If colitis on the right side. Other causes of pain in the right side

Why colitis in the right side under the ribs? The reason for this may be completely various diseases internal organs, malnutrition, prolonged running or fast walk, just a big load on the body. To understand how serious it is, you need to identify the cause of the disease.

What can cause tingling in the right side?

The right side of the hypochondrium is the “pantry” important organs person. The liver, diaphragm, part of the intestine, gallbladder are located here. If stabbing pains occur quite frequently, Great chance health problems. If this does not apply to physical activity and malnutrition, then the problem is much deeper. The help of a medical specialist is needed.

Diseases for which the symptom is characteristic:

  • Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). It can be both acute and chronic. The pain is constant, aching in nature. Sometimes there is a violation of taste and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. On palpation of the right side of the abdomen, pain is felt at the bottom of the liver.
  • Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). The pain is localized not only in the right side, but also in the right side of the back. Very often accompanied by fever, chills, weakness, nausea with vomiting, frequent urination.
  • Inflammation duodenum. Pain is localized under the sternum, most acute phase happens before or after eating. Most often, attacks occur at night, as well as after physical exertion.
  • Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). Dull or sharp pain in the right side, nausea, weakness, belching with bitterness, vomiting is possible.
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). The pain is acute, constantly growing in the right side of the hypochondrium, which is accompanied by nausea, fever, vomiting, pallor skin, labored breathing.
  • Polycystic right kidney. An increase in the size of the right kidney, which causes intermittent aching pain in the side and lumbar region varying degrees intensity. Along with this, there is an increase general weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, stool disorders, appears pruritus, profuse urination, sometimes with blood.
  • Inflammation small intestine. The patient feels acute pain and constant spasms, which are accompanied by a violation of the stool, bloating, nausea, vomiting, fever, lack of appetite.
  • Inflammation of the appendages in women. It is characterized by pain during urination and in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge that differs from normal (yellow, profuse or foamy), a violation menstrual cycle, increased body temperature.
  • Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs). Pain is felt in the region of the hypochondrium when deep breath or cough, accompanied by high fever, shortness of breath, cough, weakness, chills of the body.
  • Inflammation of the caecum (appendix). Stretching long with periodic sharp pains in the right side of the abdomen. Important: severe pain that does not go away within 6 hours requires an immediate examination by a doctor, otherwise the consequences can lead to serious complications and even endanger a person's life.

Pain in the right side under the ribs may be associated with spinal problems (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia), arthrosis, with recent injuries and strokes. If the pain is constant, and not one-time and rare, then it makes sense to be examined in order to start treatment on time if necessary.

What to do in case of sudden pain in the side?

If the pain appeared suddenly and there is no way to quickly seek medical help qualified help, follow the guidelines below.

  • In no case should the sore spot be heated, as pathogenic processes in the peritoneum may intensify.
  • Do not take painkillers, as they can affect the composition of the blood and, as a result, the tests will not be reliable enough. As an analgesic, it is recommended to take an antispasmodic drug.
  • Refuse food for a while until the doctor does an examination and makes a diagnosis.
  • Can't be accepted choleretic drugs, since with their help the production of bile is enhanced, which leads to stretching of the gallbladder, which in the end can lead to its rupture.
  • Limit physical activity so as not to provoke a complication and not worsen your well-being.

So, if colitis is in the right side under the ribs, it is still better to seek help from a doctor. Do not self-medicate, as with the wrong actions you can provoke serious complications and even death. Be healthy.

Pain in the right side under the ribs warns of various diseases internal organs. Indeed, in this area abdominal space located important for normal functioning body organs. Here important role plays and the type of pain. If a similar symptom occurs regularly and does not go away within three days, then this is serious reason to visit the clinic and provide the patient medical care.

Side pain on the right side under the ribs often indicates inflammatory processes in the liver (other symptoms of a diseased liver can be found in), the gallbladder, and also the kidneys or intestines, can be a consequence of injuries. Painful sensations are pulling, aching or sharp, stabbing, cutting and unbearable. Their location can be local or extend to the entire side. Unpleasant sensations can give pain in the abdomen, ribs and even in the shoulder.

Similar sensations indicate the following pathologies:

  • colic in the kidneys characterizes the pain acute manifestation on the right side;
  • diseases in the chronic form of the abdominal region are manifested by dull pains;
  • stabbing sensations speak of inflammation;
  • inflammation of the mucosa and gallbladder is manifested by aching pain on the right.

