How to cleanse your body of all kinds of parasites

This article is for conscious people, for those who have ceased to believe in the modern medical religion. Many people began to understand that doctors cannot help them in their recovery. Regalia and titles do not save, doctors get sick more often than patients and die earlier from the same diseases from which they are obliged to cure. Why is this happening? Because students of medical universities receive knowledge about diseases, not about health. They are not given comprehensive natural knowledge that has been tested for centuries, but is led away from the poisons of pharmacology. It is unprofitable for modern paid medicine to cure and lose patients, it is beneficial to bring his condition to a chronic pathology and then treat him for the rest of his life.

If you notice that the child often scratches his buttocks, in his sleep he drools and gnashing of teeth is heard.

If you often experience irritation and nervousness, feel constantly tired, sleep poorly and wake up broken

You started having problems with being overweight and you can’t seem to get fit, there are pains in the stomach, broken joints appear, various allergic rashes are increasingly appearing.

If you notice dry skin, brittle and uneven nails, hair falls out.

Pigmented spots appear on the body, warts and papillomas have grown, and ultrasound shows the growth of tumors and cysts on the organs.

Even diseases such as pancreatitis, diabetes and oncology are directly related to the development of pathogenic flora in the body.

Let me remind you that the cause of such severe and sometimes “incurable” diseases according to official medicine as obesity, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, gastritis, inflammation of the ovaries, loss of strength, arthritis, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, prostatitis, impotence, depression and many other disorders is the active colonization of the body by pathogenic flora.

And now it becomes clear to you why the child does not study well, does not remember tasks, and often gets sick. You barely have the strength to hold out until the weekend, every day you want flour and sweets, your weight grows endlessly, and diets do not help. And you had no idea about the causes of your problems.

If you decide to take off the “zombo-cap” of the medical management system, then you need to understand what is happening in your body, conduct diagnostics and gradually build a healthy lifestyle.

Side effects from taking pills are not even hidden by sellers, and each instruction contains a list of these destructive effects. The use of medications can make you aggressive and mentally disturbed, vomiting and diarrhea, often leading to kidney and liver disease, up to liver necrosis with a fatal outcome. This is the kind of help you will be offered by the official Zdravo Burial.

What is in the storerooms of Folk Traditional Medicine? How our ancestors healed 200-300 years ago, when there were no chemicals and pills, how they lived without hospitals, maternity hospitals and ambulances.

Studying the annals, we learned a lot of new and interesting things that do not fit with the modern generally accepted paradigms of medicine.

It turns out that even 150-200 years ago, our great-grandfathers on earth lived much longer than a person now lives in cities, and there were no hospitals because few people were sick, and each family had its own skilled healers who successfully used natural natural ingredients and simple procedures.

What is left to us as a legacy for the prevention and cleansing of the body from various Worms, Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi and Mold?

After all, all plants: trees, grasses and flowers live in harmonious interaction with the entire universe and therefore have a certain biochemical composition at different times of the day. Those. at different times, the strength and properties of the plant are different.

Plants collected without taking into account the biological characteristics of nature, not properly dried or stored for a long time, no longer have those healing properties. I have encountered this before when I bought herbs in pharmacies, and I noticed that sometimes they do not help. And when he began to harvest herbs himself, then they gave a faster and more effective result of healing for those collected with his own hands.

When harvesting, it is also very important to be able to listen to nature and collect plants and herbs with love.

IT IS TIME FOR US TO REALIZE THAT EVERYTHING IS LIVE and EVERYTHING hears us, reacts to our thoughts and responds to words. Therefore, the process of collecting herbs for me is always a Sacred Joyful Action, filled with thoughts of gratitude to Mother Nature and the desire to give people health, healing and goodness.

This ecologically clean area belongs to the Galichya Gora Reserve, where many rare medicinal herbs, berries and plants grow, filling the space with a thick, calming aroma. This includes the mighty ancient rocks that saturate this area with a special energy. Around untouched primeval nature, mixed forest, meadows and slopes with rich herbs - everything here radiates the healing power of Mother Earth.

It is here that I annually collect herbs for healing and cleansing: - wormwood, chamomile, celandine, tansy, horsetail, thyme, yarrow, wild rose, St. John's wort and many others. etc. The power of local herbs is unique, and I am convinced of this every time with patients.

I store dried herbs in linen bags and in boxes, herbs for baths and infusions in containers. The upper parts of plants and flowers are used to make the "magic powder". I cut off the top and grind it in a coffee grinder, then store it in an airtight jar so that the healing essential oils of the plant do not evaporate. Collecting old recipes for healing with herbs, I first test all the methods of cleansing and healing on myself and loved ones.

Reception of dry bitterness - Wormwood and Tansy, with the addition of Chamomile and Cloves.

Cooking method:

We take in equal quantities dry Wormwood, Tansy, Chamomile and Ginger. Grind on a coffee grinder and mix, pour into an airtight container and use 2 times a day for half a teaspoon before meals, drinking warm water. So we take 10 days, then we take a week break and then we drink another 10 days. After 4 months, we repeat the course.

- The course is called "PoPuGuy" designed against a strong infection with pathogenic flora.

For Cleansing, we take Wormwood Bitter Silver, Tansy Flowers, Carnation, Black Cumin Seed, Licorice Root and Buckthorn Bark.

We take 10 parts of wormwood

3 parts tansy flowers,

2 parts Cloves, AND

2 parts Black Cumin Seed

Add 2 parts Licorice Root and 3 parts Buckthorn Bark.

Mix everything, grind to a powder and start taking.

The first three days it is necessary to use the prepared collection every 3 hours, without a break for sleep (we wake up at night, drink herbs and go to bed again)

The dose for taking is 1/3 teaspoon, you can drink it with warm water.

For the next 5 days, take half a teaspoon without top 5 times a day.

Then we take herbs for another seven days, but reduce the amount of intake to 3 times 1 teaspoon.

Then we take a week break and then take the bitterness for another 7 days, also 3 times a day for a teaspoon.

It is better to purchase seeds and plants that are not crushed, but cook them yourself in small portions for several days of admission in order to preserve all the healing properties of plants.

To do this, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Dill Seed, Fennel and Anise, it's good to add Althea Root.

We grind everything on a coffee grinder, mix and use ½ teaspoon 3 times a day for a week before meals.

- RECIPE Antihelminthic vegetable milk.

Pumpkin Seed has many beneficial properties.

To prepare delicious and nutritious pumpkin milk, we need a powerful blender, unpeeled pumpkin seed, drinking water, cardamom seed and Honey or Stevia will do for sweetness.

We take a glass of pumpkin seeds in the peel, rinse with hot water and put in a blender. Grind a tablespoon of Cardamom Seed in a coffee grinder and also pour it into a blender bowl. Add 1 - 1.5 liters of clean water, depending on the capacity and put 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Beat everything in a blender for one minute and strain.

The composition of nutrients in pumpkin seeds is so rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements that their regular use guarantees a Person Great Feeling and Health!

All the above methods and dosages are indicated conditionally, the number of days and the composition of the components of the cleaning courses may vary depending on the disease and the patient's condition!!!

The path to recovery is a comprehensive systematic approach, and above all - a healthy lifestyle!