infusion is stored in the refrigerator and taken 15 ml before meals three times a day for one and a half months. At the end of the course, a 30-day break is taken, and then the therapy is repeated. It is recommended to take the infusion throughout the year.

Erectile functions, on which a man’s ability to coitus and the duration of sexual intercourse depend, can be enhanced with the help of natural remedies. Healers often advise men to use cloves for potency. The recipe for making the elixir is simple: buds crushed in a coffee grinder (1 tsp), pour 250 ml of hot whole milk, leave, wrapped in a container, for 2 hours (you can brew the drink in a thermos). Add 1 coffee spoon to the strained liquid ground cinnamon and 5 g bee honey. Take the medicine 2 times a day, regardless of meals.

A decoction of cloves for the treatment of gynecological diseases (increasing the tone of the uterus and normalizing menstruation) is prepared and used in this way: a tablespoon of raw materials crushed in a coffee grinder is steamed with a liter of boiling water, the liquid is kept in a water bath for at least 5 minutes, filtered and taken for 10 days, ¼ cup before going to bed.

Used for gargling next remedy: dissolve a teaspoon of fine inflorescence powder in a glass of warm boiled water, add a teaspoon sea ​​salt. For sore throat, ARVI and acute respiratory infections, drink in the evenings a drink prepared according to the following recipe: add a pinch of cinnamon and clove powder to hot village milk, dissolve a teaspoon of linden honey and leave covered for 5 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of spices

Like any potent plant material, clove buds have contraindications for use. The spice is not included in the diet of children under 2 years of age, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. Since the biologically active compounds of the spice increase blood pressure, it is undesirable to use cloves for arterial hypertension.

Do not use the spice if you have an individual intolerance or a tendency to allergic reactions, urolithiasis(in cases of large stones), when renal failure, severe pathologies Gastrointestinal tract in patients with high acidity of gastric juice. It is undesirable to use essential oil and the seasoning itself if you are overexcited. nervous system.

Now you know that the health benefits and harms of cloves are not a myth. Add aromatic buds to your favorite dishes, trying to consume them as often as possible, and also do not forget about folk recipes elixirs, which are not difficult to make at home. I wish you good health and a fragrant life!

Cloves are not only flowers, but also a popular spice. It has a spicy, burning aroma that makes culinary dishes more attractive. But the dried buds of the Syzygium clove tree are used not only in cooking.

Benefits of cloves

The positive effect of this seasoning on the human body is very wide. She has antiseptic properties and has a bactericidal effect, good for relieving pain and spasms. Cloves are used to heal wounds and cracks in the skin.

When adding cloves to culinary dishes, you can have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This spice stimulates the production of gastric juice, stimulates appetite and normalizes digestion.

Using cloves you can get rid of toothache and give freshness to your breath. It is used to treat certain dental ailments, such as periodontal disease.

According to the results latest research found that this spice helps cope with oncological diseases. It is used in the development of a drug for the treatment of leukemia.

Harm of cloves

Although this spice has a lot positive qualities, we must not forget about possible harm it for the human body. This primarily applies to certain health conditions. For example, you should not overuse cloves if you have high acidity of the gastric juice, since in this case the spice will irritate the walls of the stomach.

Cloves can be harmful to pregnant women. It has strong tonic properties and can provoke early miscarriage. Spice can change taste breast milk Therefore, it is better to avoid cloves when breastfeeding.

Clove's ability to affect the nervous system can be harmful to young children, as well as people with nervous disorders and diseases. You should not abuse this spice if you have hypertension.

Cloves contraindications

Based on the above, we can formulate several human health conditions in which the use of cloves is contraindicated. These include:

  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • Peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.
  • Severe heart disease and vascular pathologies.
  • High nervous excitement becomes a contraindication for the use of cloves not only as a spice, but also in the form of infusion, oil and others.
  • and breastfeeding.

Uses of cloves

IN European countries Cloves are used primarily as a spice. In ancient times, it was brought to Europe by the Arabs. The right to monopoly trade in cloves in different time owned by Holland, Portugal and France.

Nowadays, cloves are used to prepare a variety of meat and fish dishes; they are added to home canned food and confectionery dishes. Meat broths and fish soups receive a unique flavor when cloves are added.

If you decide to cook dishes with the addition of cloves, then it is important to know that it does not tolerate long-term heat treatment. This results in the loss of both the taste and aroma of the spice. Therefore, it is better to add it at the very end of cooking. In wine, cloves give off their aroma much better and reveal their taste qualities.

Clove essential oil is often used in cosmetology. It has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. Many people use clove oil products to treat skin diseases. For example, for treatment skin rashes use baths with the addition of clove essential oil.

For face good action provides a mask of 5 drops of cloves, honey, cream and pharmaceutical clay, taken 1 tablespoon each. All components are mixed and applied to the skin for 10 minutes.

Cosmetic ice with the addition of clove oil is well suited for morning rubbing. The mixture for its preparation is made as follows: 2 drops of clove oil and cosmetic cream in a volume of 6 ml are dissolved in a glass of water.

You can gently cauterize ulcers and boils with clove oil by applying it pointwise to the affected area. This procedure must be done constantly until complete recovery.

Essential oil, when mixed with any base oil, has an excellent anti-cellulite effect. It can be used both for massage and for anti-cellulite wraps.

To normalize digestion, use a mixture of a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of ground cloves and the same amount of ground black pepper. Take this mixture morning and evening.

To get rid of various problems oral cavity, for example, for stomatitis, gum disease, toothache or simply bad breath, it is recommended to chew one clove bud. In the same way you can help with a beginning sore throat.

You need to chew a few cloves. You will get an effect comparable to that of caffeine.

To relieve pain from arthritis or arthrosis, use clove oil. To do this, mix a tablespoon of massage oil with 15 drops of clove essential oil and use this mixture by rubbing it into the sore joint.

Drinking mulled wine with cloves is good for heart health. In order for the drink to have healing properties, it is prepared without cooking. A bottle of high-quality red wine is suitable for this type of drink. Pour 5 cloves and a pinch of cinnamon into it. Close the bottle well with a cork and leave to infuse for 3 weeks without access to light. Add prepared mulled wine to your tea, a teaspoon at a time, and drink up to three times a day.