Treat your big toe. The joints and soft tissues of the fingers are at risk

People often complain of pain at the tips of their toes. Not every similar symptom indicates the development of the disease. Depends on the location of the pain, the cause of the disease. A professional will answer why your fingertips hurt. The doctor will make a diagnosis based on the results of the study, examining thumb on the patient's legs.

Causes of pain on the tips of the toes:

How to proceed?

First of all, visit a doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. To relieve discomfort, take painkillers - sedalgin, ketanov, baralgin, brufen, ibuprofen. Medicines will alleviate the condition, but will not eliminate the problem. The disease develops and progresses. See a therapist quickly.

The therapist will interview the patient and send him to a surgeon, neurologist, or rheumatologist. To make a diagnosis, he will be sent for x-rays and other studies.


To prescribe treatment, the doctor finds out the causes of pain in the toes. Depending on the type of disease, doctors prescribe treatment:

Preventive measures

By following the rules, you will avoid problems in your toes:

Do not self-medicate - this leads to problems.

Folk remedies

If your toes hurt, it is recommended to use compresses, baths, mud treatment, and rubbing. The components for them are sold in pharmacies.

Paraffin wraps help reduce and remove pain. Melt the paraffin and apply it to your fingertips with a brush. The leg is wrapped in film and woolen cloth. The finger or foot remains wrapped overnight.

Helps blue clay, applied to the toes for pain. When wrapping, new clay is taken and diluted with water to a creamy consistency. The clay is left on the feet for up to half an hour.

If cartilage tissue is damaged, it is recommended to use kefir and chalk. To apply to the foot and affected toe, grind the chalk and add to kefir. The resulting solution is used before bedtime.

In addition to compresses and rubbing, baths help. Pine needles are added to the water, sea ​​salt, nettle, decoction of burdock leaves and roots.

Folk remedies reduce pain and discomfort in the toes without eliminating the problems being solved complex treatment. Traditional medicine recipes:

  • The mixture will help with joint pain. For preparation you will need: salt, water, ammonia, camphor oil. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coarse salt and 1 liter. water. In a separate container of 80-100 ml ammonia 10 g added camphor oil. Mix the two solutions, shake the liquid until the white flakes disappear. Compresses are made from the resulting liquid 2-3 times a day, wrapping the affected finger;
  • If even fingers potato juice will relieve discomfort. Boil the potatoes in their skins. Mash in the water where it was boiled, let the resulting solution settle. The top juice is a medicinal solution, take 1/3 cup orally three times a day.

There are other recipes that help relieve.

What kind of pain is this?

Pain in the toes can occur with a variety of diseases:

Pain localized in the toes can occur due to various diseases:

  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • vascular disorders.

Diseases characterized by pain in the toes

Arthritis as a cause of finger pain

Various arthritis are characterized by an inflammatory rhythm of pain (most often at 3-4 hours, at night), however, each arthritis has its own “favorite” fingers. For psoriatic and reactive arthritis, as well as with gout (more common in men), pain in the big toe is most typical. The remaining toes may become inflamed (in various combinations and variants) for psoriatic arthritis (less commonly), or for rheumatoid arthritis.


Arthrosis affecting the big toe is often colloquially called gout, however, this disease has nothing in common with gout. Despite the fact that with true gout, the big toe is most often affected by the disease, cases of gout are quite rare. Gout is most common in men, and arthrosis of the big toe is most common in women. The cause of arthrosis in women is prolonged wearing of shoes with narrow toes. The bone, which protrudes due to the deviation of the foot, is subject to unnecessary trauma (due to rubbing with shoes) and, gradually, becomes deformed. Subsequently, the entire joint is subject to deformation, becoming much wider than it should be. The motor capabilities of a deformed joint are significantly reduced. If no measures are taken, the finger is fixed in incorrect position and returning it to its normal position is almost impossible. Friction also causes bursitis (inflammation of the periarticular bursa): the joint becomes red and swollen, pain appears with any, even the slightest, touch. In addition, the big toe exerts pressure on the other toes, “pushing out” the second and third toes, as a result, the entire foot is deformed and to combat these consequences by using therapeutic methods- very hard.

Vascular disorders

The acquisition of a white tint in the toes (some or all at once), sometimes accompanied painful sensations in the fingers, and especially as a result of physical activity (running, walking, climbing stairs, etc.), or during hypothermia, often indicates a disease blood vessels, or, to be more precise, the arteries of the legs.

Risk factors include being male, age exceeding 30 years, having diabetes mellitus, smoking.

The main diseases characterized by this symptomatology are obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the arteries located in the lower extremities. Both diseases are characterized by disturbances in arterial blood flow, which results in insufficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen in the tissue.

These diseases are often accompanied by painful sensations in the legs (or in one leg), localized in the feet, legs, fingers, and so on. Depending on how clogged the blood vessels are, changes may occur in the skin (dryness, pallor), as well as in the nails (striations, brittleness). In addition, hair loss on the legs is possible (most noticeable in men), and increased sensitivity to low temperatures.

Morton's neuroma

The condition, called Morton's neuroma, is also known as plantar fasciitis. The pain is localized at the base of the fingers. Pain is caused by increased pressure on the nerve. This disease occurs five times more often among women than among men.

Chronic nature negative impact on the nerve causing it to thicken and increase sensitivity.

Main symptoms plantar fasciitis are painful sensations. Localization of pain is at the base of the second, third, or fourth toe. Carrying heavy objects, as well as walking, causes increased pain. The pain may radiate towards the calf or to other fingers.


Numbness in the feet and toes, as well as pain in the toes when walking, can be caused by diabetes. Often, with this diagnosis, there are complaints of a burning sensation in the feet, especially aggravated at night. This is evidence of problems vascular nature, as well as hyperactivity of nerve endings.

