What are the routes of transmission of HPV? Human papillomavirus infection - is it so scary and how to recognize it?

It is a highly contagious virus and, according to statistics, 50 to 70% of the population is infected with it. However clinical manifestations infections are not very common, occurring in about 1-2% of cases. A person does not even realize that he is a carrier of HPV until a decrease in immunity occurs and the virus becomes more active. Knowing the basic ways HPV transmission, you can protect yourself from the appearance of unwanted symptoms. So, HPV - how is the disease transmitted? All possible transmission routes will be discussed below.

Papilloma: how is it transmitted and what is it?

Currently, about 100 different varieties of the virus are known. Among them there are both harmless to humans and dangerous in terms of development. oncological diseases. The following facts can be reassuring: viruses, causing formation warts and papillomas belong to subtypes 6 and 11, which have a low carcinogenic risk. Oncogenic subtypes include strains 16 and 18, which provoke cell mutation and cervical cancer.

The papilloma virus multiplies exclusively in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, causing their uncontrolled division. As a result, a person develops the following clinical manifestations:

  • various warts (common, flat, plantar);
  • papillomatosis of the mouth and larynx;
  • papillomas of internal organs.

The role of the virus in the development of cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men has been proven, so it is important to know how the papillomavirus is transmitted in order to prevent infection.

Human papillomavirus: routes of transmission

It is impossible to independently detect the presence of a virus in the body if there are no characteristic growths on the skin or mucous membranes. Specialized specialists will make it possible to identify dormant pathology. medical tests. The absence of symptoms does not guarantee that a person is not dangerous to others.

How is papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted? Doctors identify several methods.

Contact and household path

HPV is transmitted by everyday means. It is worth noting that it is rare, but this option of obtaining human papillomavirus infection (PVI) still has a right to exist. You can become infected by shaking hands, using common household items - towels, slippers, wearing someone else's clothes, especially underwear. Often infection occurs when visiting a swimming pool or fitness center. A microscopic organism has so much high activity that HPV is transmitted through saliva, kissing.

The risk of infection increases if there are abrasions, scratches, microcracks, or various wounds on the skin. People with characteristic manifestations diseases - warts and papillomas.

A fairly common question: will washing your hands regularly reduce the risk of infection? Certainly, clean skin more protected. However hygiene measures do not protect against human papillomavirus infection.

Is papillomavirus (HPV) sexually transmitted?

One sexual contact is enough to infect a person. HPV is transmitted through oral, vaginal and anal sex.

More often, the infection comes from a man, but the opposite situation is also possible, when reverse infection with HPV is recorded - from a woman to a man.

Predisposing factors are:

MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RF: Papillomavirus is one of the most oncogenic viruses. Papilloma can become melanoma - skin cancer!

Papilloma is also transmitted sexually through homosexual intercourse, during which minor injuries to the skin and mucous membranes of the anal area occur. This significantly increases the risk of infection, especially if one of the partners has external manifestations of the disease - anogenital warts.

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted through protected sex? Unfortunately yes. HPV is transmitted through a condom, since invisible condylomas can be located in an unprotected product groin area. Using a condom greatly reduces the risk of infection, but does not provide a complete guarantee of safety. Despite this, using a condom is recommended for all people who have multiple sexual partners.

HPV is easily transmitted through oral sex. At the same time, the risk of developing tonsillar cancer increases, especially if a person becomes infected with oncogenic strains.

Papillomavirus: transmission from mother to child (vertical method)

Many pregnant women worry - is HPV transmitted from mother to child? Unfortunately, this route of infection does occur, and infection can occur both transplacentally (in the prenatal period) and during childbirth. If the first option is an incredible rarity, then when a baby passes through an infected birth canal, the child can receive papillomavirus with a high degree of probability.

Infection of the larynx, bronchi and trachea in a newborn is possible. The virus penetrates the mucous membranes and stimulates the formation of growths. Laryngeal papillomatosis can lead to stenosis and suffocation of the child, especially if the affected vocal cords. Any infection, cold leads to swelling of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, and in the presence of accompanying papillomas, this ends with difficulty in inhaling and exhaling.

A natural question arises: is it possible to protect a baby from infection with the help of caesarean section? The operation does not guarantee the health of the baby, since the papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to child in this case as well. You should not resort to caesarean section unless absolutely necessary, although this method is also used for multiple condylomas.

Members of the same family often have warts or papillomas on the body, but hereditary factors have nothing to do with it. Can HPV be transmitted to the child through close contact between parents and children? The fact is that people living under the same roof become infected from each other. However, parents should be reassured: HPV is not inherited.

Self-infection (autoinoculation)

Is papillomavirus transmitted through self-infection? Definitely yes. Infection occurs during shaving, cutting nails, and epilating. Children often pick at warts and can tear them off or scratch them. In this mode of transmission of HPV, the process spreads to neighboring tissues and causes the virus to multiply in them.

