MAP test: what is it, what is it for and how to decipher it? Positive and negative mar test results.

MAP test(MAR-test(mixed antiglobulin reaction)) – additional method examination of sperm to diagnose disorders of its fertilizing ability (diagnosis of infertility) associated with disorders of the immune system. The IgA and IgG antisperm antibody MAR test is performed by mixing a native sperm sample with latex particles or red blood cells coated with human IgA or IgG antibodies. IgG antiserum is added to this mixture. The formation of mixed agglutinates between particles and motile sperm shows that the latter are coated with antibodies.

To identifyantisperm antibodies in semen are released into ejaculate (sperm). According to the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO), the MAR test is carried out simultaneously with the analysis of the ejaculate (spermogram), that is, the test material (sperm) is collected in the same way as the spermogram. You need to immediately submit one ejaculate for spermogram and MAR test a.

The fact is that the sperm carries half the set of chromosomes - 23X or 23Y, and the man’s karyotype is 46XY. Thus, for a man’s body, his sperm is a genetically foreign agent. Conflict between these two parties does not occur due to the presence of the blood-testis barrier (the physical barrier between blood vessels and seminiferous tubules), which prevents blood cells from entering the testicular tissue, which prevents the development of the autoimmune process. However, this barrier can be damaged as a resultSome diseases and the body begins to produce antibodies to its own sperm, as to foreign antigens, cells. These antibodies are protein structures that, by binding to the surface of sperm, disrupt their motility, the fertilization process due to decreased sperm motility, disrupt the functional integrity of the sperm membrane, and increase the level of free radicals, lead to fragmentation of sperm DNA (disturb morphology), and can also cause sperm death. In the development of immune infertility, the main place is occupied by autoantibodies to one’s own sperm. Failure of defense mechanisms at any level can contribute to the appearance of antisperm antibodies. Damage to the blood-testis barrier allows the immune system access to testicular tissue. The test shows the number of active sperm coated with antisperm antibodies. In a regular spermogram, these sperm are considered capable of fertilizing an egg, but due to the antisperm antibodies associated with them, they are excluded from the fertilization process!

A positive MAR test is a conditional criterion for immunological infertility in men. Based on the type of antibodies studied, they are divided into MAR IgA and MAR IgG.

The MAR test is considered positive if more than 50% of actively motile sperm are covered with antisperm antibodies. MAR test - the norm should be less than 50%.

According to various literature data, 10-20% of infertility is associated with an immune factor.

  • Analysis of spermogram and mar test is recommended in the following cases:
  • Infertile marriage (detection of the male factor).
  • Infertility in men (prostatitis, varicocele, infections, injuries, hormonal disorders).
  • Preparing for artificial insemination.
  • Pregnancy planning.

If a man wants to check his fertility.

  • In what cases does it not make sense to donate sperm for a MAR test or when it is not feasible?
  • there are no motile spermatozoa in the spermogram or necrozoospermia (dead spermatozoa)

    with cryptozoospermia (single sperm in the ejaculate) or azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate).

In these cases, you should consult an andrologist and possibly perform a MAR test after treatment.

How to take the MAR test:To detect antisperm antibodies in the blood, a blood test (ELISA) is performed.

No special preparation is required before taking a blood test for antisperm antibodies. You only need to abstain for 3-4 days.

Previously, there were many questions and suggestions regarding the possibility of treating a positive MAP test. Considering that this is an autoimmune condition, men were offered to be prescribed glucocorticoids, but no positive dynamics were noted after such treatment, but there were quite a few complications. Therefore, worldwide research into the treatment of antisperm antibodies with glucocorticoids ceased after 1995. Unfortunately, in our country there are still patients receiving therapy with these drugs. Positive MAP test results cannot be improved, since this condition of sperm is caused by autoimmune causes, so a couple coming for ART and having a positive MAP test is offered ICSI.

Successful conception naturally depends on the health of both partners. Until recently, the inability to get pregnant was explained solely by one or another problem with the woman’s reproductive system. Medical practice and research on this topic have shown that in almost half of the cases when a couple for a long time can’t have a child, problems with the male body are to blame.

Therefore, to find out the reasons for childlessness, a man must undergo a spermogram - a microscopic determination of the quality of the ejaculate and a MAP test. After receiving the test results, many men are confused about what is happening to them, not knowing what it means when the MAP test is negative or positive. Let's figure out what this test is, how it differs from a spermogram and what it means.

What is a MAR test?

The main purpose of this laboratory analysis is to determine the number of sperm incapable of fertilizing an egg. The abbreviation "MAR" comes from English name"mixed agglutination reaction". The condition detected in this test, which is also called immunological infertility, is explained by the fact that in some autoimmune disorders, a person’s immune system perceives his sperm as foreign cells. At the same time, special antisperm antibodies belonging to the immunoglobulins of classes G, A and M are attached to the surface of the sperm. Such live creatures are characterized by significantly reduced mobility and are unable to reach the egg and fertilize it.

The production of antisperm antibodies and their binding to male germ cells occurs in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Infectious processes, venereal diseases.
  • Disturbance of the blood-testis barrier - in healthy person there is a barrier that separates the circulatory system and the seminiferous tubules and prevents immune cells from entering the sperm and meeting the living creatures. During injuries and surgical interventions, this barrier is broken.
  • Factors of unknown etiology.

During the MAP test, the number of sperm associated with antisperm antibodies is determined, which allows one to judge the likelihood of normal conception. Considering what last decade the frequency of immunological infertility has increased markedly, everyone is referred for this analysis larger number men.

In addition to the number of sperm whose surface is covered with antisperm antibodies, the MAP test makes it possible to find out on what part of the male reproductive cell these immunoglobulins are found. The biggest obstacle to conception is their attachment to the head of the sperm.

In what cases is it carried out?

  • Suspicion of male infertility - if for more than a year of regular sexual contacts Pregnancy cannot occur without contraception; men undergo a spermogram to determine their fertility. If microscopic analysis fails to identify any abnormalities, a MAR test is prescribed to identify possible autoimmune processes.
  • Reduced viability and motility of sperm - when determining deviations of these indicators from the spermogram during normal values, to find out their causes, a MAP test is prescribed.
  • Detection of sperm agglutination and aggregation.
  • Preparing for the IVF procedure.

Carrying out a MAP test is not possible if there is an insufficient number of motile sperm in the ejaculate or if there are complete absence.

What is the difference between a spermogram and a MAP test?

Both of these analyzes are the main methods for determining the quality of sperm and a man’s ability to conceive a child. A spermogram makes it possible to somewhat superficially evaluate the ejaculate, making it possible to find out the number of sperm it contains, the number of viable and motile cells without morphological disturbances, the viscosity of the seminal fluid, its acidity index and other characteristics. The MAP test is aimed at identifying live bait, on the surface of which antisperm antibodies are detected.

In this case, the integrity of the sperm membrane is damaged, which as a result are not able to fertilize the egg, but at the same time retain sufficient mobility. During a spermogram, it is impossible to distinguish normal motile sperm from infertile ones, which in some cases significantly complicates diagnosis male infertility.

How to submit?

In most cases, the MAR test and spermogram are performed simultaneously, and the material for these tests is provided in the same way. There are some preparation rules that must be followed to obtain the most accurate results:

  • For at least seven days before the study, the man should not drink alcohol or have sexual intercourse.
  • For several days ahead of the study, you should not expose your body to toxic compounds.
  • During the study period, taking medications is prohibited, so the MAP test is not indicated during the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  • You should not smoke for several hours before collecting ejaculate.
  • On the eve of the test day, you should avoid fatigue and nervous stress.
  • During the week before the analysis, you should avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse, and taking hot baths.

Sperm for the MAP test is obtained through masturbation and collected in a sterilized container. It is advisable to collect the material in a clinic, but you can also obtain it at home. In this case, the ejaculate should be delivered to the laboratory within an hour, the container with sperm should be transported carefully, at human body temperature.

The most accurate results are obtained when a spermogram and MAP test are performed simultaneously. In this case, it is advisable to submit the ejaculate for analysis in a clinical setting, and one specialist should decipher the results of the study.

How are the results deciphered?

The optimal case is when the conclusion states that the MAP test readings are normal. This means that male germ cells with antisperm antibodies are not detected in the ejaculate, or up to 10% of them are detected.

If the man is told that the MAR test is negative, there is also no cause for concern. In such subjects, from 10 to 50% of sperm are detected with antisperm antibodies attached to their surface. In such cases, the ejaculate contains enough normal sperm to conceive, and the reason that fertilization does not occur lies in something else.

If the MAP test is positive, over 50% of sperm are present in the ejaculate, on the surface of which antisperm antibodies are detected. Moreover, the higher the determined percentage, the less chance a man has of becoming a happy father. Natural conception is absolutely excluded when the MAR test result is 100%. In this case, an IVF procedure is indicated.

MAP test - what is it? You can find the answer to this question in the materials of this article. Also from it you will learn about in what cases such a study is prescribed, what and how it reveals.

General information

MAP test - what is it and how is it translated? The literal translation of this term is “mixed agglutination reactions.” It should be noted that this name is quite informative, because it indicates the method of analysis itself.

What is it used for?

The MAP test is diagnostic method, which is actively used to establish the existing causes of male infertility. As a rule, such a study is prescribed only after the interpretation of the spermogram has not shown the presence of obvious deviations in the parameters of this analysis.

What does a negative MAP test mean? This good result for the patient, because it indicates normal condition reproductive functions of a man. What to do if the MAP test is positive? Treatment in this case is simply necessary for the stronger sex.

In what cases is it prescribed?

A spermogram is a simple analysis that shows the composition of the ejaculate, namely, how many non-viable or viable, immature or defective sperm are in it, as well as the presence of any bacteria or viruses. In most cases, this research is sufficient. However, there are situations when ideal indicators This analysis does not fit in any way with reality, that is, with the absence of pregnancy in a woman whose normal reproductive state has been confirmed by careful medical examination. In this case, men are prescribed a MAP test. Not every representative of the stronger sex knows what it is. That is why we decided to talk in detail about this study.

MAP test - what is it? Let's find out together

This test reveals the number of sperm that are coated with antisperm antibodies. The presence of these substances means that the man’s body began to perceive his own germ cells as foreign. Thus, he tries with all his might to get rid of them.

Antisperm antibodies are complex proteins that are necessary to counteract “aggressors”. They attach to the surface of sperm, thereby limiting their viability and speed.

Reasons for the appearance of antibodies

There are quite a few reasons why a man’s body begins to attack its own reproductive cells, namely:

  • various infections;
  • injuries to the genital organs (for example, if the barrier between the blood vessels and the seminiferous tubules is broken, resulting in sperm entering the blood);
  • causes of unknown origin;
  • internal diseases of the genitourinary area.

It should also be noted that more recently, new evidence has emerged that the production of antisperm antibodies is associated with promiscuity in men. Thus, a large number of foreign proteins are perceived by the body as a threat.

What and how does the MAP test reveal?

Such research requires two elements:

  • a solution consisting of latex balls that contain human immunoglobulin;
  • antiserum to the solution.

To perform this test, the patient's sperm is alternately mixed with serum and a latex bead solution. As a result of such actions, sperm with antisperm antibodies begin to attach to the balls. Then everything is very simple - specialists can only count the number of spermatozoa that are associated with antibodies, and the number of free spermatozoa that are not associated with them. At the end of the test, the data must be compared. If half of the sperm are covered with antisperm antibodies, then the chances of paternity are significantly reduced, but not completely lost. If such antibodies cover more than 51% of sperm, then paternity is impossible (only through IVF).

Test cost

After the test is prescribed, every man is interested in where to get the MAP test? As a rule, it is carried out in specialized andrology clinics. The cost of such a study may vary significantly from one place to another. medical institutions and fluctuate between 500-1500 Russian rubles.

Rules for taking the analysis and preparation

It is advisable to be well prepared for such a study, namely:

  • completely exclude any sexual contact (2-5 days);
  • stop using medications a week before the actual test;
  • do not visit saunas and baths;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages a week before the test;
  • avoid stressful situations, eliminate physical activity and normalize sleep.

Obtaining sperm for the MAP test is done through masturbation. The sterile container in which the material is placed must have a tight-fitting lid (preferably a screw-on one). The sperm must be transported to the laboratory within an hour, keeping it warm. As a rule, the results of the MAP test are known the next day.

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MAP test (positive and negative): what it is, interpretation of results

The probability of conceiving a child depends equally on both the woman and the man. IN last years There is an increase in the number of couples who cannot have children due to male infertility. A man's ability to conceive is known to be related to the number of active sperm in his seminal fluid. According to statistics, approximately 50% of infertile men have disturbances in the functions or development of germ cells. To pick up correct treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the pathology. For this purpose, a study of the patient's seminal fluid is performed. Standard methods diagnostic tests are spermogram and MAP test.

When is a MAP test done?

Usually one spermogram is enough to make a correct diagnosis. But there are also cases when the spermogram does not show significant deviations, and the long-awaited conception does not occur. Then they resort to an additional diagnostic method - the MAP test.

Main indications for the MAP test

Indications for performing this study are:

- Infertility in men.

— Preparation for IVF, ICSI or insemination.

- Bonding of male reproductive cells to each other.

- Influence pathogenic microorganisms on the male reproductive sphere.

Contraindications for the MAP test

This diagnosis is not indicated in the following cases:

— When there is a complete absence of sperm in the semen (as a result of spermogram analysis).

— When the number of motile cells in the seminal fluid is too small to evaluate their characteristics.

MAP test - what is it?

MAP test (mixed antiglobulin test, mixed antiglobulin reaction, MAR-test) is a diagnostic method that allows you to identify a factor of reduced fertility from an immunological point of view. Using the MAR test, the percentage of sperm that are associated with antibodies of the IgG and IgA classes is determined - a direct MAR test and the titer of antisperm antibodies (ASAT) in biological fluids(sperm plasma, blood plasma) - indirect MAR test. This test represents the internationally accepted standard for diagnosing ACAT.

The Mar test makes it possible to identify motile germ cells (which are defined as normal in the spermogram) as unsuitable or suitable for fertilization. This diagnosis is based on mixed agglutination reactions. Positive result in in this case indicates a serious problem.

Immune infertility (which is detected by the MAP test) is spoken of in cases where the majority of active sperm are exposed to antisperm antibodies - immunoglobulins G and A (IgG and IgA). IgA antibodies are produced locally in the epididymis and testicles, IgG enters the reproductive tract from the blood, they attack sperm and form an antisperm membrane around them.

What is the difference between a spermogram and a MAP test?

Both tests are used to assess a man's reproductive capacity. At the same time, the spermogram is more superficial research, because it does not allow doctors to obtain all the information about the state of male reproductive cells.

The following situation often arises: all spermogram parameters are normal, but conception does not occur. In this case, additional diagnostic procedure related to immunological research- MAP test.

This procedure involves an in-depth analysis of the fertilizing ability of sperm. With its help, you can determine how many germ cells are covered with antisperm bodies. There are cases when the male body synthesizes special antibodies that attack sperm. Male reproductive cells remain mobile, but are no longer capable of fertilization.

A spermogram makes it possible to estimate only the number of immobile and motile germ cells. It is impossible to identify motile infertile sperm (not capable of fertilization) using this analysis. But a spermogram can reveal a connection between infertility and infectious or viral effects.

The production of antisperm antibodies is associated with the following factors:

— Injuries to the scrotal organs or surgical interventions, after which the boundary between the vessels and seminiferous tubules collapsed.

— Various pathologies of the genitourinary system.

At normal operation The immune system's antibodies or immunoglobulins (special proteins) attack exclusively foreign objects (antigens). But if, under the influence of the factors listed above, any malfunction occurs in the functioning of the immune system, immunoglobulins begin to attack the germ cells own body, that is, a violation of the blood-testis barrier (BTB) occurs.

How to take the MAP test

The study can be carried out using one of two methods: direct or indirect. In the first case, seminal fluid is analyzed, and in the second, blood serum is analyzed. The direct method is used much more often because it is more informative. But it is better to perform both analyzes at once, since it is in combination that they provide the most accurate data on the state of sperm and the immune system (that is, they complement each other).

Usually the MAP test is performed in parallel with the spermogram. Material for research is collected through masturbation. There is no need to donate two portions of sperm, since for both studies, samples are taken from the same portion.

Collecting sperm for analysis requires preliminary preparation. To do this, you must strictly adhere to a number of rules. For several days before the test, you should under no circumstances come into contact with toxic compounds. So, if a man’s work involves interaction with chemicals, the test should be performed after a vacation or weekend. In addition, sexual abstinence is recommended 5-7 days before the study. This is necessary so that the material for analysis does not contain the microflora of the partner. It is also highly undesirable to drink alcohol for several days before the test. A few hours before collecting seminal fluid, you will have to give up cigarettes. There is also a restriction on taking hormonal drugs. If a man has taken such drugs over the past 6 months before the analysis, then his results may be greatly distorted.

When there are 1-2 days left before the analysis, you need to ensure complete emotional peace, get a good night's sleep and refrain from strong physical activity and going to the gym.
If a man is undergoing treatment for inflammation of the genitourinary system, then it is better to postpone sperm testing to a later date.

To obtain a reliable result, you do not need to take anything for 10 days before the analysis. medicines or dietary supplements. Also during this period you should refrain from visiting the bathhouse or sauna. When colds The study is carried out no earlier than a week after complete recovery.

The container for collecting sperm must be sterile. The collected material must be transferred to the laboratory within an hour. If it takes longer to arrive, the sperm may change their characteristics or die. The results of the analysis in this case will naturally be distorted. In addition, the container with the material must not be refrigerated, otherwise the properties of the sperm may change significantly. That's why The best way sperm donation - this is within the walls of the laboratory, usually created for this purpose comfortable conditions(separate toilet room with erotic magazines).

How long does it take to do a MAP test?

The wait for the analysis results does not take long; usually the transcript can be obtained the very next day. To be sure of the accuracy of the study, it is advisable to repeat it after 14 days. If the same result is obtained twice, the study can be considered reliable.

Decoding the MAP test

How are MAR test results evaluated?

The result is assessed by how many sperm carry antisperm antibodies. This is visible in the form of immune beads that cover the sperm. These sperm are counted and the percentage of total number motile sperm, and also takes into account the location of the immune beads (on the head, on the neck, on the tail of the sperm). This makes it possible to determine to which parts of the sperm antisperm antibodies are formed.

Mar test is positive or negative - what does it mean?

The results of the MAP study allow us to draw conclusions about the patient’s reproductive capabilities. The norm is a negative test result. He says that in the seminal fluid of a man there is sufficient quantity sperm suitable for fertilization. In case of a positive result (when more than half of the sperm have abnormalities), the likelihood of pregnancy is low. This result suggests that the man may be suffering from immunological infertility.

The result of the study is indicated as a percentage. The higher this percentage, the less likely a man is to conceive a child naturally.

A positive MAR test means that 25-50% of sperm are covered with antisperm antibodies, the result varies depending on the laboratory (the norm is indicated on the form).

Negative MAR test - from 0 to 10-25% of sperm are covered with immune beads.
If a certain number of abnormal cells are detected, but they are less than 25-50% of the total number, the man has a chance of conceiving.

MAP test is normal

The analysis determines IgG antibodies and IgA ( percentage for each separately). The presence of up to 10% of spermatozoa with abnormalities in the ejaculate is considered normal. If the analysis transcript contains the phrase “MAP test is negative,” then sperm with defects were not detected, or their number is within normal values, that is, up to 10% for each IgA and IgG group.

MAP test – pathology

From 10% to 40%, fertilization is possible, but some kind of immune reaction is present.

A high percentage of IgA may indicate a disruption of the blood-testis barrier (BTB).
2-3 weeks after the restoration of GTB, the number of these antibodies decreases. High levels of IgG appear approximately 2 weeks after the violation of GTB and remain for up to a year. In addition, the development of antisperm immunity can be caused by urogenital infections that cause cross-immunity.