Ingrown nail

The most common occurrence of an ingrown toenail is the big toe. An ingrown toenail can be accompanied by severe pain, swelling, redness, and infection. Tight shoes, uneven or too short cutting of nails can lead to this problem.


Calluses are growths of dead cells that harden and settle on the skin of the legs. Hardening can be localized on the heels, on the balls of the feet or on the big toe. There are hardenings that have a root that penetrates deeply into the skin and is called a core. This type hardening causes a lot of inconvenience to humans.

Typical complaints of patients with pain in the toes

  • After wearing thin-soled shoes and driving in them, the next morning I felt pain in the ball of my left foot, as well as in the biggest toe of my left foot. Pain appears in the finger and in the pad of the finger when pressing on the pad of the finger, as well as when walking. On the fourth day, the pain intensified when walking. IN calm state nothing hurts;
  • The lump on the big toe has been growing for 2 years now, the toe has stopped bending, the foot has grown in width... Constant pain in the finger;
  • About 2 years ago for the first time, then more often, and now almost every day there is pain in the left foot, in the area of ​​the second toe. There is a burning sensation and numbness, the fingertip has lost sensitivity. Blood pressure 110/80, Vegetative-vascular dystonia, well, I suspect osteochondrosis;
  • Half a month ago my big toe started to hurt. After walking, a burning sensation appeared, and when I stepped, a clicking sound was heard;
  • The big toe on my left foot began to go numb when I lie down and straighten my back;
  • When I walk, the big toe of my right foot hurts. I walked in heels for a couple of weeks and everything went away, then I started wearing heels again and the pain appeared again;
  • My toe (the big one near the nail on the right) has been hurting for a week now;
  • The little toe on my foot hurts very much, it is swollen and there is heat in it. It's been 3 days already;
  • This happened several times: first burning pain in the finger, then a bruise, which quickly went away;
  • I noticed that after 30 minutes of walking my finger started to hurt, the pain became unbearable with every step, it felt like my finger was broken, but it didn’t even hurt anywhere, at first it hurt with certain shoes, now it hurts no matter what I walk in, even barefoot.

Medicines for pain in the toe

Before consulting a doctor and finding out the cause, you can use the following drugs(both in ointments-gels and tablets)

​Give up bad habits.​

​Ingrown nail. If you feel pain, pay attention to your nails, especially their corners. Probably one of them has grown into the skin, which is quite painful. But we can fix everything.​

Physiological reasons

​wearing special shoes in public places: swimming pools, beaches, sports clubs.​

​Bursitis of the big toe. Inflammation of the interarticular sac - bursa. Causes: excess salts in the body, foot deformities, immune disorders.​

​It is also possible to stop the protrusion of a bone during arthrosis surgically. Laser surgery is most often used for this because this method has virtually no contraindications.​

  • ​At the first stage of arthrosis, the patient feels stiffness in the toes of the left or right foot, depending on the location of the disease. With the development of arthrosis, the patient may notice that the finger is swollen and curved. Possible bulging of the side bone. When walking and bending a finger you feel sharp pain, it spreads near the inflamed bone.
  • ​After the results are received diagnostic examination, the doctor will be able to choose the right treatment for the patient for inflammation of the joint of the big toe. If therapeutic techniques treatment of the disease does not lead to the desired result, the patient will be referred to an appointment with a rheumatologist. It is very important to begin treatment for big toe lesions at an early age. early stage illness to prevent severe and irreversible changes in his joint.​
  • ​Restriction or complete absence motor functions of the thumb.​
  • ​systemic lupus erythematosus,​
  • ​being overweight;​

​cut and puncture wounds.​

Traumatic causes

​Many people complain of pain in their feet and most often the big toe hurts. There are many reasons for these symptoms. Some thumbs due to uncomfortable shoes, in others – due to general diseases of the body. Such symptoms do not often cause concern among their owners; as a rule, they endure pain long time until foot deformity or other pathological signs. But it is very important to determine in time why your thumbs hurt, because pain can be one of the signs of a dangerous disease, delay in treatment of which can cost a person not only his health, but also his life.​

​Morton's neuroma is benign education which affects nerve endings. Nerves can become pinched, leading to pain in the foot or toes. At first, a tingling sensation may be felt, which will then intensify and develop into pain.​

  • ​Destruction of the cartilage around the joint as a result of rapid aging and wear and tear leads to cracks or even complete destruction. As a result, deformation of the articular tissue occurs and the bone is exposed. If your big toe hurts, you should reduce physical activity during exacerbation. Physiotherapy procedures - electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy - help relieve pain. Chondroprotective ointments, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers are constant companions in the treatment of deforming osteoarthritis.​
  • ​Planovalgus foot deformity. A disease called gout, a “knucklebone.” This is a displacement of the big toes inward, while they suddenly lose mobility and hurt.​
  • ​The most frequently prescribed physiotherapy for arthrosis of the big toe: mud therapy, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, ultrasound. If the finger is swollen and its pad is red, electrophoresis is necessary. This physiotherapy perfectly relieves inflammation and eliminates redness.​
  • The causes of arthrosis of the big toe are:
  • ​At the very beginning of the disease to relieve pain and reduce inflammatory process in the finger it will be possible to do without drug therapy, limiting medicinal compresses, electrophoresis, physiotherapy and several injections into the sore joint.​
  • ​At the slightest physical activity pain in the joint increases significantly.