Papillomavirus (transmission routes can be quite unusual) can be transmitted by airborne droplets. But it's extreme rare option. To date, only a few cases of infection of hospital medical personnel have been recorded during HPV treatment operations and while caring for patients.

HPV: features of transmission depending on gender

HPV in women - how is the infection transmitted in this case? Most often in female body papillomavirus infection spreads through sexual contact, including oral and anal sex. Many ladies get PVI during their first sexual experience.

How and is HPV transmitted to men? To belong to male in no way becomes a barrier to getting the disease: PVI in men is also diagnosed very often. The only difference is for a long time pathology occurs in hidden form and hence latent carriage.

Risk factors

Even if a person is infected with papillomavirus, this does not necessarily mean that he will develop condylomas or warts. The virus is insidious because it can long time exist in the body without giving anything away. When favorable factors occur, namely decreased immunity and others, the activation of virions begins. Factors that provoke the awakening of the virus include:

Antiviral protection weakens in the presence of other infections with sexual transmission: chlamydia, ureplasmosis, erased form of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. Knowing that human papilloma (how the virus is most often transmitted has been discussed in some detail) is contagious helps protect yourself and your loved ones from the “uninvited guest.”

The following factors predispose to the disease:

  • childbirth at a young age;
  • deficit folic acid and antioxidants;
  • low economic standard of living;
  • social maladjustment.

As practice shows, women from disadvantaged families are less likely to seek help from a gynecologist, so cervical cancer in this population group is detected already at later. If women were informed about the full danger of HPV types 16 and 18 (many people know how the disease is transmitted), then they would be more careful when choosing a sexual partner.

Diagnosis and prevention of PVI

Usually, a doctor, knowing how human papillomavirus is transmitted, can make a diagnosis during the initial examination of the patient. However, the presence skin growths and genital condylomas require additional examination.

Is papilloma transmitted through household contact? Yes, and this must be taken into account. That is why you need to be extremely careful when visiting public baths, saunas and swimming pools. In conditions of high humidity, the virus can exist for quite a long period of time.

Research shows that regardless of how the infection occurred, there is a risk of developing cancer: low, but still, you should not forget about it. Following the simplest rules will help protect against infection:

  • use only personal hygiene items;
  • sex life with a regular partner;
  • A varied diet and hardening procedures help maintain strong immune defense.

It is also important to regularly visit a doctor, get tested, and do not forget to treat areas skin lesions antiseptic solutions.

HPV infection is a general term that includes more than 100 types of papillomavirus. Viral infection manifests itself in the form of warts and condylomas on different parts bodies. The affected area depends on what type of virus the person is infected with.

Most types of HPV infections do not cause cancer, but some can cause vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer and laryngeal cancer. In order to avoid the occurrence of these serious diseases, it is important to know how the papilloma virus is transmitted.

Perinatal route of transmission (mother to child)

Although genital types of HPV can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth, the occurrence of genital diseases caused by HPV in newborns is extremely rare. However, the lack external signs does not exclude the presence of an asymptomatic latent infection, because the virus can hide in the human body for many decades.

In rare cases, the route of transmission of HPV (types 6 and 11) can cause the development of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, a disease characterized by rapid growth papillomas in the narrowest part of the respiratory tract. The risk of developing respiratory papillomatosis increases if a woman has genital warts during childbirth.

Is papilloma transmitted sexually to a man/woman?

Yes, and this is the most common route of transmission of this infection. Of the 120 known papilloma viruses, 51 species and 3 subspecies infect the mucous membrane of the genital organs. 15 of them are characterized as viruses high risk, 3 – moderate risk and 12 as viruses with low risk of infection.

The incidence of HPV disease directly depends on sexual activity person. If a woman changes at least one partner per year for 4 years, her risk of HPV infection exceeds 85%. A condom does not protect against human papillomavirus infection, since infected fluid can come into contact with the skin around the genitals, which leads to the introduction of the virus.

How is the papilloma virus transmitted from person to person through sexual contact?

  • through vaginal sex,
  • through anal sex,
  • through oral sex,
  • upon skin-to-skin contact.

The rapid spread of HPV has forced scientists to look into the question of whether the papilloma virus is transmitted through a kiss. Research conducted by Ohio State scientists in 2009 proved that HPV infection is transmitted through French kissing and oral sex.

Another way of transmitting HPV is through the hands. This is only possible if infected person Before contact with an uninfected person, he touched his genitals with his hands. According to studies, swabs from the fingers of sexually active men and women contained papilloma viruses - in 48% of cases in men and in 14% of cases in women.

Household transmission of papillomas from person to person

Sharing infected objects such as Toothbrush, towel or underwear, in rare cases can cause HPV infection. The risk of infection increases in direct proportion to the duration of contact with an infected object.

Is the papilloma virus transmitted through blood?

Traditionally it was believed that no, and the virus infects only skin and mucous tissues, however, recent studies have cast doubt on this theory. In 2005, studies were carried out on 57 samples of frozen blood from children who were infected HIV by blood transfusions. Papillomavirus was also detected in 14% of these samples. This may indicate that HPV infection can be transmitted through blood. However, since there are many cases of non-sexual transmission of papillomavirus, this fact cannot be proven conclusively. However, there are currently proposals to prevent HPV carriers from getting infected. donated blood.

Surgical route of transmission of HPV

Infection with papilloma virus surgically, especially medical personnel, is documented. Surgeons, including urologists and medical personnel, become infected with HPV infection by inhaling viral particles during electrosurgical or laser ablation of condylomas (warts). There is a description clinical case laser surgeon who received extensive laryngeal papillomatosis after laser ablation of a patient with anogenital papillomas. Cases of patient infection through surgical instruments currently unknown.

Is it possible to become infected through sexual contact? The answer from experts is definitely yes. Therefore, it is necessary to use contraception.

In rare cases, a condom can help against infection, and this should be taken into account, since the mucous membranes of the genital organs also contain virus cells. The condom gives a person little protection against HPV.

It all depends on the type of infection and immune system person. Answering how you can become infected with the human papillomavirus - the conclusion suggests itself - regularly check for diseases and ask your partner about it.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that you can become infected with HPV during oral sex.

The human papillomavirus, or HPV for short, is present in 90% of the world's population. Almost every person is a carrier of it, and it is extremely difficult to protect yourself from it.

However, most of its species are completely harmless and cause only minor cosmetic defects on the skin and mucous membranes. Two types of the virus are dangerous, namely the 16th and 18th, which provoke the development of cervical cancer in women.

The most common manifestations of HPV This:

  • common warts;
  • flat or plantar warts;
  • condylomas (genital warts);
  • papillomas (small growths on the skin of a benign nature).

Causes and routes of infection

Where does the human papillomavirus come from in women, who can be a carrier of HPV and what is it?

The main way a woman becomes infected is unprotected sexual contact, which, as a method of infection, primarily ensures the transmission of strains that lead to the appearance of genital warts.

However, transmission routes are not limited to sexual contact. How is HPV (human papillomavirus) transmitted in women? Risk factors:

Representatives of the fair half of humanity who take contraceptive medications, as well as women who have suffered from sexually transmitted diseases, are at risk.

The danger lies in the simultaneous transmission of sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis - together with HPV, so when unprotected sex Possible complex infection of the body.

The use of cesarean section also increases the possibility of virus entry through epithelial tissue.

Under equal infection conditions, those women who have a weakened immune system (chronic decline in immunity, acute respiratory infections, flu, stress, chronic fatigue) are more likely to become infected with HPV.

Types of HPV by degree of danger

We have found out how HPV is transmitted, but we also need to know how to solve the problem. IN mandatory it should be carried out by a specialist, and the course of therapy is usually comprehensive, aimed at destroying the virus and its external manifestations.

Typically, the list of drugs includes immunomodulating agents aimed at increasing the body's defenses.

Treatment methods that will help stop the development of the virus:

Method name Characteristics of the method
1. Removal of formations (surgery) Two methods are used here: using a laser and surgically. The first one is more reliable and does not leave scars. The procedure will help you not to worry about the fact that papilloma can develop into cancer. When removed with a scalpel, scars and scars may remain. which become smaller over time.
2. Ozone therapy. The patient is given ozone drips. The method is considered natural, and is done in order to strengthen the patient’s immunity. The method is used to prevent infection. Such a dropper can block the infection for several years.
3. Drug therapy. It can be cured with the help of certain medications. But it should be understood that they can simply stop the development of the virus, but do not cure it completely. These include "Condimin", "Bonaftona" and "Aldora". Panavir" is administered intravenously, and it helps destroy the infection.

About HPV infections know only a few who were interested in this issue, but most people know about the diseases that the virus leads to. At the moment, scientists have developed a special classification of HPV according to the degree of danger:

  1. not causing cancer: HPV types 1,2,3,5;
  2. with a low degree of oncogenicity: type 6, 11,42,43,44;
  3. with a high degree of oncogenicity: 6,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,68.

Viruses that are not oncogenic lead to the appearance of various warty neoplasms on the body:

HPV with low threshold oncogenicity can cause the formation of genital warts on the genitals, which without proper treatment can lead to the development of cancer.

But papillomaviruses with a high degree of oncogenicity of 70% lead to the development of such cancers as: cancer of the vagina, cervix, dysplasia of uterine tissue in women, cancer of the anal area and penis in men.

This pathogen belongs to the papillomavirus family. It is represented by a DNA helix enclosed in a protein capsule.

This family of viruses includes significant amount types. Depending on the ability to cause uncontrolled division of affected cells in the human body, they are divided into several groups.

It is the type of virus that determines the nature of the further course infectious process after infection, as well as the likelihood of developing complications in the form of a malignant neoplasm.

Modern technologies have made it possible to identify more than 100 species Human HPV, which differ significantly in the degree of danger.

The presence of highly oncogenic human papillomavirus (oncogenic HPV) increases the risk of developing cancer in women, especially the cervix.

Certain types of HPV can remain in the human body throughout life and not provoke the appearance of dangerous conditions- such species are called strains of the non-oncogenic group.

Completely non-oncogenic HPV types. 1, 2, 4, 5 are strains that do not lead to pathogenic changes in tissues and dermis.

Strains of low danger. Types 40–44 together with 3, 11, 13, 32, 34, 51,61, 72, 73 and 6 at good immunity do not provoke degenerative changes, however, with prolonged exposure negative factors sometimes lead to the appearance of malignant tumors.

Intermediate risk HPV. 52, 53, 56, 58 and 30, 35, 45.

HPV strains of high oncogenic risk in women. Cancer Bladder, mammary glands, cervix - the consequences of the influence of the most dangerous strains.

Full list: 50, 59, 68, 64, 70 and 16, 18, 31, 33, 39. These types of HPV are the most dangerous for women, they can even change the DNA of cells that begin to malfunction.

Development algorithm: symptoms and signs, photos

HPV infection occurs without the appearance of sharp signs of infection, as occurs with sexually transmitted diseases.

A sluggish process, not associated with manifestations of relapses, develops slowly until it manifests itself completely or is destroyed by the body.

Incubation period of HPV in women. The asymptomatic development of HPV lasts mainly for about three months, during which the infection multiplies (virus replication occurs) and affects healthy tissue.

Sometimes the latent stage can last only 16 days or reach long period- up to 12 months.

In 80–90% of cases, the immunity of young women under 25 years of age copes with the disease, eliminating the infection (natural elimination). In the remaining 10–20%, the virus is activated and enters the chronic stage.

Activity stage. Signs of infection can be detected even with the naked eye - first of all, skin tumors appear and grow rapidly.

A decline in immunity can lead to decreased energy and relapses of chronic diseases.

Signs of HPV and differences from other neoplasms. After activation of the virus, vaginal lesions are often diagnosed, characterized by bacterial vaginosis and itching in the intimate area.

The main differences: papillomas are characterized by their ability to change color, while moles are not characterized by shade transformation.

How HPV (human papillomavirus) manifests itself in women: there is a burning sensation at the site of the papilloma, and a colorless liquid may flow out of it, causing inflammation.

Neoplasms due to HPV infection:

  • exophytic condylomas. Includes large genital warts and small ones, which are compared by external manifestations with “cauliflower”;
  • flat warts. Localized on the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina;
  • vestibular papillomatosis. It appears in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina, on which small, but large quantities papilloma-like growths.

Papillomas should also be distinguished from moles by their structure, which usually do not contain vessels in their structure, but consist of melanocytes.

However, exact confirmation of the identity of the formation on the skin is provided by medical research- biopsy.

This manifestation of HPV, such as a sudden and intense formation of skin growths on the body, indicates a decline in immunity and the progression of HPV in women.

HPV symptoms

In case of cancer diseases, which most often pass completely asymptomatically, women seek help from a doctor already in its later stages. That is why you need to be attentive to your body and pay attention to the slightest manifestations of HPV, and these can be:

  • Warts on different parts of the body. Although they are not dangerous, they indicate that the immune system is not in order, which means you need to be wary.
  • Papillomas. Their good quality is no reason to relax. Watch for formations and the slightest change their appearance, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  • Genital warts on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. This type of formation often causes pain, burning, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. In this case, discharge may be observed of an unusual nature. Naturally, this is a reason to contact a gynecologist. It is condylomas that can provoke the development of cancer.
  • A number of cervical diseases.

Duration asymptomatic period after infection with a pathogen can vary significantly. It can last up to several years, depending on the type of pathogen and individual characteristics of the human body, in particular from functional state his immunity.

Also, the type of virus affects the clinical manifestations of the infectious process, which can occur in several forms.

  • The appearance of warts with their predominant localization on the skin of the arms, palms, and soles. They are small in size, do not differ in color from healthy skin, do not hurt or cause discomfort, except for aesthetic reasons. This form of infection is caused by viruses types 1–4.
  • Anogenital warts (they are also called “genital warts”) are formed on the skin of the genitals and perineum. Such structures have jagged edges and resemble in appearance cauliflower. They can also be localized in the oral cavity, bladder or urethra ( urethra). Their development is most often caused by types of papillomavirus 16 and 11.
  • Bowman's disease - the development of this form of infection is common in men. In this case, a red plaque with characteristic clear edges appears on the skin in the area of ​​the penis. It tends to grow peripherally and further degenerate into malignant neoplasm. This disease is caused by viruses types 33, 35, 45, 16, 18.
  • Bowenoid papulosis is also characterized by a predominant lesion of the structures of the urogenital tract of men and women, with the formation on their skin or mucous membranes of rashes in the form of flat plaques that rise slightly on the surface and are yellow, white or pink color. Over time, such plaques can develop into skin cancer. Bowenoid papulosis is caused by HPV types 31 and 33, as well as 16 and 18.

Among women pathological process, caused by viruses types 31, 33, 35, 39, as well as 16 and 18, can lead to the development of neoplasia (changes in the properties of tissues with uncontrolled cell division) and cervical cancer.

This is one of the most dangerous consequences of human papillomavirus infection in gynecology. It can occur for a long time without any symptoms; its detection is early stages only possible during preventive examination female gynecologist.


Reliable detection of an infectious process in the human body is carried out using laboratory research, which makes it possible to determine the type of papillomavirus. Testing for human papillomavirus includes the following tests.

  • An enzyme-linked immunosorbent test (ELISA), which determines the presence and increase in the titer (activity) of specific antibodies, which indicates the presence of the corresponding type of virus.
  • Polymerase chain reaction is a technique for detecting and identifying the genome of the virus in the material under study. For this purpose, smears are usually taken from the urethra, vagina, cervix, as well as scrapings directly from pathological space-occupying formations. Such a study is very sensitive - to detect and identify the virus, it is enough to find a DNA fragment of the pathogen in the test material.

Determining the type of HPV makes it possible to predict the course of the infectious process, as well as the risk of developing cancer.

Blood test for papillomavirus type 18 (16)

Blood test for human papillomavirus in developed countries used for mass identification of carriers and sick people. The diagnostic reliability of cytology is up to 95%. A DNA test in the USA is performed for the following indications:

  • In women over 30 years of age, as a screening test;
  • To identify questionable research results;
  • In the absence of screening programs;
  • For control after removal of cervical cancer.

List of diagnostic procedures for identifying papillomavirus:

  1. Cytological examination in combination with the Digene test allows you to determine the clinically significant concentration of the virus in the blood;
  2. Urological, gynecological examination– for detection of genital warts, genital warts;
  3. Histological examination of a piece of tissue taken after a gynecological or urological examination.

The main task of papillomavirus diagnostics is to identify precancerous conditions. Colposcopy and cytology are the most common and available methods diagnosis of the disease.

Treatment methods

When we talk about HPV, many people immediately imagine something very scary. In fact, most types of the virus are completely harmless, and those that cause serious illnesses, you can easily protect yourself if you lead the right lifestyle.

Today, it is impossible to completely cure the pathological process caused by HPV, since the virus is integrated into the genome of cells and remains there in an inactive state for a long time. If there is a pathogen with a high oncogenic risk, as well as data indicating its activation (increased titer of specific antibodies), conservative therapy using antiviral medicines. In order to get rid of space-occupying formations, they are removed using various techniques:

  • surgical removal method;
  • using laser therapy;
  • using electrocoagulation;
  • by cryodestruction method.

It is especially important to promptly remove volumetric formations on the cervix before they begin to degenerate into a cancerous process.

The choice of tactics on how to treat human papillomavirus is determined by the doctor after determining the type of virus and the localization of space-occupying lesions.

HPV cannot be completely removed from the body once infection has already occurred. The ultimate goal HPV therapy there is an increase in immunity, as well as an increase in the production of antibodies against the identified strains.

In this way, the suppression of the virus will be carried out by the body independently.

In the presence of warts and genital warts, their elimination is carried out only mechanically- laser burning, scalpel or cryodestruction.

Antiviral drugs. This group of drugs includes an antiviral agent that allows the body to give a clear signal to begin producing antibodies against infection.

Known drugs: Lykopid, Groprinosin, Isoprinosine (taken from 7 to 30 days depending on the type of HPV).

Dietary supplement Medicines of the dietary supplement group: Indinol, Indole-3-Carbinol, Promisan, Wobenzym - are used in the presence of a virus of low oncogenicity or strains of a non-oncogenic group.

Antibiotics. Medicines of this group are used only when HPV is combined with sexually transmitted infections for a period of no more than 30 days.

Immunomodulators. Interferon, Immunal, Cycloferon, Viferon can not only suppress the reproduction of the virus, but also stop the growth of skin tumors.

Herbs. Phytoproducts are among the auxiliary methods of boosting immunity.

To activate the body's defenses, you should take echinacea, ginseng root, eleutherococcus or Rhodiola rosea (in the form of tinctures or herbal decoctions). Prescribed mainly in the spring and autumn periods.

Vitamins. Infection leads to vitamin deficiency syndrome, so the presence of vitamin complexes - Vitrum, Complivit or Pikovit - in the diet of an HPV patient must be mandatory. Accepted for at least a month.

Given the widespread damage to the vagina by condylomas, doctors simultaneously prescribe ointments to women suffering from human papillomavirus infection.

Example - 5% Aldara cream, Epigen intimate spray. The latter option is used to spray the affected areas four times per day.

