Endorphins: what they are, why they are needed and how to increase the hormone in the body. Euphoria with endorphins, or a cure for everything

To feel happy, regardless of age, external characteristics, life circumstances, you need to learn to work on yourself. Help the body produce special substances, endorphins. They are also called hormones of joy, pleasures, “molecules of emotions.”

Endorphins significantly slow down the aging process. Active substances increase the body’s performance and help maintain positive attitude to everything that is happening. It is important for every person to know simple ways to increase endorphin levels and be happy.

Where are endorphins produced in the body?

By their biochemical nature, endorphins belong to peptide hormones, that is, they are simple proteins (proteins), since they consist exclusively of amino acids. The central nervous system is the center of emotions in the human body; it is the one that produces “emotion molecules” in large quantities.

In addition, these substances are secreted in organs digestive system , kidneys, pancreas and liver, even in internal tissues teeth. Pituitary gland internal secretion, which also synthesizes “happy” hormones and determines general level hormonal levels.

Protective effect of endorphin

A positive attitude, an easy attitude to life, a feeling of satisfaction, joy, and happiness are not determined only by the production of endorphins. This is a whole complex of complex biochemical reactions and physiological processes.

The release of endorphins is a response nervous system to the received signal from environment or from receptors in body organs. From quantity hormone will depend how a person will behave in .

The level of stress and a person’s understanding of what is happening determines the amount of the active substance. The happiness hormone was described in 1988, in the same year, scientists confirmed the fact that it reduces painful sensations. That is, the body must produce this hormone to protect itself from destructive negative emotions, long action which causes the development of diseases.

Like, endorphins are produced when a person experiences strong psychological experiences, shock, sharp pain. This is the body’s instinctive defense against dangerous stimuli; substances are released into the blood, act on neurotransmitters and help the human body adapt to stress.

Endorphin concentration disturbance

The amount of endorphin in the blood must be dosed. His flaw and excess is harmful to the body. The concentration of the happiness hormone easily jumps both upward and downward. Maintaining the concentration of this substance in one is quite difficult. Endorphin deficiency causes negative behavioral manifestations:

  • decadent state;
  • inadequacy;
  • aggression;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • tendency to conflict;
  • decreased attention;
  • memory impairment.

Excessive release of endorphins leads to loss of control over your emotions and behavior. Severe overexcitation can even lead to short-term loss memories, hysterics, uncontrollable laughter. This condition occurs much less frequently than a lack of “emotional molecules.” It is enough to terminate the contract with irritating factor and the concentration of the active substance will return to normal.

The production of happiness hormones can be controlled

The hypothalamus sends signals to the entire body to produce pleasure hormones. But this process can be started in another way. There are several ways how to get sufficient quantity pleasure hormone:

  • consume foods containing endorphins;
  • study sports, or rather, provide the body with sufficient physical activity;
  • Love- great source hormone of joy, pleasure and youth.


It is known that confectionery products can release endorphins, especially dark chocolate. But for many it will be surprising that chili pepper contributes to this. The burning sensation is perceived by the brain as a signal about an increase in the concentration of the substance. Pepper contains a substance called capsaicin, which triggers the process.

In many foods contain endorphins or their predecessors, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole, which helps stabilize the emotional state.

Product table

Avocado, bananaHalf an avocado or one banana contains tryptophan.
MustardIncreases serotonin levels
PotatoA source of potassium, the amount of which decreases during stress, mood will improve if the concentration of this chemical element is restored
CilantroActively stimulates the nervous system
MilkSource of peptides, they increase serotonin levels
PaprikaRestores brain function
BeetSource folic acid, which breaks down homocysteine ​​(a substance that causes depression and Bad mood)
Red RibesContained succinic acid, it relieves stress and gives strength.
ThymeContains cymol and caravacrol, calm the nervous system

This list includes strawberries, oranges, mangoes. And also shrimp, mussels, natural coffee, tea. A dish that is eaten with pleasure will become source of joy and pleasure.

Physical activity

Any sport will not only strengthen the body, but will also contribute to the additional supply of the pleasure hormone. The hormone produced during running improves mood, invigorates, and activates mental activity.
Swimming, fitness, cycling, skating - everything that makes you move with pleasure helps increase the concentration of a substance.


The power of love is limitless even at the biochemical level. The resulting amount of happiness hormones with mutual love almost doubles. The state of euphoria works wonders for the body, which manifests itself in powerful self-healing. The most powerful activator release of endorphins is sex.

other methods

It takes a little effort to ensure that the process of producing happiness hormones occurs constantly. This is facilitated by:

  • achieving important results and goals;
  • new impressions;
  • trips;
  • music;
  • ultraviolet;
  • dancing;
  • laughter;
  • good book or a movie.

Endorphin production is a complex bio chemical process. Carrying out simple rules, a person can easily control it. Thereby strengthening your health, maintaining youth and beauty.

What kind of hormone is endorphin, and what functions does it have in the body?

Endorphin is a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and allows a person to feel a feeling of euphoria and happiness.

What can you do to artificially increase the level of endorphins in your body?

Endorphin hormone and feeling of happiness

Ideally, we would like (at least most of us) to have people around us who are filled with happiness.

There is probably no person who, at least once in his life, has not thought about what “happiness” is, at least for him personally.

Most will initially say that happiness is wealth, which allows you to buy everything - a villa on the Cote d'Azur or a 100-meter yacht. Others who have already encountered health problems will say that happiness is not having any diseases. Still others, who have experienced the feeling of love, will decide that happiness is a mutually shared feeling of love.

However, all of these factors have nothing to do with the feeling of happiness! All of the above are just factors that contribute to the absence of stress, and happiness is a feeling of euphoria at specific moments, something that makes us glow with joy, smile, and feel “in seventh heaven.”

You've probably noticed that not every person can experience a feeling of happiness. And the reason is not at all that this person has no money or health, not because there is no love or bright moments in life. The trouble is that what makes us happy is not a walk under the moon with a loved one, or a child’s smile, or delicious food.

Not at all, it gives a feeling of happiness chemical reaction, as a result of which endorphins enter our blood - hormones of happiness, which are produced by a part of the brain called the pituitary gland.

The more endorphins the pituitary gland produces, the more happiness we feel throughout our entire body. And on the contrary, the body’s inability to produce endorphins makes a person unhappy.

When did people learn where happiness comes from?

Scientists first learned about endorphins in the middle of the 20th century. It was then that it became clear that certain areas of the brain are responsible for happiness. They are the ones who make a person feel a sense of happiness.

In addition, endorphins also help us increase self-esteem, self-confidence, willpower, energy, and determination.

That is why there are people who seem to be immersed in eternal twilight - always dissatisfied with everything, gloomy, unable to rejoice even at obvious moments that cause euphoria for the majority. The reason is not that they are “bad” by nature. Most likely, their pituitary gland does not actively secrete happiness hormones.

However, it is possible to increase the production of endorphins artificially. For this there are various methods effects on the body. However, we will consider the simplest ones.

How to artificially increase endorphin levels

Hormonal pharmaceuticals

One of the simplest, but also dangerous means In order to replenish the lack of hormones in the human body as quickly as possible, the use of hormonal medications is considered.

However, since this hormone not only increases the feeling of happiness, but also regulates the work various organs and human systems, such experiments can cause irreparable harm to the recipient’s body. If they can be taken, it is after a thorough examination of hormone levels and consultation with a doctor.

Foods that contain tyrosine

It’s not just artificial medications that increase the production of endorphins. Increased production of the happiness hormone can be caused by consuming certain food products, namely those that contain tyrosine. This is a substance that is an aromatic alpha amino acid. It is from this that the body synthesizes hormones of happiness.

Tyrosine is found in foods such as:

Among drinks, the best and healthiest activator of endorphin production is green tea.

Foods High in Tryptophan

Tryptophan, α-aminopropionic acid, which is also necessary for the production of endorphins, can also be useful for the production of the happiness hormone. Not by chance a large number of This amino acid is found in foods that, among other things, are strong natural antidepressants. In particular, these include:

Milk and fermented milk products;

Sea fish and seafood.

Ultraviolet, sunbathing

The most common sunbathing is no less effective in activating the synthesis of endorphins.

If you are in a bad mood, have some unsolvable problems, or are haunted by a depressed state of mind - just sunbathe. Half an hour to an hour of exposure sun rays will cause the production of vitamin D, endorphins, and you will notice that negativity and depressive state decreased or disappeared completely, instead you were visited by peace, tranquility, and a feeling of euphoria.

