Feeding a guinea pig. What not to feed guinea pigs

Pet nutrition is an integral part of their comfortable existence and, of course, health. Today we will talk about what to feed at home, discuss important nuances in choosing natural and ready-made feed and rules for preparing a diet.

Why is it important

According to statistics, they often die due to intestinal disorders. If you feed an animal incorrectly, the microbial balance in the digestive tube is disrupted, problems arise with the breakdown of cellulose, food digestion stops, and as a result the animal dies from intoxication.

In this regard, dietary and balanced diet in caring for the animal should come first. As food for a guinea pig, it is necessary to use fresh and good quality food that has nice smell, without signs of spoilage or fungal contamination.

Did you know? First to grow guinea pigs started by the Indians, who used them as a source of valuable meat.

It is also very important to properly store products without access to them by the main carriers of common diseases - mice and cockroaches.

An animal that eats well will not suffer from common guinea pig diseases and will live a long life.

Food should be kept in the cage with guinea pigs regularly; it is especially important to take this fact into account if you work and leave home for the whole day.

Due to the fact that individual physiological characteristics, character and preferences, each animal needs to select a special menu that will not only suit its taste, but will also be optimal for maintaining a healthy state.

What to feed: natural food

Before considering information about food for guinea pigs, it should be mentioned that no food, if used without supplementing the diet with other components, will contain the entire set of nutritional components that underlie the healthy existence of the animal. That's why important nuance is considered the ability to combine different types feed

Often, most people who keep these animals at home try to natural food, which is considered more useful, and the animals eagerly gnaw on a variety of greens and root vegetables. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at what you can feed your guinea pig.


This can include all groups of grass: both cultural and wild. For feeding, it is recommended to use forbs that will fully satisfy the body’s needs for vitamins and nutrients Oh. Among the preferred ones for pigs are the use of clover, cress, milkweed, and thistle.

The use of dandelion, tarragon, and wormwood should be limited, as it can cause a deterioration in the animal’s health, because the above plants contribute to metabolic inhibition. Their number in percentage there should not be more than 20% of all greens in the daily diet.

Did you know? Guinea pigs can still be found as a common food among the population in Peru and Ecuador. It is also served in many expensive restaurants, where foreigners often come to taste such an unusual delicacy.

In order to introduce green food into the winter diet, it is recommended to dry nettles, which are very useful for prevention. colds and vitamin deficiency.

To meet the green food needs of pigs, they are fed spinach, lettuce, parsley, cabbage of all kinds, and young corn.


This category can include the fruits of tuberous plants and root vegetables, as well as vegetables that animals will eat with pleasure. During the cold period, when greens enter the animal’s body in limited quantities, the guinea pig consumes these products in increased volumes. The disadvantage of succulent food is the minimum amount of protein, phosphorus and calcium, which must be taken into account when creating a rodent menu.

You can also give animals pieces of pumpkin, in small quantities they will be useful for rodents, as they are rich in vitamins, but remember that such a product is considered low-calorie.


It is recommended to use hay as roughage for feeding, which must be harvested in the summer; clover and alfalfa grass are suitable for this. They are dried in shaded places to preserve everything essential vitamins. If you buy finished product, you should check it for quality - evaluate the color, aroma and appearance. High-quality hay will be dry, muted green and have a pleasant smell of dry grass.


These feeds are used all year round, they make up about a third of what a guinea pig eats at home per day. Can be given to a pig grains of oats, corn, barley, seeds, peas, soybeans. You can use mixtures of the above products, which can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself. Oats are often considered a rodent's favorite treat, so the amount of it in the food offered should be maximum.

It must be taken into account that you cannot offer the animal only concentrated feed, because this will weaken the immune system and lead to obesity, so the diet should be as varied and healthy as possible.

Vitamins and supplements

Although plant nutrition supplies the body with most of the necessary vitamins and beneficial microelements, it is recommended to use other food additives, which are also considered very beneficial for the animal’s body, they are presented as:

  • meat and bone meal, allowing you to saturate the body with animal proteins;
  • fish oil, necessary to strengthen bones and increase the amount of vitamins in the body;
  • boiled milk, which is often used in the diet of young animals;

Important! Raw milk It is strictly forbidden to use it, because the animal’s body can be attacked by infection.

  • ascorbic acid, Since the guinea pig's body is not able to produce vitamin C, it should be replenished with foods containing it. As natural sources Fruits can be used for this vitamin, so consider whether guinea pigs can eat tangerines, oranges and kiwis, which contain the maximum amount of vitamin C. The above-mentioned products can be used as guinea pig food, but in small quantities and quite rarely, since fruit acids can irritate the skin and oxidize urine. Among vegetables and other products allowed in unlimited quantities and containing a maximum of ascorbic acid, fennel and rose hips are distinguished, which are cleared of seeds before giving to a guinea pig;

  • feces. No matter how strange it may sound, rodents happily eat their own feces, which allows them to maintain normal microflora intestines and replenish the body essential microelements, so do not rush to remove feces immediately after the animal goes to the toilet.

Important! Water should also be mentioned, although it is not considered a special additive. Water should be included in your guinea pig's diet daily, especially during winter time, during a period of shortage of succulent and green feed.

Ready-to-eat foods available commercially

Completely independently creating a diet for a guinea pig is quite a troublesome and thankless task, so owners often choose dry ready-made food that can be purchased in the store. Let's look at the main types of prepared feeds and what they are.


This type of food includes seeds and grains, which can be given to animals as the main food, but the diet must be supplemented with grass, vegetables and hay. These foods often contain about 6 different components, so they are more budget-friendly.


These feeds contain basic components, into which vitamins and beneficial microelements are introduced, therefore, even if the animal’s nutrition becomes scarce and the guinea pig is limited in the choice of green and succulent food, its health will not suffer. Premium food is more expensive than basic food, as it takes more time and components to produce it.

Super premium

These foods represent a balanced diet for rodents, which is as close as possible to the composition of the natural diet. The super-premium class is quite expensive, but in this case the guinea pig will receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements. It will be easier for you to buy food in the store and not rack your brains with choosing a diet.

Nutrition rules: creating a diet

When the owner determines what he will use for feeding pet, it is necessary to start considering feeding standards. So, let's look at what a guinea pig eats at home.

The daily diet for 1 adult guinea pig should be approximately:

  • V summer time: 40 g fresh herbs, 120 g raw vegetables, 20 g white bread, 40 g of grain feed;
  • in spring: 30 g of fresh herbs, 120 g of raw vegetables, 20 g of white bread, 40 g of grain feed;
  • in winter: 10 g of hay, 125 g of raw vegetables, 30 g of white bread, 40 g of grain feed;
  • in autumn: 10 g of hay, 125 g of raw vegetables, 25 g of white bread, 40 g of grain feed.
It is necessary to create a diet taking into account individual characteristics body of the animal, which will depend on the degree of activity of the animal, its health and age.

Pregnant females need to increase their food intake by approximately 30%.

When a guinea pig is fed 2 times, then morning time It is recommended to give succulent food, and for dinner - grain mixtures and greens. In winter, greens are replaced with hay.

Thus, today we looked at what guinea pigs eat at home. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the nutrition of guinea pigs has many nuances and features. The main thing is to take into account the preferences of your pet, try to select high-quality food for it and make sure that the diet is as varied, nutritious and rich in vitamins as possible.

Many of us want to take care of someone, give our warmth and affection to a small creature who will accept the love of the owner, “communicate” with him and enjoy him. It is for this purpose that we often get pets. However, it is not always possible to allocate enough time and effort to take care of a rare and whimsical animal. In this case, a guinea pig can be an ideal pet for the whole family. Caring for them is quite simple; even a child can easily cope with this task. It is only important to take care of the correct, high-quality and good nutrition guinea pig at home, and your pet will delight you with its energy and beautiful appearance.

Basic diet

If you have already become the proud owner of a pet, do not forget to make sure that there is always food in the feeder, because guinea pigs should not starve under any circumstances. Even a few days without food can kill them. When leaving your pet alone, make sure there is enough food for the entire time you are away. And if you leave home for long time, the animal should be given for foster care with instructions about proper diet.

What guinea pigs eat at home is directly related to some characteristics of their body. One of the main such features is quite weak peristalsis esophagus and intestines, therefore, living in its natural environment, the pig eats herbs, leafy plants, roots, twigs and shoots of young trees, which are rich in fiber and help the nutrient mass to move normally through digestive tract.

At the moment, there is a huge variety of food and mixtures for pets that can be found in any pet store in your city. Usually it includes bran, grains, herbal granules with the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes. However, in addition to food, at home a guinea pig can be fed greens, hay (must be included in the diet), grain (grain mixtures), fresh or dried vegetables and fruits. It is this mixed and natural nutrition will fully satisfy all your animal’s needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids and minerals, which are so necessary for its healthy and comfortable existence.

Now let's find out in more detail how to correctly compose balanced diet for a little furry friend, and what to look for when choosing food.


Even very slight dehydration is fraught with health problems for a guinea pig, so it is extremely important to ensure that your ward’s home always has fresh, and most importantly - pure water. On average, a pet needs approximately 250 ml of fluid per day.

In winter, to maintain immune system It is recommended to add vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to the drinker. This element, necessary for the fight against harmful microorganisms, is not produced by the pigs’ body independently.

Green feed

Food for guinea pigs mostly consists of green food, which helps normalize digestion, contains many nutrients and microelements, and is easily digestible. If you give your pet enough natural herbs, then you can easily do without store-bought concentrates and mixtures, and give them only to pregnant or lactating females and cubs under two months of age.

Particular attention should be paid to mixtures consisting of cereals and beans. They are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins necessary for the animal’s body. Such food for a guinea pig can consist of a variety of plants:

  • oats;
  • corn;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa;
  • rygas;
  • various types of herbs.

It is important that greens be in the rodents’ diet almost constantly, or, in any case, from spring to the end of autumn, so it is worth taking care of the list of plants that will change as the growing season changes. At the end winter period and at the beginning of spring at home you can feed your guinea pig winter rye or wild herbs, young shoots of trees, such as willow, aspen or poplar, early sedge, nettle, wormwood, burdock and mantle.

In the summer, guinea pigs readily eat clover, but forbs are also perfect: plantain, yarrow, dandelion, wheatgrass, hogweed, wild rowan, sage, spurge, heather, burdock and others.

However, be extremely careful when adding unknown types of herbs to your pet’s diet, because among them there may be plants that contain toxic substances and can cause irreparable harm to the animal. These include:

  • wolf berries;
  • celandine;
  • lily of the valley;
  • hellebore;
  • nightshade;
  • fern;
  • marsh marigold;
  • red foxglove;
  • stick;
  • hemlock;
  • raven eye

IN autumn period and until the onset of cold weather best food for guinea pigs - these are carrot and potato tops, kale, spinach, lettuce, and green corn.

Spinach is useful because it contains quite a lot of potassium, phosphorus, vegetable protein and iron salts. You only need to feed the animals a young plant, and in order to please your pet with fresh herbs longer, the cut leaves can be frozen. When freshly frozen, spinach leaves can be stored for several months at -1℃. Green corn is very nutritious and contains sugar, so guinea pigs love and enjoy eating this food. It is best to combine corn with other herbs and give in a volume of about 70% of daily norm greenery

Cabbage, in addition to its beneficial nutritional properties, the good thing is that you can safely feed it to your pet until the first half of winter.

Juicy feed

in winter proper feeding Guinea pigs become even more important, since during this period there are practically no greens in the diet. During this time, the animals are transferred to succulent feed - vegetables and melons. They are undoubtedly extremely helpful and a great resource easily digestible carbohydrates, but, alas, in such food there is practically nothing necessary for normal functioning body of proteins, fats and mineral compounds.

List of vegetables for guinea pigs:

  • Carrot. It is rich in carotene, which, once in the animal’s body, is transformed into vitamin A, contains pectin, and many vitamins (C, B vitamins and others).
  • Beet. It is good because it has a fairly long shelf life; you can feed beets to pigs virtually all year round. Root vegetables are rich in carbohydrates and contain vegetable protein, pectin, fiber.
  • Turnip. Root vegetables and leaves are used for feed, which contain provitamin A, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, fiber, raw protein, glucose and mustard oil.
  • Potato. Main nutritional value Root vegetables consist in the content of starch, which, when ingested by an animal, is broken down into carbohydrates, the assimilation of which saturates the tissues with energy. Potatoes also contain carotene and potassium, which help remove excess salts.
  • Melons. Sometimes you can treat your pet to a small piece of zucchini or forage varieties of watermelon. Guinea pigs can also feed pumpkin, but in small quantities. This food does not have any special dietary properties, because it consists of 90% water, but despite this, rodents eat it with pleasure.
  • Cucumbers. They also mostly consist of water, but have a positive effect on digestion in general, helping to absorb other foods, and also stimulate the breakdown and absorption of fats in the body.
  • Tomatoes. Eating tomatoes has a beneficial effect on digestive processes. They also contain glucose and fructose necessary for the animal.

As for fruits, you can give apples, pears, and occasionally you can pamper your pet with a slice of tangerine, but do not overdo it with sweet fruits such as peach, cherry, plum or apricot, because great content sugar they can cause stomach upsets.

By the way, guinea pigs love to chew on tree branches, such as acacia, oak, birch, poplar, aspen and fruit trees. This process helps them wear down their teeth, which grow throughout their lives.

But be careful, apricot and cherry branches are poisonous to most rodents and can cause serious diseases. Therefore, if you want to please your ward, do not forget to first find out what will be useful for him, and what treats may cause a malfunction in the body.

Berries are best fed dried. Guinea pigs eagerly eat blueberries, rose hips and black currants.

If your pet is energetic and active, then you should add nuts to the list of his food, wheat bran, sesame, flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, which will become additional source fatty amino acids and minerals.

What grains can be given to guinea pigs?

If we talk about grain crops, then it is possible and even necessary to give oats to a guinea pig; this is the most suitable option for daily diet. You can diversify your diet with wheat, lentils, barley, soybeans, millet, peas and corn.

It is important to remember that grains should not make up more than 30% of the total amount of food consumed. If a pig eats only grain, this can negatively affect the productivity of the body and can lead to obesity for the animal. The maximum nutritional value of the feed is achieved by combining green, succulent and roughage feed in the correct ratio.

Update: May 2018

Guinea pig (from Latin cavia porcellus - small pig) is a domesticated rodent of the pig family, which belongs to the genus pig. The animal is a small, usually up to one and a half kilograms, plump animal with hanging ears, large protruding eyes and a wide muzzle. The enormous popularity of the rodent is due to its attractive appearance, unpretentiousness, good-natured and trusting character and peaceful temperament. The Guinea pig is the safest pet for children of primary preschool age.

The rodent received its name, which at first sounded like “overseas pig,” in Russia precisely because it arrived from overseas, and the shape of the animal’s head resembled the head of a pig. The animal is also called kewi, cavey or Guinea pig.

All individuals of the genus can be conditionally divided into 5 breed subgroups:

  1. Shorthair (selfie, agouti, satin, dalmatian, two- and three-color, and many others).
  2. Longhair (Merino, Peruvian, Texel, Alpaca, Angora, Coronet, Sheltie).
  3. Wirehaired (Rex, Abyssinian, American Teddy).
  4. No hair at all (skinny, baldwin).
  5. Rare breeds (cui, harlequin, rainbow, havana, etc.).

Cavies were domesticated in the 5th millennium BC. e. Indian tribes in the territory of modern Peru, Colombia, Ecuador. The Indians worshiped guinea pigs and depicted them in art.

Distinctive features of the genus:
  • Dimensions: body length – 25 – 35 cm; weight – from 700 to 1500 g. Some breeds may vary in size. For example, kui reaches a weight of 4 kg and a length of 50 cm.
  • The length of the fur and the color of the animal depend on the breed. The color options are varied: white, cream, agouti, golden, red, chocolate, black, two- and three-color.
  • The daily routine is similar to that of humans: they are awake during the day and sleep no more than 4–6 hours at night.
  • They have a perfect sense of smell, good eyesight(can distinguish some colors) and excellent hearing.
  • They don't like water, but they can swim.
  • All breeds (even long-haired ones) shed moderately, but throughout the year.
  • They prefer to live in a group of their own kind.
  • Very clean animals, they wash themselves with their paws, like cats.
  • They love company and human affection, and become smarter in the process of taming.
  • They are afraid of colds, drafts, overheating and falls from a height of more than 20 cm.
  • Kevi are caprophagous, they eat their own droppings, which is due to the peculiarity gastrointestinal tract: vitamins are absorbed only after passing digestive process twice.
  • Keeping with birds, especially parrots of any kind, is unacceptable.

There should be two feeders - for green food and for dry food. Choose stable bowls, preferably ceramic ones, so that the animal cannot turn them over.

Photos of guinea pigs

Choosing a cage, location and accessories for it

The guinea pig is an unpretentious pet, keeping and caring for which is quite simple. The most convenient size of a wire cage pallet for keeping a pair of guinea pigs at home is 120x60 cm. Sawdust or other filler from a pet store is poured onto the pallet in a layer of 3 - 5 cm. When choosing granulated sawdust, mix them with wood, otherwise the pigs will develop calluses on paws.

The height of the cage should be from 30 to 50 cm, which will give the animals the opportunity to stand on their hind legs. You can stack one cage on top of another to save space. The cage should be placed in a bright place, but away from direct sun rays. It is very important to protect animals from drafts. The optimal average daily temperature for keeping a rodent is 18 – 20C˚. In summer, animals can be kept outdoors, for example in a garden, protected from light.

Many people prefer a cage to a closed terrarium. This is due to the fact that the filler flies from the first over a long distance. The terrarium protects well from drafts, but it is more problematic to secure a hammock, salt stones, drinking bowl and other accessories in it. On the other hand, the cage is more breathable, and it is easier to take the animal out for communication. Required accessories for the cage:

  • drinking bowl;
  • two feeders;
  • flat pebble for grinding claws;
  • salt stone or mineral salt wheels;
  • tree branches;
  • hammock, ladders, shelves, manholes (optional).

Pet stores offer houses for rodents made of different materials: bark, wood, plastic. Although, experts do not recommend buying a house for kevi. The pet may become less tame and sociable; it will spend all its free time in solitude.

The cage is cleaned 1-2 times a week. Usually pigs go to the same place to relieve themselves, so you can teach them to relieve themselves in a special tray and change it daily.

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Guinea pigs feel calm and comfortable only in the company of a fellow partner. This is inherent in them by evolution and is due to the life of caves in wildlife. It is easier to keep two or more females in one cage. If you have two boys, they should be provided with enough territory, food and water to avoid quarrels. IN as a last resort The animals can be separated by a thin wire partition, through which they will see each other and sniff. Keeping opposite-sex couples should not be practiced in order to avoid uncontrolled reproduction.

Members of the Federal Association of Medical Practitioners (Germany) have proven that 50% of Kevi's behavior comes from social communication with their own kind. In many European countries (Germany, Holland, Austria) it is prohibited to keep social animals alone. This includes the Hawaiian pig.


If there is enough space in the cage and there is an opportunity to “have fun” (hammock, ladders and other attractions), then walking your pet is not necessary. But if the cage is too small or there is nothing in it except a feeder and water bowl, you can periodically organize walks for the pigs. To avoid such troubles as chewed furniture or damaged carpet, it is better to build a special fenced enclosure. You can let the pigs run around Fresh air, but they need to be carefully monitored so that they do not escape into some hole or become prey to a larger animal.

Dental care

How you care for your guinea pig's front teeth is very important. They demand special attention. Like all rodents, they grow throughout their lives and require constant grinding. Usually the animals themselves grind off the excess on the young branches of fruit trees, but sometimes they need help. The incisors can grow to a length that can pierce the tongue or gums. It also happens that kevi have been born with incorrect location incisors. In this case, you have to contact the veterinarian once every 3-4 months so that he can shorten the overgrown teeth.

Ear care

Eye care

If discharge or crusts appear in the corners of the eyes, they are carefully removed with a napkin soaked in boiled water. Excessive tearing or redness of the eyelids symbolizes eye disease and requires immediate examination by a specialist.

Nail care

Nails need to be trimmed from the age of 1 year. Do this 1 – 2 times a year. For cutting, use a sharp nail clipper to trim the claws of cats or small breeds dogs. To avoid injuring your pet, first read on the Internet how the procedure is carried out. You can contact your veterinarian for professional help. Damaged blood vessel, passing through the claw, takes a very long and painful time to heal. The wound can cause infection and blood poisoning.


For short-haired and rosette-haired individuals, it is enough to brush them 1 – 2 times a week. Every time you hold a pig in your hands, a small amount of hair remains from it. This is the norm. Just like the fact that there are small bald patches behind the rodent's ears.

Long-haired breeds are brushed daily. First with a long-toothed comb, then soft brush. To make combing easier, you can lightly moisten the fur with water from a spray bottle. Matted wool that cannot be untangled is trimmed with sharp scissors.


Animals are bathed only if emergency: if the fur got dirty in the ground, the animal had diarrhea, etc. A shallow plastic bowl is suitable for bathing. Water is poured into it to a level of 3–4 cm from the bottom. The water temperature should not be higher than 38C˚. The pig is bathed using baby shampoo for the little ones or a special veterinary shampoo for rodents. When swimming, protect your ears, eyes and nose from water. The bathed animal should be wiped dry with a warm towel. Long-haired individuals should be dried with a hairdryer using warm, not hot air. A freshly bathed pet is very sensitive to drafts and cold temperatures.


Feeding the pig is one of the the most important factors harmonious development and good health pet. From the wrong menu, kevi quickly get sick and die. Ideally, a rodent's diet consists of the following types stern:

  1. Hay - 60% - the guinea pig should always have in excess (choose pleasant-smelling and greenish hay, in no case moldy).
  2. Balanced grain mixture from a pet store - 20% - it is not recommended to compile it yourself, since many cereals are prohibited for caves.
  3. Grass – 20% – this also includes fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Salt or mineral salt stone.
  5. Young twigs - fruit trees or spruce, willow, aspen (in unlimited quantities).
  6. Crackers homemade, without flavorings and dyes - given occasionally in small quantities.

In terms of nutrition, the Hawaiian pig is a very delicate creature, therefore, when offering new food to the animal, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether the product has caused digestive upset. What suits one individual may cause diarrhea or allergies in another.

Important feeding rules:

  • The rodents' drinking bowl should always be filled with fresh water with vitamin C dissolved in it ( the right dosage check with the veterinarian in accordance with the weight and number of individuals in the cage).
  • There should always be hay in the cage, even in summer, when there is a lot of fresh greenery.
  • Guinea pigs are fed twice a day, large breeds- three times.
  • The serving size for feeding one pig is 1 – 2 tablespoons of food.
  • Cereal sticks with honey, popular in pet stores, can be given as a treat no more than 2 times a week.
  • Many herbs are deadly for rodents, so you can only give 5 - 10 names that you are sure of.

Some poisonous herbs:

  • Parsnip.
  • Lilac.
  • Bindweed.
  • Iris.
  • Chestnut.
  • Ambrosia.
  • Buttercup.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Lily of the valley.
  • Laurel.
  • Burdock.
  • Spinach.
  • Sorrel.
  • Dandelion flowers and stems (leaves and roots can be given).
  • Scillas.

Herbs allowed for cavy:

  • Anise.
  • Pansies.
  • Plantain.
  • Dandelion leaves and roots.
  • Melissa.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peppermint.
  • Chamomile.
  • Linden.
  • Calendula.
  • Clover (with caution, there may be bloating).
  • Strawberries.
  • Cowberry.
  • Coriander.
  • Yarrow.
  • Caraway.
  • Rose hip.
  • Blueberry.
  • Alfalfa.
  • Wheatgrass.
  • Sedge.


Preparing for pregnancy

Despite the fact that the animals reach sexual maturity early, experts recommend breeding them at the age of at least 10 months. When choosing a pair, give preference to individuals of the same breed and age category. Future parents should not be related. Obese individuals should also be excluded. A week before the expected mating, increase the amount of vitamin E in the animals’ diet.

It is advisable to plan a future pregnancy so that fertilization takes place no later than November, then the female will have time to feed her offspring before the spring molt. Otherwise, the combination of lactation and molting can be disastrous for the female, weakened after pregnancy. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cover females more than three times, but they are difficult to care for and breed. rare breeds, twice a year.

Estrus in guinea pigs lasts 2 days and repeats every 12 to 20 days. The most favorable period for fertilization is the first 12 hours. It is not difficult to notice the pig’s readiness to become a mother; she takes a characteristic pose: lifts back, spreading his paws and standing motionless. Males are almost always ready to mate.

The fertilized guinea pig is placed in a separate cage. If the next heat does not occur, then this indicates pregnancy, which will last about 10 weeks. Multiple pregnancies may result in earlier births.

Toxicosis in guinea pigs

So-called toxicosis can become a big problem during pregnancy. This painful condition, characteristic of many individuals in last weeks pregnancy or the first days after childbirth. Often this condition leads to the death of the animal. Manifestations of toxicosis:

  • Muscle cramps.
  • Loss of appetite or complete failure from food.
  • Profuse drooling.
  • Tousled, dull fur.

The causes of toxicosis are poor nutrition, lack of water or vitamins, stress or multiple pregnancy. It is necessary to isolate the pregnant female from all these factors and provide her with special care.

Caring for a pregnant female

  • Calm walks 1 – 2 times a day.
  • Stable temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Keep in a cage with an area of ​​at least 1200 – 1500 cm2.
  • No stress - it is not recommended to handle the pig (it can cause miscarriage), pet it, or clean the cage often or for a long time.
  • A varied diet - in the first half of pregnancy, the feed rate is increased by 1/3, in the second half - by 2 times.
  • In addition to drinking water, they offer rosehip infusion, milk and tomato juice.
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements in food (according to the recommendation and dosage of a veterinarian).
  • Installation of a house in a cage with a nest made of fresh hay.
  • For hygiene purposes, long-haired females need to be trimmed a few days before giving birth.

Childbirth and baby care

Childbirth is usually quick and uneventful, lasting no more than 30 minutes. Newborns are born sighted, hearing and with developed incisors. Weight ranges from 50 to 140 g. A litter contains on average 3 – 5 individuals. The cubs grow quickly, and on the 2nd - 3rd day they begin to eat food familiar to adults. By one month they become full-fledged guinea pigs, which can be separated from their mother.

It may happen that the mother dies during childbirth or after it from toxicosis. Then the best option will place the offspring with another female, since it is better for the babies to be among their relatives. It is usually possible to feed orphans with diluted dry cream from a pipette. Be sure to provide the little ones with access to eat the droppings of adult pets. If by the 17th – 20th day of life the weight of the cubs has doubled, then we can assume that they are saved and are developing normally.

Unfortunately, non-viable babies born weighing up to 40 grams must be disposed of immediately. It is almost impossible to get out of them and, even if possible, the individuals will be too weak and sickly to live a full life.

It's contagious and deadly viral disease. There is no cure, so the animal will have to be euthanized. Symptoms: weakness, apathy, convulsions, impaired coordination of movements, paralysis.


This is common in the pig family bacterial disease, leading to paralysis of the limbs. A sick animal should be isolated and immediately taken to a veterinarian. Symptoms: diarrhea, refusal to feed, exhaustion.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

It's contagious incurable disease, capable of being transmitted to humans. Symptoms: difficulty breathing, convulsions, pleurisy, increased body temperature.

Attention! Normal temperature guinea pig body – 37 – 39.5 C˚.


The causative agent is a microbe of the genus Salmonella, which causes intestinal infections. Symptoms: diarrhea, lethargy, apathy, refusal to feed.


This is a dangerous incurable disease, the affected individual should be destroyed. The causative agent is a gram-negative, non-motile ovoid rod. Symptoms: purulent runny nose, sneezing, ulcers on the skin, wheezing, diarrhea, convulsions.

Signs of a sick animal:

  • Apathetic and lethargic behavior.
  • The pet’s desire to retire, to hide in a corner of a cage or house.
  • Dull and disheveled fur.
  • Discharge from the eyes or nose.
  • Soiled or wet fur in the anal area.

Guinea pigs were first domesticated in 5000 BC; animal figurines were found during excavations in Ecuador and Peru; at that time, the people living in these territories worshiped them.

The tradition has survived to this day; these charming creatures continue to be kept in many families.

Important role Nutrition plays a role in caring for your pet; special attention should be paid to this issue.


The nutritional characteristics of guinea pigs directly depend on the structure of the digestive system, due to the rather long intestine of the animal (2 m), the digestive process is also quite long. The movement of food is slow, processing time can reach a week, for this reason, food replacement should be done gradually.

Very important balanced diet, food should have a gentle effect on the microflora. This condition is considered the most important moment to ensure your pet's optimal well-being.

The frequency of feeding according to the schedule is 2-3 times a day; violation of the schedule can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction. The pig's feeder should never be empty; this must be constantly monitored.


Guinea pigs are not distinguished by their whimsical diet; mobility also plays an important role, since when they are constantly in a cage, pets begin to eat more established norm . An animal that moves a lot eats only when absolutely necessary.

The diet is compiled in the following ratio:

  • hay - 60%;
  • juicy food - 20%;
  • solid food - 20%.

Food should include four percent animal protein, fifteen percent crude fiber, twenty percent crude protein.

Video: feed review

Green feed

Hay is considered the main component of a pet’s diet; the product has a beneficial effect on the digestive system; in combination with grain and other solid foods, hay helps grinding down incisors, which grow throughout life in all representatives of the rodent class.

Hay can be purchased, or you can harvest it yourself; it is prohibited to use plants growing along highways and in environmentally unfavorable areas as feed.

To feed animals you can use dandelion, parsley, corn, black peas, nettle, celery, millet, clover, lettuce, alfalfa, chamomile and many others.


Grains must be present in your pet's feeder: barley, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, oats, wheat. It is not necessary to crush grains, but legumes (lentils, soybeans, peas, beans) must be served crushed. After identifying your pet's preferences, you can make mixtures from your favorite grains. Feeding pigs exclusively with grain can cause obesity and decreased productivity, which can also lead to diseases.


Today, pet stores offer a large selection of grain mixtures, which contain dried vegetables and fruits, as well as granules. different herbs. Granules are not suitable for all representatives of the rodent class, especially those who prefer hay and natural food.

Brand Waka offers over 500 varieties food additives, feeds have enjoyed the trust of customers for many years, as they are distinguished by a unique combination of components necessary for normal life and animal health.

There are other domestic and foreign production, you can choose the right one over time; first of all, you need to pay attention to the pet’s reaction.


Animal menus should also include foods rich in vitamins and microelements fresh fruits and vegetables. Most of all, the animal loves carrots, cabbages, salads, cucumbers, apples, peppers, pumpkins; among the berries, you can give him blueberries, rose hips, best in dried form.


The cage must have a drinking bowl with 0.25 liters of water; even slight dehydration can trigger the development of serious illnesses. To strengthen the immune system, you need to add 5-25 g of ascorbic acid to the water, since natural production vitamin C does not occur in the body of guinea pigs.

In winter, the amount of the substance in the diet should be increased, since the rate at which ascorbic acid enters the reaction is very high. If vitamin C comes from other sources, it is not necessary to add it to the water.

Salt is an essential nutritional element for guinea pigs and is sold in specialized stores. special stone for pigs, it is fixed on the grill so that the animal can gnaw on it at any time.


The food must be saturated useful elements, at first the standard portion should be increased by 30%. From the 2nd half of the term, it is recommended to increase the amount of food by 2 times; the pig should be provided constant access to drink. It is recommended to place the drinking bowl in the shaded part of the cage; two days before birth, the animal’s need for fluid increases significantly, so the water must be changed as often as possible.

During this period, the diet should be rich in vitamins; it is recommended to give the pig carrots, sprouted wheat grains, alfalfa, you should drink rosehip tincture or tomato juice. Feeding frequency from two times increases to three or four.


In some situations, the pig does not have milk, in such cases difficulties arise in feeding the babies. In such cases, feeding is carried out using a syringe; you will also need ten percent fat cream mixed with a tenth of the capsule prebiotic Linex.

Feeding is carried out once an hour during the day and once every two hours at night, 1 ml, and it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of feeding. After about 7 days, you can add ground granules of special food or dairy-free baby porridge to the cream.


Pigs are very gluttonous, but there are foods that are necessary exclude from the diet animals:

  • fried, salty, sweet, spicy dishes, canned food;
  • red cabbage;
  • beans, potatoes, onions;
  • eggs, cheese;
  • bread, milk, meat and meat products, sausage;
  • moldy and damp food.

There is also a list of prohibited herbs, including poisonous herbs, lily of the valley, mustard, buttercups, lumbago and others.

Video: favorite treats


When feeding your guinea pig, it is recommended to follow certain rules, compliance with them will allow you to keep the pig as long as possible in healthy condition will prevent the development various diseases. Compliance is important sanitary standards, the cage and food trays must be clean.

All remaining food must be promptly removed no later than two hours, some owners prefer to leave food overnight. In such cases, consultation with a veterinarian is recommended.

Fruits should be included in the diet in limited quantities; some pets may get bored with the same food, so the diet should be as varied as possible.

Animals may develop food preferences; it is very important to study them, especially if there are several pigs in a cage. This feature manifests itself to a greater extent when at a young age, immediately after purchase.

If your child insists on getting a pet, think twice before saying no. Children are drawn to animals, and this is natural.

Perhaps a guinea pig is exactly the animal you need. Caring for it, of course, should be systematic, but it will not take much time. These are friendly and quiet creatures; they will not bother you by shouting or singing like birds. Animals will not hesitate to respond to your care with sincere affection and love.

At home? You will find answers to this and other questions that interest you. comprehensive information In this article.

By adopting a pig, you will gain a loyal friend and just a funny animal. But this is not a living toy, and you need to know that the errors in regular care, especially in feeding, can lead to the death of the animal. easy to do at home. The cage can be cleaned once a week, but the animal needs to be fed and walked around the apartment daily. The fact is that guinea pigs are active animals, so they need a large cage (about 40x40 cm). But they can only be truly happy and healthy when they are given free will.

Guinea pigs are vegetarians

What to feed your guinea pig at home? These rodents prefer only plant foods.

Their daily ration consists of dry or granular special food, which can be found in almost any pet store. The animals also need succulent food and dry hay. Juicy food consists of a variety of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals. Dry hay should be in the feeder every day, as it helps the rodent grind its teeth.

Guinea pigs love to eat. Therefore, the owner needs to monitor what and how much his pet eats. These animals will not refuse any food, because they are little gluttons. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the pig eats regularly, but does not become obese. Starvation diet these animals cannot tolerate: your pet may die if there is no food for 1-2 days.

What to feed your guinea pig at home? A variety of vegetables and fruits, except potatoes, dried fruits, nuts and all kinds of boiled and fried delicacies from your table.

This is strictly prohibited. Notice what your pet loves most: apples, carrots, blueberries or raspberries, citrus fruits, peppers. He has a 100% sense of smell, so it will be difficult for you to resist pampering him with the food he likes. Guinea pigs love all kinds of greens: dill, parsley, lettuce, apple and cherry branches. It is better to give fruits grown here than from overseas. Although the animals love melons very much, it is better to give them cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. Try to avoid cabbage as it causes strong gas formation in the intestines.

Another feature of feeding guinea pigs is feeding them with vitamin C. And again you are faced with the problem: “What to feed a guinea pig at home in this case?” The rodent should regularly receive daily norm(10 mg) ascorbic acid diluted with water. If it is deficient, the animal develops dental disease (scurvy) and other disorders of the body's functioning. Don't forget to give the animal water to drink sufficient quantity. Treat your pet as if you were yourself!