When can you bathe a child after chickenpox: the need for water procedures. When can you wash yourself if you have chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a rather unpleasant disease. Although in childhood it is tolerated much easier than in adults. But still, the disease causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the patient.

Every parent of a child who has chickenpox is faced with the question of whether bathing the child during illness is allowed. And if previously all doctors were of the same opinion - contact with water during progression chickenpox It’s impossible, but now there have been changes in views. This is due to the fact that specialists now, after conducting research, better know the characteristics of the disease, its clinical manifestations and mechanisms.

Is it possible to bathe a child while sick?

Several decades ago, doctors did not allow water procedures for chickenpox, advising only to wipe the child. This prohibition was due to the fact that the rashes had to be lubricated with brilliant green or manganese solution to dry them so that crusts would form on them, and upon contact with water they would become soaked.

At the moment, experts have come to the conclusion that the liquid in the blisters often affects nearby tissues and causes secondary infection, as a result of which the duration of the disease increases. For this reason, bathing a child is not only allowed, but also recommended.

Many mothers and fathers have a positive attitude towards water procedures during chickenpox. They believe that briefly washing the baby with potassium permanganate or herbal decoctions reduce discomfort, and the baby calms down, sleeps better and hardly scratches the inflammation. At the same time, the shower has a beneficial effect on the bubbles, since after hygienic procedures the drying process proceeds faster, and the baby goes faster on the mend.

There is an opinion that after bathing, more more rash. However, this is not true. The progression of the rash continues for seven days after the formation of the first blisters. How many there will be does not depend on interaction with water. It doesn’t matter whether the baby is bathed or not, this will not affect the number of rashes in any way. They will go away on their own a week after the first symptoms of chickenpox appear.

In addition, conducting water procedures and regular treatment of ulcers antibacterial drugs helps accelerate healing and increase local immunity of the skin.

But before washing a child with chickenpox, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for carrying out hygienic procedures for this disease, so as not to harm the baby or cause negative consequences.

  1. When bathing a child with chickenpox in the bath, you should add a non-concentrated manganese solution to it. The substance is an excellent antiseptic, therefore it has a pronounced disinfecting effect and promotes fast healing sores. It is not recommended to use soap, foam or shower gel. It is prohibited for the substances included in the composition similar means, came into contact with the patient’s inflamed skin.
  2. The duration of water procedures should be no more than five minutes, but it is better to carry them out more often, several times a day. Do not use washcloths or rub the skin; this will only increase the itching and harm the inflamed skin.
  3. After bathing, there is no need to wipe your skin; it is advisable to just pat your face and body dry with a soft towel. When the skin is completely dry, you should treat it with an antiseptic, for example, brilliant green. Application of the drug should be targeted.
  4. Since hygiene procedures for chickenpox help to recover faster, the baby should be washed often.
  5. Treatment of the skin after water procedures is carried out in mandatory. Smear antiseptic Do not apply to the skin while it is wet. We must wait for it to dry completely.

Baths and showers help relieve itching, calm the baby and alleviate his condition during illness. This is especially important in situations where you cannot take antihistamines for some reason.

Separately, it should be said about ulcers that form on the mucous membranes. This form Chickenpox is rare, but it brings a lot of problems. In this case, it is better to rinse your mouth and wash your baby as much as possible. herbal infusions. Chamomile or string helps here well. In this case, the infusion should be concentrated; such procedures should be performed several, up to eight times a day.

In what cases should a child not be bathed?

Water procedures for chickenpox are prohibited if the child’s immunity is weakened. At the same time, the body has difficulty resisting the virus. In this case, during the illness the child becomes lethargic and his body temperature rises. It is not recommended to bathe such children, as water procedures can lead to a worsening of the condition.

The immune system may be weakened by the most various reasons. In this situation, it is recommended not to wash the baby, but to wipe the skin of the face and body with wet wipes. This will help prevent secondary infection.

It is allowed to give the child a full bath at least five days after he has recovered and crusts have formed on the rash. For a child with a weakened immune system, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic every day. To mitigate the clinical manifestations of the disease, the child is given an antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory drug, especially if his temperature rises. In any case, before carrying out treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Video: in what water can you bathe a child with chickenpox?

According to WHO standards, every child is “required” to attend preschool or early childhood school age recover from a childhood disease such as chicken pox. Everyone knows the symptoms of chickenpox - the appearance of itchy and painful pimples on the head and torso, a slight rise in temperature.

Most parents know what to do when the first signs of chickenpox appear. Therefore, they begin to generously smear the pimples with brilliant green, depriving the pediatrician of the opportunity to see the elements of the rash and rule out a number of similar diseases.

It is necessary to call a doctor to the child on the very first day of the appearance of vesicles - that’s what these same pimples are called, and do not treat them with anything until examined. After a diagnosis of chickenpox is made, the doctor must give detailed recommendations– smear with potassium permanganate, a weak solution of brilliant green or fucorcin; drink antihistamines, monitor the temperature and, most importantly, avoid swimming if children of any age and with any picture of the disease have chickenpox. This is what most pediatricians say to be on the safe side. But is this really necessary?

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox?

First of all, you need to understand the structure of the disease. Incubation period chickenpox lasts from 7 to 21 days. The infectious period lasts from a week to 14 days. According to the standards of medicine in the post-Soviet countries, it is generally accepted that all this time is strictly forbidden, since the combed elements of the rash will get dirty water and ulcers will appear, which will aggravate the picture of the disease. Western medicine insists that failure to comply with the rules of basic hygiene is no less fraught with bacterial complications. Thus, we have 2 opposing opinions about whether it is possible to bathe a child during chickenpox.

The truth is classically in the center - you can swim, but you should take precautions, as there is a risk of complications. But not washing a child for two weeks of illness is no more beneficial than bathing.

What rules should you follow when bathing a baby with chickenpox?

Modern pediatricians, who are not too lazy to borrow the positive experience of Western doctors, strongly recommend taking water procedures during chickenpox. This will make it easier to unpleasant symptoms, like itching and burning pimples, and also prevent bacterial complications. But in order for bathing to be beneficial, you need to know how to wash a child with chickenpox and follow certain recommendations.

  • Bathing is allowed only in the absence of ulcerative-necrotic changes in the elements of the rash - to put it simply, in the absence of wounds into which bacteria can easily penetrate.
  • For bathing babies you should only use boiled water or weak solution chamomile (after consulting your doctor).
  • The use of any cosmetics and detergents is strictly prohibited.
  • The number of baths should not exceed 2-3 times a day.
  • It is necessary to avoid swimming in hot water, as this will increase blood flow to the vesicles, which means that symptoms such as itching and pain will intensify. It is ideal to use boiled water a little warmer room temperature in the form of a scattered shower. Swimming under the stream is not allowed.
  • You should not use washcloths when bathing, as they will increase inflammation due to friction. The same goes for towels. To dry your baby's skin, it is better to use disposable paper towels, which you need to gently blot the skin with. Do not rub under any circumstances.
  • You can bathe your child from the second or third day of illness.
  • After each bathing, it is necessary to re-treat the rash elements with disinfectant solutions.

In fact, it is possible to carry out water procedures. Chicken pox is a disease that requires maximum hygiene.

  • First of all, this will help reduce severe itching in the child.
  • The second reason for taking a bath is to prevent the blisters from becoming infected.

Before bathing a child during chickenpox, every parent should know some rules, which we will discuss in our article.

How to bathe a child correctly

As soon as you find out that your child has chickenpox, you need to monitor the child’s well-being and the characteristics of the chickenpox for several days.

If chickenpox occurs in mild form(no fever), water procedures can be taken on the 5th day after the first bubbles appear. In the first week, you should limit yourself to a quick shower.

After bathing, the rash should be treated

You should also follow some rules:

  • While swimming don't use a washcloth and do not rub the baby's skin. Water procedures must be performed without use shampoos, shower gels, bubble baths, soaps and other cosmetics.
  • Under no circumstances should water be not hot and not cold. Optimal temperature for taking a bath with chickenpox – 36 degrees.
  • At the end of the procedure do not dry your skin with a towel, just blot it with a clean organic cotton cloth.
  • Clothes after swimming are put on after they are completely dry.. Clothes must be made of cotton.

Immediately after bathing, it is necessary to treat the skin with brilliant green or other antiseptic prescribed by the attending physician. Please note that the use of milk or baby cream after swimming it is strictly contraindicated.

If your child has blistering rashes on the genitals, try to wash the child several times a day.

These rules are intended for children of any age.

What can you add to your bathing water?

In order for the disease to end as soon as possible and the child to stop itching, many pediatricians advise taking a bath with various additives:

Potassium permangantsovka

This remedy is an indispensable remedy for chickenpox in a child. Five manganese crystals are enough to take a bath.

  • 1 glass of water,
  • 5 crystals of potassium permanganate.

To prepare the additive, pour it into a glass warm water and potassium permanganate. Mix thoroughly and wait for complete dissolution, after which the resulting liquid is poured into a bath of water.

For severe itching, you can repeat the procedure several times a day.


Helps cope with severe itching and discomfort in the child. To prepare, take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. baking soda

Dissolve baking soda in a bath of water. Please note that taking water procedures with the addition of soda should not last more than 10 minutes. The effect after the procedure lasts for 6 hours.

It is advisable to bathe with soda mainly before bedtime.

Important to remember

Herbal medicines have a fairly large allergic potential; they should be used with extreme caution so as not to worsen the condition.

Oak bark

Oak bark decoction

Thanks to unique properties Blistering rashes begin to heal faster. Before using oak bark, please note that a contraindication is an allergy to this component.

  • 2 tsp. oak bark,
  • 200 ml. hot water.

To prepare a bath additive, pour boiling water over the bark. It is necessary to infuse the decoction for an hour.

One glass of decoction is enough for taking a bath.


It's no secret that chamomile is a natural antiseptic. For chickenpox, this supplement is popular with many. To prepare the supplement, take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers,
  • 1 l. water.

Pour boiling water over the chamomile, close the lid and let it brew for at least three hours. You can bathe in chamomile for 15 minutes.


To prepare this supplement, it is advisable to use fresh celandine herb. You need to finely chop a few leaves of celandine and place in boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain the broth and add to the bath.

Swim in the celandine for no more than 10 minutes.

All of the above additives have disinfecting properties and promote a speedy recovery.

When is swimming prohibited?

Even today, there are doctors who are categorically against swimming during chickenpox. They stipulate this prohibition by the fact that the blistering rashes on the body must dry out, and wetting them with water only softens the bubbles.

Of course, this opinion is erroneous. Scientists have proven that the fluid found in blisters often leads to infection. This trouble causes various complications and prolongs the duration of the disease.

Swimming with chickenpox is contraindicated only in certain cases:

  • There is suppuration on the surface of the skin.
  • If there is a temperature (more than 37ºС).
  • The child does not feel well.

When can you swim after chickenpox?

When can you take a full bath after illness? As soon as the patient's dried crusts leave the body. In the normal course of the disease in a child, this usually occurs on days 14-20. When taking baths, you can safely use a washcloth and cosmetics.

To get rid of specks of brilliant green on a child’s body, you can use the usual laundry soap. After steaming your body, apply soap to the stains and leave for a few minutes. This procedure needs to be repeated several times.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Komarovsky believes that bathing for chickenpox is an integral part of treatment. He recommends showering twice a day. The doctor claims that thanks to water procedures, impurities are washed away and severe itching is also relieved.

Komarovsky emphasizes that the water should not be too warm. Hot water It will only increase the child's itching.

On the 8th day after the onset of the disease, taking a shower can be safely replaced by taking a bath.

Chicken pox - infection, which in most cases will be contracted in childhood. However, for many, infection occurs at a fairly mature age. For adults, chickenpox is a terrible disease that can easily provoke the development of complications. This condition requires mandatory drug therapy under full control attending physician. You should also definitely ask him if an adult can swim if he has chickenpox. Usually, doctors of the old school talk about a categorical prohibition. Supporters new school On the contrary, they believe that during chickenpox it is very important to take a bath and cleanse the skin of accumulated bacteria.

When can you wash yourself if you have chickenpox?

You can take a bath or shower from the first day of chickenpox development. Despite what many people think about strictly prohibited, it is imperative to cleanse accumulated bacteria from your body. There is no need to wait at all for the moment when the crusts covering the blisters dry out and fall off - this process can take 7-9 days. The answer to the question of when an adult can wash with chickenpox is very simple: you can do this at any time when it is convenient for you. However, during bath procedures it is imperative to adhere to the following rules:

  • The water should never be hot - it is best to wash in cool water.
  • When taking baths, do not add to the water. a large number of soda or potassium permanganate.
  • Do not rub the skin with a towel, but gently pat it dry.
  • You don't need to take a bath for long, no more than 10 minutes.
  • Avoid using soap and washcloths to avoid damaging the blisters.
  • Take it every time clean towel to prevent the spread of infection.

To prevent the infection from spreading throughout the skin, you must regularly wash your hands with antiseptic soap. Also, keep your nails clean - they often accumulate under the plates. pathogenic organisms. Do not under any circumstances take water procedures while elevated temperature bodies. This will only make the disease worse.

General hygiene rules during chickenpox

Many people do not know whether adults can take a bath with chickenpox. Most people are scared off by the fact that a large number of inflamed blisters appear on their body, which are very easily injured. Of course, if you damage the integrity of such a formation, there is a high risk of developing serious complications. Many doctors do not give permission for bath procedures during chickenpox. Supporters of the new school even recommend that sick people take a shower; they believe that taking a bath minimizes the risk of developing suppuration and inflammation in the future. Water also helps reduce itching and burning. However, it must be borne in mind that the water for such procedures should not be hot. In this case, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • You need to take a bath quickly, no more than 5 minutes; it is best to repeat such procedures 4-5 times a day.
  • If you decide to take a bath, then you need to add a few grams of potassium permanganate or soda to the water, which have a drying and antibacterial effect.
  • Under no circumstances use different detergents For shower. They will provoke the development of serious skin complications.
  • Do not rub your skin with washcloths - this will injure the bladder and help bacteria spread throughout the body.
  • Do not rub your skin with a towel, which can also injure skin covering. To get rid of excess water on your body, gently pat soft cloth. Also, each time you need to use a new towel, which will definitely not contain bacteria.
  • After taking a bath, apply a small amount of brilliant green to the skin. This will speed up the healing process.

It is not only possible, but also necessary for adults to wash themselves if they have chickenpox. Such procedures will help cleanse the skin of accumulated sweat, dirt and other substances that can trigger the development of a skin rash in the future. The only reason you should not take a bath is when your body temperature is high. This will lead to the development of complications, which is very dangerous for adults.

Chickenpox in adults – enough serious condition, which is accompanied high temperature And skin rash. Even with correctly selected drug treatment the person may face serious complications. To speed up the recovery process and quickly get rid of chickenpox, an adult needs to adhere to the following rules:

  • Trim your nails carefully to prevent injury to the rash and breakage of blisters. Also, a large number of bacteria accumulate under the plates, which contributes to their spread throughout the body.
  • Make sure the room is at the right temperature. When too high rates a person may sweat excessively, which leads to irritation on the skin.
  • Change clothes and bedding daily - it is best if they are made of cotton fabric.
  • Try to drink as much fluid as possible to quickly remove toxins from the body.
  • If intolerable itching occurs, take antihistamines and take a bath with potassium permanganate.
  • When rashes appear in oral cavity rinse it with furatsilin solution.
  • After each visit to the bath, treat the bubbles with a solution of brilliant green.

Chickenpox is a disease that has been known for a long time. Despite this, many parents do not have the slightest idea how to care for a child who has caught chickenpox.

One of the most popular questions regarding chickenpox is whether it is possible to bathe a child with this disease? It would seem that the answer is obvious. The rules of personal hygiene have not been canceled and illness is not a reason to make exceptions. But many parents are really worried about this, because the main symptom of chickenpox is a rash that covers the baby’s skin. And hence a bunch of additional questions: is it possible to wet it, how to wash it, wipe it or blot it? So we'll figure it out.

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox?

Until relatively recently, doctors categorically prohibited any water procedures for chickenpox. It was allowed to bathe the child only after new rashes stopped or the rash completely disappeared. It did not matter in what form the disease took place - mild or severe.

Modern science has radically changed opinions about hygiene procedures during chickenpox. Now most pediatricians, including the famous TV doctor Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, are confident that washing a child is not only possible, but also necessary. The fact is that along with dirt and sweat, an infection can get into the area of ​​the rash. Moreover, water treatments have a soothing effect on the skin, significantly reducing painful itching.

Rules for bathing with chicken pox

So, you can bathe a child, but how to do it correctly. There are a lot of recommendations from doctors here. For example, Dr. Komarovsky suggests doing the following:

The water should not be hot. This can negatively affect the child's well-being. Water procedures should be carried out exclusively with warm water.
It is prohibited to use any detergents - soap, shampoos, shower gels, bath foams. The substances contained in them may cause additional irritation of the skin.
Water procedures should be short in time. It is enough to wash away dirt and sweat. If necessary, it is better to bathe the child 2-3 times a day. Staying in water for a long time can lead to softening of the skin (maceration), which is unacceptable for chickenpox.
Do not rub the skin with a washcloth or rub it in any other way.
Should I take a bath or a shower? Unprincipled. It all depends on the age and preferences of the child himself.
For chickenpox, you can add decoctions to the bath medicinal herbs– chamomile or string. It is recommended to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate and add it to the water until it turns pale pink.
After bathing, do not rub your child with a towel. The body must be carefully blotted, after which the towel should be immediately thrown into the wash. By the way, if you have chickenpox, you need to wash your baby’s clothes, bed linen and towels at maximum temperature.
After bathing, the bubbles must be re-lubricated with brilliant green or medicine recommended by your attending physician.

When is it prohibited to swim if you have chickenpox?

In some cases, taking water procedures for chickenpox is prohibited. All doctors talk about this, including Dr. Komarovsky.

1. If the temperature has risen.
2. If signs are observed bacterial infection, that is, the liquid inside the bubbles was transformed into purulent discharge or contains blood spots. By the way, you need to urgently draw the attention of a doctor to these symptoms.