What if I have a headache every day? Constant headaches: causes, treatment and prevention


The systematic appearance of cephalalgia indicates the presence of problems in the human body. The symptom accompanies pathologies of a physiological type or organic nature. If you have a headache literally every day or most of the week, you need to visit a doctor to get diagnosed. Attempts to endure unpleasant sensations or cope with them on your own are fraught with serious consequences. In 99% of situations, the situation is reversible with timely seeking medical help. The early start of therapy allows you to count on a quick positive result.

What is chronic headache

According to statistics, the systematic occurrence of cephalalgia worries 10-15% of the world's population. According to doctors, these figures are significantly underestimated due to the reluctance of most people to seek help for such a minor symptom as headache.

Patients are sent to specialists in cases where unpleasant sensations are already noticeably affecting their quality of life. Many people initially fight the symptom on their own, which only gives results at the start.

Clinical picture of chronic headache:

  • sensations of weak or moderate intensity;
  • localization may be different, but more often cephalalgia is general or wandering;
  • pain occurs daily or at least 4-5 times a week;
  • with systematic exposure to an irritant, pain appears in the morning and increases throughout the day;
  • there are problems with sleep, loss of appetite, mood swings, increased emotionality;
  • in the absence of treatment, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, deterioration of attention and memory occur.

In rare cases, the condition will be more acute, accompanied by specific symptoms. This is typical for the formation of tumors, cluster cephalgia, systematic toxic poisoning. Warning signs at the same time they do not allow a person to lead familiar image life, forcing him to see a doctor.

Why do I have headaches every day?

There are dozens of causes of daily headaches. In most cases, they become the result of the wrong actions of the person himself. Neglect of daily routine, violation of healthy eating rules, bad habits, refusal physical activity- these are the main provoking factors. The danger is the availability of drugs in pharmacies. Thanks to her, everyone can purchase the “right” product instead of going to the doctor. The result of such experiments is often cephalgia, as a manifestation of overuse syndrome or a side effect.

Stressful situations

Negative emotions against a background of excitement or stress lead to spasms of the muscle walls of the blood channels. Blood flow in the vessels of the brain is disrupted, tissues experience oxygen deficiency, nutrients, liquids. This is manifested by a persistent, aching headache. The sensations arise locally or cover the entire head, like a tight hoop. They are most pronounced in the forehead and temples. Do not change under influence external factors, intensify with further stress.

Over time, the picture is complemented by insomnia and signs of chronic fatigue. Treatment consists of combating stress and normalizing the emotional background. Relaxation techniques, taking natural sedatives or pharmaceuticals as prescribed by a doctor.

Lack or excess sleep

The human brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). During sleep, this biological composition washes the organ, cleansing it of toxins. Lack of rest disrupts important process, so the tissues begin to be poisoned by their own toxins. Headache gets worse chronic nature. It is aching, persistent, and covers the entire skull. Against the background of severe fatigue, the sensations can be complemented by pulsation in the temples. General state the person gradually worsens, problems with memory, attention, concentration, and coordination appear.

Excess sleep also affects health negatively. An adult should sleep 8-9 hours a day. If the indicator is exceeded, the brain will begin to experience nutritional deficiency, which will cause headaches. It is better to avoid resting during the daytime altogether. Such activities often involve staying in an uncomfortable position, sleeping in an unventilated or noisy room.

Eye strain

Working at a computer, reading, and using gadgets force a person to greatly strain the organs of vision. This leads to spasm oculomotor muscles which causes headaches. Risk factors also include staying in a room with too much light, wearing the wrong glasses, or contact lenses. Symptomatic therapy will not give a lasting result; treatment must begin with eliminating the irritant.

Hormonal disbalance

Violations hormonal levels most often observed in women. They can have both a pathological and physiological nature. Typically, such a headache occurs during menstruation, PMS, pregnancy, menopause or menopause. It is accompanied by increased emotionality, changes in body weight, deterioration of skin condition, swelling of the face or lower limbs. Even with mild symptoms, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist or endocrinologist to exclude gland pathologies internal secretion, the appearance of tumors.

Taking medications

The appearance of chronic headaches often occurs against the background of uncontrolled use of medications. Abuse cephalgia is intense, persistent, obsessive. It doesn't go away on its own almost does not respond to the use of funds traditional medicine. To suppress it, the patient has to take a new dose of the provocateur drug. Treatment consists of stopping further use of the medication, despite the pain. After 1-2 weeks, signs of improvement appear, after a month the symptom completely disappears.

The sign may be side effect treatment prescribed by a specialist. In this case, you should inform your doctor about this so that he can select another drug.


The presence of excess body weight in a person leads to hypertension, deterioration of vascular function, compression or displacement internal organs.

If the weight is maintained for a long time, then additional problems with the musculoskeletal system appear. Under the influence of all these factors, the normal course of biological processes in the body is disrupted. People with obesity often have headaches every day, shortness of breath appears, coordination worsens, memory quality decreases, and sensory organs suffer.

Taking medications against this background is justified only if there is a threat of development emergency conditions, for example, hypertensive crisis, stroke. In other cases, the patient is indicated for body weight correction. Therapy includes healthy eating, physical exercise, refusal bad habits, taking vitamins, strengthening the immune system, fighting chronic diseases.

Head injury

After receiving a traumatic brain injury painful sensations remain in the head for 1-2 weeks. If the examination does not show anything serious, the pain is not of increased intensity, and is not accompanied by other signs, then there is no reason to worry. Until the symptom completely disappears, the use of traditional medicine, one-time doses of analgesics or NSAIDs is allowed. Persistence of cephalalgia longer specified period indicates the presence hidden problems, requires a more thorough diagnosis.

Alcohol consumption

Systematic drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to chronic intoxication body. Even with
use quality products in small doses alcohol has negative impact on brain cells. Neurons are destroyed, organ tissues suffer from dehydration, changes in vascular tone lead to impaired blood circulation in the skull. Alcohol breakdown products are absorbed into the blood, poisoning the body, provoking the development of intoxication. The occurrence of chronic headaches becomes just one of the many manifestations of the problem.

The fight against alcoholic cephalgia is based on giving up alcohol, reducing the frequency of its use or reducing doses. Additionally, you should cleanse your body. They will help with this drinking plenty of fluids natural fortified drinks, taking absorbents, walking in the fresh air, gentle physical activity.


Neurological disease is more common in women. It is characterized by the systematic occurrence of headache attacks lasting from 3 hours to 3 days. In most cases, cephalalgia is unilateral, similar to pulsation, and originates in the frontal region or temples.

Additional signs of migraine:

  • violent reaction to light, smells, sounds, tactile stimuli;
  • nausea, which can turn into vomiting, bringing relief;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • in a quarter of cases, the attack is preceded by the appearance of an aura - a set of specific symptoms (visual defects, tremors, speech problems, panic).

Treatment is selected individually, based on the characteristics of the case and the severity of cephalgia. For some people, it is enough to avoid the influence of triggers - provocateurs of exacerbations - and take analgesics or NSAIDs at the start of an attack. Others are forced to take special medications from the group of triptans or ergot-based products. In difficult cases, patients are advised to undergo comprehensive drug prophylaxis.

Arterial hypertension

With chronically high blood pressure, cephalalgia is localized in the forehead or back of the head. It resembles fullness or dull pulsation. The picture is complemented by redness of the face, dizziness, nausea, and increased heart rate. Comprehensive treatment is required, aimed at reducing blood pressure to normal indicators and eliminating the causes of pathology. In the absence of therapy, there is a risk of developing hemorrhagic stroke, hypertensive crisis, and cerebral edema.

Intracranial pressure

The condition occurs against the background of an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull or pathological pressure its contents onto surrounding tissues. This may be the result of injury, infection or inflammatory diseases, a consequence of the growth of tumors, hematomas, abscesses. The headache is localized in the back of the head and can radiate to the temples or forehead. It is bursting or pressing, and can take on the appearance of a pulsation. It intensifies with changes in body position, stress, and overwork. Treatment of cephalgia is possible only by identifying and eliminating the cause of the condition.

What helps with daily headaches

Systematic cephalgia should be treated by a doctor. After diagnostics, he identifies the causes of the condition and selects methods to eliminate them. If the pain is not related to pathological changes in the body, then therapy is aimed at preventing attacks.

Ways to deal with chronic headaches:

  • exclusion of exposure to strong irritants - sounds, smells, noise, vibration, tastes;
  • prevention of sudden temperature changes, overheating, hypothermia;
  • introduction of relaxation methods into the daily routine - yoga, aromatherapy, massage, water procedures, SPA;
  • refusal nap, a full night's rest of at least 7 hours a day;
  • correction of the diet - emphasis on vegetables and fruits, refusal of aggressive spices, fatty, fried foods, energy drinks, carbonated drinks;
  • prevention of physical or emotional exhaustion;
  • limiting the hours spent on computers or gadgets;
  • long walks in the fresh air, sleeping in a ventilated room;
  • carrying out breathing exercises when signs of the onset of an attack appear;
  • maintaining a drinking regime, preventing dehydration.

You need to react immediately to the development of an attack, and not hope that the pain will go away on its own. You should not abuse medications; you should first try traditional medicine. Exacerbations of chronic cephalgia are well relieved by cool compresses added to water. apple cider vinegar, herbal teas with mint or lemon balm, rubbing essential oil menthol in whiskey. If there is no effect, you can take a tablet of Paracetamol, Citramon or Ibuprofen. If this does not bring relief, you should visit a doctor or call him if high intensity symptom.

Chronic cephalgia can become a provocateur of serious problems even in the absence of pathologies in the body. Constant pain has a negative impact on a person’s psyche, reducing their quality of life and performance. If left untreated, it can lead to neurosis, psychosis, and depression. Treatment may be simple, affordable and safe. Do not delay the problem by postponing a visit to the doctor.

Periodic unpleasant headaches are something that everyone often experiences. modern man. The pain syndrome can be spasmodic, stabbing, aching, squeezing. But this will not always indicate the presence of some dangerous disease that needs immediate treatment. Your head may hurt constantly throughout the day for the following reasons:

  • Excessive stress at work, constant stress.
  • Problems with sleep, not enough sleep.
  • Poor diet, consumption of unhealthy foods.
  • Constant presence indoors, lack of access to fresh air, breathing polluted air (for example, at work).
  • Unfavorable ecological situation in the city, industrial emissions, smog, exhaust gases from cars, electromagnetic radiation (satellites, communications, Internet).

