How to relieve gum inflammation during pregnancy. Causes of gum inflammation

Pregnant women often suffer from dental pain. During this period, gums hurt even among those representatives of the fair sex who have not previously encountered such a problem. A timely visit to a doctor will help quickly correct the situation for the better.

Should I worry if a pregnant woman has sore gums?

If you have problems during pregnancy, you should contact your dentist. You should not hesitate, otherwise health problems may arise for the baby. Dangerous infections can enter his body.

The best time to visit the dentist is the second trimester. And in other periods, you can safely turn to a specialist for help. Only he is able to competently prescribe treatment.

The problem can be identified by symptoms, which include:

  • blood during the cleaning process;
  • the appearance of plaque;
  • redness, swelling;
  • there is pain on palpation;
  • bad breath;
  • discomfort when chewing solid food.

Causes of gum disease

Oral discomfort during pregnancy is often associated with gingivitis. It occurs mainly due to poor oral hygiene - resulting in the formation of plaque. Another reason for the problem is hormonal changes.

Gums begin to hurt from the 3rd month of pregnancy. They change color from red to blue, swell, and bleed less often. arise discomfort in the mouth may occur during meals and at rest. Sometimes ulcers appear. In the second half of the term, the condition of the mouth may deteriorate sharply - the gingival papillae and gum edges become significantly larger.

The gums near the tooth hurt (including after its removal) and for some other reasons.

All of them are complications and require prompt intervention by a specialist:

  1. Alveolitis is an inflammation of the hole left after tooth extraction. The presented problem arises due to non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. After tooth extraction, the problem arises when an infection penetrates the injured tissue, causing swelling and other complications.
  2. Hematoma- accumulation of pus in the blood accumulated in the soft tissues.
  3. Neuritis trigeminal nerve. The gums also hurt when the trigeminal nerve is injured. Visually it does not change.
  4. Remains of cysts, dental roots. In some cases, the pain is due to the fact that the specialist has not removed all the remains. This causes inflammation of soft tissues, headaches, and swelling.

There have been cases where women develop periodontal disease due to long-term use any medications. For example, patients with epilepsy receive special medications that reduce the amount of saliva produced. As a result, their teeth are left with virtually no protection.

What to do if your gums hurt? Seek help from a dentist for medication or surgery.

What to do if your gums hurt and bleed during pregnancy - doctor's advice

Even at the very beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother should understand that discomfort, bleeding in the mouth and other troubles should be taken seriously. If these symptoms appear, you should contact your dentist to prevent the development of severe pathologies.

If the gums are swollen, the doctor usually prescribes a set of measures:

  1. Prescribes special anti-inflammatory drugs for external use. Basically these are ointments that should be kept in the mouth for several hours.
  2. Daily hygiene measures - cleaning, rinsing, etc.
  3. Professional cleaning in dentistry. Plaque removal is very important process. The bacteria found in it can cause serious illness.
  4. Food enriched with microelements and vitamins.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is important to choose the right medications. They should strengthen the gums, but not harm the child. The best option- calendula decoctions, medicinal chamomile and sage. Hardware procedures are selected individually.

The use of potent drugs is prohibited.

Among the preventive measures you may be prescribed:

  • diet;
  • gum massage using a soft brush;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • reduction in food consumption high content Sahara;
  • visiting a specialist once every trimester;
  • drinking high-quality clean water.

The best treatment for teeth and gums is prevention. This way you will maintain the health of the mother and fetus. But if they were nevertheless discharged pharmaceutical products, you should make sure that they are not dangerous for pregnant women (they are made on the basis of lidase, acetylsalicylic acid or glucose).

Traditional methods of treatment

If there is swelling due to a wisdom tooth cutting or infection, use special preventive baths. Decoctions of sage, chamomile, and chlorhexidine solution are perfect.

You can also try some other methods if your wisdom tooth is growing:

  1. Add a few drops garlic juice to the affected area. Wait a couple of minutes and rinse your mouth.
  2. Rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin or soda.
  3. Apply ice to the outside of your cheek.
  4. Perform a massage.

What else to treat? Various applications and masks help a lot. For example, a mask made from raw beets. The grated vegetable is applied to the affected area for 20 minutes.

Another excellent folk option is tar applique. Take a small amount of birch tar and use it to brush your teeth at night. After a couple of days the problem will disappear.

Potato juice can cope with inflammation quickly. Take potatoes, wash them with a stiff brush, and douse them with boiling water. Then all that remains is to grate it and apply it to problem area for 25 minutes.

An interesting recipe - a mixture of bergenia, galangal, clove spices and tooth powder. All components need to be taken and ground. Then she brushes her teeth in the morning for a couple of minutes.

You can make healing gum from lemon juice, essential oil mint, honey and beeswax. The mixture is heated on the stove until it becomes homogeneous. All you have to do is wait until it cools down, make lozenges, and you can chew.

A simple way is to rinse your mouth with 10-day old kefir. The product is diluted in the ratio of half a glass of water per glass of kefir. It is necessary to rinse the affected area with it as often as possible.

In the morning and before bed, you can rinse your mouth with mumiyo (take 3 g of the substance and dissolve in 100 ml of water). The duration of use of the product is about 21 days.

You can get rid of ulcers by rinsing your mouth with infusion of golden mustache. The leaves of the plant are ground and poured with boiling water. Sea salt is added to the mixture, after which you can rinse.

Applying heat to the affected area is strictly prohibited! This will only increase the spread of pathogenic bacteria. There is also no need to apply painkillers to the painful area to prevent irritation.

Painkillers during pregnancy - how not to harm the baby

Experts prescribe various antiseptic solutions to pregnant women suffering from inflammation and pain. They eliminate perfectly various kinds suppuration.

  • Iodinol;
  • Furacilin;
  • Trachisan;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Tantum Verde, etc.

In some cases, various antiseptic and antibacterial tablets, for example, Grammidin, Septolete, Hexaliz and others. Using them several times a day will avoid rinsing. Doctors recommend using analgesics with caution. Meloxicam, Ibuprofen, Ketorol are selected individually.

Finlepsin should also be treated with caution. Tantum Verde and Tenflex should not be taken for more than a week.

Paracetamol is prescribed by almost all specialists. The presented drug is able to penetrate the placenta, but it does not harm the fetus. The tablets have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Nurofen is prescribed in moderate doses. The product is not used in the third trimester. It can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid.

Riabal and No-shpa do no harm. They reduce pain and spasms.

As for antibiotics, they are used only if there is severe inflammatory process. It is not allowed to take the presented products for longer than a week. If the nerve is damaged and there is no pain, antibiotics are not prescribed.

Features of gum treatment after childbirth

If a woman has a wisdom tooth coming out after childbirth or her gums are swollen for other reasons, she needs complex treatment. First, you should visit your dentist. He will prescribe anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medications.

If there is no improvement, it is highly likely that problems with immune system. Then the specialist prescribes general strengthening medications that will not harm the baby.

After giving birth, you should definitely go on a special diet.

  • in the morning you can drink carrot juice;
  • Corn, peas, beans, and bread should be included in the diet (they contain vitamin E);
  • It is very important to eat cabbage, spinach, tomatoes and citrus fruits. They are high in vitamin C;
  • in milk, rye flour and apples contain vitamin B.

For severe bleeding in the mouth, you can use special pastes and decoctions. They should contain sage, oak bark or chamomile.

Prevention of oral diseases

To prevent inflammation of the gums near the tooth, various preventive actions.

The following measures will help prevent bleeding:

  1. Performing a gum massage using a soft brush;
  2. Taking vitamins for expectant mothers;
  3. Reducing intake of sugary foods;
  4. Timely treatment of caries;
  5. Treatment of mouth diseases;
  6. Visiting the dentist once every trimester;
  7. Drinking high-quality clean water;
  8. Diet;
  9. Regular dental care.

If you follow the rules presented, you will not have to look for information on forums on how to deal with the problem. In addition, you will prevent the occurrence of diseases both in yourself and in your baby.

Let's look at a short story about diseases of teeth and gums during pregnancy:


So, if a woman’s gums begin to hurt during pregnancy, she should start treatment in a timely manner. To do this, it is recommended to contact a specialist. The doctor will determine the cause of the disease and select treatment.

The phenomenon of gum inflammation during pregnancy is actually not rare. During this period, many expectant mothers face similar problem. And this happens mainly due to the fact that during the period of gestation, the pregnant woman’s body is subjected to severe stress, immunity decreases, and the woman experiences a lack of various vitamins. This phenomenon cannot be ignored, because any inflammatory process is the result of any infection entering the body, which can harm both the child and the woman herself.

Why do gums become inflamed during pregnancy?

There are many different microorganisms in the human oral cavity, regardless of whether he or she takes care of hygiene. When the gum swells, a space, a so-called “pocket”, forms between it and the adjacent tooth, which becomes a breeding ground for various bacteria.

Important! If at the same time a pregnant woman abuses food with high content sugar, in this case the risk of developing various dental diseases increases several times.

Moreover, inflammation of the gums increases salivation, as a result of which the patient begins to feel constant feeling hunger. Such features during pregnancy cause rapid proliferation of microbes in the oral cavity. In addition, as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms and bacteria, the inflammatory process spreads, which can cause very severe discomfort.

This phenomenon occurs quite often among pregnant women, and the first symptoms of inflammation can be detected already in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Catarrhal inflammation occurs as a result of the accumulation of a large layer of plaque. The gums are noticeably inflamed and bleed heavily. IN severe cases inflammation can spread from one side of the jaw to the other, healthy one.

If a woman during pregnancy, after the manifestation of such a problem, continues to be negligent about oral hygiene, the inflammation passes into another form and becomes hypertrophic. The inflammatory process usually develops into this form by the 4th or 5th month of pregnancy. The inflammatory process begins to affect the gums around the lower incisors, later moving to soft fabrics around the fangs. This form of the inflammatory process has the following distinctive feature as severe swelling of the gums in the affected area. The soft tissues increase, and after some time the patient may notice the appearance of bad breath.

Important! This inflammatory process is accompanied by profuse bleeding.

If, upon discovering these symptoms, treatment is not started in time, the teeth at the site of inflammation will soon begin to loosen. Such inflammation of the gums in a neglected state leads to gradual loss of teeth.

Due to the fact that the pregnant woman’s body is at this moment in a weakened and vulnerable state, and also sharply decreases general immunity body, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity may be accompanied by the appearance of small ulcers on the surface of the gums.

But there is no need to panic ahead of time and worry about tooth loss. Even if the inflammatory process began to occur in the patient’s oral cavity with the onset of pregnancy, this does not mean that this phenomenon will immediately take on a severe form.

In order to prevent the inflammatory process from developing into a more serious one, which can lead to various complications, you just need to consult a doctor in time for help and treatment.

Important! The longer the patient delays treatment of teeth or gums, the more difficult the treatment will be.

From the moment a woman finds out about her upcoming pregnancy, she should carefully monitor the cleanliness of her oral cavity. It is also necessary to monitor your diet during pregnancy, because eating certain foods can only aggravate the situation. A thorough oral examination can help identify early initial signs inflammatory processes in the gum area and take measures to eliminate it.

How to recognize the presence of an inflammatory process in time?

There are a number of specific signs and symptoms that can indicate the beginning of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity. Among them:

  • visible swelling in the affected area;
  • change in gum color. In the affected area, the gums may acquire a reddish or bluish tint;
  • When brushing your teeth or eating excessively hard food, bleeding occurs at the site of inflammation.

It is these three signs that can indicate that there is already incipient inflammation in the oral cavity. Most often, these symptoms make themselves felt in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially in the second or third month. In this case, you don’t even have to constantly examine the oral cavity for swelling or bleeding.

Important! When inflammation just begins, the gums already become too sensitive and painful.

Some women notice blood when brushing their teeth during pregnancy. At the same time, many of them begin to brush their teeth less often than usual in order to once again do not injure the affected gums. But such actions are wrong, because if in such a situation you perform hygiene procedures less often than necessary, pathogenic microorganisms will accumulate in places of inflammation, which will cause deterioration of the gums. What can we say about food debris that accumulates on the surface of the teeth and in the formed “pockets” of the gums and also irritates the affected areas.


If a pregnant patient comes to a specialist with a complaint of bleeding or inflammation in the gum area, the dentist will first send her for a blood test. It is necessary to find out whether gum pathology is associated with a decrease in immunity due to pregnancy. It is imperative to clarify this fact.

Important! If the inflammatory process is truly associated with a decrease in immunity, treatment of gums without the use of special medications to increase immunity will simply be ineffective.

General blood analysis

There is another reason for the occurrence of inflammation, which has nothing to do with the existing pregnancy. Bleeding and inflammation can result from the appearance of tartar. In this case, it is recommended to remove the stones especially carefully. It is important to remember that during pregnancy it is prohibited to use ultrasound radiation, so in such cases stones can only be removed mechanically. For such a case, specialists usually specially prepare a number of certain drugs, which do not harm the fetus and therefore can be used during pregnancy.

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most the right time to visit the dentist. It is at this stage of pregnancy that various pathological processes in the oral cavity are just beginning to emerge. That is why a visit to the dentist is necessary to identify various adverse processes in the initial stages. Professional teeth cleaning, which can be performed on pregnant women, will also be a beneficial procedure. Such manipulations can prevent inflammatory processes in the gums in the later stages of pregnancy.

Important! Professional cleaning can slow down and temporarily stop the process of plaque growth on the surface of the teeth, which causes the appearance of tartar, and subsequently inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

How to treat gum disease during pregnancy?

If the inflammatory processes are not associated with a decrease in immunity, the patient can expect a number of different procedures that will help get rid of the problem and prevent its recurrence in the future. In order for the gums to come into normal condition, it is necessary to remove any irritants: yellow plaque on the teeth, tartar deposits, etc. A woman can be calm, because during the procedure dentists only use safe means that cannot harm the child.

Maintenance therapy also plays a big role in normalizing the condition of the gums after professional cleaning teeth. As a rule, a specialist prescribes special mouthwash solutions to the patient, which contain a number of components that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. These products are able to maintain the health of the gums and bring them to normal condition in a short time, as well as prevent a recurrence of the inflammatory process. In addition, these products have a pleasant taste and freshen breath, and also eliminate bad smell from the mouth, if available. Chlorhexidine rinsing is also suitable for the same purposes.

Gels can also be used to relieve the inflammatory process. These products are more effective than rinses because the gel form allows them to remain on the surface of the affected gum longer. That is why the therapeutic effect of these drugs is longer.

One of the most common gel products for gums is Asepta balm. This remedy accelerates the process of regeneration of affected tissues, and also fights various pathogenic microorganisms, preventing them from re-starting the inflammatory process in the gums.

Medicines based on propolis are effective. They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Propolis has the ability not only to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, but also to regenerate and heal damaged cells in the gum tissue in a short time.

What folk recipes can be used for gum inflammation during pregnancy?

During pregnancy you can also use products traditional medicine. There are several recipes that are not only effective, but also safe for use during pregnancy.

Oak bark solutionYou need to take 50 g of oak bark, previously crushed. These shavings must be filled with two glasses of water, and then bring the solution to a boil. After this, the solution must be left to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. The decoction is ready. You just need to cool it, pass it through a sieve or cheesecloth to get rid of the shavings, and then you can use it. Rinse with this solution six to eight times a day.
Chamomile decoction for gumsYou need to take crushed chamomile and pour three to four tablespoons of it into one glass of water. The resulting mixture must be infused in a warm place for at least twenty minutes. After which the solution also needs to be filtered from the petals, for more convenient use, and rinse your mouth with the resulting infusion about four to five times a day

Important! Solutions with oak bark and chamomile are most often used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, but in addition to them there are several more equally effective recipes traditional medicine that is allowed to be used during pregnancy.

