Camphor - application. About homeopathy Homeopathic granules camphor rubini

You are similar in whiteness to a figure made of camphor.

You were chastely generous with me,

and again I

He took you in his arms so that

do not let go,

And he dropped heaps of bloody tears onto the headboard.

I pressed my eyes to the white body in tears:

Blood calms with camphor medicinal


Sharaf al-Kairouwani

Kyiv, spring, department of internal medicine medical institute. A group of fifth-year students in the clinic lobby are waiting for a teacher leading practical lessons. Professor E.B. Bukreev passes by, stops and immediately understands from our rather relaxed behavior that we are already “on the way out”, have made up our minds. Catching my gaze, as always, keenly anticipating the answer, he asks: “But where are you going to specialize?” “For surgery,” I answer. “Well, why do you need this? - he says, bewildered, with a tinge of condemnation. “You should take ballet…”

Small and weak in appearance, I am already accustomed to such speeches and do not defend myself, I remain silent. I was already told the same thing in the dean’s office, even about ballet. Why am I going for surgery? Probably, most of all, by inheritance - my father came to homeopathy after ten years of surgical work. He was a good surgeon, he operated easily and quickly - he had sensitive, “smart” hands. Homeopathy captivated him with its effectiveness, humanity, and beauty. That's the only reason he left surgery. I followed his advice - we need to find out the cases that are subject to surgical treatment, be able to quickly “feel” the patient and acutely feel responsibility for his life. The surgical clinic, in his opinion, teaches this faster than others. But there was another, my own reason, why I did not want to go to a therapy clinic. I myself considered this reason frivolous, but nevertheless it secretly influenced the course of events. I have always suffered from the camphor smell, which dominated all the others in therapeutic clinics during my student years. Or maybe it was just my imagination. I was simply afraid of him, as well as the smell of Vishnevsky’s ointment - I had to constantly encounter it in surgical clinic(in the department where I did my subordination, there were many burn patients). I was embarrassed to admit such strangeness even to myself. Only much later, already as a homeopathic doctor, I realized that this was not an oddity or a whim, but an increased sensitivity to resinous odors.

The negative attitude towards camphor involuntarily spread to the homeopathic preparation made from this substance, especially since from childhood I also knew something bad about it: that camphor interferes with the action of homeopathic medicines and its injections during homeopathic treatment are as undesirable as drinking coffee or alcohol drinks and spices.

For a long time, this substance did not arouse my professional interest, although I knew that many pediatricians use Rubini’s camphor (50% solution of camphor in 95% alcohol) for prolonged diarrhea in children. Its use can cause toxic effects, and it cannot be classified as a true homeopathic medicine, which in no case should cause anything like that. This also turned me away from camphor: I was used to working with high dilutions of homeopathic medicines.

R. Rubini - Italian homeopathic doctor. He treated cholera patients in Italy and Switzerland with his drug in 1854–1855. with great success: the mortality rate among his patients was 10 times less than that officially registered during that epidemic (4 and 42%). The proposal to treat cholera with camphor originally came from Hahnemann, who mentioned this remedy in his work “An Experiment on a New Principle for Finding healing properties medicinal substances”, which was published in 1796. Hahnemann considered camphor a remedy difficult to study: “The effect of this substance on healthy body extremely mysterious and difficult to define for the reason that the primary action is replaced suddenly and is easily mixed with the body’s reaction.” There are even fundamental contradictions in his recommendations for the use of camphor. Hahnemann perceived camphor, to put it modern language, as a chemotherapy drug, believing that it acts on the causative agent of the disease. “It (camphor. - T.P.) more than any other medicine has the property of killing with its vapors lower organisms and thus is able to quickly kill and destroy the cholera miasma, which seems to represent living beings that are murderous to humans and inaccessible to our senses.” This is how Hahnemann reasoned, although, note, Vibrio cholera had not yet been discovered at that time. A true homeopathic medicine never acts as a chemotherapy drug; it does not kill anyone, but helps the body itself fight the disease, increasing its defenses. It is noteworthy that although the mechanism therapeutic effect camphor for cholera was explained by Hahnemann not from a homeopathic point of view; the very idea of ​​treating cholera with it came from the principle of similarity - from comparison clinical picture cholera with medicinal pathogenesis of camphor - the reaction of a healthy organism to it.

There were enough materials for such a comparison. Camphor like remedy interested many generations of doctors. Some classified it as a “hot” agent, others as a “cooling” agent. Such discrepancies may have caused some natural scientists to want to carry out their own experiments. In 1768, a surgeon from Edinburgh, V. Alexander, published the results of an auto-experiment in “Experimental Essays,” which almost cost him his life. Apparently, this work was known to Hahnemann. Hahnemann himself and the doctors around him also carried out similar experiments, based on the results of which homeopathic indications for the use of camphor were determined. They are described in Volume IV of Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.

Camphor is a favorite of A. S. Zalmanov, the author of a very warm and instructive book “Secret Wisdom” human body" From the time of its publication to our medical practice firmly in place turpentine baths, but the idea of ​​the universality of camphor was not picked up. It is possible that the idea itself is not original and was borrowed from F. Raspail, a French naturalist who saw camphor as a kind of panacea and recommended introducing it into the body in all sorts of ways: smoking, sniffing, swallowing, rubbing. According to Zalmanov, camphor, which has a powerful effect on peripheral system blood circulation, due to its high capillary activity, promotes the removal of waste from the body (end products of metabolism or toxins formed in the body).

The main source of camphor is camphor laurel, which grows in the tropics and subtropics. In northern countries interested in local medicinal raw materials, camphor-bearing plants were searched for. These turned out to be Siberian fir, camphor basil, some types of wormwood and Perovskia. In tansy, calamus, rosemary were also found small quantities camphor. In our country, hopes were pinned on wormwood and camphor basil, since fir does not contain dextrorotatory camphor, like other camphor-bearing plants, but its optical levorotatory isomer, for a long time considered biologically inactive. However, later studies rehabilitated levorotatory camphor. Camphoriferous plants have ceased to be cultivated, and fir, the main tree species Western Siberia, became a source of camphor for medical purposes.

Zalmanov preferred camphor extracted from fir, perhaps because it is similar to turpentine. The homeopathic medicine according to the pharmacopoeia is prepared from dextrorotatory camphor, perhaps due to tradition.

For a homeopathic physician, as already mentioned, it is very important to determine individual sensitivity to factors environment, especially to those substances that are used in homeopathy as medicines. This information is often the most shortcut lead to successful treatment. Own body- an excellent source of observation. Remembering my aversion to the camphor smell, I began to wonder how other people felt about it. In my youth it seemed to me that the smell of camphor was disgusting to everyone - after all, there are smells that are unpleasant to all people. I was very wrong about the camphor part. Most of the patients interviewed knew its smell well, many answered: “The smell is like a smell,” why do I ask? But not all! “What are you doing,” one told me nurse, - it’s the smell of the forest, of freshness. When I come to work, I immediately say: girls, those who have camphor in their prescriptions, mind you, I’ll do it.” " Nice smell“, some answered. "I have from wiping my face camphor alcohol swelling and severe headache occurred, and after the injection the redness and swelling were so intense that erysipelas was suspected.” “Wonderful,” I think, “it’s not for nothing that homeopathy recommends it for erysipelas" Homeopathic camphor in high dilution relieved this patient from exacerbations chronic pneumonia, normalized arterial pressure and significantly improved cardiac activity. However, the first treatments caused short-term headache with a sensation of pulsation in the temples and heat in the face. How can one not remember Purkina! In some patients, camphor prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis, and otitis media caused temporary loosening of stools with pain in the intestines. For others who applied for intestinal disease, their stool immediately returned to normal without prior exacerbation. The choice of breeding is one of the most difficult moments in homeopathy. Many homeopathic doctors of the last century believed that camphor should be prescribed in large, as they put it, material doses. My experience does not confirm this. I myself take camphor in high dilution for colds and excessive fatigue. She turned out to be wonderful medicine for me, which was to be expected, given my relationship with her smell.

I also met “camphor eaters” who took camphor powders several times a day for many years and assured that they could not do without them.

IN Lately camphor began to be used less frequently in clinics - it was replaced by more modern cardiac drugs. This is not only the spirit of the times, but also insufficient knowledge good medicine. Homeopathic doctors also use it less often than they might, based on its medicinal pathogenesis.

Each person has his own “relationship” with many substances (this is especially true for plants), and there are reasons for this. Once, while walking along the bank of a small river with a four-year-old boy, I saw thickets of calamus. She picked the stem and gave it to him to smell. “It’s delicious,” he said, rubbing the juice that had come out at the site of the break with his finger... I remember how carefully I entered a rural hut as a child on Whitsunday, when the floor was covered with herbs: I didn’t want to step on the stems of “lepekha” (as in Ukraine in in some places they are called calamus), their smell intoxicated me and made me nauseous. I chose places with mint and cornflowers. Now I know why: calamus is a camphor-bearing plant.

And my heart trembled in pain,

And bright tears of sadness

Fell on the bowls of plants,

Where the white birds screamed.

And in the sky, gray with dust,

There were camphor laurels

And the pale trumpets were blown,

And the timpani beat the copper ones.

Homeopathy is a method based on the rule: Like is cured by like.

Some of us, having fallen ill, rely only on official medicine with its strong drugs. Others prefer something folk - herbal medicine, hirudotherapy. And every year, patients’ interest in homeopathic treatment is growing. Moreover, by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, homeopathic medicines are allowed to be sold without a doctor’s prescription. This confirms their safety and makes it possible to use them at home.

The editors of “VP” asked Elena Yuryevna Shchenikova, doctor, to talk about what homeopathy is and what rules must be followed when treating with homeopathic medicines highest category, assistant at the Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation of the North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov.

— Homeopathy (from the Greek words “similar, identical” and “disease”) has been known to mankind for more than two centuries. The founder of homeopathy was the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, who in 1796 published the article “An Experiment on a New Principle for Finding the Healing Properties of Medicinal Substances with Some Views on Previous Principles.” The publication was preceded by years of research. In particular, Hahnemann, interested in the stimulating effect of quinine on the stomach, decided to test its effect on himself. After several doses, he developed symptoms of malaria (and quinine was the main medicine for malaria in those days). Thus, Hahnemann came to the conclusion that quinine can not only cure malaria, but also cause its symptoms in a healthy person.

Since that time, doctors began to seriously study the effect of small doses of certain substances on health. A preparation method was developed medicinal dilutions, which has survived unchanged to this day (homeopathic medicines can be diluted to decimal, hundredth or more parts, that is, roughly speaking, for 99 parts of alcohol there can be only one part active substance). Mandatory stage of preparation homeopathic medicine is shaking, which, according to Hahnemann, gives " vitality medicine."

It turned out that poisons and other harmful substances in small doses can have healing effect. For example, arsenic - the classic poison of kings - in homeopathic doses copes well with stomach disorders. Iodine is very irritating respiratory system, and in homeopathic doses can be used in the treatment of bronchitis. Mercury in large doses primarily affects the intestines, causing severe ulcerative colitis, and in homeopathic, on the contrary, it is effective for dysentery-like colitis. That is, all this emphasized the basic principle of homeopathy: that like is treated with like. As Paracelsus wrote at the beginning of the 16th century, “only the dose determines the line between poison and medicine.”

However, the principle of similarity was known long before Hahnemann. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, who lived in the 5th century BC. e., treated diarrhea with hellebore, which in itself had a laxative effect. Hippocrates compared a disease to a tree, the roots of which are the causes of its occurrence, and the crown is the effect. He argued that it is necessary to treat a disease from two sides: the roots - based on the principle of similarity ("similibus curentur" - the principle of homeopathy), and the crown - on the principle of the opposite ("contaria contarius" - the principle of allopathy). But it was Hahnemann who first formulated the principle of similarity as the basis of a treatment method.

By the way, the mechanism of action homeopathic remedies high degree dilution (when not a single molecule of the active substance remains in the solution) science still cannot explain. But most modern researchers believe that the “solution” effect is based on the liquid’s ability to “memorize,” that is, it “remembers” the characteristics of the substance dissolved in it.

Let us note that over more than two centuries, the attitude towards homeopathy on the part of certified physicians has changed from complete rejection to a desire to cooperate for the benefit of patients. Tsarist Russia, by the way, was among the few countries in which homeopathy developed quite rapidly. At the end of the 19th century, two homeopathic hospitals were opened in St. Petersburg, one of which had an inpatient department. In 1905, a sanatorium was opened in Sestroretsk, where there were beds for homeopathic treatment of patients. Homeopathy was supported by the clergy. Thus, at the opening of a homeopathic clinic, Father John of Kronstadt said: “Your method is the most reasonable and correct.”

Under Soviet rule, homeopathy existed until the 1930s. Then in Leningrad, by order of the People's Commissar of Health of the USSR, the Leningrad Society of Homeopathic Doctors was liquidated, the homeopathic clinic and homeopathic pharmacies were transferred to the ownership of the Leningrad City Health Department. Many specialists ended up in prison. In the 1950s, homeopathy began to revive, but not for long, since already in the 1960s it was effectively driven underground. The revival of homeopathy began only in the late 1980s.

How to take homeopathic medicines?

  1. Homeopathic medicines are taken before or after meals with an interval of 20 - 30 minutes (the same applies to smoking and brushing your teeth). The granules dissolve in the mouth, no need to drink. If necessary, granules can be dissolved in 1 - 2 tablespoons before use. drinking water. Drops before use are dissolved in 1 - 2 tablespoons of water. Place the solution in your mouth and hold it for a few seconds, then swallow.
  2. Up to 5 to 8 peas (or up to 8 drops) are usually prescribed per dose. As for children under 5 years of age, the following scheme is used: 1 pea (or drop) per year of life.
  3. Remember: if the child is on breastfeeding, and the drug is prescribed to the mother, it will also have an effect on the child. So you should definitely notify your homeopathic doctor that you are a nursing mother. Sometimes it is practiced to assign homeopathic medicines nursing women specifically for the purpose of treating mother and child at the same time.
  4. During treatment with homeopathic remedies, there is no need to discontinue previously prescribed conventional medications; in practice, the effectiveness of their combined use has been proven.

Home homeopathy

It is advisable to buy drugs in peas (unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor) with the number 3, but you can also with the number 6 (these numbers indicate the degree of dilution of the drug).

  • For injuries (wounds, bruises, sprains), it is recommended to take arnica (peas or drops) every 2 hours. Externally treat the damaged surface with arnica oil or ointment.

Attention: if the wound is open, then after standard treatment antiseptic apply a bandage soaked in arnica oil (you can alternate arnica oil with calendula oil).

  • If the wound is festering, then try taking hepar sulfur powder. We take this drug on the tip of a teaspoon 2 times a day. Taking the drug can be combined with antibacterial agents. Take until the wound is cleansed.
  • For insect bites, give children 3 peas of ledum every two hours; you can lubricate the skin with ledum oil. Adults - 5 - 8 peas.
  • For joint diseases (in cases where the patient feels better with cold and worse with heat), you can also take ledum. To ledum, if you work a lot for garden plot, add arnica peas - 5 granules 1 - 2 times a day.
  • For 1st degree burns, including sunburns (1st degree - slight redness, without blistering). We take belladonna and apis peas. Take 6 peas (3 of each) 3 times a day. Apply externally with apis and belladonna ointments.
  • For minor 2nd degree burns ( severe redness, formation of bubbles) we take belladonna peas and cantharis. 6 peas (3 of each drug) 3-4 times a day. We do not puncture the blisters, otherwise we risk infection. Treatment of burns is successful when combining homeopathic treatment with standard therapy.

Remember: in case of extensive burns of 1st - 2nd degrees, as well as in case of 3rd degree burns, please contact medical care Necessarily.

  • At rotavirus infection accompanied by stool disorder, it is recommended: for children, camphor rubini peas - 3 peas after each loose stool, adults can have 5 peas. If the loss of fluid is noticeable, it is necessary to compensate for the water-mineral deficiency of the body. Can handle it saline solution(sold in regular pharmacies under the name Rehydron).
  • At general malaise, overheating in summer time, blood pressure surges are recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases to take the drug glonoin 6 (this is homeopathic nitroglycerin). Take 5 - 8 peas 1 - 2 times a day until you feel better.
  • If you suspect worms in children (signs of the disease may include decreased appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain, grinding teeth at night), take cinnamon peas. Take 3 - 5 pieces 2 times a day for a month and a half. The same scheme is used to prevent infection with worms.

If worms have already been detected in the tests, then we first treat the child with the drugs prescribed by the doctor (Vermox, Pyrantel and others), and then we switch to homeopathic treatment. The treatment period is also a month and a half.

  • For allergic skin reactions, we take apis and belladonna. 6 - 8 grains (3 - 4 grains of each type) 3 - 4 times a day. We take it until the rash disappears and for another week as a preventive measure.
  • At allergic rhinitis Allium tsela helps well. 5 - 8 peas 3 - 4 times a day.
  • At seasickness You can take cocculus peas or nux vomica.

The use of homeopathy at home helps solve many problems at the pre-medical level, without resorting to the help of a specialist. However, if the condition requires emergency emergency care, then seeing a doctor is a must!

Tips for the summer from Yana Privalova, chief physician medical center horticultural massif Babino

  1. In case of animal bites (cats, dogs), it is advisable to consult a doctor on the same day. Bite wounds heal extremely poorly. And as practice shows, self-medication often leads to the appearance of purulent wound, or even sepsis. When bitten by an unfamiliar animal, the issue of preventing rabies infection also arises. Bites from wild animals are very dangerous! Remember that in neighboring regions (for example, in the Pskov region), rabies among wild animals is recorded.
  2. If you are bitten by a snake (in our region it is a viper), then put ice on the bite site. We do not apply a tourniquet! We don’t suck the poison out of the wound! We give to the victim antihistamine and deliver to the hospital as quickly as possible. A viper bite is not fatal, but can be severe.
  3. If you are bitten by a wasp or bee, you need to remove the sting with tweezers (if you couldn’t remove it, consult a doctor). Treat the bite site with any antiseptic. It is recommended to place a bandage soaked in menovazine on the site of the bite. Give an antihistamine. Bites are very dangerous for people who have them. allergic reaction. The situation is fraught with the emergence anaphylactic shock. So see a doctor immediately!
  4. For mosquito bites the best remedyboric alcohol. Can be used Vietnamese balm“asterisk”, any antiallergic ointment.
  5. For minor burns, apply cold, you can use special anti-burn sprays, make a bandage soaked in a semi-alcohol solution (that is, vodka). Can be treated with furatsilin solution. Give the victim painkillers. And never treat burns with greasy ointments and creams (including baby cream), as well as urine and other " folk remedies"! Do not pierce the blisters at the burn site yourself - you will only cause an infection! Please note: burns are treacherous. At first glance, a burn that does not appear to be very serious may hide deep tissue damage. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.
  6. In case of deterioration of health and exacerbations chronic diseases Seek medical help in a timely manner, do not wait until it gets really bad.
  7. For headaches associated with heat, you can take a tablet of citramone (or ascophen, or half a tablet of aspirin). And don't forget to measure your blood pressure.

Camphor: instructions for use and reviews

Camphor - a drug plant origin with antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic, local irritant effect.

Release form and composition

Dosage form:

  • ointment for external use: homogeneous, yellow, has a camphor smell (1 glass jar of 25 g in a cardboard box);
  • homeopathic granules: homogeneous, white with a cream or gray tint, round correct form, have no odor or with an unexpressed characteristic odor (in a cardboard box there is 1 test tube of 8 g, or 1 jar of 8 or 10 g).

Composition of 100 g ointment:

  • active ingredient: camphor – 10 g;
  • auxiliary components: Vaseline – 54 g; anhydrous lanolin – 28 g; solid petroleum paraffin – 8 g.

Composition of 100 g granules:

  • active substance: Camphor in homeopathic dilution C1 or C3 – 1 g;
  • additional component: dragee (sugar granules) – up to 100 g.

Pharmacological properties


Ointment for external use

The ointment is medicine of plant origin.

It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, local irritant and local analgesic effect. Thanks to the stimulation of sensitive nerve endings skin, blood vessels expand, trophism of tissues and organs improves.

Homeopathic granules

Camphor is a monocomponent preparation of mineral origin.


Ointment for external use

When applied to the surface of the skin, camphor is partially absorbed and undergoes oxidation. Oxidation products after combining with glucuronic acid are excreted by the kidneys. Some of the substance is excreted unchanged in the bile and through the lungs.

Indications for use

  • ointment for external use: arthralgia, sciatica, myalgia, radiculitis (therapy); bedsores (prevention of development);
  • homeopathic granules: acute diarrhea any etiology.


Ointment for external use

  • integrity violation skin, dermatitis, eczema;
  • tendency to convulsive reactions;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

According to the instructions, Camphor is prescribed under medical supervision during pregnancy, during lactation, in childhood.

Homeopathic granules

Granules are contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use of Camphor: method and dosage

  • ointment for external use: apply the product to painful and affected areas of the body 2-3 times a day. The recommended duration of therapy is from 7 to 10 days.
  • homeopathic granules: taken orally, dissolving in the oral cavity. In the absence of an individual doctor's prescription, you should take 5-7 granules every 30-60 minutes (determined by the severity of the disease) until you feel better.
  • up to 2 years: 1–2 pcs.;
  • from 2 to 10 years: 2–4 pcs.;
  • from 10 years: 4–5 pcs.

Side effects

  • ointment for external use: skin irritation, allergic skin reactions(in the form of urticaria), dizziness, headache;
  • homeopathic granules: side effects not identified.


In case of overdose caused by external use of the drug, agitation, tachycardia, and convulsions may develop.

Therapy: symptomatic.

special instructions

Should be observed special caution when using the drug to treat children.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Camphor ointment should be used with caution during pregnancy/lactation.

Use in childhood

When using Camphor ointment externally in patients childhood you need to be careful.

Homeopathic granules for the treatment of children are used according to indications, according to the established dosage regimen.

Drug interactions

Clinically significant interactions of camphor with other medicines not installed.


Analogues of Camphor are: Camphor granules, Camphor ointment, Camphor solution for injection, Camphor oil.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light at temperatures up to 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life: ointment – ​​4 years; granules – 2 years.


Mode of application:

Orally as prescribed by the doctor. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, dissolve 5 granules every 30-60 minutes, depending on the severity of the disease, until you feel better. The pediatric dose depends on the age of the child: up to 2 years - 1-2 granules, from 2 to 10 years - 2-4 granules, over 10 years - 4-5 granules per dose every 30-60 minutes.


active ingredient: Camphora SZ 1 g. auxiliary component: dragee (nonpareil sugar granules) 100 g.

Manufacturer: Homeopathic pharmacy, Russia


Camphor rubini has been used in homeopathy for over 100 years, and was originally used in small dilutions for the treatment of Cholera, the main cause of death in which is rapid dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting. Because of positive effect with this serious illness, homeopathic doctors began to use Camphor rubini to quickly stop diarrhea of ​​various origins:

  • Poisoning from low-quality products
  • Acute intestinal infections
  • Diarrhea due to violation temperature regime(overheating in the sun)
  • Traveler's diarrhea
  • Other gastrointestinal disorders

but at the same time other, stronger dilutions were prescribed, for example, C3, C6, etc.

The main advantages of using Camphor C3 in the treatment of diarrhea:

  • Homeopathic remedy
  • Fast action
  • Many years of experience and safety
  • Suitable for any age

Directions for use and doses
Orally, as prescribed by the doctor. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, dissolve 5-7 granules every 30-60 minutes, depending on the severity of the disease, until you feel better.
The pediatric dose depends on the age of the child: up to 2 years - 1-2 granules, from 2 to 10 years - 2-4 granules, over 10 years - 4-5 granules per dose every 30-60 minutes.

Registration number:



Dosage form:

Homeopathic granules

Composition (per 100 g): active component: Camphora SZ 1 g. auxiliary component: dragee (nonpareil sugar granules) 100 g.


Homogeneous granules, regular spherical shape, white with a gray or cream tint, odorless or with a weak characteristic odor.

Indications for use:

Acute diarrhea of ​​any etiology.


Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Camphor – herbal preparation stimulating the central nervous system.

Pharmacological action of Camphor

When applied externally, the product exhibits analgesic, anti-inflammatory, local irritant, antimicrobial effect Camphor.

Parenteral administration provides an analeptic (increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and respiration), vasoconstrictor, expectorant, and cardiotonic effect.

The use of Camphor leads to stimulation of sensory nerve endings, improvement of trophism of tissues and organs.

Subcutaneous administration of the drug stimulates the vasomotor and respiratory centers medulla oblongata, strengthens metabolic centers in the myocardium, increases the tone of venous vessels, blood flow to the heart, blood supply to the lungs, brain, coronary blood flow. Also, standing out through Airways, Camphor helps remove phlegm.

Release form

They produce camphor oil (a solution of camphor in oil), 50% alcohol solution(Camphor rubini), alcohol, ointment.

Indications for use of Camphor

External use Camphor is prescribed for neuralgia, myositis, and for the prevention of bedsores.

Subcutaneous administration of the solution is effective for collapse, poisoning with opioid analgesics, sleeping pills, with heart failure, depression respiratory center during infections.

Camphor rubini is used for food poisoning accompanied by rare pulse, loss of strength. The drug is also prescribed for frequent diarrhea, painful colic, cholera, dysentery, collapse, urethritis, sudden onset ARVI, headaches localized mainly in the back of the head or throbbing night headaches, acute delay urination. It is also known that Camphor rubini is an antidote to all homeopathic remedies; it can be used if it is necessary to cancel the effect of previously taken homeopathic medicines.

Camphor oil is prescribed for mental lethargy, in a state of shock, insomnia, and depression.

The antiseptic effect of Camphor makes it possible to use the oil for skin infections, for respiratory diseases upper paths in the form of inhalations.

Mode of application

Before subcutaneous injection Camphor solution should be heated. Adults are administered one to three times a day, 1-5 ml oil solution 20%. Children under 1 year of age are given 0.5-1 ml, at the age of 1-2 years. – 1ml., 3-6l. – 1.5 ml., 7-9 l. – 2ml., 10-14l. – 2.5 ml.

For colds, rheumatism, muscle pain, nervous disorders do a massage with camphor oil - 4-5 drops. mixed with one tablespoon of regular massage oil. For overwork and stress camphor oil used for aromatherapy - 2-3 drops. The oils are heated in an aroma lamp.

Rubini camphor for collapse and diarrhea is prescribed to take one drop on a piece of sugar (in a spoonful of water) every 15 minutes, half an hour.

For other indications, the doctor makes the appointment.

Side effects

When used externally, the product may cause irritation, allergic manifestations. Subcutaneous administration of the drug can cause dizziness, headache, fat embolism (if Camphor gets into the vessel), oleogranuloma at the injection site.


The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity. Subcutaneous administration cannot be carried out in case of epilepsy, and the product cannot be used externally if the skin is damaged.