Onion juice: properties, applications, reviews. Onion juice and its beneficial properties

Onion juice is universal and strong remedy from diseases in folk medicine. In combination with honey, which also has a lot of beneficial properties, a syrup is prepared and taken orally. This preventive remedy can be used by both children and adults. Like any medicine, onion juice with honey has its contraindications and instructions for use.

Onion juice contains a large concentrate of macro- and microelements, which promotes the recovery process throughout the body. A large amount of vitamins helps restore immune system. Honey contains organic acids and amino acids, fructose, glucose, as well as a large number of minerals, necessary for the body. The prepared mixture of onions and honey affects the following processes in the body:

  • strengthening and restoring the immune system;
  • promotes the production of virus-resistant cells;
  • helps the body fight various colds;
  • improves vital functions: increases stress resistance, fights vitamin deficiency and general fatigue;
  • has a positive effect on the microflora in the stomach: it is good prophylactic from ulcers and gastritis;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, syrup is used as a diuretic and laxative. Onion juice helps remove toxins from the body and has a positive effect on metabolism in the body. Most effective this remedy considered in the field of colds, namely in eliminating cough. The syrup thins phlegm and removes mucus from respiratory tract.

When should you not drink onion juice with honey?

In some cases, drinking onion-honey syrup is prohibited. The most common case is peptic ulcers stomach and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. At the initial stage of gastritis, the drug is used with extreme caution. It is also not used to treat children under three years of age.

If a person is inclined to allergic reactions, the prepared drinking solution should be used after consultation with a doctor. IN in this case testing for products that cause allergies will be prescribed.

Preparation of medicinal syrups from onion juice and honey

The positive properties of onion-honey syrup are known to almost everyone, which is why this remedy has been used for hundreds of years. In order for the syrup to be not only medicinal, but also tasty, it is used in combination with other foods to reduce the bitterness of onions, as well as to eliminate its strong odor.

Important! It is best to use purple onions. It has the same properties as regular onions. But this species has a less pronounced smell and a less bitter taste. You only need to use freshly prepared juice, because if you leave it for a while, it will lose its healing properties.

Preparation of this remedy takes very little time. To do this, you will need to grind half a kilogram of onion in a blender or grater, and strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth to obtain juice. Add 100 g of natural honey to the onion juice, mix and apply 1 tbsp. spoon after eating, after dissolving in a glass warm water. It is recommended to store the resulting syrup in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

Recipes for onion juice with honey for respiratory diseases and coughs

In case of cough, several types of syrup are prepared:

  1. Ground baked onion with honey and butter. This recipe is suitable for children, as the onions release virtually no flavor. To prepare the mixture, you will need to bake a whole, unshelled onion in the oven. Then grate it and add butter and honey (until the onion has cooled). Take a teaspoon of this paste several times a day (only after meals).
  2. Infusion of onion juice and honey with wine. This recipe Recommended for use by adults only. To prepare, you will need natural grape wine (from dark grape varieties), about two medium onions and honey (half a glass). Pour wine over the grated onion and honey and leave for two weeks in a dry and dark place. When the infusion is ready, it must be strained and placed in a cool place (or in the refrigerator). Take a tablespoon of this drink after meals. This tincture copes not only with coughs, but also treats the throat, and also helps to quickly fight colds.

Some lovers traditional medicine they prefer to mix onion juice and honey with natural berry syrups, such as viburnum or rowan. Sometimes, in the absence of honey, sugar is added to make the drink a little nicer.

Important! For children, infusions and syrups with onions are used half a teaspoon 3 times a day. This dose can be adjusted and increased over time. This way the child will not get internal burns or allergic reactions.

Onion juice with honey for runny nose

In the practice of traditional medicine, onion nasal drops are often used. You can prepare the solution as follows:

  1. Chop the onion very finely and add hot water, about one cup per large onion.
  2. The infusion should sit for about half an hour, after which it must be strained and a quarter teaspoon of honey (liquid only) added.
  3. Apply the resulting product into the nasal passages, 2 drops no more than twice a day.

If the runny nose has progressed to the stage of sinusitis, then the onion does not need to be filled with water. It is recommended to squeeze the juice from the onion, add the same amount of honey and instill the liquid up to 3 times a day.

Important! When instilling liquid, you need to pay attention to the sensations. If there is a strong burning sensation in the nose area, it is recommended to discard this remedy.

Another area of ​​application of onion juice with honey

Women often use onion-honey remedies as cosmetic mask for hair growth and strengthening. To do this, dilute the juice of several onions with honey and apply it to the hair roots for 30-40 minutes. Then everything is washed off with massage movements.

You can add a few drops to such a mask essential oil, which has regenerative and nutritional value. These include: chamomile, almond, patchouli, tea tree and castor oil.

For a more effective result, you can add to the mixture egg white or olive oil.

Traditional medicine has many pros and cons. It is recommended not to try the products on yourself without the permission of a specialist.

That best medicines grow in the garden, humanity has known for a long time. With the help of affordable, easy-to-prepare and safe “home remedies” based on vegetables, fruits and herbs, our ancestors have long struggled with a wide variety of diseases.

One of the most popular remedies in folk medicine is onion juice. Humanity learned about its beneficial properties more than six thousand years ago. IN Ancient Egypt this plant was endowed magical properties, and the juice from it was considered the elixir of life. In the Middle Ages, doctors recommended that onion juice be consumed by soldiers during campaigns. In addition, it was already known that it increases the chances of surviving during deadly epidemics.

Today, onion juice is an ideal assistant in solving a huge number of different problems, not only of a medical, but also of a cosmetological nature.

Chemical composition

Onion juice is a product whose biological activity is literally off scale. This explains the fact that this product is traditionally used in a huge number of traditional medicine recipes as effective means to combat many ailments.

The main feature of this product is the presence of phytoncides in it - substances that provide immune protection plants. They have the property of inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria, fungi and viruses. This explains the effectiveness of onion juice for ARVI and influenza. Moreover, phytoncides are capable of destroying dysentery, tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli.

In addition, the juice contains more of which than in and, including the polysaccharide inulin. This is a prebiotic - in other words, a substance that is not absorbed in upper sections digestive system, but exclusively in the intestines, thereby promoting the development beneficial microflora. In addition, inulin is indicated for diabetes - this substance helps control blood sugar levels. This polysaccharide also helps strengthen the body’s resistance and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver.

In addition, the product is rich in vitamins C, E, PP, K. It also contains a wide range of: calcium, fluorine, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, etc.

Onion juice also contains essential oils, alkaloids, acids of organic origin, and mineral salts.


Benefit for health

Onion juice is a remedy that is used to treat and prevent a huge number of diseases thanks to wide range its beneficial properties.

So, this product:

  1. Helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for use in case of decreased appetite, stimulates secretion gastric juice and speeds up the digestion of food, effectively preventing stagnation.
  2. Helps remove toxic substances and waste from the body and avoid intoxication.
  3. Renders positive influence on the nervous system. For a long time, healers have used it as a medicine to treat insomnia and nervous disorders.
  4. Helps with urolithiasis. Thanks to its mild diuretic effect, it allows you to remove sand and small stones from the kidneys and bladder as delicately as possible.
  5. Inulin, which is part of onion juice, helps regulate blood levels.
  6. Helps clear the airways of mucus during colds thanks to bactericidal effect. The ability of onion juice to stimulate expectoration makes it an indispensable remedy for the treatment of bronchitis.
  7. Useful for atherosclerosis, improves the condition of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and helps dissolve cholesterol plaques.
  8. Possesses general strengthening effect, helping to survive the off-season, traditionally considered the season of colds, “without losses.”

Method of preparation and storage

Making onion juice is simple. In case if miracle cure you require significant amount, it is best to use a juicer.

There is another option - use a regular meat grinder. Due to the fact that onions are a very juicy product, when grinding them, first the liquid appears, and then the gruel, which, by the way, can also be used for treatment.

This product is a medicinal product that is able to preserve all its healing properties During a long time. You can store it in the refrigerator, in a glass container, carefully sealed.

Traditional medicine recipes

Most of us know that treatment with onion juice is effective for respiratory diseases - sore throat, bronchitis, ARVI - as well as influenza. However, there are many more traditional medicine recipes in which it is the main component.

For toothache

Try massaging the problem area with a brush previously soaked in onion juice.

For hypertension

An effective remedy for high blood pressure prepared as follows: juice from three kilograms of onions should be combined with 500 g and membranes of nuts (twenty-five pieces). Add to this mixture and infuse for one and a half weeks. Take the finished product three times a day. The dose is one tablespoon.

To strengthen brain vessels

A remedy made from honey and onion juice in equal doses will help make brain vessels more elastic and strengthen them. This medicine should be taken one tablespoon daily before morning and evening meals. The duration of the course is two months.

For urolithiasis

To remove sand and dissolve stones in the kidneys and bladder, drink two to three tablespoons of juice in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For vision problems

For those who feel that visual acuity has decreased as a result of prolonged exercise, traditional medicine advises lubricating the eyelids at night with a mixture of freshly squeezed onion juice and honey in a 1:2 ratio.

For epilepsy

Do epileptic seizures more rare and their intensity can be reduced by instilling a few drops of juice into the ears once a day.

For headaches

Apply a gauze compress soaked in onion juice to your forehead and temples to reduce the intensity of headache pain.

For insect bites

Get rid of redness, swelling and discomfort for mosquito bites, as well as bees and wasps, you can apply a compress soaked in freshly squeezed juice to the affected area.

Onion juice for colds

The off-season, traditionally considered a period of colds, and epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and flu - it is at this time that most of us remember our “grandmother’s” recipes based on onion juice. The presence of natural antibiotics and phytoncides in it really helps the body cope faster with unpleasant symptoms: nasal congestion, dry cough, painful sensations in the ears.

First of all, if you feel that the infection is about to “knock you down”, but you can’t get sick, try making a special cocktail. Mix 100 ml of lemon juice, five tablespoons of onion juice, one tablespoon of honey and gruel from one crushed clove. Pour the mixture into 200 ml of boiled water and drink the mixture before bed. Please note that the taste of this product is very specific, so it should be used only as a last resort.

If the disease still knocks you down, the same onion juice will come to the rescue.

With a runny nose

If you have a runny nose, this product will not only help get rid of nasal congestion, but also tidy up the mucous membrane.

The simplest remedy for nasal congestion is tampons with onion juice, which are placed in the nostrils. Peel the onion and grate using the finest grater. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix with a small amount water. Soak gauze or cotton swabs in the liquid and place them one by one, first in one and then in the other nostril. The duration of the procedure is about ten minutes. Please note that since onion juice may cause strong burning sensation in the nose, the mucous membrane must first be lubricated with a thin layer of cream or Vaseline. In addition, this procedure is not performed on children - they simply have the mixture instilled into their nose.

In addition, onion juice can be taken orally for a runny nose. Add honey to it in a 1:1 ratio and take a teaspoon a quarter of an hour before meals in the morning, lunch and evening.

In case of dryness of the nose caused by a runny nose and painful sensations in the mucous membrane of the nostrils, a healing ointment will come to the rescue. To prepare it, mix in equal proportions (approximately 5 g each) onion juice, honey, crushed cyclamen root and pulp. Heat the mixture a little, soak cotton swabs in it and make a compress on the nasal mucosa. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

From chronic runny nose will help special oil. To prepare it, grate one small onion on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Pour the gruel and juice into a glass of heated vegetable oil. Wrap the container with the medicine well and let it brew for seven hours. Ready oil Use every day to lubricate your nostrils.

For a runny nose of viral origin, prepare nasal drops. To do this, pour five drops of onion juice into 5 g. The mixture must be used immediately after preparation.

Please note that any onion-based products for a runny nose should not be used by children under six years of age. allergic rhinitis, as well as in case of individual intolerance. Also bury any similar means You can put it in your nose for no longer than three days, so that there is no burn to the mucous membrane.

For ear diseases

The bow comes to the rescue and frequent complication after ARVI or flu - otitis media.

Take a large onion and carefully cut it off top part. Also cut out the core. Pour a teaspoon of cumin into the resulting hole and place the vegetable in the oven. When the onion is soft, squeeze the juice into a bowl. Twice a day, instill this liquid into your sore ear two or three drops.

For dry cough

Onion juice can effectively replace expensive expectorants for painful, unproductive coughs.

Mix freshly squeezed juice in equal proportions with fresh, not candied honey. Take one tablespoon with meals three times a day.

Chop a small onion, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix it with 50 g of sugar. Let it brew for eight hours, then drink the juice in small sips. The procedure should be repeated once a day until expectoration begins.

For the flu

During a flu epidemic, regularly lubricate the nasal mucosa with onion juice mixed with a few drops of water. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection.

For sore throat

For sore throat, drink one teaspoon of juice in the morning, afternoon and evening. It will help reduce inflammation and sore throat, as well as clear mucus from the airways.

For adenoids

A mixture of the following ingredients will help cure adenoid vegetations: 10 ml of freshly squeezed onion juice, 10 g of honey, a teaspoon of melted. Add fifteen grams of cocoa butter and 30 grams to it and mix thoroughly. Soak in medicine cotton swabs and place them in your nostrils. It should be kept for a quarter of an hour.


Due to high biological activity and the very strong aroma of this product has quite a few contraindications. Thus, it is strictly not recommended for those who suffer from gastritis in the acute stage, pancreatitis, gallbladder diseases, as well as any peptic ulcers.

Caution should be exercised when using this product in medicinal purposes heart patients and asthmatics.

Finally, before using onion juice, make sure that you do not suffer from individual intolerance.

Use in cosmetology

Onion juice is used not only for the prevention and treatment of a huge number of diseases, but also for cosmetic purposes.

For skin beauty

Onion juice has long been used as a skin tonic. It perfectly relieves inflammation, helps moisturize the skin, and also get rid of age spots. In addition, it will come to the aid of those with oily skin and will help forget about unaesthetic shine, pimples and the notorious “blackheads”.

To get rid of acne, mix equal amounts of onion juice and. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and wipe the problem areas with the resulting mixture.

To cleanse normal and dry skin, you can use a lotion based on onion juice and. Mix the juice of one and a half tablespoons of cream, two tablespoons of vodka, the yolk of one egg and a tablespoon of onion juice. Wipe your skin with this mixture using a cotton swab, and after thirty minutes, wash your face first with warm and then cool water.

To tone the skin, you can use lotion made from glycerin. To prepare it, you will need two teaspoons of honey and glycerin, two tablespoons of onion juice and medical juice, as well as two grams sodium salt boric acid. Dissolve glycerin and boric acid in a small amount of boiling water, then add the remaining ingredients. Cool the finished mixture and wipe your face with it. After half an hour, wash your face.

To smooth out wrinkles, you can use ointment. To prepare it, mix thirty grams of onion juice with the same amount of white lily flower juice and the same volume of white wax. Heat the mixture over low heat in a clay pot. Apply warm to problem areas.

For hair beauty

Today, in pursuit of fullness and healthy shine of hair, fashionistas are acquiring more and more expensive products. At the same time, onion juice will help accelerate the growth of curls, strengthen the bulbs, and make the strands incredibly shiny and beautiful.

You can get rid of unaesthetic dandruff once and for all by rubbing a mixture of onion juice and a decoction of burdock roots (proportion 4:1:6) into the scalp. The problem is solved in literally three procedures.

If your hair is dry and brittle after perm or coloring, pamper it with a revitalizing mask. Mix the juice of one large onion with 20 g and forty grams of cognac. Add one tablespoon of honey and castor oil, the yolk of one egg and 10 drops of any essential oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and heat the mixture slightly in the microwave. After this, apply it to your hair and scalp. Keep the mask on for sixty minutes, wearing a bathing cap and wrapping your head in a towel. Then wash your hair thoroughly regular shampoo. Do the mask at least twice a week - and soon your curls will regain their absolutely healthy appearance.

If your hair begins to fall out, rub three tablespoons of onion juice mixed with the same amount of castor oil into your roots twice a week. Keep the mask on for about forty minutes. After this, wash your hair with shampoo.

Since ancient times, onions have been famous for their healing properties and, not yet having any information about medicine, pharmaceuticals and other health sciences, people actively protected themselves from various ailments with the help of onions and onion juice.

Builders also used it by order Egyptian pyramids and Roman legionnaires. Eastern scientists have spent a lot of ink describing its healing capabilities, and the famous Abu Ali ibn Sina used onion preparations to treat all diseases and, as history shows, very successfully.

Composition and properties of onion juice

This natural medicine very rich biologically active substances. There are more sugars here than in pears and apples; in particular, onion juice is rich in inulin. It is a polysaccharide that is indispensable for metabolism. In addition, the composition contains large quantities of proteins, fats, enzymes, organic acids, alkaloids, saponins, essential oil and alimentary fiber. The range of vitamins is rich - carotene, C, H, E, K, PP, the entire group B, as well as minerals - calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, chlorine, boron, aluminum, iodine, manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, rubidium, chromium, fluorine, zinc. If you consume one hundred grams of onions daily, daily requirement the body's supply of vitamins and minerals will be practically satisfied.

Found in onion juice, they provide a person with reliable protection. This is an active enemy of streptococci, diphtheria, tuberculosis and dysentery bacilli, in addition, they powerfully counteract influenza viruses and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Benefits of onion juice

In folk medicine, onion juice has been used since ancient times for both prevention and treatment. large quantity diseases. The following properties of onion preparations are considered indisputable:

  • improved digestion,
  • mild laxative effect,
  • normalization of blood sugar levels,
  • strengthening the whole body.

Application of onion juice:

  • normalizes appetite and production digestive enzymes,
  • favors the removal of toxins and waste from all cells of the body,
  • removing mucus from the respiratory tract.

Onion juice helps get rid of phlegm during coughs and flu; in case of urolithiasis, its diuretic properties are important, it eliminates swelling, helps remove sand and stones. With its use, the manifestations of hemorrhoids are reduced, vision improves, and dental health improves.

The use of onion juice in treatment

IN initial stages against atherosclerosis, the use of onion juice with honey stops the development of the disease, in addition, it is useful for the combination of atherosclerosis and diabetes. Onion juice also normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you have the flu, you should repeatedly lubricate the nasal mucosa with onion juice every day, this can prevent complications. In case of a runny nose, place tampons moistened with onion juice in the nostrils and keep them for up to a quarter of an hour. If the burning sensation during this procedure is very annoying, you can treat the nostrils one by one. Children are more pitied; onion juice is dripped into their nose, which is mixed with honey and diluted with boiled water. Regardless of age, a runny nose is treated internally, for which it should be mixed equally with honey and taken a teaspoon up to four times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals. For sore throat, it is preferable to consume onion juice in pure form.

For bronchitis, during meals, drink a tablespoon of onion juice, mixed equally with honey, which promotes the removal of sputum.

Adenoids are treated with a mixture containing onion juice. To prepare the mixture, mix ten grams of fresh juice and honey, add five grams of melted propolis, fifteen grams of cocoa butter and thirty grams of sea buckthorn. Achieve homogeneity of the mixture, moisten gauze or cotton wool in it, and place it in the nostrils for twenty minutes. This procedure must be performed several times a day. This is not a burning substance, so it is quite suitable for children.

Hypertrophy prostate gland can be cured within a month if you take a tablespoon of honey three times a day before meals. The same mixture is also effective for cerebral vascular sclerosis, but it should be taken twice a day before meals for two months.

The well-known vegetable onion is widely used in human life and everyday life. Almost all dishes are incomplete without it. But not everyone is aware of the large list of useful substances that this product contains. natural antibiotic. However, everything is individual, and what is useful for one does not always benefit others.

Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of onions, a cheap vegetable that can nevertheless greatly affect our health. We will also focus on its use in folk medicine.

But first, about its composition, which undoubtedly determines it in many ways beneficial features.

Chemical composition of onions

The unique composition of vitamins and microelements in onions determines their use in the treatment of vitamin deficiencies and scurvy.

Main beneficial properties of onions

  • Antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • phytoncidal - killing mushrooms, ciliates, pathogenic bacilli;
  • diuretics;
  • mild laxatives;
  • anthelmintic;
  • improving digestion;
  • positively influencing sexual function and masculine strength;
  • cleanses the blood of toxins.

Harm of onions or contraindications

  • Onions negatively affect cardiac activity. When onion juice enters the body, it is irritating nerve endings, rises blood pressure, the heart rate increases. People with high blood pressure should not eat onions in large quantities.
  • It is not safe for people who have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Provokes exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis. It can increase the acidity of gastric juice. A person begins strong gas formation, heartburn, nausea may occur.
  • If you have an existing disease, it can provoke asthma attacks, since onion enzymes excite the walls of the bronchi.
  • Individual intolerance to this product cannot be left in the background. To do this, you need to independently monitor your body after taking onions. There may be discomfort in digestive system, allergic reaction.
  • Many consider the smell remaining after eating onions to be a significant harm. But it’s quite easy to get rid of it with a sprig of parsley or a crust of dried bread.

The benefits of onions for the body

Why is it useful? onion?

  • Everyone knows the bow as the main fighter against. For colds and to prevent them, eat onions and breathe in their phytoncides. These beneficial enzymes, secreted by onions, protect our laryngeal mucosa if a virus or bacteria gets there and are capable of killing them. Fights colds such as,. Thus, it functions as an antibiotic.
  • Onions can increase blood pressure, so they are useful for people with. It has a tonic property and eliminates weakness in the body.
  • It is very useful for spring lack of vitamins in the body. Eating onions can replace some vitamin substances.
  • This product is very useful for men. Onions can increase the potency of men and fight prostate diseases.
  • Onion juice is used as a diuretic, so it can be taken for diseases of the urinary system and liver. At the same time, it does not cause dehydration due to the rapid absorption of all trace elements.
  • Onions contain antioxidants that can cleanse our body of toxins and cleanse the blood.
  • People who often suffer from pain should include more dishes with onions in their menu, as it makes the intestinal walls work.
  • Participates in metabolic processes body, takes part in the breakdown of fats, accelerates the process of digestion of food. That is why it should not be excluded from the diet of women on a diet.
  • It is widely used in oncology, in the fight against cancer.
  • Helps with headaches by blocking pain receptors.
  • The presence of vitamins C and A, calcium, potassium in onions has a beneficial effect on cardiac function and skeletal system. Iron increases the production of red blood cells in the blood, helps fight. Moreover, these vitamins are not lost during cooking and stewing.

Of course, the health benefits of onions do not end there; in many ways, they determine its use in traditional treatment recipes.

Use in the treatment of onions, use in folk medicine

      • Onion pulp is used for skin diseases: dermatitis, calluses,...
      • Rubbing onion juice into the hair skin helps strengthen the hair root system, growth and elimination.
      • Promotes fast healing wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
      • An excellent remedy for unwanted freckles on the face.

There are no contraindications for anyone to inhale onion enzymes - phytoncides, and stewed or boiled it is useful for everyone.

Onion infusion for worms

In the evening, chop a medium-sized onion and pour a glass of warm water, and in the morning drink the entire glass on an empty stomach. Drink for 5 days.

Onion juice with honey

Grind several onions in a meat grinder or food processor, squeeze out the onion juice, mix in a 1:1 ratio with natural honey.

An excellent remedy for bronchitis, severe cough for colds and fungal skin infections.

Just onion juice will help with bad sleep, neurasthenia, rheumatism.

Baked onion

This remedy is applied to poorly ripening ones for the fastest resolution of the process and its breakthrough. After a breakthrough, onions have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Baked onions will also help the barley ripen.

Apply it to small purulent wounds, abscesses, for example, with.

Chopped onion paste

A paste from one onion can be applied to the temples to reduce headache. Used as applications for dermatitis, the gruel relieves inflammation and itching from mosquito bites.

Hair bow

When it fell out it showed itself very well effective mask for hair with onions. These masks are universal - suitable for any type of curls. For full results, you need to apply 30-40 onion masks every other day.

In addition to the fight against baldness, the condition of existing dandruff will improve, existing hair will strengthen, it will grow better, become thicker and healthier, onion juice contains natural keratins, which we are so chasing in advertised and expensive shampoos.

You can simply rub the juice into your scalp, or mix it with liquid honey. We insulate and wash off after 2 hours of feeding.

Sometimes onion juice is suggested to be mixed with burdock decoction.

  • For very dry hair, the mask can be varied by adding castor and burdock oil, yolk chicken egg, a couple of drops oil solution vitamin A or E. This mask stays on the hair for half an hour.

There is, of course, a downside to homemade onion hair masks - the smell. The point is that in damaged hair Onion juice is more capable of penetrating than healthy ones, which is precisely the reason that it is so difficult to wash off. BUT nothing is impossible! After onion mask and washing the hair, they must be kept in herbal decoction burdock, nettle, chamomile for at least five minutes.

Another way to get rid of the smell is to wash your hair with colorless henna, mustard mixed with a solution of natural coffee. It would be a good idea to add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture. Apply all this to hair washed after the bow, warm and hold for 15 minutes.

An easier way is to add lemon juice to the rinse water.

If you liked the information about the benefits of onions, their dangers, and their many-sided use in traditional medicine recipes, then please like the article. Or write in the comments how you use onions to benefit your health.

Onion (from Latin Alliumcepa) - popular in our country perennial, a member of the onion family.

Countries of origin of onions are Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Science knows that it was grown in large quantities back in Ancient Egypt. Ancient Greece took over the baton several hundred years BC, many varieties of onions were already cultivated there.

This plant appeared in Rus' around the 10th century.

It gained its popularity thanks to its unique taste qualities and good productivity, and its healing properties have been known for a long time.

Different varieties of onions differ mainly in the color of the husk and the shape of the bulb.

The most common varieties have yellow bulbs, but purple and white bulbs are also found. The size of the root crop can vary widely.

The leaves of the plant are juicy bluish-green, tubular, hollow inside.

The length of the above-ground part can reach 60 cm.

During flowering, the plant throws out an arrow without leaves, at the end of which an umbrella inflorescence with a huge amount white-green flowers on long stalks.

Plants are pollinated by insects, mainly bees.

Onions protect your health - healing properties

Traditional medicine widely uses onions in its practice for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Onion juice is especially valuable in this regard.

Traditional medicine widely uses onion juice in its practice for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

For flu and colds, the juice of this amazing plant It is used for coughs to remove phlegm, and for urolithiasis it helps to remove sand and small stones.

For atherosclerosis, if you start taking onion juice with honey, especially in the first stages, you will be able to stop the progression of the disease.

This juice is also useful for hemorrhoids, high concentration cholesterol in the blood.

Onion juice becomes a real panacea during an epidemic of influenza and ARVI. Traditional healers It is recommended to lubricate the nasal mucosa with this product - this helps to avoid complications and serves as a prevention of viral diseases.

Also with onion juice, like remedy used by folk cosmetologists. Its use helps restore damaged, tired hair and nourishes the scalp.

In cases of baldness, the juice is used for hair growth. Thanks to his chemical composition, onions are very important to include in your diet.

If you drink it regularly, there is an improvement in appetite, the synthesis of digestive enzymes improves, and toxins are eliminated.

This vitamin bomb will help provide the body with most of the chemical compounds necessary for humans.

Chemical composition of onion juice

  • Phytoncides

Some of the most valuable components, included in the onion. These substances have antibiotic properties and increase the body's resistance to viral and microbial infections.

  • Vitamin B6

Onion juice contains vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine.

His main physiological function lies in the regulation of mineral, protein and fat metabolism. This substance is indispensable for diseases of peripheral nervous system, atherosclerosis and anemia.

With a lack of B6 in the body of pregnant women, toxicosis occurs, appetite disappears, problems with digestive tract. For normal development and growth, pyroxidine is necessary for the child's body.

  • Vitamin B9

Alliumcepa is rich in folic acid (B9), which is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes and nucleic amino acids.

B9 deficiency causes damage to the mucous membranes and skin, and anemia develops. It is especially important to maintain the level folic acid in the body of women during pregnancy. The deficiency can become one of the main causes of deviations in the development of the fetal central nervous system.

  • Vitamin C

One medium onion contains daily norm vitamin C. The human body cannot produce this substance on its own. Therefore, it is important to deliver it with food.

Ascorbic acid is responsible for metabolism, takes part in hematopoiesis processes, and regulates cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, vitamin C prevents carcinogenic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and bone tissue. Lack of ascorbic acid causes scurvy.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D, or calciferol, is also found in onions. It is responsible for the metabolism of minerals. Without vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus cannot be absorbed, so it is especially important for children when they are actively developing and growing. Deficiency leads to rickets, decreased physical activity, irritability, osteoporosis, caries.

  • Vitamin E

Another useful substance contained in onion juice is tocopherol (vitamin E). It protects the liver and cardiovascular system, and is responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones. With a lack of tocopherol, they are poorly absorbed.

  • Minerals

Onion juice is rich in minerals. Among important components calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, trace elements selenium and iodine can be noted.

Thanks to such a diverse chemical composition, onions can help in the fight against many diseases.

How is onion juice obtained?

Onion juice can be obtained using a regular hand grater, blender, or juicer.

This miracle vegetable has concentrated a lot of liquid, so you can get a lot of juice from one root vegetable.

  1. First, the onion must be peeled and washed. clean water to remove any remaining dirt.
  2. Wipe the washed vegetable with a clean towel.
  3. Next, you need to take a container that is wide enough (so that a grater can fit into it) and tall.
  4. It is better if it is an enamel or plastic container.
  5. Using a hand grater, grate all the onions until you get a paste.
  6. Then place the resulting mixture in a colander and use a spoon to squeeze the juice into a bowl or other convenient container.
  7. Do not press hard on the porridge when squeezing, otherwise it will be pressed through the holes and get into the juice.
  8. Place the remaining raw materials in a piece of gauze folded in several layers and squeeze out the remaining juice.

Making onion juice using a blender

  1. To make your life easier and not shed tears over the onions, you can use a blender.
  2. To do this, cut peeled and thoroughly washed vegetables into medium-sized pieces and place in a blender. Grind at high or medium speed until the output is a thick onion puree.
  3. Next, the same colander is used, but it is additionally necessary to line it with a paper napkin or gauze cloth folded in several layers, otherwise the pulp will fall into the container with the juice.
  4. Squeeze out the juice and discard the pulp.

You can use a juicer, and how to carry out the procedure can be found in the instructions for each individual device.

The juice can be refrigerated, but the beneficial properties are quickly lost. And the smell is getting worse. Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and prepare a fresh product.

Medicinal recipes based on onion juice

Onion juice for runny nose

How does onion juice work? antimicrobial agent at

It can be used in its pure form. Swabs made of gauze or cotton wool are moistened fresh juice, and put it in my nose for 10 minutes.

This procedure may be marked by a burning sensation, and in order to avoid this unpleasant moment, the mucous membrane is pre-lubricated with Vaseline.

  • Ointment with onion juice

You can prepare an ointment. Mix equal proportions of onion juice, cyclamen root, aloe pulp, honey (preferably liquid), and Vishnevsky ointment.

The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Before use, the ointment is heated to 36°C, applied to gauze swabs and placed in the nostrils for 10 minutes.

The procedure is repeated until the patient feels healthy.

  • Onion oil

Onion oil helps a lot. To do this, grind the onion to a puree and add 1 cup of heated vegetable oil to the resulting mass, leave for 7 hours. The resulting product is used to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose, especially with chronic runny nose.

Onion juice is very useful for inhalations. To do this, place a cup of juice in a vessel filled with boiling water, and cover the cup with a watering can made of paper or cardboard.

Inhale the vapors through each nostril in turn for 5 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day.

  • Onion cocktail for a runny nose

Onion cocktail, useful for a runny nose. Preparing such a product is not difficult.

Need to mix 100 ml lemon juice and 5 tbsp. spoons of onion juice, add 1 clove of garlic, passed through a spade, a tablespoon of honey, pour the mixture with 100 ml of boiled water.

The drink is drunk in one gulp before bedtime. You can't drink or binge. Traditional healers claim that a runny nose will go away overnight.

Onion juice for otitis media

For otitis media, warm onion juice (4 drops) is instilled into the ear - 2 times a day. Official medicine denies this method of treatment and considers it dangerous.

Onion juice for hair loss

To stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair, onion juice is used in a variety of interpretations.

Masks, decoctions, or simply rubbed into the head are prepared from it. For baldness, onion juice can stop the process of hair loss and stimulate the growth of new hairs.

  • For baldness

For severe baldness, it is recommended to rub freshly squeezed onion juice into the scalp once every two days. It can be mixed with water or honey. After rubbing, the head is wrapped in a plastic bag and wrapped in a scarf for 1-2 hours, then washed off thoroughly. For hair suffering from dryness, you can also add castor oil.

  • For hair loss

You can prepare a mask against hair loss. To do this, squeeze the juice from one medium-sized onion, add 2 tablespoons of cognac, 1 yolk and a tablespoon each of honey, lemon juice and castor oil. A few drops of essential oil are allowed for scent.

Heat the mixture of honey and oils in a water bath to 30-40°C and then add all the other components with vigorous stirring.

The mixture must be rubbed into the roots, wrapped and left for an hour. Afterwards wash it off warm water. For best result The mask is repeated once a week for a month.

You can also mix onion juice in equal parts with burdock oil. A mask with onion juice is rubbed into the head, the head must be wrapped for an hour and then washed off.

  • Onion juice and yeast mask

Excellent therapeutic effect owns a mask of their onion juice and yeast. Mix the juice of one onion with 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 tablespoon of castor oil and 1 tablespoon of burdock oil. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes and then rub into the roots. After an hour, wash off with shampoo.

Onion juice for cough

This product is inexpensive and can be safely given to children.

Onion juice with sugar acquires a more pleasant taste.

  • A medium-sized onion must be chopped and placed in a glass or enamel bowl, sprinkled with a tablespoon of sugar, mixed and hidden in dark place for a few hours.
  • The resulting syrup is good for coughs.
  • This juice should be drunk a tablespoon 3-4 times 25-30 minutes after meals.

It is tasty and healthy to drink a mixture of onion juice and honey when coughing. Juice and honey are mixed in equal proportions, and taken three to four times a day, a tablespoon.

  • Onion juice rub

When treating cough therapeutic effect can be achieved by using Alliumcepa juice rub.

To prepare, you need to heat the goose lard and mix it with juice. The mixture is rubbed warm into chest and the front of the neck. And if you add a spoonful of honey, the remedy can be taken orally.

It’s interesting about making onion juice for coughs, they talk about it in this video.

Onion juice for healthy skin

This king of vegetables is also useful in the field of cosmetology.

There are many recipes for the skin based on onion juice.

A life-giving mask of freshly squeezed juice and liquid honey (1:1) is suitable for all skin types. The mixture is kept for 10-15 minutes. Then the mask is removed first with a damp swab and then with a dry one. This product also helps remove stains from skin and freckles.

For oily skin A mixture of onion juice (from one root vegetable) with lemon (1 tablespoon) is suitable. The mixture is applied for 20-25 minutes and washed off with warm water.

When fighting acne The skin of the face must be lubricated with onion juice three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of onion juice

Despite the beneficial properties of the plant in question, onions are not useful for everyone.

First of all, this vegetable is contraindicated for people with liver and heart disease. In addition, individual immunity may occur.

Because of specific smell, you should not use onion juice-based products before work, study or other important event.

This root vegetable has the ability to increase arterial pressure, therefore, people with hypertension should not abuse onion products.

It can also trigger an asthma attack.

This product should be used with caution by people with duodenal or gastric ulcers.

When consuming onion juice and preparations based on it, do not forget to listen to your own reactions. If discomfort and disgust arise after consuming them, then you should not ignore the “signal” from your body.