Sex is a great way to lift your spirits

If it’s winter and there’s very little sun, then you can use another natural method to lift your mood: just make love.

The only “but” is that sex must end in orgasm, otherwise there will be no release of endorphins. But a good orgasm causes an active release of “happiness hormones”, helps reduce stress levels, and improves mood.

Laughter increases the level of the hormone of happiness

The best cure for depression and low spirits is laughter. Moreover, the more sincere and cheerful the laughter, the more active production endorphins. In addition, laughter strengthens the immune system.


An effective means of producing happiness hormones is playing sports. Sports such as:


The only rule is not to get too carried away. Half an hour to 1 hour of exercise a day is enough, since excessive involvement in sports leads to physical strain and injury.

How can you increase the level of endorphins in the blood, as well as what endorphins are, and what problems can arise with a lack of the hormone of happiness in the body.

Is our emotional condition directly depends on the physiological processes occurring in the body. One of the most important substances Taking part in these processes are endorphins. At the same time, we can regulate the release of these hormones ourselves.

What are endorphins?

Endorphins are chemical compounds that regulate a person's mood and make us feel happy or depressed. They are produced by special receptors in the neurons of the brain and are superior to antidepressants in the strength of their effects.

Lack of the “happiness hormone”

Endorphins fill us with energy, lift our spirits, and help us see the world in a more positive light. Accordingly, the lack of these substances leads to loss of strength, apathy, decreased mood and well-being. A person experiencing inexplicable sadness, absent-mindedness, decreased attention and motivation most likely suffers from a lack of endorphins.
Production of chemical compounds that increase vitality, occurs naturally in the body of every person. However, we ourselves can stimulate the mechanisms for the release of these hormones into the blood.

How to increase endorphins

Methods of increasing the level of these substances are safe and familiar to most people. It is important to watch your diet physical condition and periodically engage in various spiritual practices from listening to music to meditation.


First of all, you should reconsider your eating habits and include in your diet foods that stimulate a surge of hormones in the blood. These include:

Chili pepper - stimulates an increase in the hormone of happiness

Grapes are a source of endorphins

Black chocolate - best source happiness hormone

  1. Chili pepper, jalepeno and other types hot peppers contain a specific substance – capsaicin. The taste of capsaicin affects the mucous membranes so that nerve cells transmit a signal of irritation to the brain, to which it reacts with a surge of endorphins.
  2. Grapes and oranges. Thanks to high content Vitamin C from these fruits promotes a more active synthesis of the necessary compounds.
  3. Strawberry. This berry is also rich in vitamin C, but in addition it contains antioxidants that remove toxins.
  4. Bananas. It is not difficult to notice an improvement in your mood after eating a banana - natural sugar successfully copes with this task, and will help strengthen the nervous system great content potassium
  5. Chocolate. Dark chocolate is really healthy in an amount of no more than 25 g per day. Milk chocolate With low content cocoa causes a short-term burst of energy, while bitter cocoa helps fight heart disease and actively stimulates the production of endorphins.
  6. Ginseng. The root of this plant is a real treasure, because it has a variety of beneficial properties. It is used to reduce emotional stress and relaxation, increase endurance, performance and concentration. This effect is explained by the same production of endorphins.

Physical exercise

Sport and any activity is the most effective way stimulation of synthesis necessary connections. The peculiarity of exercise is that substances continue to be formed in the body not only at the time of training, but also for some time after.

The highest level of endorphins in the blood is found during command sports games or any group classes sports. But that doesn't diminish the value of exercising or running alone.

To make physical activity the most enjoyable, you should choose those activities that you like most. Any increase heart rate already promotes the production of endorphins. So dancing, cycling, roller skating, and swimming are ideal for increasing your spirits and improving your well-being. Even a simple walk on the river will help you achieve the desired result. fresh air at an average pace.


Almost every person experiences a burst of energy when the weather is good. The increase in mood on a sunny day is due to the beneficial effects of ultraviolet radiation. sunlight helps increase the amount of vitamin D, and it already stimulates the production of endorphins. However, it is advisable to prefer walking at a moderate pace, during which you need to control the amount of water consumed, rather than sitting motionless in the sun.


The method that always has a noticeable effect is laughter. Positive emotions from watching comedies or having fun in the company of friends will not pass without a trace. Endorphins are released during laughter huge quantities, which helps overcome almost any degree of depression. Finding a reason to smile is easier than it seems. You need to surround yourself with pleasant little things, communicate more often with loved ones, and try to smile more often, constantly reminding yourself that we ourselves form our own attitude towards life.


The most enjoyable way to feel the rush of endorphins is spending time with your loved one. Research has proven that love is a chemical process, so the inspiration of a person in love is explained precisely by the production chemical substances in the brain. Emotional and physical contact relieves nervous tension, reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases, stress, strengthens the body.


Listening to music is also a powerful stimulant for the production of the “happiness hormone”. There are no restrictions here - you should listen to exactly what you like. There is no music that improves your mood except the one you like, no matter what genre it is. The brighter the emotions that arise when listening to music, the better. The fact that the production of chemical compounds has already begun is evidenced by such phenomena as hair standing on end or, oddly enough, the appearance of tears in the eyes.


In addition to being active, you should also consider the benefits of relaxation. There are many relaxation methods that stimulate the release of hormones just as well as sports:

  • Meditation - this practice has an effect that is stronger than the effect of jogging.
  • Massage – touching and massaging movements help relax muscles and increase the level of endorphins by 2 times.
  • Aromatherapy - the smell of vanilla and lavender helps get rid of insomnia and anxious thoughts.

The mechanism of endorphin production can be regulated independently, while simple ways there are many triggers for this mechanism. The effect will be especially noticeable when several are combined: for example, playing sports and listening to music. It is important to remember that activity that promotes the production of happiness hormones should become a habit - daily walks, a properly planned diet and pleasant communication on an ongoing basis will help you feel happy in the long term.

Their presence is especially important when we get so little sun. In summer, more endorphins are produced. There is even a recommendation: if you want to increase the level of happiness hormones, go to the beach to sunbathe.

But what to do in winter, when you can count the number of sunny days on your fingers? Luckily, winter can also boost your endorphin levels despite the lack of sun.

The effect of endorphins is similar to the effect of “rose-colored glasses”. When the body produces a lot of endorphins, a person tends to see only the good in everything. . Vice versa, low level These hormones can cause feelings of depression. But if you know ways to increase the level of endorphins in the body, you will forget about antidepressants. After all, antidepressants can contribute to addiction to the chemicals contained in their composition. Besides, similar drugs Not suitable for everyone. Endorphins are 10 times more powerful than antidepressants and have a much stronger effect.

A little history

The history of the discovery of endorphins is connected with China, where in the 70s of the last century surgeons showed American doctors surgery without pain relief.

At the time, the Chinese government was looking for ways to capture the American imagination. And in the case of pain relief from operations using acupuncture, they succeeded. American anesthesiologists were shocked: an operation with an autopsy chest- and the patient answers the questions, and when signs of pain appear, the Chinese doctor only tightens the needles at the acupuncture points.

As a result of “culture shock,” Americans poured into research. In 1975, protein molecules from rat brains were discovered that cause pain relief. Pharmacologists have created dozens of drugs that imitate natural morphines. It turned out that the problem is not only in molecules like morphine, but also in specific receptors, of which there are more than a dozen.

These receptors form whole functional systems. And today it is not enough to tell a person: “Your level of endorphins is reduced.” Good specialist must also find out which part of the endorphin system has suffered, and also propose effective methods of restoration.

Myths about endorphins

Myth No. 1. You can get endorphins from chocolate.

Eat chocolate for your health; with chocolate you can obtain the starting substances for the synthesis of many neurohormones. But these are not endorphins in their pure form.

Myth No. 2. Acupuncture increases the synthesis of endorphins.

Actually this is not true. Acupuncture realizes its effects through the release of endorphins; it does not affect their synthesis.

Simple truths

Endorphins- these are proteins, they require time for synthesis. They are synthesized during sleep, therefore healthy sleep necessary as the main condition for the full formation of endorphins.

The endorphin system obeys a general biological law: training enhances function, overtraining causes exhaustion. Traumatic situations that are regularly repeated also lead to exhaustion. General physical exhaustion of the body and depletion of the endorphin system go hand in hand.

What do endorphin systems affect in our body? The list is quite long: anti-pain effects; slowing breathing, heartbeat - anti-stress effects; strengthening immunity; regulation of intestinal activity; participation in the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system; regulation of metabolic rate; feeling of euphoria; level of self-esteem.

What does lack lead to?

Lack of endorphins leads to depressed mood, apathy and depression. The goal of any person is to satisfy needs and receive pleasure. A feeling of pleasure appears in the body when endorphins are released. This chemical compound very similar to morphine, hence the name “endorphin” - endogenous (internal) morphine, that is, produced inside the body.

The formation of endorphin is reduced in some pathologies. Thus, in people with chemical dependence, their amount in the body is initially reduced. Therefore, such a person often feels “normal” for the first time only after consuming alcohol or drugs, since they increase the amount of endorphin. If he positively perceives this receipt of “happiness in life,” then after some time he becomes a drug addict or alcoholic.

Since drug addicts receive a large amount of morphine into their brains from external environment(heroin), or the body adapts to their regular harsh stimulation (vint - a homemade drug, cocaine, ethanol), then after a while the synthesis of natural endorphins stops. Fortunately, there are simple and safe ways increase endorphin levels.

The easiest way to top up - food

Proper nutrition plays a significant role in increasing endorphin levels. If your diet is not balanced, their levels will decrease. There are many foods that can stimulate the release of endorphins. But it should be understood that food does not produce endorphins directly, but only helps the body in their synthesis.

  • Strawberry. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C. And other vitamins contained in this berry can help produce endorphins, stimulating nerve impulses. Antioxidants are another benefit of strawberries; they remove harmful toxins from the body. And the strawberry itself is very tasty, just the sight of it lifts your spirits!
  • Chilli. Chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which stimulates the production of endorphins. Research has shown that the hotter and spicier food, the more endorphins you get. This news will definitely appeal to lovers of spicy dishes.
  • Avocado. It is enough to eat half a fruit a day, and the world will no longer seem gloomy to you.
  • Bananas. These fruits are a source of tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for the brain's production of the hormone serotonin, which is involved in the synthesis of endorphins. One banana a day guarantees a good mood.
  • Mustard. Mustard oil also increases serotonin levels. Use mustard in sauces more often, and you will gradually feel a surge of vigor.

Exercise is for joy

Any type physical activity, which makes you sweat, is a stimulant for the production of endorphins. Exercise is a great way to feel good and look great.

There are a great variety of types of physical activity, so everyone can choose what they like best. Here are just a few examples of this type of activity:

  • dancing,
  • swimming,
  • roller skating and ice skating,
  • powerlifting,
  • basketball,
  • tennis,
  • parkour,
  • aerobics,
  • a ride on the bicycle
  • and mountaineering.

Sex and endorphins

Sex and orgasm contribute to the release of a powerful charge of endorphins and the appearance of a state of extraordinary euphoria. Besides the feeling of bliss, natural protector strengthens our immunity against diseases. This property of the hormone is reflected in tantrism - the ancient practice of yoga, where sex is considered a universal cure for any physical and mental illness.

In the absence of sexual release, accumulated hormones rage. Often the tension that arises finds a way out in unmotivated aggression, disputes and scandals. People who are satisfied with their sex life have much better self-control and even critical situations do not lose the ability to think sensibly.

Pregnancy and childbirth - the right way for a woman to experience a unique emotional uplift. Nature intends to support a pregnant woman’s body with regular doses of endorphins. The concentration of “happiness hormones” becomes maximum at the moment of birth of a child. A state of absolute happiness displaces the torment and pain experienced by a woman from her consciousness.

The power of laughter and relaxation

Laughter also releases endorphins. Just watch a comedy show or listen to another joke told by a friend. Even the ancients knew: laughter is a great way to become happy. Just start smiling or laughing even when you don't feel like it, and you will gradually feel much better. This is perhaps the easiest way to eliminate depression.

Relax a little- another way to become happier. Meditation and yoga are suitable. You just need to find 15 free minutes a day. Massage is also a great way to pamper yourself and improve your health.

Music flows, music, music...

Music lovers will be pleased to know that music can also increase endorphin levels. Biochemical substances that arise in the body under the influence of positive experiences and emotions caused by music favor the formation of endorphins and its own anesthetics. There is a theory according to which the pleasure received from music, that very magical feeling of floating, is the result of the production of endorphins.

One American magazine reported that many expectant mothers who regularly listened to music during pregnancy and childbirth did not even need painkillers. “Music therapy increases the production of endorphin by the pituitary gland and thereby reduces the need for medication. It also distracts from pain sensations,” the researchers said.

So just listen to your favorite music, and your endorphin levels are guaranteed to increase!

People tend to experience a wide variety of feelings: love and hostility, joy, happiness and sadness. They arise in response to influence external factors. The body produces special substances - hormones, which regulate the course of biochemical reactions in its various parts and the transmission of impulses to the centers of the brain. Each person has his own set of these substances that affect his health, mood and temperament. An important role is played by the so-called joy hormones, which are responsible for positive emotions that make people cheerful and energetic.


What are hormones and neurotransmitters

Hormones and neurotransmitters are called biologically active substances, stimulating the functioning of various organs when exposed to cell receptors. Hormones are produced in the endocrine glands and blood vessels spread throughout the body. They stimulate cells of various tissues to produce chemicals necessary for the occurrence of biochemical processes and organ functioning.

Neurotransmitters are produced in nerve cells. These substances transmit impulses directly to the brain, from where a response signal comes, forcing a person to make certain movements, think, digest food, and so on. There are biologically active substances mixed type, which manifest themselves in the body both as hormones and as neurotransmitters (for example, dopamine, norepinephrine).

Hormonal background and its features

A certain set of hormones is formed in the body, and their normal ratio is such that all organs work correctly and a person feels healthy. This does not mean that the combination of hormones should always be constant. The background changes within certain limits throughout life as one grows older and changes in physical and mental stress. The ratio of such substances depends on the gender of the person, his physiological state, and age.

In men, the ratio is more stable. In women, due to the peculiarities of functioning reproductive system and monthly fluctuations in the level of sex hormones, it is constantly changing. It is thanks to this that representatives of the fairer sex are more excitable, capricious, and are characterized by frequent changes moods. Hormonal imbalance can lead to tumor diseases, sexual disorders, developmental pathologies, as well as depression.

Organs that produce happiness hormones

The main center that regulates the production of hormones of joy and happiness in the body is the hypothalamus. According to its signal, hormones are produced in the pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, as well as in the ovary in women and testicles in men.

Cells that produce hormonal substances are also found in organs unrelated to endocrine system such as liver, kidneys, placenta, gastrointestinal tract and others. So, for example, when there is a lack of estrogen in the body, it begins to produce adipose tissue. In pregnant women, the placenta becomes the organ that produces hormones.

What substances are considered hormones of joy and pleasure?

There is a relationship between the production of various hormones and a person’s mood. His feelings and actions largely depend on how he slept, what he ate, with whom he communicated, and what new things he learned. The impressions he receives are reflected in the brain. And here signals are immediately produced that regulate the production of the corresponding hormones. There is a response feeling of pleasure or disappointment, peace or angry indignation.

The main hormones of joy, satisfaction, pleasure and happiness are called:

  • endorphin;
  • dopamine;
  • serotonin;
  • oxytocin.

Substances such as adrenaline and norepinephrine directly affect a person’s behavior and mood.


Reduces the impact of negative factors.

This substance is produced in the pituitary gland at the moment when a person enters the stressful situation. Sharp increase the concentration of endorphin in the blood leads to the weakening of pain, making it easier to tolerate mental trauma, strength appears to overcome stress. Endorphin acts like opiates, bringing a person into a state of peace and happiness, mobilizing him, giving him a chance to think about the situation and make an adequate decision.

Improving the condition of the nervous system has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and helps strengthen the immune system. The level of endorphin in the blood increases sharply in women last weeks pregnancy. In this way, the body prepares to overcome the fear of childbirth and relieve pain. Endorphin “jumps” in athletes during competitions. It has been noticed that it is the surge of this hormone in soldiers that makes them brave and decisive during battle.

Its similarity to opiates, however, also plays a negative role, since this substance, like drugs, is addictive. If a person tries to artificially increase its content in the blood, he takes special means, then the production of your own endorphin decreases. To obtain pleasure and joyful emotions, everything is required high dose drug. In addition, an overdose easily occurs.

With a lack of the hormone of happiness, a person is apathetic, suffers from depression, and experiences anxiety. An overdose makes him aggressive, inadequate, and forces him to take unnecessary risks.


The hormone of satisfaction and joy.

It is produced in neurons of the brain and in adrenal cells. An increase in his concentration occurs even at the moment of planning something pleasant: a desired meeting, an interesting trip or a very necessary purchase. Dopamine levels reach a maximum when the result is achieved. This inspires him, makes him set new goals and strive to achieve them.

Thanks to the production of dopamine, people develop conditioned reflexes, food addictions.

Thanks to a surge in the content of this substance in the body, a person experiences satisfaction and happiness when listening to his favorite music. He is happy if his favorite team wins a football match. Dopamine levels rise sharply during sexual intimacy.

If there is not enough dopamine in the body, people are inactive, indifferent to studies, career growth, and prone to depression.

However, exceeding its content in the body is far from safe. This substance increases the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and raises blood pressure. Long-term excessive use of dopamine drugs can lead to schizophrenia (auditory and visual hallucinations).

Note: The level of dopamine in the blood increases significantly with the consumption of alcohol, nicotine and cocaine, which increase its production several times. That is why drinking alcohol, smoking and using drugs allows a person to experience a temporary feeling of joy and happiness, enhanced artificially. But the fact is that each time more and more of this “stimulant” is required to get pleasure, and stopping its use leads to the appearance of “withdrawal” syndrome.


Hormone of happiness, antidepressant.

This substance affects the centers of the cerebral cortex, promoting optimism, a feeling of happiness, euphoria, and intoxication with one’s achievements. The centers responsible for memory and cognitive ability are also activated. Action of serotonin on receptors spinal cord leads to improved coordination of movements and increased muscle tone.

The production of the substance in the body is enhanced by exposure to ultraviolet rays, so in the autumn-winter period, when the days are shorter and the lighting is mostly artificial, people often experience seasonal depression.

As you know, there are synthetic antidepressant drugs. Their action is based on artificial increase blood levels of neurotransmitter hormones such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin. When treating depression and neuroses, they are taken for a long time. There is a great risk side effects(effects of hormonal substances on the heart, kidneys). With them misuse eye pressure increases, worsens mental capacity, sexual disorders arise.

Video: How to increase the production of endorphin and serotonin in the body


Enhances pleasure from communication and intimacy.

Produced in the hypothalamus. Once in the blood, it spreads throughout the cells of the entire body. This hormone strengthens a person’s attachment to his loved ones, as well as the desire to feel like “belonging” in a group. He enjoys a handshake from a friend he trusts. To be happy, a child needs his mother to hug him, stroke his back and head. The massage has a calming effect on him.

This substance plays a special role in female body. Increasing levels stimulate the onset of contractions as it increases uterine contractility. Thanks to oxytocin, the mother feels a sense of reverence for her painfully born child, and he instantly calms down as he latch onto the nipple and pull out the first portions of colostrum. This is how the mother’s hormone gets to him, and mutual affection arises.

Video: Oxytocin and its role in the body

Adrenaline is an anti-stress hormone

It is produced in moments of extreme danger. At the same time, a person is able to instantly mobilize, forget about pain and fear, and take risks for the sake of his salvation. His pulse increases sharply, that is, his blood circulation accelerates. The pupils dilate, so he sees better, and his hearing sharpens.

Norepinephrine – the hormone of peace and tranquility

Formed from adrenaline and helps reduce blood pressure, relieving spasms and normalizing breathing. The person calms down and his mood improves. The formation of the hormone is promoted by listening to quiet, pleasant music, being in nature, and contemplating the seascape. The less norepinephrine, the more adrenaline and anxiety associated with its presence.

The role of sex hormones

The most important role in the body is played by the sex hormones estrogens and testosterone, thanks to which men and women develop external features. These substances are produced in individuals of both sexes. But the female body contains tens of times more estrogen, and the male body contains testosterone, which explains the behavioral characteristics of men, their physical endurance, and sexual activity.


In women, estrogens are produced in the ovaries after the onset of puberty. If there are enough of them, the girl develops correctly, her breasts form, her hips increase. Beautiful figure good hair and skin, a gentle voice bring pleasure to any woman. Thanks to estrogen, she is sexually active, capable of childbearing, and arouses interest in men.

If there is little estrogen, it worsens appearance, rapid aging of the body occurs, and menstrual disorders occur.

Wanting to prolong youth and enhance sexuality, some women take synthetic estrogens, risking their health. Hyperestrogenism causes infertility, tumors of the genital organs and mammary glands.


The presence of a small amount of male hormone in a woman’s body makes her independent, confident in her righteousness and uniqueness. At the same time, a “strong” woman remains fragile, tender and easily vulnerable.

There is a saying: “The world is ruled by men, men are ruled by women, and women are ruled by hormones.” Loving man He will take this into account and be lenient towards small “female weaknesses.” Excess testosterone leads to male-type changes in appearance, voice and character, and is a pathology that requires serious treatment.

Other hormones needed to enhance feelings of joy and happiness

Other substances can also be named hormonal action that can enhance feelings of pleasure and happiness:

  1. Vasopressin. He is involved in regulation water-salt balance, on which the condition of hair and skin directly depends, the presence of signs of external attractiveness and health that are pleasing to the eye.
  2. Acetylcholine. Promotes the development of creativity, intelligence and memory. Thanks to him, a person is able to rejoice and experience a feeling of pride and happiness when he manages to cope with a difficult task. Helps maintain dignity and mental balance.
  3. Melatonin – regulator biological rhythm. Normalizes night sleep, helping you to fully relax after a hard day.
  4. Somatotropin is a growth hormone. Increases muscle elasticity, improves joint condition, prolongs youth. It is important to prevent its overdose in the body, as this can lead to a pathology such as gigantism. If a child is deficient in the hormone, he may remain a dwarf.

Video: X-Files. What factors influence the production of joy hormones?

How to increase the level of joy hormones in the body and feel happiness

There are many drugs available that contain synthetic hormones happiness. Sometimes it is simply impossible to do without them. For example, estrogen-based products help in the treatment of infertility, and also improve the quality of life by alleviating the symptoms of menopause.

However, we must never forget about harmful consequences overdose. There are much safer ways to increase the levels of hormones of joy and happiness in the body and enjoy life.

The importance of proper nutrition

With food, the body receives substances containing either hormones directly or substances that stimulate their production. Delicious and healthy food always improves your mood. For example, to get rid of autumn-winter depression, you need to eat dark chocolate, fruits (especially leaning on bananas, pineapples, apples), and drink coffee. They contain tryptophan - essential amino acid, involved in the formation of serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial substances. Tryptophan is also found in foods such as avocados, coconuts, figs, strawberries, and beans.

Foods that need to be consumed to increase the content of joy hormones in the body also include tomatoes, kiwi, nuts, plums, eggs, meat, and milk. Everyone knows how candy, baked goods, honey and other sweets have a beneficial effect on the mood.

While comforting yourself with food, we must not forget that overeating is no less harmful than a lack of joy hormones. A person who tries to suppress despondency with the help of sweets or cakes may develop obesity. The circle closes: eating sweets improves your mood, but spoils your figure, which adds worry and stress.

Exercise stress

This is probably the safest and most useful way improving mood and achieving happiness. Vigor of body and spirit are inextricably linked. It has long been known that if feelings of anger and indignation are bursting, it is useful to chop wood, do major cleaning, or load yourself with other work.

Long walk physical exercise, jogging are an excellent remedy take your mind off your worries. In addition, when exposed to the sun, the body produces vitamin D, which accelerates the synthesis of happiness hormones.

Deep sleep

Sleep is the best cure for all illnesses, including mental trauma. It gives strength, radically changes the mood in better side. It’s not for nothing that they say that “the morning is wiser than the evening.” A person who sleeps soundly increases the level of serotonin, melatonin and other hormones in the body that are necessary for restoration of strength.

Doing what you love

Mental stress and achieving set goals also require the body to increase the production of dopamine and other hormonal substances. Receiving moral (and material) satisfaction is no less important for a person than other joys of life.

Sex and pregnancy

Sexual satisfaction, an explosion of positive emotions caused by intimacy, like nothing else, stimulate the production of substances necessary for the emergence of feelings of pleasure, happiness and love. The level of sex hormones, oxytocin, serotonin at this time is unusually high.

Nothing makes a woman as happy as the feeling of future motherhood. All experiences recede into the background. The main goal is to preserve own health And peace of mind necessary for the normal development of the baby. During this period there is abrupt change hormonal levels, increased production of substances necessary to maintain a positive attitude. Pregnancy and love for a child gives a woman such strength that allows her to survive any sorrows.

To feel calmer, to feel the joy of life and happiness, you need to make every effort to experience the love of loved ones and the respect of others. It is necessary to set realistic goals and strive to achieve them.