Prophylactic dose of folic acid for pregnancy planning. Folate deficiency

Finally, young couples began to think about pregnancy in advance, and not get used to it “after the fact.” After all, this step is important and requires both psychological and physiological. Increasingly, young people come to the gynecologist with the question: What needs to be done to conceive? healthy baby? Among all the recommendations, you will definitely find: appointment folic acid at least 3 months before conception.

Nowadays, any person is “not indifferent” to taking medications. You always want to know: what, how, and most importantly, why.

So, folic acid. Should I accept it or not? Important or not so important? We hope the answer will become obvious after reading this article.

What foods contain folic acid

So we come to the conclusion that it is very important to provide the body with folic acid long before pregnancy. This vitamin does not have a cumulative property, that is, we constantly need it. Therefore, preventive dosages of B9 are recommended to be taken by all women of childbearing age constantly (we are talking about natural organic, not synthetic vitamins).

Keep in mind that not only the expectant mother needs to take this remedy, but also the future dad. After all, a lack of foline in the male body negatively affects the condition of sperm, in particular their motility.

When planning pregnancy, folic acid is usually prescribed approximately 3 months before the desired sexual intercourse. Doctors consider this period sufficient to compensate for the folacin deficiency that exists in almost everyone. But the dosages will have to be dealt with in each individual case separately.

Folic acid dosage

The dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy depends on the individual needs of the body. It should be remembered that a serious deficiency of foline is observed in those who abuse alcohol, have problems with intestinal function, do not eat greens and vegetables, as well as in women taking hormonal medications.

In any case, your doctor should prescribe you to take folic acid. Typically, the daily dose of folin when planning a pregnancy is at least 400 mcg, and during pregnancy - up to 800 mcg. Excess folic acid in the body can also have unpleasant consequences. However, an overdose of the drug is almost impossible. Unless you drink 30 folin tablets a day.

Regarding tablets, they all contain different dosages of folic acid - it depends on the drug or vitamin complex (almost all complexes for pregnant women include vitamin B9, percentage which in a particular product must be taken into account when taking additional folacin).

The leading physician may prescribe different dosages folic acid for expectant parents: the mother has a greater need for vitamin B9 than the father. There are often cases when the dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy significantly exceeds preventive recommendations: it can be prescribed 1 tablet (1 mg) from 1 to 4 times a day or the same doses in other variations (for example, 2 tablets twice a day), and also only in the first phase or continuously for all 3 months. Folacin is taken when planning, immediately after meals. A high dosage can be maintained in the first weeks of pregnancy. In such cases, doctors play it safe: overdoses, as we have already mentioned, are practically impossible, and folic acid deficiency during pregnancy is fraught with serious consequences.

In any case, you will have to make the decision regarding the prescribed medications yourself. Take into account all the nuances and start preparing for pregnancy by reviewing your lifestyle in general.

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Do you want a stork to fly to you in a year?

The time has come to start preparing for this. We'll talk about this important factor planning pregnancy and its proper course, such as taking vitamin B9 - folic acid (from the Latin "folium" - "leaf") acid.

Folic acid- What is this?

Among all the studied vitamins, the most numerous is group B. Each of the vitamins in this group is “responsible” for the functioning of some body systems (B1 - gives strength to muscles, B2 - provides normal vision and so on.). Among all these substances, the most important for you now is vitamin B9, folic acid. Firstly, it is involved in the exchange and synthesis of many important amino acids and in the synthesis of nucleic acids, which are so necessary for the formation of a healthy egg in female body, mobile and healthy sperm in a man’s body, proper formation of the fetus. Secondly, it has a stimulating effect on hematopoietic function bone marrow, which ensures the woman’s good condition throughout pregnancy. Thirdly, without folic acid, other B vitamins, which are also necessary for a couple who wants to have a healthy child, are poorly absorbed.

What foods contain folic acid?

Mainly leafy greens (after all, the name of the vitamin comes from the word “leaf”!): sorrel, dill, cilantro, spinach, legumes, oranges and other citrus fruits, buckwheat and oatmeal, walnuts, almonds. From animal products greatest content folic acid in the liver. Folic acid is also included in meat, offal - liver and kidneys, beef, pork or chicken. It is advisable not to fry the liver too much, and use leafy greens in the form of salads - when culinary processing losses vitamin value very large, sometimes up to 90%. Expectant parents should eat foods containing folic acid daily. By the way, fish, especially sea fish, cheese and chicken eggs also contain the vitamin we need so much. So any family can build their own diet to suit their taste.

Why is folic acid needed?

Not just any other element, but folic acid is responsible for the normal development of the so-called neural tube of the unborn child (that is, it prevents the occurrence of such serious and extremely undesirable malformations of the fetus as cerebral hernias (that is, protrusion of the child’s brain through discrepancies in the skull) , anencephaly (i.e. absence of a brain), cleft palate, cleft lip and spina bifida). In a word, everything that people and worst enemy Do not wish.

How much folic acid should I take?

Both parents, and especially the expectant mother, must start taking it even before conception, because all of the above defects are formed during the first four weeks of fetal development, when the woman may not yet know about pregnancy. In this case, it is better to play it safe than to be afraid throughout your pregnancy that you missed something important.

Folic acid – preparation for pregnancy. This is caring not only for the unborn baby, but also for the body of the pregnant woman herself. After all, if even before conception or, in as a last resort, in the very first days after conception, the woman did not begin to regularly take vitamin B9 in the doses prescribed by the doctor; she develops specific disease: folate deficiency anemia. The red blood cells leave her bone marrow immature, as a result of which the woman feels nervous, irritable, gets tired quickly, her appetite may decrease and even develop depression, which should not be allowed to happen to the expectant mother. In combination with high blood pressure A pregnant woman has an increased risk of complicated childbirth, including the development of a stroke.

Let's talk about the positive! How to take folic acid while planning pregnancy?

A literate young couple undergoes examination before conceiving a child to identify diseases that may negatively affect the course of pregnancy. A few months before conception, both men and women are advised to quit smoking (by the way, nicotine destroys folic acid, which is so necessary for future parents). If possible, you should clean up your oral cavity and treat chronic diseases.
Among other measures, the doctor explains how necessary folic acid is for conception and how it has a positive effect on the health of the unborn child. And determines the dosage (it should not be exceeded - hypervitaminosis is not much worse than disadvantage We take as many vitamins as the doctor said!). You can, of course, not take folic acid when planning a pregnancy, but wouldn’t reasonable adults give up nicotine or alcohol for the sake of their child’s health? Understanding that folic acid helps you get pregnant will be a very positive factor in encouraging you to take this much-needed vitamin.
When planning pregnancy, folic acid is prescribed in tablets, approximately three months before the couple plans to conceive a child. Both the chances of conception and the likelihood of having a healthy baby increase.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy planning.

Men and women are assigned different doses. For a man, since he is responsible only for conception, it is lower (0.4 g per day). During the period of preparation for pregnancy, the expectant mother is prescribed folic acid, as a rule, in a dose of 0.8 g per day. If, when collecting an anamnesis, the doctor finds out that in the family of one of the spouses there were cases of pathologies (we listed them above: cleft lip, anencephaly, etc.), the dosage is increased, up to 2 g per day, if the pathologies were previously present. child born to this couple - even up to 4 g per day.

How to take folic acid while planning pregnancy?

The number of doses per day will be determined by your doctor. We, for our part, would like to remind you that this is an acid that can negatively affect the gastric mucosa. Therefore, tablets or capsules should be taken after meals. A food products containing folic acid do not need special recommendations - they can be taken in any reasonable quantities.
I hope you have understood well why take folic acid while planning pregnancy? Have you taken this issue seriously? We are happy for you!

But the pregnancy was confirmed! Should I take folic acid now?

Those who believe that everything will go on by itself are wrong. Yes, the future father no longer needs folic acid, unless it is prescribed for him for other indications. A expectant mother must constantly support normal level folic acid in the body until the birth of the child - this will increase the likelihood of an easy birth, without complications such as high blood pressure, labor weakness, etc.
Some scientists claim that taking folic acid increases the likelihood of having twins, almost doubling. But this point has not yet been thoroughly explored. And in general - “if twins arrive by chance, no one will tell you, no one will judge”!
Take this issue seriously - and the stork will definitely visit your home!

Love yourself! Value your health!


How and how much to take folic acid when planning pregnancy. Why drink folic acid and what is the norm of folic acid in the body? Daily dose when planning pregnancy.

Vitamin B9 is found in foods such as citrus fruits, beans, greens, lettuce, eggs, green pea, liver and wholemeal products.

The norm of folic acid (vitamin B9) in the body is 5-20 mg. However, up to 80% of women suffer from a deficiency of this substance. This condition is especially dangerous when carrying a child who needs vitamin B9 for normal development. Therefore, you should start making up for the deficiency as early as possible. How much folic acid do you need when planning pregnancy? How and when should it be taken to give birth to a healthy baby? A woman who has decided to become a mother needs to take vitamin B9 1-2 months before conception. If the pregnancy is sudden, it is important to start taking folin immediately after becoming aware of an interesting situation. The body does not produce this substance on its own. However, it is vital in the first weeks of pregnancy for the formation of the embryo.

All folic acid supplements come with instructions indicating that you should take the vitamin immediately after meals. You cannot combine it with the following drugs:

  • painkillers;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • antibiotics;
  • cytostatics.

All gynecologists prescribe folic acid to their patients, and its use should continue after childbirth. It is advisable to take a blood test to determine your vitamin B12 level. In combination with folin, it normalizes the functioning of the glands and stimulates the formation of new red blood cells.

Folic acid dosage

How much folic acid to drink when planning pregnancy depends on the characteristics of the body. Thus, a serious deficiency of this important vitamin is observed in cases of intestinal dysfunction, hormone intake, lack of vegetables and herbs in the diet, and addiction to alcohol.

Average daily dose when planning pregnancy - 1 mg. However, doctors often recommend that their patients drink 2 or even 3 times more vitamin B9. It rarely causes an overdose, but its deficiency can cause problems with pregnancy.

Folic acid for men

Men need less vitamin B9 than women. However, the lack of this substance sharply reduces the likelihood of conception. This explains why you should take folic acid while planning pregnancy.

Vitamin B9 stimulates the synthesis of cells, including sperm. If there is little of it, the volume and quality of seminal fluid decrease. In rare cases, the proportion of dead sperm increases, the mobility of the rest worsens, and against this background, infertility ultimately develops. This proves that taking foline is important for expectant parents.

A man planning a pregnancy is usually prescribed 0.7 to 1.1 mg of vitamin B9 per day. It should be taken immediately before conception. Like women, men are often prescribed vitamin E along with folin, but for the reason that under its influence more sperm is produced.

What vitamins contain folic acid?

Now not everyone has good health. Therefore, multivitamins are prescribed to the expectant mother to prevent problems in her and the fetus. They can also be prescribed in medicinal purposes- if a woman has had complications during previous pregnancies or suffers from gynecological problems, endocrine diseases, I was on weight loss diets for a long time and suffered from cycle disorders.

  • Folic acid contains 1 mg. During the period of conception and pregnancy planning, as well as in the first trimester, jn 1 to 3 tablets per day are prescribed.
  • Foliber. These pills are most often prescribed to pregnant women. Contains only folic acid and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Each tablet contains 400 mcg = 0.4 g of vitamin. Prescribe 3 tablets per day. This amount cannot cause an overdose; it serves as a prevention of vitamin deficiency for the expectant mother.
  • Folic acid with B6 and B12 from Evalar contains folic acid - 600 mcg, vitamin B12 - 5 mcg, vitamin B6 - 6 mg. Is a dietary supplement.
  • Folic acid "9 months" consists of only folic acid - 400 mcg.
  • Folacin. Unlike the previous ones, it has more high price and dosage active substance– 5000 mcg = 5 mg. This dose is excessive for the body. This does not pose any danger, but great benefit Also, excess folic acid is excreted in the urine.
  • Folio. The drug contains B9 in the amount of 400 mcg and iodine - 200 mcg. The product has a preventive purpose and cannot be used for vitamin deficiency.
  • Complex vitamin preparations, which contain folic acid in different quantities: Multi-tabs perinatal (400 mcg), Vitrum Prenatal (800 mcg), Pregnavit (750 mcg), Elevit (1000 mcg), Materna (1000 mcg).

Special complexes for pregnant women contain carefully selected dosages different vitamins. They provide the body of the expectant mother useful substances, which are necessary for the fetus. Multivitamins for pregnant women contain loading dose Folina. The fact is that if there is a lack of it in the female body, they can develop serious complications in the fetus:

  • developmental defects;
  • anemia;
  • neuropathy.

Such conditions put pregnancy at risk. The child may simply not be born if he does not receive required quantity vitamin B9.

Preparation for conception is no less important stage than the period of gestation itself.

Therefore, expectant mothers are often prescribed vitamin therapy. And the first thing a leading obstetrician-gynecologist can suggest at the pregnancy planning stage is taking folic acid. However, women have many questions about this. How to take folic acid when planning pregnancy? Will this harm the health of the unborn baby?

Folic acid (vitamin B9) enters the body with food. Vitamins that can be purchased at any pharmacy chain will also help increase its amount in the diet. After oral administration folic acid breaks down to form folates - these are substances that play important role in the process of hematopoiesis.

Thanks to vitamin B9, RNA and DNA are formed, on the basis of which cells are built and the organs of the fetus are formed. Additionally, this vitamin is a means of preventing cancer and pathologies. nervous system, helps to correct the functioning of blood vessels.

What effect does folic acid (B9) have during pregnancy?

Early pregnancy is characterized by the active development of the nervous tissues and organs of the fetus. Because this difficult process, for its successful course, the presence of vitamin B9 in the diet of the expectant mother is simply necessary. That's why correct dosage folic acid is very important both when planning pregnancy and during pregnancy.

Causes of folic acid deficiency

Often pregnant women can be diagnosed with a lack of vitamin B9. Most probable reasons The following are considered such deficits:

  • insufficient folic acid content in food consumed;
  • the body’s inability to fully absorb folates entering the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • hormonal therapy (in particular for epilepsy);
  • smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

In the presence of genetic abnormalities A woman’s body lacks certain enzymes responsible for the absorption or synthesis of folate. Violations gradually occur metabolic processes, which entails diseases of the cardiovascular system, significantly increases the risk of miscarriage. Please note that taking contraceptives oral type may contribute better absorption vitamin B9.

Folic acid: routes of entry

Today, there are 3 known ways (methods) of vitamin B9 entering the body:

  • from products;
  • through synthesis in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • through the use of tablet vitamins.

Leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid, as are some other foods:

  • beef, chicken, duck liver;
  • White bread;
  • citrus;
  • all types of hard cheeses.

However, the consumption of such products does not always allow a woman’s body to be fully supplied with folic acid. This is due to unnatural methods of growing fruits and vegetables. Also, the level of folic acid content decreases significantly when the product is heat treated. Therefore, often taking tableted vitamin B9 becomes the only way replenish folate deficiency.

Gastrointestinal pathologies also often lead to indigestibility of folates. Approximately 60% of pregnant women suffer from vitamin B9 deficiency in the body.

Note that the human body is capable of independently synthesizing folic acid, but this may not be enough. As pregnancy progresses, the need for B9 increases several times. In order to receive the required amount of vitamin only from the previously listed products, it is necessary to increase their intake by 4-5 times. Eating this much food leads to weight gain, stomach distension and other problems.

Folic acid in tablet form is absolutely safe to take during pregnancy for both the fetus and the pregnant woman. In addition, such remedies, according to research, are quite effective.

Consequences of B9 deficiency

A deficiency of folic acid in a pregnant woman's body can lead to the following problems:

  • predisposition to blood clots;
  • weakened immunity to infectious diseases;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • decrease in physical and mental activity.

Most often, such pathologies can be observed with vitamin deficiency, caused by its inability to digest due to genetic failures. Often, a lack of B9 in the body can be diagnosed before conception: diseases are observed of cardio-vascular system and iron deficiency. In this case, the doctor prescribes higher doses folic acid and a blood test to monitor folate absorption.

Lack of folic acid during or when planning pregnancy can lead to the following pathologies:

  • the risk of miscarriage or the need for abortion increases significantly early stages;
  • row birth defects The child has;
  • fetal hypoxia due to placental defects.

In the third week from the moment of conception, the formation of the fetal neural tube begins, which will then become the brain and spinal cord. If there is a deficiency of folic acid, normal development of the tube will be impossible, and it may not form at all. Insufficient intake of folic acid into the body can lead to a frozen pregnancy, in such cases the development of the fetus stops.

Another consequence of B9 deficiency can be anencephaly, a pathology in which part of the brain is missing. Further development of the fetus becomes impossible.

Folate deficiency during pregnancy can cause a cephalocele, a splitting of the fetal skull. Most often, this pathology leads to the death of the child.

There are cases where a lack of folic acid led to neural tube pathology such as spina bifida. Due to the defect, the spinal canal and membranes are exposed spinal cord bulge. Chances of giving birth with this pathology healthy child are equal to zero.

However, it is not always possible to determine the level of vitamin deficiency during gestation. Often the proportion of missing B9 is small, so deviations in the development of the fetus are insignificant and do not subsequently affect its normal development.

However, experts from one of the US universities argue that a deficiency of folic acid in the body, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, negatively affects the emotional health of the fetus and can lead to various disorders CNS. For this reason, vitamin B9 is strongly not recommended to be excluded from the diet.

Folates and gestational age

Taking folic acid is usually prescribed before conception, during pregnancy planning. In case of unplanned conception, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible with a request to prescribe vitamin B9. Folates are prescribed 12-16 weeks before the planned pregnancy, in some cases – six months. The formation of the fetal neural tube begins early, already in the first weeks of pregnancy. The main reason why B9 is prescribed is to maintain pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.

B9 dosage during pregnancy

The standard dose that a doctor can prescribe is 400 milligrams of the drug per day 12 weeks before pregnancy. On an individual basis, the dose can be increased. Increased dosage prescribed to expectant mothers suffering from epilepsy or diabetes (regardless of type).

Before prescribing folic acid dosage during pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo tests to adjust the optimal dose of B9. The amount of vitamin taken should remain the same from the day of conception until delivery. In European countries, the standard prescription is 400-850 milligrams of folate a month before planned conception. Taking the vitamin continues until the end of the first trimester. Although each folic acid supplement comes with instructions for use when planning pregnancy, it is strongly recommended that you discuss the dose with your doctor.

Some experts additionally recommend consuming foods containing folic acid, but as practice has shown, this is not advisable. After 10-15 minutes of heat treatment of products, vitamin B9 evaporates, so the tablet form remains the most effective.

Increased folic acid levels

Folic acid can dissolve in water, accumulate and be excreted through the kidneys. Excess of this vitamin(as well as its deficiency) can negatively affect the body. Folic acid is prescribed with extreme caution when:

  • genetic disorders associated with the absorption of B9;
  • severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys in women.

Some scientists have concluded that excess vitamin B9 leads to an increase in fetal weight, which in the future may lead to diabetes mellitus. In addition, an excess amount of folic acid in the body of the expectant mother increases the risk of the following pathologies in the child:

  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • various allergic reactions.

Although to date there have been no studies that could confirm this connection, self-administration of B9 without a doctor’s prescription is strictly not recommended. Thus, an excess of vitamin in the male body can lead to oncological diseases- in particular, prostate gland. If a woman takes folic acid in a dosage of 400 to 800 milligrams, the risk of developing malignant neoplasms mammary glands increases by 25%, and if from 850 milligrams, then the risk of cancer increases by 70-72%.

Symptoms in case of excess folic acid:

  • the taste of metal and bitterness appears in the mouth;
  • increased irritability;
  • diarrhea, nausea and other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • low levels of vitamin B12;
  • renal dysfunction.

Tests for vitamin B9

Patients diagnosed with anemia or elevated homocysteine ​​in the blood plasma need to donate blood for analysis to determine the level of folic acid. This is necessary in order to determine how much folic acid a woman needs to drink when planning a pregnancy. If future mom does not have any pathologies, then there is no need for tests. Please note that the only material for analysis is the patient’s blood.

Preparations based on folic acid

Products based on vitamin B9 can be purchased in pharmacies. Most often, the dosage of folic acid per tablet is 1 milliliter, so before you start taking the drug, especially during pregnancy, the dose is divided in half to avoid an overdose. It is recommended to purchase the drug in a dosage of 400 micrograms, since this is the dose most often prescribed during pregnancy or planning it. If the level of homocysteine ​​is elevated, the dosage of folic acid is prescribed strictly by the attending physician, the same applies to other vitamin complexes.

Instructions for use B9

Contraindications to the drug:

  • allergic reaction to vitamin B9;
  • malignant tumors, metastases;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency in children;
  • megaloblastic anemia in children.

Possible side effects:

  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritation skin, skin itching;
  • bronchial spasms;
  • acute erythema.

Interaction of folic acid (B9) with drugs

The dosage of folic acid should be increased if a woman takes the following medications during pregnancy:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • various analgesics;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • estrogens (a subclass of female steroid hormones).

Absorption of folic acid is reduced when taking:

  • drugs of the tetracycline group;
  • medications to treat heartburn (antacids);
  • drugs for the treatment of arterial hypertension;
  • antibiotics wide range actions for skin lesions caused by bacterial agents.

Vitamin B9 must be replaced with folinate if the patient is taking:

  • Trimethoprim (bacteriostatic antibiotic);
  • Pyrimethamine (a drug to treat or prevent malaria);
  • Methotrexate (cytostatic drug).

If the folic acid deficiency is insignificant, it is recommended to include the following foods in the pregnant woman’s diet:

  • hard cheeses;
  • legumes;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • cereals and nuts;
  • all varieties of salads and greens.

Medicines to eliminate heartburn can be combined with B9 if they are taken no earlier than 3-4 hours after folic acid. For B12-deficiency anemia, it is prohibited to prescribe B9.

Finally, couples began to think in advance about pregnancy, plan for its occurrence, and not get used to pregnancy “after the fact.” And it pleases. The decision to give birth to a child is a responsible step that requires serious preparation: both physiological and psychological. So, what needs to be done in order to definitely get pregnant and at the same time conceive a healthy baby? Any prescriptions and recommendations in this regard will necessarily include taking folic acid at least 2-3 months before conception. What is it, why do you need folic acid when planning pregnancy? How much is needed? Should a man take folic acid when planning a pregnancy, or is this drug intended exclusively for women?

Nowadays, anyone can take medications man of sense treats "not indifferently". I want to know: what, how, how much, and most importantly - why? So, folic acid when planning pregnancy. Accept or make do? Important or not so important? How and how much? For a woman or a man? We hope the answers to all these questions will become obvious after reading this article.

· Why does a person need folic acid?

Folic acid - she's the same folacin or well known to us vitamin B9. Overestimate the importance of vitamin B9 for human body difficult. However, in Everyday life, while the body is normal, this is exactly what happens: according to many, folic acid is far from the most important vitamin. But this is not true: every person urgently needs folacin:

1. folacin is involved in the absorption and breakdown of proteins in the body;

2. vitamin B9 is needed for cell division;

3. folic acid promotes normal hematopoiesis;

4. the vitamin helps the absorption of sugar and amino acids;

5. plays an important role in the formation of RNA and DNA involved in the transmission of the parent’s hereditary characteristics to the child;

6. protects the body from food poisoning;

7. prevents the development of atherosclerosis;

8. improves appetite, etc.

At the same time, the body practically does not synthesize folic acid on its own; it only needs to be supplied from the outside: with food, taking medications, vitamin complexes. Daily norm folic acid for a person - 200 mcg, when planning a pregnancy - this norm doubles, or rather, the body's need for folacin increases 4 times!

· Why do you need folic acid when planning pregnancy?

Actually, the very onset of pregnancy with a “chronic deficiency” of vitamin B9 is extremely problematic. When planning a pregnancy, folic acid is primarily needed in order to get pregnant normally, conceive and bear a healthy baby. Pregnant women often suffer from folic acid deficiency, which can cause serious problems:

  1. placental abruption, absolute or partial;
  2. spontaneous abortion in the early stages;
  3. frozen pregnancy;
  4. development of congenital defects in the fetus (hydrocephalus, anencephaly, malnutrition, neural tube defect, cleft lip, mental retardation).

Many organs of the unborn baby are formed during the first month of pregnancy. And the defects mentioned above arise from the very first days of embryo development; their formation can occur during the first month of pregnancy. At the same time, women at this time often do not even suspect their interesting situation, and of course, do not take any vitamin complexes, and B vitamins, in particular. But getting in sufficient quantity folic acid is extremely important for the normal development of the child in the very first days after conception.

As soon as pregnancy occurs, a large pregnancy occurs. The formation of a healthy placenta also depends on its sufficiency. This is why it is so important to provide the expectant mother’s body with folic acid, long before conception, when planning pregnancy. Folacin does not have a cumulative property; in other words, the need for it constantly exists, and it can only be provided by “supplies from outside.” Therefore, taking folic acid in a preventive dosage is recommended for all women. childbearing age constantly (we are, of course, talking about natural organic vitamins B9 contained in products, and not synthetic drugs).

When planning pregnancy, folic acid is usually prescribed approximately 3 months before that very cherished sexual intercourse, as a result of which conception will occur child. Doctors think this period quite sufficient to compensate for the deficiency of folacin, which is present in the body of almost every woman. But the dosage is selected individually in each individual case.

Keep in mind that taking folic acid is not only important to the expectant mother- folic acid is no less important for men when planning pregnancy. The lack of folacin in the male body negatively affects the condition of sperm, their quality and mobility.

Folic acid for men is often prescribed when problems with conception occur. And in case of infertility, taking folic acid is mandatory for men. In some pathologies, sperm may contain an incorrect set of chromosomes, and pregnancy from such a sperm is either impossible or fraught (failure to carry, fetal defects, disability of the child). This is usually due to an unhealthy lifestyle or poor nutrition. However, a certain percentage of defective sperm exists even in completely healthy men. Taking folic acid can reduce this percentage.

The main signs of folic acid deficiency in men are: decreased appetite, gastrointestinal problems, memory problems, and an increase in the number of defective sperm. Folic acid for men helps cope with a number of problems. In case of difficulties with conception, the dosage of folacin for men can reach 700-1100 mcg per day. Vitamin B9 for men is often supplemented with vitamin E, which stimulates sperm production, increasing its quantity. That is, vitamin E and folic acid when planning pregnancy for men greatly increase the possibility of conception.

Folic acid in foods becomes good source vitamin B9 for male body. When planning pregnancy for men, folic acid in medications is prescribed, as a rule, if there are problems with conception. For prevention, they usually resort to correction of diet, lifestyle and additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes containing B9. The fact is that folic acid in foods is much more beneficial and is better absorbed by the body.

· What foods contain folacin?

Vitamin B9 is found in many foods, mainly plant origin, but also an animal. The most folic acid is in green vegetables, namely: parsley, lettuce, spinach, wild garlic, leeks, broccoli and other cabbage, green tops, raspberry leaves, mint, black currant, rose hips, linden, nettle, yarrow, birch, etc. Peas, beans, horseradish, pumpkin, carrots, beets, cucumber, banana, melon, mushrooms (champignons, porcini, boletus) are also rich in it.

The leaders in folacin content include different kinds nuts: Walnut, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts.

There is a lot of vitamin B9 in apricot and orange juice, barley groats, products made from low-grade and coarse flour.

As for animal products containing folic acid, fish (in particular salmon and tuna), liver, pork, beef, lamb, chicken meat and eggs, as well as dairy products (cheese, milk, cottage cheese).

It is important to remember that folacin, like any vitamin, is destroyed by temperature. When cooked, up to 90% of vitamin B9 contained in raw food, is destroyed. Therefore, if there is a lack of folic acid, the body should be supplemented with it in the form food additives or vitamin complexes.

· folic acid when planning pregnancy: dosage

When planning pregnancy, the dosage of folic acid depends only on the individual needs of the body. Take folic acid when planning pregnancy large doses necessary for those who abuse alcohol, do not eat vegetables and greens, and have intestinal problems. Since in this case there is always a serious deficiency of folacin. Also, due to deficiency, women taking hormonal medications need to take folic acid when planning pregnancy.

How to take folic acid, what dosage is necessary in your particular case, should be prescribed by your doctor. IN normal conditions when planning pregnancy, the daily dose is 400 mg. The prescribed dosage of folacin when carrying a baby is up to 800 mcg. At the same time, excess folic acid is also undesirable, it is fraught unpleasant consequences. However, an overdose of the drug is almost impossible. Unless you take 30 tablets of folic acid per day, which is unlikely to happen by accident.

Regarding drugs, the content of folacin in a tablet may vary, so the dosage depends on the specific drug or vitamin complex. In addition, almost all vitamin complexes for pregnant women include vitamin B9, and this must be taken into account when prescribing additional norm folacin.

The dosage of folic acid may be different for expectant parents: the expectant mother has a greater need for vitamin B9 than the father. But, if it is established that there are problems with conception “due to the fault” of the father, then the future father will have to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy in large quantities and in combination with others medicines and vitamins.

· how to take folic acid when planning pregnancy

It often happens that the dosage of folacin when planning pregnancy significantly exceeds preventive recommendations: 1 tablet (which is 1 mg) is prescribed from 1 time per day to up to 4 times. The same dose can be prescribed in other variations, for example, 2 tablets twice a day. It may be prescribed to take folic acid only in the first phase, or continuously for all 3 months.

When planning, folacin should be taken immediately after meals. During the first weeks of pregnancy high dosage B9 can be saved. In such cases, doctors prefer to play it safe: an overdose of folic acid, as already mentioned, is practically impossible, and it is dangerous due to the most serious consequences.

One way or another, the dosage, as well as the decision regarding other prescribed drugs, is primarily up to the doctor. But this does not relieve you of responsibility either - sometimes it is not superfluous to control doctors. Be sure to take everything into account and start preparing for future pregnancy by reconsidering your own lifestyle. And may your pregnancy be cloudless and your baby healthy!

Yana Lagidna, especially for the site

And a little more about how and why to take folic acid when planning pregnancy, video: