Give recommendations to an elderly person on diet therapy. Features of nutrition of elderly and old people

Nutrition for the elderly occupies a separate place in dietetics. Knowledge general rules balanced diet will help maintain health and vigor at any age.

The main task of nutrition for older people is to provide the body with energy, plastic and other substances in order to maintain vital functions and correct various conditions. The development of healthy eating rules for elderly and elderly people is carried out on the basis of scientific knowledge about the processes occurring in the human body during aging. Factors such as slowing metabolism, the presence of diseases, lifestyle changes, psychological characteristics. Principles healthy eating for older people allow you to make complete diet, taking into account the individual needs of each person.

In old age (60-75 years) and old age (75 years and older), many people begin
being capricious, choosing food choosily, forgetting to follow the regime. At that time
The support of loved ones is especially important - not only in everyday life, but also in psychological
plan. It is believed that a person’s attitude towards food shows his attitude towards life
in general, therefore, older people who eat well and with pleasure
stronger and more energetic than their peers who are indifferent to food.

Principles of nutrition for older people

The energy value of the diet must clearly correspond to the needs of the body. Two points are important here: firstly, with age, the speed metabolic processes decreases, and secondly, the body’s energy expenditure is much less than in more at a young age. Excessive caloric intake of the diet will only increase the load on the aging body, so you should exclude foods that do not bring benefits, and consume everything else in moderation.

The meal plan should be fractional: than older man, the more important is the rhythm and regularity of all processes. In addition, eating frequently and in small portions helps relieve the body of the consequences of overeating. Small meals allow you to maintain a constant level of blood sugar, which is especially important in old age. Optimal quantity meals - 5-6 per day.

The composition of the diet should be varied, since the body's needs should be fully satisfied. In this case, changes in the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food should be taken into account. These abilities decrease with age, so important feature diet in old age - easily digestible foods and dishes rich in everything necessary.

Correction of nutrition taking into account diseases and characteristics of a person’s condition. Some diseases require a reduction in the proportion of proteins in the diet, while others recommend limiting carbohydrates - all this becomes especially important in old age, therefore, when compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account not only general recommendations nutritionists, but also the instructions of the attending physician.

Food should be tasty, with pleasant smell, by its appearance induce appetite. It is also important to be able to replace one product with another if an elderly person refuses a dish he doesn’t like.

Slow metabolism, lack of appetite, unwanted side effects from taking numerous medications, moodiness in food, tendency to overeat, high risk food poisoning and atherosclerotic changes - these are the main problems, some of which everyone will inevitably face old man. For decreasing negative consequences changes should be made to your usual diet.

Protein sources

It is preferable to get protein from fish and seafood - they are better absorbed and richer in nutrients. It is recommended to consume seafood almost daily in old age. It is advisable to steam or boil them. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of meat to 1-2 times a week, soups with meat broth - to 1. 2-3 eggs per week are allowed. Dairy products are recommended, but they must be low-fat.

Sources of fats

It is advisable to consume fats predominantly plant origin. Unrefined vegetable oil must be consumed in fresh- in salads, with vegetables, cereals, etc., but there is no need to overuse oil. Animal fats are necessary to normalize cholesterol metabolism, but in small quantities: the fats contained in eggs and dairy products are quite sufficient. Butter is allowed (no more than 1 sandwich per day).

Sources of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the cornerstone of nutrition in old age. Digestible carbohydrates should be complex (polysaccharides) that slowly release energy. At the same time, indigestible carbohydrates ( dietary fiber) in the diet of an elderly person there should also be a lot - they ensure absorption various substances and contribute normal operation intestines: help avoid constipation, which is common in old age, and have a moderate stimulating effect on the organs of the digestive system. The diet of older people should include bread made from flour coarse, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal and others), vegetables, fruits. It is preferable to eat the gifts of nature and the garden fresh, boiled, or stewed; vegetarian (vegetable and cereal) soups, puree soups, and casseroles are useful.

