Tempalgin tablets. Side effects of the medicine

The drug Tempalgin Tempalgin

is a combination drug that includes:

metamizole sodium – 500 mg; triacetomine – 20 mg; excipients (wheat starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, etc.). This drug, belonging to the group of non-narcotic analgesics, has a pronounced and long-lasting analgesic and antipyretic effect. In addition to them, Tempalgin has a mild anti-inflammatory and mild sedative(calming) effect. Due to the presence of triacetomine in the tablet, the effect of the analgesic component - the drug metamizole - is enhanced and prolonged. The analgesic effect begins to appear after 20-30 (sometimes 40) minutes and lasts about 2.5-4.5 hours (depending on the age of the patient). The sedative effect lasts about 3 hours.

Thanks to its effectiveness and many additional effects This non-narcotic pain reliever is very popular among consumers. Tempalgin is available only for oral administration in the form of biconvex round tablets, covered with an enteric coating of rich green color. The tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces - 10, 20, 100 and 300 tablets in a cardboard package.

Instructions for use of TempalginIndications for usePain syndrome in patients with increased excitability nervous system(migraine, pain during menstruation, toothache, headache, neuritis, neuralgia, pain in joints and muscles, pain from injuries, wounds, burns, etc.); renal, hepatic or intestinal colic (in combination with antispasmodics); pain relief before dental procedures; pain in postoperative period;pain after invasive diagnostic procedures; increased body temperature in viral and infectious-inflammatory diseases. Contraindications: Reduced blood pressure below 100 mm. Hg Art.; severe liver and kidney diseases; acute hepatic porphyria; “aspirin” asthma and tendency to bronchospasm; aplastic anemia; agranulocytosis; leukopenia; periods: pregnancy (especially the first and third trimesters), lactation; age up to 15 years; increased sensitivity to any component of the drug. Side effects

Side effects when taking Tempalgin are rare, but still possible:

cardiovascular system - tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, cyanosis, palpitations; nervous system - dizziness, headache; hematopoietic system - leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia; respiratory system - respiratory disorders, bronchospasm (in the presence of a predisposition) ;digestive system - discomfort and pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, cholestasis, increased levels of bilirubin, ALT and AST, the appearance of ulcers and bleeding; skin - necrotic processes in oral cavity, ears, nose, genitals; immune system - itchy skin, urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis. How to take Tempalgin? 1.

Tempalgin tablets should be taken during or after meals, without chewing and washed down with the delivery amount.


This drug should not be taken if long-term abuse alcoholic beverages and take alcohol at the same time as Tempalgin.

Should not be taken during treatment with colloidal blood substitutes,

penicillin antibiotics

and the introduction of radiocontrast agents into the body.

It should not be used to treat abdominal pain if its cause is unclear.

With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor blood composition and liver functions.

Children and adolescents under 18 years of age can take the drug only under medical supervision and no more than 5 days.

Cannot be administered after taking the drug vehicle or complex mechanisms, engage in activities that require increased concentration.

The patient should not be alarmed when urine turns red after taking Tempalgin.


Dosage of Tempalgin: 1 tablet 1-3 times a day; if ineffective, you can take 1 more tablet (maximum single dose– 2 tablets). The frequency of taking Tempalgin depends on the severity of the pain syndrome, but the maximum daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets. It is not recommended to take this drug for more than 5 days. Increasing the duration of treatment can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

An overdose of Tempalgin can occur if the recommendations set out in the instructions are not followed, if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, and if there are suicide attempts. Expression and combination


in case of overdose depends on the condition


The dose of the drug and the time of its effect on the body.

Overdose symptoms:

nausea or vomiting; blood in the stool; tinnitus; breathing problems or apnea; hemorrhagic diathesis; oliguria or anuria (decreased amount of urine); toxic-allergic shock; abnormalities in the blood picture.

