Get pregnant before or after your period. Days when you can get pregnant: calculating cycle time

Features of monthly processes in the female body. Causes of pregnancy immediately after menstruation. Should I trust the calendar method?

Before the advent of contraception, women used calendar method protection from pregnancy if offspring were not planned. Gynecologists consider this method unreliable and do not advise taking risks without contraceptives in the first 5 days after menstruation.

According to doctors, with a full sexual life, there is always a chance of pregnancy. And to understand whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation, it is necessary to study the mechanism of ovulation and menstruation.

Features of monthly processes in the female body

Ovulation is the process of the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the ovary. A mature cell moves freely around fallopian tubes into the uterus, provided there is no pathology such as obstruction. During the movement of the egg, it is fertilized by a sperm, if intimacy was unprotected.

For pregnancy to occur, two conditions must coincide - the presence of mature female cell and the presence in the female genital tract of high-quality male seed with sufficient quantity active sperm. But this doesn't always happen. If a girl does not know the day of ovulation, it is impossible to ensure that sexual intercourse is timely.

Menstruation is monthly bleeding associated with the absence of pregnancy. A woman's reproductive function is constantly preparing for conception. Interior The uterus undergoes changes that thicken its mucous membrane. Under such conditions, the embryo will be able to attach.

If fertilization does not occur, the body's efforts were in vain. He begins to reject the changed endometrium and prepares for new ovulation. Rejection of the mucous membrane is always associated with bleeding. This is menstruation, and from its first day the countdown of a new cycle begins.

Bloody discharge may flow from the genital tract for 3 – 7 days or longer. Theoretically impossible. But in reality, sometimes things happen differently. Normally, the MC lasts 28–30 days, but its duration is an individual matter. There are very short and very long cycles.

In the classic version, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, i.e. on the 14th – 15th day from the first day of menstruation.

The egg cell retains its viability for 1–2 days. IN exceptional cases she continues to live for several days. Knowing when you can get pregnant after menstruation, it is easy to adjust sexual intercourse to the right time. This is days 13–16 of a 4-week cycle. It is possible to accurately calculate the probability of conception only with a stable cycle without deviations. And it is also important that ovulation always occurs in the middle of the MC and does not shift.

You should also consider male factor. Sperm have their own characteristics in terms of viability. Many medical sources claim that male semen has reproductive value for 3 to 8 days. But some experts say that the viability of “tadpoles” can reach two weeks.

Gynecologists have their own opinion. Women's doctors suggest that in the unprotected genital tract of a partner male cells can live for a week. But how capable they are of fertilization and mobile at the end of their life span, and what the likelihood of a woman becoming pregnant after the end of her period is unknown to doctors.

If you believe the theory, the sperm becomes incapacitated within a day or two after entering the vagina. However, practice shows different results. A few days after the unprotected sexual contact“Zhivichiki” can still ensure conception. Thus, the period favorable for procreation increases by 4 to 7 days.

Factors determining gestational success

Women who actively lead sex life, gynecologists are often asked the question: is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation? Friends say that the body is not capable of this rapid recovery and several days after the end of bleeding remain safe in terms of conception.

However, the probability of successful fertilization exists and is 10–20%. It turns out that every fifth or tenth girl who refused to use contraception in the first days after her period may soon find out about future motherhood.

Let's consider possible reasons pregnancy immediately after menstruation:

  1. Irregular MC. If a woman does not know exactly when Once again menstruation begins, she can only approximately control her calendar and judge ovulation by specific symptoms or do constant testing. If there is no desire to have offspring yet, it is necessary to study the characteristics of your own body and carefully protect yourself. Forecasting at irregular cycles pointless.
  2. Early ovulation. Time of release of a mature egg in in this case unpredictable. IN normal conditions it is in the fallopian tube 14–15 days after the start of menstruation. IN special cases the ovulatory phase comes into effect quickly. If on the 5th - 6th day of the MC the egg collides with active sperm, the likelihood of conceiving a child will be high.
  3. Long periods. When your period lasts about 10 days or longer, the end of your bleeding may coincide with the middle of your cycle. If cyclical critical days short or normal, and the bloody substance is released for a long time, what is the chance of getting pregnant after menstruation? Naturally, the percentage of successful gestation is high.
  4. Spontaneous ovulation. An unexplored phenomenon sometimes occurs in gynecological practice. During one MC, the reproductive system allows two eggs to mature at once. A woman's risk of conception increases in any phase.
  5. External factors. Troubles, stress, worries, overheating and hypothermia of the body, changes in climatic conditions can shift the date of ovulation. You cannot rely completely on the calendar method.
  6. Cervical diseases. In some cases gynecological diseases do not reduce the likelihood of fertilization. And if they provoke bleeding after sexual intercourse, a woman may mistake the discharge for menstruation and miscalculate her schedule.

Safe days for pregnancy

When asked how many days after menstruation you can not get pregnant, doctors also won’t answer for sure. It all depends on the duration and stability menstrual cycle, acidity level female vagina and quality of male ejaculate.

At high acidity secretion and short viability of sperm, the chances of conceiving a child are always minimal. And immediately after menstruation, the probability of successful fertilization of the egg is practically absent.

Research has shown that seminal fluid alkaline. She doesn't take it well increased acidity vagina. If your partner is sick vaginal candidiasis, the male seed enters an environment that is too acidic. There it weakens its properties and is destroyed.

With a short menstrual cycle, as mentioned earlier, the likelihood of pregnancy following your period is quite high. If a full MC takes more than 30 days, the first week after menstruation is the safest in terms of unwanted pregnancy. But this rule only applies if there is no spontaneous ovulation and all phases are correctly determined.

How can you accurately calculate without dangerous days? Not a single method provides a 100% guarantee, because... human body unpredictable. An ovulation test is considered an informative option. If reproductive system does not undergo the ovulation phase, the risk of conception is reduced. Using a test to calculate safe days is expensive. This method will be appreciated by those women who dream of a child.

To determine the ovulation phase, it is easier to measure basal temperature. The thermometer is inserted rectally in the early morning from the very first day of the cycle. All readings must be recorded. Values ​​from 36 to 36.6 degrees indicate the absence of ovulation. If the temperature reaches 37 degrees, the process has begun. As soon as the egg leaves the follicle, the thermometer shows a lower value.

Early signs of pregnancy

Knowing the likelihood of becoming pregnant in the first days after menstruation, you need to learn how to establish the fact of pregnancy. After all, if a woman decides to keep the child, but does something wrong, she will harm the developing embryo. You can use a pregnancy test, and its readings will be effective.

However, there are first signs of pregnancy that can make a woman happy or sad.

Symptoms of an “interesting situation”:

  • There is a feeling of chills.
  • The mammary glands hurt, swell and enlarge.
  • For several days in a row, the body temperature remains at 37°C.
  • Pinkish vaginal discharge stains underwear.
  • Signs appear food intoxication– nausea, weakness, vomiting.

A woman should also consider the possibility of becoming pregnant during her period. If conception is not desired, it is necessary to use effective methods contraception and do not rely on chance.

To trust or not the calendar method

Protection against pregnancy is relevant for sexual partners until they feel ready to become parents.

It is possible to calculate favorable or safe days for conception by adhering to the calendar method of birth control, but it is considered the most unreliable option. The probability of conception here is 35–40%. It has been noticed that women who regularly practice the calendar method for 1 to 3 years still become pregnant on the most unexpected day.

The calendar method of protection against unplanned pregnancy will be effective only with timely ovulation and stable cycles that are not exposed to various factors.

If a woman is not yet ripe for motherhood, or her sexual partner against offspring, by agreement, such a couple should use proven contraceptives:

  • Condoms.
  • Hormonal pills.
  • Local agents - spray, tablets, suppositories, contraceptive ring for women.

If for any reason pharmacy contraceptives are not suitable for a woman, she can use the calendar method, understanding all the risks accidental pregnancy. During breastfeeding For example, many medications, including hormonal ones, are prohibited for mothers. They sometimes cannot use barrier and local contraceptives due to their own allergies or irritation intimate area at the partner's.

The opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant during lactation due to the absence of menstruation should also be considered erroneous. Some women think that frequent breastfeeding and prolonged breastfeeding will protect them from conception. But all this is speculation, since even birth control pills for nursing. In parallel with taking the drug, nursing women are advised to avoid unprotected sex on dangerous days.

If a woman is interested in the question of how to increase the likelihood of conception, she can be examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist and find out what condition she is in hormonal status. Despite regular periods, gestation may not occur due to hormonal problems.

When planning a family, it is important for both partners to refuse bad habits and improve nutrition. Diets and lean daily diet improves the figure, but undermines reproductive functions body.

Irregular periods in exhausted and anemic women make it difficult for doctors to determine optimal time for fertilization. A starving body works for survival and does not care about procreation.

Exists good proverb“God plays man, and man plays the trumpet.” She especially approaches the process of childbirth.

There are two categories of girls in sorority:

  • Those who want to give birth to a baby and ask gynecologists the question on what days can you get pregnant?
  • And those who do not want or are not ready to become pregnant and think with horror when they can get pregnant?

On what days are the chances of conception highest?

Every opinion has the right to exist. To clearly imagine what will be discussed, you need to refer to the textbook on human anatomy and physiology for the 9th grade of school. It's enough.

In a woman's body reproductive period a number of changes are taking place. During the first half of the cycle, the egg matures, the uterine cavity grows the endometrium - the body is actively preparing for pregnancy.

On days 12–14 of the cycle, the egg is released from the ovary. It would seem that a man is grabbed by the scruff of the neck and off he goes! But not everything is so simple!

During what period can you get pregnant after the egg is released? Women's sex cell lives very little - only 12 hours. At unfavorable conditions and even less.

If fertilization does not occur, on the 15th day of the cycle, preparation for menstruation begins - the removal of unclaimed endometrial cells from the body. Ideally, monthly bleeding occurs on the 28th day of the cycle.

It would seem that everything is clear and understandable - you need to be careful on days 12–14, and you cannot get pregnant on the remaining days. This is not true! If everything were so simple, then there would be no unplanned pregnancies and so many childless couples!

Safe days of the cycle

Have you decided not to burden yourself or your partner with birth control? I have to disappoint you - there are no safe days. It’s just that on some days of the month the chances of conceiving are high, while on others they are low.

If you don’t have a child in your plans, so as not to ask yourself the question on what days you can get pregnant, be sure to use protection.

Method for calculating the period in which you cannot conceive a baby

To correctly calculate the safe days of your cycle you will need:

  • Calendar of the arrival of menstruation at least six months in advance.
  • Regular menstrual cycle.

Accuracy and regularity of the start of the cycle is extremely important! If menstruation comes randomly and whenever they want, it is impossible to calculate which days you can get pregnant.

  1. So, we pick up the calendar and choose the longest and shortest menstrual cycle.
  2. Next, we subtract the number 18 from the smaller cycle. For example, 25–18=7. From the 7th day of the cycle, dangerous days begin.
  3. Then we work with the longest time period, subtract the number 11. For example - 31–11 = 20 day of the cycle.
  4. In total, from 7 to 20 are days when you can get pregnant.

So, we get 13 potentially dangerous days. If you look at an ideal cycle of 28 days, then there are only 15 of them when you cannot get pregnant.

Premenstrual suffering – to protect yourself or not

If the potentially dangerous days have passed, then you don’t have to think about contraception? This is not to say that it is impossible to get pregnant, but the likelihood of conception is indeed very low.

Before the onset of menstruation, hormonal levels change and the endometrium is rejected. Therefore, even if the egg is released from the ovary again, pregnancy is unlikely to occur.

But there are exceptions to any rule - especially tenacious sperm, hormonal imbalance, the body decided to reproduce - and, please, in 9 months we will get a screaming result.

Is pregnancy possible after menstruation?

For some reason, the answer is firmly entrenched in the female consciousness - no, it is impossible to get pregnant during this period. Gynecologists shrug their shoulders in surprise. Their experience and knowledge suggest otherwise.

How long does it take to get pregnant? Almost immediately, but a number of conditions must coincide:

  • High-quality and tenacious sperm from the partner. We sat like partisans, waiting for the right moment.
  • An unscheduled release of an egg occurred in a woman. This happens when hormonal imbalances, stress, climate change, ovulation has shifted.

So, the calendar is not a help in this situation. The body and chance decided that the day was favorable for conception - and after a month you can see two stripes on the test.

Ovulation - calculation method

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary. These days the probability of conception is very high. How to calculate dangerous days?

  • Measure your basal temperature. For accurate calculations you will need a thermometer, a calendar and at least a month of observations. Measurements are taken every day without getting out of bed. During the month, the temperature ranges from 36.5–36.8 degrees. Before ovulation, the temperature rises to 37.2, and after that it sharply drops to normal values.
  • Buy an expensive ovulation test.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics. This is also not a cheap pleasure. It requires not only money, but also time spent in the doctor's office.

Then everything depends on the woman. If pregnancy is desired, then calculate the day of ovulation and go ahead and solve the tasks. If the birth of a baby is not included in the plans, you should protect yourself with barrier methods.

In order not to torment yourself with questions about whether it’s a dangerous day or not, use proven means of protection - a condom, pills or injections. Then you won’t have to make decisions that may have an undesirable effect on your physical and mental health.

Many couples use physiological method contraception. They often ask the question: how long after menstruation can one become pregnant and can conception occur immediately after the end of menstruation? To answer these questions, you need to understand how and when pregnancy can occur.

In a healthy woman, the menstrual cycle normally consists of the following phases:

  1. Follicular. The first half of the cycle, during which, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a dominant follicle matures in one of the ovaries, from which an egg is then released, ready for fertilization.
  2. Ovulatory. Under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH), a mature egg from the ovary enters the abdominal cavity.
  3. Luteal. The second half of the cycle, during which the woman’s body prepares for possible pregnancy: under the influence of the hormone progesterone, suitable conditions are created for the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus and its subsequent development.

The phases of the cycle are repeated every month under the control of appropriate hormones. The duration of the first and third phases is approximately equal and with a normal 28-day cycle they are 13-14 days. The ovulatory phase occurs in the middle of the cycle and lasts about 2 days.

Pregnancy is only possible during... It is at this time that the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. With further favorable circumstances, the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity, attaches to the mucous membrane and pregnancy occurs.

Normal for a healthy woman childbearing age Ovulation should occur once during the menstrual cycle. Usually, normal cycle lasts from 20 to 35 days. Its duration determines which day the days favorable for conception will fall on.

But even a clear, well-coordinated rhythm can fail under the influence of external or internal factors, such as:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • surgical interventions;
  • general infectious and chronic diseases;
  • climate change;
  • stress.

There are many various reasons, which determine that a woman’s ovulation does not occur strictly according to the calendar.

How to determine ovulation

You can determine ovulation using:

  1. Basal temperature diary. It is measured every morning in the rectum and recorded in a diary in parallel with other subjective indicators (breast engorgement, pain in the lower abdomen, mood swings). At the moment of ovulation, the temperature rises by 0.5 degrees. You can keep a diary yourself, but, we must admit, the method is labor-intensive and requires discipline, so it is not suitable for everyone. In addition, it can malfunction, for example, in diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  2. Ultrasound monitoring. The method allows you to obtain the most accurate result for certain indicators: the condition of the endometrium, the formation corpus luteum, implantation ovum. It is carried out when it is necessary to confirm the fact of ovulation, for example, for the purpose of carrying out or treating hormonal infertility.
  3. Special inkjet tests. The method is based on the reaction of a test strip with hormones released into the blood at the time of ovulation (LH). It takes place at the same time every day.

As soon as the fact of ovulation has been confirmed, a period begins when pregnancy is possible, provided that the body is completely ready for this.

