I stepped on a nail and my foot is swollen, what should I do? What should a person do if he accidentally steps on a rusty nail? Further treatment and possible complications of a puncture wound

If you stepped on Rusty Nail, first of all, you need to thoroughly examine and then disinfect the wound. Assess how deep the nail has penetrated into the leg, and if the wound is deep, immediately contact the emergency room or a surgeon at your place of residence, since in this case only a doctor can carefully examine the wound.

If you do not visit a doctor when you are pierced with a rusty nail, the wound may begin to fester and turn into gangrene. It is also worth remembering that a neglected wound significantly increases the risk of sepsis - blood poisoning. A nail can damage the tendons in the leg, which can impair the motor functions of the limb. What is the first aid for a puncture with a rusty nail?

What to do if you step on a nail

If the nail is 1-2 cm in size, first you need to inspect the wound, then rinse it and disinfect it. After this, the puncture must be bandaged to prevent dirt from entering. If your leg begins to swell or your body temperature rises, you should immediately go to the hospital. There is no need to wait until your health deteriorates greatly before the need for emergency surgery arises.

Puncture with a rusty nail

If you pierce your leg with a rusty nail, in addition to treating the wound with an antiseptic and applying a bandage, some patients also need a tetanus injection, since there may be tetanus spores on the surface of an old, dirty nail. If a person is not vaccinated against tetanus, he should definitely receive an injection of anti-tetanus serum, since tetanus, unfortunately, leads to a large number fatalities.

Danger of tetanus when pierced with a nail

Tetanus is dangerous because when serious forms of the disease develop, its toxins, along with the bloodstream, manage to enter the human central nervous system in 5-8 days and thereby damage the neuromuscular synapses. As a result, a person infected with tetanus develops convulsions and changes in the structure of muscle and bone-articular tissues occur. In addition, the work is disrupted of cardio-vascular system.

Death from tetanus is possible due to paralysis of the heart muscle or asphyxia, which is caused by spasm respiratory tract. Tetanus is treated for several months in hospital, but even after successful treatment a person who has been ill for 2 years must be registered with a neurologist. All this time, the patient may continue to have the consequences of the disease, which include spinal deformity, muscle weakness, limited joint mobility.

Proper help when piercing a leg with a nail

1. You should start by washing the wound using weak solution potassium permanganate;

2. Then you need to treat the area around the puncture with brilliant green or iodine (just not the wound itself, since fresh wounds cannot be treated with iodine);

3. After this, you should bandage your leg;

4. In the near future after the puncture, you will need to visit a traumatologist.

If the victim has not been vaccinated against tetanus or more than 10 years have passed since the last vaccination, he will need to be given anti-tetanus serum. If a person is vaccinated against tetanus, it is enough to do foot bath, adding sea salt to it so that the wound heals faster. When the first signs of suppuration appear, the doctor prescribes the patient to take antibiotics orally and use ointments locally.

I am very glad to welcome you again, dear readers! Today we will talk about household injuries, about what a person needs to do if he steps on a rusty nail. What happens to us in life! Such injuries can occur during the construction of a house, doing home repairs or while working on a summer cottage.

It is very important to provide first aid correctly and in a timely manner in order to get out of this situation without consequences. It is believed that the most dangerous complication dirty wounds are infected with tetanus. Let's touch on this topic a little. So, first things first.

When the skin is damaged by a nail or any sharp long object - a sharpener, a knitting needle, an awl, a piece of reinforcement - a puncture wound is formed. The hole can be superficial or deep. With a minor injury, it seems that there is no significant danger for the victim. However, it is not.

For any violation skin blood vessels are damaged, nerve endings, nearby tissues - this entails additional problems. How to act and what to do if you are accidentally injured leg with a nail, especially if it is rusty?

The specificity of the injury depends on how deep the nail went and whether it remained in the leg or not. Despite the small entrance hole and the satisfactory condition of the victim, high vigilance must be exercised.

Types of nail damage according to the depth of the lesion:

  • Blind;
  • Through.

According to the nature of the damage and the presence of complications:

  • With damage to soft tissue only;
  • With penetration into bone structures.
  • Without severe blood loss;
  • Complicated by heavy blood loss.

Hole caused by a nail wound small size, round in shape, with clear boundaries, minor damage to the skin. But they often suffer inner fabrics, since the depth of the damage is much greater than its diameter.

First of all, don't panic. Carefully assess the condition of the injured person's wound. If a nail has wounded your leg all the way through, you cannot pull it out yourself. Only the right decision in such a situation, you will go to the nearest emergency room.

Most likely, the person was wearing socks and shoes; if wounded, microscopic pieces of clothing and shoes could get into the wound. Such a puncture must be processed by a surgeon, this is important, and we will discuss why later. If the bottom of the wound is bone, joint cavity or remains foreign object, it is necessary to take an x-ray.

You can deal with minor minor damage at home. To do this, you need to know the rules of providing first aid to the victim.

How to provide first aid?

Even the most minor cuts, scratches, and wounds should be lubricated with an antiseptic. Wounds that were treated in the first two hours heal faster. You need to pay attention to how deep wounds, and insignificant: any splinter, abrasion, serve as an entrance gate for infection. Especially if sand, earth, clothing fabrics, glass, etc. get into the wound.

Working on the wound antiseptic solutions, we kill viral, fungal, bacterial and mixed flora. In addition, anaerobic microorganisms die, tuberculosis bacillus, protozoa and other microbes.

Common antiseptics speed up and also slow down healing wound surface. It all depends on what phase of the process they are used at. Therefore, each solution, antiseptic powder or spray has a specific role for proper use.

Washing the wound

First, the wound must be washed. To do this, we take a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and a solution of furatsilin. In some sources you can find information that the wound can be washed with water. I would not recommend doing this, since our water is far from ideal.

Water can only wash off significant stains and so that the liquid does not get into the wound. For example, a child was running barefoot on the ground and stepped on a nail with his heel - in this case, it is the child who needs to be washed, not the wound. We carefully wash off the dirt from his legs with water so as not to cause an infection. After this, we wash the wound with the antiseptic solutions indicated above.

What do these solutions do? They soften blood clots, wash away dirty contents, and separate damaged tissue from the living surface. After washing the wound surface, it should be dried with a swab of sterile bandage.

Shallow damage cannot be treated with peroxide and furatsilin, since the substances affect not only microorganisms, but also living cells. A softened wound heals more slowly, and then noticeable scars form.

Treatment with antiseptics

After washing, the wound should be treated. To do this, we use any alcohol-containing liquids:

  • Vodka will do;
  • medical alcohol;
  • moonshine;
  • any alcohol tincture.

From medications:

  • 5% iodine solution;
  • Brilliant green solution;
  • Miramistin solution;
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Under the influence of these solutions, local immunity is strengthened and regeneration processes are accelerated. Next, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound. Do not forget that the bandage should always be kept clean and should be changed twice a day or when soiled.

Next, apply cold on top of the bandage; to do this, take a frozen bag of vegetables from the refrigerator, fill a bottle of ice water, or apply a cold metal object. You need to keep the ice on the surface for at least 15-20 minutes, the cold constricts blood vessels and prevents internal bleeding, reduces the likelihood of swelling and hematoma.

How to heal a wound faster?

At first, my leg hurts a lot. Despite this, in addition to dressings and treatment, it is not recommended to apply any ointments in the first 2-3 days. They create a protective film on the surface, thereby promoting the development anaerobic infection, which reproduces without access to oxygen. This is fraught with the development of gangrene.

When three days have passed, you can use any anti-inflammatory and antibacterial local medications.

The most effective ointments for the treatment of uninfected wounds, burns, bedsores - Actovegin and Solcoseryl. The gel is applied in a thin layer, and a sterile bandage heavily soaked in ointment is applied on top. Change the bandage once a day.

In addition to these external agents, you can use new generation ointments: Bepanten, Bepanten plus, D-Panthenol, Panthenol spray, ointments promote collagen synthesis, accelerate tissue epithelization, and protect the wound from infection.

If your leg is swollen

If a person steps on a nail, it will not be possible to recover quickly; very often such injuries fester, and treatment will take longer. If your leg is swollen and it becomes difficult to move your foot, what helps in this case? In such circumstances, the following remedies are suitable:

  • Levomikol – anti-inflammatory effect, increases regeneration, does not cause resistance of microorganisms;
  • Baneocin – combination drug against microbes for external use, contains several antibiotics that are harmful to bacteria. Before applying to the skin, it is advisable to do an allergic sensitivity test;
  • Gentamicin sulfate – helps well with inflamed wounds, has a wound healing effect;
  • Lincomycin and Erythromycin ointments - have antimicrobial effect, have an inhibitory effect on bacteria and accelerate the recovery process.

If your surface does not heal for a long time, redness appears, and pus begins to ooze, such consequences should be shown to a specialist. Which doctor should I contact?

You should visit your local surgeon; if necessary, he can schedule a consultation with a traumatologist. The specialist will conduct secondary processing surfaces, remove dead tissue, and treat the wound well. After this, the wound will heal quickly.

Tetanus shot

Without the right preventative and therapeutic measures this disease can be fatal, you can’t argue with that. But the disease is rare, and the risk of infection does not depend on vaccination. It becomes doubtful whether the likelihood of an imaginary infection justifies the real one.

Tetanus indeed a big problem, but in developing countries that do not ensure sterility even when cutting the umbilical cord, when treating the umbilical wound, which leads to the death of newly born children. The disease develops due to the fact that tetanus bacilli penetrate into the wound cavity.

These are not ordinary abrasions or cuts that children receive, but deep injuries, bites from wild or domestic animals, thermal and chemical burns healing without air access.

Wounds from which blood flows are not dangerous for infection, so the blood fluid should be allowed to flow freely for a little while if the bleeding does not pose a threat to life. For serious wounds, seek medical attention quickly.

I found the next one interesting information: V Russian Federation The death toll from tetanus is 12-14 cases per year. Of these, 50% were not vaccinated against tetanus, and 50% were vaccinated, but still became infected. These statistics are given by the former sanitary doctor of Russia G.G. Onishchenko.

In one scientific research I read it like healthy person after revaccination of tetanus, the number of immune cells, that is, the numbers of T-lymphocytes dropped to the level of AIDS patients. This suggests that after vaccination the immune system unable to work normally even against simple infections.

The medical facility will ask you to enter tetanus toxoid, antitetanus human immunoglobulin or antitetanus serum. It's up to you to decide whether to inject or not. But do not forget to ask about what drug you are injecting and what it is for. Whenever unpleasant consequences at least you will know where they came from.

Treatment of puncture wounds using traditional methods

After a short digression, let's return to our topic. How to treat a leg using folk remedies? What can be processed?

I found the following recipe interesting, used for purulent wounds. When gangrene develops, the surgeon almost always uses a knife. Doctors of Russian medicine act differently:

  • I need to take the black one Rye bread, which has just been baked, salt it generously, then chew it for several minutes;
  • Cover the affected area with a thick layer of chewed bread and salt and bandage it.