​systemic scleroderma and other autoimmune diseases.​

​long and constant overload of the joints of the first finger.​

  • ​In most cases, it is very difficult to immediately determine the type of injury, since the symptoms are practically the same. Accurate diagnosis will be diagnosed by a traumatologist after examination, clarification of the causes and mechanism of injury, and radiography.​
  • ​Let's look at the most common causes of pain in the big toe.​
  • Hardenings are formed due to the keratinization of dead skin cells. Sometimes they are very dense. And if such hardening has a deep core (root), then quite severe pain may occur when walking.​
  • The deposition of urolithiasis salts is fraught with painful inflammation and the growth of a lump on the side of the foot. An acute attack of pain can be relieved at home by applying ice. During recovery, sharply limit your intake of protein foods. Contacting a rheumatologist will help determine the degree of development of gout. To stop an attack, the doctor will select anti-inflammatory drugs. non-steroidal drugs, medications that quickly remove uric acid from the body. The most important means of combating the disease will be a strict salt-free diet with limited protein intake.​
  • ​Morton's neuroma. Pinched nerves, resulting in thickening of the soft tissue around them. Burning of the tips of the limbs, cramps and tingling are symptoms of the disease.​

A swollen fingertip due to arthrosis, arthritis or gout will return to normal condition, after a course of magnetic therapy. It is the magnetic field that has an anti-edema effect, and also strengthens bone tissue and prevents the occurrence of infection.​

​dislocations, fractures and other injuries;​

Deforming osteoarthritis

​However, in more advanced cases of the disease, the patient’s recovery will require A complex approach to the treatment of the disease, which includes the mandatory taking of all prescribed by the doctor medicines and performing special health-improving exercises.​

​Local increase in body temperature, localized in the finger joint.​

​The most typical involvement in pathological process big toe with reactive and psoriatic arthritis. Let's consider these diseases.​ ​Women suffer from arthrosis 3 times more often than men. Symptoms of damage to the thumb joint do not appear immediately. This process has several stages:​
  • ​Symptoms of bruise:​
  • ​Pain in the big toe is not always associated with illness. In most cases, it is due to physiological reasons and is a normal response of the body to certain types of stress.​
  • ​Pain under the toes may be associated with a condition called athlete's foot. This condition is characterized by the formation of hard spots and deep cracks due to excessive stress on the feet and toes.​
  • Mycotic lesions are difficult to cure on your own. Advertised general-spectrum drugs often relieve symptoms but do not cure the disease. Swelling, inflammation around the nail plate, and redness can be effectively eliminated after testing and consultation with a mycologist. Having determined the type of fungus involved, the area of ​​infection, and the severity, the specialist prescribes antimycotic drugs, immunostimulants, ointments and creams. At home, soap and soda baths and herbal decoctions will be a good help.
  • ​Injury to the ankle joint. Torn ligaments, dislocations, sprains disrupt the blood circulation of the foot, the big toes go numb and swell.​
  • ​Complex treatment, combining several types of physiotherapeutic procedures, will not only eliminate painful symptoms big toe, but also contributes to the overall health of the body.​

​wearing narrow shoes;​

  1. ​Treatment of pain in the thumb joint is carried out using the following medications:​
  2. ​General hyperthermia, affecting the entire body.​
  3. ​This is one of the manifestations of psoriasis ( skin disease). Joint lesions occur in 7% of patients with this disease. Moreover, joint damage may precede the skin rash, occur simultaneously with it, or be present after the rash. The last option is most common. The causes of joint inflammation in psoriasis, as well as the disease itself, are unknown.​

​In the first stage, pain develops only after overload, for example, at the end of a working day or a long walk. There may be a crunch in the joint when moving. There is no deformation of the toe at this stage yet, but the patient may notice minimal protrusion of the bone in the foot.​


​the pain is very severe and occurs at the moment of injury; subsequently it becomes tolerable, but returns again with any movement;​

​Shoes with high heels and narrow toes are often the cause of the development of arthrosis of the first toe

​What to do if your toes hurt.​

​Ingrown nail plate causes pain on the toenails of the big toes. Acute attacks pain is eliminated by surgery. initial stage This disease is curable at home:

​Diabetes mellitus. With such diseases, any pain in the limbs is a reason to consult a specialist. Poor circulation of the foot without surgical treatment leads to gangrene and amputation.​


Swelling, pain, heaviness in the legs, which most people periodically experience, introduces disharmony and disrupts the usual rhythm of life. Uncomfortable shoes special regime work, sports activities, injuries can cause discomfort. Heel or arch of the foot, ankle joint, toes - at gunpoint various diseases. Why the big toe hurts and how to deal with it is one of the pressing issues of the modern rhythm of life.​

  • ​hereditary predisposition and anatomical features feet.​
  • ​non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);​
  • ​If a patient experiences all of the above-described symptoms of inflammation of the thumb, then he should immediately seek help from a doctor.​
  • ​In the second stage, pain develops after habitual exercise; often, to treat it, people begin to take painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The deformity worsens, the bone begins to bulge more, the first finger deviates into outer side feet. At this stage, all patients' shoe sizes increase, and they also become difficult to choose due to deformation and cosmetic defects.​
  • ​the pad under the thumb swells;​
  • ​The big toe of the left and right foot plays very important role. It helps the foot perform its supporting function; thanks to this structure, the load is evenly distributed throughout the foot. Also, the accumulation of soft tissue of the big toe softens the impact of the foot when walking and running. Accordingly, this anatomical formation is subject to heavy loads every day, so pain in the finger may occur:
  • ​Your first step is to see a doctor​

Salt softening baths will help relieve tension. Soft skin, the cuticle “releases” the ingrown toenail.​

​The formation of a swelling at the beginning of the phalanx of the thumb is often the beginning of big troubles. It is necessary to find out the cause of the formation on the bone:

​Uncomfortable shoes, poor diet, excess weight, injuries and impacts during sports bring pain and numbness lower limbs. The presence of a lump on the side of the foot, discomfort when bending, swelling of the nail areas or balls of the foot can be caused by the following reasons:​

To keep your joints healthy you need to use preventive measures. Arthrosis responds better to treatment at an early stage.​

​pain-relieving injections into the sore joint and steroid (hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs;​

Reactive arthritis

​There are many reasons why a person may experience pain in the big toe joint. However, most often these painful sensations arise due to certain factors.​

The joints of one or more fingers may become inflamed. They are asymmetrical in nature. Characteristic feature is an axial damage, that is, all the joints of one finger are simultaneously retracted, as a result of which the latter becomes like a sausage. The finger swells, turns red, and pain develops.

​In the third stage, pain in the joint becomes chronic nature, painkillers lose some of their effectiveness. The first finger deviates greatly to the side, which causes the others to become deformed. Arthrosis at this stage can only be treated surgically, and even then, it is not always possible to eliminate a cosmetic defect and return full function to the foot.​

Other reasons

​often present external signs injuries: subcutaneous hemorrhages, hematomas;

  • ​with prolonged stay in an upright position;​
  • ​. It is necessary! You can relieve pain with local anesthetics, but such measures will only provide temporary relief while the disease progresses and develops. So go see a therapist. After the examination, he will give you a referral to a neurologist, rheumatologist or surgeon. The specialist will prescribe an x-ray or other diagnostic procedures, which will help make the correct diagnosis.​
  • The length of the nail plate should reach the tip of the finger. Avoid short pedicures and regular polishes.​
  • ​Gout. Occurs as a result of the accumulation of salts in the joint uric acid. They gradually calcify, causing the growth of a side bump on the legs.​

​Domestic injuries. Heavy objects falling on the foot, sprains and sprains often cause the big toe to become swollen and painful.​

Acute pain in the joint of the big toe

Pathological change The natural arch of the foot can also cause pain in the toes. This orthopedic problem can not only change the patient’s gait, but also bring discomfort to his normal life, forcing you to wear special shoes.​

​medicinal products of non-steroidal origin;​

Symptoms and causes of damage to the thumb joint

​Weakening of work immune system, due to which pathogenic microorganisms freely enter the human body and cause various infectious inflammation. As a rule, this condition occurs in a person as a result of previous illnesses, for example, influenza or acute respiratory diseases, as well as in women during pregnancy.​

  1. If arthritis becomes chronic and the patient does not receive the necessary therapy, the foot begins to deform and the joints are destroyed. This may cause disability.​
  2. ​3 degrees of arthrosis of the first toe (halus valgus)​
  3. ​finger function suffers;​
  4. ​during prolonged walking or running;​

​Treatment will depend on what specific disease is causing the pain. Let's take a closer look at each case.​

​The shape of the nail is straight. Apply with sharp scissors. Sharp corners are removed with a file.​

  1. ​Hallux valgus – deformation of the thumb. Physiological reasons is the internal inclination of the foot, which causes significant growth of the bone on the side and displacement (deviation) to the side. Considered a “women’s disease.”​
  2. ​Strong physical activity with insufficient sports training. Passive lifestyle, overweight weights give additional stress.​
  3. ​Transverse flatfoot causes the big toe to bend and the bunion to protrude. The pad wears out and the person feels acute pain. Flat feet develop simultaneously in both the left and right legs. Often this problem interferes with walking and causes difficulty bending a finger.​
  4. ​natural supplements and dietary supplements designed to restore a damaged thumb joint;​
  5. ​Various severe infections, such as syphilis, tuberculosis or gonorrhea.​
  6. This is inflammation of the joints of infectious etiology. The cause most often is urogenital infections, intestinal or respiratory. As a rule, joint inflammation begins 10-14 days after the initial infection. Several joints suffer at the same time, among which may be the first toe.​
  7. ​Gout is a general metabolic disease of the body, which is based on a violation of the metabolism of purine bases due to excessive production of uric acid and its deposition in the form of salts in peripheral tissues. It is precisely these accumulations of urates in the tissues of the joints that cause the attack of arthritis characteristic of gout.​

​with dislocations and fractures, it may take an unnatural position.​

Diagnosis of diseases and pain relief

​when wearing shoes that are not the right size;​

For arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve inflammation and restore joint mobility. If the arthritis is bacterial in nature, that is, developed as a result of some kind of infection, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. In addition, chondroprotective drugs help restore cartilage tissue.​

  • ​Herbal infusions act as an antiseptic, relieve swelling and inflammation.​
  • Bursitis promotes the growth of a painful red, swollen lump at the phalanx of the first finger due to the growth and untimely disposal of joint fluid in the “bursa”.
  • ​Professional sports. Dislocations of the joints of the big toe on both the right foot and the left foot of track and field athletes are often associated with increased load during pushing.​

​Painful sensations in the big toe can be eliminated with the help of qualified medical therapy. Treatment can be carried out in three main ways:


​Violation metabolic processes in the body, which is the main cause of gouty inflammation of the thumb.​

Drug and surgical treatment

​The pain varies in intensity. The joint becomes red, swollen, and the skin over it becomes hot to the touch. In some cases, limb function is impaired due to pain.​

  • ​Gouty arthritis develops acutely. The pain often begins at night full health and wakes up the patient. In 80% of cases of gout, the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe is inflamed. Gout affects women more often small joints hands.​
  • ​In case of thumb bruises, you should always contact medical care, because otherwise you may miss a fracture that will heal incorrectly. And this, in turn, will lead to deformation of the foot, disruption of its function and cosmetic defect.​
  • ​for lovers of shoes with a pointed and narrow toe;​
  • ​Arthrosis is treated in almost the same way as arthritis. Chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamin complexes with a high calcium content are used. Treatment methods such as physical therapy, massage, and physiotherapy can also be effective. In advanced cases it is indicated surgical intervention.​
  • ​If your big toe hurts for a long time, the pain is acute and difficult to subside, this is a reason to consult a specialist. The therapist will conduct an initial examination and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist doctor. A visit to a cardiologist and rheumatologist will help rule out heart disease. Hormonal disorders- under the supervision of an endocrinologist. An orthopedic surgeon will combat arthritis, arthrosis and other foot disorders. A traumatologist will tell you how to get rid of pain in your big toes due to sprains, bruises, and dislocations.​

