Review of folk remedies and recipes for the treatment of various bursitis. Traditional methods of treating bursitis

Bursitis is inflammatory disease joint capsule. Treatment of bursitis at home with folk remedies is designed to reduce pain in the joint, as well as inflammation, accompanied by expansion blood vessels, local fever and swelling.

After the above symptoms are relieved, the joint begins to gradually recover - the tissues of the joint capsule heal, and movements are normalized. It is important to strengthen the body generally and locally, increase immunity levels - all this speeds up treatment and shortens the rehabilitation period.

Where to start treatment

If pain in the joints of the legs begins to bother you, it is not recommended to immediately self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor. If it is difficult to walk, bandage the affected joint elastic bandage or use a cane.

The doctor will determine the nature of the lesion, based on which he will prescribe treatment. It is extremely undesirable to warm up an inflamed joint - an increase in temperature aggravates clinical manifestations, and in the case purulent inflammation– promotes its distribution to healthy tissues.

The disease cannot be cured with home remedies alone. People's Councils designed to relieve symptoms and prevent transition to a chronic form. The therapeutic effect is achieved when complex application course drug therapy, exercise therapy, massage and strengthening joint tissues with folk remedies. Let's look at how and how to treat bursitis at home.


One of the folk remedies for treating bursitis is the use of cold compresses based on medicinal herbs. The mechanism of action is aimed at narrowing the blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the affected area, as a result of which the swelling of the soft tissues subsides.

Compresses help reduce pain threshold, restoring movement in the joint. One of the varieties is lotions - this is a short-term application of soaked in healing solution tissue or gauze.

On a note!

IN acute period bursitis, the use of a hot or warm compress is contraindicated.

Compress based on salt or sugar

For 500 ml of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of salt. Moisten gauze in the cooled solution and apply to the sore joint overnight. Wrap in plastic and secure with an elastic bandage. The course of treatment is 7 days. Cold efficiency salt remedy is ensured due to the fact that salt “pulls” out of the joint excess liquid and reduces swelling.

Hot compresses of salt or sugar are used only during periods of remission. One of the products is heated in a frying pan, placed in a cloth bag and applied to the joint. To retain heat for a longer period of time, insulation with a plastic bag and a woolen rag is recommended. Treatment lasts 5-7 days.

Compress based on sour milk and crushed eggshells

These ingredients must be mixed in 1:1 proportions and applied to the affected area before bedtime, covered with gauze or polyethylene. In the morning, remove the paste and wash the skin with warm water. The course of treatment is 5 days, then you need to pause for 7 days, after which the treatment must be repeated.

Compresses based on raw vegetables

For cooking you will need raw potatoes, beets and cabbage. In the treatment, individual vegetables are used, which are prohibited from mixing. Take a cabbage leaf, chop it and place it on gauze, apply it to the affected area overnight. The next evening, potatoes or beets are used. Continue treatment until pain and swelling are eliminated.

Lotion based on burdock root

You need to take 2 tablespoons of finely chopped root, pour boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, let cool. Moistened gauze is applied 2 times a day. You can apply the lotion 2-3 times at a time. The duration of therapy is up to 3 weeks.

Other compresses

Also popular among folk remedies are aloe, propolis and butter, Kalanchoe leaves, honey with laundry soap, grated onion, and ice cubes are used to relieve inflammation.

Aloe - you need to take the pulp of the plant, chop it and put it on gauze. Apply to the joint for 1 hour, securing with a bandage or gauze. Then change the contents and leave the new compress for the same time. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Propolis and butter – melt the ingredients in the following proportions: 1 volume of bee glue to 2 components of butter, mix, apply to cheesecloth and let cool. Use 2 times a day until joint clinical manifestations normalize.

Kalanchoe for bursitis - chop the leaves, adding a little water. Apply the resulting slurry once a day for 2 hours, fixing it and covering it with cellophane or gauze. Continue therapy until pain and swelling in the joint are eliminated.

Soap shavings and honey – mix crushed laundry soap with honey 1:1, place on gauze and apply to the joint overnight. There are no duration restrictions; it applies when chronic course bursitis.

Therapeutic baths

Another popular method of treating bursitis is the use of healing baths. Water has a beneficial effect not only on sore joints, but also on the entire body, providing restorative effect. During the reception process there is contact medicinal substance with skin. Liquid circulation occurs in the bath, providing a constant flow of healing substances and removing inflammatory products released by the skin. The therapeutic effect consists of temperature, mechanical and chemical effects. Traditional healers They recommend baths with forest pine needles and hay dust.

Pine baths. You will need 1.5 kg of coniferous branches for a large bath, and to take a bath for one limb, 300-500 g is enough. Fill them with water, then boil for 30 minutes. Cover the dish and let the product sit for 12 hours. Its readiness for use is indicated by its characteristic brown color. Add the resulting product to a bath with a water temperature of 37-40 degrees, mix thoroughly. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, the course of treatment lasts until pain and inflammation in the joint are relieved.

Baths with hay dust. For preparation you will need approximately 1 kg of hay scattering. Pour water over the dust and boil for half an hour, after which you can immediately add it to the bath. The optimal water temperature is 37 degrees. For therapeutic effects, it is enough to take a bath for 5-10 minutes daily until the pain symptoms subside.

Folk medicines

This option home treatment involves the use of infusions, prepared mixtures or ready-made healthy products nutrition. The most effective are:

  • A medicinal mixture based on propolis and butter - take 200 g of butter and 30 g of bee substance and mix to a common consistency. Take the product 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon;
  • Celery tincture – pour 1 teaspoon of boiling water with a volume of 200 ml, let it brew for 1-2 hours. Take 2 times a day for 14 days;
  • Honey-vinegar remedy - 1 teaspoon dissolved in a glass of water and taken orally, one glass per day for a week;
  • Decoction of bay leaf– 5 g of bay leaf, pour 300 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. This tool should be consumed throughout the day in small portions. The period of such therapy is 3 weeks;
  • Another one useful tincture– based on lily flowers. Pour 3 tablespoons of the crushed plant into 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Take 3 times a day until the therapeutic effect occurs;
  • Has beneficial properties grapefruit juice– it is recommended to take 100 ml daily before meals.

Massage and therapeutic exercises

Treatment of bursitis at home with folk remedies is effective, but the use of massage, physical therapy and will significantly speed up the healing process. Methods are often used alternative medicine– such as acupuncture or treatment of bursitis with leeches.

  • Exercise therapy is carried out exclusively during periods of remission; a set of exercises is selected by the attending physician. According to statistics, the most common are considered to be difficulties in their flexion and extension, which significantly affects walking.
    It is advisable to conduct the first few exercise therapy sessions together with a physiotherapist. Once the doctor sees that you are doing the exercises correctly, you can practice on your own at home.
  • Massage is not inferior and therapeutic exercises warming up the joints with a massage prescribed during the period when symptoms subside. During the procedure, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation and venous outflow improve. This leads to a reduction in swelling, acceleration of metabolic processes and healing in the tissues, and also promotes joint development.

Pharmacy preparations for home treatment

The use of ointments at home is relevant both in acute and in chronic period. The most common are:

  1. Ibuprofen;
  2. Vishnevsky ointment;
  3. Based bee venom: Apizartron, Virapin, Ungapiven;
  4. With snake venom: Viprosal, Vipratrox.

Ibuprofen is prescribed for chronic bursitis and has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, improving movement in the joint. At acute course Vishnevsky ointment is prescribed, which has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. It is relevant to use compresses with vodka based on the two above-mentioned ointments. Preparations based on bee or snake venom improve blood circulation in the joint, accelerate metabolic processes, and help remove harmful substances from tissues.

The bursa, or joint bursa, has a shock-absorbing effect and reduces the load on the joint. Often this disease occurs in the knees, in the synovial bursa calcaneus, and also often occurs Treatment can be carried out medications, using various ointments and procedures. In some cases it is necessary surgical intervention. However, there is also alternative ways cure bursitis. Treatment with folk remedies often gives very good effect.

Bursitis can be acute, chronic, or recurrent. Inflammation of the joint capsule can occur due to injury, infection, various pathologies joint

Symptoms of bursitis

If the joint is inflamed, it swells, the skin turns red, movements are limited, and severe pain appears. The pain may not be severe, sometimes only during movement or stress on the joint.

Very often the patient does not attach much importance this disease, which provokes the development of the disease. At acute inflammation the temperature rises, swelling and unbearable pain appear.

Bursitis develops into a chronic disease in cases of improper or untimely treatment. Very often people who play sports and constantly experience stress on their joints suffer from this disease. Chronic inflammation may occur in the event of a severe joint injury, weak immunity, hypothermia, specific infections. Symptoms of chronic bursitis are usually mild. Under load it may appear sharp pain, stiffness of movement, slight swelling. Many people do not attach importance to such symptoms and do not suspect that it is bursitis. Treatment with folk remedies can effectively help get rid of this disease.

Bursitis: treatment with folk remedies

If you decide to do it at home, remember that you should avoid any stress on the joint.

  • Before going to bed at night, cut raw potatoes into thin slices. Place them on a cotton cloth and wrap the sore joint. Cover with cellophane and a wool scarf. This compress must be left overnight.
  • Chop the onion and mix with sugar. Place the mixture on cheesecloth. Wrap the joint, cover the top, tie it with a woolen scarf and leave overnight.
  • Helps relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system next remedy: Pour a tablespoon of celery seeds into one glass of boiling water. The broth should be kept warm and under a tight lid for several hours. Then strain and take a glass daily.
  • A good effect can be achieved using this recipe: pour ten grams of propolis with half a glass of vodka. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave it in dark place for six days. After this, you need to apply lotions to the sore joint 2-3 times every day.
  • Bunions can be treated in the following way: in an enamel pan, make a decoction of pine needles and cones. Dilute with an equal amount of water, pour into a bowl and immerse your foot for half an hour. Regular foot bath will help relieve inflammation and reduce the pain that bursitis causes.

Treatment with folk remedies should not be used without consulting a doctor. Although all of the above methods are quite effective and safe, first of all, you need to make sure the diagnosis is correct and visit a doctor.

If swelling appears around the joint, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, you should not use folk remedies. You need to go to the clinic, where an examination will be carried out and a puncture of the joint cavity will be performed to clarify the diagnosis and stage of the disease.

The musculoskeletal system is the basis of the body’s vital functions, and its diseases can not only disable a person, but also provoke additional complications.

A dangerous pathology is inflammation of the joint capsule, which develops as a result of mechanical damage, failure of the protective system or infectious infection.

These and many other causes of bursitis, methods of diagnosis and treatment will be discussed in today’s article.

What is bursitis?

Joints provide a person with the ability to move parts of the body and move in space, and their structural components play a binding and shock-absorbing role.

However, pathologies in some areas disrupt natural process and cause pain. In particular, bursitis provokes severe swelling, noticeable even upon visual examination. This disease is also characterized by excessive production of exudate, which fills the joint cavity and prevents it from functioning normally.

Causes of the disease


Most often, bursitis develops in athletes, because it is they who subject the body to excessive stress. Inflammation of the joint capsule can occur in people who are overweight and in women who walk in high heels.

As a rule, the disease is a kind of response to increased mechanical stress, but doctors identify many other reasons that can lead to the disease:

  • joint injury;
  • complication of other diseases (arthritis, gout, etc.);
  • salt deposits;
  • infectious lesion articular capsule;
  • metabolic disease;
  • body poisoning toxic compounds;
  • autoimmune reaction;
  • an excess of antibodies producing inflammatory mediators.

Of course, the main symptom of this disease is joint swelling, but it does not always mean bursitis. A small hematoma can also occur with a bruise, which may not cause inflammatory process.

There are several clear symptoms of the disease, which doctors use to diagnose the pathology:

  • pronounced tumor (bump);
  • excessive accumulation of exudate;
  • redness and swelling of the joint;
  • pain when moving and pressing on the swelling (aching, shooting, pulsating);
  • temperature increase up to 40 °C;
  • general weakness body;
  • limitation of joint mobility;
  • nausea;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Types of disease

IN official medicine exist various classifications of this disease. Each of them provides an opportunity to get more full information and present the general clinical picture diseases. Treatment methods for bursitis are used by doctors depending on the type of pathology, which differ in:

Reasons for occurrence:

  • infection (gonococci, streptococci, etc.);
  • injury;
  • joint overstrain.

Localizations in the body:

  • shoulder;
  • elbow;
  • hip;
  • knee;
  • ankle;
  • heel;
  • wrist.

Bursa location:

  • subcutaneous (on the convex side of the joint);
  • subfascial;
  • subtendinous;
  • axillary (most difficult to diagnose).

The nature of the exudate:

  • serous (light yellow and transparent);
  • purulent (thick);
  • hemorrhagic (with blood impurities).

Degrees of expression:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

The type of bursitis is largely determined by the patient’s lifestyle, profession and hobbies. Often injured athletes can develop “footballer's knee,” and swelling on the hands is popularly called “jeweler's/watchmaker's elbow.” At the conductive a large number of Over time, in one position, a builder sometimes develops a “tiler’s knee,” while a worker carrying heavy loads sometimes develops a “loader’s shoulder.”

However, do not be confused occupational disease with infectious infection, which is often caused harmful microorganisms leading uncontrolled life activities. It is not possible to completely eliminate bacteria from the human body, but various failures immune system give free rein to microbes - they grow and multiply in weak spots, provoking severe consequences. To treat this type of bursitis, very serious medications are required: antibiotics, antiseptics and anabolics.

How is bursitis diagnosed?

Identifying this disease is sometimes problematic, which is associated with similar symptoms of other ailments. Of course, if there is big boss, then there is no doubt, however, in the case of the axillary or subtendinous form of pathology, additional methods must be used.

How to diagnose bursitis of this nature quickly and at home?

Doctors have special equipment:

  1. If you suspect hidden bursitis of the upper extremities, place your hand behind your head and virtually comb your hair.
  2. If a person complains of pain in the joints of his legs, ask him to walk on his haunches.

Bursitis will definitely manifest itself as acute or aching pain with such movements, however accurate diagnosis possible only with full examination patient. For this purpose they do X-ray desired area of ​​the body, an ultrasound is prescribed and computed tomography, and in some cases, fluid is taken from the swelling, laboratory analysis of which allows us to determine the cause of the inflammation.


In particular difficult situations The patient undergoes endoscopy of the affected joint and angiography of the blood vessels. Such measures are a last resort, but they make it possible to establish the nature of the pathology, its boundaries and the degree of its severity.

In addition, a detailed study will exclude all other diseases or confirm their presence. It is known that bursitis can be a companion to arthritis, therefore therapy should be directed not only to the local source of inflammation, but also to the entire body.

Ambulatory treatment

This disease cannot be left to chance: the exudate will not resolve on its own, and the disease will take a chronic form. In addition, complications are possible in the form of cicatricial adhesions, necrosis of the walls of the joint capsule and infection of other organs.

Clinical statistics also indicate excessive formation of calcium salts throughout the body (calcinosis), so the pathology must be treated quickly and decisively, using all available methods.

The acute form of bursitis is characterized by severe pain in the joint, which must be immobilized as much as possible using a plaster splint. IN severe cases the patient is prescribed anabolic steroids (for example, aspirin, analgin, etc.), but sometimes this symptom goes away on its own. Of course, eliminating the symptoms will alleviate the person’s condition, but will not eliminate the disease.

Medicines for the treatment of bursitis depend on the type of pathology, which requires correct setting diagnosis. For resorption of exudate infectious nature the patient is prescribed both antibiotics of the appropriate type and other drugs that can neutralize the effect of harmful microbes.

For traumatic bursitis, Vishnevsky ointment and applying heat to the affected area will help relieve inflammation, for which the patient is prescribed the following procedures:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • treatment with high frequency current (inductotherapy);
  • local administration of medications using electrophoresis;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • paraffin-ozokerite applications.

Physiotherapeutic methods are effective and promote activation metabolic processes, eliminating stagnation in the joint and reducing muscle tension. Procedures are prescribed according to the patient’s condition, and after completing the entire course of treatment physical activity restored gradually and with special exercises.

Surgical intervention


Chronic bursitis is sometimes characterized by complete stiffness of the joint, which significantly limits a person's movement. Medicines and physical therapy sometimes give in to a long-standing and hard tumor, so doctors recommend surgery.

The doctor opens the hematoma, cleans it, cuts out the adhesions and treats the cavity of the joint capsule with antiseptics, and in severe situations, either partial removal of the bursa or complete bursectomy may be required.

Calcium deposits are usually dealt with with a needle, which allows you to remove dense formations from the joint. IN clinical practice cases of exposure have also been recorded pathological tumor to connect bones. This violation requires special type surgical intervention - osteotomy:

  1. The tumor is removed.
  2. Move the bones to the desired position.
  3. They are fixed with metal rods.
  4. The wound is treated and sutured.

Alternative treatment for bursitis

Outpatient methods of healing from the disease with the proper approach will certainly help the patient, however, traditional methods of treating bursitis are much safer and do not require any removal at all. Time-tested recipes effectively cope with various forms of this disease.



The well-known burdock is ubiquitous, but people often pass by it without even realizing it. healing power of this plant:

  1. 2 tbsp. chopped burdock root pour 1 liter of water.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Moisten a bandage or gauze with the resulting decoction and apply to the sore spot.
  4. Insulate with woolen cloth and leave for 2 hours.
  5. Repeat daily for 3 weeks.


Treatment of knee bursitis with folk remedies is performed using leaves. white cabbage, But this method It also helps with joint inflammation in other parts of the body:

  1. Gently beat a few cabbage leaves with a hammer until the juice appears.
  2. Cover the joint with them and secure with a bandage.
  3. Tie woolen fabric on top for insulation.
  4. Wear the compress for 7 days, changing the leaves every 4 hours.


  1. Wash a few large leaves of the plant and put them in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, scald them with boiling water or lightly crush them until the juice releases.
  3. Secure it to the sore joint with a bandage and insulate it.
  4. Change the leaves when the compress dries out.
  5. Perform the procedure for 1 week.

Therapeutic baths

Pine bath

A good way to prevent and treat bursitis is a bath with the addition of pine decoction:

  1. Pour fresh needles, branches and green cones of pine or spruce into a 3 liter pan up to half the volume.
  2. Pour cold water to the top and soak for 2 hours.
  3. Boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Leave for 12 hours before purchasing the solution Brown.
  5. To the bathroom with warm water add the resulting concentrate.
  6. Immerse your whole body in water for 20 minutes.
  7. The procedure must be performed daily until complete healing.

Hay dust

  1. Pour 1 kg of dust into 4 liters of cold water.
  2. Boil for half an hour.
  3. Cool to approximately 40°C.
  4. Fill the bathtub with warm water and pour the concentrate into it.
  5. Immerse yourself in water for 10 minutes.
  6. Take a medicinal bath every day until you get rid of the disease.

Folk medicines

  1. Add 100 g of butter to 15 g of propolis.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly until it reaches an ointment consistency.
  3. Eat 1 tsp. three times a day before meals.


Elbow bursitis severely limits the mobility of the hands, which is treated with folk remedies using celery. The recipe is also effective for other forms of the disease, but it is used specifically in the case of a subcutaneous type of inflammation:

  1. 1 tbsp. plant seeds pour 1 tbsp. boiling water
  2. Leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Take the drug twice a day, a full glass.
  4. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.


  1. Squeeze half a glass of grapefruit juice.
  2. Drink daily until healing.
  3. If the intestines react negatively to the juice, then stop treatment.

Honey and vinegar

  1. In 1 glass warm water add 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and honey.
  2. Stir thoroughly and drink in one gulp.
  3. Take a full glass per day for 1 week.

Prevention of bursitis

Preventing inflammation of the bursa is not difficult, but you need to follow a number of simple rules. First of all, timely treatment infectious diseases will allow you to destroy harmful microbes before they become active in the joints.

In addition, any abrasions and scratches must be treated with an antiseptic, which will significantly increase the chances of avoiding infection, and general strengthening immunity with vitamins and minerals will enable protective cells to effectively perform their function.

"It is important!

Prevention of bursitis also involves taking care of joints that are constantly exposed to stress. Doctors recommend that athletes warm up before general training, warming up both problem areas and the whole body. People who spend a lot of time in one position due to their duties should soften the contact of their joints with a hard surface and periodically take a break from work.


Traditional treatment bursitis in combination with outpatient methods will relieve inflammation in a relatively short period of time.


However, if the disease is left to chance, it can take on a chronic form, which will be much more difficult to cope with. Therefore, you should go to the hospital at the first suspicion of this pathology, preventing the situation from worsening.

Severe pain and swelling around the joint are symptoms of bursitis, treatment with folk remedies for this disease in combination with conservative therapy quite effective. The main thing is to correctly understand the cause and form of the disease.

When is treatment required?

Bursitis is an inflammation of the joint bursae. Most often suffer shoulder joints, less often - elbow, knee, femur, the disease can also develop in the bursa between the Achilles tendon and the heel bone.

The causes of the disease are divided into specific (the causative agent of gonorrhea, tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis) and nonspecific (injuries, bruises, professional stereotypical positions, diathesis). Sometimes the causes of inflammation of the synovial bursae remain unknown.

According to the nature of the contents of the inflamed bursa, the disease can be serous, purulent and hemorrhagic.

Treatment of bursitis with folk remedies is permissible only in the case of serous non-infectious bursitis; in other cases it should be combined with antimicrobial or other medications, as well as procedures prescribed by the attending physician. Alternative treatment involves the use of compresses, lotions, ice from anti-inflammatory infusions, decoctions, and other dosage forms.

Folk remedies can replace non-steroidal and corticosteroid medications, especially if the use of the latter is undesirable. Sometimes surgical intervention is necessary to open purulent inflammation of the synovial bursa. In such cases, the use of pharmacopoeial drugs becomes meaningless. It is necessary to sanitize the bursa cavity, and only then use folk remedies for the speedy healing of the wound.

Most effective traditional methods treatment for inflammation of the bursa of the elbow joint, bursitis of the knee joint, ankle and heel bursitis.

Elbow bursitis

As a result of inflammation, the synovial bursa enlarges, taking on the shape of a hemisphere. The affected area is painful, the skin temperature in the joint area is elevated, and the skin is hyperemic. Treatment with folk remedies for elbow bursitis begins with limiting the mobility of the joint and involves the use of agents that help resolve the inflammation.

Salt lotions are used on the elbow to create an osmotic effect. To do this, they breed strong saline solution: 1 tbsp. l. coarse rock salt 0.5 l hot water. After the salt has completely dissolved, a piece of flannel or other moisture-absorbing fabric, folded 3-4 times for better hygroscopicity, is soaked in the solution. The fabric must be applied to the inflamed bursa and secured cling film. The lotions are applied for 8–12 hours, preferably during sleep, for a week. This compress helps the fluid accumulated in the synovial bursa leave it and dissolve.

This compress is most effective against bursitis of the elbow joint, since in this case the bursa is covered only by skin and a small layer of muscle, while at the same time, elbow bursitis is characterized by increased accumulation of exudate in the bursa. Therefore, the path of salt to the source of inflammation is as short as possible, and the effect is the most obvious.

Lotions from the pharmacy are effective alcohol tincture propolis, which is also used once a day, can be placed under a fixing bandage.

Traditional treatment recommends using white cabbage leaves and honey collected this year for elbow bursitis. These simple remedies have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, lower the local temperature in the area of ​​inflammation and promote the resorption of exudate. It is most convenient to use large leaves. You first need to walk over them with a rolling pin or a wooden hammer until the juice appears. The elbow should be lubricated with honey using gentle massage movements so as not to damage the bag. We apply a sheet to the bursa area, it’s good if the sheet can be wrapped around the entire elbow joint, fix it with film and a bandage.

In addition, a therapeutic procedure such as a bath is effective for bursitis of the elbow joint. You can also use pine needles for this. 0.5 kg of raw materials must be filled with 5 liters of hot water and allowed to brew for 6 hours. The broth is filtered, heated to a temperature of 37–38°C, poured into a deep bowl and immersed in it. Medical procedure can be carried out at any convenient time for 15–30 minutes.

Effective not only for elbow, but also for any other chronic inflammation Synovial bursae are treated with an ointment based on liquid (fresh) honey. To prepare it use:

  • 2 servings of honey;
  • 3 servings of 70% medical alcohol;
  • 1 serving of aloe juice.

The ingredients must be mixed and allowed to brew for at least a day in a cool, dark place.

To aggravate chronic process You can use the following medicinal mixture:

  • 0.5 kg of solid honey;
  • 1 onion, twisted in a meat grinder or grated;
  • 1 standard bar laundry soap, grated on a fine grater.

Both ointments are applied to the area of ​​inflammation before bed, additionally covered with film to enhance the effect and wrapped in natural wool or downy fabric.

Knee bursitis

Inflammation of the synovial bursa of the knee joint usually includes inflammation of the subcutaneous, subfascial and subtendinous bursae that do not communicate with the joint. Most often, the subcutaneous bursa becomes inflamed, since it is the easiest to injure, but treatment in this case of bursitis of the knee joint is simpler. Popliteal bursitis is the most difficult to treat, due to the deep location of the source of inflammation. Knee bursitis is characterized by: severe swelling joint area, fluctuation, hyperthermia of the inflammation site, enlargement of the popliteal lymph nodes. Movement of the joint is limited and accompanied by pain.

Just as in the case of the elbow, treating bursitis of the knee joint with folk remedies begins with immobilizing the joint for at least 7 days using a bandage or bandage.

Under the bandage for the treatment of bursitis of the knee joint, you can use honey ointments, lotions with salt and propolis tincture, wraps with honey and cabbage leaves on the entire knee area.

Baths are replaced by shared baths. For one therapeutic bath you need to brew 1 bucket of cones and pine needles.

Bursitis of the knee joint can be treated quite effectively with folk remedies in combination with pharmaceutical drugs. For example, to rub a sore knee, you can use the following remedy:

  • 100 ml of ammonia;
  • 100 ml 96% medical alcohol;
  • 100 ml aloe juice;
  • 100 ml camphor oil;
  • 100 ml Vaseline oil or glycerin;
  • 100 ml turpentine;
  • 10 ml novocaine.

The mixture is infused in a cool, dark place for 5 days. Then ready-made product can be used to rub the knee. This balm can be used to treat bursitis localized in other places.

You can make applications on the knee area using a mixture of blue clay and ground raw potatoes in equal parts. The fresh mixture must be applied to the area of ​​inflammation, covered with film, and wrapped in woolen cloth. This application is best done at night. It is most convenient for the treatment of bursitis of the knee joint.

Bursitis of the hip and shoulder joints

These diseases are united by the deep location of the source of inflammation, which explains the difficulty of treatment. Bursitis hip joint the most painful and especially difficult to bear.

If it is still possible to treat with lotions and applications, then hip bursitis is best treated with shared baths and take folk remedies internally.

In addition to the above-mentioned baths with pine needles, you can take a medicinal bath with essential oil eucalyptus or a decoction of a mixture of thyme and St. John's wort.

It is often recommended to take celery seeds internally. 1 tbsp. l. seeds should be placed in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, divide into 2 doses. The course of treatment is 14 days. This remedy helps relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system, which promotes a speedy recovery.

Inflammation of the synovial bursae of the foot

This group of diseases also includes heels. In the case of this disease, the synovial bursae located near the Achilles tendon become inflamed. Inflammation of the subcutaneous bursa lying on the Achilles (calcaneal) tendon is called posterior. Inflammation of the bursa located between the heel bone and the Achilles tendon is called. Treatment with folk remedies for all types of heel bursitis is aimed at relieving inflammation and pain.

Heel bursitis is characterized by formation on its back surface painful swelling, the skin in the area of ​​which becomes rougher over time, and pain when walking. Achilles bursitis usually results from injuries to the heel bone and tendon, and posterior heel bursitis usually results from wearing tight shoes or high heels. Treatment in this case begins with replacing shoes. A pressure bandage and a warm compress are recommended. For this purpose, use flax seeds heated in a dry frying pan in a canvas bag.

In addition, an application from a Kalanchoe leaf, previously frozen and beaten, is used. You can alternate warm and cold compresses; these methods can relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Regardless of whether posterior calcaneal or Achilles bursitis is diagnosed, treatment with the folk remedies described above will be effective.

Bursitis ankle joint- disease of athletes. As a result of sports loads on the joint, the lateral bursae become inflamed, which leads to radial swelling of the joint, decreased mobility, and pain when walking. For the treatment of ankle bursitis, the most effective are baths made from pine needles or herbs, applications, wraps with honey and cabbage leaf, in addition, other folk remedies described above. The main thing is to immobilize the joint, allow it to rest and recover.

Treatment of inflammation of the bursae with folk remedies is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and lasts no more than 3 weeks.

After the inflammation resolves, a course of rehabilitation is necessary, which includes massage, physiotherapy, and gradual restoration of joint mobility. At integrated approach and proper rehabilitation, relapses of bursitis are not observed.

A chronic inflammatory process occurring in the synovial joint capsule is called bursitis. The disease primarily affects the shoulder joints. Bursitis is somewhat less common in the elbow, hip or knee joints. It can also affect the synovial bursa between the Achilles tendon and the so-called heel bone. . This article will discuss the treatment of bursitis with folk remedies and methods.


Depending on the clinical course Bursitis is distinguished:

  • spicy;
  • subacute;
  • recurrent;
  • chronic.

The nature of the pathogen classifies the disease into specific and nonspecific forms.

The acute stage is characterized by noticeable pain localized at the site of inflammation, and, as a result, difficulty in movement. Periodic repetition of attacks of acute bursitis or repeated injuries can lead to chronic phase diseases.

The main counteraction to acute bursitis non-infectious nature serves as a temporary cessation of motor function. Initially, treatment comes down to a combination of complete calm and large doses anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs(ibuprofen, naproxen, indomethacin, etc.)

Popular folk methods

To combat painful and painful bursitis, traditional medicine offers very effective ways treatment. The treatment is based on the use of fairly well-known and popular folk medicine means - golden mustache and flax seeds.

We are treated with a golden mustache. Let's take one tbsp. spoon of carefully crushed plant tendrils and pour a glass of water. After boiling for 5-7 minutes in a container with a closed lid, the broth should be infused. After an hour, it is filtered. Having soaked a gauze compress in the broth, apply it to the joint, carefully cover it with a waterproof layer (polyethylene, wax paper), and, wrapped in a warm woolen scarf, go to bed. The procedure must be repeated about 20 times.
For each procedure, you should either take a new napkin or wash the used one.

Important! Treatment should be accompanied by eliminating the load on the joint or minimizing it.

We treat ourselves with flax seeds. Place the heated ingredients in a cloth bag flax seeds, and tie it to the diseased joint. The procedure is daily and lasts two weeks.

Flax seeds

Also an effective folk remedy for the treatment of bursitis is a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar (taken in a teaspoon, the ingredients are mixed in a glass of water room temperature), which should be taken daily, 200-500 ml for a week.

Kalanchoe leaves are also widely used among people and are quite effective. Pre-frozen, beaten leaves are applied to the joint one by one, wrapped with woolen material on top. The procedure is carried out daily for a week - this time is usually enough to completely overcome the pain.

With bursitis, the joint requires rest. The first ten days must be kept still, and then, to prevent immobilization of the joint, flexion and extension should be performed twice a day. WITH painful sensations accompanied by movements of the joints, one should accept and endure. On sore spot you need to alternately apply cold and warm compresses.

Having overcome inflammation, you should not stop - the result must be consolidated. To prevent a smooth transition from acute form bursitis k chronic stage, begin treatment with a decoction of burdock root.

One tbsp. A spoonful of burdock root is boiled for 5 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. After 15 minutes of infusion, the decoction is used to prepare a compress, on top of which a woolen cloth is applied. The holding time is two hours. You need to make compresses from burdock roots for 20 days.

Some more effective ways

Propolis mixture(15 g) and butter (100 g) is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Mixture in the amount of 1 tsp. taken before meals (1 hour before) for a week.

Celery tea. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seeds is infused for an hour and a half in 1 tbsp. boiling water The strained infusion should be drunk for 14 days. (twice a day).

Grapefruit juice. Half a glass of juice three times a day also actively helps cope with bursitis.

Cold. A rubber heating pad with ice water or just pieces is applied to the joint crushed ice. Exposure time – 40 minutes. Fixation of the applied ice is carried out using a bandage soaked in silver water - it is obtained by infusing a silver product in 1 liter of cold boiled water(container must be closed).

Cabbage leaves. A slightly beaten leaf that has released juice is secured to the sore joint, wrapped in wool.

Various vegetables. The sore joint can be covered with grated potatoes or beets. Vegetable compresses are applied alternately until the swelling disappears.

Plant leaves. Fresh lilac leaves are good for bursitis. Compresses made from quinoa leaves soaked in ash are also effective.

Compress made from propolis vodka tincture. The tumor actively subsides when they are applied. 1 part propolis in 5 parts vodka is infused for five days.

A mixture of honey, aloe and vodka. The ingredients for the compress are taken in 2, 1 and 3 parts, respectively.

Aloe compress, horse chestnut and pharmaceutical bile. Take three pieces of aloe leaf and chestnut fruit, mix with a bottle of bile, add half a liter of alcohol. Leave for 10 days. Treatment is underway 1.5 weeks.

In case the disease becomes chronic, there is also a reliable old method treatment - a compress is prepared from three ingredients: onion pulp, honey and laundry soap. 1 tsp. honey and soap shavings are melted using a water bath. Then the mixture is placed on a gauze napkin and covered with onion gruel on top. The insulated compress is left overnight. It takes two weeks.

Also, with bursitis, the following effects have a beneficial effect on sore joints:

  • pine baths and with hay dust;
  • massage with eucalyptus, lavender, olive or vaseline oil.

After the procedures, the joints are wrapped to retain heat.

As usual, any treatment for bursitis with folk remedies requires consultation with a doctor.