The prognosis for treatment is favorable if the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, but he will have to pay attention to his health for the rest of his life.

If you notice new growths, go to the doctor immediately. Despite the fact that the signs of the disease are extremely specific and it is almost impossible to confuse them with anything else, it is still worth seeing a doctor.

The doctor will not only confirm the diagnosis, but also prescribe optimal treatment, taking into account your general condition health.

Traditional medicine - what remedies help?

Traditional medicine offers various recipes, but they are not always effective. Therefore, understanding how the papilloma virus is transmitted and having done tests to identify one or another type of HPV, you can try some traditional methods, if it is not harmful to health.

Techniques HPV treatment at home:

  1. Protein from chicken egg- one of ourselves simple ways cure papillomas. To prepare it, it will be enough to smear it on the problem area and wait until the ingredient dries. Then you should repeat the procedure for several days until the wart falls off on its own.
  2. You can remove a growth on the body using castor oil. You will need to lubricate the growth with it two or three times a day without washing it off. Cover the top with a plaster. After a few days, the papilloma will fall off on its own.
  3. Celandine. It turns out that it gets rid of all kinds of tumors. Apply its yellow milk to papillomas once every two days until the formations dry out and fall off on their own.

Be careful with various neoplasms. It is better to consult a doctor immediately, do not self-medicate under any circumstances, consult first.

HPV prevention

Nonspecific prevention

  • treatment of skin damage;
  • use of personal hygiene products;
  • use of rubber slippers in public baths;
  • timely treatment of various diseases;
  • having one sexual partner, mutual fidelity;
  • using a condom during sexual intercourse (although it does not eliminate the risk, it significantly reduces it);
  • hardening;
  • diverse and regular meals etc.

The listed preventive measures can be attributed to most skin and venereal diseases. Pregnant women with genital papillomatosis are given special preparation before birth and the formations are removed in a safe way.

For multiple papillomas that cannot be completely removed, delivery by cesarean section is sometimes recommended.

Specific prevention

There is a specially developed vaccine against the most common highly oncogenic subtypes of papillomavirus. Mostly women are vaccinated. Even if the patient is already infected, the vaccine is believed to cause the development of immunity and inactivation of HPV.

From how papillomas and the virus in general are transmitted, conclusions can be drawn about how to minimize the risk of infection and development of the disease. To do this you need:

  • Maintain personal hygiene, do not use other people's things and household items.
  • Be less nervous, since even the slightest stress is swipe on immunity.
  • Support the immune system by taking vitamins during the cold season, proper nutrition and playing sports.
  • Don't be disorderly sex life, remember the rules of safe sex.
  • Be regularly examined by a gynecologist once a year, even if nothing bothers you.
  • Get vaccinated against types 16 and 18 of the virus. The vaccine has been tested for a long time and has proven itself well. In many civilized countries it is included in the list of mandatory vaccinations.

Maintaining immunity is a fundamental way to prevent infection.

The second most important condition includes limiting communication with infected people, the third is maintaining hygiene when visiting the pool, bathhouse and other public places.

Other effective ways infection prevention:

  • use barrier methods contraception during sex with casual partners;
  • refuse to use other people's things and hygiene products;
  • exercise and avoid sedentary lifestyle life;
  • Periodically visit a therapist and get tested for HPV.

Another well-known method of prevention is vaccination, but vaccination helps protect against only four types of HPV (16 and 18, 6 and 11).

The most famous vaccine is the German Gardasil, which is supplemented by a separate variant called Gardasil 9, which also includes additional types of HPV (52 and 58, 33 and 45, 31).

Cervarix (UK) is used only to affect strains of types 16 and 18.

Human papillomavirus in women - treatment and prevention:

Now you know where the human papillomavirus comes from and how it manifests itself in women, which HPVs are dangerous for women and how to identify them.

HPV carries certain health risks, but with proper treatment, damage from the virus can be minimized.

Particular attention is necessary if HPV types of high oncogenicity are identified. A virus that is in a latent form and does not lead to degenerative changes, is not subject to serious treatment.

To avoid becoming infected with the human papillomavirus, you need to follow simple rules that will help you avoid other, more serious health problems:

  • be careful when choosing sexual partners - avoid casual contacts;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands often, especially after visiting public places;
  • strengthen your immune system - avoid stress and overwork if possible;
  • get vaccinated - the vaccine appeared relatively recently, in 2006.

Even after studying the transmission routes of the human papillomavirus and following all the rules of prevention, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from HPV infection. If you have had contact with a sick person and you are afraid that the virus could be transmitted, you can take a PCR blood test.

This way you will get a reliable answer. But it should be noted that HPV does not require treatment if you do not have characteristic clinical manifestations.

Papilloma vaccine - reliable way prevention

Among the pathologies that increase the body's susceptibility to the effects of pathogenic microbes, HIV stands out especially. Infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and mycoplasmosis also contribute to the development of HPV on the genitals.