​Pain in the thumb joint is caused by arthrosis or arthritis. A timely visit to a specialist will help get rid of discomfort. Otherwise, the joint will gradually “wear out” and surgical intervention will be required. The cause of the burning sensation aching pain damage occurs at the base of the big toe ankle ligaments as a result of significant physical activity or weight.​

​“Wrong” shoes.​


​To reduce the load on the sore joint and thereby protect it from overstrain, doctors advise wearing a special fixing bandage on the big toe, which will help to significantly reduce pain while walking.​

​Various injuries and bruises of the big toe.​


​Arthritis responds well to therapy antibacterial drugs, never leaves behind deformations. The prognosis is favorable, but sometimes it can become chronic with periodic exacerbations.​

​The pain is so acute that the patient can neither touch nor step on the leg. At the same time, other signs of inflammation are present: swelling, redness of the skin, and increased temperature. For some people, a gout attack may be accompanied by a fever and general malaise.​


​External signs of a bruised first toe​

​when wearing high-heeled shoes, when the center of gravity shifts to the forefoot and big toe.​

​Gout is also highly treatable. First, the patient must comply special diet: limit consumption of meat, legumes, spinach, mushrooms, radishes, coffee, cocoa, lentils and some other foods. Alcohol should not be consumed. But you can eat porridge, milk, eggs, and fruits. For cupping pain symptom Painkillers are prescribed. And to reduce the amount of uric acid, the drug “Purinol” can be prescribed.​


What causes pain in the area around the big toe nail at rest or when walking? Unsuccessful pedicure, damage to the cuticle of the nail plate, fungal infections, unsanitary conditions, and ingrown corners of the nails often trigger redness, swelling and pain of various types. If purulent infection occurs, it is preferable to consult a surgeon to avoid damage to the joints.​

  • Features of the work. An eight-hour working day without the opportunity to sit down can lead to heaviness at the bottom of the foot and swelling of the big toes.​
  • ​surgical;​
  • ​Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may recommend massage treatment to the patient. This method is very effective for people suffering from joint diseases, including inflammation of the big toe. Therapeutic massage helps to significantly improve blood supply to the diseased joint, as well as reduce tension in the muscles of the thumb and reduce pain. In addition, massage procedures help remove everything from the inflamed area. toxic substances, which causes healing of the affected joint tissues.​

​Hereditary predisposition to joint diseases.​

Flat feet

There is more than one cause of pain in the big toe. Some of them are familiar to everyone. Unfortunately, most people do not take them seriously until they experience the pain and discomfort they cause. These include:​

Arthritis lasts 7-10 days without treatment and 4-5 with adequate therapy. As the disease progresses, attacks become longer and remissions become shorter. Urate deposits appear under the skin in the form of specific nodules, tophi. Gout can also be complicated by the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.​

Treatment methods

People mistakenly call arthrosis of the thumb gout, although it has nothing in common with this disease. Also, many people incorrectly believe that this disease develops due to poor nutrition, mythical salt deposits, etc.

  • ​Important! If your big toe hurts, then, first of all, rule out the reasons described above. After all, they can cause pain for a long time, and if such risk factors are not eliminated, then in the future they can develop into a full-fledged disease, for example, deforming osteoarthritis, the treatment of which is very difficult and not always successful.​
  • Erythromelalgia is treated by wearing special shoes, limiting overheating, and raising the legs above body level. In addition, vasoconstrictors (for example, Ephedrine) and blood thinners (Aspirin) are used.
  • ​At the beginning of the week, the joint on my thumb began to ache. By today the finger is not much, but it is swollen and red where it hurts. It seems to be far from the nail, and the pain is not inflammatory, but rather aching. I broke this leg before, and now my foot is slightly twisted, maybe because I changed my shoes to winter ones, the joint hurt? In any case, I won’t see a doctor yet.​

​Inconvenient shoes with pointed toes, discrepancy between the sizes of shoes and feet cause mechanical impact on the thumb, squeezing it; Walking in heels increases pressure on the pads, pinching nerve endings.​

Drug treatment

​Poor quality pedicure.​


​However, massage courses should not be used for treatment acute form diseases of the big toe, since this can only aggravate the already difficult condition of the patient. In particularly severe stages of damage to the thumb, the only effective way The treatment for the disease is surgery. During this operation, partial and sometimes even complete prosthetics joint of the toe of the sore foot.​

​Regular excessive stress on the toes.​


​ingrown toenail​

​Gouty arthritis​

In fact, arthrosis and the resulting deformation of the finger, which is called hallux valgus or simply “bone”, can be provoked by the following factors:


Anyone can get a bruised first toe. You don't need to be a professional football player to do this, just hit a table leg at home. Thus, traumatic injuries are in second place among the causes of pain.​

​Morton's neuroma can be eliminated by changing shoes to something more comfortable and equipped with an arch support. Treatment methods such as acupuncture, electrophoresis, shock wave therapy and others are indicated. If all measures are ineffective, surgical removal of the tumor will be performed.​

​If your toes hurt, it is very unpleasant and prevents you from walking normally. In addition, such a symptom can signal quite serious health problems, so the cause of this condition must be found out as soon as possible. And after that you can begin treatment.