M.P. Kurenkov, the author of a folk medicine, describes this remedy as uniquely true and strong. Several Russian doctors from traditional medicine tried to improve the wild folk method, adding apothecary wisdom to replace chewing bread. The attempts were unsuccessful.

In conclusion, it is worth summing up our conversation. Everyone needs to remember that any wounds, cuts, or scratches must be treated well, even if they seem very minor. This will get rid of infection, prevent suppuration, and promote rapid wound healing.

And if you notice the first signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, local fever, discharge of pus, immediately contact your nearest medical institution to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences. See you again and be healthy!

First of all, you need to examine the wound, wash it thoroughly with soap and disinfect it. Next, you need to apply a bandage to the damaged area to prevent dirt from getting into it. If your leg begins to swell or your body enlarges, you should see a doctor. In case of severe deterioration of the condition surgical intervention will not be avoided.

Danger of tetanus when pierced with a nail

If you step on a rusty nail and a deep wound is formed, then in addition to treating it with an antiseptic and applying bandages, it is necessary to carry out some more manipulations, because There could be tetanus spores on the surface of the nail. In cases where a person has not been vaccinated against tetanus, a quarter of total number infections are fatal.

Walking barefoot is one of the original hardening techniques: this procedure perfectly tones the body, strengthens it and trains the muscles of the feet, protecting against flat feet, as well as the formation of calluses and diaper rash. But, unfortunately, walking barefoot is not safe: for example, you can step on a rusty nail.

What to do if your leg is pierced by a rusty nail

Immediately after being injured by a rusty nail, you should disinfect the wound and assess how deeply the object is embedded in the leg. The nail is carefully removed and done so that as much “dirty” blood as possible flows out of the wound, otherwise the infection will penetrate inside. After this, wash the wound with a solution of Furacilin (to do this, take a Furacilin tablet, grind it into powder and add it to a glass hot water). The prepared solution is filtered through gauze or a cotton napkin folded in 2-3 layers and the wound is washed with it. For washing, you can also use a solution (it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10) and wash the wound with this antimicrobial “cocktail”. The uniqueness of the hydrogen peroxide solution is that it stops bleeding and at the same time removes dirt particles.
The wound can be washed with laundry soap.

The area around the puncture is treated with “Iodine” or “Diamond Green”. "Iodine" is strong antimicrobial agent, can be complicated by tissue burns, so before using this antiseptic, it is recommended to dilute it with chilled boiled or distilled water (1:1 proportions). “Diamond Green” is also a strong antiseptic, but it is different from “Iodine”.

Then apply an antibacterial cream or ointment, for example, Polysporin or Neosporin, to the wound pierced by a rusty nail. These agents speed up healing and also prevent the development of infection. A compress like this gives a similar result: take gauze, fold it into several layers and soak it in 50% vodka or. Bandage the leg at least three times a day. It is recommended to do it at night salt compress(per glass of chilled boiled water take 1 tbsp. table salt, soak a cloth napkin in the solution and apply a bandage to the wound). In the coming days, you should not step on your injured leg, much less wear heels.

Plantain and aloe perfectly pull out all the “dirt” from the wound.

Over the next few days, you should carefully monitor the condition of the leg that was pierced by a rusty nail. If the puncture wound is long and there is swelling of the skin around it, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Danger of tetanus

If the victim has not been vaccinated against tetanus or the last one was performed more than 5 years ago, the victim should be given anti-tetanus serum. If this is not done, tetanus toxin will affect the organs and systems of the body: in 5-8 days, toxins, along with the bloodstream, enter the central system and affects nerve synapses. As a result, the victim experiences a change in the structure of the muscle and bone tissue, convulsions appear, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, and a spasm of the respiratory tract may even occur. If you do not start on time, death is possible.

Traumatization nail feet can happen in the most unexpected place. It not only deprives a person of freedom of movement for several days, but is also fraught with dangerous consequences. To prevent them, you should learn about first aid measures.

First aid for piercing the foot with a nail

If you step on a nail, the first step is to analyze the situation. Was the culprit a clean nail or a rusty street one? How deep into body tissue did the nail penetrate?

In case of a shallow wound within your own home, you should carefully remove the nail and wash the wound with a manganese solution. Then you need to disinfect the area around the puncture with iodine or. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat directly damaged tissue.

After manipulation of the wound, it is necessary to take the position of the body so that the limb is at least parallel to the floor. This way the blood will not flow intensely to open wound.

If you cannot remove the nail yourself because it is too deep, consult a doctor. A deeply embedded foreign body can damage ligaments and large blood vessels, then the situation becomes much more dangerous. If the nail is relatively large, it is not recommended to touch it at all.

Why are rusty nails dangerous?

If you hurt your leg on the street, the situation is much more serious. Street nails are much dirtier. In addition, they are usually rusty.

Tetanus spores are often found on rusty nails. Therefore, even a shallow puncture is enough for them to penetrate from the surface of the nail into the blood. In the case of this type of injury, you cannot limit yourself to washing and disinfection.

Tetanus is a very dangerous disease that is fatal in 25% of cases. Despite progress modern medicine, tetanus can only be treated with early stages development. Therefore, you should not wait, you need to immediately go to the hospital for anti-tetanus serum.

To protect yourself, it’s better to do everything on time necessary vaccinations. It must be remembered that tetanus can remain for years. This disease can seriously damage the central nervous system.

Another danger that lurks in puncturing the foot with a nail is blood poisoning. Monitor your symptoms. If your leg rapidly increases and your body temperature rises, consult a doctor immediately.

If serious suppuration is suspected, the doctor prescribes special ointments for rubbing, as well as antibiotics for oral administration. Such measures are indicated if the wound is very deep and large in diameter. Until the critical symptoms disappear, it is advisable not to step on the sore leg.

Related article

Rusty objects are extremely treacherous, and the injuries caused by them are dangerous and can end very sadly - amputation or even death. True, the majority of Russian residents are still vaccinated against tetanus, which has significantly reduced mortality from this disease. In any case, a wound caused by a rusty nail cannot be ignored.

Call an ambulance

A person can be injured by a rusty nail anywhere - at work, at a construction site, on the street and even at home. It is best to immediately go to the emergency room, where the wound will be treated and the necessary vaccinations will be given. For city residents this is usually not a problem; a trauma center or ambulance station is nearby, so the whole operation will not take more than an hour. In addition, the doctor will receive enough information. For those who live in the countryside, it is somewhat more difficult to quickly get medical care. But even in this case, you should immediately contact an outpatient clinic or paramedic station. If a nail is embedded in your foot, it is better not to pull it out on your own.
If you step on a nail and there is no bleeding, you do not need to go to the emergency room, since the tetanus pathogen has not entered the body. Just make sure that there is no inflammation at the puncture site.

If there is no doctor nearby

An accident can happen while hiking or garden plot, where there is no medical center yet. In this case, you will have to treat the wound yourself. Pull out the nail, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide, apply an ointment (for example, levomitin, “Rescuer”). After this, you still need to see a doctor, and the sooner the better. A nail causes a puncture wound, but only a superficial one is possible.
Children are given DPT or ADSM according to the vaccination calendar. This vaccination also protects against tetanus.

What should the doctor do?

A traumatologist or surgeon, of course, must know his business. Ideally, he will properly treat your wound and inject everything necessary medications. However, in any case, it makes sense to monitor the process. Don't forget to say what you have already done. It is very good if you remember when you were injected with anti-tetanus serum. This concerns not so much the treatment of the wound as the administration of drugs.

For puncture wounds with rusty objects, toxoid is injected. The dosage depends on the duration of vaccination. If you were vaccinated less than four years ago, the dose is 0.5 ml, in all other cases - 1 ml. In the second case, you will be given an anti-tetanus serum, most often human tetanus immune globulin (TETI). This best drug, especially if you have a penchant for . There are other drugs. The doctor, depending on the severity of the injury, may prescribe antibiotics. As a rule, the victim is prescribed sick leave for at least 3 days.

By virtue of various reasons Quite often and unexpectedly for themselves, people find themselves in such an unpleasant and painful situation as being wounded by a nail. In addition to the fact that at such a moment severe pain is felt, those who had to step on a nail are at risk of developing gangrene and tetanus.

Therefore, it is important to learn the procedure for first aid for such an injury.

I stepped on a nail, what should I do?

First of all, you need to carefully remove the nail from your leg and try to compress the area near the wound. This is necessary in order to squeeze out some of the blood, which may contain rust and dirt left behind by the nail. This simple action is very important because this way you can avoid infection. Therefore, the faster it is done this action, all the better.

It is very important to pay attention to the nail itself to determine whether it is rusty or not. It is also important to inspect the area around you and make sure that there are no other nails nearby, because re-piercing your leg can significantly complicate the situation.

Initially, you need to realize the following: if a person steps on a nail, it will be difficult for him to understand what to do next until he gets out of a stressful state. To bring yourself to your senses, you need to take deep breaths several times and, if necessary, sit down. Next you need to head home. If there is a hospital nearby, then you can safely go to the emergency room.

Treatment of the wound

First natural way At least somehow influencing the puncture site is to apply plantain, but you shouldn’t place much hope on this technique. Especially if a person steps on a rusty nail.

At home, the wound site must be treated. For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide (3%), a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a special ointment are suitable. If none of the above is found at home, then you can use ordinary water to wash the puncture site. laundry soap, but this, of course, is not the best option.

Another way to thoroughly clean a wound is to pour it into a basin warm water and dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to hold the injured leg in such water, while simultaneously massaging it near the wound. This will help clean the puncture and squeeze out dirt.

Using ointment

One of the current options for treating a wound is Vishnevsky ointment. It's very popular medicine, which has a wide spectrum of action. It contains xeroform, tar and Castor oil. The value of these components lies in the fact that each of them has antiseptic properties. And this has great importance if the patient steps on a rusty nail. Such an ointment will be able to eliminate the infection and promote rapid healing.

To avoid dirt getting into the wound, it needs to be treated with brilliant green and iodine. In principle, any alcohol-containing product (cognac, vodka, etc.) will do.

The treatment process is not limited to caring for the foot when a person steps on a nail. Not many people know what to do after the leg is already bandaged. First you need to understand a simple principle - the dressing needs to be changed. It is better to do this three times a day, more is possible.

At the same time, it is better to bandage your leg at night with bandages that will be soaked in a salt solution, without alcohol-containing components. This recommendation is explained by the fact that salt acts as a strong adsorbent. This fact means that during the drying process, the salt will remove all harmful elements from the wound. And one more important point- such a bandage should breathe, which means there is no need to cover it with bags at night.

Visit to the clinic

If someone steps on a nail, the foot becomes swollen and other complications (hyperemia) appear, then the most logical solution would be a visit to the hospital. The fact is that along with rust, tetanus spores can get into the wound. If the victim is not vaccinated against it, then there is a real risk of death (25% of all cases of infection). Death occurs due to asphyxia, which is a consequence of paralysis of the heart muscle and spasm of the respiratory tract.

Therefore, if rust was noticed in the wound after a person stepped on a nail, first aid should be supplemented by a visit to the clinic, since it is in this place that the patient will be able to receive competent and effective assistance.

In the absence of vaccination (before the injury) and the presence of a wound from a rusty nail, the victim is given antitetanus serum.

If the doctor detects signs of suppuration in the wound area, he will most likely prescribe antibacterial agent(inside), and will also prescribe the use of ointment. It is also worth considering the fact that there is always a risk of Pseudomonas aeruginosa getting into the wound, which can lead to gangrene, and quickly. Therefore, if you delay a visit to the doctor, you may end up facing a problem such as disability or loss of a limb.

Treatment of tetanus

If it so happens that the victim was infected with tetanus when he stepped on a nail, only doctors should determine how to treat it. It is worth noting that the rehabilitation process for tetanus is long - sometimes more than three months in a hospital setting. And even after treatment is completed, residual symptoms of the disease may appear: spinal deformity, muscle weakness and limited joint mobility. For this reason, a patient who has survived tetanus will have to be observed by a neurologist for 2 years.

Why is it important to go to the emergency room?

The first reason is the quick reception. If to to a regular doctor you will have to sign up and wait in line, which is completely irrelevant if you are injured, but in the case of a traumatologist, you can get qualified assistance without waiting. And this is important, especially if rust got into the wound after the victim stepped on a nail. The traumatologist knows very well what to do with such a problem as a puncture with a nail and will be able to provide quick, effective assistance.

Moreover, it will be done tetanus vaccine. Moreover, the doctor will issue a sick leave certificate, which may be useful for those who are actively working. When all treatment measures have been taken, maximum efforts must be made to fast healing wounds. This means that you should not put any weight on the injured leg, and in principle you should try to step on it as little as possible.

Thus, if you react quickly and competently, you can avoid negative consequences wounds from a nail, even a rusty one.

IN everyday practice Situations often occur when a person can injure his leg by stepping on a rusty nail. Most often this happens at the height of the summer season, when, amid everyday worries, a person forgets about safety measures.

Puncture of the leg with a rusty nail is fraught not only with the formation of pain and bleeding, but also leads to infection in the body. With adequate first aid, a person does not risk encountering such serious complication like sepsis. Efficiency emergency care depends on the sequence of actions. The article describes in detail the question of what to do if you step on a rusty nail, and what first aid is.

First aid

Rusty nails

If a person was careless and stepped on a nail, then the primary task is to remove this object from the soft tissues of the foot. You can perform this procedure either independently or ask for help from those closest to you. If a rusty object goes through, then most likely the person will need emergency medical care. If a child steps on a nail, parents should contact a medical specialist.

The next step in emergency care is treatment of the wound area. For this purpose, it is recommended to use local antiseptics. IN home medicine cabinet As a rule, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is always available. It is necessary to wash the wound with a solution of furatsilin. To prepare the solution, dissolve 2 tablets of the drug in 250 ml of clean water.

An alternative to furatsilin is a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (manganese). The color of the solution should be crimson. For improvement antiseptic properties, the damaged foot must be kept in one of the solutions for half an hour.

If a person steps on a rusty nail, what should he do? in this case a medical specialist will advise. Miramistin spray, which has a wide spectrum of action, effectively copes with the disinfecting task. Active components drugs have a detrimental effect on viral, bacterial and fungal infection. In addition, under the influence of Miramistin, local immunity is strengthened and recovery processes are accelerated.

After the wound surface has been treated with one of the antiseptics, it is recommended to dry it with a sterile bandage. Apply a solution of iodine or brilliant green to the damaged edges of the wound. Also, an aseptic bandage made of sterile bandage or gauze must be applied on top of the wound.


The most serious complication in this case is the entry of tetanus pathogens into the body. Most often, these microorganisms are located in the soil, as well as on the surface of contaminated and rusty objects.

Seriousness of this disease is that tetanus affects all parts of the nervous system, causing a cascade of generalized seizures. IN severe cases, this condition ends in death. The causative agents of tetanus are very stable in conditions environment, therefore local antiseptic treatment wounds does not guarantee tetanus prevention.

For the purpose of prevention of this state, V medical practice antitetanus serum is used. Frequency of administration this drug is once every 10 years. If a person has been vaccinated in a timely manner, then if he steps on a nail, he will not need a new dose.


If a person injured his leg with a rusty nail, then treatment of the wound area must be done at least 3 times a day. During treatment, attention should be paid to the condition of the wound.


If, against the background of local infection of the wound, a person develops general malaise, body temperature has risen and chills have appeared, then he needs to urgently seek medical help. Similar clinical picture indicates the spread of infection in the body. The fight against this complication involves taking antibiotics. wide range actions.

WITH therapeutic purpose The following types of antibacterial agents are used:

If the body temperature remains within normal limits, and swelling is observed around the wound area, then we are talking about local reaction for penetration foreign body. You can cope with swelling using ointments and gels containing extract horse chestnut. Such products include Venitan gel and Troxevasin. The gel must be applied within healthy tissues, without affecting the wound area. An iodine mesh is used as improvised means, which is applied around the puncture site.

Parents faced with this problem are interested in what to do if a child steps on a nail with his foot? In this situation, first aid is recommended, according to the described scheme, followed by consultation with a doctor.


If a person is unlucky enough to step on a rusty nail, then he needs to remember the importance of timely emergency and specialized assistance. Depending on the degree of soft tissue damage, this problem may result in local or generalized infection, lameness and other limb problems.

In the case when a person steps on a nail, only a consultation with a doctor will help you figure out what to do.

If a rusty nail touches ligaments and tendons, a person may develop problems with flexion and extension of the toes. Regardless of the degree of damage, a person is recommended to treat the wound under the supervision of a medical specialist. When the nail penetrates through and forms infectious complications may require hospitalization and surgical treatment wound area.

I am very glad to welcome you again, dear readers! Today we will talk about household injuries, about what a person needs to do if he steps on a rusty nail. What happens to us in life! Such injuries can occur during the construction of a house, doing home repairs or while working on a summer cottage.

It is very important to provide first aid correctly and in a timely manner in order to get out of this situation without consequences. It is believed that the most dangerous complication of dirty wounds is infection with tetanus. Let's touch on this topic a little. So, first things first.

What kind of wound could there be?

When the skin is damaged by a nail or any sharp long object - a sharpener, a knitting needle, an awl, a piece of reinforcement - a puncture wound is formed. The hole can be superficial or deep. With a minor injury, it seems that there is no significant danger for the victim. However, it is not.

With any violation of the skin, blood vessels, nerve endings, and nearby tissues are damaged - this leads to additional problems. How to act and what to do if you accidentally hurt your leg with a nail, especially if it is rusty?

The specificity of the injury depends on how deep the nail went and whether it remained in the leg or not. Despite the small entrance hole and the satisfactory condition of the victim, high vigilance must be exercised.

Types of nail damage according to the depth of the lesion:

  • Blind;
  • Through.

According to the nature of the damage and the presence of complications:

  • With damage to soft tissue only;
  • With penetration into bone structures.
  • Without severe blood loss;
  • Complicated by heavy blood loss.

The hole caused by a nail wound is small, round in shape, with clear boundaries, skin damage is insignificant. But in this case, internal tissues often suffer, since the depth of the damage is much greater than its diameter.

First of all, don't panic. Carefully assess the condition of the injured person's wound. If a nail has wounded your leg all the way through, you cannot pull it out yourself. The only correct decision in such a situation would be to go to the nearest emergency room.

Most likely, the person was wearing socks and shoes; if wounded, microscopic pieces of clothing and shoes could get into the wound. Such a puncture must be processed by a surgeon, this is important, and we will discuss why later. If the bottom of the wound is bone, a joint cavity, or a foreign object remains, an x-ray must be taken.

You can deal with minor minor damage at home. To do this, you need to know the rules of providing first aid to the victim.

How to provide first aid?

Even the most minor cuts, scratches, and wounds should be lubricated with an antiseptic. Wounds that were treated in the first two hours heal faster. It is necessary to pay attention to both deep wounds and minor ones: any splinter or abrasion serves as an entry point for infection. Especially if sand, earth, clothing fabrics, glass, etc. get into the wound.

By treating the wound with antiseptic solutions, we kill viral, fungal, bacterial and mixed flora. In addition, anaerobic microorganisms, tuberculosis bacillus, protozoa and other microbes die.

Common antiseptics accelerate and also slow down the healing of the wound surface. It all depends on what phase of the process they are used at. Therefore, each solution, antiseptic powder or spray has a specific role for proper use.

Washing the wound

First, the wound must be washed. To do this, we take a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and a solution of furatsilin. In some sources you can find information that the wound can be washed with water. I would not recommend doing this, since our water is far from ideal.

Water can only wash off significant stains and so that the liquid does not get into the wound. For example, a child was running barefoot on the ground and stepped on a nail with his heel - in this case, it is the child who needs to be washed, not the wound. We carefully wash off the dirt from his legs with water so as not to cause an infection. After this, we wash the wound with the antiseptic solutions indicated above.

What do these solutions do? They soften blood clots, wash away dirty contents, and separate damaged tissue from the living surface. After washing the wound surface, it should be dried with a swab of sterile bandage.

Shallow damage cannot be treated with peroxide and furatsilin, since the substances affect not only microorganisms, but also living cells. A softened wound heals more slowly, and then noticeable scars form.

Treatment with antiseptics

After washing, the wound should be treated. To do this, we use any alcohol-containing liquids:

  • Vodka will do;
  • medical alcohol;
  • moonshine;
  • any alcohol tincture.

From medications:

  • 5% iodine solution;
  • Brilliant green solution;
  • Miramistin solution;
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Under the influence of these solutions, local immunity is strengthened and regeneration processes are accelerated. Next, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound. Do not forget that the bandage should always be kept clean and should be changed twice a day or when soiled.

Next, apply cold on top of the bandage; to do this, take a frozen bag of vegetables from the refrigerator, fill a bottle of ice water, or apply a cold metal object. You need to keep the ice on the surface for at least 15-20 minutes; the cold constricts blood vessels, prevents internal bleeding, and reduces the likelihood of swelling and hematoma.

How to heal a wound faster?

At first, my leg hurts a lot. Despite this, in addition to dressings and treatment, it is not recommended to apply any ointments in the first 2-3 days. They create a protective film on the surface, thereby promoting the development of anaerobic infection, which multiplies without access to oxygen. This is fraught with the development of gangrene.

When three days have passed, you can use any anti-inflammatory and antibacterial local medications.

The most effective ointments for the treatment of uninfected wounds, burns, bedsores are Actovegin and Solcoseryl. The gel is applied in a thin layer, and a sterile bandage heavily soaked in ointment is applied on top. Change the bandage once a day.

In addition to these external agents, you can use new generation ointments: Bepanten, Bepanten plus, D-Panthenol, Panthenol spray, ointments promote collagen synthesis, accelerate tissue epithelization, and protect the wound from infection.

If your leg is swollen

If a person steps on a nail, it will not be possible to recover quickly; very often such injuries fester, and treatment will take longer. If your leg is swollen and it becomes difficult to move your foot, what helps in this case? In such circumstances, the following remedies are suitable:

  • Levomikol – anti-inflammatory effect, increases regeneration, does not cause resistance of microorganisms;
  • Baneocin is a combined antimicrobial drug for external use that contains several antibiotics that are harmful to bacteria. Before applying to the skin, it is advisable to do an allergic sensitivity test;
  • Gentamicin sulfate – helps well with inflamed wounds, has a wound healing effect;
  • Lincomycin and Erythromycin ointments have an antimicrobial effect, have an inhibitory effect on bacteria, and accelerate the recovery process.

If your surface does not heal for a long time, redness appears, and pus begins to ooze, such consequences should be shown to a specialist. Which doctor should I contact?

You should visit your local surgeon; if necessary, he can schedule a consultation with a traumatologist. The specialist will perform secondary surface treatment, remove dead tissue, and treat the wound well. After this, the wound will heal quickly.

Tetanus shot

Without the right preventive and therapeutic measures, this disease can be fatal, you can’t argue with that. But the disease is rare, and the risk of infection does not depend on vaccination. It becomes doubtful whether the likelihood of an imaginary infection justifies real threat from vaccination.

Tetanus is indeed a big problem, but in developing countries, which do not ensure sterility even when cutting the umbilical cord, when treating the umbilical wound, which leads to the death of newly born children. The disease develops due to the fact that tetanus bacilli penetrate into the wound cavity.

These are not ordinary abrasions or cuts that children receive, but deep injuries, bites of wild or domestic animals, thermal and chemical burns that heal without access to air.

Wounds from which blood flows are not dangerous for infection, so the blood fluid should be allowed to flow freely for a little while if the bleeding does not pose a threat to life. For serious wounds, seek medical attention quickly.

I found the following interesting information: in the Russian Federation, the death toll from tetanus is 12-14 cases per year. Of these, 50% were not vaccinated against tetanus, and 50% were vaccinated, but still became infected. These statistics are given by the former sanitary doctor of Russia G.G. Onishchenko.

In one scientific study, I read how, after a tetanus revaccination, a healthy person had a sharp decrease in the number of immune cells, that is, the numbers of T-lymphocytes dropped to the level of AIDS patients. This suggests that after vaccination the immune system is not able to function normally even against simple infections.

The health care provider will give you tetanus toxoid, tetanus human immunoglobulin, or tetanus serum. It's up to you to decide whether to inject or not. But do not forget to ask about what drug you are injecting and what it is for. If unpleasant consequences occur, you will at least know what caused them.

Treatment of puncture wounds using traditional methods

After a short digression, let's return to our topic. How to treat a leg using folk remedies? What can be processed?

I found the following recipe interesting, used for purulent wounds. When gangrene develops, the surgeon almost always uses a knife. Doctors of Russian medicine act differently:

  • You need to take black rye bread that has just been baked, salt it generously, then chew it for several minutes;
  • Cover the affected area with a thick layer of chewed bread and salt and bandage it.

M.P. Kurenkov, the author of a folk medicine, describes this remedy as uniquely true and strong. Several Russian doctors from traditional medicine tried to improve the wild folk method by adding apothecary wisdom to replace chewing bread. The attempts were unsuccessful.

Although this remedy is recommended as reliable, you still often have to go to the clinic, since gangrene is a serious thing. Here interesting recipe anti-inflammatory ointment, you can read it, get acquainted, maybe it will suit someone.

In conclusion, it is worth summing up our conversation. Everyone needs to remember that any wounds, cuts, or scratches must be treated well, even if they seem very minor. This will get rid of infection, prevent suppuration, and promote rapid wound healing.

And if you notice the first signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, local increase in temperature, discharge of pus, immediately contact the nearest medical facility to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences. See you again and be healthy!

  1. Puncture with a rusty nail

If you step on a rusty nail, first of all you need to thoroughly examine and then disinfect the wound. Assess how deep the nail has penetrated into the leg, and if the wound is deep, immediately contact the emergency room or a surgeon at your place of residence, since in this case only a doctor can carefully examine the wound.

If you do not visit a doctor when you are pierced with a rusty nail, the wound may begin to fester and turn into gangrene. It is also worth remembering that a neglected wound significantly increases the risk of sepsis - blood poisoning. A nail can damage the tendons in the leg, which can impair the motor functions of the limb. What is the first aid for a puncture with a rusty nail?

What to do if you step on a nail

If the nail is 1-2 cm in size, first you need to inspect the wound, then rinse it and disinfect it. After this, the puncture must be bandaged to prevent dirt from entering. If your leg begins to swell or your body temperature rises, you should immediately go to the hospital. There is no need to wait until your health deteriorates greatly before the need for emergency surgery arises.

Puncture with a rusty nail

If you pierce your leg with a rusty nail, in addition to treating the wound with an antiseptic and applying a bandage, some patients also need a tetanus injection, since there may be tetanus spores on the surface of an old, dirty nail. If a person is not vaccinated against tetanus, he should definitely receive an injection of anti-tetanus serum, since tetanus, unfortunately, leads to a large number of deaths.

Danger of tetanus when pierced with a nail

Tetanus is dangerous because when serious forms of the disease develop, its toxins, along with the bloodstream, manage to enter the human central nervous system in 5-8 days and thereby damage the neuromuscular synapses. As a result, a person infected with tetanus develops convulsions and changes in the structure of muscle and bone-articular tissues occur. In addition, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted.

Death from tetanus is possible due to paralysis of the heart muscle or asphyxia, which is caused by spasm of the respiratory tract. Tetanus is treated for several months in a hospital, but even after successful treatment, the person who has been ill must be registered with a neurologist for 2 years. All this time, the patient may continue to experience the consequences of the disease, which include spinal deformity, muscle weakness, and limited joint mobility.

Proper help when piercing a leg with a nail

1. You should start by washing the wound using a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

2. Then you need to treat the area around the puncture with brilliant green or iodine (just not the wound itself, since fresh wounds cannot be treated with iodine);

3. After this, you should bandage your leg;

4. In the near future after the puncture, you will need to visit a traumatologist.

If the victim has not been vaccinated against tetanus or more than 10 years have passed since the last vaccination, he will need to be given anti-tetanus serum. If a person is vaccinated against tetanus, it is enough to make a foot bath, adding sea salt to it so that the wound heals faster. When the first signs of suppuration appear, the doctor prescribes the patient to take antibiotics orally and use ointments locally.

In the warm season, you need to be extremely careful when walking barefoot, as there are sharp objects on the ground: useful activity sometimes results in serious injury and serious consequences.

Infection in nails

When a child or adult steps on a nail, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility: sometimes a small injury carries the risk of contracting many diseases. Any non-sterile sharp object that has had contact with soil or rust may be a carrier dangerous disease– tetanus.

The pathogen quickly spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body and damages muscle and nervous system. He calls so much severe pain, convulsions and spasms, that during contraction, bone fractures occur, and the body bends into an arc. This condition leads fatalities from respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest.

First aid

If a child steps on a rusty nail, he must be calmed down immediately. Then it is necessary to remove the foreign object, if it has entered shallowly, and assess the condition of the wound surface (relevant for patients of any age category). In cases of deep penetration, take the victim to hospital, as the sharp edge may affect large vessels or tendons.

Treatment of the wound

When a person accidentally steps on a nail, first aid begins with washing the damaged area with antiseptic solutions. You can independently treat a leg puncture with hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin or potassium permanganate solution. To prevent infection, the edges of the wound should be lubricated with brilliant green or iodine; any alcohol-containing product is also suitable for disinfection.

During the treatment period, it is important to prevent the wound from getting wet and foreign particles entering. All opened and prepared solutions for treatment are stored for half an hour.

Using ointment

What to do if you step on a rusty nail?

To quickly heal the wound, use external agents that contain antibiotics (Levomikol). Before applying the ointment, you need to take a bath with sea ​​salt and apply the medicine to the injured area. Afterwards, the limb is bandaged with a sterile bandage and fixed. The dressing is changed daily and when soiled.

If the foot is swollen and pus appears, apply compresses with Vishnevsky ointment and seek help from a medical facility.

Visit doctor

If a child steps on a nail and the wound becomes swollen, you should consult a doctor to determine the titer of antibodies to tetanus and prevent the spread of infection.

The doctor assesses the degree of damage, collects the circumstances of the injury and palpates the wound surface. If necessary, he prescribes additional examinations.


The doctor will explain what to do if a person pierces his leg with a nail.

Injuries can be treated either at home or in an emergency room. It is important to prevent the development of diseases and eliminate the consequences after damage.

The patient has no injured limb obvious signs inflammation, then the doctor prescribes local remedies that help quickly heal the wound. Treatment of the injury must be carried out at least three times a day; it is recommended to use it at night. antibacterial ointments, creams.

Taking broad-spectrum antibiotics orally is prescribed in cases of inflammation spreading throughout the entire foot, when the leg is swollen and painful, and there is purulent discharge from the wound area.

Children should be treated local means according to the age.


If a person pierces his leg with a rusty nail, there is a high risk of developing tetanus. Pathological process may occur even in vaccinated patients if more than 5 years have passed since the last vaccination. In such cases, antitetanus serum is administered. Tetanus vaccination in adults is carried out every 10 years.

When symptoms of the disease develop, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where a long course of treatment is carried out. After therapy, a person is observed by a neurologist for several years, since there is a high risk of developing complications that lead to vertebral deformation, joint stiffness, and muscle atrophy.


When in the background local symptoms fever, shortness of breath and chills appear – the development of sepsis is possible.

Treatment of this disease is carried out under medical supervision. The patient is prescribed antibiotics that have a high antimicrobial effect (drugs from the azalide group and containing levofloxacin).

Local reaction in the wound in the presence of edema and hyperemia is eliminated with the help of gels and ointments based on horse chestnut. The product should be applied around the damaged area. The injured surface is treated with iodine or brilliant green.

Possible consequences

If you receive an injury, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible and determine a treatment regimen. It is important not to waste time and prevent serious complications from occurring.

A nail can pierce ligaments and tendons. Their improper healing leads to the inability to move the toes fully. When the infection starts, there is a high risk of developing gangrene. The dead tissue is subsequently amputated to save the patient's life.

Injury from a rusty nail is dangerous at any age. You should not take it lightly even with shallow injuries, especially if it occurs in a child. Timely delivery medical care and consultation with a doctor will help quickly solve the problem and heal the wound.