Types of bacteria - good and bad

In our world there is a huge number of bacteria. Some of them are good and some are bad. Some we know better, others worse. In our article, we have compiled a list of the most famous bacteria living among us and in our body. The article is written with a share of humor, so do not judge strictly.

Provides "face - control" in your insides

Lactobacilli (Lactobacillus plantarum) living in the human digestive tract since prehistoric times, do a great and important job. Like vampire garlic, they scare away pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from settling in your stomach and upsetting your intestines. Welcome! Pickles and tomatoes and sauerkraut will bolster the strength of bouncers, but know that hard training and stress from exercise will shorten their ranks. Add some blackcurrant to your protein shake. These berries reduce fitness stress due to their antioxidant content.

2. PROTECTOR OF THE BELLY Helicobacter pylori

Stop hunger pangs at 3 p.m.

Another bacteria living in the digestive tract, Helicobacter pylori, develops from your childhood and helps you maintain a healthy weight throughout your life by controlling the hormones responsible for feeling hungry! Eat 1 apple every day.

These fruits produce lactic acid in the stomach, in which most harmful bacteria cannot survive, but which Helicobacter pylori adores. However, keep H. pylori within limits, they can work against you and cause stomach ulcers. Make scrambled eggs with spinach for breakfast: the nitrates from these green leaves thicken the walls of the stomach, protecting it from excess lactic acid.

3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa head

Likes showers, hot tubs and pools

The warm-water bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa crawls under the scalp through the pores of the hair follicles, causing an infection accompanied by itching and pain in the affected areas.

Don't want to put on a bathing cap every time you take a bath? Fend off a comber intrusion with a chicken or salmon and egg sandwich. A large amount of protein is necessary for the follicles to be healthy and effectively fight foreign bodies. Don't forget about fatty acids, which are absolutely essential for a healthy scalp. This will help you 4 cans of canned tuna or 4 medium avocados per week. No more.

4. Harmful bacteria Corynebacterium minutissimum

High tech protozoan

Harmful bacteria can lurk in the most unexpected places. For example, Corynebacterium minutissimum, which causes a rash, loves to live on the touchscreens of phones and tablet computers. Destroy them!

Strangely, no one has yet developed a free application that fights these germs. But many companies produce cases for phones and tablets with an antibacterial coating, which is guaranteed to stop the growth of bacteria. And try not to rub your hands together when you dry them after washing - it can reduce the bacteria population by 37%.

5. NOBLE CRAUNT Escherichia coli

Good bad bacteria

The bacterium Escherichia coli is believed to cause tens of thousands of infectious diseases every year. But it only gives us problems when it finds a way to leave the colon and mutate into a disease-causing strain. Normally, it is quite useful for life and provides the body with vitamin K, which maintains the health of the arteries, preventing heart attacks.

To keep this headline bacterium in check, include legumes in your diet five times a week. The fiber in the beans is not broken down, but moves to the large intestine, where E. coli can feast on it and continue their normal reproductive cycle. Black beans are the richest in fiber, then Ithlim, or moon-shaped, and only then is the usual red bean that we are used to. Legumes not only keep bacteria in check, but also limit your afternoon appetite with their fiber, and increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption by the body.

6. BURNING Staphylococcusaureus

Eats the youth of your skin

Most often, boils and pimples are caused by the bacterium Staphylococcusaureus, which lives on the skin of most people. Acne is, of course, unpleasant, but, having penetrated through damaged skin into the body, this bacterium can cause more serious diseases: pneumonia and meningitis.

The natural antibiotic dermicidin, which is toxic to these bacteria, is found in human sweat. At least once a week, include high-intensity exercises in your workout, trying to work at 85% of your maximum capacity. And always use a clean towel.

7. MICROBE - BURNER Bifidobacterium animalis

® Lives in fermented milk products

Bifidobacterium animalis bacteria inhabit the contents of cans of yogurt, bottles of kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and other similar products. They reduce the time of passage of food through the colon by 21%. Food does not stagnate, there is no formation of excess gases - you are less likely to experience the problem code-named "Feast of the Spirit."

Feed the bacteria, for example, with a banana - eat it after dinner. And for lunch itself, pasta with artichokes and garlic will go well. All these products are rich in fructooligos - saccharides - Bifidobacterium animalis loves this type of carbohydrate and eats them with pleasure, after which it multiplies with no less pleasure. And as the population grows, your chances of normal digestion increase.

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