At the first signs of overdose you should:

rinse the stomach; take a saline laxative; take sorbents; consult a doctor. IN severe cases Resuscitation measures may be needed. Tempalgin: instructions for use - video Tempalgin for children Tempalgin is not recommended for the treatment of pain syndromes and elevated temperature in children under 15 years of age. Also, this drug is not used to treat children over 15 years of age for more than 5 days, because with long-term use, it can contribute to disruption of the blood picture and the development of leukemia and leukemia.

In other cases, Tempalgin can be used in pediatric practice to relieve pain of various pain syndromes and reduce temperature during hyperthermia during infectious and colds. The dosage and duration of administration are determined individually.

Dosage of Tempalgin for children over 15 years of age: 1/2-1 tablet 1-3 times a day, but no more than 3 tablets a day.

In the event that longer therapy is required, the duration of treatment with Tempalgin can only be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, with an analysis of the blood picture and liver functions.

Tempalgin during pregnancy Tempalgin during pregnancy is prescribed with caution. During the 1st and 3rd trimester, the drug is contraindicated, because the tranquilizing component (triacetomine) included in its composition can easily penetrate the placental barrier into the blood and brain of the fetus. This substance can cause irreparable damage to the brain of the unborn baby.

What does Tempalgin help with? Tempalgin for headaches Tempalgin can be used to eliminate headaches of various origins:

migraine; cluster pain; cluster type pain (during menopause, PMS, etc.); with intoxication of the body during infectious or viral diseases; with intoxication from long-term use medications; for tumor processes; for increased intracranial pressure(pseudoedema of the brain, intracranial hypertension, glaucoma); with tension or expansion blood vessels brain; with pathologies of the brain; with hemorrhages in the brain; with disorders of the peripheral nervous system (neuropathy, radiculopathy); with arterial hypertension; with abrupt cessation drinking caffeinated drinks.

More about headaches

Tempalgin for toothache Tempalgin is successfully used to eliminate toothache. It is not recommended to take this drug before visiting and recommending a dentist, as it may interfere with further diagnosis of toothache. Tempalgin can be taken on the recommendation of a doctor 30 minutes before dental procedures or to relieve pain after visiting a doctor. In addition to the analgesic effect, this drug has a mild tranquilizing effect and eliminates signs of fear and anxiety before upcoming dental procedures, which many patients experience.

More about toothache

Tempalgin during menstruation Tempalgin can be used to treat pain that accompanies menstruation. This drug, in addition to the analgesic effect, eliminates the signs of nervousness and tearfulness that often accompany painful menstruation due to hormonal imbalance.

For pain during menstruation, the doctor may recommend the use of antispasmodic drugs (for example, No-shpa) in parallel with Tempalgin.

Tempalgin and blood pressure Taking Tempalgin can cause both an increase and a decrease in blood pressure. These actions relate to side effects and, according to statistics, are observed in rare cases or in case of an overdose of the drug. Against the background of their appearance, pain in the heart area, headaches and tachycardia may appear. If such symptoms appear, you must stop taking Tempalgin and seek help from a doctor or call an ambulance.
Compatibility of Tempalgin with alcohol

Taking Tempalgin is incompatible with drinking alcohol, because...


Present in the composition of the drug, it can cause negative and unpredictable reactions. This is explained by the fact that alcohol can greatly enhance the effect of a tranquilizer.

Tempalgin should not be taken after consumption alcoholic drinks, and after taking it, it is not allowed to take alcohol and drugs based on ethyl alcohol. Patients with alcohol addiction history, this drug is prescribed with caution and extremely rarely.

Tempalgin's analogs

Analogs (synonyms) of Tempalgin, which contain the same active components, are:

Tempaldol; Tempanal; Tempanginol; Tempimed; Metamizole sodium + Triacytonamine-4-tolusulfonate. Reviews about the drug

Reviews about Tempalgin indicate that this non-narcotic analgesic well tolerated by patients, effectively eliminates pain syndrome and has an antipyretic effect in most cases. Many patients also point to the positive sedative effect of this drug, which helps eliminate


and nervousness.

In rare cases, patients who took Tempalgin other than as prescribed by a doctor experienced side effects of the drug. There are no patient reviews of cases of overdose. Hypersensitivity to the components of Tempalgin has been observed rarely.