There are cases when the analysis result approaches 100%. This indicator indicates that a man has practically no chance of paternity. In this case, the andrologist makes a diagnosis of autoimmune or immunological infertility. Then the only option for the married couple is artificial insemination or long-term treatment with an unguaranteed pregnancy.

MAP test is positive - what to do

A positive MAP test often indicates the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in genitourinary system, therefore, it is imperative to get tested for STIs and tests for prostatitis and conduct additional examination. If a pathogen is detected, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy using antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, and also requires physiotherapeutic procedures.

Treatment of autoimmune infertility

If the infectious agent is not detected, then treatment is prescribed according to the following scheme.

Treatment methods for immunological infertility:

- immunosuppressive therapy (prescribe small doses of hormones, for example, corticosteroids for a course of 2-3 months;

- nonspecific desensitization using antihistamines (suprastin, loratadine, tavegil, cetirazine);

The MAP study is a laboratory test that is widely used today to identify the causes of male infertility. It is performed in combination with a spermogram and allows an accurate assessment of a man’s reproductive abilities. Thanks to the MAP study, doctors have the opportunity to identify all the factors that led to decreased fertility and prescribe appropriate therapy to the patient.

The combination of spermogram and MAP test is effective way diagnosis of male infertility, since these two studies make it possible to identify any variant of decreased sperm fertility.

Tests performed in accordance with all the rules and interpreted by an andrologist give full information about the causes of infertility. Based on them, it is possible to reliably assess a man’s chances of conceiving a child naturally and, if necessary, prescribe treatment to the man to improve the quality of sperm.

Publication date 03/15/2017

MAP test - what it means and why it is performed, how to take the test

When is the MAP test performed?

As a rule, the direction to similar study given to the patient when a couple has problems conceiving a child, or if agglutination or aggregation was detected in the man’s spermogram.

The essence of the method is that the doctor determines the number of mobile gametes capable of conception in a biological substance. The material for research can be ejaculate, deoxygenated blood or mucous substance from the surface of a woman's cervix.

There are two types of MAP test: direct and indirect.

  1. In the first case, the analysis is carried out using seminal fluid or cervical mucus.
  2. In the second option, blood plasma is used as the material.

Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor receives the exact percentage of healthy sperm ready for fertilization and gametes combined with antisperm bodies or other enzymes in biological fluids.

MAP test: what is it for?

The main task of the MAP test is to confirm the immunological infertility of representatives strong half. This infertility occurs due to the fact that antibodies formed in the male body adhere to sperm. As a result, healthy sperm cannot overcome the distance in the female genital tract to the egg. Often the number of free gametes becomes so small that a man is diagnosed with infertility.

The problem of immunological infertility is that sperm are regarded by the male body as foreign bodies, potentially hazardous to health.

As a result, the immune system produces antibodies that attach to sperm and limit them, making them less fast and mobile. According to the results of the spermogram, such associated gametes are determined to be absolutely normal. Therefore, to obtain reliable data, you need to undergo MAP testing.

The result of the Mar test reflects the exact number of sperm connected to the protein. These indicators determine whether a man has the opportunity to impregnate a woman, or whether healthy and motile sperm are not enough to conceive a child.

Sometimes antibodies stick to male gametes in the female body. In this case, to detect pathology, it is necessary to conduct a MAP test of the woman’s cervical mucous substance. If it turns out that a woman’s immune system produces protective bodies against her partner’s sperm, treatment will be carried out not only by the man, but also by the woman. Sometimes an analysis is prescribed immediately after sexual intercourse, since this way you can get the most accurate result.

Indications for prescribing a MAP test

In most cases, sperm examination ends with a spermogram. Only some men are additionally prescribed a MAP test. The need for additional research arises when following indications:

  • Infertility in men. In this case, the MAP test helps monitor the treatment process and the effectiveness of the drugs used.
  • Serious injury or inflammation in organs reproductive system which can trigger the development of infertility.
  • Surgical intervention on the genital organs.
  • The gluing of spermatozoa to each other, revealed in the spermogram, or low mobility of gametes.
  • Preparation for artificial insemination.
  • A couple's desire to conceive a child, preparation for pregnancy.

Under these circumstances Special attention is paid to the quality of a man’s seminal fluid, and therefore analyzes and tests are prescribed that can determine fertility.

By the way, here is the approximate cost of taking the MAP test in different clinics, the price is indicated in rubles:

How to take the MAP test?

Today, almost every hospital has a laboratory where you can take the MAP test. The procedure for collecting material is quite simple. The laboratories have a special room where a man can independently collect seminal fluid through masturbation.

In addition, this can be done at home, however, it is important that the study is carried out on fresh sperm, so it must be brought to the laboratory within three hours.

Before donating sperm for a MAP test, you must undergo certain preparation. This is necessary to ensure that the analysis results are as accurate as possible. And the subsequent treatment is effective. To achieve reliable data, the following rules must be observed:

  • If the MAP test is performed using blood plasma, then you must stop drinking any alcoholic beverages a week before the test. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein.
  • Before donating sperm for a MAP test, a man must abstain from any sexual contact for 2-3 days.
  • A week before the MAP test, you should stop smoking.
  • During the week before donating sperm for analysis, a man should avoid visiting bathhouses and saunas, since elevated temperatures seriously affect the quality of sperm.
  • In addition, in order to obtain reliable data on the quality of the ejaculate, it is necessary to stop taking any medications and refuse junk food a week before the analysis.

The quality of seminal fluid is influenced by many factors, including bad habits, hot environments, elevated body temperature, consumption of spicy and fatty foods, as well as stressful situations and strong experiences. That is why it is recommended to get your lifestyle in order before taking the MAP test.

How are PSA test results interpreted in men?

What does the Mar test show?

Decoding the mar test is quite simple. The Mar test is considered positive if the number of glued and immobile sperm is more than a quarter of all gametes in the ejaculate. If the number of immobile sperm is less than 25%, the mar test is considered negative.

The essence of the MAP test is that the specialist counts all the gametes in a portion of seminal fluid, and then determines the number of sperm covered with immune beads. Next, the percentage of sperm glued with antibodies is determined. If this amount exceeds the norm, the mar test becomes positive.

Also, upon examination, the specialist notes exactly where the immune beads are located on the sperm. This indicator indicates which part of the gamete the body produces antibodies to.

A positive Mar test is normal for diseases such as varicocele. infections and injuries of the reproductive system, surgery or previous biopsy, as well as obstruction of the vas deferens.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a 100% mar test?

If the result of the mar test shows 100%, then this indicates that all sperm in the man’s seminal fluid are associated with antigens. In this case, the doctor also prescribes additional research aimed at finding the cause of a positive mar-test. Of course, everything here will depend on the characteristics of the patient’s condition, however, in most cases, with a positive mar-test with a result of 100%, the doctor diagnoses male infertility.

An andrologist can prescribe treatment for a man with a positive mar-test, but, as practice shows, infertility therapy takes a long time; treatment can even last more than one year. Sometimes therapy does not bring significant results, but only slightly increases the number of healthy and motile sperm.

In cases where the MAP test showed 100%, it is recommended to use the option artificial insemination. This procedure lies in the fact that specialists in laboratory conditions separate a certain number of healthy sperm from a man’s seminal fluid, purify them of antigen, and then artificially place them in a woman’s egg.

Mar test according to Kruger

The Kruger Mar test is a more advanced test that includes an additional staining method. This method allows you not only to count the number of healthy and glued sperm, but also to determine their morphology. The specialist evaluates the structure of sperm cells, their symmetry individual parts, as well as with the help of special software determines the size of sperm.

The Kruger Mar test has very strict criteria. At the same time, only those gametes that fully correspond to accepted standards. The World Health Organization has set a minimum threshold for the presence of morphologically normal sperm in semen at 4%.

The standard Kruger mar test includes the determination of the following indicators:

  • Physico-chemical properties of sperm. These include release volume, viscosity, transparency, color, smell, etc.
  • Initial examination of unpainted material. In this case, the specialist’s task is to calculate total spermatozoa and isolate the number of glued gametes from them.
  • Then the ejaculate is stained with a special preparation, after which the sperm are examined for their structure and shape. For such an analysis, at least 200 sperm are taken.
  • Sperm analysis using a computer program designed to measure the size of gametes. The study also uses 200 sperm.

Morphology analysis – important indicator, talking about the quality of a man’s sperm. If the number of sperm that are correct in shape and size is below a certain norm, a man’s fertility decreases. The Mar test allows you to determine all the deficiencies in a man’s seminal fluid, thanks to which the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Not in all cases, infertility becomes incurable, so do not despair.

Determination of immune infertility using the Mar test

When preparing for pregnancy, a couple has to undergo various tests, examinations, and examinations. Often the cause of infertility is problems in the male body. And then the man is prescribed tests to help determine the reason why pregnancy fails. One of the examinations is the Mar test. It is carried out to determine autoimmune infertility. This test determines the number of sperm associated with antisperm bodies. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about the possibility or impossibility of conception naturally.

Autoimmune infertility in men: causes

IN healthy body sperm does not come into contact with immune cells. On the contrary, she is protected by a barrier. However, a number of reasons lead to the barrier being destroyed, and the body begins to produce antibodies to sperm. Antisperm bodies of the LgG type are found in the blood, and antisperm bodies of the LgM type are found in the seminal fluid.

Antibodies, which are essentially complex proteins, form a membrane on the surface of the sperm, which leads to sperm gluing and immobilization.

Male cells become unable to cross the cervical fluid and penetrate the egg, which is necessary for successful conception.

Here are the reasons that lead to autoimmune infertility:

  • Infections;
  • genital injuries, including operations;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • unknown reasons.

Note! Why does the immune system react so violently to male reproductive cells? The fact is that the chromosome set of “ordinary” cells human body– 46 chromosomes. And there are only 23 of them in sperm, which is perceived by the immune system as the presence of an enemy and aggressor. Therefore, as soon as protective barrier is destroyed, the immune system immediately attacks the “stranger”.

Test for the determination of antisperm antibodies and its types

In order to determine the presence of autoimmune infertility, a Mar test is performed. What is it and why is it needed? The fact is that a regular spermogram does not determine the number of sperm glued with antibodies, but evaluates them as capable of fertilization. In this case, a test is prescribed that shows the amount of antisperm antibodies in relation to sperm capable of fertilization.

There are two types of Mar test:

  1. Straight. It is used to determine the number of sperm combined with antibodies. Material for research: male seminal fluid or female cervical mucus.
  2. Indirect. Material for research: blood plasma. Using this test, the titer of antisperm bodies is determined.

In accordance with the requirements of the WHO (World Health Organization), the Mar test must be carried out together with a spermogram, this is what will make it possible to see the full picture.

The direct Mar test is carried out in this way: sperm is mixed with latex particles or red blood cells that are coated with human antibodies. IgG antiserum is then added. Spermatozoa coated with antibodies stick together with the injected particles. Next, the percentage of spermatozoa that have antisperm bodies on the surface in relation to normal cells is assessed. In addition, the Mar test helps determine the location of antibodies - tail, neck or head. This research method is preferable.

The second research method is indirect, carried out using blood sampling, and is carried out using the ELISA method (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

In what situations is a Mar test necessary?

Here are the indications for testing to detect antisperm antibodies:

  • Infertility in men;
  • agglutination (that is, gluing) of sperm;
  • previous illnesses – testicular injuries, testicular or prostate infections;
  • preparation for ART: IVF or ICSI;
  • pregnancy planning. especially if autoimmune infertility is suspected or other causes of failure have been excluded.

How to take the Mar test? Preparation and delivery of material

It is advisable to use both direct and indirect antibody detection tests. With an indirect research method special preparation is not required, except to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages several days before the test. And here's to direct method, that is, the study of seminal fluid, you need to prepare.

  1. Stop sexual intercourse 2–4 days before the study, but no more than 5 days;
  2. a week before the test, stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  3. do not visit saunas, baths ( heat does not have the best effect on sperm quality);
  4. stop taking medications for a week;
  5. limit, or better yet exclude, fatty and spicy foods.

Before submitting the material for analysis, you need to urinate and wash your genitals with soap. Sperm collection is done through masturbation. Please note: you cannot use lubricant or a condom. If the collection takes place at home, then the material for research must be delivered within one hour, following some rules:

  • Use a sterile container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • Storage temperature should be close to body temperature, avoid direct sunlight;
  • Sperm collected after sexual intercourse is not used.

Important! To get the most reliable result, it is advisable to conduct the study twice, maintaining an interval of two weeks.

When is a mar test not possible?

The Mar test is not performed if there are no sperm in the ejaculate, or if their number is too small, as well as with necrozoospermia, azoospermia and cryptozoospermia. In such cases, preliminary treatment is necessary.

Research results: how to understand the meanings?

When the test results are in hand, you want to find out the meaning as soon as possible. What is the norm and what is considered a deviation?

The interpretation of the results is as follows: if the Mar test shows up to 10% of sperm with antisperm bodies, then this is a negative result. This result is the norm. If the result is from 10 to 50%, then there is a possibility of immunological infertility, and the chances of becoming a parent are somewhat reduced. But this result can also be considered as the norm. But a figure above 50% is a positive result, and is regarded as an increased likelihood of autoimmune infertility.

In short, a negative result is the norm, it indicates the absence of immune infertility, and a positive result is bad. He talks about increased likelihood autoimmune infertility.

In addition to the quantity, the Mar test also takes into account the location of antibody attachment. The head is considered the most unfavorable, since this location prevents the sperm from implanting into the egg.

But you should remember: deciphering the results is the prerogative of the doctor. Therefore, do not rush to draw conclusions and make diagnoses before you see a specialist and receive competent advice.

Positive result: what to do?

Once you receive a positive result, do not despair. This is not a death sentence, although it is confirmation of the presence of autoimmune infertility. Usually, to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy in such cases, they resort to ART - assisted reproductive technologies. With the help of IVF or IVF + ICSI, it is possible to achieve pregnancy even with a 100% rate.

Mar test- this is a study that helps determine the presence of antisperm antibodies in seminal fluid and blood and calculate the ratio of sperm connected to them in relation to normal ones. The Mar test is carried out together with a spermogram, as it gives the most complete picture, and the spermogram confirms the possibility of carrying out the test (the presence of live sperm and a sufficient number of them). At positive result analysis, you will need to resort to assisted reproductive technologies in order to conceive a child.

What does a negative MAP test mean and how to treat for a positive result?

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MAR test is a laboratory research method that reveals the percentage of sperm associated with immunoglobulins (antibodies) of the IgG and IgA classes (direct MAR test). If antibodies are determined in biological media (sperm, blood serum, cervical mucus), the test is called indirect. Refers to standard international methods for diagnosing immunological infertility.

Essence of the method

Antibodies to sperm are produced by lymphocytes, circulate normally in the blood in small quantities, and are present in sperm. They are used by the body to “utilize” sperm that have been present for a long time in the male genital tract, the viability of which is reduced under the influence of antibodies, and their destruction occurs. Antibodies are protein structures that react with certain points (antigens) of sperm located in different parts of them:

  • On the head.
  • Cervical areas.
  • The membrane of the tail of the reproductive cell.

The indirect agglutination reaction (used by the MAP test) uses washed red blood cells as a marker, onto which antibodies of the IgG and IgA classes to sperm are adsorbed. These antibodies react with sperm that have the corresponding head, neck or tail membrane antigen. Bonding occurs only of “interested” spermatozoa, which are clearly visible under a microscope in the vicinity of red blood cells.

Why does this reaction occur?

The appearance of germ cells with antigenic properties occurs normally and in pathology. A small number of sperm, long time located in the caudal part of the epididymis, having “aged”, begin to collapse. They are absorbed by spermiophage cells, and some of the destroyed cells become antigens.

Damaged germ cells are a protein structure to which the body produces antibodies. The reason for this cell damage remains unclear. Believe that they matter:

  • Hereditary factor.
  • Immunity defects in the form of frequent infectious diseases coccal, viral nature.
  • Injuries to the genital organs (also surgical interventions).
  • Ionizing radiation.
  • Chronic toxic effects on the male body (alcoholism, smoking, drug use, occupational hazards).

This pathology may be of hereditary origin.

A large number of sperm containing antigens that react with the IgG and IgA classes of immunoglobulins are the cause of immunological infertility. Their content of the total number of germ cells should normally be up to 10%. Exceeding this composition by more than 50% is considered a positive MAP test and may indicate the presence of immunological problems with sperm and the need for treatment. The MAP test can be 100% positive. This is the most serious conclusion for predicting paternity.

When and how to do it

An immunological form of infertility can be suspected if the health of sexual partners is not satisfactory and the spermogram result is good. In this case, in the absence of pregnancy protection for both spouses and regular sexual activity, problems with the immune system of the partners can be assumed. Testing using the MAP test involves preparation for the delivery of biological material, reminiscent of that for a spermogram. For this:

  • For 7 days it is recommended to avoid sexual activity, heavy physical and emotional stress, and visiting a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Stop taking medications, dietary supplements, alcohol, drugs (the result may be distorted if hormonal medications have been taken over the past six months).
  • Eat regularly.
  • Do not smoke 3-4 hours before submitting the test material.
  • All sperm obtained through masturbation is donated, its analysis begins no later than an hour after receiving. Cooling of sperm is not allowed. It is placed in a special container and the temperature is maintained at about 25 degrees. The result is issued the next day.

    At the same time, a spermogram from the same material is examined. The results are influenced by those transferred during last week ARI, which requires postponing the delivery of the material for 2 weeks until the man has fully recovered. The reliability of the analysis increases with paired studies conducted with an interval of 2 weeks.

    It is impossible to perform a MAP test if there are no sperm or very few sperm in the semen. The test cannot be performed if material obtained by another method (testicular puncture) is used. The MAP test is not performed for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract in men.

    Discussion of the result

    If the study does not reveal any sperm sticking together with red blood cells, the result of the reaction is set to 0%, which without a doubt means the MAP test is negative. Otherwise, we can say that the test is negative. A negative conclusion completely excludes the immunological nature of infertility, if any. The result is considered negative if the number of stuck together sperm is less than 50% of the total number counted in the spermogram.

    Normally, there may be 10% of such “reacted” sperm, the test will also be considered negative. The interval from 10% to 50% is not considered the norm, but is also considered a negative conclusion. Such a case requires repeating the analysis after 2 weeks to ensure its negative or positive result.

    A negative MAP test is considered a good indicator for planning conception. The probability of developing a spontaneous pregnancy is high in the presence of all other normal research findings. With asthenozoospermia negative test serves as a prognostic indicator of the effectiveness of insemination, IVF, ICSI, and other artificial insemination techniques. In case of asthenoteratozoospermia, a negative test result excludes the immunological nature of sperm damage and the need to search for the causes of this condition and treatment.

    What to do if the analysis does not please you

    A positive MAP test means there is a low probability of pregnancy due to immunological problems. The higher the percentage of analysis, the more serious the forecast. They try to overcome the positive barrier to the development of conception by prescribing treatment. Immunological problems of conception may disappear if the patient is treated with early stages diseases.

    Problems with conception may disappear if treatment is started in the early stages of the disease.

    Treatment is provided by reproductive specialists. Only under the supervision of a doctor can you start taking such serious drugs that negatively affect the immune system. Use:

    • Cytostatic therapy, which inhibits the production of antibodies.
    • Low doses of corticosteroids.

    A negative effect of this treatment is the impact on sperm production. For this reason, the choice of dose, medication, and duration of treatment should be monitored by a specialist. The positive outcome of treatment is monitored by repeated studies. The possibility of conception is not restored in all cases of a positive test. It is important to strictly follow your doctor's advice.

    What to do if the MAP test result is 100% positive? The interpretation of this absolutely positive analysis plunges men who dream of children into a state of severe depression. Fatherhood is almost impossible. The study and treatment attempts are repeated many times. In the absence of positive dynamics in tests, the use of donor sperm and other ways to overcome the problem of infertility for a married couple are recommended.

    The MAP test is a generally accepted test for diagnosing immunological infertility. Its results (negative, positive) are not stable and can be corrected by treatment. The test is used to monitor the effect of infertility treatment, before IVF, ICSI, and insemination interventions.

    Mar test - what it is, every man should know. This study allows you to determine infertility associated with problems of the immune system. The results of the tests make it possible to identify germ cells in men, the structure and mobility of which are normal, but they are not capable of fertilizing.

    Medical indications for prescribing the test

    During normal immune function, antibodies attack foreign cells. If the norm is violated, then the body's agents are attacked by proteins. This phenomenon is also typical for sperm. Male germ cells with a broken barrier do not participate in fertilization. This may be associated with the development of infectious diseases and various injuries. To identify and determine the number of such cells, you will need to take a mar test.

    A spermogram is performed in case of infertility, during pregnancy planning, during artificial insemination and to check fertility in men. The MAR test is not performed if there are no dead sperm in the spermogram and a complete absence or low number of sperm in the ejaculate.

    In such cases, it is recommended to make an appointment with an andrologist. The MAR test is performed upon completion of the course of therapy. The method in question and the spermogram are the main mandatory studies that are carried out if infertility is suspected. The attending physician will tell you where to take such tests.

    Using a spermogram, a specialist will determine the following indicators:

    • quantity and in sample;
    • properties of the sample under study.

    If it shows that all the results are normal, but there is no pregnancy, then specialists examine the immunological parameters of the sperm. The Mar test, unlike a spermogram, more deeply examines the ability of sperm to fertilize. Using this technique, the doctor calculates the percentage of sperm covered with complex proteins. This is due to the fact that the male body produces antibodies that attack sperm (since the immune system perceives them as foreign bodies).

    Rules for conducting research

    When performing a spermogram, the presence of such antibodies is considered normal. Due to their low activity, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases. The MAR test helps solve this problem. Doctors highlight following reasons why the male body attacks its own cells:

    To carry out the test, sperm must be mixed alternately with serum and solution. As a result of the reaction, sperm with proteins begin to attach to the balls. Decoding the result consists of counting the number of sperm associated with and not associated with antibodies.

    The obtained data is compared with each other. If 50% of sperm are covered with antisperm antibodies, then the chances of paternity are low. If such antibodies cover more than 51% of sperm, then paternity is impossible. If the test result is negative, then it is recommended to use IVF.

    A MAR test may be prescribed if a spermogram reveals signs of clumped sperm. This testing can be:

    • direct (testing seminal fluid);
    • indirect (study of blood plasma).

    A woman's cervical mucus is checked using direct testing. The doctor assesses the degree of sperm binding in it. An indirect technique allows you to test blood plasma. Experts recommend the first method laboratory diagnostics. The resulting percentage is compared with the norm. The result indicates a possible immune factor for infertility. In the spermogram, sperm associated with antibodies are presented as normal. However, their actual activity is below normal. To get a reliable result (positive or negative), it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • 2-3 days before the mar-test you must give up alcohol;
    • a few days before the procedure, it is recommended to give up sex, smoking and taking medications;
    • Do not overheat in a bathhouse or sauna;
    • spicy and fatty foods are excluded from food;
    • Stress and physical overload should be avoided;
    • 7-8 hours of sleep is required.

    Laboratory diagnostics

    Simultaneously with the mar-test. The patient donates the ejaculate to detect antisperm antibodies in the sample. Sperm must be donated once. For each method, specialists use one sample. To donate blood to detect antisperm antibodies, no preparation is required. This study is called an enzyme immunoassay.

    To decipher and describe the MAP test, you will need the help of a qualified specialist. If the result is negative, then the couple can have children. If the result is positive, then the man is infertile. Data decoding is carried out taking into account the location of antibody fixation. If the result is negative, the woman has a high probability of becoming pregnant.

    A positive result in men indicates the presence of disturbances in the structure of most sperm. The lower the negative percentage, the better for the patient. Doctors believe that the Mar test rate should not exceed 10%.

    With autoimmune infertility, the male body prevents fertilization by producing antibodies to its sperm. If such antibodies are produced in the female body, then a diagnosis is made - immune infertility. In this case, the following treatment is carried out:

    • immunosuppressive technique - taking corticosteroids (in a small dose); the course of treatment lasts 2-3 months;
    • nonspecific desensitization - taking antihistamines (Tavegil, Loratadine);
    • use of immunostimulating drugs.

    If previously a woman was almost always blamed for infertility, it has now been proven that in 30-50% of cases men are to blame for the absence of children. In addition to basic tests and spermograms, the Mar test is used when studying male fertility. What does such an analysis mean, when a mar test is used, and how can you understand its results yourself?

    Mar-test is a modern laboratory test sperm, which allows you to detect and determine the percentage of sperm covered with so-called (ASAT).

    A type of protein body is called antisperm complex structure, which attaches to the sperm and limits its speed and viability.

    The mar test also determines the area of ​​the sperm where antibodies are attached: on the head, neck or tail. The test also detects sperm that have normal structure and motility, but have lost the ability to fertilize.

    If the Mar test shows positive results, it is recommended to confirm it by testing for antisperm antibodies in the patient’s blood serum.

    The difference between a mar test and a spermogram

    The causes of male infertility can be difficult to diagnose. And if the “root of evil” lies in immunological problems, then a spermogram with such abnormalities can be absolutely normal. Only a mar test can detect antisperm antibodies, which are the main immunological cause of infertility, in the ejaculate. Immunological disorders lead to infertility in 10-20% of cases, and it is impossible to identify them by other research methods.

    If sperm are coated with antisperm antibodies, they still remain motile, but cannot fertilize the egg.

    The speed of sperm movement in this case is significantly reduced. The penetration of male germ cells into the egg is especially difficult if the antibodies are located on their head. One spermogram is not enough to obtain a complete picture of sperm quality, since it only determines the quantitative composition of the ejaculate and sperm motility. Therefore, patients with infertility are also prescribed a Mar test.

    Cause of autoimmune infertility

    Why can the body resist pregnancy? It is well known that the immune system is designed to protect our body. She also actively participates in the process of conception.

    Sex cells differ from ordinary cells in having half the number of chromosomes: sperm have only 23. Therefore, the body tends to consider sperm as foreign cells that need to be destroyed.

    There are two types: immune and autoimmune.

    With immune infertility, the female body reacts by producing antibodies to the partner’s sperm in her womb. This happens when the membrane of the female genital organs is damaged, when there is close contact of sperm with circulatory system genital area. The causes of this type of disorder are often trauma to the genital organs, erosion or inflammatory diseases among women.

    With autoimmune infertility, the man’s body itself produces antibodies that damage its own sperm. Normally, sperm are surrounded by a barrier that prevents them from being recognized and damaged. However, for a number of reasons, this barrier is broken and antibodies are produced aimed at sperm. Such antibodies coat the sperm, which leads to their gluing and freezing. In this case, the male sex cells become unable to penetrate through the cervical fluid into the egg and ensure successful conception. In studies, ACAT can be detected in both blood and semen. Such failures are possible when infectious lesions male genitalia, injuries, cystic transformations.

    When prescribing a mar-test, it is important to clarify which spouse the doctor suspects is producing antisperm antibodies and what are the reasons for this failure.

    Indications and contraindications for the mar test

    Typically, the mar test is prescribed in situations of unknown causes of infertility with:

    • suspected male factor infertility;
    • planning pregnancy (if there is a suspicion of autoimmune infertility or infertility for an unknown reason);
    • sperm agglutination during spermogram;
    • after genital surgery;
    • study of the male reproductive system after aggravating factors (injuries, operations, infections);
    • preparation for assisted fertilization techniques (IVF, ).

    Sometimes such research is impossible to carry out. The Mar test is contraindicated in the absence or low number of sperm in the ejaculate.

    Carrying out a mar test in men

    If a man plans to take the mar test, he will first have to make an appointment with an andrologist at one of the reproductive clinics or centers.

    Mar test can be:

    • direct (when seminal fluid is taken for research);
    • indirect (when blood plasma is examined).

    The direct form of this test is more accurate.

    Carrying out a mar test is as follows:

    1. The sperm samples are mixed with other cells (red blood cells or latex particles) coated with human antibodies (HAT).
    2. IgG antiserum is added to the mass of sperm and red blood cells (or latex particles).
    3. Spermatozoa, coated with antibodies, stick together with the injected particles.
    4. The glued spermatozoa are counted to determine the result as a percentage. The percentage of deformed sperm indicates the presence of immune infertility.

    How is the Mar test performed in women?

    The mar test is usually prescribed to men. However, the female body may also be to blame for autoimmune infertility. This study in women can also be of two types:

    • direct method - when the condition of the cervical mucus and the degree of sperm connection with it is assessed (often used after sexual intercourse -);
    • indirect method - when blood plasma is examined.

    For women, two types of test are used:

    • In the form of the Shuvarsky-Sims-Hüner test. This analysis is performed within 12 hours after sexual intercourse (necessarily before ovulation). In this case, the mobility of sperm in the vaginal discharge is determined.
    • In the form of a Kurzrock-Miller test. This study is also carried out before ovulation. In this process, the woman's cervical mucus is mixed with a sample of the man's sperm to evaluate the resulting substrate.

    When is a mar test prescribed?

    The most common causes of autoimmune infertility are:

    • genital injuries (including after surgery);
    • infections;
    • diseases of the pelvic organs.


    Most often, the mar test is performed with a spermogram on the same day, from the same sperm sample.

    For reliable analysis, it is important to follow the following preparation rules:

    1. For the mar test, ejaculate from masturbation is used. Sperm after sexual intercourse is not suitable for research.
    2. If you take hormones later than six months before the test, the test results may be distorted.
    3. 10 days before the test, visiting the sauna or bathhouse is excluded.
    4. When treating genital inflammation, a Mar-test is not performed. And 7 days before the analysis, the use of any drugs or dietary supplements is excluded.
    5. Avoid contact with toxic substances 2-3 days before the test (when working in hazardous conditions, contact with chemicals, etc.).
    6. Avoid the use of spicy and fatty foods.
    7. It is necessary to abstain from sexual contact a week before collecting material. This is necessary to exclude the presence of cells of the female reproductive system.
    8. Ensure rest and avoid any overexertion the day before the test.
    9. Avoid alcohol for a week and smoking 3-4 hours before the test.
    10. Organization good sleep one day before the analysis.
    11. If a man has had ARVI or influenza, the test is not performed until he has fully recovered.
    12. Before donating sperm, you must urinate and wash your genitals with soap. When masturbating, do not use lubricant or use a condom.
    13. Particular attention is paid to the issue of collecting material for the test. The sperm is collected in a sterile container. In this case, it is important to deliver the material to the laboratory no later than an hour after its collection (especially when collecting analysis at home). Otherwise the result will be unreliable.
    14. It is prohibited to overcool or overheat the sperm container. Optimal temperature body temperature is used to transport seminal fluid. In this case, do not allow direct sunlight to hit the container.
    15. The answer from the analysis can be found out the next day after it is submitted. The reliability of the result is usually confirmed after 2 weeks in the form of a repeat study.

    Transcript of the test

    The mar test must be interpreted by a reproductive health professional. When reading the transcript of this study, it is important to know that:

    • a negative result is a good test indicator;
    • a positive result is a bad result.

    An important factor in decoding the mar test is the indication of the site of ACAT attachment.

    The attachment of antibodies to the head of the sperm is considered the most unfavorable.

    If the test answer is negative, this means that a sufficient number of full-fledged sperm remain in the seminal fluid. And this is great, since this couple has a great chance of getting pregnant naturally.

    How to understand a positive test result? This result indicates that the structure of more than half of the sperm is disturbed. All this indicates a high probability of immunological infertility.

    The higher the percentage of the Mar-test result, the more the result lags behind the norm, and the less chance of paternity the test man has.

    How to understand mar test results

    A mar test rate of less than 10% is considered the best. And the lower the number, the better. The main thing is that when this study was negative with a value of less than 50%. This result suggests that less than half of the sperm in the analysis had an antisperm coating. This indicator is considered normal, since a man with a similar sperm characteristic has a normal chance of conceiving a baby. In the test, such a result is read as “mar test - norm.”

    If more than 50% of sperm with antisperm antibodies are found in the semen, the test is considered positive. If even the sperm are motile, but more than 50% of them are covered with ASAT, then such a response equates to a high probability of male infertility. Such a diagnosis is quite serious for a couple.

    When ACAT is produced in the body, men speak of autoimmune infertility. If such antibodies are produced by the female body, then infertility is considered immune.

    What to do if the result is positive

    If the mar test gives a 100% result, this most likely indicates the couple’s inability to become pregnant naturally. However, there is no need to despair when receiving even such the most unfavorable research result. Thanks to modern techniques Pregnancy is also quite possible in this case.

    If the mar test result is positive, it is quite possible to use assisted reproductive techniques. For example, application in similar situations IVF or IVF+ICSI technicians allow you to get pregnant even with a 100% positive result.

    Although such a study of sperm is still less known than a spermogram, it is the mar test that is able to identify the immunological causes of infertility. And don’t despair if this test is positive. In many cases, such a result is not a death sentence and can be corrected. And when modern capabilities assisted reproductive technologies, conception is possible even with a 100% positive mar-test.