Sources of micro- and macroelements, vitamins

Micro-, macroelements and vitamins are important at any age, but older people need to constantly compensate for their deficiency - as they age useful material are worse absorbed. Doctors recommend trying to get everything you need from food, but additional intake vitamin preparations is indicated for almost all people over 60 years of age. This is especially true for vitamins C and E, calcium, and iron. Of course, vitamins must be taken as prescribed by your doctor.

Restrictions and prohibitions

Dietary restrictions in older people are associated with different features their body. Important role the desire to reduce the risk of obesity plays a role here, cardiovascular diseases, exacerbation of diabetes mellitus. That is why you should give up “empty calories”: sugar, baked goods and confectionery, replacing them with fruits, berries, and honey. Fine flour bread and polished cereals are also undesirable.

Excessive load on digestive system in old age it is harmful - you should not overeat, eat difficult-to-digest foods (legumes are allowed, but little by little, coarse fiber - with caution), eat salty, spicy, smoked foods.

A categorical “no” in the diet of the elderly

Particular attention should be paid to the complete exclusion of semi-finished products, industrial sausages, fast food, and carbonated drinks from the menu. Alcoholic drinks allowed in very moderate quantities and only in the absence of contraindications. It is best to give preference to a glass of dry wine.

Use table salt minimize - excess salt increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and disrupts calcium metabolism.

Diet monotony is the enemy not only of appetite, but of everyone physiological processes, therefore, “getting hung up” on any one product is extremely undesirable.

Harmony for the soul, health for the body

For the complete absorption of food in old age, not only the characteristics of food are important, but also general state person. Moderate physical exercise help normalize digestion and keep the entire body in good shape. The psychological atmosphere at the table is also extremely important - both for appetite and for digestion in general. Reading and watching TV while eating is undesirable, but a pleasant conversation with loved ones, on the contrary, is useful.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Natalia Bakatina

Photos used in this material belong to

Healthy lifestyle Articles

7 rules of nutrition for the elderly


The nutrition of older people should be formed taking into account 3 main factors: the elderly’s metabolism slows down, the body’s energy expenditure decreases due to a decrease in physical activity, and there are diseases. Proper nutrition in old age will help maintain health, vigor and good mood.

Rule 1: Don't overeat

In older people, metabolism is slower, and due to the fact that physical activity is lower and less energy is consumed, excess calories increases the load on the body, causing overweight and obesity. It is worth excluding foods that are not beneficial (sweets, pickles, smoked foods, etc.), and consume the rest in moderation.

Rule 2: Eat small portions and often

It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. This allows you to maintain blood sugar levels at a constant level, and also not overload the body, in which digestion processes occur more slowly.

Rule 3: Make your diet varied

The body's needs for nutrients ah must be satisfied completely. Therefore, the diet must contain 5 main food groups: grains, proteins, dairy, fruits/vegetables and fats. It is worth giving preference to easily digestible foods and dishes. Get ready delicious dishes with a pleasant aroma.

Rule 4: Adjust your diet based on illnesses

Some diseases in old age require a reduction in the amount of protein in the diet, while others require a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates or fats. The characteristics of the medications taken should also be taken into account. That is why, when preparing a diet, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Rule 5: Fish is better than meat

It is better for older people to get protein from fish and seafood - they are better absorbed and contain more nutrients. It is advisable to eat them every day. It is better to cook seafood by steaming or boiling. You should eat meat 1-2 times a week, soups with meat broth - 1 time a week. Eggs can be consumed up to 2-3 pieces. in Week. It is worth giving preference to low-fat milk and fermented milk products.

Rule 6: Choose vegetable fats

Give preference to unrefined vegetable oil. It can be added to salads, vegetable dishes, porridge. But abuse vegetable oil It's also not worth it. Animal fats are also needed for normal cholesterol metabolism, but in small quantities. Enough fats are found in eggs and dairy products. Butter should be limited to 1 sandwich per day.

Rule 7: Eat special carbohydrates

It is necessary to give preference to complex carbohydrates, which slowly release energy, as well as indigestible carbohydrates (fiber), which promote the absorption of various substances, eliminate constipation, and stimulate the digestive system. Give preference to wholemeal bread, vegetables and fruits, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, bulgur, quinoa, mixed rice). It is better to eat vegetables fresh, as well as boiled or stewed; vegetable and cereal soups and casseroles are good.

The rhythm of life in modern megacities does not allow you to breathe freely full breasts. This is stress, the daily race for material wealth, bad habits. And sometimes, even young people feel a loss of strength and fatigue, and are subject to negative factors environment. What can we say about older people? It's doubly hard for them. Age brings with it not only general melancholy, but also disruptions in the functioning of the body. You can learn about that from the article.

Features of nutrition of elderly people

The aging process is an integral part of life. The body begins to age from the moment a person is born. During the aging process, age-related changes occur, expressed in a slowdown in psychomotor functions, a decrease in the body's regenerative functions and a weakening of the gastrointestinal tract functions. To maintain the functions of an elderly body, it must receive sufficient quantity energy. Food is a source of nutrients and microelements. And a properly selected diet plays an important role in this. But it is worth remembering that in older people, metabolism slows down, so nutrition should be selected not only taking into account a history of diseases, but also taking into account the age category.

Sedentary lifestyle, lack of vitamins and minerals, frequent use medicines, constipation, all this leads to exacerbation of diseases and decrepitude of the body as a whole. In order to avoid these unpleasant consequences To stay healthy, older people need to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition. Namely:

- food should be varied, tasty and healthy;

- must be complied with water balance;

— the diet should contain a sufficient amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, as well as dishes with legumes and grains, nuts;

— nutrition should be based on the use of vegetable fats in cooking;

— the diet should contain vitamin E and sulfur-containing amino acids.


The body of an elderly person is very sensitive to overeating, which can lead to obesity. Therefore, the diet of older people should be based on balance. Those. Calories entering the body must correspond to energy expenditure.

Proper nutrition for older people

Proper nutrition for older people, in general, is not very different from the diet of other people. So, the nutrition rules for older people:

  1. Food should be easily digestible, varied, and most importantly, biologically valuable, with a sufficient content of proteins, vitamins and salts, especially calcium and iron.
  2. The diet should consist of 4-5 meals per day. Since the metabolism of older people is slower, the last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. This will avoid problems such as heartburn, bloating and insomnia.
  3. No overeating! The diet of an elderly person, taking into account the condition of the teeth and the functioning of the digestive organs, should contain 1800-2400 kcal. At sedentary life, this norm should not exceed 2000 kcal.
  4. Eating vegetable fats (corn) and protein (lean meat, cottage cheese) will help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and avoid premature aging.
  5. Limit your intake of sugar and sweet drinks, replacing them with fruits and vegetables. Avoid high consumption of pasta and fresh bread.
  6. Fresh food prepared daily.

You can get information about proper nutrition after 60 from the video .

Restrictions on the menu for older people

IN daily menu elderly people should include the following products:

  • Cereals– a source of fiber that regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is a source of energy.
  • Vegetables and fruits– a source of vitamins C, E, K, folic acid and flavonoids. Eating them is a preventive measure cancer diseases and slows down the aging process.
  • Dairy– a source of calcium, so necessary in old age. Calcium deficiency can lead to the development of osteoporosis, especially in women over 60 years of age.
  • Meat and fish– a source of protein and B vitamins, so necessary for normalizing blood pressure and beauty. A decrease in the ability for self-renewal of protein in old age leads to the manifestation of protein deficiency in the body. But, excess protein in the blood can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. A lack of B vitamins leads to pronounced manifestations of deep wrinkles on the face, especially in the mouth area.

Diets, as such, are contraindicated for older people. Normally, weight loss per day should not exceed 400 grams. Everything above is an indicator for conversion to medical institution. But, if all the same, according to medical indicators If food restrictions are necessary, then these should be:

— poultry meat (duck, goose);

- semi-finished meat products (smoked meats, ham, canned meat), canned fish;

- salted and pickled foods;

pasta except those of durum wheat, white rice;

- products with high content simple carbohydrates(jams, jams, sauces, mayonnaise, sweet drinks, honey);

- alcohol, strong coffee, carbonated drinks.