What can happen in the body with right-sided pain under the ribs?

Rezi and colic on the side talk about various pathologies or consequences of an injury in a person. Painful sensations penetrating the back are characteristic of liver problems. Most likely, there was intoxication of the organ. This can happen after a meal, fatty and spicy, or alcohol abuse. Severe damage to the liver and smoking.

Pain on the right can also come from due to. She is a component endocrine system produces insulin. When symptoms are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, the development of pancreatitis can be suspected (read more about pancreatitis) . The reasons for its appearance may be different: trauma, alcohol addiction, surgery.

The factor that provoked pain in the right side may be appendicitis, although this is possible only with its atypical location, as well as inflammation of the gallbladder.

Pain in the front in the right hypochondrium

Of such kind pain notify the person big problems with his cookies. The patient may suffer from bursting pain with tingling. toxic or alcoholic hepatitis accompanied by additional symptoms: weakness, heartburn, lack of appetite and decreased functionality. You may also experience a burning sensation in the affected area.

The sign also characterizes the development of cirrhosis of the liver, the appearance of cystic formations. The latter block the passage of bile, blood, which causes heaviness in the affected organ due to its increase.

With heart failure, there is a malfunction in the blood flow throughout the body, swelling is formed, and the liver enlarges. It provokes pain syndrome in the studied part of the human body. strong impulses morbid nature develop with abdominal myocardial infarction.

Able to stretch colon. With such a pathological condition, a person is tormented by colic. Their intensity will increase with further stretching intestines.

Cramps under the ribs on the right are manifested in digestive disorders, problems of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract: increased gas formation, diarrhea. Often, severe pain characterizes the manifestation of colitis. It is characterized by spasms, problems with the stool, flatulence.

Pain syndrome can develop with echinococcosis. The cause of the onset of the disease is the activity of the echinococcus worm, as a result of which liquid-filled cystic formations. Cysts are able to gradually squeeze the capillaries and bile ducts. The result is an enlarged liver and pain signals. With further progression of education, an abscess of the liver occurs, causing sharp pain.

The pain of a pulsating nature disturbs the patient with any movement. It can even hurt under the shoulder blade. If the disease is ignored, the body temperature rises, the peritoneum becomes inflamed, blood poisoning occurs.

It is characterized by an atypical onset of the development of inflammation. The pains are aggravated by walking, decrease by lying on the right side. Associated feature can be heat body, nausea, vomiting. After a few hours, pain can spread to the entire abdomen.

Pain in the back of the right side under the ribs

Painful sensations from behind from the back speak of the consequences of various injuries, problems in the functioning of the liver, paired organs, and the vena cava. Such impulses also occur when urolithiasis when stones, grains of sand descend through the ureters. In a baby, pain under the rib at the back causes pathologies of paired organs that have developed against the background of a decrease in immunity.

Common causes are inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), bruised ribs, malignant neoplasms and also necrosis renal papillae, shingles and intercostal neuralgia.

The last pathological condition causes pulling pain, numbness of the side, pain in the ribs. If tingling occurs, a person may lose the ability to move. With inflammation of the muscles, myositis develops, causing twitching or colic.

Causes severe pain malignant tumor in the kidneys with an advanced disease, especially if the oncological formation has blocked the urinary tract. Under the ribs, it can also hurt with a tumor in the adrenal gland, when it reaches a sufficiently large volume.

If happened bad bruise back segments of the ribs, a person can feel aching pain aggravated by coughing, inhaling. The fracture is accompanied by a characteristic crunch, so when it occurs given symptom a person can analyze whether such an injury has occurred.

Pain when inhaling

When pain during inhalation is unbearable, this indicates the development of cholecystitis, an inflammatory process in the lungs, and peritonitis. With the progression of cholecystitis in the body, bile accumulates in the cavity of the biliary tract, which does not reach the intestine. Getting on the mucous membranes, it starts to bake, because its composition is salt. The pain intensifies, the body temperature rises. ABOUT

Stitching sensations when inhaling or coughing can provoke pleurisy.

Painful spasms in women

Representatives of the beautiful half of the population have pain in last days menstruation due to a sharp hormonal failure. Severe pain occurs against a background of spasm of the bile ducts, which can radiate to the back. Therefore, often the cause of pain is the physiology of the female body.

When taking contraceptives hormonal pills the woman may experience tingling, burning and dull pain in the region of the right rib. This is due to a violation of the bile duct.

Carrying a child and pain under the rib on the right

Women who are in position may experience pain in the side with pressure from the uterus on paired organs. If the liver is overloaded, the ureter will also suffer. During pregnancy, you should not worry about tingling or numbness of the right side, if this is not a constant phenomenon. Stab in the side of a representative of the weaker sex may be due to physical activity Therefore, it is worth limiting sports.

During pregnancy, progesterone increases the biliary tract, provoking fluid stagnation in them, a symptom of which is a burning sensation in the right side. In order to avoid complications, a woman in position should seek help from a doctor, take blood and urine tests, undergo an examination and ultrasonography. If necessary, therapy will be prescribed.

Important! Each future mother must remember to be responsible not only for her own life, but also for her child. Therefore, to endure pain is absolutely contraindicated. In case of any deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sharp kind of pain

Such sensations usually disturb a person with seizures. The phenomenon often occurs at night. In the right side, acute sharp pain indicates renal colic, which characterizes the progression of the stone along the ureter in urolithiasis.

Painful sensations in the hypochondrium on the right also signal a duodenal ulcer, stomach. Here, the symptoms are supplemented by nausea, vomiting, and belching. It may also be a sign of a ruptured cyst, ovary, or fallopian tube, gallbladder, appendicitis.

Severe attacks are characteristic of cholecystitis in acute form. Pain under the rib on the right may be due to progression vegetative dystonia. However, the pain is not constant.

Aching manifestations

Pain of a aching nature can manifest itself with the following problems:

A similar feeling becomes a frequent guest among athletes when running. Sometimes gives in the leg. Indicates stretching of the muscle capsule. The reason for this is the failure of the diaphragm when malnutrition, decreased blood flow.

Getting rid of it is pretty easy. Athletes must perform a warm-up before training, breathe correctly (deep breaths, breathing with the stomach) during sports activity. In such a situation, it is not necessary to consult a doctor.

But this kind sign may indicate the development of right-sided pneumonia. Pain accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, dyspeptic disorder and blue nasolabial triangle. Often the symptom expresses a disease of the right organ of the urinary tract.

Dull and girdle pain in the side

Dull sensations disturb a person with pathologies of the liver and pancreas. It can be a tumor, hepatitis, poisoning of the body, and also inflammation of the gallbladder or its head, enlargement of the liver.

Girdle pain is often caused by neuralgia, pleurisy, problems with the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. With pancreatitis, such pain is intense and sharp. It does not subside even when lying down. Associated symptoms of the disease are blue tint skin, vomiting, hemorrhages of small sizes in the navel and on the sides.

Important information about pain

For each person, it is important to remember some points about pain in order to go to the clinic in a timely manner or call for help:

  1. The difference between acute and chronic form painful sensations. In the first form, pain rarely occurs, the intensity can increase every hour. Chronic manifestation usually dull, from which the patient may suffer for a long period of time. People need to distinguish between types of sensations in order to understand what is happening in their body. After all, at acute pain You need to immediately call the ambulance and go to the hospital. The situation may need surgical treatment. Chronic pain characterizes the long course of the disease.
  2. In case of acute pain in the abdomen, it is forbidden to take painkillers until examined by a doctor. Chronic sensations have no such contraindications.
  3. Painful sensations in the right region of the peritoneum do not always indicate diseases of the organs of this particular area of ​​the body. Sometimes it is radiating pain due to characteristic features passage of nerve trunks.

Diagnosis of pain manifestations

To begin with, the doctor asks the patient about the type of manifestation of pain, its location. Important is nutrition, the condition of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and fatty tissue, the presence of injuries and infections. Further, the doctor examines the affected area of ​​​​the body by feeling. After directing the person to pass the necessary tests.

Hardware studies may be additional. This is an x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, bile ducts. A biopsy is performed to diagnose cancer. Informative will be excretory urography, vertical aortography and radioisotope renography.

Under what circumstances is it urgent to see a doctor?

A person who does not stop vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, should immediately consult a doctor.

Important! Pain syndrome can often signal processes in the body that lead to the death of a person without proper treatment.