In such conditions, many adults begin to constantly have headaches. This condition is not normal, so you need to take certain actions to eliminate or reduce pain syndrome.

If you constantly suffer from severe headaches, but do nothing, then in the future this can lead to the development of various vascular diseases, as well as disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. If you feel unwell every day, then this is a reason to turn to specialists for help.

Causes of chronic headaches

When they have a headache while working, many people try not to pay any attention to it, convincing themselves that it will go away in the evening. But if the sensations continue during rest, the person tries to take the first painkillers he comes across from his first aid kit, which is a completely wrong approach.

In this case it is possible to highlight great amount reasons why various parts of the head begin to ache and ache slightly or severely (temple, forehead, back of the head, etc.), so it is almost impossible to diagnose yourself. Diagnostics can only be carried out experienced doctor, having previously prescribed various examinations.

Chronic pain syndrome most often develops for the following reasons:

  • Diseases of blood vessels located in the spinal cord or brain.
  • Intoxication/poisoning of the body (subject to continued action of the toxin or poison).
  • Previous or current pathologies of an infectious type (including STDs).
  • The presence of tumor neoplasms in brain structures.
  • Diseases of psychoemotional, neurological, psychiatric type.
  • Excessive amounts of certain microelements that people receive through food (relevant when a person eats the same product for a long time).

If there are painful sensations pulsating in nature, then this is most likely due to an inflammatory process localized in the nerve endings of the vessels of the head. Inflammation in this area can occur for various reasons, so careful diagnosis is required.

Malaise during pregnancy

Many pregnant women complain that they constantly or occasionally have headaches. In this case, pain can appear both at night and during the day, without any particular systematicity. If before pregnancy a woman did not receive injuries to the skull or brain, and she does not have diseases of the circulatory system, the pain syndrome is most likely due to hormonal changes, which will necessarily occur in the female body during the development of the fetus.

Pregnant women may have a headache all day long (especially when feeling hungry), even pressing from the inside, for example, due to high blood pressure, which is the most common cause of such ailment. Usually the pain syndrome goes away on its own - the woman only needs to rest (physically and mentally), lie down on the bed or sit in a chair.

It is recommended to periodically measure blood pressure during painful attacks, write down the measurement results separately and demonstrate them to the doctor at the next examination. This will help the specialist prescribe safe medications or send you for any procedures.

If before conceiving a child, a woman received injuries to the neck, skull, or spine, then during her first visit to the gynecologist (first trimester), she must be informed about this. Headache in such a situation expectant mother may be due to excessive stress on the site of injury (relevant in the presence of recent injuries to the spine, coccyx and other parts of the back). Often, acute pain in the head occurs in women during menstruation and PMS.


It is customary to distinguish pain in the head by the level of its intensity. The pain can be insignificant and unnoticeable, moderate in severity, intense and unbearable for a person. There are four main varieties:

  • Voltage. This type of pain syndrome is characterized as an attack in which a person experiences a squeezing sensation in the head (as if a hoop was put on the head and it is gradually being squeezed).
  • Migraine. Pulsating pain, which is usually localized in the frontal and temporal lobes(almost always forms in one of the temples). Migraine pain in two parts of the head at once is extremely rare (about 2-3% of cases).
  • Bun. The pain sensations, strong and often unbearable, are poorly tolerated by people. The pain usually affects the left or right half of the head (it can radiate to the nasopharynx, jaw, eyebrows, eyes and other parts of the face).
  • Mixed pain. It is extremely difficult to diagnose such pain sensations, because in this case several types of pain can be mixed at once.

No matter how strange it may sound, if the headaches have a clear and pronounced character, a certain periodicity, this is even good, because if there are specific symptoms, it will be much easier for the doctor to diagnose the disease and prescribe the most adequate treatment.


There are many reasons why people get headaches. To make it easier for a doctor to make a diagnosis, a person needs to accurately describe the nature of the pain syndrome and its location. Different parts of the head and brain structures can hurt.

Here are the most common and widespread locations of pain:

  • Back of the head. Most often, the pain is localized in the back of the head. The nature of this pain syndrome is dull, pulsating, systematic. If a person has heart disease vascular system and problems with the blood supply to organs, then it will almost always develop in the back of the head It's a dull pain, which is precisely a symptom of one of the pathologies of the heart or circulatory system (for example, it is a symptom of hypertension). Also occipital part may hurt due to injury upper sections spine and neck, if you have sleep problems (insomnia, lack of sleep, consumption of unhealthy foods, problems with diet).
  • Forehead. Frequent pain in the forehead area may indicate the development of migraine or VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). In some cases, such pain syndrome also indicates pathology of cardio-vascular system. For many smoking people The frontal lobe often hurts.
  • Whiskey. Migraine pain most often occurs in the temporal part. They can arise for a variety of reasons, but most often this will also indicate problems with the vascular system of brain structures. It is with the help of a headache that the central nervous system will indicate the presence of a serious disease that requires immediate diagnosis and adequate treatment. If sleep disturbances are also added to all this, then you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes pain can systematically occur in different parts of the head. This circumstance will indicate the presence of a disease (cardiovascular, inflammatory, infectious), which causes reactions of nerve endings in various parts of the brain structures. In such a situation, it is strongly recommended to go through medical checkup from different specialized specialists.

What do headaches indicate?

Almost always, pain localized in different parts of the head will indicate the presence of some kind of complex illness. Moreover, this disease will not always be associated directly with the brain or its structures.

  1. In case of injury to the cranial bones, brain, neck, spine (especially the upper sections), there will almost always be a slight and continuous headache. If the skull bones and brain structures have been injured, then the pain will occur due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain, or indicate the presence of a concussion. If there are injuries to the neck and spine, then a person’s headache is a consequence of damage to the nerves and nerve endings in the spinal part. This type of pain syndrome (usually combined with slight dizziness) is permanent and not temporary, does not go away on its own, and is often caused by an increase in intracranial pressure. In the head, pain often “shoots” in different directions, so it is difficult to determine the exact location of the main source. Medicines are unlikely to help in such situations - you need to contact a specialist to undergo targeted examinations (X-ray, CT scan, etc.).
  2. Osteochondrosis. One of the most common reasons occurrence of pain syndrome in different parts brain. During this disease the onset painful attacks usually occurs after lunch or at the end of the working day, when the spine experiences maximum stress and fatigue. Attacks occur suddenly, are often characterized by the same pain, and are sometimes combined with general weakness. The head will hurt severely, even if a person simply breathes, sneezes or coughs. With osteochondrosis, lesions of the lumbar and cervical vertebral sections, which are most vulnerable to increased voltage. These parts of the spine are located nerve endings, signaling damaged areas directly to the brain, which causes the resulting pain syndrome. During an attack, a woman or man may feel nauseous or completely nauseous, and vomiting may occur during a prolonged attack. The disease needs quality treatment, because in the middle and late stages of this pathology, serious violations in the functioning of different body systems, which can potentially lead to the development of other dangerous ailments.
  3. High or low blood pressure. For many people who have magnetic storms and changes in atmospheric pressure, blood pressure begins to increase or decrease, and headaches also appear. Patients with chronic low or high blood pressure are very dependent on the weather, so attacks often strike them at the most inconvenient times (attacks most often occur in spring and autumn, when the weather is especially changeable). Along with painful sensations, a person will constantly feel sleepy. To relieve pain, people use various folk remedies and medications (for example, the same Citramon). Some people drink spirits and alcohol (for example, cognac), but drinking something like that is absolutely the wrong decision. The headache is guaranteed to stop hurting only when the weather and atmospheric pressure normalize.
  4. Endocrine disorders. Almost always the brain will react extremely negatively to any problems at work. endocrine system. It depends on hormones most of management various systems our body. A headache can begin to hurt not only when there is a deficiency of some hormones, but also when there is an excess of them. If your head hurts terribly during the day and it is difficult to turn, or the pain appears when bending over, and it is also unpleasant to touch your face, then most likely there are problems at the endocrine level.
  5. Benign and malignant neoplasms. Many people don't know why they get headaches so often, even though there are no injuries, problems with hormones or blood pressure. In some cases, the problem is extremely serious - it is present in the brain structures. The main symptoms of the presence of formations: pain if you move or rotate your head, paroxysmal systematic pain syndromes in one part of the skull. An elevated temperature may also occur. It can hurt on the right, front, left, back - depending on the location and size of the tumor.

A headache can also begin with various diseases and conditions: meningitis, hypertension, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis(runny nose), long-term cold, hangover, after a stroke, heavy drinking and tedious training in gym, with constant smoking, with drinking coffee in the morning or at night,

What to do if you have frequent attacks?

If your head hurts often, causes unpleasant feelings, or is constantly dizzy, then the most rational solution is to consult a doctor who can refer the person for targeted examinations, which will help identify the main cause of the development of the pain syndrome.

The following diagnostic methods are commonly used:

  • X-ray examination. With its help, you can exclude injuries to the cranial bones, neck, spine as a result of a blow, fall or other mechanical influences.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. Using this diagnostic method, you can determine the presence or absence of a disease of the vascular system, benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Doppler ultrasound. Clarifying diagnostic method, which is used if some abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system were found during an MRI.

In accordance with the patient’s symptoms and complaints, the doctor can send the person for other examinations, as well as recommend specialized specialists.

What to do if you have pain?

Most often, immediately after a headache begins, people drink painkillers or use proven folk recipes. With continuity of headache at one moment, tablets and folk remedies They will simply stop helping.

  • Nurofen. A highly effective remedy that will relieve even severe headaches and reduce fever. Can be used to treat people of any age. Recommended for use for any pain syndrome that occurs in the head regions.
  • Pentalgin. An analgesic drug that relieves dull headaches, but does not help much with acute pain. It is not recommended for use in children.
  • Ketanov. A drug based on Paracetamol. It helps a lot with dull, aching, throbbing headaches.
  • Citramon. An aspirin-based drug that will help reduce the temperature to normal low values ​​and effectively relieve throbbing headaches.
  • Ibuklin. A drug based on Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. A highly effective medicine that helps with headaches of various types. It also allows you to reduce the temperature. You can take it at night to wake up without pain.