There are practically no dietary restrictions for healthy older people. It is only necessary to slightly adjust the quantity and quality of consumed products, taking into account physical activity and a history of diseases. In addition, it makes no sense to limit the consumption of one food group, preferring another, because One-sided nutrition in old age may not contain the full nutritional value.

An approximate menu for an elderly person should ideally consist of 4-5 meals, with a break: breakfast 7.00, second breakfast 10.00, lunch 13.00, afternoon snack 16.00, dinner 19.00. A snack before bed is possible, but light and low in calories.


— Rice porridge with milk, curd cheese, tea with milk, bread

— Fruit or salad from fresh vegetables with vegetable oil

— Vegetarian cabbage soup with sour cream, beef stroganoff with potatoes, bread, dried fruit compote

— Vitamin juice

— Boiled fish with rice, kefir, bread, tea

— Yogurt or kefir with a bun


— Bagel with ham, chicory coffee

— Omelet, sandwich with butter and cheese, cocoa

Vegetable soup, boiled chicken with noodles, freshly squeezed juice

— Kefir or yogurt

— Charlotte with cottage cheese, dried fruit compote

- fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil


— Rice porridge with milk, cottage cheese with sugar and milk, tea with milk

Seasonal fruits

— Vegetarian vegetable soup with sour cream, boiled meat with mashed potatoes, compote

— Vegetable or fruit juice

— Jellied fish, apple soufflé, tea with milk

— Kefir, bun


— Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, chicory coffee with milk

Cereals with milk, green tea

— Fish soup puree, beef stew with vegetables, cranberry juice

— Apple or banana

— Veal zraza with steamed vegetables, baked apple, green tea


— Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole, Apple juice

- Chicken omelette, applesauce, green tea

— Vegetable soup with chicken breast, stewed cauliflower, bread, compote

— Curd cheese, green tea

— Meatballs with buckwheat, fruit yogurt, tea

— Curdled milk or kefir


Oatmeal water with honey, coffee without sugar, banana

Green tea with lemon, dried fruits

Vegetable stew with brown rice, bread, compote

Cottage cheese casserole with fruit, green tea

— Baked fish with stewed vegetables, freshly squeezed juice

— Fruit or vegetable salad


Hercules porridge on the water with butter, sandwich with cheese, coffee

— Banana or apple

— Boiled chicken fillet with baked vegetables, bread, compote

— Low-fat yogurt, green tea

— Sugar-free cottage cheese with sour cream, baked apple, cocoa

Nutrition for the elderly with diabetes and fractures

The senile body is subject to not only general decline. Against the background of a general deterioration of the condition, a violation may occur endocrine function- diabetes. As the disease progresses, complications with the functioning of the heart may arise, problems with blood pressure, difficulties with weight control. Therefore, proper nutrition for older people with the disease diabetes mellitus is the main method of treatment. The main thing is to follow the rule: strictly limit carbohydrate intake and limit sugar intake. In addition, older diabetics should limit their intake. fried food and fatty meat. This will keep your cholesterol levels normal.


The basis of the diet of elderly diabetics should be vegetables (except potatoes) and dairy products. This will keep carbohydrate metabolism normal and have a beneficial effect on liver function.

In addition to diseases that can develop as the body ages, fractures are quite difficult for older people to endure. Is not a rare event when an elderly person breaks an arm or leg. By virtue of age-related changes, the absorption of calcium in the body occurs more slowly, and its leaching from the bones faster. This imbalance leads to fractures varying degrees gravity. For get well soon and bone fusion, the body must receive sufficient amounts of calcium. And in order for this calcium to be better absorbed, the food must contain vitamin D, which is abundant in oily fish. In addition, protein is extremely important for fractures - construction material bones. Its deficiency can be compensated for by eating meat, eggs, and low-fat cheeses.