Matryona decoction for conception. Healing infusion of matryona for infertility

Infertility has long been called the plague of the 21st century by the medical community. Poor ecology, frantic pace of life, and freedom of sexual relations lead to disruption of the reproductive system in both women and men. However, many who have taken Matryona's decoction believe that the disease is curable and that infertility can be overcome without significant doses of hormones.

You can buy the infertility remedy on the official website:

What is Matryona's decoction?

For a long time, collecting herbs and roots was not only a way of survival, but also a sacred tradition, carefully preserved and reverently passed on from mother to daughter. Based on age-old wisdom, the foundation of herbal medicine is based, aimed at minimizing side effects from exposure to chemicals on the body. medicinal substances and maximizing the results achieved in the process of combating the disease using medicinal herbs y fees.

A bright representative medicinal natural composition, which has high performance in curing the disease, is Matrona's Decoction. Its name healing collection

took from the legend about the holy old woman, who healed infertile women in word and deed. The composition of the collection includes exclusively natural ingredients. Carefully selected herbs enhance each other's effects, helping desperate women achieve the desired result.

You will be interested to know. Follow the link to one of our articles.

Detailed composition

Matryona's decoction is simple in composition, but surprisingly effective due to the pharmacological properties endowed with the herbs included in it.

Hog queen or ortilia It is the backbone and main active component of the infusion. From time immemorial, the herb has been used as the main medicine of traditional medicine in the fight against diseases. genitourinary system among women. Natural antioxidants

, contained in the structure of the plant, give it anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic and immunomodulatory properties. This effect of the hog uterus helps in preparing the woman’s body for conception and healing from acquired pathologies. Positive Impact

Evening primrose (primrose or lily of the valley)

The plant is not a common raw material in pharmacology. But thanks wide range actions affecting hormonal background, is actively used in gynecology. Substances produced during the fermentation process promote the onset of ovulation, which greatly increases the chances of getting pregnant. Anti-inflammatory, tonic and antibacterial properties allow the use of primrose in the treatment of endometriosis and normalization of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to the effect it has both locally on lesions of the uterus and on the general hormonal background of a woman, evening primrose has earned the title of “first aid” among gynecologists. The plant also has a beneficial effect on the body, promoting the gentle elimination of toxins.

In pharmacology, both the “ground” part of the plant and the rhizomes are used. Active components and antioxidants, which wintergreen is rich in, have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, sedative, hemostatic and astringent effects. In Matrona's Decoction, the aerial part of the plant is used for pregnancy. It is worth noting that the use of wintergreen in combination with boron uterus mutually enhances the effectiveness of the herbs.

Sudanese rose

Sudanese rose, better known as hibiscus tea, has immunomodulatory and tonic properties. In gynecology, it is used to relax smooth muscles and eliminate tone in muscle tissue uterus

This plant is called nothing more than “girl’s helper”. Taking it regularly will not only improve menstrual cycle, but also remove pain syndrome, which occurs 4-7 days before the start of menstruation and continues for several days after. Oregano is also used as a strong sedative that restores nervous system after breakdowns. IN postpartum period it is used as a powerful lactogenic agent.

The use of a natural medicinal product is recommended equally for women and men. One of the main means of herbal medicine that specifically combats acquired infertility. The functionality of the plant includes the active solution of problems associated with diuresis and frequent occurrences colds and inflammatory diseases. But wintergreen also has a number of contraindications, the main one of which is the risk of blood clots.

It is actively used both in orthodox pharmacology and in herbal medicine. It has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In gynecology, they are used both internally (in the form of tea) and externally (through douching).

Taking chamomile decoctions during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after consultation with a specialist!

Indications for use of herbal infusion

Having studied in detail the pharmacological effects of the plants included in the collection, we can identify the main categories of women who potentially need a course of infusion use. The product is shown:

  • in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • with endometriosis;
  • with colpitis;
  • with candiosis;
  • when lactation worsens;
  • with unstable and painful periods;
  • during menopause;
  • in the absence of ovulation caused by a failure in hormonal system;
  • for infertility.

Matryona's decoction is indicated in the fight against secondary infertility that occurs due to hormonal disorders and inflammatory infections in the uterus. Primary infertility caused by pathological disorders in the structure or functioning of the reproductive system can only be cured with the help of!

surgical intervention Thanks to the unique and beneficial herbs , painstakingly collected in composition, the decoction does not have side effects and has a positive effect not only on reproductive system , but also for the entire body. The presence of components with sedative properties in the collection contributes to the successful fight against infertility caused by.

psychosomatic disorders


  1. Despite the comprehensive beneficial effects, there are a number of pathologies and temporary conditions of the body in which it is strictly forbidden to drink this collection:
  2. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Diseases gastrointestinal tract , complicated increased acidity
  3. in organism..
  4. Cardiovascular diseases Varicose veins
  5. veins
  6. Urolithiasis disease.
  7. Kidney pathologies.
  8. Pathological change in blood quality associated with an increase in hemoglobin. Chronic diseases
  9. liver.
  10. Age up to 18 years.

Blood clotting disorders. The use of Matryona Decoction during pregnancy is possible only after consultation with a practicing gynecologist! Pharmacological properties

With absence pathological changes in the body, the medicine has no side effects. The manufacturer warns that individual intolerance to individual components of the drug is fraught with:

  • the occurrence of acute allergic reactions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the occurrence of acute headaches or nausea;
  • changes in the nature of discharge during the menstrual cycle.

During the course of herbal medicine using Matryona's decoction, a pulling sensation may occur in the lower abdomen. Similar symptoms does not indicate individual intolerance, but is the first sign that positive properties collection began to have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

Instructions for use of Matryona Decoction

By selecting medicinal collection as an adjuvant therapy, many people wonder about the correct preparation of the infusion.

How to drink herbal infusion to get pregnant? The method of using Matryona decoction is the same, but the duration of therapy may vary. The recipe for a herbal tincture based on dry matter is posted by the manufacturer both on the packaging and in the detailed instructions for use, and includes several preparation steps:

  1. The collection has already been sorted. 1 “tea bag” serving medicinal infusion. Pour boiling water over the herbal medicine at the rate of 200 ml of water per 1 serving sachet.
  2. Infuse the herbs for about 7 minutes.
  3. Strain and take the decoction 2 times a day after meals.

The minimum course duration is 1 month, but to achieve best effect Herbalists recommend repeating the tincture with a short break.

WITH detailed instructions You can familiarize yourself with the application using photos and videos located on the official website.

The naturalness and availability of the medicinal components included in the composition suggests the possibility of making your own tincture at home. One of the most common questions regarding the collection is: “What is the Decoction of the Holy Blessed Matryona of Moscow in composition and where can I find its recipe?” The forums are replete with advice not only on home production, but also detailed step by step description preparations of medicinal raw materials.

Experts say that, theoretically, it is possible to find herbs and make a real healing decoction. There are many ways to do this. But in practice the situation is not so simple, since at home it is difficult to achieve the required quality of fermentation of raw materials. And also, given the wide profile of the effects of the constituent components on the body and the possibility of unpleasant side effects, it is necessary to maintain the ratio of herbal ingredients. Even 1 extra gram can deprive Matryona's Decoction of its healing properties. Is it worth the risk and own health, and the result?

You will also be interested to learn about the properties of the Monastic Collection of Father George, which is also designed to cure and prevent gynecological diseases. The composition of the collection includes 16 herbs, so the list of indications for use of the product is quite wide. Look in the article at the link.

Where to buy herbal decoction

Considering the complexity of calculating the required proportion this question very reasonable. It is recommended to order the collection on the website of the official supplier:

A pleasant surprise for the buyer will be the possibility of delivering goods not only within Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also throughout Russia, which means that the order will arrive at its destination in a matter of days.


Cost is also an important criterion. healing agent. Depending on the promotions and bonus coupons provided by the distributor, the price will vary. But you should focus on an amount of 1000-1500 rubles.

Natural medicinal product Matrona's decoction can only be purchased from an official supplier! Healing herbal tea is not sold through pharmacies!

What is Matrona's decoction for infertility: deception and truth about the power of herbal tea

Externally, the herbal mixture is a powdery mixture that should be prepared in portions before each use. It tastes slightly bitter and is similar in color to Chinese green tea. If you really want to, you can sweeten the drink with honey or a piece of refined sugar, although the instructions say to drink a “pure infusion.” Knowledgeable people they add that each such “tea party” must also be accompanied by an internal prayer addressed to Matronushka. It will help you get into the right frame of mind, relax and calm down. Of course, the claim that Matrona’s decoction for infertility is 100% effective is a deception, but this remedy is not useless either. It is based on the properties of boron uterus - the most famous herb that restores and heals the female genital area. It was this herb that our grandmothers used to treat most women’s ailments. It is effective for inflammation, and for cysts and fibroids, and for erosion, and for obstruction of pipes, and for the so-called “aggressive environment”. In a word, the herbal set removes all the reasons why the female body resists pregnancy and facilitates the process of conception. The same applies to those cases when both partners are completely healthy and there are purely psychological barriers to a long-awaited pregnancy. Matrona's infusion removes increased irritability, allowing a woman to tune in to the right mood.

How to properly prepare Matryona decoction: instructions for use

To brew the mixture correctly, you need to get a measuring cup with a lid and patience. The course lasts 21 days, during which you should drink a freshly prepared drink three times a day. The decoction should be infused as follows:

    Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture into 200 ml of boiling water;

    Cover the mixture with a lid and let it brew properly (7-10 minutes);

    You can wrap the infusion with a towel on top so that the herbs are properly steamed and share their healing properties;

    The resulting composition should be divided into three servings, each of which should be drunk after meals.

Each jar of Matryona's herbal mixture is supplied with instructions for use, so you simply won't be able to confuse the steps of preparing the drink. It should not be done for future use, because over time the herbs will lose their healing properties. Every day you need to brew a fresh decoction. It does not cause any unpleasant side effects, so it can be taken before bed and in the morning after breakfast. Besides, natural composition It is completely compatible with taking medications prescribed by a doctor, and can be used in combination with the main treatment of infertility or female ailments.

How effective is Matryona's infusion for quick pregnancy: reviews from doctors and personal impressions

My attempts to get pregnant ended in complete failure, both after calculating the days of ovulation, and after a course of pills, and after other artificial stimulation. My husband and I were already ready for IVF when Matryona’s infusion came to our aid, reviews of which my husband accidentally saw in a magazine while he was waiting for me in line to see the gynecologist. He suggested just trying traditional medicine like last chance before artificial conception. Then, it seems to me, he himself didn’t really believe in the effect. I decided to do everything according to the rules and consult a doctor first. Oddly enough, Matryona's decoction also received very high reviews from doctors. My gynecologist fully supported my husband’s desire to try the decoction for my treatment. All I could do was dutifully take the drink according to the instructions - 21 days daily, then a seven-day break, and a repeat course. During this time, I managed to calm down, relax, and enjoy the process of “childbirth” itself; I stopped running around with a thermometer and a table of critical days. As a result, I almost missed the most important point, that is, I found out about my pregnancy only in the third week, when there were already several days of delay. I didn’t have any toxicosis or other troubles. The doctor assures that the herbs played a decisive role in this, they prepared my body and made sure that the pregnancy was easy and pleasant. She gave birth to the baby herself, without tears or cuts. Maybe Matrona helped again, or maybe she just set herself up correctly, but if I decide on a second one, I’ll charmingly repeat the course with the medicinal drink.

What herbs are included in Matryona's decoction: the composition of the healing drink and its properties

In addition to the boron uterus, known for its healing properties, the composition of the herbal collection for women also includes: evening primrose, chamomile, wintergreen, wintergreen and oregano. All herbs are collected by hand and subjected to special processing, without losing their natural properties. Freshly brewed decoction of Matryona, the composition of which is crushed into convenient granules, has a strong aroma and a rather pleasant slightly bitter taste. In addition to the healing effect for the female genital area, it also improves immunity, normalizes digestion, improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, and rejuvenates the body. In other words, medicinal herbs completely prepare the female body for the desired conception, including making her extremely attractive to her partner.

Borovaya uterus for fibroids and other female diseases

Matrenin decoction will be useful not only at the stage of pregnancy planning, but also for women who have serious illnesses. Properly brewed herbs relieve inflammation, accelerate regeneration processes, can delay the onset of menopause and alleviate all its symptoms. The ancient recipe for the infusion has remained virtually unchanged since the time of Matronushka herself and still helps even seriously ill women. Unfortunately, sometimes even doctors give in to diseases of the female genital area and are ready to label them “infertility”, and ethnoscience treats these same ailments and allows you to get pregnant naturally. Faith and the power of nature itself are sometimes capable of real miracles.

Where can you buy Matryona decoction for infertility: price in pharmacies and on the official resource

Since herbal remedies are not subject to mandatory inclusion in the official register of medicines, they cannot always be found for sale in pharmacies. However, you can buy Matryona’s decoction for infertility at any convenient time on the official website - here. The resource works around the clock and accepts orders from all cities. Delivery is quite prompt, my order arrived within a week, and at a discount too. The only thing you should beware of is cheap fakes. This infusion is sold in original packaging, with instructions and guarantees from the manufacturer. I highly recommend trying it for everyone who is planning a happy pregnancy - it will definitely help.

The desire to become a mother is as natural for a woman as the need for food, water, and clothing. But not every representative of the fair sex is capable of conceiving a baby at any time, since the reproductive function of a fragile organism is influenced by different unfavorable factors. If doctors and women themselves are unable to change the environmental situation, then extinguish the inflammatory process, restore the balance of hormones and treat gynecological infections they can work together.

Indications for use

Among the natural remedies against infertility there is one interesting remedy - this is Matryona's decoction (sometimes found under the name Matrona's decoction). In fact, it is a collection of herbs that have long been used to treat various female ailments and infertility. Phytohormones entering the body along with the infusion improve reproductive capabilities and stabilize the ovulation process, which is so important for conception. They are a worthy alternative estrogens, which are so often prescribed by gynecologists in the fight for the health of patients. By the way, you can get advice from the seller on any questions about the product completely free of charge by sending a request and waiting for the manager to call:

Get free consultation about the product

Ask the manager all your questions about the product by phone.
If the answers satisfy you, then you can place an order by providing the manager with delivery information.

Main indications for taking the infusion:

  • Climax.
  • Infertility.
  • Inflammation.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Cystic formations.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Painful " critical days».
  • Unstable menstrual cycle.
  • Sluggish gynecological diseases.

Herbal treatment of Matrona's decoction requires patience. Reviews from women indicate that conception occurred at 4 months in 31% of those taking the drug. 67% of patients were able to become pregnant within 2–3 months from the start of using the herbal mixture. In 23% of women, gynecological pathologies disappeared. We recommend interesting video on the topic of infertility:

Beneficial features

IN Ancient Rus' herbal decoction Matryona was considered an elixir of women's health. Properly prepared and regularly consumed liquid facilitates the path of sperm to eggs and enriches the female body with special phytohormones. IN medicines similar substances are not found. Thus, the infusion can be called a targeted remedy, the components of which work in a targeted manner. In other words, the components are sent precisely to problem area genital area. They are all natural and do not contain synthetic impurities. The phytohormones of the product are as close as possible by nature to natural female estrogens.

To improve a woman’s health from infertility, they work as follows:

  1. Improves ovarian function.
  2. Minimize the risk of miscarriage.
  3. Facilitate the course of pregnancy during toxicosis.
  4. Smooth out adhesions after chronic inflammation.
  5. Improves the patency of the fallopian tubes and the reproductive system as a whole.

Matrona's light herbal mixture can be taken in the postoperative period and as a supplement to drug therapy. The drug does not interact with medications, so the drugs do not interfere with each other. However, it is better to find out from your treating specialist whether it is worth combining the use of herbal products and medications. When preparing the decoction, it is good to brew lightly. After infusion, the consumer needs to drink the entire portion at once and not allow any remaining drug. The product is prepared like tea. Taste qualities its specific.

Composition of Matryona decoction

The effect of each plant in the composition is aimed at strengthening reproductive health women. Each herb is endowed with individual healing properties and works according to the principle given by nature. As a result, the condition of the reproductive system improves, and the woman acquires the ability to become a mother.

Ancient healers included many useful plants in Matrona’s herbal decoction for infertility:

The totality of medicinal raw materials included in the composition of the herbal product Matryona's decoction for infertility guarantees the debugging of functions in the female part and accelerates the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

According to the consumer protection law, the buyer has the right to return the purchased product within 14 days from the date of purchase. Extract from the law

Excerpts from Law 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Exercitationem, iste? Cumque architecto dicta eligendi alias eius nam earum neque voluptate, quis maiores voluptatum soluta ab officiis doloribus animi error perspiciatis, ipsum saepe eos. Illo expedita aliquid aperiam obcaecati, minus ipsam.

Additional guarantees

Instructions for use

The instruction leaflet for the use of Matrona's decoction requires that the product be taken daily at fresh. It is not prepared for future use. Herbs affect the body for a long time, but in a complex manner, releasing all the beneficial substances.

How to properly prepare Matrona’s phytonaste, read the instructions:

  1. Pour one small spoon of the mixture over a glass of boiling water.
  2. Keep the raw materials under the lid for no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Drink as tea in full during a meal or after a meal.
  4. Repeat tea drinking 2 times. per day for a course of 1 - 2 months.

Napar exudes a pleasant aroma and leaves an unusual aftertaste. Matrona's decoction for infertility has no analogues. The main purpose of its administration to women is to increase the chances of pregnancy. We recommend a video from another popular program on this topic:

Real reviews

Anastasia, 33 years old, Moscow:

“Difficulties conceiving a baby caused constant quarrels with my husband. I blamed him for his inability, he blamed me. When I was undergoing treatment, the gynecologist recommended that I drink a decoction of Matryona. I took the drug according to the instructions for 2 months, then my husband and I went to a resort. Either the tea worked a miracle, or the climate change, but I became pregnant a month after returning home. The usual test, the doctor, and the ultrasound confirmed my interesting situation. There’s only one thing left to do – give birth and enjoy the baby.”

Elena, 40 years old, Minsk:

“When I was abandoned by a young man when I was pregnant, I got rid of the child by abortion. A few years later I got married, but I couldn’t get pregnant, and I already despaired of becoming a mother. Additionally, I was worried that my husband would leave for someone else. One day I came across an advertisement for Matryona’s decoction on the Internet, and I decided to order it. There was nothing to lose except a small amount of money for the purchase. I drank the decoction for a 5-month course with a week break after each month. I noticed an improvement in my well-being and mood, my periods became less painful. The subsequent pregnancy proceeded without pathologies. The baby was born full-fledged. My husband and I couldn’t be happier.”

Olga, 25 years old, Donetsk:

“The early fascination with grooms did not lead to anything good. Walking in short skirts led to constant inflammation, sexual intercourse led to some kind of infection, and even abortions had to be done a couple of times. When I met “my” person, I came to my senses. But women Health has already been undermined. The doctor prescribed a bunch of pills and suggested taking Matrona’s decoction. I drank this tea for 3 months, then the pack ran out, and I didn’t order any more infusion. After 4 months there were no periods; at month 5 I took a test and was delighted with two stripes. It looks like the herbs really worked. Although, to be honest, I didn’t have much faith in their effectiveness.”

Marina, 36 years old, Nizhny Tagil:

“Unstable ovulation prevented me from getting pregnant for many years in a row. The doctors could not determine the cause, and during this time I separated from three husbands. I took a lover and no longer hoped to create new family. But then a miracle happened: my mother brought me a package of Matrona’s herbal tea and convinced me to drink some tea. After 3 months I became pregnant, and my boyfriend proposed to me. Now I have a full-fledged family.”

Svetlana, 19 years old, Omsk:

“Painful periods for 7 years of their presence simply exhausted me. I endured it for a long time, but later decided to drink some herbal remedy. My choice was Matryona’s decoction, a natural product whose effectiveness was confirmed by reviews from women on forums. The tea is easy to prepare and pleasant to drink. After 2 months of regularly drinking the decoction, my health during menstrual periods improved significantly. The discharge is not as abundant as before.”

Natalya, 42 years old, Makeevka:

“I got inflammation of the appendages after swimming in the cool sea. I decided to do without pills and relieve the pain in my stomach with a non-aggressive remedy. This is how I got a package of Matryona’s herbal decoction. A month of pleasant treatment - and the pain in the lower abdomen disappeared. A smear at the gynecologist showed good results. I recommend drinking a decoction to improve the health of the reproductive system.”

Price and where to buy real decoction of Matrona?

To avoid fakes or cheap analogues, you should order the decoction on the official website of the seller, which has all the quality certificates and the right to sell infertility products. Also check the terms of the promotion, as from time to time you can buy the product at a reduced price.

If you have experience using Matryona decoction and the results (positive or negative), please leave feedback under the review. Thank you!

Is female infertility incurable?

It is believed that female infertility - This is an almost incurable diagnosis. There are many reasons for this, but the main two are: ovarian dysfunction and obstruction fallopian tubes. These disorders can be caused by infections, injuries, diseases and even predispositions. To determine the exact cause, many examinations are necessary. After collecting all the tests, medications and procedures are prescribed. If after the course, conceive If it doesn’t work out, the doctors will prescribe IVF. This procedure is quite time-consuming, and it is not cheap at all.

Don't despair, there is an herbal infusion that will help you give birth to a healthy and strong baby!

Female infertility and scientific research

To date, Scientific research, showed that female infertility is possible treat and without surgery! Surgeries and IVF can be replaced natural remedy! This remedy - Matryona's decoction helps natural healing the entire female body and especially reproductive functions. That is, to put it simply, you can take it without any operations. get rid of the diagnosis of infertility, and, give birth to healthy babies.

Matryona's decoction and its composition

Externally, the herb collection is a powder mixture that should be prepared in portions before each use. It tastes slightly bitter and is similar in color to Chinese green tea. If you really want to, you can sweeten the decoction with honey or a piece of refined sugar, although according to the instructions you are supposed to drink Matryona’s pure decoction. Knowledgeable people add that each such “tea party” must also be accompanied by an internal prayer addressed to Matronushka. It will help you get into the right frame of mind, relax and calm down.

Here's another expert's opinion:

As you can see, experts themselves are amazed at how positive taking Matryona’s decoction turned out to be for the reproductive function of the female body.

Matryona decoction Instructions for use

Brew Matryona's decoction according to the instructions:

And don't stop trying to get pregnant until your cycle ends. After the end of the cycle, do a test.

Is it possible to buy Matryona's decoction at a pharmacy or is it a scam?

When deciding where to buy, I settled on pharmacies. But imagine my surprise when I didn’t find Matryona’s decoction at the pharmacy. If it has helped so many women get pregnant, then why can’t it be bought in pharmacies? But I had no intention of stopping, because time passed, and I increasingly saw disappointment in my husband’s eyes.

My mom even suggested that we try to make it ourselves. similar decoction. But I didn't really like this idea. Even knowing what herbs are included in the decoction for infertility, you won’t be able to make it yourself, because you need to maintain the proportions.

The next day, on the way from work, I stopped at all the pharmacies that I met along the way. And so, it would seem, I was lucky. The pharmacist handed me some kind of bottle, where it was written that this was really Matryona’s decoction. I was alarmed by the fact that in all the pictures on the Internet I saw the product packaged differently. And although the pharmacy assured me that this was an original decoction, and that with the help of this decoction you could conceive, I did not buy it. Those who drank the decoction and left reviews never mentioned such packaging.

Where to buy a real decoction of Matryona - on the official website of the manufacturer

Matryona's decoction and reviews from real people

Irina, Moscow.
I tried to get pregnant for a long time, but it didn’t work out. I really wanted to feel the joy of motherhood, because I was already at a critical age of 35 years, and as far as I know, the older you get, the more difficult it is to get pregnant and carry a child. I went to the doctors, they spent a very long time checking me for the presence of various viruses, infections, and other diseases. In the end, they found out that I had obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

It turns out this is a very common disease, and, unfortunately, common reason infertility. I trusted in the hands of the doctors, completed a full course of therapy, and seemed to be cured. And two months later, after finishing the treatment, I managed to get pregnant. But in the third month of pregnancy it happened spontaneous miscarriage, there was no end to my despair.

I decided to undergo further treatment and wait for another pregnancy. It was then that I started taking Matryona’s decoction, completed the full course, my soul became much easier, and my husband and I decided to new pregnancy. Everything was fine, it progressed normally, and I became a mother. I owe my pregnancy to Matryona’s decoction, so I now recommend this herbal infusion to all my friends, as it has a wide spectrum of action and excellent composition.

Anastasia, Voronezh
I was diagnosed with infertility when I was young. I despaired and since then have not dared to have serious relationships with men. Who needs a barren woman? That was until I met my husband, who accepted me and supported me in everything. One day ago he came home with a mysterious smile. When I asked what was the matter, he gave me Matryona's Decoction. I thought for a long time, but then I decided to try. I completed the 90-day course and became pregnant 2 weeks after completing it! I couldn't believe the test and re-did it 3 times. Now I am 7 months old, my husband and I are really looking forward to our baby.

Vera, Minsk
It so happened that I got married late - at 32 years old. After some time, my husband and I decided to have a child, however, after a year, conception did not happen. Having consulted a doctor, we found out that we have a so-called “incompatibility”.

We tried everything, including a special course of therapy, visiting grandmothers, and visiting sacred places. Nothing helped. However, my husband and I still decided not to give up. A year and a half ago on the Internet we came across the drug Matryona Decoction.

At first we thought it was a scam, but after reading reviews about it and consulting with a gynecologist, we decided to try it. Although the doctors told us not to get our hopes up. I took a course of decoction at 2 months... and became pregnant 4 months after starting the course! My husband and I couldn’t believe this happiness until we had an ultrasound and the doctor personally confirmed the pregnancy to us. Three months ago we gave birth to a healthy baby girl! Now we - real family, thanks to Matryona’s Decoction!

Svetlana, Ekaterinburg
I went on a business trip, I got a reserved seat carriage and very good interlocutors. We drove for 3 days and discussed hundreds of topics, so I shared my problem, to which elderly woman scolded me and said that I shouldn’t despair and just had to believe that everything would be fine. And she just has such a remedy in mind, the main thing is to find it.

Especially for women who cannot get pregnant or have a gynecological disease, a natural herbal remedy– herbal infusion of Matryona for infertility.

Many years of research have proven that the herbs contained in its composition restore a woman’s reproductive function without expensive pharmaceutical drugs and surgical intervention. The basis of the infusion is old recipes, which have come down to us from time immemorial and improved by modern scientists in order to enhance their effectiveness.

Peculiarity of this product lies in the phytohormones it contains, similar in composition to female ones - estrogens. Regular use Such herbal tea helps to improve the health of the female body, including the genital area, and the onset of pregnancy if infertility is diagnosed.

Matryona's infusion (or as it is also called, Matrona's decoction) does not contain chemical components, so it cannot cause harm to health. Tea treatment is carried out at home; a doctor’s prescription is not required for its use.

Useful properties of Matryona infusion for pregnancy

This natural herbal mixture carefully selected all the components necessary to improve the health of a woman’s genital area, increase her ability to conceive, safely carry a fetus and give birth to a child.

The herbs included in it complement each other and contain special substances - phytohormones, which normalize the functioning of the ovaries, cure chronic inflammatory processes, as well as their consequences (adhesions), increase reproductive function, reduce the risk of miscarriage, and alleviate toxicosis. Your pregnancy will be carefree and easy.

This herbal mixture can be used as a stand-alone remedy for elimination various violations in the body and serve as a supplement to drug treatment, and also a good assistant during rehabilitation after surgery. He will speed up the attack positive result from any treatment.

It is noteworthy that Matryona's infusion for infertility is non-toxic and has no contraindications. Its effectiveness is several times higher than that of many medications, used in the fight against infertility.

Having started treatment on early stages, you will increase the chances of having offspring soon. Matryona's infusion has already helped many women experience the long-awaited happiness of motherhood!

It should be noted the significant advantages of the infusion:

  1. Unique composition exclusively from natural herbs.
  2. Highest efficiency in case of long-term treatment. All the plants included in the collection have long been known to our ancestors and are successfully used today.
  3. A complex effect and activation of the body’s own resources in a natural way, which helps to achieve a tangible effect, regardless of the reasons that caused infertility.
  4. Lack of any additional chemical compounds as part of the infusion.
  5. The components of the infusion gently and safely restore a woman’s reproductive function. With the help of the natural power of herbs, women's health is restored naturally.
  6. Easy to use, the ability to treat with tea at home.
  7. Recommended for young women, as well as those who plan to become pregnant at a later age.
  8. Infusion, unlike chemicals, does not cause side effects, so it can be used without doctor’s prescription without fear negative consequences.
  9. The product has all the necessary quality certificates.
  10. The product is recommended by many doctors for treatment and prevention women's diseases.
  11. With its exceptional effectiveness, the infusion can be purchased at an affordable price.

Composition of Matryona infusion

The product consists exclusively of natural ingredients– medicinal herbs that, when brewed, give off their unique beneficial features the female body, restore normal work all its systems:

  1. Hog queen(or ortilia). It is the main ingredient of this infusion for the treatment of diseases of the female genital area and infertility. Her healing leaves, flowers and stem have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic effect, prevent miscarriage at any time.
  2. Wintergreen. This plant uses flowers as well as leaves and stem. Thanks to the wound healing antimicrobial action, wintergreen is effective in inflammatory diseases, improves ovarian function, alleviates symptoms of toxicosis, and prevents miscarriage.
  3. winter lover. For brewing healing tea The stem and leaves of the plant are used. It has antiseptic, restorative, tonic properties, therefore it is effective for genitourinary diseases.
  4. Hibiscus tea. Has an antibacterial, diuretic effect. Helps improve the permeability of vascular walls, reduce spasms, reduce blood pressure, and increase endurance.
  5. Chamomile (flowers). The plant is known for its antiseptic properties. Prevents the occurrence of spasms and inflammations, cleanses.
  6. Oregano. Besides pleasant aroma, oregano is famous for its antibacterial properties. Prevents the development of inflammation, soothes, eliminates pain.

Healing herbs in this combination have long been used in the families of our ancestors, which allowed women to stay healthy and preserve long time their reproductive functions. The miraculous ingredients of the infusion are completely absorbed female body without causing harm to health. They can not only improve a woman’s reproductive function, but also her overall health.

All of the herbs listed are not only consumed internally, but also used as lotions. Therefore, if you have some brewed infusion left, you can wash your face with it.