You need to understand that taking painkillers is a temporary solution. If the pain in the head is constant and has a clearly defined character, then it can be relieved with painkillers within 10-14 days. After this period, the pills simply stop helping.

Frequent stress, emotional overload and bad habits have a bad effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Slagging in the body and its manifestations, such as constant headaches, appear.

This discomfort is not only debilitating, but can additionally indicate the presence of serious illnesses.

If a headache bothers you constantly, it can even cause depression.

The disease can occur unexpectedly and it may be impossible to get rid of it.

Taking medications on your own is not recommended. You may lose time by taking the wrong medications.

Also, we should not forget that every drug has side effects. Analgesics negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

Reasons why your head hurts

Experts say that constant headaches arise due to pathological processes that pass inside the body.

  • Changes in intracranial or arterial pressure. It may be caused for various reasons. For example, abrupt change pressure due to frequent stress, poor nutrition, injuries.
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain.
  • Hormonal or metabolic changes.
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injury.
  • Disorders of the central nervous system. They can be caused by hemorrhage, as well as benign or malignant brain tumors.
  • Infectious or viral infections.

For example, frequent stress provokes spasms of blood vessels or muscle tissue.

This disease causes a lot of problems for the patient. He is not able to properly concentrate on work issues.

The attacks of pain may be the same or may differ from each other. They appear in one direction, then move to the other.

Regardless of how strong they are, you should consult a doctor.

Statistics say that 7 out of 10 people know what a headache is. It significantly worsens a person's quality of life.

Most of these problems are suffered by office workers who spend a lot of time working indoors, with constant stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

Main reasons constant pain in the back of the head, in the temples and frontal part are chronic lack of sleep, proper nutrition, frequent stressful situations.

Diseases that can lead to this symptom

  1. Diabetes. A persistent throbbing headache may be due to impaired blood flow due to diabetes. The problem is that with this disease the blood becomes much thicker, and atherosclerosis develops 4 to 8 times faster. Happening oxygen starvation brain.
  2. Brain tumors. If your head hurts constantly, this may indicate the presence of seals. They can be either malignant or benign. In this case, the headache becomes constant. Additionally, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system appear. For example, a person may have problems with their legs, frequent dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
  3. Hypertension. High blood pressure along with headaches can gradually develop into a hypertensive crisis or stroke.
  4. Acute sinusitis or sinusitis. The pain intensifies when turning the head, “presses on the eyes.”

Fortunately, in most cases, constant headaches occur due to physical and emotional overload.

Rarely, it can be triggered by the presence of serious diseases in the body.

What to pay attention to if you have pain

If there is constant pain, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. It is not advisable to do this yourself at home.

It is the specialist who can prescribe necessary tests and conduct a full medical examination.

It is advisable to prepare a special diary before going to the doctor. It should record all the symptoms that occur with this disorder. You should also note in what situations the headache intensifies and when it disappears completely.

The specialist should be informed what additional diseases the patient has.

You should pay special attention to injuries, even if they happened quite a long time ago.


The patient must determine the exact location of the pain. For example, it could be the back of the head, temple, frontal part.

Headache can occur when the body is contaminated. In this case, it does not have an exact location.

It can be pulsating or pressing. At the same time, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constant desire sleep.

By paying attention to such symptoms, a specialist can determine the cause that caused the disease.

Constant headaches can bother pregnant women. It may be permanent and not respond to medications.

Additionally, nausea, vomiting, problems with appetite, and insomnia may occur.

In this case, only medications can help. But there is one significant drawback - they will affect the baby’s health.

Characteristics and diagnostics

Eliminating the causes of constant headaches is the first step towards recovery.

Scientists have established several important factors. Knowing them, the patient can independently determine the causes of the headache and consult a doctor only to establish a diagnosis.

Headache in the presence of a tumor

This reason leads to this symptom extremely rarely. Only 5 out of 100 people actually have this reason.

But you should not immediately abandon this etiology. If you suspect a tumor, you should consult a doctor.

Any tumor can compress the substance of the brain. When the meninges are damaged, a person experiences constant pain.

What additional symptoms will appear depends only on its location.

In this case, headaches only occur at night. They decrease throughout the day.

Vomiting and nausea occur. The use of medications practically does not help.

You should not take these pills without medical supervision. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications to relieve pain.

Surgery may be needed.

Arterial hypertension

In most cases, headaches are constantly localized in the back of the head.

If there is a permanent high blood pressure the brain cannot cope with the load.

The patient experiences a loss of strength, insufficient energy, nausea and vomiting. Discomfort occurs constantly, especially if the necessary treatment is not carried out.

The risk group includes people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, blockage of veins, and high amounts of cholesterol in the blood.

It also occurs in people who do not monitor their blood pressure.

Preventive measures

The problem is that headaches can be treated with medications, but they only help reduce the symptoms.

This disease can be completely defeated only if the cause of its occurrence is determined.

Pain always indicates that certain changes are occurring in the body. They must be eliminated in a timely manner.

If headaches bother you systematically, then it is necessary to record the frequency of their occurrence.

In the diary you should also note your daily routine, household chores, menstruation and foods that were eaten.

It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Walk in the fresh air every day. Be sure to do exercises in the morning.

Eat right: several times a day and in small portions.

It is important to eliminate or at least reduce stressful situations in your life. Exercise is an ideal way to relieve tension.


Methods for elimination this symptom depend directly on what disorders and malfunctions in the body’s functioning can cause this condition.

You need to contact a therapist or neurologist, and he will then prescribe an additional examination.

To establish a diagnosis, consultation with the following specialists is necessary:

  • Gynecologist.
  • Oncologist.
  • Cardiologist.
  • Vascular surgeon.

In most cases, to eliminate this disease it is necessary to undergo complex treatment.

  1. In case of poisoning with dangerous chemicals, supervision of a physician and gastroenterologist is necessary.
  2. If you have toxicosis in pregnant women or have pain before menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist.
  3. If a headache appears due to insufficient sleep or frequent stressful situations, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of a psychologist. It is necessary to take sedatives or depressants.

It is necessary to change the daily routine. It would be ideal to go on vacation for a while.

  • If you have a problem with blood pressure, it is recommended to take medications to normalize it.
  • If a tumor is present, you should contact an oncologist and neurologist. Much depends on its volume and growth. The larger its size, the greater the chance that it will need to be operated on.

Perhaps the reason lies in the lack of rest and insufficient amounts of vitamins.

In this case, it is important to rest well and purchase a complex of vitamins at the pharmacy to improve protective properties body.

It is also necessary not to forget about physical activity. This could be walking.

Every adult must walk 6 kilometers per day.

You can also consult your doctor to prescribe the necessary exercises.

Stagnant processes in blood circulation are one of the main causes of constant headaches.

What to do?

For severe headaches, it is necessary to take analgesics. They help relieve discomfort for a short time.

In order to forget about this symptom once and for all, it is necessary to eliminate its causes.

You can take pain relief medications that are sold at pharmacies without a prescription. For example, Analgin, Ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid.

But each of them has side effect and at frequent use Possible increased pain.

Sleeping completely will help relieve pain dark place. Scientists have proven that if at least a night light is working in the room, then sleep becomes less quality.

Can be placed on forehead cold compress and do a light massage of the cervical-collar region.

Taking medications

Taking medications is used to eliminate this problem:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs are used most often. They help eliminate inflammatory process and relieve headaches. U different drugs has its own properties. These drugs include Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants. These drugs belong to psychotropic drugs. They are increasingly prescribed for migraine attacks. And also for headaches caused by depression. These include Amitriptyline and Fluoroacyzine. They should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor and only in limited quantities.
  • Narcotic analgesics. During the period of taking this medicine, blood pressure increases, so they are prescribed very rarely. They are released only by prescription.
  • Beta blockers. If your blood pressure increases, it is recommended to take these medications. They help dilate blood vessels, thus improving blood flow to brain tissue.

Useful video

Today, more and more often we are faced with such a condition as constant headache, or, scientifically, cephalgia. She exhausts, squeezes out all her strength every day; in such a state it is impossible to simply exist, let alone work. A headache can occur regardless of gender, age, or activity. Not to mention that this condition in itself is already quite dangerous, it is worth mentioning accompanying signs that aggravate the problem, such as disturbances in vision, memory, speech, coordination, weakness and numbness in one half of the body or part of it (for example, some fingers on the hand).

If you have a constant headache, it can mean a lot of things. Headache may occur due to various kinds infections - sluggish caries or sinusitis. This also includes polyps deep in the nose or ears, tumors and other intracranial formations. Due to head injuries, pathologies of the development of the skull, face, and neck, daily pain is quite natural. Vascular disorders (migraine) and increased intracranial pressure bring a lot of suffering, adding their symptoms in the form of changes in the sense of smell, nausea, dizziness and photophobia.

Absence fresh air, regular physical activity, as well as excessive exercise, aggravate discomfort. Insufficient blood circulation impairs brain nutrition, and lack of movement causes osteochondrosis. Salts deposited in the vertebrae compress the vessels, which are already narrowed by sluggish blood flow. The result is a constant headache. This is the scourge of all modern office workers.

Metabolic disorders and hormonal disorders, such as diabetes, have a great influence on frequent cephalgia. And the very substances we use can be very insidious. If you are taking medications, your body will react to new drugs introduced into it. Or, on the contrary, finding yourself without the support of chemical “crutches” when you have just finished taking it, you will begin to be capricious and try to adapt to new conditions. They continue the topic of allergies, both obvious and hidden. Hypertension, hypotension, arterial hypertension and other pressure changes are also on the list of reasons why headaches often occur.

The human body is designed in such a way that in a moment of danger, the muscles contract, preparing to protect what is hidden underneath. Emotions such as excitement and fear cause spasms, and the head is no exception. Pain from tension is a common occurrence, as current conditions leave us feeling stressed almost constantly. If stress becomes chronic and consciousness cannot overcome it, the “caring” subconscious strives to hide it within itself, so as not to distract consciousness from pressing matters. And then, it would seem, causeless pain in the head comes with even greater force.

If painful sensations torment you every day, then this serious reason consult a doctor - therapist or neurologist, and undergo a series of examinations prescribed by him. It is possible that you will be referred for examinations to other specialists.

Types of headaches and their symptoms

There are four types:

  • Vascular. There is a feeling of pulsation, fullness, the head is dullly aching and dizzy, and the vision periodically becomes dark. It hurts to bend over, lie down, wear a hat, or comb your hair. This is usually caused by either low blood pressure when blood stagnates in the vessels and stretches them, or increased when blood is pushed through the arteries with too much high speed and puts pressure on surrounding tissues, or osteochondrosis, when salts, deposited on the bones, compress the blood flow.
  • Liquorodynamic. Dizziness, nausea, blood pressure frontal part skull, temporary blurred vision. With hypertension, the pain either increases or subsides depending on different body positions. With hypotension, standing is especially painful. The reason lies in increased secretion cerebrospinal fluid. Because of it, intracranial pressure increases.
  • Neuralgic. Sharp or cutting, sudden, accompanied. If you press on the sore point, it spreads to neighboring areas. Redness and swelling of the skin, changes in its sensitivity are possible. The discomfort almost never goes away even from taking painkillers. They can last for weeks and months. They can be provoked by prolonged and excessive physical activity in combination with hypothermia. This explains why microtraumas and inflammation of the nerve roots occur. Also nerve fibers may be affected by various toxins that accumulate in the body due to infection (for example, botulism), contact with heavy metals(lead, mercury) or alcohol abuse.
  • Muscle tension. Painful aches, feeling of squeezing, squeezing, restriction, sometimes you want to scratch. It occurs against a background of eye strain, an abundance of different smells, loud music, fears and worries, lack of movement, pressure on various parts of the head (tight hair bands, hats, uncomfortable pillows and glasses).

Prevention and relief for headaches

There is a ban on certain products and procedures if you have a constant headache:

  1. Sausages may contain increased amount nitrites - dyes that give the product a pleasant pinkish color, and artificial flavors.
  2. Chewing gum, chocolate, sweet soda, some types of sweets - the substance phenylethylamine.
  3. Sugar substitutes, such as aspartame and additive E 961, can provoke headaches. They are found in soda, yogurt, low-calorie desserts, candy, cough drops and vitamins.
  4. Cheese, red wine, smoked fish, nuts, chicken liver – amino acid tyramine.
  5. Spices, soy - vegetable protein monosodoglutamate.
  6. Alcohol. After a small dose, the discomfort may subside and disappear, but it may return later. What if you suffer from cephalalgia all the time?
  7. Smoking. Nicotine spasms muscles.
  8. Taking large amounts of painkillers.
  9. Cold. Ice compresses and washing will not give anything other than additional vasospasm and muscle tension.

If you have not yet been able to find out the reasons for your frequent torment, try to help yourself and somehow alleviate the attacks with the following harmless means:

  • Fresh air. Regular walks and frequent ventilation of the room will supply the body with oxygen.
  • Herbal decoctions. Brew some lavender or chamomile and drink it as tea. After this, try to sleep.
  • Compress. Warm or slightly cool water– whichever you prefer – add a few drops of mint or lavender essential oil. Then wet a towel or piece of cloth and apply it to your forehead and temples for a while.
  • Self-massage. Lower your head slightly, massage with your fingertips, moving from the forehead to the back of the head. Walk through each area several times. It would also be a good idea to massage your neck and ears.

Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. Do not self-medicate by swallowing handfuls of pills day after day. If cephalalgia bothers you constantly, seek medical help as soon as possible to find out why and how dangerous your condition is, and what to do about it.

Hard work, constant stress, poor diet, and bad habits negatively affect a person’s condition. Some people suffer from constant headaches.

The causes of discomfort must be determined without delay. The problem prevents the patient from living a normal life and often provokes depression.

The pathology appears suddenly, and it is often impossible to get rid of it without proper treatment. Simply swallowing analgesics is prohibited: uncontrolled use of various medications often provokes diseases of internal organs, leading to serious complications.

Unpleasant sensations cause a lot of inconvenience: a person cannot perform normally daily work, appetite suffers, various organs and body systems. Painful manifestations are periodic or permanent. Sometimes minor discomfort develops into a full-fledged migraine, which is extremely difficult to get rid of.

An attack of pain can be felt in one area or move over time, and the intensity of the sensations is also not always the same. Regardless of the severity of the manifestations, visit a doctor.

The statistics are inexorable: about 70% of people suffer from painful attacks, discomfort in the temporal, frontal, parietal or occipital parts of the head.

Painful manifestations impair quality of life. Residents of large cities often face this problem. The majority are office workers who spend a lot of time at the computer with a lack of fresh air.

  • The main causes of constant headaches in the temples, back of the head and in the frontal part of the head:
  • overvoltage;
  • stress;
  • minimum night sleep;
  • malnutrition;
  • inattention to one's health;

physical inactivity, other factors.

Scientists identify several main factors that influence the appearance of frequent pain in areas of the head:

Only 5% of all headaches indicate serious pathologies. Finding out whether you fall into these percentages is almost impossible on your own. To refute or confirm the diagnosis, be sure to visit a specialist.

Tactics for a patient with constant headaches

If a patient suffers from constant discomfort in any area of ​​the head, it is necessary to immediately carry out an accurate diagnosis, identify the cause of the ailment, and eliminate it by all available means.

  • What should a patient suffering from constant headaches do:
  • First of all, consult a doctor: a neurologist or therapist.
  • The best option is to keep a special diary. Write down your feelings during attacks of pain, their nature, duration, and other features.
  • Be sure to take the necessary tests (blood, urine, feces), and undergo the necessary diagnostic measures.
  • Tell the specialist about all available chronic diseases, various injuries, allergies, and other characteristics of your body (even if they are very old).

Characteristics and self-diagnosis

Eliminating the cause of the appearance discomfort– the key to excellent health and complete recovery. Scientists identify several main factors influencing the occurrence of pain.

Every reason has characteristic features. Having the information, the patient can conduct an independent diagnosis and come to the doctor with an almost complete diagnosis.

Arterial hypertension

With this disease, discomfort appears due to pulsation of blood vessels; pain is often felt in the back of the head.

Permanent high pressure has a detrimental effect on brain tissue: neurons are compressed, brain plasma overheats.

The patient constantly feels weakness, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

Unpleasant sensations are permanent, especially if no treatment has been carried out.

Risk group:

  • people who do not control their blood pressure;
  • elderly patients suffering from blocked veins and high cholesterol.

An important factor is human ignorance simple rules to improve your condition, preventive measures.

The drug Citramon is a popular remedy for headaches. In this topic we will try to figure out whether this remedy always helps, how it works and what contraindications exist for its use.

Constant pain due to tumors of the central nervous system

Oncological diseases and pathologies of the central nervous system are rare. Only 5% of all patients who go to the doctor with the problem of headaches actually suffer from cancer.

The disease cannot be written off: constant headache is one of the signs of a dangerous pathology.

When identifying characteristic symptom, immediately visit a doctor: a specialist will confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Malignant or benign education compresses the substance of the brain, which leads to disruption of the outflow of special fluid, meninges stretch, the person feels discomfort. The nature of the pain depends on where the tumor is located.

Typically, pain bothers the patient at night. Immediately after waking up, during the day the pain gradually subsides. The pathology is accompanied by frequent vomiting, dizziness, and temporary darkening of the eyes.

Taking analgesics does little to help cope with headaches. Uncontrolled use of potent drugs is prohibited.

Only a doctor, after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, will pick up the correct scheme treatment. It is impossible to get rid of a brain tumor on your own.

Discomfort during pregnancy

While pregnant, many women complain of constant headaches. The cause of the phenomenon is intoxication of the mother’s body with waste products of the fetus. The problem is difficult to solve due to the impossibility of taking many medications.

Characteristic signs of pathology during pregnancy:

  • loss of appetite;
  • constant nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness, pain in various parts of the head;
  • sleep disturbances, decreased overall body tone;
  • frequent sensations of pulsation in the back of the head and temples.

Treatment with drugs is carried out only in case of urgent need. Doctor reveals possible risks for the fetus, compares with the benefits for the mother.

When carrying a baby, it is strictly forbidden to take any painkillers on your own. The use of inappropriate medications, especially in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, often causes fetal malformations.


The nature of therapy depends on the identified pathology. If necessary, the neurologist will refer you for additional examination.

For staging accurate diagnosis Consultation with specialists is required:

  • vascular surgeon;
  • cardiologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • therapist;
  • oncologist.

Complex treatment is often required:

  1. It is impossible to lower blood pressure without monitoring the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and treating neurological diseases.
  2. Poisoning with dangerous chemicals, toxicosis at various stages of pregnancy requires observation by a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, or therapist.
  3. Treatment of neoplasms in various departments brain examination is carried out in collaboration with a neurologist and oncologist. A positive attitude, quality nutrition, and hospitality are important vitamin preparations to strengthen the body.
  4. If sleep and rest patterns are disturbed, frequent stressful situations causing discomfort and pain in various parts of the head, the help of a psychologist or hygienist is required. It is important to review your daily routine and take sedatives. Relaxation techniques are an effective method of combating overstrain.
  5. If problems arise due to insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals that support brain health, a review of the diet is required. Except good nutrition, reception is important food additives, vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for full-fledged work regulator of all processes.

Moderate physical activityrequired condition, maintaining sufficient vascular tone. The doctor will suggest a set of exercises allowed for the disease. Remember: without active nutrition cells, all tissues and organs cannot be eliminated negative manifestations. Blood stagnation is one of the causes of frequent headaches.


Treatment of frequent headaches requires serious material costs and constant attention to symptoms. It's easier to stick certain rules: following simple recommendations will prevent discomfort and reduce pain.

Helpful Tips:

  • rest for 7–8 hours throughout the day;
  • follow the diet, normalize your diet;
  • give up bad habits;
  • visit specialists regularly, conduct preventive examinations the whole body, get tested;
  • Strengthen your immune system: take multivitamins, harden yourself.

Simple rules will improve your well-being and help you cope with headaches. Any discomfort in the head area is a reason to visit a doctor. Do not self-medicate, be healthy!

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