Is it possible to relieve inflammation with a toothbrush?

In cases where the inflammatory process has just begun to develop, you can try to get rid of it yourself at home. But these methods can only help at the very first stage of the onset of the inflammatory process. In order to remove inflammation at home, you need to arm yourself with a brush and dental floss.

Is it possible to treat inflammation during pregnancy with antibiotics?

First, you need to figure out why inflammation occurred, because the reasons for its appearance are actually very diverse.

Important! It is advisable to use antibiotics in the treatment of inflammation only if it was caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Antibiotics are often used to treat inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Doctors use different types of such drugs.

Pregnant women very often begin to worry about taking medications, especially strong ones such as antibiotics, while carrying a child. To decide whether this therapy is really necessary, you need to consult a specialist and find out the cause of the inflammatory process.

It is also necessary to identify chronic diseases that the patient may suffer from. Indeed, in the presence of certain pathologies, the use of antibiotics is strictly prohibited.

Important! If you have any inflammation, you don’t need to immediately run for antibiotics, much less “prescribe” them for yourself. After all, antibiotics, like many drugs, can bring not only benefits, but also severe harm if taken incorrectly.

What are the dangers of taking antibiotics during pregnancy?

Oral hygiene for gum inflammation

Experts say that the presence of gum inflammation in a pregnant woman several times increases the risk of giving birth ahead of schedule. This occurs due to the fact that microbes, whose vital activity causes inflammation, are capable of releasing toxic substances into the patient’s body.

Important! During pregnancy data toxic substances from the mother's body enter the child's body, which can lead to serious consequences.

These same toxic substances can negatively affect female hormone, responsible for uterine contractions. This is why the risk of not only premature birth increases, but also miscarriage. According to statistics, children born to women who experienced dental problems during pregnancy are more susceptible to caries, and most often the teeth of such children begin to suffer greatly from a very young age.

In order to prevent pathologies that are associated with problems with teeth and gums in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to monitor oral hygiene and carefully check the condition of the gums and teeth from the very beginning of pregnancy. It is in this case that it is possible to detect and quickly eliminate all dental problems.

Video - How to prevent gingivitis in pregnant women?

Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, occurs in 70% of pregnant women. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Periodontal inflammation weakens the immune system and creates a risk of infection to the fetus, so the disease cannot be ignored.

Causes of gum inflammation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the levels of the hormones progesterone, estrogen and gonadotropin increase. Hormonal imbalance leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the oral mucosa, as well as a disruption in the production of saliva. The acidity of the oral cavity increases, and this is an ideal condition for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Millions of bacteria accumulate in gum pockets, releasing toxins and causing inflammation.

Other factors contributing to periodontal inflammation during pregnancy:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • early toxicosis;
  • violation metabolic processes;
  • the predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet;
  • poor oral hygiene.

The first signs of gingivitis usually appear between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. The expectant mother begins to worry about the following symptoms:

  • swelling, sensitivity and redness of the gums;
  • enlargement and swelling of periodontal pockets;
  • periodontal bleeding when brushing teeth;
  • sore gums, especially when eating solid foods;
  • bad breath.

Without proper treatment, all symptoms persist until the end of pregnancy, and inflammation becomes chronic form. After the birth of a child, the woman’s hormonal levels are restored, and gingivitis goes away on its own within 2-3 months.

Types and stages of gingivitis

During pregnancy, catarrhal and hypertrophic forms of gingivitis are most common, and ulcerative forms are less common.

Catarrhal gingivitis

Accompanied by pronounced swelling and soreness of the mucous membrane, symptoms increase with mechanical impact. Inflammation affects the entire surface of the gums; as a rule, the tissues of both the upper and lower jaws are affected.


More late stage, which develops after the 20th week of pregnancy. It is characterized by the growth of marginal gums, which can cover up to 50% of the dental crown. The grooves between the tooth and gum also increase in volume. Painful sensations usually absent.

Ulcerative gingivitis

Severe form of the disease. Occurs in women due to serious health problems during pregnancy, as well as after severe stress. Itching, burning and constant bleeding of the periodontal tissue appear, as well as the characteristic “blueness” of the gums.

Possible complications of gingivitis in pregnant women

Inflamed gums are an ideal environment for colonization various viruses and fungi. Therefore, chronic candidiasis or stomatitis often occurs against the background of gingivitis. This threatens the infection entering the placenta through the bloodstream.

In addition, gingivitis eventually develops into periodontitis. This advanced stage inflammation, which is difficult to cure. With periodontitis, the destruction and receding (recession) of the gums begins, the teeth lose their natural support, become loose and subsequently fall out.

To prevent this, you should contact a periodontist in a timely manner.

Treatment of bleeding gums during pregnancy

It is used to treat gingivitis in pregnant women. ultrasonic cleaning and sanitation of gum pockets using a special scaler attachment. This is quite safe method, which is indicated at any stage of pregnancy.

The doctor may also prescribe vacuum massage gums and prescribe anti-inflammatory ointments and gels for topical use.

At home, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, sage or a solution baking soda(room temperature).

Prevention of gingivitis in pregnant women

To prevent the development of gingivitis, follow simple rules of prevention:

  • pay attention to daily oral hygiene, brush your teeth at least 2 times a day using a brush with soft bristles;
  • limit the consumption of sweets, especially sticky ones (taffy, caramel);
  • Choose foods rich in vitamin C, such as berries and fruits.

If your gums bleed during pregnancy, do not put off visiting the dentist. After all, not only your health, but also the safety of your baby will depend on timely treatment. To find a reliable dentist for gingivitis treatment, use the list of clinics and doctors at the bottom of the page.

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period in a woman’s life. However, according to statistics, for 75% of women this time is darkened unpleasant phenomenon- bleeding gums. Despite the fact that many expectant mothers suffer from this disease, it cannot be called the norm. Let's figure out why gums bleed during pregnancy.

Let's look at the terms. The gum is the oral mucosa that covers the necks of the teeth after the alveolar processes. Bleeding gums during pregnancy can mainly be observed in two diseases: gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that does not destroy teeth. It is precisely this that occurs when hormonal imbalances and gum injury. With gingivitis, the gums become red, swollen, inflamed, loosened, begin to bleed and hurt. The first signs of the disease can be noticed already in the first trimester.

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontal tissues, in which tooth decay occurs, and bleeding gums are a clear symptom of this process. The cause of periodontitis in most cases is plaque on the teeth, which occurs due to poor hygiene or lack of treatment for gingivitis.

There may be several reasons for bleeding. The main one is hormonal changes in the body. The hormone progesterone, which increases while expecting a baby, softens the tissues of the oral cavity, which leads to their loosening and inflammation. In addition, during the period of gestation, immunity decreases, the composition of saliva and dental plaque changes. Pathogenic microflora is activated. If brushing your teeth is neglected or done incorrectly during this period, your gums may begin to decay and bleed.

The second cause of bleeding is calcium deficiency. In the second trimester, the fetal skeleton is formed and the female body’s calcium is actively spent on this process. Deficiency is especially acute with an unbalanced diet. expectant mother. That’s why people say: every child takes one tooth from its mother.

Oksana Shiyka


Plaque on a pregnant woman’s teeth easily transforms into tartar, which leads to the development of gingivitis, and hence bleeding. Untreated gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, in which the teeth themselves begin to decay.

The third reason is a negligent attitude to cleaning the oral cavity: the wrong paste, poor-quality mouthwash, insufficient sanitation - all this reduces the strength of the enamel. Gums also bleed in the presence of chronic diseases that worsen during pregnancy:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • leukemia;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura.

Often the cause of the disease is a sweet tooth, taking certain medications, especially aspirin, and hypovitaminosis.

Oksana Shiyka


It is necessary to visit a dentist even during pregnancy planning. After all, any interventions during pregnancy can provoke premature birth, child development defects and other problems. However, there are also encouraging facts: if bleeding gums are observed during pregnancy, and there was none before, then, most likely, it will stop after childbirth.

Symptoms of pathology

At 4 months, the greatest shift in hormonal levels occurs. Most often, it is at this time that bleeding gums appear in pregnant women. The soft tissues around the teeth swell, itch, pain occurs when brushing, habitual pink color The gums change to red, sometimes even with a bluish tint.

  1. When eating, the mucous membrane of the mouth is painful. Some women stop brushing their teeth altogether to avoid discomfort, but this only makes the situation worse. Increased quantity Plaque becomes the basis for tartar. This acute form of the disease is called catarrhal, or simple, gingivitis. It can be localized, i.e. involve 1–3 teeth, or generalized, when the disease spreads to most both jaws.
  2. During the second trimester, the symptoms of inflammation increase, bleeding intensifies, and papillae similar to polyps grow. They become dome-shaped and cover the crowns of the teeth. Added to these manifestations is bad breath and taste.
  3. Advanced gingivitis leads to gum necrosis, which resembles profuse. A woman’s body is no longer able to easily cope with this inflammatory process; intoxication can lead to an increase in temperature. Simple gingivitis becomes hypertrophic and becomes chronic, which is especially noticeable on the front teeth.

The hypertrophic form can be of 2 types:

  • edematous;
  • fibrous.

Edema form of gingivitis Fibrous form gingivitis

Edema bleeding can appear not only when the teeth are exposed, but also occur on its own, for example, during sleep. The fibrous form is characterized by the fact that the papillae enlarge, but the gums remain pink and rarely bleed. Symptoms during this period include pain and burning in the mouth, peeling of the gums, heavy plaque, and strong and unpleasant odor from the mouth.

In the video, a dentist talks about how to prevent gingivitis during pregnancy:

In advanced cases, the following complications are possible:

  1. Premature birth.
  2. Plaque microbes release their toxins, which enter the bloodstream and can cause inflammation, which is dangerous for the fetus and placenta.
  3. In the future, the born child will have problems with weight, the appearance and growth of baby teeth, and caries.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment with potent drugs during pregnancy is not advisable. But dental problems are an exception, when visiting the dentist should be regular.

In the first trimester, the active formation of the fetus occurs, its main organs are formed. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist. The dentist will advise the most safe drugs. You need to pay special attention to the situation if there are inflammatory processes in the mouth.

The second trimester is considered the most desirable for treatment. Cleansing of plaque and sanitation is carried out during this period. Also at this time, many folk remedies are allowed.

Third trimester: the fetus is already fully formed, the woman’s body begins to gradually prepare for childbirth, and the condition of the mother and fetus is constantly monitored. Active treatment in this trimester is undesirable and is possible only in exceptional cases when the risk of illness outweighs the risk of consequences.

The video talks about how important it is to visit the dentist during pregnancy:

Seeing a dentist is mandatory if gum bleeding continues for more than 3 days. The dentist will clean your teeth and... To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, vitamin therapy is prescribed. From vitamins highest value doctors give:

  • group B, rutin and vitamin C, which strengthens the vascular wall of the capillaries.
  • vitamin E, which reduces gum sensitivity.
  • vitamin K, which has a positive effect on the oral cavity;
  • flavonoids.

It is better for expectant mothers to use herbal preparations. Bleeding is treated with rinses, applications, baths:

  1. Cholisal very effectively relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, and is absolutely safe. Used in the form of applications and rinses.
  2. Metrogyl-Denta is a bactericidal antiseptic. Allowed for women in position with the exception of the first trimester, as well as the period breastfeeding. After brushing your teeth, apply it to your gums with a cotton swab for 15 minutes. Then the residue is removed and the mouth is rinsed.
  3. Novoimanin - contains St. John's wort and has antibacterial properties.
  4. Salvin is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent.
  5. Romazulan is a deodorizing agent made from chamomile.
  6. Rotokan is a remedy made from chamomile, calendula, and yarrow.

Herbal rinses are widely used. They have a full range of necessary effects: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, deodorizing, astringent, strengthening. After rinsing, the infusions must be spat out and not swallowed. Herbs used include sage, chamomile, linden, St. John's wort, oak bark, blueberries, bird cherry, arnica flowers, nettle, calendula, eucalyptus, yarrow, and water pepper.

At the dentist's office

You need to tell your dentist about your pregnancy right away. Treatment is gradual, all procedures should be short. Women expecting a child should not undergo the following procedures:

  1. Pain relief based on adrenaline and its derivatives.
  2. Placing arsenic into carious cavities.
  3. Teeth whitening and prosthetics.
  4. Cleaning with ultrasound and laser, only manual cleaning is possible. Then comes the fight against inflammation with the help of applications to the gums. After cleaning, treatment with rinses and applications is prescribed for a course of 10 days, 2 times a day. To stop inflammation, use chlorhexidine (not allowed in the 1st trimester), herbs, and fluoride in the form of rinses.
  5. Antibiotic rinses.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used only with the permission of a doctor and only externally. Hydrogen peroxide, a hemostatic and disinfectant, is safe in such cases. IN pure form it is not used. For rinsing, dilute 1 tbsp according to the recipe. for 1 glass of water. To wipe, moisten a cotton swab and rub it over the gums for 5 minutes, then rinse the mouth with chamomile decoction.

When your gums bleed during pregnancy, it is first of all important to learn how to brush your teeth correctly. Most often, brushing your teeth takes about a minute, but proper brushing should last at least 5 minutes. In this case, the paste must be of high quality, the brush must be soft ( electric brush It is better not to use), after eating, be sure to clean the interdental spaces with floss, and use rinses in the morning and evening.

Floss is dental floss

Dental treatment during pregnancy is a mandatory procedure; panic and laziness are not welcome here. Even if the bleeding is very minor, it is important not to neglect a dental examination.

Inflammation of the gums during pregnancy is observed in almost all women. But this cannot be called the norm. Bleeding gums indicate some problems that need to be addressed urgently.


Bleeding gums during pregnancy can occur due to a number of factors. The main one is gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. Its presence is characterized by redness of the gums, bleeding and swelling. The cause of gingivitis is the accumulation of microbes on the teeth and insufficient oral hygiene.

How else do dentists explain the occurrence of this problem:

  1. During pregnancy, bleeding gums can occur due to the fact that the hormone progesterone, actively produced at this time, makes the gums softer.
  2. It affects the condition of the oral cavity and lack of calcium, changes in the composition of saliva, toxicosis, and deterioration of enamel.

Inflammation and bleeding can also occur due to microscopic ulcers in the oral cavity. As a rule, they occur in the last trimester. Ulcerative inflammation is characterized by symptoms such as swelling, burning, ulcers and bleeding of the soft tissues of the mouth. This manifestation can only be treated with medications.

With poor care oral cavity Plaque forms on the teeth, which is where bacteria accumulate. After some time, it turns into stones, which can only be removed by a dentist by cleaning with an ultrasonic tip.


Inflammation of the gums during pregnancy may be accompanied by bleeding. If blood appears a couple of times while brushing your teeth, this is normal. But if you see it every day, it’s gingivitis, the signs of which are as follows:

  1. Bleeding appears after eating.
  2. The gums become red and swollen and hurt.
  3. There is itching.
  4. Temperature may occur.
  5. The gum papillae become dome-shaped.
  6. There is an unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth.

During pregnancy, two types of gingivitis can occur: hypertrophic and catarrhal. The hypertrophic variant is characterized by the fact that the papillae in this case can hide the tooth by half. In this case, blood can appear even at night.

Catarrhal gingivitis is not so severe; it affects 1 or 2 teeth. But it should also be treated in a timely manner. In any case, if you suspect gingivitis, you should consult a doctor immediately!

Typically, women first notice blood in their mouth during the first trimester. Chewing hard foods becomes uncomfortable, and if you don't take care of your oral hygiene, the problem will quickly get worse. The disease mainly affects the front teeth. Gingivitis can also appear on filled teeth, as well as in places where prosthetics have been placed.

Problems with teeth sometimes arise due to an incorrectly selected brush - the cheapest ones are rarely of high quality. Therefore, the easiest way is to purchase it at the pharmacy. It needs to be changed every 2–2.5 months.


Gingivitis is dangerous, as other complications may appear against it. Inflammation of the gums can develop into periodontitis, in which the dense tissues in contact with the tooth become inflamed. As a result, the tooth may simply fall out.

Bleeding gums are doubly dangerous for pregnant women. It signals that microbes are multiplying in plaque and releasing toxins. And they, in turn, enter the blood and reach the fetus. This is dangerous for the baby.

Toxins also help stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandin E2. The presented process causes premature birth and increases the likelihood of miscarriage by 6 times. The more severe the inflammation, the higher the risk unpleasant consequences for woman.


Treatment of gingivitis with medications can only be carried out in the last trimester, since at this time all internal organs The baby is already almost formed. The rest of the time you will have to undergo treatment folk remedies.

It is important to understand that before you do anything, you need to know what products can be used by pregnant women. For example, they are contraindicated for teeth whitening, fluoroscopy and some other manipulations. As for anesthesia, it can be done, but only with the use of safe drugs.


Treatment of gums during pregnancy can be carried out using Rotokan tincture. Dilute 1 tsp in 1 glass of water. facilities. Then rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture.

What else can you do? Various gels and ointments, for example, Metrogil-dent, cope well with the problem. It actively fights pathogenic bacteria and relieves inflammation well. It is recommended to apply the product 2 times a day using cotton swab. The gel can be used only from the second trimester. You should consult your doctor before you start using it.

Treatment also involves keeping the mouth clean. After eating, be sure to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. If your gums start to hurt, you should immediately visit a doctor. He will advise you and tell you which products can be used and which ones should be avoided in your trimester.

Among the main ways to get rid of the problem are mechanical brushing of teeth and cleaning using ultrasonic waves.

The last option is absolutely painless and does not pose a threat to pregnant women. It will not harm the fruit either. But if there are any fears about the procedure, it is better to choose another method.

Doctors often prescribe Ascorutin for gingivitis. The presented drug helps with bleeding gums, but it leads to a decrease in blood pressure. And this is dangerous, since in pregnant women it is often low.

Folk remedies

There is a large number folk recipes, which can be used to treat gingivitis. All of them are absolutely safe if there is no allergy to any component contained in their composition. But still, consultation with a doctor will be useful:

  1. Homemade toothpaste. Treatment can be carried out with a special paste, which you can make at home yourself. To create it, take 3 tbsp. l. salt, grind it in a coffee grinder. Then you should take a banana peel, dry it and grind it into powder. To 2 tbsp. l. grated peel and 3 tbsp. l. add salt olive oil to make a mixture similar to sour cream. It is rubbed into the gums 2 rubles. per day.

  2. Kalanchoe and honey. You can treat gums with a mixture of 1 part Kalanchoe juice and 4 parts honey and sea salt.
  3. Treatment may also involve the use of baking soda and herbs. For example, during pregnancy it is often suggested to rinse your teeth with decoctions of chamomile, baking soda, and oak bark.
  4. If you have problems with gums and teeth, it is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables to compensate for the lack of vitamins.
  5. The disease can also be treated with regular sauerkraut. It perfectly relieves bleeding and strengthens gums due to its high vitamin C content.
  6. Fir oil. You can make lotions to the gums from a bandage soaked in fir oil. They are left on the affected area for 7 minutes. The presented lotions should be used daily until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Treatment can also be carried out by massaging the gums. It is recommended to do it immediately after brushing your teeth, while the toothpaste has not yet been washed off. Simply massage the gums of each tooth with cleanly washed fingertips.


What can you do to avoid dental problems? You should carefully care for your oral cavity. To do this, after every meal you need to rinse your mouth. This way you will get rid of bacteria and plaque. You also need to brush your teeth 2 times a day.

Reinforce preventive measures It's worth eating a properly balanced diet. Thus, solid foods help strengthen the soft tissues of the mouth. This is why pregnant women should eat vegetables and fruits. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on those products that contain great content vitamin C. It helps restore soft tissue without the use of medications.

It is equally important for pregnant women to reduce their intake of sweets. It is harmful to the teeth and health of the unborn child. If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of eating cakes or sweets, then at least reduce their quantity. And under no circumstances should you eat toffee or caramel - they accumulate on the enamel and destroy the integrity between the gums and teeth. As a result, microorganisms accumulate in the soft tissues, causing inflammation.

A brush is an individual thing, so you shouldn’t give it to someone else. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria from another person's mouth may enter your mouth, resulting in you needing treatment in the future.

So, if your gums become inflamed and bleed, you need to do something, for example, take special medications. However, taking classical medicine and folk remedies must initially be agreed upon with a specialist. Only then will your condition improve.

Causes of inflammation

Pathogenic microorganisms lead to inflammatory lesions of the gums. They accumulate on the surface of the teeth in a soft plaque. If you don't brush your teeth well enough, this plaque turns into tartar.

Inflammation of the gums may be local or internal character. In the first case, the problem is caused by the activity of microbes that are present in the oral cavity, while in the second it becomes a consequence of systemic pathologies.

The main causes of inflammation include the following:

  • deficiency or complete absence hygiene of teeth and gums;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • formation of tartar;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • smoking;
  • pregnancy;
  • use of medicines.

Gums hurt: what to do


When inflammation of the gums develops, bleeding occurs upon contact with a toothbrush.. In this case, there is usually no pain, which is why people are in no hurry to turn to specialists.

A little later, the gums become red and gradually peel off from the teeth. This leads to the formation of space between the teeth and soft tissues. This gap is filled with food particles and microbes. This process causes bad breath.

The most common manifestations of gum inflammation include the following:

  • bleeding;
  • swelling;
  • pain that increases in the area of ​​one or several teeth at once;
  • loosening of the tooth;
  • suppuration in the area of ​​periodontal pockets.

If the inflammation is the result of an internal pathology, small ulcers may form on the gums. This condition usually accompanied by severe pain.

Drug treatment

Many people are interested in what to do if they have gum disease. If this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Typically, dentists prescribe systemic and local medications. The specialist will also give recommendations on choosing toothpaste.

In difficult cases, doctors usually prescribe antibacterial agents. Since gum inflammation is caused by the action of protozoa and gram-negative bacteria, the following drugs are used:

The doctor can choose other antibiotics - it all depends on clinical picture and sensitivity of microflora to a particular drug. For gum inflammation, medications such as Cefazolin, Amoxicillin, and Clindamycin are used.

Any self-medication options in this case are prohibited, as there is a risk of adverse reactions.

Many people are interested in how to treat inflammation of the gums under the crown.. Mostly this problem associated with improper installation of the crown.

If the fit is not precise, there is a risk of food debris getting into the resulting cavity. This causes gum irritation and pain.

In such a situation, you will not be able to cope on your own, since the crown will need to be replaced.

Before visiting the dentist, you can alleviate your condition with the help of painkillers - Ketanov, Analgin, Paracetamol.

Excellent therapeutic effect have local drugs. Ointments, gels and creams help cope with pain and create a protective film on the mucous membranes. This helps prevent bleeding and manage inflammation. Also similar means perfectly eliminate swelling, burning and itching.

When gums are damaged, ointments and gels are applied to the affected areas at least 2-3 times a day. You need to rinse your mouth first antiseptic or herbal decoction.

How to quickly relieve inflammation? The most common medications include the following:

Many people are interested in what to rinse their mouths with gum inflammation. Typically, effective antiseptic solutions are used for this:

During the treatment period, it is important to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. When choosing a toothpaste, you should give preference to products with herbal ingredients– sage, calendula, St. John's wort.

Whitening pastes are prohibited in this situation, since they contain abrasive components. This may cause more severe irritation.

The most popular means that ensure good oral hygiene include the following:

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies for gum inflammation include various medicinal herbs, which are used in the form of decoctions and infusions.

The most effective remedies include chamomile, calendula, and thyme. Also, for inflammatory lesions of the gums, St. John's wort can be used, Birch buds, oak bark.

What helps with gum inflammation? To treat pathology, you can use the following recipes:

Useful rubbing

To cope with gum inflammation, you can rub the following products into the affected areas:

  • Kalanchoe juice;
  • beet pulp;
  • Birch tar;
  • lingonberry juice.

Healing lotions

To treat pathology, you can use the following recipes:

  1. . To do this, you need to mix St. John's wort flowers and olive oil in a ratio of 1:4. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks. During this time, the oil will take on a red tint. It needs to be strained and heated to 50 degrees. Then the product must be cooled.
  2. Viburnum and elderberry. Grind the berries, add half a small spoon of olive oil and a decoction of eucalyptus.
  3. Eucalyptus decoction. This remedy is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of the leaves of this plant should be mixed with 50 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for 40 minutes.

It is very useful to apply mud Dead Sea . To do this, you need to heat the product to steam bath, soak a bandage in it and apply to the gums for a quarter of an hour.

Then the compress should be removed and the mouth should be rinsed with boiled water. This procedure needs to be completed within 7-10 days.

Causes of pain

Discomfort occurs when talking, chewing hot and cold food. There may be several reasons why gums become sore and inflamed during pregnancy:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. Restructuring of the body and hormones estrogens, prolactin, gonadotropin, progesterone affect the gum tissue, making them vulnerable. As the baby develops in the womb, the total blood volume becomes larger, which provokes increased sensitivity mucous membranes. Any impact on them, even simple brushing of teeth causes irritation and discomfort.
  • Toxicosis and gestosis. Vomiting reflex may occur throughout pregnancy. Exit gastric juice negatively affects the composition of saliva, increasing its acidity. This environment has a beneficial effect on the development of bacteria and infections.
  • Change eating habits . Most pregnant women experience “oddities” in their eating behavior - they crave salty, sweet and sour things at the same time.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Lack of vitamins. A child's development requires a large amount of vitamins and microelements. During gestation, the fetus takes what it needs from the mother’s body. Under the influence of hypovitaminosis, protective functions are reduced. For example, for growth bone tissue The baby needs calcium. If a woman does not increase her intake of a product containing this vitamin, there is a risk of inflammation.
  • Dental problems- broken and overhanging fillings, incorrectly installed dentures, malocclusion irritate the gum mucosa, lead to microtrauma and the penetration of bacteria, which during pregnancy can lead to severe toothache.
  • Injuries. Damage to the delicate surface of tissues contributes to the spread of the inflammatory process throughout the oral cavity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs.
  • Gingivitis and periodontitis.

Diseases appear due to plaque remaining on the teeth. Most pregnant women feel nauseous during cleansing. To improve well-being, replace toothbrush for a simple mouth rinse. This encourages bacterial growth. The gums begin to bleed.

How to treat gums during pregnancy?

Treatment of teeth and gums in the early stages of pregnancy is allowed, but with significant restrictions. At later stages, any medication or surgical intervention generally extremely undesirable. Below we will describe the stages of gestation and answer the question, at what stage of pregnancy should teeth and gums be treated?

  1. In the first trimester, the baby's body is developing. It is undesirable to carry out any dental procedures at this stage, except for eliminating purulent inflammation. Painful sensations are removed homeopathic remedies plant based.
  2. The second trimester is the ideal time to treat the oral cavity: mechanical cleaning of plaque, anti-inflammatory therapy. If necessary, painkillers are used that do not harm the unborn child.
  3. In the third trimester, clinical intervention provokes preterm labor. Only preventive measures can be carried out. In case of emergency, X-rays are permitted.

Treatment of gingivitis

Symptoms of gingivitis manifest themselves in redness and swelling of the gums; later, with daily dental hygiene, bleeding appears, and painful papillae form on the mucous membrane.

There is no way to get rid of the problem at home.

  1. At the first stage, the dentist prescribes to get rid of plaque on the teeth. For this purpose, mechanical cleaning is used (ultrasound is more effective, but it should not be done during pregnancy). Hard surface polished using special devices.
  2. On the second, for 10 days the patient is required to rinse the mouth with antiseptics. Preference is given to fluoride solutions and Chlorhexidine. The procedure is done 2 times a day, lasting at least a minute.

Local gel applications are also necessary to reduce swelling and inflammatory processes. Cholisal and Metrogyl Denta are used. A couple of hours before meals, the gel is applied to the marginal part of the gums; it is worth paying more attention to the smile area.

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to use a soft bristled toothbrush. Additionally, rinses and flosses are used for effective cleansing.

To improve blood circulation, solid vegetables and fruits - apples, pears, carrots - are included in the diet. “Sweet” snacks are excluded from the daily menu. After each meal, rinse your mouth with warm water.

Treatment of periodontitis

Appears in the background improper treatment gingivitis. Their main difference is the course of the disease. With periodontal disease, the formation of “pockets”, tooth mobility, and destruction of bone tissue are observed.

Treatment is exactly the same as for gingivitis.

Traditional medicine recipes are used as additional remedy to the main treatment of inflammation and bleeding gums during pregnancy.

Sea and table salt cope well with inflammatory processes in the gum mucosa. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass (250 ml) of warm water. Brush your teeth with this solution with a soft toothbrush and rinse your mouth.

For healthy gum mucosa, you should rinse your gums 2 times a day after meals with the following products:

  • Cinnamon tincture with vodka. Cinnamon sticks are finely ground in a coffee grinder (you need 100 g) and mixed with 1 glass (250 ml) of vodka. For therapeutic effect The mixture must be infused for 7 days. Before use, vodka is filtered. Swallowing the tincture is not recommended.
  • Tincture of celandine or St. John's wort. For the decoction you will need 20 grams of chopped herbs. Place celandine or St. John's wort into boiling water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Then, let it cool and brew.
  • Aloe. A young aloe leaf is crushed to form a paste and infused in an enamel pan. Then, the substance is brought to a boil and filtered. Stored in a cool, dark place.
  • Plantain. 30 grams of dry leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Then cool, filter and use as a wound healing agent.

Pastes for relieving inflammation:

  • Banana peel paste. You will need 3 bananas, the skins are separated and finely chopped. Sea salt is ground into dust and mixed with the skins. Olive oil is added to make a paste. The mixture is applied to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes. There will be a burning sensation after application. Use the product until the swelling and inflammation subside.
  • Coffee powder. It is necessary to fry the coffee beans until black in a frying pan and grind them in a coffee grinder. Next, mix 1 part of coffee with 2 parts of powdered sugar and massage the gums with this paste using a cotton pad or a soft bristle brush. To enhance the effect after the procedure, rinse your mouth with calendula tincture diluted with water (1 tbsp per half glass of warm water).

Strengthening gums with traditional medicine

Preventive rinsing 2 times a year for 14 days with herbal infusions will help strengthen the gum tissue and protect it from negative impact bacteria and infections during pregnancy.

  • For example, chamomile decoction - pour 40 grams of dried flowers with boiling water (250 ml) in a saucepan with a tight lid or thermos and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Store in a cool, dark place.
  • A decoction of oak bark and linden flowers has anti-inflammatory and tannic properties. You need 1 part finely chopped bark and 2 parts linden flowers. Pour the mixture hot water, let stand for 15-20 minutes and filter. The rinse infusion should be fresh every day.
  • A decoction of dry eggplant skin (dry in the oven or in the sun) - chop the skin and pour boiling water over it, add table salt. Infusion lasts 10-15 minutes, then the elixir is filtered.
  • To increase blood microcirculation, apply 1 teaspoon of honey to a cotton pad or piece of bandage. The gums are massaged in a circular motion for 5 minutes.
  • To strengthen the gums, you need to chew a piece of propolis or fresh leaves blackberries.

Folk remedies have been tested for many generations and have long proven their effectiveness. But no medicine can cope with a disease if its cause is internal.

A properly formulated diet rich in vitamins, useful minerals and microelements will help a woman endure pregnancy more easily, keeping her teeth and gums healthy. The menu should always include foods containing calcium (fish, dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese), fluorine and phosphorus (legumes, oatmeal, buckwheat).

The consumption of sweets, snacks, carbonated water, and confectionery products should be minimized. They do not bring any benefit to the body, but leave behind a pathogenic environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

The paste should be high in fluoride and the brush should have soft bristles.

If there was vomiting, you can start the hygiene procedure after an hour.

So that pregnancy and expecting a baby proceed without dental problems, you should go to regular appointments with a doctor and consult on nutrition and prescription of medications and homeopathic remedies.

Causes of bleeding

Bleeding gums in women during pregnancy are usually detected in the early stages of gestation (up to 4 months). The disease is accompanied by the appearance additional symptoms, among which:

  • discomfort during eating (especially when eating excessively cold, hot, sour foods);
  • odor from the mouth;
  • dry mucous membranes (xerostomia);
  • hyperemia of soft tissues;
  • increased formation of dental plaque.

Experts identify several causes of bleeding gums.

The most common factor is change hormonal balance and a decrease in immune strength during pregnancy. Increase in quantity infectious agents

leads to accumulation of plaque; If a woman neglects the rules of hygiene, then the deposits provoke an inflammatory process - gingivitis. Disease in acute form manifests itself in the first – early second trimesters. Lack of timely therapeutic measures

  • causes the disease to flow from catarrhal to hypertrophic type, divided into 2 types:
  • edematous (blood appears both when pressing on the gums and in the absence of physical impact);

fibrous (there is an increase in the papillae of the mucous tissues). Calcium deficiency serves additional source

development of the disease.

Refusal of treatment can lead to a more severe pathogenic condition - periodontitis. In addition to the above, bleeding gums during pregnancy are often caused by: the presence large quantities

tartar, decreased strength characteristics of tooth enamel, toxicosis, changes in the composition of saliva.

What is the threat?

  • Ignoring the considered symptoms of the disease can lead to such negative consequences as:
  • premature birth;

The disease significantly affects the general well-being of a woman, leading to peeling of the gums, loss (looseness) of teeth and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. It also affects the development of the fetus, and also increases the likelihood of intrauterine infection of the child.

Among possible pathologies- identification of changes in the growth of teeth (deciduous, permanent) and predisposition to caries in children.


The only way out of all of the above is to contact the clinic when bleeding gums are first detected during pregnancy. Only a dentist can correctly assess the condition of the oral cavity during an examination and develop a treatment regimen taking into account the patient’s special situation.

Professional treatment

Medical procedures - teeth cleaning and subsequent anti-inflammatory treatment - are carried out in several stages:

  1. Step-by-step removal of deposits. The plaque is removed painlessly, but the removal of the stone may be accompanied by some discomfort. As a rule, mechanical cleaning methods are used. Ultrasound and laser technologies are not used during pregnancy.
  2. Polishing of enamel, carried out in order to eliminate roughness and residual formations.
  3. Preventive measures: treatment with drugs that reduce sensitivity.
  4. Prescribing a course of anti-inflammatory medical products (applying Cholisal, Metrogyl Denta gels, rinsing with solutions of Chlorhexidine, Miramistin) for severe bleeding.

It is prohibited to independently treat bleeding gums with these medications.

Folk remedies

When visiting a dentist, you should consult about the possibility of using unconventional methods therapy during pregnancy.

If there are no contraindications, you can use the following at home:

  1. Applications fir oil(a cotton pad is moistened with the product and applied to the affected tissues for 7-10 minutes).
  2. Sodas, honey, salt rinses(in 100-150 ml boiled water dissolve a teaspoon of the selected ingredient).
  3. Kalanchoe juice (rubbed into the gums).
  4. A mixture of honey and sea salt (4:1) - applied to diseased surfaces.
  5. St. John's wort oil. Medicine components - dried herb raw material powder and half a glass vegetable oil. The resulting substance is boiled, after cooling, the inflamed areas are lubricated.

With long-term - 14 days or more - use of the mentioned agents, the tissues stop bleeding, the condition improves, and the symptoms of the disease disappear. You should remember: you cannot do applications and other procedures without a doctor’s prescription.


If during pregnancy the tissues bleed heavily and the gums hurt, and there is no opportunity to immediately visit the dentist, then you can use rinses with infusions medicinal plants- chamomile, oak bark, string, sage.

Decoctions are prepared in a water bath. A simplified method is to pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of raw material and then wrap the solution (20 minutes). You need to rinse your mouth every 4-6 hours. To improve your well-being, 2 weeks of use are enough.

There is another folk remedy that allows you to get rid of the problem of heavily bleeding mucous membranes - an infusion of blueberries, prepared in a similar way

The main condition for using infusions is the absence of contraindications and individual intolerance to the components. It will not be possible to completely cure the pathology using phytotherapeutic methods, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce bleeding and discomfort.

Revision of diet

Pregnant women who are looking for an effective solution to the question of what to do if their gums start to bleed should pay special attention to adjusting the daily menu.

Doctors recommend sticking to special diet, minimizing the amount of sugar. You can diversify your diet with broccoli, blackberries, sauerkraut, and kiwi. Be sure to use onions when preparing dishes.

These ingredients contain vitamins necessary to maintain immunity.

It is better to discuss the nuances of nutrition with a gynecologist.

Features of treatment by trimester

All methods of treating diseases in which the gums bleed are used taking into account the gestational age.

In the first trimester, only minimal intervention is allowed, since this is the period of active fetal formation.

The second shows procedures (manual cleaning, sanitation) that can stop the development of the disease.

At the final stage of gestation, the mother's condition is constantly monitored, but active treatment measures are not used.

Prevention of bleeding gums

To avoid the occurrence of disease, you must follow 4 simple rules:

  1. Perform good oral hygiene.
  2. Regularly carry out a light massage of the gums.
  3. Follow a diet.
  4. Visit the dentist in a timely manner.

And most importantly: it should be remembered that prevention is The best way prevent illness.

Symptoms of gum inflammation during pregnancy

Symptoms of gum problems:


The appearance of small wounds in the mouth;


Purulent discharge;

Pain in the affected areas of the gums;

Increased body temperature as a symptom of gum inflammation during pregnancy.

In most cases, gum inflammation during pregnancy appears around the fifth month and disappears by the time of birth, but sometimes it progresses and, over time, becomes chronic.

Symptoms of purulent inflammation of the gums during pregnancy:

Painful sensations. When you press on the tooth, the pain due to purulent inflammation increases, and the gums become bright red. Next, an abscess appears. Pus comes out through the gum.

Often, when wisdom teeth erupt, the gums become inflamed, fester, and the process can involve the periosteum.

Swelling of the soft tissues around the teeth, discoloration. Body temperature may rise. With warm rinsing, the pain intensifies.

Pain in the area of ​​tooth eruption. The intensity of the pain may vary; it intensifies when chewing or opening the mouth.

Swelling of the gums

Unpleasant odor in the mouth

Inflammation of regional lymph nodes.

Against the background of inflammation of the gums, crumbling of the dental tissue of a nearby tooth may occur, its displacement or complete destruction. The development of abscesses in the periosteum, injury to the gums and bone tissue may also be observed.

How to treat gum inflammation during pregnancy?

One of the most common and unpleasant pathologies that occurs during pregnancy is gingivitis. Inflammation manifests itself as a result of hormonal changes in the female body: it is no secret that it is at this time that the immune strength of the expectant mother decreases, and her sensitivity to various infections increases significantly.