Most patients assess the cost of Tempalgin as “acceptable”.

Drug price

The price of Tempalgin depends on the number of tablets in the package and the pharmacy selling the drug. This drug can be purchased without a doctor's prescription both in regular pharmacies and on online pharmacy websites.

10 tablets in a cardboard package - from 30 to 36 rubles; 20 tablets in a cardboard package - from 59 to 87 rubles; 100 tablets in a cardboard package - from 227 to 281 rubles.

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information only and is provided by to a wide circle readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should only be carried out qualified specialist, based on medical history and diagnostic results.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Tempalgin. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Tempalgin in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Tempalgin if available structural analogues. Using an anesthetic to treat headaches and toothaches in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.

Tempalgin- analgesic-antipyretic combined composition. It has analgesic, antipyretic, mild anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. The drug contains the non-opioid analgesic metamizole sodium and the anxiolytic (tranquilizer) tempidone.

Metamizole sodium + Triacetonamine 4-toluene sulfonate (tempidone) + excipients.

moderate or mild pain syndrome (including headache, migraine, toothache, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, myalgia, arthralgia, algodismenorrhea), especially in patients with increased nervous excitability; mild pain of visceral origin (including renal, hepatic, intestinal colic) in combination with antispasmodic therapy; pain syndrome after surgical and diagnostic interventions (as aid); increased body temperature due to colds and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Release forms

Film-coated tablets.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

The tablets are taken orally, without chewing, with sufficient quantity liquids during or after meals.

Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 1-3 times a day; if the effectiveness is insufficient, you can take 1 more tablet. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. Duration of administration is no more than 5 days. Promotion daily dose or increasing the duration of treatment is possible only under the supervision of a physician.

Side effect

burning sensation in the epigastric region; dry mouth; cholestasis; jaundice; headache; dizziness; hallucinations; decrease or increase in blood pressure; tachycardia; cyanosis; agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia; oliguria; anuria; proteinuria; interstitial nephritis; red coloring of urine; skin rash; itching; urticaria (including on the conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx); Quincke's edema; multiform exudative erythema(including Stevens-Johnson syndrome); toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome); bronchospasm; anaphylactic shock. pronounced liver failure; pronounced renal failure; chronic heart failure; arterial hypotension(decrease in systolic blood pressure below 100 mmHg); inhibition of hematopoiesis (granulocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, cytostatic or infectious neutropenia); deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; “aspirin” asthma; pregnancy; lactation period ( breast-feeding); childhood(up to 14 years old); hypersensitivity to metamizole sodium, pyrazolone derivatives or triacetonamine-4-toluene sulfonate.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. The drug should not be used during lactation, because both components are excreted in breast milk.

special instructions

X-ray contrast agents, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be prescribed when using metamizole sodium.

You should not drink alcohol while taking the drug.

The use of the drug in patients receiving cytostatics should only be done under medical supervision.

During the use of Tempalgin, agranulocytosis may develop, and therefore, when detected unknown origin rise in temperature, chills, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis, as well as with the development of vaginitis or proctitis, discontinuation of the drug is necessary.

When taking the drug for a long time (more than 7 days), it is necessary to monitor the blood picture and functional state liver.

Tempalgin should not be used to relieve acute abdominal pain (until the cause is determined).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Due to the anxiolytic effect of the drug during the period of taking Tempalgin, you should refrain from potentially exercising dangerous species activities requiring increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Drug interactions

Tempalgin enhances the effects of ethanol (alcohol).

Concomitant use of Tempalgin with chlorpromazine or other phenothiazine derivatives can lead to the development of severe hyperthermia.

Sedatives and tranquilizers enhance the analgesic effect of the drug.

At simultaneous use Thiamazole and cytostatics increase the risk of developing leukopenia.

With simultaneous use of metamizole sodium with cyclosporine, the concentration of the latter in the blood plasma decreases.

Metamizole sodium, displacing oral hypoglycemic drugs from protein binding, indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids (GCS) and indomethacin, increases their effect.

When used simultaneously, barbiturates, phenylbutazone and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes weaken the effect of metamizole sodium.

Concomitant use of metamizole sodium with other non-opioid analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants, oral contraceptives, and allopurinol may lead to mutually enhanced toxic effects.

Codeine, histamine H2 receptor blockers and propranolol slow down the excretion of metamizole sodium and enhance its effect.

Analogues of the drug Tempalgin

Structural analogues of the active substance:


Analogues pharmacological group(medicines for relieving headaches and migraines):

Aviton; Alisat; Allicor; Amigrenin; Amylonosar; Amitriptyline; Analgin; Anaprilin; Andipal; Askofen; Aspirin-C; Acetaminophen; Betalok; Bromazepam Lannacher; Brustan; Burana; Vasocardin; Valerian; Vero Anaprilin; Vinpotropil; Histaglobin; Grippostad; Dilceren; Dimephosphone; Ditamine; Ibufen; Imigran; Inderal; Ipronal; Cardiomagnyl; Caffetin; Contemnol; Caffeamine; Coffedon; Xanthinol nicotinate; Kudevita; Lexotan; Metovit; MIG 200; MIG 400; Nalgesin; Nalgesin forte; Naramig; Nilogrin; Nobrassite; Novigan; Novo Passit; Nurofen; Nurofen for children; Nurofen forte; Obzidan; Omaron; Optinate; Panadol; Paracetamol; Pentalgin; Picamilon; Revalgin; Redergin; Remidon; Retafil; Rudotel; Syncapton; Sinusan; Solpadeine; Stugeron; Sumamigren; Topamax; Upsarin UPSA; Faspik; Febricet; Phezam; Flamax; Flucoldex; Cefekon; Cinnarizine; Efkamon.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

One of the “guests” of many home first aid kits is Tempalgin, taken for moderate and mild pain. various localizations. Basics active substance medication - metamizole sodium, which is used in the production of Analgin. But these two drugs cannot be called identical, since Tempalgin contains the tranquilizer Tempidone, which means it acts a little differently. Let's figure out what Tempalgin helps with, how to use it correctly and whether you should drink it for toothache.

What kind of drug is Tempalgin?

Tempalgin is a NSAID.

Tempalgin is a representative of the group of NSAIDs - non-narcotic anti-inflammatory drugs. It is available from pharmacies without a prescription, is inexpensive, and according to its indications for use - practically universal remedy. This explains such popularity of Tempalgin. The drug has only one dosage form– tablet. It is produced by the Bulgarian company Sopharma in two variations - small packages of 20 tablets and large packages of 100. The cost of 20 tablets is about 150 rubles.

The active component of the drug, metamizole sodium, when entering the body, blocks the production of prostaglandins - substances present at the site of any inflammation and responsible for the appearance of pain. As a result, after taking a Tempalgin tablet, the pain goes away within about 20 minutes and does not appear again for about 4 hours. In addition to pain relief and anti-inflammatory, Tempalgin has an antipyretic effect. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the drug does not work well against inflammation.

The second active component of the Tempalgin tablet, tempidone, doubles the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium. Being a psychotropic drug, it produces a calming effect. A person taking Tempalgin may experience decreased psychomotor excitability and inhibition of reactions, weak activity in daytime days, drowsiness. Sedative effect Tempalgina lasts up to 6 hours. That is why the instructions for use of Tempalgin say that while taking tablets you should not engage in activities that require increased attentiveness and quick response, for example, driving a car or operating equipment.

Advice: the relaxing effect that the drug gives is very pronounced, so it is better not to take Tempalgin if you have important things planned for the day. Drowsiness and inability to concentrate on a specific task can derail all plans.

What will Tempalgin help with?

Tempalgin is a painkiller that can be taken for pain in the joints, muscles, and headaches. The drug helps with pain caused by injury, burns, as well as in the postoperative period. Women often take Tempalgin for painful periods.

Tempalgin can relieve only mild toothache.

Due to its antipyretic effect, the medication can be used as a means of lowering fever during colds. He is also appointed as part of complex therapy for renal, intestinal and hepatic colic. Due to the tranquilizer included in the drug, Tempalgin is usually recommended for patients with disorders of the nervous system - its increased excitability.

As for the use of Tempalgin for toothache, the medication can relieve discomfort, but only of moderate and weak intensity. Typically, such pain can be eliminated without medication, for example, by rinsing the mouth with a soda-saline solution. For pain caused by such complex dental diseases like or, the effect of the medication will be practically zero. In order not to expose yourself to the risk of developing side effects, if you need to relieve intense pain, it is better to use potent drugs, such as Ketanov, Ketorol, Ibuprofen.

Rules for taking Tempalgin

You need to take painkillers while eating or after eating with a tablet. clean water. Juices, tea, milk or other liquids are not suitable for this. The drug is prescribed 1 tablet maximum three times a day. It is possible to take a double dose (2 tablets), but you should not take more than 6 Tempalgin tablets per day. Using painkillers for more than 5 days in a row is prohibited.

The dosage of the drug for adults is 1 tablet three times a day.

Is Tempalgin safe?

Not many people know that Analgin, which contains the same active ingredient as Tempalgin, is banned for sale in a number of developed countries, including Denmark, England, and Italy. The fact is that metamizole sodium can cause such severe allergic reactions as anaphylactic shock. In addition, taking drugs with metamizole sodium for a long time can lead to a serious blood disease - leukopenia.

Considering the harm of metamizole sodium and the fact that Tempalgin is not able to relieve strong sharp pain, or can only reduce it, it is worth replacing the drug with a safer one. If, apart from the medication, there are no other painkillers at hand, and the pain needs to be relieved, it is not recommended to take Tempalgin long time. Even a one-time use of the medication can provoke an allergy. And even more so, you should not use the drug to relieve pain when chronic diseases, since the danger of the active substance has been confirmed by numerous studies.

Among the side effects of Tempalgin, headaches and dizziness, “jumps” in blood pressure, skin manifestations allergic reaction: rash, itching, redness. More serious “side effects” are rare, but, nevertheless, the likelihood of their development exists. These include: jaundice, hallucinations, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm. If the dosage of the drug has been exceeded, kidney diseases such as proteinuria, oliguria, and anuria may develop. When taking the drug, your urine may turn red.

Tempalgin is not as harmless a drug as it might seem at first glance.

Who should not take Tempalgin?

There is a whole list of contraindications for using Tempalgin. In view of the equally extensive list of side effects, you should take them seriously and under no circumstances take even one tablet of the drug if they are present. It is forbidden to drink Tempalgin if:

  • low blood pressure(below 100 mm. r.s.);
  • “aspirin” asthma;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • heart problems;
  • carrying and breastfeeding a baby;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • under the age of 14 years.

Tempalgin should not be taken during pregnancy. The medication is especially dangerous in the early and late stages. Both metamizole sodium and tempidone are able to penetrate into breast milk, therefore, during lactation the medication is not prescribed.

Choosing analogues of Tempalgin

Among the numerous drugs in the NSAID group, finding analogues of Tempalgin according to indications is not difficult. Of course, the medication has many “doubles” containing the same active substance, but knowing that it is unsafe, it is better to avoid taking these drugs.

According to the strength of action and indications, Paracetamol and Aspirin, known to all, can become substitutes for Tempalgin. Paracetamol can be used even by pregnant women, but, of course, after agreement with the gynecologist observing the woman. Aspirin, like Tempalgin, is not suitable for use in childhood.

Ibuprofen and its analogs are considered more powerful and safe: Nurofen, MIG, Advil, Ibuprom. In addition, a drug called Ibuprofen is available in several pharmaceutical companies. Medicines containing ketorolac are considered even more effective painkillers: Ketanov, Ketofril, Dolak,. Drugs containing ketorolac have a less pronounced antipyretic effect compared to Tempalgin, but their ability to relieve pain is much higher.

Tempalgin is a popular over-the-counter drug. But taking it can harm your health, and its effectiveness is weaker than most NSAIDs. If the medication is in your first aid kit, we recommend that you reconsider your attitude towards it and replace it with safer painkillers.

Tempalgin is combination drug against pain syndrome. One tablet contains 500 mg of metamizole sodium (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and 20 mg of tempidone (a tricyclic antidepressant with an anxiolytic effect).

This combination allows not only to suppress the source of pain in human body, but also eliminate feelings of fear, uncertainty, tension and anxiety. It also has the ability to lower body temperature, which makes it possible to use it for fever of any origin. High doses Tempalgin also has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. But what is most valued in practical medicine is the drug’s ability to act on the emotional component of the patient’s pain.

Sometimes patients call the drug “green pills” because of its shape and color.

How does the drug work?

Metamizole belongs to the group of non-selective blockers of the enzymes cyclooxegenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Thus, the production of prostaglandins and thromboxane (universal stimulants of inflammation and pain) from arachidonic acid is reduced.

Tempidone (triacetone-4-toluene sulfonate) is a moderately potent cyclic antidepressant that blocks serotonin reuptake ( this substance commonly known as the “happiness hormone”).

Indications for use

  • Headache.
  • Hemicrania or.
  • Pain in joints and muscles.
  • Neurological pain syndrome.
  • Defeat peripheral nerves, nerve plexuses.
  • Toothache (also during dental procedures).
  • Pain during menstruation (inflammatory processes in the genital organs, infantilism, uterine displacement, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome).
  • Reduced pain threshold.
  • Nervous excitability.
  • Renal colic.
  • Intestinal colic.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Deforming osteoarthritis (DOA).
  • Degenerative changes in soft tissues.
  • Residual pain syndrome after surgical interventions.
  • Hyperthermia in inflammatory and infectious diseases.


  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Chronic kidney disease in the terminal stage.
  • Decompensation of liver disease.
  • Heart disease in the stage of decompensation.
  • Children's age up to 14 years.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Fernand-Vidal triad (polypous rhinosinusitis, asthma attacks, aspirin intolerance).
  • Hematological disorders (decrease in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, granulocytes, agranulocytosis).
  • Arterial hypotension below 90/60 mm. Hg Art.
  • Hemolytic nonspherocytic anemia.

Instructions for use

Tempalgin is produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company SOFARMA in tablets of 20 or 100 pieces in one package. Before use, we advise you to consult with your doctor.

The dose of the drug depends on the goals of treatment and the age of the patient. Since the drug can negatively affect the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to take it 30-60 minutes after meals. It is also important that the largest dose at one time does not exceed one tablet. Typically, adults are given 1 tablet 1-4 times a day. Children over 14 years old: 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Can be taken in dentistry 30 minutes before a procedure or intervention, 1 tablet. In case of impaired renal or liver function, you should either stop using tempalgin or reduce the dose by half under monitoring of organ function and general condition patient.

In any case, you should not continue treatment for longer than 5-7 days.. In combination with other NSAIDs and antidepressants, toxic effects increase. The use of tempalgin with ethanol is prohibited (rapid development of toxic liver necrosis is possible). You should also limit driving and work that requires increased attention and reaction from the patient. It is also important to warn the patient that in some cases the metabolites of the drug in elevated concentrations excreted through the kidneys and turns the urine red.

When symptoms of overdose appear, hemodialysis, gastric lavage are performed, and sorbents are given to the patient.

Analogs of tempalgin

  • Aspirin– a “classical” anti-inflammatory drug. Now it is used in low doses mainly in cardiology as an antiplatelet agent in the treatment and prevention of most heart diseases. Also retains its niche in rheumatology.
  • Paracetamol– a universal antipyretic and analgesic agent. The advantage is that it can be given even to infants with hyperthermia. It also exists in the form of syrups, tablets, and suppositories.
  • Ibuprofen– most popular drug against huge amount types of pain. Sold on the market under dozens of different trade names.
  • Infulgan– injectable form of paracetamol. Widely used in surgery, traumatology for the treatment of postoperative and post-traumatic pain, hyperthermic syndrome.
  • Diclofenac– a powerful anti-inflammatory drug. Indicated for rheumatological, gynecological diseases, osteoarthritis, spondylitis, spondyloarthritis. IN Lately Cytostatic properties were also discovered, which in the future may lead to the inclusion of diclofenac in chemotherapy.
  • Meloxicam- a selective inhibitor of COX-2, which allows it to cause less side effects, which are the same in most NSAIDs. Used for treatment rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.
  • Celecoxib- a selective inhibitor of COX-2, a representative of the new generation of this group of drugs, therefore from the outside digestive system There are practically no complaints from the patient during the appointment. Actively used in acute stages rheumatological diseases, when the history also indicates a stomach ulcer.

Many people have a drug such as Tempalgin in their home medicine cabinets, which is used for moderate and mild pain. different localization. Its main active ingredient is metamizole sodium, which is also used in the production of Analgin. But these two drugs are not identical, because Tempalgin contains the tranquilizer Tempidone, as a result of which it acts somewhat differently.

Let's try to figure out what Tempalgin is, what this remedy helps with, and can it relieve toothache?

Tempalgin is non-narcotic anti-inflammatory drug, sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is inexpensive, and according to the indications for its use, it is practically universal drug. Thanks to this, Tempalgin is very popular among other painkillers, and it is produced only in tablet form.

Metamizole sodium, which is active component The drug, once inside the body, prevents the production of prostaglandins - special substances located in the area of ​​​​any inflammation and responsible for the occurrence of pain. Therefore, after taking the pill, after 20 minutes the pain syndrome begins to subside and may not appear for four hours. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, Tempalgin has an antipyretic effect. But it should be remembered that such a drug does not cope well with the inflammatory process.

Second active ingredient Tempalgin tablets are tempidone, which several times enhances the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium. Moreover, this medicine counts psychotropic drug which has a calming effect. While taking Tempalgin you may experience:

  • decreased psychomotor excitability;
  • inhibited reaction;
  • drowsiness;
  • little activity during the day.

The sedative effect of the tablets usually lasts up to 6 hours. Therefore, the instructions for use of the drug clearly indicate that while using Tempalgin it is prohibited to engage in activities that require increased alertness and quick response. This remedy gives a strong pronounced relaxing effect, therefore, it is not recommended to take it if any important matters are planned for the day. Due to drowsiness and inability to concentrate on anything, all plans can be disrupted.

What does Tempalgin help with?

Tempalgin is an analgesic drug that is recommended to be taken for painful syndrome in muscles, joints, and headaches. It also reduces painful sensations after a burn, injury, in the postoperative period. Quite often, women use pills for painful periods.

Due to its antipyretic effect, Tempalgin is used to reduce body temperature during colds. It is also prescribed as part of complex therapy for intestinal, renal and hepatic colic. Due to the fact that the medication contains a tranquilizer, such tablets are recommended for patients with increased excitability nervous system.

As for the use of Tempalgin for toothache, this drug is able to relieve pain, but only of weak and moderate intensity. It can be eliminated without medications, for example, by rinsing the mouth with a soda-saline solution. For toothache caused by such serious dental diseases as gumboil or pulpitis, the effect of Tempalgin is practically zero. To avoid dangerous side effects, it is best to use potent drugs such as:

  • Ketorol;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ibuprofen.

How to take Tempalgin correctly and how safe is it?

This painkiller must be taken during or after meals washing it down with clean water. It is prohibited to use tea, juice, milk or other liquids for these purposes. As prescribed by the doctor, take one tablet three times a day. In some cases, it is recommended to take two tablets at a time, but it is forbidden to take more than six tablets per day. In addition, it is extremely undesirable to take this drug for more than five days.

Not everyone knows that Analgin, which contains metamizole sodium, has been banned from sale in some developed countries, for example, in England, Denmark, Italy. This is explained by the fact that such an active substance provokes the occurrence of severe allergic reactionsanaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. In addition, if you take a drug containing metamizole sodium for a long time, it can cause serious illness blood – leukopenia.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about how safe Tempalgin is, since it also contains metamizole sodium. Moreover, this medication is not able to relieve severe and acute pain, but only reduces it. Therefore, it is best to replace this remedy with a safer one.

But situations arise when, apart from Tempalgin, there are no other painkillers at hand, and the pain needs to be relieved. In this case, you can take such tablets, but you should not take them for a long time. Even one time use medicine may cause allergies. And even more so, it is forbidden to use it to relieve pain in chronic diseases, because the danger of metamizole sodium has been confirmed by various studies.

Side effects

Tempalgin has the following side effects:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • "jumps" in blood pressure;
  • 3. itching, rash, redness of the skin.

More serious side effects are much less common, but they are still likely to occur. These include:

If the dosage of the drug is exceeded, symptoms may develop the following diseases kidneys: oliguria, proteinuria, anuria. While taking Tempalgin, the urine may turn red.


There are many contraindications to the use of Tempalgin tablets. This should be taken very seriously and under no circumstances should you take the drug if they are present. Thus, It is prohibited to take this medicine if:

Tempalgin is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, especially in early and later. Both tempidone and metamizole sodium are unimpeded passes into breast milk, therefore it is not prescribed while breastfeeding the baby.

Thus, Tempalgin is a very popular drug sold without a prescription. But it is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Taking it can seriously harm your health. If possible, it is best to replace it with a safer pain reliever.

For pain syndromes of various origins and intensities, it has long been used by everyone famous drug Tempalgin - the indications for use of the drug are quite extensive. But despite high efficiency and relative safety, not everyone can use it.

Tempalgin tablets - indications for use

The described medicine is a combined non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Tempalgin is based on two substances - triacetonamine and metamizole sodium. The latter is an analgesic, while the former is a tranquilizer that enhances the analgesic and antipyretic effects, and also has a mild sedative effect. As excipients cellulose, starch and natural dyes are added.

Thanks to this combination, Tempalgin acts for a long time - as long as its more expensive analogues (up to 8 hours).

The main indications for use are mild and moderate pain syndromes, especially in combination with increased nervous excitability, appearance low-grade fever bodies. The drug is widely used in combination therapy after surgical interventions, in the treatment of liver (even chronic) and kidney diseases, as well as for relief inflammatory processes during ARVI, infectious viral pathologies.

Tempalgin - use for toothache

Usually, such pain does not go away for a long time and is quite intense, so in similar situations Take 2 tablets, without chewing and with plenty of water. Maximum dose makes 6 capsules.

Tempalgin for headaches

It should be noted that from and strong pain The medicine in question does not help.

For mild to moderate discomfort and heaviness in the head, Tempalgin should be taken 1 tablet up to two times a day. It is not recommended to continue treatment for more than 5 days; if symptoms do not disappear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Tempalgin during menstruation

As a rule, algodismenorrhea is accompanied by pulling, aching pain lower abdomen. To get rid of signs of the disease, it is enough to take 1 tablet of Tempalgin on demand. You should not drink more than 5 capsules per day. If this medication is ineffective, you should replace it with a more potent drug and consult a gynecologist about further therapy.

Tempalgin - contraindications and interactions with other drugs

It is undesirable to use the medication in combination with other analgesics or painkillers, especially those containing codeine. In such cases, the substances enhance each other’s effects and slow down elimination, which increases the toxic load on the liver.

Simultaneous use of tranquilizers and sedatives significantly increases the analgesic effect of Tempalgin, but can cause hyperthermia.

Antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and antidepressants cannot be used in parallel with the described drug, since chemical substances as part of the listed drugs, they immediately react with metamizole and have toxic effect on the liver gallbladder, ducts and kidneys.

Contraindications to the use of Tempalgin:

Taking medication for kidney disease should be agreed with your doctor, especially in the case of chronic pyelonephritis.