First aid

If people develop pain syndrome, it is urgent to call ambulance. After all, there are many factors for the development of such a condition, and only a doctor can identify them after complete examination patient. Before the arrival of medical workers, cold can be applied to the affected area. The patient needs to be helped to take an optimally comfortable position of the body. A person should calm down and relax as much as possible.

After a diagnosis is made, the person will be given necessary medicines: antispasmodics, analgesics, vasodilators and other drugs.

Who can help with pain on the right side under the ribs?

It is impossible to identify the exact disease only by pain symptoms above the waist. A person needs to undergo a full examination. First you need to contact a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and questioning, according to complaints he will refer to a specialist of the required profile. It can be a cardiologist, surgeon, gynecologist, and also a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist or infectious disease specialist.

Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Without knowing the exact cause of discomfort, you can harm your health, aggravate the situation. It is allowed to carry out therapy only after a doctor prescribes treatment based on the results of tests and a complete examination.

How to relieve unbearable pain?

At sharp pains Antispasmodics are not recommended. Indeed, in this case, the exact clinical picture pathological condition. In rare cases, No-shpa is acceptable. In general, after examining a doctor, it is prescribed complex treatment, which includes drug therapy aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease, a diet and a course of vitamins. In rare cases, surgery may be needed.

Important! Under no circumstances should a heating pad or other heat be applied to the inflamed side. Let's just let it be cold.

How to help a child with pain?

If the baby is experiencing pain right side you need to call an ambulance immediately. It is contraindicated to give pills and other medicines for pain on your own.

Compliance with the diet

Proper nutrition is key quick release from pains in the right side, both in men and women. To do this, you must abandon bad habits(smoking and alcohol abuse), if any. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty and fried food cooked with spices, spices. Carbonated drinks, canned food, smoked products are contraindicated.

If a person is found chronic illness, such food will help long-term remission, facilitate the work of a diseased organ. It is important not only the quality of food, but also the observance of the diet. At fractional nutrition the metabolic process is accelerated, the outflow of bile returns to normal, the load on the internal organs becomes uniform.

Pain relief methods

If the patient is worried about renal colic, doctors do novocaine blockade. In case of inflammation of the liver or exacerbation chronic cholecystitis(in the absence of calculi) a tubage is shown.

When cholecystitis has caused severe pain, it can be relieved by pressure. Manipulation can be done independently. To do this, the patient is placed on his back, gently presses on the affected area biliary tract. You need to press with your hand with insignificant pain and release after 20 seconds. When after a couple of minutes the discomfort intensifies, you need to press again. The procedure lasts until the complete cessation of pain.

Alternative medicine in the fight against right-sided pain

Means of folk production are indicated for chronic pain. Basically, herbs that have an alkaloid in their composition and have an antispasmodic effect will be useful here. These are mint, fennel, chamomile, St. John's wort and anise.

With cholecystitis, immortelle, oregano, corn stigmas will become effective due to their choleretic actions. A decoction of potatoes will also be useful here. Boiled potatoes "in uniform" are crushed directly in the water, and eat one spoonful three times a day.

With kidney discomfort, a remedy made from honey and cinnamon or lemon and olive oil will help.

IN folk medicine there are many healthy recipes from pain, but their use is allowed only after consulting a doctor and receiving his recommendations.

Preventive measures against discomfort on the right

In order for the pain syndrome not to take a person by surprise, it is necessary to follow a number of very simple rules:

  • seek medical help at the first sensation of pain;
  • do not eat a lot of fried, fatty and salty foods that are difficult for the stomach;
  • do not abuse alcoholic drinks;
  • do not neglect preventive visits to the doctor and examinations through ultrasound.

There are many causes of pain in the right hypochondrium. Accordingly, the treatment for each situation will be different. It is important not to be your own doctor, and not to drink medicines on your own. With strong and sharp pain manifestations urgent need to seek help from health worker and act in accordance with his recommendations. After examining and studying the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe the right therapy to eliminate pain and the factor that provoked unpleasant feeling. Otherwise, you can greatly harm the body, which will end in failure.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Pain is not just an extremely unpleasant sensation, it is also an important signal with which the body tries to draw our attention to the fact that something is not right with it. Therefore, if you are worried about pain on the right under the ribs, you should not postpone visiting the doctor “for tomorrow”, because it is in this area that a large number of vital organs are located.

The nature and intensity of pain

Dull pain in the hypochondrium on the right , giving in right shoulder, is a sign of an existing disease of the gallbladder or biliary tract(usually in a chronic form).

As a rule, it is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, as well as weakness and general malaise.

The occurrence of sharp pain in the right side indicates acute cholecystitis. In addition, repeated vomiting with fever, chills and severe weakness are often observed. As with any acute pain, it is recommended to seek professional help immediately.

liver disease and cholelithiasis make themselves felt with a sharp, sudden (most often at night) severe pain under the right rib of a paroxysmal nature (hepatic colic), “radiating” to the right shoulder, shoulder blade and even neck.

All this may be accompanied by repeated vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient. Colic is caused by the presence of stones in the gallbladder or severe spasm.

It happens that the pain in the right side has a girdle character. Its cause is usually chronic pancreatitis. Moreover, as in other cases, the pain may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting (with exacerbation - multiple), diarrhea, weakness and general malaise.

Aching pain on the right under the ribs indicates inflammation of the head of the pancreas (chronic) or inflammatory process in the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, neoplasms, etc.).

Moreover, the patient may feel heaviness in the right hypochondrium, he may have a bowel disorder(diarrhea or constipation), persistent loss of appetite, pallor or yellowness of the skin, general weakness and malaise.

The main causes of pain in the right hypochondrium


One of the most common causes of pain under the rib on the right is liver disease.

They usually occur due to:

  • viral diseases, most often hepatitis A, B or C;
  • unhealthy lifestyle - smoking, alcohol abuse (alcoholic hepatitis), frequent use fatty or spicy foods;
  • poisoning medicines- a number of medications can contribute to the occurrence of toxic hepatitis.


One of the functions of the liver is the production of bile, which plays a large role in the digestion of food due to its ability to break down fats, and its excess goes to the gallbladder.

After excessive consumption fatty foods the gallbladder injects its contents into the intestines, since the bile produced at that time by the liver may not be enough to break down fats.

And if there are infections or stones in the gallbladder, pain occurs, thus signaling a problem and the need to follow a diet.


This organ is located deep in the abdominal cavity and its main function is to produce insulin, enzymes for digestion and gastric juice.

If pain in the right side under the ribs is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, Maybe, This is caused by inflammation of the pancreas(pancreatitis) due to:

  1. complications of gallbladder disease (most often gallstone disease);
  2. alcohol abuse;
  3. complications after surgery on the stomach or biliary tract;
  4. abdominal trauma or metabolic disorders (in rare cases).

The right dome of the diaphragm in contact with the ribs

Diseases of the diaphragm itself are quite rare, usually pain under the right side occurs due to the fact that the organs adjacent to the diaphragm, during inflammation, can increase and put pressure on the diaphragm. In addition, the following diseases can be the cause of pain:

Diaphragmatitis is a disease of unknown origin;

Diaphragmatic hernia;

Tumors of the diaphragm;

Thinning of the right dome of the diaphragm (in very rare cases);

Injuries to the abdomen, the result of which may be a rupture of the diaphragm.


When pain occurs under the right rib, as a rule, appendicitis is first suspected, and this diagnosis is not removed until other causes are identified.

Note that with the appearance of acute sharp pain on the right under the ribs follows in urgently see a doctor, since untimely assistance in case of rupture of the appendix can cause death.

Heart failure

Pain occurs as a result of the fact that the heart muscle, due to insufficiency, ceases to perform its main functions and blood begins to stagnate in the liver, which causes it to increase, thereby causing pain.

Burning sharp pain can be a sign of serious body malfunctions, more about pain in the solar plexus on this page

Often, people of age may experience pain in the soles of their feet, or rather in the heels, which is facilitated by such sudden cause Can .

Injuries and bruises

Pain under the lower right rib may be the result of a bruise of both the rib itself and other internal organs close to it. If on the surface chest If you see a bruise or abrasion, then there is a high probability that the pain is caused by an injury.

Pain in pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman may experience pain under the ribs due to the growth of the fetus and squeezing the internal organs.

Pain caused by exercise

Sometimes pain can manifest itself when unusual for your body. physical activity, as a result of which the internal organs expand due to the release of adrenaline and increased blood flow.

This is what causes pain. It can also occur due to sharp turns and tilts, during which internal organs are in contact with the ribs. This pain usually goes away after a few minutes.

When to ask for help

If you experience pain in the right hypochondrium, you should immediately consult a doctor (call an ambulance) if you are worried about:

  • aching pain lasting more than an hour;
  • severe sharp pain;
  • stabbing pain that occurs during movement and does not go away for half an hour (may indicate an infringement of internal organs).

If you are concerned about nausea and dull pain under the right rib, you should see a doctor on the day of the onset of symptoms.

What to do with pain in the right side

Dull pain caused by having chronic diseases, can be removed using antispasmodics(for example, but-shpy).

However, you should not take painkillers if you are not sure of the exact causes of pain. The fact is that in the future it can make it difficult to diagnose the disease.

If the pain under the right rib is sharp, the patient must be provided with rest (statistical position of the body), it is also recommended to apply cold to the place of the most severe pain and call an ambulance.

However, the acceptance of any medicines without staging accurate diagnosis prohibited.

If you experience mild pain on the right under the ribs, you should consult a doctor (generalist, endocrinologist, surgeon, traumatologist, infectious disease specialist or cardiologist) in order to prevent serious problems.

Many people at the doctor's office complain that the right side hurts below the ribs. What does similar condition? What can cause pain? When does a patient need emergency care? These questions are of interest to many.

The right side of the abdomen contains many organs, including the liver, pancreas, and intestines. And if the right side hurts below the ribs, then this may indicate a malfunction of almost any part of the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Soreness in the right side of the abdomen and liver disease

The liver is an organ located in the upper right side. Its value can hardly be overestimated, because the liver is responsible for removing toxins and their neutralization, and also provides extremely important metabolic processes. And if the right side hurts below the ribs, then this may indicate a dangerous disease.

Most often, pain speaks of hepatitis - viral disease that affects hepatocytes. Cirrhosis and fatty degeneration are also accompanied by soreness. In addition, with liver damage, there are some other symptoms that you need to pay attention to - these are nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance. As the disease progresses, a characteristic yellowness of the skin and sclera of the eyes appears. In such cases, the help of a doctor is simply necessary.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen due to disorders in the gallbladder

The gallbladder is a hollow organ that stores bile. It is here that it becomes more concentrated, after which it enters the intestines through special ducts.

Stitching pains in the right side often occur in people during physical activity, such as fast running. Such discomfort can be explained by the rapid release of bile into the intestinal lumen. This phenomenon is not considered serious illness, but may indicate stagnation of bile. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor just in case.

In addition, inflammation of the gallbladder is also accompanied by discomfort. Sharp pains appear during the formation of stones, their movement and blockage of the bile ducts. As a rule, such phenomena are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, digestive problems, increased discomfort after eating fatty foods.

Pain and pancreas

On the right side is also part of the pancreas. This organ is not only involved in the processes of digestion, but is also part of the endocrine system. Sharp pains in the right side, radiating to the back, may indicate pancreatitis - a disease that, along with pain, nausea, frequent vomiting that does not bring relief, and increased sweating and temperature rise.

Appendicitis is a common cause on the right side

Appendicitis - acute or chronic inflammation appendix intestines. With such a disease, pain, as a rule, occurs suddenly, they are sharp and strong. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​also accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite.

After some time, the main symptoms may disappear, but this is not at all evidence of recovery. A short-term improvement in the condition is observed with perforation (rupture) of the appendix and the release of its contents into abdominal cavity. In the absence of timely assistance, complications may occur, in particular, peritonitis.

Intestinal diseases as a cause of pain in the right side

Undoubtedly, right part The abdomen is filled with loops of the small and large intestines. And any damage to the intestinal tract, of course, will be accompanied by pain. Similar symptom occurs with inflammation of the mucous membrane, perforation, Crohn's disease and many other disorders.

What diseases of the genitourinary system are indicated by pain in the right side of the abdomen?

Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen often accompanies certain diseases genitourinary system. For example, with urolithiasis (especially if it is affected right kidney and ureters) are often observed acute pain on the right side. Acute attacks soreness also appears with the so-called wandering kidney syndrome.

On the other hand, pain caused by a malfunction of the pelvic organs can be given to the right side of the abdomen. For example, in women, this may be a symptom of apoplexy of the right ovary, rupture of the right fallopian tube. This is often observed in ectopic pregnancy(when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube) intensive growth cysts or tumors.

Pain on the right during pregnancy - is it dangerous?

Many women at the reception at the obstetrician-gynecologist complain that the right side hurts below the ribs. In recent months, such phenomena can be absolutely normal. A rapidly growing baby increases in size, which leads to compression of the internal organs. As a rule, soreness disappears if you change your position, for example, lie down, roll over to the other side, or take a walk.

But if the pain is sharp, strong and does not go away, then this is a cause for concern. During pregnancy, pain in the right side may indicate all of the above diseases - these are hepatitis, pancreatitis, kidney problems and gallbladder. By the way, while carrying a child, a woman's body is much more susceptible to infections, because the immune system weakens. Therefore, intense or frequent pain is a reason to see a doctor.

Right side hurts - what to do?

Many people are interested in the question: "What to do if you have pain with As you can see, this symptom can signal significant and dangerous disorders in the body. Therefore, the only reasonable way out is to consult a doctor. You should not take painkillers and self-medicate before examining a doctor and staging definitive diagnosis.This can only aggravate the situation.

Some conditions require emergency care. The paramedical team should be called if:

  • sharp, sharp pain appeared suddenly and does not go away for half an hour;
  • the pain is so severe that it interferes with movement;
  • appeared severe nausea and vomiting;
  • soreness causes semi-consciousness or short-term loss consciousness;
  • the patient has clouding of consciousness, hallucinations;
  • if the pain radiates to the lumbar region, and there are blood impurities in the urine;
  • abundant bleeding from the vagina.

Pain in right side dangerous symptom which should never be ignored!

When does pain occur under the right rib?

Thank you

At chronic pyelonephritis pains are weak, dull, aching; they are worse in cold damp weather.

Urolithiasis disease

Depending on the size of the stone and its position in the urinary tract, the patient may experience constant or intermittent, often dull pain under the right rib at the back. This pain tends to intensify when moving, driving, shaking the body (for example, when jumping), as well as when the patient takes a large number liquids.

The listed factors can provoke a shift of the stone from its place, and the beginning of its movement along urinary tract. This movement is accompanied by severe pain - renal colic. The patient from pain cannot find a place for himself, rushes about, groans, cries.

Acute pancreatitis

Pain in pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), as already described, is most often shingles in nature. The patient experiences acute pain in the lumbar region, and under the right lower rib, and under the left lower rib at the same time. An attack of pain is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In the supine position, the pain intensifies, and the patient is relieved by the sitting posture, leaning forward.


Pain under the right rib at the back caused by lumbar osteochondrosis, is constant, pulling, aching, and sometimes acute. The pain is accompanied by stiffness and muscle tension in the lumbar region. In advanced cases, the patient cannot sit or stand for a long time due to pain, cannot bend his back. It is aggravated by lifting weights, sneezing or coughing.

Retroperitoneal hematoma

After a back injury (fall or blow), pain often appears under the right rib from behind. These pains are connected with the fact that deep in the tissues, behind the peritoneum, a vessel burst, and the blood spilled into the surrounding tissues - a hematoma (accumulation of blood) formed. A hematoma presses on tissues and organs, causing pain. The more hemorrhage, the stronger pain. Retroperitoneal hematoma is characterized by increased pain during movements of the hip joint.

acute pain

Acute pain in the right hypochondrium - extremely unfavorable symptom. This is a sign that the patient needs urgent medical attention. The cause of acute pain under the right rib can be the following conditions and diseases:
1. Injury:
  • liver rupture;
  • liver hematoma;
  • rupture of the gallbladder;
  • kidney rupture;
  • prolapse of the kidney due to ligament rupture;
  • fracture of one or more lower ribs on the right.
2. Renal colic.
3. Hepatic colic.
4. Infringement of the renal cyst.
5. Acute cholecystitis.
6. Acute pancreatitis.

All of these diseases and injuries are accompanied by acute, difficult to bear pain. From pain, the patient may lose consciousness, especially with injury. If consciousness is preserved, the patient tosses about, trying to find a position of the body that relieves pain.

These pains are very diverse: they can be sharp or dull, aching or stabbing, constant or paroxysmal. The patient, as a rule, cannot clearly localize the pain (show exactly where it hurts). The examination did not reveal signs of any of the diseases listed above.

However, people with such complaints are not malingerers. They do experience pain in the right hypochondrium, often quite intense. Such pains are called psychosomatic. Patients with such pain are treated by neurologists and psychotherapists.

Pain under the right rib in healthy people

In some cases, pain under the right rib can be experienced completely healthy people. This is possible in the following situations: