What does Troxevasin ointment treat: pathologies of blood vessels, skin, soft tissues. Troxevasin ointment - a remedy for the treatment of diseases of the circulatory system

Troxevasin ointment is an external medicinal product usually used for varicose veins veins However, ointment is also used in pediatrics, since the product is effective way.

Children often fall, bruises and bumps quickly appear on delicate skin - Troxevasin ointment will quickly relieve the child of these painful and ugly symptoms.

In the article we will look at the features of using Troxevasin ointment in pediatrics, find out how to use it, whether there are side effects, and prohibitions on use. Let's find out another one interesting information on this topic.

At what age is use allowed?

Officially, the drug is prescribed for treatment of patients after 15 years. However, the ban on use in more early age there is no drug.

No research has been done, so official medicine I can’t say anything concrete yet.

The use of ointment is intended by default only for adults, it is also used in pediatrics when a child or teenager plays sports intensively and gets injured or bruised.

The product helps to quickly relieve swelling, reduce painful sensations, promotes faster recovery.

The drug contains several aggressive components; this drug should be used in pediatrics permitted in exceptional cases.

There is no widespread use of this method of treating children's bruises. More often, children are prescribed an ointment with a similar effect, but with a gentler, safer composition.

This drug should not be used to treat small children, and especially newborns.. Therapy with Troxevasin is permitted if the child is already 15 years old.

Composition and release form

Troxevasin is a gel, but people stubbornly call it an ointment.. Although the drug does not have an official ointment form.

The product is available in standard tubes: the packaging always contains, in addition to the medicine itself, instructions for use.

It is recommended that you read this guide before using the ointment on children.

Weight of one tube - 40 g, the packaging is made from medical plastic or aluminum.

The main substance of this external preparation is troxerutin: its content is in one gram finished product is 20 mg.

In addition to the main and most important substance, the composition implies the content of auxiliary components, which include:

  • carbomer;
  • trolamine;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • disodium edetate;
  • water.

Properties and effects

Troxevasin ointment due to its active substance produces the following types therapeutic effects:

  • tone veins;
  • act as an angioprotector;
  • relieve swelling;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • have an antioxidant effect.

The drug also has a vitamin effect, prevents capillary fragility, makes their walls more dense.

The inflammatory process is effectively stopped, nutrition of damaged tissues improves.

In pediatric therapy, the decongestant properties of the ointment and its anti-inflammatory effect are especially important, since often with childhood injuries and bruises, the development of inflammation is a complicating factor.

Indications and contraindications

Let's find out when Troxevasin ointment can be used in pediatrics, and when it is strictly prohibited.

If in the treatment of adults the drug is more often used for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, then in pediatrics it is used for bruises and injuries accompanied by hematomas, swelling, and inflammation.

This viscous substance is used to treat the child’s skin after injuries he has received to speed up healing and relieve the inflammatory process.

According to the instructions, Troxevasin ointment should not be used for children in the following cases:

  • if the child is under 15 years of age;
  • in the presence of open wounds, infected, festering;
  • with intense discharge of exudate from a wound or injured area;
  • if the child is individually intolerant to the components of the medication.

How to use

The product should only be applied to skin without open wounds.: It should not get into the blood.

If a child’s bruise is accompanied by a penetrating wound, Troxevasin cannot be used for treatment.

Apply the product externally to the skin in the affected area. When applied, rub in so that the active components can penetrate deeper.

Lightly massage the affected area: this way recovery will come faster.

Apply twice daily, if there are no other doctor’s recommendations. The first time is after the child wakes up, the second time is shortly before going to bed.

The duration of the therapeutic course is prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the injury, the age of the child, etc. important factors.

Application rules

Before applying Troxevasin, wash your hands to ensure hygienic handling.

The ointment is applied in a small amount in a thin layer on the affected area of ​​skin.

When applying the product, rub it in: this way the positive effect will be more pronounced.

