What is the best remedy to use against sweat? How to get rid of armpit sweating for a long time? Treatment with traditional methods

The sweat itself has no odor, it appears only after certain time, when bacteria enter it and leave their excretory products there, they begin to multiply. Therefore, you should separate options on how to get rid of sweat and how to avoid the appearance of unpleasant odor. The disease hyperhidrosis (pathological sweating) is considered separately.

How to get rid of sweaty feet

In order to resist heavy sweating, it is necessary to understand the causes of this problem. For example, a person can sweat natural reasons or due to the development of some disease that causes hyperhidrosis and requires treatment. In this case, you can get rid of sweating feet only by eliminating the primary factor. The following factors can cause excessive sweating:

Remedy for sweaty feet

You can use both medicinal and traditional recipes (more about them will be discussed below). Medicines for sweaty feet and odor (bromidrosis) are available in different forms: deodorants, creams, gels or powders. The following medications will help get rid of sweating:

  1. Teymurov paste or zinc ointment. These are remedies for hyperhidrosis, which help fight odor, but have one significant drawback - they stain clothes very much, and you won’t be able to wash them later. Contains zinc and salicylic acid.
  2. Solution Formidron, Borozin, Formagel, Drisol. These medicines contain tannins similar to natural ones. They help protect feet from excessive sweating, fungal infections and get rid of unpleasant odor.
  3. A solution of manganese has the same effect; foot baths are made from it.
  4. You can find it at the pharmacy cosmetical tools, with which you can protect your feet from sweating and moisturize your skin. An example of such a medicine is the antiperspirant “Deo-control”. The product has long action, use it only once a week.

How to get rid of armpit sweating

As a rule, this place on the human body becomes wet first. This phenomenon also has an anatomical explanation: the body produces a lubricant that reduces skin friction during movement. Heavy discharge happens by various reasons, for example, in girls this is observed during hormonal changes. Separately, you should remember about the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, which is a pathology and requires a course of therapy. A person may sweat profusely the following reasons:

  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological, endocrine, neurological diseases.

Anti-armpit sweat remedy at the pharmacy

Start to treat increased sweating necessary with a visit to the doctor. The effectiveness of therapy depends on correctly identifying the root cause of the symptom. If the specialist does not find a pathology, then you can use the following remedies for armpit sweating to get rid of the unpleasant odor:

  1. Antiperspirants. Their action is aimed at clogging sweat glands which reduces fluid secretion. You can find products in pharmacies or stores selling cosmetics and perfumes. The preparations contain aluminum chloride hexahydrate (15%) and zinc and aluminum compounds, which can be harmful to health. Deodorants should only be applied to dry, clean skin.
  2. Medicines for external use. For these purposes, Formagel and Teymurov's Paste are used, which have a deodorizing, antiseptic effect and inhibit sweating. It is recommended to use them in consultation with your doctor. Should be applied to dry, clean skin.

Folk remedies for sweat in the armpits

If you're not attracted pharmacy medicines or you want to control the components of the product yourself, you can prepare an “antiperspirant” at home yourself. Folk remedies for underarm sweating include natural ingredients that will help men and women get rid of sweating. The following are considered effective:

  1. Salt compresses. Prepare a solution of 20 ml of warm water and 2 tbsp. l. salt (table salt). Moisten a gauze pad, apply to the armpit area, hold for 8-10 minutes. Then rinse your skin with water. Carry out the procedure before going to bed.
  2. Contrast compresses. You will need two containers with cold and hot water. Alternately apply a cold cloth and a hot one to the armpit area. Keep each lotion for 8 minutes, alternating at least 4 times.

How to get rid of sweaty hands

Even absolutely healthy people Your palms may sweat from time to time. This is due to hot weather in summer, overload of the body, stress or fear. This is a normal reaction of the body, which is associated with an increase blood pressure and heartbeat. If it is necessary to treat hyperhidrosis of the palms, then the root cause of this reaction should be established. The following factors can cause the disease:

  1. High concentration of sweat glands.
  2. Disruption of the body's response process. He is not able to understand what he is experiencing at the moment: fear, peace, irritation, cold or heat.
  3. Drug overdose.
  4. Crash hormonal system person.
  5. Damage to the central nervous system, pathologies endocrine system, infections (tuberculosis, lymphogranulomatosis).
  6. Disruption of the autonomic function of the central nervous system.
  7. Menopausal changes in women, adolescence.
  8. Malfunction of the sweat glands located on the hands.

Remedy for sweaty hands

If you are diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, you must first treat the cause that is causing it. In other cases, you can get rid of excessive sweating by using medications or folk remedies for sweaty hands. Please note that anatomical features People vary widely, so the same remedy for sweaty palms may be effective for one person but not for another. It is recommended to use the following options:

  1. Zinc ointment. Helps eliminate excessive sweating in the early stages, when the palms are not yet too wet. You can buy the ointment at any pharmacy; a doctor's prescription is not required. Every evening for a month, apply a thin layer of the medication over the entire surface of your hands. Needs to be washed off warm water after 15 minutes.
  2. Ammonia. Rubbing this product 2 times a day will help get rid of wet hands. The smell disappears quickly, so you won't smell. The product strongly evaporates moisture, so there is a risk of developing dry skin. You can remove this side effect with a simple hand cream.
  3. Formalin solution. For one liter of water you will need 1 tbsp. l. substances. Keep your hands in the warm solution for 10 minutes a day (no more); if signs of irritation appear, stop the procedure immediately.