Unfortunately, humans do not develop stable immunity to the papilloma virus. Antibodies to the virus stop appearing after 1.5-2 years. This means that after this time a person can get sick again. What’s also bad is that even this short immunity is formed only to a certain type of virus, which means that infection with other strains is possible at any time, regardless of recovery.

Papillomavirus causes abnormal growth of epithelial cells, which leads to the formation of a benign tumor on the skin and mucous membranes. In medical literature in Russian, the abbreviation HPV is used for this infection, in English-language publications - HPV. People of different nationalities want to know how the human papillomavirus is transmitted in order to prevent infection. After all, the changes caused by this infection can take on a malignant form.

What are the ways of transmission of papillomavirus?

It is believed that more than half of the adult population is infected with HPV. The virus is transmitted through household contact and sexual contact, enters human skin and penetrates the epithelial layers through cracks, cuts and abrasions. HPV does not manifest itself immediately, so people often do not suspect that they are carriers of it.

As a rule, the body of an infected person copes with the infection on its own within several months (without treatment). But you can’t count on such an outcome in 100% of cases. Therefore, it is important to find out how papilloma is transmitted and what consequences the disease causes. If the virus “fixes” in epithelial cells, this leads to the development of papillomas, condylomas or plantar warts.

The main routes of transmission of human papillomavirus:

  • in direct contact with infected skin and mucous membranes;
  • when using items and clothing belonging to a person who is a carrier of HPV;
  • for all types of sexual contacts;
  • a child passing through the birth canal;
  • from an infected mother to the fetus;
  • self-infection, for example, when shaving.

Many people are interested in whether papilloma is contagious, what is the likelihood of transmitting the virus through unprotected sex? The infection rate is about 75%.

Time interval from infection to appearance HPV symptoms may vary significantly different people. It happens that incubation period lasts several weeks, sometimes lasts 10–15 years. There are cases of HPV that remain outside the attention of doctors due to the absence of any symptoms. It also happens that an infected person does not seek qualified help.

Which papillomas are the most dangerous?

Known HPV genotypes are grouped into groups, the most studied of which are “alpha” viruses. Among them there are those that are harmless to humans and those that can cause the degeneration of papilloma into cancer and precancerous conditions (dysplasia). The data sounds encouraging medical statistics: 90% of people infected with papilloma have viruses of genotypes 6 and 11 with a low carcinogenic risk.

Condylomas or genital warts on the skin in the groin and genitals are caused by different HPV genotypes. Is human papillomavirus contagious? Yes, this common infection is easily transmitted. Some papillomaviruses alter cell growth and division, leading to the development of cancer. But infection with HPV does not automatically mean that a person already suffers from cancer or will definitely get it.

The relationship between the development of malignant tumors and papillomas has been sufficiently well studied, which makes it possible to assume the presence of a risk of malignancy. Doctors pay attention to the localization of growths, their appearance. Diagnostics are carried out to identify precancerous conditions, cell changes and HPV genotype.

How the virus “behaves” in the body.

In most cases, the infection develops and is asymptomatic. Only modern tests can detect HPV in a “dormant” state. What are the consequences of human papillomavirus entering the epithelium? If there are benign tumors, then in about 20% of infected people they go away on their own after a few months.

The disappearance of papillomas is not always a sign of the absence of HPV in the body. Often, once infected, the infection remains in the body for life. It happens that the activity of the virus does not fade away, but rather intensifies. Then certain genotypes lead to the proliferation of epithelium in the genital area, while others cause the appearance of warts and papillomas on the face, body and limbs.

How to avoid getting infected with condylomas (video)

How to take care of preventing HPV infection.

Among the pathologies that increase the body's susceptibility to the effects of pathogenic microbes, HIV stands out especially. Infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and mycoplasmosis also contribute to the development of HPV on the genitals.

The penetration and activation of the virus in the body is facilitated by a group of accompanying factors:

  • Other infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Minor injuries, various abrasions, cuts, microcracks in the skin.
  • Impairment of the barrier function of epithelial tissue.
  • Low level immune defense the whole body.

Decreased immunity is often associated with disruption of processes occurring in the intestines. This may be a consequence of dysbiosis or poor nutrition. The ever-increasing role of the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions and stress cannot be ruled out. Knowledge of the routes of infection and the mechanisms of disease development allows you to protect yourself from the risk of malignant changes in skin tumors.

On earth, about 80% of the population is infected with human papillomavirus. Since, due to HPV infection, not only harmless papillomas can appear on the body, but also genital warts, as well as growths that can become malignant, it is very important to know how HPV is transmitted. Perhaps this knowledge will help someone avoid infection and protect themselves from such dangerous diseases as cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, penis and even breast cancer. In our article we will talk about HPV: how it is transmitted, risk factors and preventive measures.

How is human papillomavirus transmitted?

To begin with, it is worth saying that papilloma is transmitted through the epidermis and saliva. At the same time, the infection may not make itself felt for some time and manifest itself in the formation of condylomas and papillomas only when immunity decreases. If we talk about how the papilloma virus is transmitted, the likelihood of infection increases significantly if there are lesions, scratches and abrasions on the skin.

Attention! Many people are interested in whether papilloma is inherited. The answer is no. Simply, when one of the family members is infected, the papilloma virus is transmitted at home or from mother to baby during childbirth.

Known following paths transmission of viral infection from person to person:

  1. It is transmitted through everyday contact, that is, through touch, general subjects household items, clothes. Transmission of infection can occur through kissing.
  2. If a person has genital papillomas, transmission could occur through sexual contact, that is, during unprotected sex.
  3. Self-infection is possible through shaving, hair removal and other damage to the skin. Since papilloma is contagious to others healthy cells skin, the virus can be transferred by a person himself from diseased areas of the body to healthy ones.
  4. The vertical mode of infection is the transmission of infection from mother to child during birth.
  5. Significantly less often, infection occurs through donor blood transfusion, during surgical removal neoplasms caused by HPV. Infection is also possible in beauty salons, manicure salons, baths, saunas and swimming pools, where aseptic rules are neglected.

If we talk about how you can become infected with papilloma, then in 70% of cases of sexual infection the culprit is a man. If there is an epithelial growth on the lips or genitals, the probability of infection is almost 90%. It is also worth considering that the presence of a condom, although it reduces the risk of infection, still does not guarantee 100% protection, since HPV can penetrate through microtraumas on the skin of the hands and other parts of the body. Moreover, condylomas can be localized in the groin or on the pubic area, where a condom will not protect against direct contact with a partner.

Important! If one of the partners is a carrier of the virus, but does not have papillomas, warts or condylomas, the risk of infection of the second partner is significantly reduced.

If we list the ways a newborn can become infected with papillomavirus, then infection during the prenatal period is unlikely, since the virus does not penetrate the blood and the fetus is reliably protected by the amniotic fluid, bladder and placenta. However, in medical practice there have been rare cases of intrauterine infection due to damage to the placenta and membranes.

For women planning a pregnancy, it is important to know whether the child’s father is contagious and whether he can transmit the infection to the expectant mother, since genital warts that appear during pregnancy are dangerous for the child. If the baby becomes infected during childbirth, there is a risk of laryngeal papillomatosis and subsequent suffocation. Since the infection is transmitted through saliva, it is important to take into account the presence of papillomas, condylomas and warts in the man’s mouth and mucous membranes oral cavity, because a woman can become infected during oral sex.

If one of the family members has papilloma, how it is transmitted in everyday life, it is important for all household members to know:

  • through shared bedding, towels, soap, cosmetics and washcloths, the virus can penetrate into microtraumas on the skin;
  • infection through saliva is possible when using one toothbrush or utensils;
  • infection through clothing cannot be ruled out.

Risk factors

We have figured out how you can become infected with the human papillomavirus, but it is equally important to know not only the modes of transmission of HPV, but also the risk factors for infection with the human papillomavirus. Thus, the human papillomavirus will penetrate the skin and mucous membranes much more easily against the background of the following provoking factors:

  1. In men, children and women, infection is most likely due to reduced immunity. This can be facilitated common cold or sore throat.
  2. The risk of contracting HPV increases if the intestinal or vaginal microflora is disrupted. In the first case it suffers general immunity, in the second case, the local defenses of the body are reduced, and the likelihood of becoming infected through sexual contact increases.
  3. Genital tract infections are more often the cause of infection compared to other venereal diseases(syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.).
  4. Any methods of transmission can be potentially dangerous for a person against the background of an exacerbation of a chronic illness, when the body is weakened by the disease.
  5. There is no doubt whether papillomas are contagious. The virus can easily penetrate from the host into the cell healthy person, if his defenses are weakened by stress, loss of strength, overwork or depression.

Important! Any viruses are more easily transmitted to men and women who have bad habits (smoking, alcohol). The risk of infection also increases significantly in women taking combined contraceptives.

Predisposing factors for sexual transmission of the virus are the following conditions and diseases:

  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • prostitution;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • history of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • age over 35 years;
  • pathologies of the cervix;
  • immunodeficiency states.


We have figured out how the human papillomavirus is transmitted (women, men and children), now it remains to consider preventive measures. It’s worth saying right away that the most effective method How to avoid getting infected is preventive vaccination. To date, two types of vaccines against this infection are known - Gardasil and Cervarix. They protect against the most dangerous oncogenic strains of viral infection. However, the high effectiveness of such protection is observed only when vaccinated in early age, before engaging in sexual activity or before becoming infected with one of the HPV strains.

As for other methods of prevention, the rules of hygiene, the use of a condom, discriminating sex life and refusal bad habits no one canceled. It is useful to maintain the strength of the immune system: eat right, exercise, exercise, go for walks. fresh air, drink vitamins periodically.