Preferably after applying ointment fix on the damaged area of ​​the body elastic bandage or a bandage.

When the expected result occurs

External Troxevasin - effective drug, and at correct use a positive effect is not long in coming.

The child may feel the first relief just a few hours after application. when the active components penetrate deep into the tissues.

After a few days of daily use, the effect is already more pronounced and noticeable: at this stage of treatment, bruises and swelling can usually be stopped.

If the effect of application is zero, it is better, without delay, to consult a doctor for advice and prescribe another remedy with a similar effect.

Side effects

Adverse negative reactions of the body from exposure to the external drug Troxevasin rarely occur.

And if they already arise, then are manifestations of an allergic nature. This:

If a child experiences the described side effects it is necessary to stop applying the drug, wash off the already applied substance from the skin and then seek medical help.

Overdose cases External Troxevasin has not yet been recorded by medicine. However, symptoms of overdose are likely if the ointment accidentally enters the body (if the child swallows it).

In this case, it is urgent to induce artificial emptying of the victim’s stomach using emetic medications and seek help from a specialist.

Review of products for baby skin problems:

Price in Russian pharmacies

The cost of the drug for external use, Troxevasin, is 190-230 rubles.

You are unlikely to find a fake in pharmacies, but in the market, in small shops, it is possible.

The medicine should be used with caution, do not allow it to get on mucous membranes or open wounds on the body. Troxevasin should also not get into your eyes.

If there is a need to use the drug if there is increased vascular permeability, it is recommended to give the patient Aspirin.

The product can be stored for five years: The storage area must be protected from light and dampness. Temperature - +3-25 degrees.

Make sure that the medicine is not accessible to children; avoid using Troxevasin if its expiration date has expired.

Troxevasin ointment - external medicine effective impact.

Although in pediatrics there are their own for its use age restrictions, in some cases the product is indispensable: for injuries, bruises.

Use the ointment only with the advice of your doctor., since the drug is not officially used to treat children.

In contact with

For the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoidal disease, venous insufficiency Troxevasin ointment is prescribed. Medication belongs to the pharmacological group of angioprotectors. The medication strengthens capillary walls, reduces their permeability, reduces the fragility of the smallest blood vessels. Due to the angioprotective effect, venous insufficiency is eliminated, swelling is leveled, the inflammatory process is eliminated, the tone of the vein walls is improved, and the severity of trophic disorders in the veins is reduced. soft tissues. Let's consider what is included in the drug Troxevasin, indications for use, contraindications, features of use for the treatment of varicose veins.

Release form and composition of Troxevasin

Medicine is available in two forms - Troxevasin gel for external use and capsules (tablets) for oral administration. Both formulations contain one active ingredient – ​​troxerutin. The capsules contain 300 mg of the active ingredient + auxiliary components - lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, yellow dye, titanium dioxide, gelatin.

The ointment contains 20 mg of active ingredient per 1 gram of medicinal substance + additional components in the form of carbomer, trolamine, edetate dihydrate, sterile water, etc. The color of the gel is light brown. The tube contains 40 g of medicinal substance.

pharmachologic effect

The annotation states that Troxevasin is a venoprotective and venotonic drug. The main active ingredient belongs to the pharmacological group of angioprotectors that act on capillaries and veins. Troxevasin narrows the pores between endothelial cells of blood vessels because it converts the fibrous matrix between endothelial cells.

The drug inhibits aggregation, enhances the deformability of leukocytes, and has anti-inflammatory properties. On the background chronic failure The drug has the ability to reduce veins trophic disorders. Cream and capsules reduce swelling and reduce convulsive states, pain syndrome, help cure varicose ulcerative lesions.

Worth knowing: Troxevasin (gel and capsules) reduces the fragility and permeability of capillary walls, strengthens capillary walls, stops inflammatory processes, relieves swelling, eliminates pain caused by inflammation and swelling of capillaries and nearby tissues.

Due to its therapeutic effects, the drug is used to treat varicose veins, venous insufficiency, trophic ulcers and other pathologies accompanied by high permeability of blood vessels. For example, it is included in the complex treatment of influenza, allergic reactions, measles and other diseases. Troxevasin ointment is used in cosmetology. Thanks to medicinal properties it helps to level out rosacea, eliminates fine wrinkles, swelling and dark circles under the eyes, pimples, acne marks.

The instructions for Troxevasin capsules highlight the indications for use:

  1. Chronic venous insufficiency.
  2. Varicose veins.
  3. Included complex treatment after sclerotherapy of veins.
  4. Trophic ulcerative lesions.
  5. Hemorrhoidal disease, including complicated ones.

Instructions Troxevasin (ointment) notes indications for use: varicose dermatitis, thrombophlebitis, pain after injury, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, accompanied by swelling of the legs, pain and heaviness in the legs.

At orally absorption reaches 15%. The maximum content of the active substance is detected 120 minutes after administration. Medicinal significant level active ingredient lasts for eight hours inclusive. The drug is metabolized in the human liver. It is excreted from the body by 20% with urine and 80% with bile. Instructions for use of the Troxevasin gel indicate that the active substance quickly penetrates through the epidermis, after 30 minutes into the dermis, and after 4-5 hours enters the subcutaneous tissue.

Instructions for use for the treatment of varicose veins

For the treatment of varicose veins, Troxevasin tablets are prescribed to be taken three times a day, the dose per application is 0.3 g of the active component. The effect usually occurs within 15 days, then the dosage must be adjusted. It is allowed to increase/decrease the dose depending on therapeutic effect. As a rule, increase to 0.6 g if the result is insufficient. At good effect treatment may be stopped.

The duration of the therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks. If it is necessary to take a longer period of time, then therapy is carried out only under the supervision of a medical specialist. The instructions for using Troxevasin capsules state that the tablets should be taken with meals. Wash down the medicine sufficient quantity clean liquid. Cannot be disclosed gelatin capsule, chew or otherwise grind.

So, Troxevasin gel, instructions for use:

  • Only used externally, cannot be ingested;
  • Apply the cream twice a day to the affected area. It is advisable to use the drug after equal periods of time;
  • Instructions for use of ointment Troxevasin notes that the product must be rubbed in with gentle rubbing movements until the skin is dry;
  • With doctor's permission the ointment can be applied under an occlusive dressing or elastic stockings.

Worth knowing: in most cases, for varicose veins, Troxevasin gel and capsules are combined. If within one week there are no visible improvements or the symptoms of the disease worsen altogether, adjustment of medication prescriptions is required.

Contraindications and side effects

Troxevasin ointment occasionally leads to the development of negative effects. This is itching, burning, hyperemia, peeling in the areas where the drug is used. Oral capsules lead to nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. Sometimes erosive/ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract are detected. IN severe cases eczema or dermatitis develops. Usually, side effects are temporary in nature, leveled out after the body adapts to the drug or after its discontinuation.

  1. Infected wounds with purulent contents.
  2. Copious discharge (blood, pus) from an open wound.
  3. Hypersensitivity to the active substance, auxiliary components.
  4. First trimester of pregnancy.

Capsules are not prescribed if there is a history of gastric/duodenal ulcers during acute inflammation, gastritis (exacerbation), hypersensitivity to Troxevasin or rutosides. Prescribed with caution for long-term use against the background of impaired renal function.

Use during pregnancy

Troxevasin Neo ointment can be used throughout pregnancy and lactation. The product is used to reduce swelling, pain syndrome, relieving heaviness and feeling of fullness in the lower extremities. It can be used to prevent varicose veins in pregnant women. During pregnancy, the ointment is used in courses of 15-20 days, which are carried out every 2-3 months.

Troxevasin in the form of gel and capsules cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy - up to the 12th week inclusive. In the second and third trimesters they are allowed to use, but only on the recommendation of a medical specialist.

Please note: the instructions for use of the tablets indicate that capsules can only be taken in cases where potential benefit for the mother exceeds the harm for the child. This is a standard phrase, no need to be scared.

This is due to the fact that, according to the rules, in order to write that the pills can be taken during pregnancy, expensive studies involving pregnant women are required to establish the safety of the drug for both the woman and the fetus. By for obvious reasons such studies are not carried out. A practical experience- this is not a reason to indicate that capsules are allowed during pregnancy.

Doctors note that Troxevasin gel/tablets can be used during pregnancy (second and third trimesters) and during lactation, since there is no danger to the woman and child.

Cheap analogues

Most cheap analogue The drug Troxevasin is Troxerutin. The drug is available in the form of a gel and tablets for oral administration. The instructions for use of the tablet indicate that the dosage for the treatment of varicose veins is 900 mg per day - divided into several applications. The duration of the course is approximately 3-4 weeks. Not prescribed for gastric/duodenal ulcers, children under 15 years of age, in the first trimester of pregnancy, or during lactation.

Let's look at several Troxevasin analogues in more detail:

Important: Troxevasin and drug analogs are not recommended to be combined with alcoholic drinks, since such a combination negatively affects the effectiveness of treatment.

Troxevasin – good medicine having a lot positive feedback. Against the background of varicose veins, it helps only as part of complex treatment. It is almost never prescribed as a single agent. Gel/tablets can be purchased at a pharmacy, a doctor's prescription is required. The price of the ointment is $3-3.5, capsules cost $10-12.

The drug "Troxevasin" refers to angioprotectors - substances whose action is aimed at reducing the permeability of blood vessels, normalizing microcirculation and restoring metabolic processes in the vascular walls. During treatment, Troxevasin helps to achieve many effects, for example, relieve swelling, eliminate pain, fatigue, and a feeling of heaviness.

Main component this drug is troxerutin, which is supplemented with magnesium stearate and lactose as excipients. Today, the medicine is available in two versions: in the form of capsules and gel. The gel is intended for external use, capsules are for oral use.

MirSovetov found that Troxevasin has a fairly wide spectrum of action and has the following effects on the body:

  • reduces the degree of permeability capillary vessels, reduces their fragility;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • acts as an antioxidant and venotonic agent;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • increases capillary tone, compacts the walls of blood vessels.

"Troxevasin" is effective in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, and at any stage of the disease. After using the drug, the patient’s well-being improves significantly, the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs disappears, and swelling disappears.

Gel "Troxevasin", intended for external use, is well absorbed through the skin, entering the blood. After taking the capsules, the drug is absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, its maximum concentration in plasma is observed after 2 hours. The therapeutic level is maintained for another 8 hours, after which the components are excreted from the body along with urine and bile.

The drug in capsule form is sold in pharmacies with a prescription; you do not need a doctor’s prescription to purchase Troxevasin gel. The medicine should be stored in a dark, dry place where the temperature does not exceed 25°C.

Indications and contraindications for the use of "Troxevasin"

MirSovetov highlighted the following readings to the use of "Troxevasin" as a medicine:

  • various injuries: dislocations, sprains, contusions, bruises;
  • muscle spasms;
  • varicose veins, post-varicose veins syndrome;
  • ulcers as a consequence of varicose veins;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • , periphlebitis;
  • vascular damage due to;
  • consequences radiation therapy.

In people with diabetes mellitus, or with arterial hypertension, "Troxevasin" is used as aid for treatment vascular disorder retina.

There are a number of reasons why the drug is not recommended:

  • the risk of developing allergic reactions to any components of the drug;
  • chronic;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

Women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as patients with renal failure, you should use this drug very carefully.

How to take Troxevasin

The drug capsules are taken orally, usually with meals. The dosage of the medicine is calculated by the doctor based on the specific disease and individual characteristics patient. There is an average therapeutic dose of Troxevasin, it is 600 mg active substance of the drug per day, which is equal to 2 capsules. If we are talking about maintenance treatment, you should take half as much - 1 capsule per day for a month.

Gel "Troxevasin" is intended for local use. It is applied to diseased areas 2-3 times a day. The gel is rubbed into the epidermis with leisurely stroking movements until the substance is completely absorbed into the skin. The duration of treatment can range from several days to several months, depending on the disease. The gel can only be used on intact skin, without wounds, scratches, abrasions, etc. Contact of the substance with mucous membranes and eyes should also be avoided.

Side effects of the drug

Troxevasin, as a rule, is tolerated quite well by patients and causes side effects only in rare cases. However, some unwanted effects after using the drug are still sometimes present, these include:

  • hives;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema.

If you experience these or other side effects while using Troxevasin, consult your doctor about this.

Use of Troxevasin during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids and varicose veins are frequent companions of pregnancy. The drug Troxevasin will help get rid of these unpleasant diseases or at least alleviate their symptoms. It can be used only from the second trimester of pregnancy and only if such therapy is prescribed by a doctor. If we are talking about oral administration of capsules, the decision to prescribe them is made by a gynecologist and phlebologist, having previously assessed the degree of risk to the fetus and the expected benefit to the mother. The dosage of the drug is also prescribed by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease and the personal characteristics of the patient.

The effectiveness of Troxevasin in the treatment of hemorrhoids

The drug "Troxevasin" effectively combats the manifestations of hemorrhoids due to its ability to reduce the permeability of veins and capillaries, relieve swelling, eliminate and prevent inflammatory processes. The drug is considered good remedy for the prevention of vein damage and the development of microcirculation disorders. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, medicine is prescribed in a comprehensive manner, as for external use, and for oral administration - such therapy has increased effectiveness and helps to quickly cope with the disease.

The effectiveness of the drug is due to its following features:

  • the medicine increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the venous walls, reduces their permeability, and relieves inflammation;
  • the drug improves blood circulation in the affected area, reduces the risk of blood clots.

The average therapeutic dose for the treatment of hemorrhoids is 3 capsules per day, which should be taken for 14 days. At the same time, tampons lubricated with gel are used. Such tampons are applied externally to anus without introducing it inside.

A two-week course of treatment allows you to relieve inflammation, eliminate painful sensations, soften and reduce hemorrhoids.

A hormonal-based drug. Application: varicose veins, swelling of the legs, bruises, hemorrhoids.

Approximate price(at the time of publication of the article) from 164 rubles.

In this article we will tell you about the instructions for using the Troxevasin gel. You will learn about the features of using the drug. In what cases can it be used, and in what cases is it better to use an analogue?

Drug of the pharmacological group of angioprotectors

A drug for external use from the group of venotonic agents. It has a uniform consistency of a light brownish tint with a specific, but pleasant smell.

It is used to relieve swelling, pain lower limbs, bruises.

The highly effective medication provides long-lasting therapeutic effect.

Medicine wide range actions apply on early stages violations of the walls of blood vessels and in the late period of development of pathologies. It can be combined with ascorbic acid to enhance the effect.

pharmachologic effect

A gel that tones venous vessels and walls is intended for external use.

Active substance

The active substance is. The component is a semi-synthetic bioflavonoid y-benzopyrone, which has P-vitamin activity. It exhibits angioprotective properties.

What does it help with?

Stops platelet aggregation, eliminates it in veins and capillaries congestion. Has a beneficial effect on the patient’s well-being:

  • pain in the area of ​​enlarged veins decreases;
  • Leg fatigue disappears;
  • the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, veins, and capillaries is strengthened and restored;
  • preventive effect;
  • swelling is relieved;
  • nutrition improves cellular level tissues in case of injury;
  • vascular spasms are eliminated;
  • blood circulation improves at the site of application of the drug;
  • inflammation is relieved, hemorrhoids are reduced, bruising and other unpleasant phenomena disappear.

Release form, composition and packaging

The medicine is produced by pharmacological companies in Bulgaria and Iceland.

In pharmacies you can buy the drug in two forms. Official form release is considered a gel, but it is often called an ointment.

Active ingredient traditional drug troxerutin and additional components such as carbomer, benzalkonium chloride and disodium dihydrate.

There are more perfect form gel It differs in the composition of active components.

Troxevasin Neo contains three connected active substances: troxerutin, sodium heparin and.

The drug is produced in the form of a gel and is packaged in aluminum, laminate (plastic) tubes of 40, 50 and 100 g.

In an aluminum tube it can be stored for 5 years, and in a plastic tube - up to 2 years.

Patients often ask whether troxevasin is hormonal or not. Despite its hormonal basis, it belongs to the category of non-hormonal drugs.


To the main directions intensive care, at which it provides effective impact, refers to exacerbation of hemorrhoids with subsequent relapse and varicose veins.

Conservative treatment carried out in combination with other drugs.

Used for impaired blood circulation in the capillaries and vessels of the veins. It has a complex effect, helping to restore the elasticity of vascular tissues and preventing their fragility and deformation.

The main indications are:

  • swelling in soft tissues;
  • acute phase phlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm, varicose dermatitis;
  • diabetic microangiopathy;
  • after varicose veins;
  • progressive muscle spasms;
  • vasodilation after radiation therapy;
  • peptic ulcer of the skin, including varicose veins;
  • chronic type venous insufficiency.

According to the instructions, it is used in the treatment of muscle damage, injuries, hematomas, and dislocations.

Can be used during pregnancy medicine for the treatment of hemorrhoids and dilation of the venous vessels of the legs from the 2nd trimester.

Instructions for use, methods

For external use. Medicinal composition applied to the area lung lesions movements while rubbing into the skin until completely absorbed.

Important! The medicine should not be applied to open wounds, mucous membranes and eczematous areas of the skin.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists during treatment, taking into account the indications:

  • share with compression hosiery at vascular diseases;
  • compresses or a gauze swab with gel are applied to the anus for hemorrhoids;
  • the gel is simply applied in case of soft tissue injury and other adverse events.

Apply twice a day, morning and evening for one month.

Attention! The treatment regimen is selected individually in consultation with a doctor. Consultations can be obtained from a local therapist or a phlebologist.

After the disappearance of swelling and other phenomena of venous insufficiency, the use of the drug can be discontinued.

The course of treatment is resumed if reoccurrence symptoms, and is carried out until they are completely eliminated.

During the year, it is allowed to conduct 2-3 courses with an interval of up to 4-5 months. If symptoms do not disappear within 7 days regular use, then you should seek help from a doctor.

Older people are allowed to use the drug without restrictions. To enhance therapeutic action it can be combined with an additional technique ascorbic acid.


Troxevasin also has contraindications, like other drugs. The main ones include:

When asked whether troxevasin can be administered to children in some cases, it is necessary to consult with specialists.

Side effect

Does not provide toxic effect on the body. But in some cases you should expect side effect.

As a rule, the manifestation is noted allergic reaction, formation of ulcers on the gastrointestinal mucosa, headache. In these cases, you should stop using it and consult a specialist.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

As mentioned above, during pregnancy the gel can be used after the 1st trimester with extreme caution. It is not used when breastfeeding.

special instructions

  1. The composition is applied only to intact, intact areas of the skin.
  2. If an infection develops in the patient’s body, additional vitamin C is taken.
  3. During treatment, medications with vasodilating and blood thinning effects are not taken.

Interaction with other drugs

Used for impaired blood circulation in the capillaries and vessels of the veins

Do not apply to open wounds

During the year you cannot carry out more than 2-3 courses of treatment

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Video: Troxevasin: application, release forms, side effects, analogues

Venotonics and angioprotectors are a group of drugs that help strengthen and restore the vascular wall. To such pharmacological agents refers to troxevasin. The drug has been known for a long time and is widely used for varicose veins, angiopathy, vascular spasms and circulatory disorders after injuries. Troxevasin tablets help improve occlusive blood supply in the area of ​​trophic tissue lesions due to impaired venous blood flow.

Due to the targeted effect on small capillaries, this drug simultaneously has a massive multifunctional effect.

To the spectrum positive effects includes:

  • increased muscle tone vascular wall;
  • improving the level of vein resistance to reverse blood flow;
  • relieving swelling by reducing stagnant effusion of plasma and intercellular fluid;
  • anti-inflammatory effect of local and general nature;
  • reduction of oxidative processes in the affected areas, this reduces the risk of developing a trophic ulcer.

The pharmacological industry produces troxevasin tablets, capsules and gel. For venous insufficiency, it is recommended to use the drug for oral and external use simultaneously. Thus, it is possible to achieve the maximum level of concentration of the active substance in the vascular wall of the venous bed.


There are direct and indirect indications for the use of troxevasin. Depending on the type of damage to the vascular wall, the drug can be successfully used both in the treatment of hemorrhoids and to improve blood circulation in the pelvic cavity during pregnancy.

For hemorrhoids, troxevasin creates favorable conditions to strengthen the venous wall and ensures quick and painless collapse of the hemorrhoid.

Must be used according to the following scheme:

  • 1 capsule 3 times a day for 30 - 40 days with intervals of 4 months;
  • externally in the form of gel applications to the area of ​​the hemorrhoid for 5 - 7 days in the morning and evening after preliminary toileting with cool water.

The use of troxevasin during pregnancy is indicated if there is obvious signs developing stagnation of blood in the venous network of the pelvic cavity. This can be manifested by severity, disturbances in bowel movements, the appearance hemorrhoids. In this case, Troxevasin capsules are used for 15 days. Dosage regimen: 1 capsule 3 times a day. In the presence of swelling in the legs of venous etiology, the use of troxevasin gel topically in the morning and evening until all components are completely absorbed into the epithelial covers.

Other indications for the use of troxevasin according to the instructions for use include:

  • muscle pain and spasm if they are associated with circulatory failure;
  • Varicose veins;
  • varicose veins of the pelvis;
  • thrombophlebitis with external and deep localization;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diabetic angiopathy with impaired tissue trophism;
  • retinopathy vascular nature together with others vascular agents and nootropic drugs.

How to use capsules and tablets

Troxevasin tablets are mainly used in the European Union. In our country, capsules of this drug are most often available in pharmacy chains. There is no particular difference in these dosage forms No. Therefore, the instructions for using troxevasin are the same for capsules and tablets. Take orally, on an empty stomach with enough water. During the appointment, you should not take other medications 30 minutes before and for 60 minutes after the procedure.

Troxevasin ointment and gel are applied to clean, dry skin of the affected area. Can be rubbed into skin with lungs massage movements until completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.

The duration of taking the drug is long, with regular repetitions of courses. Treatment is usually practiced for 40 days in spring and autumn. This allows you to completely stop the progression of venous insufficiency and, over time, partially restore damaged vascular valves.

Troxevasin - use in doses

Acute venous insufficiency 600 mg 3 times a day for 10 days.
Chronic venous insufficiency 300 mg 3 times a day for 30 - 40 days.
Trophic ulcers 300 mg orally 2 times a day and externally gel 2 times a day.
Diabetic angiopathy and retinopathy 300 mg 4 times a day for 20 - 30 days.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no absolute contraindications to the use of troxevasin. It is recommended to use the drug with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy and in persons suffering from ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal tract (PUD, DU, ulcerative nonspecific colitis, peptic ulcer of the esophagus).