Big toe hurts - what to do and how to treat

​To understand what to do if your big toe is swollen and hurts, you need to find out the cause. Often the cause of pain is physical trauma, when swelling occurs at the site of a bruise, blow, or sprain. Give your foot rest for several days; to relieve symptoms, use anesthetics and vascular-restoring ointments.​

Possible causes of pain in the big toe

​Congenital or acquired diseases.​

  • ​First of all, we explore the methods drug treatment, are used for this problem. Let's look at the most effective of them.​
  • ​With severe arthrosis, arthritis or gout, complete deformation of the bones of the big toe occurs, which is why even the slightest attempt to step on the sore foot ends in very severe and acute pain for the person. That is why for many patients, surgery is the last opportunity to regain their health and lead a full life again.​
  • ​Allergic reactions.​
  • ​core callus,​
  • ​This is inflammation of the joints of the first finger, which can develop for several reasons:​
  • ​Also read:​
  • ​There are several types of thumb injuries:​

What diseases can cause pain

​Hardenings can also be eliminated. To do this, you need a special insole that distributes the load on the foot. You can also use softening agents (even regular vegetable oil). Trying to cut something with a blade or knife is absolutely forbidden! If the hardening is very strong and has a deep root, then the doctor may suggest removing it surgically.​

  1. ​So, why do my toes hurt, what could this be caused by? We list the main most common reasons:
  2. An ingrown toenail that festers causes sharp, twitching pain inside the joint and the appearance of a tumor. Warm baths saline solution, antiseptics, folk remedies - celandine, chamomile - will help get rid of inflammation. Uncomfortable shoes, high heels, combined with work “on your feet” are a common cause of swelling of both the ball of the foot and big toes.​

​Inflammation of any joint human body is called arthritis. If your big toe hurts, there is redness or swelling in this area, or decreased mobility of the metatarsal phalanx, you should definitely consult a doctor. Arthritis happens:

  • ​For every disease, causing pain in the toes, drug therapy is prescribed. For arthritis, arthrosis, especially if the finger is swollen and there is severe inflammation, treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended. In addition to relieving inflammation, NSAIDs help reduce pain (naproxen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac).
  • ​To warn dangerous consequences Onychocryptosis needs to be treated at an early stage. Self-medicate in in this case It’s impossible, it’s better to seek medical help.​
  • ​A timely visit to the doctor has important. IN neglected form illnesses can lead to dire consequences. They can only be removed surgically.​
  • ​corns (dry callus),​
  • ​penetration of pathogenic microorganisms with the development of infectious arthritis (reactive, acute purulent, septic);​
  • ​Treatment of foot osteoarthritis​
  • ​bruise​

If the bone near your big toe hurts

​To never encounter such a problem, you need to follow some simple preventive measures:​

  • Arthritis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the joint capsule and cartilage. Because of this, the mobility of the limb is impaired, pain occurs, which can intensify with movement or with hypothermia. Sometimes unpleasant sensations occur in a calm state, for example, at night. There are several types of arthritis, and their causes vary. It can occur due to joint damage, infections and other factors. In the early stages, it is quite possible to get rid of this disease.
  • ​If you have pain in your big toes, it is advisable to consult a specialist. General recommendations for prevention there will be the following:
  • ​Infectious. Uncured to the end viral diseases reduce general immunity. Streptococci penetrate into the joint, destroying cartilage tissue. It begins asymptomatically, gradually turning into aching, stabbing pain. Seizures stronger at night, gradually subside in the morning.​

Big toe joint hurts

To restore damaged articular cartilage, it is necessary to use chondroprotectors (chondroitin, glucosamine). These remedies can also cope with pain.​

Severe pain near the nail when pressing or walking

Pain in the big toe can also occur with gout. Character painful sensations, which accompany this illness are sharp and very pronounced. Associated symptoms in this case are inflammation and redness. Gout nodes form on the joints of the fingers.​

If your big toe is swollen and painful

​foot and nail fungus.​

​allergic reactions (allergic arthritis);​

What to do and what treatment to take

​a history of trauma, and the person most often does not remember about it (fracture, subluxation, severe bruise);​

  • ​nail damage​
  • ​Avoid putting excessive stress on your toes. If you feel that they are tired or stiff, rest and stop moving.​
  • Arthrosis is degenerative disease, leading to the destruction of articular tissues. It is believed that the cause of the development of this disease is metabolic disorders, although this has not been established for certain. Patients experience pain in their toes when walking and at rest, mobility decreases, swelling may occur, and the affected joint becomes hot.​
  • ​wearing comfortable shoes with a heel of 3–5 cm;​
  • ​Scarce (excessive). A deficiency, as well as an excess of minerals, vitamins, and salts leads to disruption of metabolic processes. The result is the accumulation of harmful deposits in the area of ​​the big toe, which often hurts during exercise.​

For deforming osteoporosis

In addition, in case of acute unbearable pain, it is possible to use hormonal painkiller injections. These include steroid drugs (dexamethasone).​

For gout

​Provoke the appearance gouty arthritis uric acid crystals. They accumulate in soft tissues and cause unbearable pain. Gout affects mainly men, but this disease also occurs in the weaker sex. Average age patients are 50 years old.​

For nail fungus

​When the first painful sensations appear in the big toe joint, you should consult a general practitioner and tell him in detail about the symptoms of this disease. Before you pick the best way treatment of the inflammatory process in the finger joint, the doctor will try to determine the cause of its occurrence and the type of inflammation. To do this, the patient will need to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

Treatment of ingrown toenails

​In conclusion, it should be noted that pain in the big toe can be a symptom of many, including dangerous, diseases of the body. In each case, such a sign deserves careful attention and consultation with a specialist, because at first it is much easier to cure the disease than to then unsuccessfully fight its consequences.​

  • ​autoimmune processes (autoimmune arthritis).​
  • ​features anatomical structure skeleton (wide foot);​
  • ​dislocation of the phalanges,​
  • ​Comfortable shoes are the key to good health of your feet!​

Which doctor should I contact to diagnose the disease?

​Gout is the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. Crystals form, which cause severe pain and significantly complicate joint movement. The pain occurs suddenly, most often at night, and is very strong. The man is literally ready to scream and climb the wall. Then suddenly everything goes away, but then it happens again. The big toe is most often affected; the second toe rarely hurts.​

​purchase of orthopedic shoes;​

The causes of changes in the structure and action of the joints of the thumb are diseases such as:

Why do my toe joints hurt and what can I do to never have to deal with such a problem?

​Drug therapy may include taking vitamin complexes and badov. These remedies are aimed at strengthening cartilage tissue, as well as stopping the deformation and bulging of the bone. These complexes contain collagen, vitamin D and calcium - construction material bone tissue

Causes of pain

A disease such as arthritis can also contribute to the appearance of pain in the big toe. Arthritis is characterized by damage to the joint and destruction of cartilage tissue.​

  1. ​radiography;​
  2. The big toe is very vulnerable to various injuries, bruises and many chronic diseases. This is due to the enormous load that falls on it during physical activity, for example, when walking, running or jumping. That is why such a symptom as pain in the joint of the big toe is familiar to many people, and especially to those who have already crossed the forty-year mark.​
  3. ​All these factors can cause both acute and chronic inflammation. Determining the cause of arthritis is very important, as treatment depends on it. Although the first toe rarely suffers from such ailments, its arthritis may be a sign of:
  4. ​flat feet;​
  5. ​sprain,​
  6. ​Wear only comfortable shoes. Under no circumstances should she squeeze her fingers. So it is better to avoid narrow toes and tight shoes or boots. Choose shoes that fit, not smaller. Walk barefoot or in comfortable slippers at home.​
  7. ​Vascular disorders. For example, with a disease such as erythromelalgia, the vessels greatly dilate, which leads not only to poor circulation, but also to pain in the toes and the entire foot as a whole, burning and other unpleasant sensations.​
  8. ​compliance salt-free diet, minimum fatty, spicy, sweet;
  9. ​Arthrosis. These are soft tissue disorders and negative changes in cartilage.​

What to do?

A radical type of treatment is necessary when the disease causing discomfort in the finger has severe form. Surgery necessary if the patient has a problem such as an ingrown toenail. Removing the entire ingrown nail or part of it is all that the doctor can do in this case. Pain can be felt when bending the finger and when walking for a long time. The unpleasant sensations are aching and sometimes boring in nature. The curved bone may bulge. For more late stage the patient notices that the thumb is swollen and slightly deformed.​ ​ultrasound examination;​

​The cause of this condition may be various chronic diseases. These include arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, gout and many others. These diseases are quite dangerous for the general health of a person and require timely treatment.​

  1. ​psoriatic arthropathy,​
  2. ​wearing narrow shoes, models with long and narrow toes, high-heeled shoes;​
  3. ​bone fracture​
  4. ​Eat healthy and varied, take vitamins in autumn and spring.​
  5. ​Diabetes mellitus. This disease can affect the feet and toes. So, ulcers, ulcers, strong and deep cracks can form on the skin. All this causes pain and discomfort. And if the process affects bone and cartilage tissue (this happens in advanced cases), then mobility will be greatly impaired.​
  6. ​weight loss;​


​Osteoporosis. Reduction of bone tissue, increasing bone fragility. Caused by calcium and phosphorus deficiency.​

  • This operation can be carried out using electrocoagulation or phenol. Ingrown toenail removal local anesthesia. After the intervention, an ingrown toenail does not appear with proper pedicure.​

    The causes of arthritis have various origins. Common causes of arthritis are hypothermia, infectious diseases, and poor physical activity.​

  • ​certain laboratory tests.​
  • ​Pain in the joint of the big toe is always a symptom of a serious illness. This is usually associated with inflammation of the joint, which manifests itself as sharp, burning and throbbing pain. The intensity of this pain syndrome increases significantly at night and reaches its peak during night sleep. In this case, the joint of the big toe becomes noticeably swollen, and the skin around it becomes bright red or even purple. In some cases this disease may also manifest itself in others characteristic features.​
  • ​rheumatoid arthritis,​

Pain in the big toe is often not taken seriously, but it interferes with any physical activity that involves movement. This is especially annoying for people who have to walk and stand frequently throughout the day. The symptom can be a manifestation of various diseases, ranging from gout and fracture, to less obvious pathologies such as vascular spasms and structural deformations. Without timely treatment, the condition sometimes leads to serious consequences: long-term loss of mobility and amputation.

The problem is worth addressing if the big toe hurts, swells, turns red or white, becomes cold, and makes it difficult to choose shoes. The severity of the disease is indicated by stiffness in the joints and pain that does not go away after rest.

Diagnostics is the basis of proper treatment

Determining the root cause is half the solution to the problem. Injuries that cause sudden pain after being hit or dropped by a heavy object are the most common cause of complaints. Slight swelling, blue discoloration and bruising are characteristic signs. You can soothe the pain with ice and give your foot rest. If after two weeks the swelling does not subside, you should consult a doctor and get an x-ray.

Most often, orthopedists and surgeons make the following diagnoses in response to patient complaints:

  1. Injury to the metatarsophalangeal joint is a threat to athletes who train on hard surfaces. The big toe hurts where it joins the foot, and both the left and right sides may be affected. right leg. The cause is excessive flexion of the thumb due to pressure from back side or from the side of the sole. Pain accompanied by swelling makes it difficult to lean on the leg. You should postpone training until you recover.
  2. , in particular, are taken by surprise with night pain. Most often, attacks begin at 3-4 hours and are severe. Without proper treatment, arthritis progresses. In this case, the joints of the big toes hurt, which is associated with the loss of cartilage tissue and wear. By prescribing orthoses and physiotherapeutic procedures, the disease can be cured at an early stage, and if the pain intensifies, surgical intervention is required.
  3. caused by excessive accumulation of uric acid in the joints. Of course, the disease does not always affect the big toes, but men suffer from this particular variant of the disease as they age. Pain and accompany the development of the disease, which can be stopped with the help of dietary adjustments and medications.
  4. Stiffness of the first toe is associated with limited mobility. Any attempts to bend it lead to pain while walking or at rest. The condition develops over many years and is most often caused by anatomical features and abnormal shape of the foot. and pronation (inward tilt of the shin), as well as congenital anomalies metatarsal provoke wear and tear of articular cartilage. Stiffness can cause other diseases such as spurs and arthritis.
  5. or inflammation of the joint capsule has different localizations. It is easily distinguished from other pathologies due to the formation of a red and painful sac over the bone. The deformity can be varus, in which a large gap is formed between the first two fingers. Medial exostoses form bony bumps that protrude outward at the base of the big toe. The skin turns red, becomes sensitive, inflammation begins, and the bones of the thumbs hurt. Hallux valgus is caused by the outward displacement of the big toe joint and the curvature of the bones.
  6. - This is a thickening of the tissues surrounding the nerves leading to the fingers. Most often, the disease occurs when the bones of the phalanges shift and compress the nerves, although pinching in other places is possible. The nerve becomes enlarged and inflamed, causing burning, tingling, and cramping in the forefoot.
  7. - this is a painful swelling in ankle joint. It is accompanied by tingling, numbness or shooting pains. Damage to the metatarsal bones, which connect the ankle and leg bones, is the basis of the pathology. Metatarsalgia occurs due to uncomfortable shoes, obesity or high intensive training. In most cases, pain can be prevented by choosing an insole with good shock-absorbing properties.
  8. A sprained big toe can occur while dancing, playing with a ball, or putting too much weight on the foot. For example, if you land poorly when jumping, while climbing a mountain or other sports competitions. Symptoms of a sprain include: pain, swelling, bruising, and limited mobility. Although stretched ligaments provoke severe pain, home care enough to relieve symptoms and recover.
  9. - a consequence of inattention to your feet or too tight shoes that compress the front of the foot. As a result, the nail bends and punctures the skin of the finger with its corner, causing swelling, redness and pain. The situation can be corrected with warm baths and manicures. In case of infection, you should consult a doctor.
  10. or thickening of the skin is dry, waxy or translucent, and also surrounded by a halo of inflammation. The growths have the shape of a cone or a circle, most often appear on the protruding points of the toes and are very painful. They often become the result of friction, and after surgical treatment the irritated area may again harbor a callus. Prevention involves the selection of orthopedic devices that reduce contact between shoes and skin. Calluses caused by bursitis or hallux valgus deformity, require treatment of the underlying disease.

When should you go to the doctor?

Thumb pain has a significant impact on a person's life. If necessary medical consultation It is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the occurrence of symptoms.

In most cases, we try not to pay attention to such a minor nuisance as pain in the big toe. Usually only people who move a lot every day, stand in one place or do heavy lifting physical work, consult a doctor about pain because they constantly experience discomfort. The rest “leave things to chance” - it will go away on its own, but in vain. After all, pain in the big toe can be a symptom developing disease, which can lead to long-term loss of motor activity and even amputation of a limb.


Sometimes the cause of the pain is obvious, such as injury from a blow or a heavy object falling on the leg. In this case, in addition to pain, a bruise, blueness, and swelling appear on the finger, which disappear if you apply an ice pack. Usually after two weeks the pain and associated symptoms retreat. If not, then you need to contact a traumatologist or orthopedist and get an x-ray of the foot.

Quite often it happens that the cause of pain in the finger is not obvious, and an examination is necessary to determine it. We list the most common causes of pain.

Injury to the metatarsophalangeal joint due to severe flexion of the big toe. This pathology makes it difficult to lean on the leg and is accompanied by swelling. Quite often diagnosed in professional athletes.

Jet and psoriatic arthritis manifests itself as sudden pain at night. Most often, the pain is acute and begins at 3-4 hours. The thumb is not the only source of pain, as joint tissue is destroyed. At an early stage, the disease can be cured with physiotherapeutic procedures and orthoses. If the pain worsens, surgery is performed.

Gout develops due to accumulation in joints large quantities uric acid. The disease affects not only the big toes, but quite often other fingers as well. The skin around the affected joint is swollen and red. Gout can be treated with medications and diet.

Stiff big toe caused by his limited mobility. Attempts to bend a joint are accompanied by pain, regardless of whether the person is moving or at rest. This disease develops over years. The main reasons are irregularities in the shape of the foot or anatomical features (inward tilt of the shin, flat feet), which lead to rapid wear of the articular cartilage.

Inflammation of the joint capsule or bursitis It happens different localization. It differs from other pathologies in that a painful and red sac appears above the affected area.

Morton's neuroma– a disease characterized by thickening of tissue around the nerves leading to the fingers. Usually occurs due to the fact that the bones of the phalanges shift and pinch the nerves, which begin to become inflamed and enlarged. This causes cramping, tingling, and a burning sensation in the forefoot.

Metatarsalgia– swelling in the ankle joint due to damage to the metatarsal bone, which connects the bones of the legs and ankle. It is accompanied by shooting pains, numbness, and tingling. Appears due to intense training, obesity, and constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes. You can often get rid of pain by choosing orthopedic insole with shock-absorbing properties.

Thumb sprain due to excessive emphasis on the foot during an unsuccessful landing after a jump, dancing, playing with a ball, or climbing a mountain. Main symptoms: bruising, swelling, acute pain, limited mobility. No treatment is needed, just rest at home is enough.

Ingrown nail pierces the skin at an angle, which leads to pain, redness, and swelling at the site of injury. Appears due to constant wearing of tight shoes, squeezing the toes. Treated with warm foot baths and proper pedicure. If infection occurs, you should consult a doctor.

When to see a doctor?

Constant pain in the big toe affects a person's quality of life. Therefore, if its cause is not obvious, you should consult a doctor, especially if the pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • restriction of movement of the big toe;
  • feeling constant discomfort in joints and fingers;
  • pain occurs while walking or running.

Pain in your big toe should never be ignored. This not only indicates an injury or the development of a disease, but also leads to the fact that a person unevenly distributes weight on the foot, trying not to lean on the sore toe. In this case, the balance of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted, which is fraught with the development of new diseases.