How to get rid of excessive sweating

This question is asked by people who sweat constantly and this creates problems in life. Help with increased sweating can be different; you can use folk remedies or resort to surgical intervention, do Botox injections. Therapy depends on the underlying cause that causes sweating. The correct option How to get rid of hyperhidrosis will be a visit to an endocrinologist or neurologist. He will find out when signs of the disease appeared (in childhood or during puberty), make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Remedies for excessive sweating

You can get rid of sweating different ways, the choice of which depends on the intensity of sweat secretion. As a rule, in the first stages, folk recipes (infusions, decoctions) or soothing tablets are enough. A remedy for profuse sweating, as a rule, has its own Negative consequences: may cause allergies, dermatitis, clogging of glands. For this reason, you should always understand what causes hyperhidrosis. If you manage to get rid of this factor, then sweating will become noticeably less.

Folk remedies for sweating

One of common reasons excess work sebaceous glands anxiety and stress arise, so you need to get rid of your worries. Folk remedies for sweating have a calming effect. After consultation with your doctor, you will be prescribed a course of treatment that will help you get rid of hyperhidrosis forever or stop its manifestations. To combat sweating, you can use the following folk recipes:

  1. Oak bark and sage. Both ingredients 2 tbsp. l. Brew in 1 liter of water and keep in a closed container for 1 hour. Use for wiping armpits, arms, legs.
  2. Lemon. Wipe your armpits with a damp cloth, take a slice of lemon and rub it on the sweaty area.
  3. Apple vinegar. First, wash your armpit with soap, then wipe with apple cider vinegar. There will be no unpleasant odor throughout the day.
  4. Soda. It is necessary to make a thick mixture of this component with water. Shave your armpits and apply the product for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure for several days.
  5. For feet and hands, you can use a decoction of willow and oak bark. You need to mix in a ratio of 1:2 (one part willow, two oak), boil the mixture in 1.5 liters of water, keep it on the boil for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, cool, and pour into foot baths. Wash your feet thoroughly and soak them in the liquid for 20 minutes. The procedure can be carried out every day.
  6. Glycerin solution. It is good for rubbing hands. legs In one container, mix 30 g of glycerin and 5 g of lemon juice. To dilute the fatty mixture, pour 15 g of alcohol. Shake the product and wipe your feet and hands frequently.

How to get rid of smelly sweat

Remember that an unpleasant odor does not appear because of the sweat itself, but because of microbes and bacteria that begin to multiply in it and secrete waste products. Get rid of smelly sweat doesn't always work with traditional methods. In such cases it is prescribed radical therapy, which is determined by the doctor. Get rid of smelly sweat and increased sweating Can using the following methods:

  1. Iontophoresis. Administration helps to get rid of sweating medicinal solution with help galvanic current. A week after the start of the procedures it is noticeable positive effect.
  2. Get rid of excessive sweating Botox injections help. The product affects the sweat glands, reducing their activity. This is an expensive procedure, the effect of reducing sweating lasts about 6 months.
  3. IN extreme cases You can get rid of sweating through surgery. The specialist excises the sweat glands, which reduces the force of sweating.

Find out which is most effective.


A high-quality anti-sweat product should not mask the problem, but get rid of it. Hygiene products eliminate pathogenic microflora, due to which the unpleasant odor and excessive sweating disappear for a long time. Deodorants should not have strong odor, since various chemical fragrances can cause allergies and irritation.

Review of effective anti-sweat products

Heavy sweating in most cases occurs due to hot weather or excitement. Excessive sweating is called the general term hyperhidrosis, when we are talking about unpleasant foot odor - bromidosis.

When choosing anti-sweat products, you need to focus on the sensitivity of your own skin and its tendency to allergic reactions. For constant use, it is best to buy soft hygiene products, which contain natural ingredients. Chemical products can darken or, on the contrary, whiten the armpit area.

Anti-sweating medications have a cumulative effect, so they are suitable for people who want to get rid of the problem for a long time.

Pasta Teymurova

Paste for external use "Teymurov's Paste"

Teymurov's paste is a medicinal product that has an antibacterial, drying and deodorizing effect. The drug should not be used if there are cracks or deep wounds. This medication blocks unpleasant odor and profuse sweating. It can be used to treat the armpits, legs, and arms.

The product should be applied 1-2 times a day to completely cleansed skin that has dried naturally, that is, without using a towel. Within 4-5 days a pronounced effect will appear. For acute or chronic diseases the course of treatment will take 7-15 days.

Due to improper, excessive use, adverse reactions may occur:

  • rash;
  • irritation;
  • peeling;
  • convulsions (in rare cases).

Cost of the drug: about 100 rubles. Sold in pharmacies and online stores.

Pasta Lassara

"Lassara Pasta"

Lassara paste is a universal medicine that helps get rid of odor and prevents you from sweating. The product contains 2 active components: salicylic acid and zinc. Both substances have a pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Lassara paste is most often used to treat acne, pimples and other skin defects. It can be used on areas prone to excessive sweating, even in the presence of wounds and ulcers. The paste also contains Vaseline, a substance that softens and smoothes the skin.

Instructions for use: the product should be applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. If necessary, the number of applications can be increased to 3-4 times a day. People with dry and excessive sensitive skin the medicine is not recommended.

Salicylic-zinc ointment is exactly the same product, only produced by other manufacturers. The preparation may also not contain petroleum jelly, which is why it will ungodly dry out the epidermis.

Cost of Lassara paste: from 50 to 140 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies.


Solution "Formidron"

An antiseptic agent available in the form of a solution. Formidron is used not only to treat feet and armpits, but also to clean shoes from pathogenic microorganisms. The product helps eliminate unpleasant odor and significantly reduce sweating. The medicine is designed specifically for the treatment of hyperhidrosis at all stages of development. Contains formaldehyde, water, cologne and ethanol. If used incorrectly, the solution can severely dry out the skin.

The drug cannot be used immediately after shaving; you need to wait at least a day. The solution can be used a maximum of 2 times a day (in case of severe sweating). The medicine should be applied between the fingers and also treated with it armpits. After the first use, increased sweating will disappear for a period of 2 to 14 days. Formidron is a low-toxic drug, so you should consult a dermatologist before using it.


Solution "Urotropin"

Hexamine is a high-quality antiseptic that is similar in action to Formidron. When exposed to an acidic-humid environment, the product forms formaldehyde, a substance with powerful antibacterial effect. The drug is available in the form of tablets, ampoules and solution. Tablets can be taken only after medical consultation.

For the armpit area you need a 5% solution (ampoules), and for the legs 40% is suitable. For your own convenience, the product should be applied to clean cloths or napkins. Use no more than 3 times a week. Course of treatment: 2-3 weeks.

Cost of the drug: from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the form of release. You can buy it in pharmacies.

Powder Galmanin

Powder "Galmanin"

The powder helps eliminate excessive sweating without causing irritation or dryness. It can be applied to the legs and armpits. The product is also used to treat shoes. Galmanin powder has a pronounced antiseptic effect, it gently dries the epidermis without causing irritation. This is the most a good option for people with hypersensitivity skin.

In order to get rid of increased sweating, you need to apply the powder 1-2 times a day. It is highly recommended to pour the product into your shoes and leave it overnight. This way you can get rid of sweaty feet. The course of treatment lasts about 14 days. If used incorrectly or in excess, the drug may cause a rash.

Cost: from 50 to 120 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies.

Dry Dry

Deodorant "Dry Dry"

Dry Dry is a company that produces quality anti-sweat products. Particularly popular is the deodorant from this company, which can eliminate sweating for 48 hours. All Dry Dry products contain aluminum hydrochloride, a substance that tightens pores and normalizes the functioning of sweat glands. Many products also contain alcohol, which acts as a solvent, and flavoring. Many customers consider Dry Dry deodorant to be the best in its category. The product really helps fight sweating, but it is not suitable for every girl. The product can cause severe allergies due to the alcohol and chemical fragrances in the composition, so it must be used carefully.

Apply deodorant no more than 2 times a day to cleansed skin. Before putting on clothes, allow the product to dry a little (1-2 minutes). Otherwise, wet or white spots will appear.

Products from the Dry Dry company cost from 300 rubles. average price deodorant - 500 rubles. You can purchase the products in pharmacies and online stores. →


Odorex Extra Dry

Odorex Extra Dry is produced in Holland. The deodorant is available in 50 ml glass packaging. Despite the small volume, the product lasts for 5-6 months of use. Odorex Extra Dry has a pronounced antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Apply to the armpits and legs. The product is not suitable for women with sensitive skin as it contains alcohol.

The product should be applied to a napkin or a clean cloth. To treat the armpit area you will need literally a few drops. Deodorant should only be applied to clean skin.

Product cost: from 100 to 500 rubles (depending on the place of purchase). This product is not sold in the Russian Federation, so it must be ordered online.

5 days

Pharmacy remedy for sweat and odor "5 days"

5 days (5d) is a pharmaceutical product from the company Galenopharm. The drug is available in the form of powder and ointment. The powder can be used for foot hygiene and shoe treatment. Name of the drug in in this case speaks for itself. The manufacturer promises that in 5 days a person will completely get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant odor. The ointment and powder have a powerful antiseptic effect due to the zinc oxide in the composition. Also, both products contain glycine. The ointment contains menthol, which has a cooling and soothing effect.

The powder should be applied as follows:

  • sprinkle 1 sachet into your shoes before leaving home (course of treatment: 5 days);
  • treat the feet, especially the areas between the toes (course of treatment: from 3 to 5 days).

The ointment is applied no more than 2 times a day. It pleasantly cools, relieves fatigue and eliminates unpleasant odors. The course of treatment takes from 5 to 14 days. Protection against sweating lasts for 1-2 months.

The cost of the powder: about 100-120 rubles, the price of the ointment – ​​150-200 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies.

Sweat stone

Mineral against sweat and odor

Anti-Sweat Stone is a mineral that helps protect the skin from odor and pathogens. It is recommended to purchase not the stone itself, but products containing it. For example: natural deodorant "Crystal of Freshness", which can be purchased in stores natural cosmetics. The stone itself that reduces sweating is called alunite. The mineral dissolves in water and is odorless. The easiest way to purchase a stone is through the Internet.

How to use? The mineral can be dissolved in water and used as a solution. There is also nothing special about using deodorant with alunite: it should be applied to clean skin and left until completely dry for 1-2 minutes. Natural remediesThe best decision for daily use. They do not injure the skin and do not cause allergies.

Cost of an anti-sweat stone: from 200 rubles. Deodorants containing it have different prices.

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How to get rid of sweating with folk remedies?

You can overcome excessive sweating at home using folk remedies. This will help if a person suddenly runs out of deodorant or has an allergic reaction to pharmaceutical products.

The easiest option is to purchase regular talc and use it as a hygiene product. This product absorbs excess moisture and eliminates unpleasant odors. In addition, talc does not clog pores and gently cares for the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide against excessive sweating

Ordinary hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has a pronounced antiseptic and drying effect. A 3% solution of this product is best suited for treating skin. Hydrogen peroxide should be diluted with 200-250 ml of warm water and applied to a napkin. It is extremely important to comply correct proportions(one part of the drug to ten parts of water). The procedure should not be performed more than 2 times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide can whiten your skin, so you shouldn't use it for more than 2-3 weeks.

Soda and lemon juice

Soda and lemon juice

Soda can normalize the functioning of the sweat glands and the pH of the epidermis. IN this recipe You can substitute lemon juice essential oil tea tree, metola or mint. Cooking method:

  • mix a tablespoon of baking soda and a glass of warm water;
  • after this you need to take a lemon and squeeze out a few drops of juice (about half a teaspoon);
  • on last stage you can add 2-3 drops of essential oil.

The resulting mixture will also whiten the skin.

Apple cider vinegar for sweat and odor

Apple vinegar

You will need to take natural 5-6% apple cider vinegar. This product contains vitamins, acids and beneficial microelements. Apple cider vinegar normalizes sweating and tones the skin.

You can prepare a foot bath. For 200 ml of vinegar you will need about 4-5 liters of liquid. You need to immerse your feet in the resulting bath for 15-20 minutes. The procedure must be carried out 1-2 times a week.

In addition to all the remedies described, you can also use sweat pads or pads. They are cheap, do not cause discomfort and are not noticeable to others. But pads should not be worn constantly, as they can cause diaper rash.

What to do if sweating does not stop after using medications? IN similar situations you need to contact a dermatologist. In some cases, increased sweating appears due to the development serious illnesses that require specialized treatment.

Sweating is important process, which helps the body's thermoregulation and moisturizes the skin. However, the smell of sweat is not at all what you want to smell from yourself or another person (especially in a stuffy room). For excessive sweating In medicine there is a special term - hyperhidrosis. And according to statistics, 1% of the world's population suffers from it, and both men and women equally.

Fortunately, modern science offers many ways to get rid of unpleasant sweat odor. We list the 10 safest and most effective remedies for sweat and odor of feet and armpits.

The price of the product is from 45 rubles.

This is an inexpensive paste that contains such substances as:

  • boric acid;
  • talc;
  • zinc oxide;
  • formaldehyde;
  • salicylic acid;
  • sodium tetraborate;
  • and lead acetate.

According to reviews from those who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet, Teimurova paste is a magical anti-sweat remedy from the pharmacy that gets rid of the problem better than expensive drugs. All you need to do is wash your feet in warm water before going to bed, apply a thin layer of paste to the skin of your feet using a cotton swab and put on socks at night. In the morning, socks should be removed and feet should be washed with warm water. For achievement desired effect It is enough to use the paste for a couple of days in a row.

Cons: the paste contains substances that can irritate the skin and have contraindications. Therefore, before using one of the best remedies for sweating and foot odor, read its instructions for use. And carry out “reconnaissance in force” - spread a little paste on a small area of ​​​​the foot and hold it for a while. If skin irritation occurs, the paste should not be used.

Price - from 147 rubles.

This good remedy against sweat and unpleasant odor, suitable even for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It contains no alcohol, emulsifiers or harmful chemicals. There are only aluminum-ammonium alum. Or, in scientific terms, Ammonium Alum. Don't worry, it's not harmful aluminum. Alum and Aluminum are different chemicals, they have different chemical formulas and properties

There are also deodorants that contain Potassium Alum - potassium aluminum alum. It is also a mineral, natural and harmless salt.

This deodorant is unscented, so it won't overpower your everyday perfume. It does not leave marks on clothes or skin, and does not create irritation in the armpit area.

However, it may not be effective for severe hyperhidrosis. Also, for this crystal to show its full power, it must be applied to well-washed and shaved armpits. And on skin generously moistened with water - according to reviews, this method of application works better than the one recommended by the manufacturer.

Cons: this product does not prevent sweating, it only removes the unpleasant aroma. The crystal is quite fragile and if dropped on the floor, it may break.

Price - from 140 rubles per package.

And this - excellent remedy from wet and yellow spots sweat on clothes. The absorbent side of such pads is made of non-woven material, and on the back there is an adhesive surface with which the pads are attached to clothing. Each pair of pads is disposable.

The pads are very thin and will be invisible even under a T-shirt. They do not cause discomfort and you can wear them all day.

Cons: they do not get rid of the smell of sweat.

7. Liquid talc for feet

Price - from 83 rubles.

Excellent and safe remedy for those who often have to walk in closed shoes and (or) suffer from sweaty feet. The consistency of talc is pleasant, slightly liquid, and upon application you feel a pleasant menthol coolness. Apply antiperspirant better in the morning, on the fingers and the areas between them. Talc is absorbed instantly and does not leave white streaks.

Several manufacturers produce this product; many users praise liquid talc produced by Belita Vitex. It also contains tea tree oil, which adds a light, specific aroma.

Cons: slightly dries out the skin.

Price - from 58 rubles.

These wipes can be used for the armpits, arms and legs. One napkin is just enough to wipe both armpits. The product contains:

  • boric acid;
  • sodium tetraborate;
  • salicylic acid;
  • Castor oil;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • methenamine;
  • tea tree oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • lemon balm oil

After use, your armpits remain dry and odorless for a long time. In addition, this product has a convenient shape and can be easily put even in a small handbag.

Cons: strong smell.

5. Herbal powder for sweat odor

Price - 167 rubles.

Made in Thailand, this powder is a multi-purpose powder. folk remedy against sweat and odor. It is applied with patting movements to the armpits and feet. The product not only fights unpleasant odor, but also reduces sweating. The manufacturer also stated the effect of whitening the armpits.

The composition of the herbal powder contains aluminum-ammonium alum, already familiar to us (from the participant in the rating number 9). No burning or tingling is felt when applying the powder, unless, of course, you have an individual allergic reaction.

Cons: white marks are visible on dark clothes, they are easily washed off. It is advisable to renew the powder a couple of times during the day, as sweat washes it off the skin.

4. Spray to remove sweat odor from clothes

Price - from 570 rubles.

Similar products (SmellOFF, Dufta Feet, Lenor Febreze Textile, etc.) - perfect solution for those who don’t want or don’t yet have the opportunity to wash clothes that give off a not-so-pleasant scent. Just spray the spray on your clothes to make them slightly damp and hang them on the balcony to dry. There are no streaks left from the product.

Cons: there is a slight smell that disappears within a couple of hours, high price. Some products are not suitable for suede, silk or leather items.

Price - from 200 rubles (for panties).

People with hyperhidrosis and those who regularly sweat at the gym need clothing that does not retain moisture and allows the skin to breathe properly. Some fabrics are good at one thing but bad at another. One of classic examples is cotton. Although cotton is an incredibly breathable fabric, it absorbs sweat like a bath towel. If you wear 100% cotton underwear and go outside in the heat, in just five minutes your groin will become irritatingly sweaty and "fragrant."

To reduce odor and sweat, consider upgrading to breathable, moisture-wicking synthetic fabrics. Switching from cotton underwear and shorts or pants to a more high-tech option—pieces designed specifically for exercise—can make a huge difference. These fabrics will allow your body to sweat the way it should, but will not trap the sweat on your skin. As a result, you will be left drier and much less smelly.

Cons: none if you choose the right size underwear.

2. Damobatic antiperspirant DryDry Classic

Price - from 599 rubles.

This is a rather controversial remedy against sweat and foot odor for men and women. On the one hand, it is very effective, and this effect lasts up to 7 days. On the other hand, it can cause skin irritation and is not just cosmetic, but medical remedy against hyperhidrosis. Therefore, we list the operating principle and negative sides DryDry, and we’ll let you decide whether it’s worth using or not.

DryDry contains the following components: denatured alcohol (76.5% ob.) (2-Methylpropanol-2, Denatonium benzoate) and aluminum chloride - 30.5%.

The drug is suitable for armpits, palms and feet. It “blocks” pores by creating an aluminum-protein complex. In this case, the functions of the sweat glands are not impaired. Sweat simply comes out through pores in other areas of the body.

The product has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, with it the armpits remain dry longer.

Here are tips to avoid the most common side effects of DryDry Classic: burning and itching.

  • Shave your armpits well the day before applying the product, not on the same day.
  • Apply the product at night to clean, dry skin.
  • Apply lung drug blotting movements.
  • When first used, a slight tingling and redness may occur - this means that the drug has begun its work. If you experience severe pain, rinse off the product with warm water and apply a soothing gel or cream to the damaged area.

Cons: strong smell of alcohol, high price, contains aluminum salts, around which there are many rumors, including a carcinogenic effect. Some users experience itching and redness of the skin.

1. Botox injections

Price - from 7000 rubles.

This the best remedy from sweat under the arms. You've probably heard that Botox is used to smooth out wrinkles. However, “beauty injections” have another application - the fight against hyperhidrosis. The effect of such injections lasts from 3 months to six months. This depends on the intensity of physical activity, visiting saunas and other factors affecting sweating. After injections, hyperhidrosis is no longer so pronounced.

They need to be done only in a clinic about which there is good feedback to minimize the risk of side effects and complications.

The number of injections in each armpit is determined by the cosmetologist individually for each client.

Some cosmetologists offer the drug "Dysport". It also contains botulinum toxin, only in a lower concentration. This drug is cheaper, but more injections will be required. You'll end up spending about the same amount of money as you would with Botox injections.

Cons: The procedure is unpleasant, expensive, Botox is a “tamed poison” and must be administered by a licensed professional.

Expert review

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General opinion

The remedy for sweating feet and unpleasant odor, known for many years, is still relevant today. I can only recommend this remedy as an occasional treatment. It should not be abused.

During procedures, you must adhere to safety rules and apply only to areas of sweating. For the armpits, Formidron is not suitable for everyone. It often causes burning and irritation.

Frequent use can lead to dry skin, so you need to additionally use moisturizing and nourishing creams.

The solution does not leave stains or stain, but has an unpleasant specific odor.

If you have a meeting planned for tomorrow where there will be a lot of handshakes, then it is usually enough to apply the product twice - before going to bed, and then before leaving the house.

Do not forget that it must be washed off after 15-20 minutes. More fast way on a short time there is no way to get rid of wet hands.


Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating during certain periods of time. separate areas(local form) or on the entire surface of the body (generalized form).

People suffering from this disease are looking for all sorts of remedies that would help them reduce sweating and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Long-term reliable protection is a prerequisite.

The most common ones are:

  • antiperspirants based on aluminum chloride;
  • creams and solutions containing formaldehyde;
  • other powerful antiseptics, etc.

In this article we would like to talk about an inexpensive pharmaceutical drug that is known as a good remedy for sweating - Formidrone.

You will learn about its mechanism of action, advantages and disadvantages, nuances of use on various parts of the body.

What kind of remedy is this?

"Formidron" is a 10% formaldehyde solution that can only be used externally. Refers to antiseptic and disinfectant agents.

It consists of the following components:

  • formaldehyde;
  • ethanol;
  • water;
  • cologne.

The medicine is sold in pharmacies without a prescription in bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Due to its tanning properties, the drug shrinks pores and reduces the secretion of sweat glands.

In addition, a strong antiseptic effect helps cope with pathogenic microorganisms, whose waste products are the cause of the stench.

More about formaldehyde

This is a gas that dissolves well in water and alcohols. It can be formed in the body naturally, and also synthesized in industrial conditions.

The range of its application is quite wide. In particular, in medicine it is used for:

  • conservation of biomaterials;
  • cosmetics – shampoos, oral preparations, etc.;
  • reducing sweating.

In industry it acts as a chemical additive:

  • in paper making;
  • plastics;
  • particle boards;
  • in the production of agricultural fertilizers, etc.

This is far from full list areas of activity where it participates this substance. We are more interested in how it affects the human body.

Does it pose a health hazard?

Formaldehyde is a toxic substance included in the list of carcinogens, i.e., causing malignant tumors.

Naturally, for the development of the disease, a certain concentration is necessary against the background of a decrease in immunological functions, as well as the presence of other conditions.

A person cannot completely protect himself from contact with formaldehyde. Its content in the air of residential premises is much higher than in the street. Modern furniture, paper products, household chemicals etc. – these are the main sources of pollution of houses and apartments.

Car exhaust gases and rainwater also contain high concentrations of this dangerous substance.

Poisoning can occur through exposure to the body through inhalation of vapors, as well as through ingestion. There was a negative impact on reproductive organs, respiratory system, eyes and skin.

Drugs like Formidron must be used very carefully!

An overdose in the treatment of excessive sweating according to the instructions theoretically cannot occur.

Advantages of the medicine

Formidron has been used for decades to combat excessive sweating of the feet and armpits. Our grandmothers used it when there were no modern antiperspirants.

What is the reason for its popularity?

  • Very affordable price– a bottle of 50 ml costs on average about 25 rubles, 100 ml – about 40 rubles;
  • Really high efficiency;
  • Simplicity of the procedure;
  • The ability to get rid of the problem for a long time or even forever.

Formidron anti-sweat liquid is used not only for wiping the skin, but also for treating shoes.

Thanks to its powerful antibacterial and antifungal action disinfection will be truly effective. And this is a necessary aspect in the fight against unpleasant foot odor.

Who is prohibited from using the product?

Due to its toxicity, it cannot be used by everyone. Despite its effectiveness, it can cause harm to health.

What are the contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the constituent components;
  • inflammatory processes in the problem area;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • children up to 12 years of age.

Procedures cannot be performed if:

  • skin damage - wounds, cracks, scratches;
  • inflammatory processes on it;
  • Very strong burning sensation and itching upon first contact with the drug.

Consultation with a doctor is a necessity

Excessive sweating can be considered as individual feature body or as a symptom of some disease.

In most cases local (i.e. individual parts body - legs, armpits, palms, etc.) hyperhidrosis is the result of malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system.

He often wears hereditary character. It begins to appear mainly in adolescence. However, this relationship is not always visible.

Generalized sweating should be alarming. It can be one of the symptoms of completely different diseases:

  • infections;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • oncological processes, etc.

Treatment depends on the cause of increased activity of the sweat glands. Often requires a variety of medical examination, consultations with doctors of various profiles, conducting a set of tests and additional studies.

Don't hesitate to contact a specialist. The doctor will find out the cause of the disorder and prescribe adequate treatment!

Precautionary measures - they should not be neglected!

Remember that formaldehyde is a toxic substance. Before the procedure, carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the rules:

  • “Formidron” should not come into contact with healthy areas, so when applying, wear rubber gloves or use tweezers;
  • do not inhale toxic fumes - do not bend your head low, it is better to use a respirator or a special mask;
  • after use, tightly close the cap on the bottle;
  • Keep the solution out of reach of children.

When severe redness, itching, burning, swelling of the skin, stop the procedure!

Many people have long-term treatment thinning and dry skin occurs in the problem area.

To avoid this, carefully monitor your reaction to the drug and try not to do the procedure too often.

How to use it for leg hyperhidrosis?

If your feet sweat a lot and smell unpleasant, Formidron will be very effective. For sweaty feet, this medicine really becomes a lifesaver.

You can only treat the plantar surface, avoiding the interdigital spaces and back part stop.

After showering, dry your feet thoroughly and use a cotton pad to apply the solution using a blotting motion. After 30-40 minutes, you need to rinse your feet under running warm water.

Procedures can be performed a maximum of twice a week (in severe cases). For most people, 1-3 applications are enough to get the effect.

Sweating is noticeably reduced for up to several months.

Attention! Below is the wrong way to treat your feet. You can't do that!

Can it be used on other parts of the body?

I would like to say right away that you cannot wear medicine on your face. At cranial hyperhidrosis It is better to look for other methods of treatment.

Many people suffer from excessive sweating in the armpits. The skin there is quite delicate and thin, so this treatment method is not suitable for everyone.

For very sensitive skin prone to irritation, use this tool extremely undesirable!

If your armpits are sweating, the use of Formidron should be even more delicate. It must be applied to clean, dry skin using a cotton swab, without rubbing, only lightly dabbing. A burning sensation of varying intensity may occur.

After 20 minutes, the armpits should be rinsed with water, dried with a towel and treated with baby powder or a fragrance-free moisturizer. There is no need to use antiperspirants.

After shaving, you can use the product only after 24 hours!

"Formidron" is aggressive towards the skin, so it is not suitable for everyone. If severe irritation occurs, the procedures will have to be canceled.

Why can't it be used often?

As is known, formaldehyde is toxic substance. Once in the body, it gradually accumulates.

Reaching a certain concentration may lead to malfunctions various organs and systems, as well as to the occurrence of tumor processes.

Particular sensitivity is observed in children, as well as people suffering from allergic reactions, bronchial asthma etc.

Therefore, it is advisable to use Formidron:

  • only according to indications, namely in the presence of high sweating;
  • without increasing permissible dosages;
  • not exceeding the maximum frequency of procedures;
  • taking precautions.

The habituation effect has also been described, i.e. when the effectiveness of the drug decreases with prolonged and frequent use. Therefore, procedures can be performed no more than twice a week.

It is advisable to use Formidron not systematically, but only in cases of extreme necessity.

How to disinfect shoes?

In our opinion, the only rational and most safe use“Formidrona” is the disinfection of shoes. The drug copes with this perfectly.

However, caution must be exercised. Under no circumstances should you inhale the vapors. It is best to wear rubber gloves and a respirator, and perform the procedure outdoors, for example, on a balcony.

Processing is very simple:

  • moisten a piece of gauze with Formidron;
  • soak inner surface shoes;
  • it is advisable to place it in a plastic bag for 1-2 days and leave it on the balcony;
  • dry in fresh air for several hours.

After this procedure, there will be no trace of the unpleasant odor. You can put on your shoes immediately after the shoes are completely dry. There will be no stains on the socks.

In this way, you can disinfect not only shoes, boots or sneakers, but also summer sandals, slippers, i.e. those shoes that are worn on bare feet.

What medications are there that have a similar effect?

For excessive sweating, you can use not only Formidron. Pharmacy products for these purposes are also used:

  • “Teymurov’s Paste” is a multicomponent ointment, which contains not only formaldehyde, but also zinc oxide, salicylic acid, borax, talc, etc.;
  • “Formagel” is a gel based on formaldehyde.

The following have a good drying, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect:

  • “Lassara paste”, “salicylic-zinc ointment” - contain salicylic acid and zinc oxide;
  • Powder "Galmanin" has a similar composition.

If you complain of an intense unpleasant odor when heavy sweating It is necessary to treat the skin with disinfectants that have antibacterial and antifungal properties:

  • solution "Urotropin";
  • "Chlorhexidine", etc.

Body positive people say that wet spots in the armpits and the smell of sweat are normal and natural. But anyway modern man differs in many respects from the savage and, acquiring the best pharmaceutical remedies for sweat under the armpits, he strives to get rid of both, making a lot of effort.

To increase the temperature environment the body reacts in a familiar and natural way - with increased sweating: this is how the overheating protection system manifests itself. Sweat is mainly released in several areas, one of which is the axillary area.

Pharmacy remedies for sweating in the armpits

Modern pharmacology offers a lot of remedies for sweaty armpits - both innovative and time-tested. They can be purchased without a prescription and thus solve the problem of wet spots on clothes and unpleasant odor.

Some people decide to undergo special injections that eliminate the problem not temporarily, but permanently, since they completely suppress the functions of the sweat glands. But this method is considered quite dangerous (the natural regulation of body temperature is disrupted), so unless there is an urgent need, it is better not to resort to it and limit yourself to medicines.


Our mothers and grandmothers also used this preparation for the smell of sweat under the arms. The product not only dries the skin perfectly, but also forms a skin a film that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This invisible film creates a barrier to sweat and eliminates wet armpits.

But it is worth knowing the opinion of experts: doctors believe that caution when using this remedy is necessary. This need is due to the presence of such a component as formaldehyde in the composition of the medicine. Its long-term use has Negative influence on the nervous system, mucous membranes and even reproductive functions.

An additional danger is the ability of formaldehyde to accumulate in the body upon penetration, which can subsequently provoke the appearance and growth of malignant neoplasms.


Another effective remedy in the fight against armpit hyperhidrosis is a long-lasting colorless liquid called Dry-Dry. Unlike many similar means, deodorant is not applied before going out, but at night - before bed.

The body must first be prepared - thoroughly washed and wiped dry. There is no need to worry that the drug may leave marks: Dry-dry dries quickly and does not stain clothes, but it lasts for a very long time - a whole week.

After this period, you need to let the skin rest for a day or two, after which the deodorant can be applied again. This will be enough for sweating to decrease and the unpleasant odor to completely disappear.

This product acts on the pores of the skin, narrowing them, so that the armpits remain dry. However, you don’t need to think that the work of the sweat glands will suffer from this - the secretions are simply directed to other areas of the skin.

The main form of release is a regular bottle equipped with a roll-on applicator.

Pasta Lassara

Works great against hyperhidrosis. The pharmaceutical drug has a noticeable antiseptic effect. The main part of the composition of this paste consists of ingredients such as petroleum jelly, starch and zinc oxide. To achieve a good effect, the drug is applied to the skin in a thin layer for 30 days.

In normal cases, Lassara paste has no contraindications and side effects, however, women in an interesting position are still not recommended to use the product. Do not apply the paste to the armpit or other part of the body while feeding the baby.

Powder Galmanin

An excellent remedy in the fight against sweating, which will allow you not to worry about whether your clothes in the armpits are wet from sweat. Active ingredients powders are zinc oxide, starch, talc and salicylic acid.

This combination remedy, which assumes local application. Thanks to salicylic acid, Galmanin powder receives antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and skin drying is achieved through the action of zinc oxide. It is not difficult to understand why the powder takes important place in the list of products that combat active sweating.

Salicylic-zinc ointment

The composition of the drug is similar to Galmanin powder, only salicylic-zinc ointment is available in the form of a paste. The ointment dries the skin well and has enhanced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, applying the composition to large areas of the skin can lead to the opposite effect, that is, increased hyperhidrosis, so this is not recommended. The ointment has a fairly extensive list of contraindications, which includes not only traditional pregnancy, but also anemia, stomach ulcers, and poor blood clotting.

Pasta Teymurova

It is one of the most popular drugs in the fight against excessive sweating armpits. It contains not only lead and talc, but also glycerin and lead. In addition, the ointment contains acids and formaldehyde, thanks to which it acquires antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In general, a drug with such a multicomponent composition very actively prevents sweating.

The paste should be rubbed into clean and well-dried skin, and this should be done for three or four days. Use by pregnant women is not recommended.

It should be noted that due to its composition, the paste is prohibited in a number of European countries, however, its danger has not been proven in the CIS: the medicine continues to delight many people with its effect.

If you experience a slight burning sensation when using the ointment, do not worry - this is a normal manifestation.

Formagel ointment

The product is registered with the Ministry of Health. It is recommended to use the ointment without fear: the composition will dry out the skin and slow down the process of sweating. However, when used, minor problems are possible side effects(for example, dryness, burning or itching of the skin), and allergic manifestations.


Cream deodorant "Lavilin" - another one excellent remedy, which is valid for 14 days. It contains tocopherol, vitamins and plant extracts, which act very gently and at the same time so effectively that the cream can be used before active sports exercises or other physical activity.

Aluminum oxide, which is included in the product, does not eliminate sweating completely, but significantly reduces its intensity without having any effect. negative impact on the body's thermoregulation system.

Sweat pads

Both sexes use absorbent pads to axillary region. It is impossible to notice them under clothes due to their thinness, but they allow you to get rid of wet spots and make it possible not to worry about disruption of thermoregulation.

Their convenient shape and efficiency make them more and more popular, especially among lovely ladies who need confidence in their own attractiveness.