The main method of treating and preventing gum inflammation is careful oral hygiene using toothbrushes and daily toothpastes. There are also special ointments that relieve gum inflammation. Sometimes dentists may prescribe antimicrobial rinses. The main goal of treating gum disease during pregnancy is to control plaque levels and reduce the amount of infection in the mouth. After all, this can negatively affect the baby’s health.

How to stop gum inflammation with a toothbrush?

Perhaps it will be useful for everyone to know this, because gum inflammation is a very unpleasant thing and threatens complications for both the gums themselves and the teeth. However, if treatment is started in a timely manner, the inflammatory process can quickly become reversible. If gum inflammation has not gone too far, you can completely get rid of it with silk floss and a toothbrush. What needs to be done for this?

Learn how to use a toothbrush correctly. To prevent gum inflammation, it should be held at a 45-degree angle relative to the teeth. To remove plaque, teeth should be brushed with soft in a circular motion. Special attention focus on the base of the teeth.

If possible, brush your teeth every time after eating, or at least twice a day - in the mornings and evenings.

To get rid of gum inflammation, learn how to floss. The thread should be located at the border separating the teeth from the gums. It should be moved over the teeth in all directions until you feel the characteristic creak of clean teeth. Don't worry if you see blood; flossing may cause some irritation to sore gums.

From time to time, brush your teeth with a paste of water and baking soda. It should be applied to the base of the teeth and brushed. This cleanses the mouth well and neutralizes bacteria. In addition, three times a week in case of gum inflammation during pregnancy, mix a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide half and half with water and rinse your mouth with this mixture.

Professional methods of treating gum inflammation in pregnant women

Treatment of gingivitis in expectant mothers begins with establishing a strict, correct, fortified and fully balanced diet for them.

To eliminate gum inflammation, they are prescribed safe anti-inflammatory drugs and therapy designed to reduce vascular permeability.

In cases where enlarged gums due to inflammation cover more than half of the surface of the tooth, under local anesthesia its excess tissue is removed.

It should also be taken into account that the treatment complex should include the removal of plaque and tartar on teeth.

How to treat gum disease during pregnancy with folk remedies?

You can also use some folk remedies for gum inflammation.

A decoction is especially good for treating gum inflammation. oak bark and chamomile solution. To prepare a decoction, add 50 grams of crushed oak bark to two glasses of water and bring to a boil, then simmer for half an hour over low heat. Dilute the cooled and strained broth to the original volume with boiled water and rinse your mouth with it 6-8 times daily.

To prepare a solution of medicinal chamomile for gum inflammation, pour 3-4 tablespoons of crushed chamomile into a glass of water and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, then strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution several times a day.

Can gingivitis during pregnancy be treated with antibiotics?

It should be noted that the reasons that cause gum inflammation are varied. This can be intoxication, any infection, and often just changes in metabolism. “Why antibiotics then?” - you ask. It's simple, because in addition to the above reasons, inflammation can often be caused by bacteria. In this case, gingivitis will have to be treated with antibiotics.

The effectiveness of antibiotics for gum inflammation

In general, antibiotics are substances that can be of either plant or semi-synthetic origin. It should be noted that every day a dentist can prescribe up to 10 types of this type of medication for gum inflammation. From this we can conclude that antibiotics play a key role in modern dentistry.

Often, before deciding to use antibiotics for gum inflammation, especially during pregnancy, you need to consult a specialist in these matters. He will carefully familiarize himself with the symptoms of the disease, and then find out all the chronic diseases. This procedure is carried out in order to initial stage reveal everything possible contraindications, for the use of antibiotics for gum inflammation. After all, it also happens that even a very strong inflammatory process of the gums makes it impossible to use them. After all, we treat the patient first, not the disease. Although, it should be noted that antibiotics bring both harm and benefit. Therefore, they should be used very carefully and with caution. Often, antibiotics for gum inflammation during pregnancy are prescribed during surgical interventions.

The danger of antibiotics in the treatment of gum inflammation during pregnancy

The first and most common side effect of antibiotics may be allergic reactions body.

Sometimes, when treating gum inflammation with antibiotics, a disorder in hematopoiesis occurs. Often, when they are used for gum inflammation, the immune system decreases.

It is also possible to inhibit the growth of connective tissues, such as cartilage, ligaments, etc.

In rare cases, changes appear due to antibiotics biochemical composition blood.

And most importantly, the use of antibiotics for gum inflammation during pregnancy is not always safe for the health of the unborn baby. This is especially true in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Causes of gum inflammation and prevention of disease during pregnancy

The root cause of caries development is the soft plaque that forms on the teeth. Numerous microorganisms and bacteria find refuge there. Not the least role is played by the deposition of solid plaque - dental stone All these problems arise due to the smallest errors that we make in our hygiene care for teeth and oral cavity. Poor nutrition, stomach problems, smoking, all these factors provoke metabolic disorders in the body. In heavy smokers, tartar deposits are very intense.

Tartar affects the soft tissue of the gums and causes inflammation in the gums, or gingivitis. This process subsequently provokes the onset of periodontitis. You should go to the dentist and remove tartar, thoroughly brush your teeth with a moderately soft toothbrush.

It is caries that most often causes purulent inflammation gums Therefore, regularly visit the dentist's office. Use dental hygiene products for purulent inflammation. Remember that purulent inflammation of the gums is provoked by diseased teeth. Don’t forget to clean your tongue of plaque; a lot of bacteria also collect there.

Inflammation of the gums near the wisdom tooth is caused by the concentration of plaque at the site of tooth eruption. In most cases, gum inflammation occurs as a result of improper tooth eruption. The wisdom tooth is capable of providing strong impact on adjacent teeth, as a result of which it can injure not only the gums, but also the bone tissue.

The next reason for possible inflammation of the gums is a situation where the process of tooth eruption is hampered by the presence of excessively thick walls of the dental sac. Inflammation of the gums can also be observed against the background of reduced activity of growth-forming factors. During the development of pericoronitis great importance has the fact that during the eruption of wisdom teeth, adjacent teeth do not change, some of them become covered with a mucous membrane, under which there is an accumulation of food debris and plaque and, therefore, excellent conditions are formed for the existence of microorganisms leading to the process of inflammation.

The main causes of gum inflammation in pregnant women

Hormonal changes in a woman’s body;

Lack of vitamins and minerals, the need for which is increased many times due to pregnancy.

Calcium deficiency can especially affect dental health and provoke gum inflammation during pregnancy. Calcium is extremely necessary in the second half of pregnancy, when the skeleton and foundation for the baby’s baby teeth begin to form.

Inflammation of the gums during pregnancy can also be caused by chronic diseases of the digestive system, improper, unbalanced nutrition, allergic reactions, mechanical, chemical and thermal injuries to the gums. By the way, during a normal pregnancy, gum inflammation occurs in only 20% of women, and during a complicated pregnancy, this figure increases to 70%.

Prevention of gum inflammation

To prevent gum inflammation, first of all, you need to carefully care for your oral cavity. Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day and rinse your mouth with water after eating - this will help eliminate plaque and pathogenic bacteria.

Contact your doctor if your gums begin to bleed while eating or touching a toothbrush. To avoid this, it is necessary to establish a rational, balanced diet, and when brushing your teeth to prevent gum inflammation, use a soft synthetic toothbrush. By the way, do not forget that a brush is a strictly individual thing, so using someone else’s or allowing someone else to use yours is simply unacceptable! In this case, you can easily become infected with gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.

For the sake of healthy gums, be attentive to your diet: your menu should include more dairy products, raw vegetables, dark greens, and vitamin C. Do not abuse smoking or drinking alcohol. Massage your gums regularly by rubbing them with inside thumb, and from the outside - with the index finger.

It has long been no secret that any inflammation, including gingivitis, is easier to prevent than to try to treat, especially in cases where the patient is a pregnant woman. Therefore, for prevention, expectant mothers are strongly recommended to carefully monitor oral hygiene, undergo regular examinations by a professional dentist, and at the first manifestations of gum inflammation, begin treatment immediately.