The egg is viable for 24 hours, then the ability to become pregnant decreases with each passing hour. After two days from the moment of ovulation, conception becomes impossible, as the egg dies.

The menstrual cycle is not always accompanied by ovulation. It happens that the egg does not mature. This is the so-called anovulatory cycle.

The absence of ovulation may be due to physiological or pathological nature. Normally, ovulation does not occur when:

  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • reception .

Pathological causes, provoking anovulatory cycles, the same as those affecting ovulation in general.

What days are favorable for pregnancy with a normal menstrual cycle?

It is believed that a normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. The beginning of the cycle refers to the first day of menstruation. At this time, the failed endometrium is rejected from the uterine cavity, and a new follicle begins to mature in the ovary. The first phase of the cycle lasts 13–14 days.

Towards its end, the formation of luteinizing hormone increases, which leads to the release of an egg ready for fertilization from a mature follicle - ovulation occurs.

After ovulation, a corpus luteum forms in the ovary at the site of the burst follicle. At first, it takes on the responsibility of producing the pregnancy hormone, progesterone.

The corpus luteum is active early stages– in the first 12 weeks. Further, its power to support the growing uterus and fetus becomes insufficient, and the entire function of producing progesterone passes to the pituitary gland.

The probability of getting pregnant is high during the first two days from the moment of ovulation, this is the so-called “fertile” window. However, days favorable for conception are calculated depending on the lifespan of sperm.

Unlike female ones, male reproductive cells have a much longer lifespan. They can retain the ability to fertilize for about 5 days while in the depths of the female body. This means that if sperm enters the vagina a few days before ovulation, then the probability of becoming pregnant is very high.

Suppose, theoretically, that the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, the duration of menstruation is 5 days, and it began on the 1st. This means ovulation should occur on the 14th-15th. These days, fertilization is highly likely to occur if the egg meets the sperm.

To prevent this from happening (or, on the contrary, to happen), you need to count another 5 days before ovulation and 2 days after it.

With the help of simple calculations we get:

  • days on which conception may occur - from the 11th to the 17th;
  • days when pregnancy will not occur - from 6 to 11 and from 17 to 29.

Under normal conditions, at least a week passes from the start of menstruation for pregnancy to occur.

If the menstrual cycle is stable and a woman carefully monitors its regularity, marks the beginning and duration of menstruation on the calendar, she can easily calculate the approximate date of ovulation and the onset of days favorable for conception.

Pregnancy not according to schedule: how possible is it?

This question is relevant among couples who do not recognize barrier methods contraception, and young women who various reasons don't want to accept. But, in some cases, it is almost impossible to determine exactly how many days after menstruation you can avoid getting pregnant.

Irregular menstrual cycle

In this case, it is not possible to calculate “dangerous” and “safe” days, since ovulation occurs at different times every month.

Shortened menstrual cycle

If the cycle duration is less than 25 and the duration of bleeding is more than 7 days, the maturation of the egg occurs 7-8 days from its beginning, that is, almost immediately after the end of menstruation. If sexual intercourse was performed at this time, it will occur just during the period of ovulation.

Hormonal disorders constant stress, abortion, reception hormonal drugs can lead to a decrease in the time of follicle maturation and a shortening of the menstrual cycle.

Violation of the barrier function of vaginal mucus

Under normal conditions, the vaginal environment is acidic, which has a detrimental effect on sperm. In this case, it is survival of the fittest. But if for some reason the vaginal secretion does not fulfill its function, sperm can remain in the woman’s body longer - up to 7 days.

Accordingly, the risk of becoming pregnant immediately after menstruation increases significantly.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

This abnormal bleeding from the uterine cavity, caused by a violation of the neurohumoral regulation of the menstrual cycle and not associated with organic damage genitals. It is very difficult to determine the time of ovulation, since such bleeding can be mistaken for menstruation.

Contact bleeding

In case of diseases of the cervix, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, sexual intercourse can cause bleeding, which can easily be mistaken for the onset of menstruation. If you calculate the date of ovulation based on such bleeding, an error is inevitable.

Spontaneous ovulation

A phenomenon in which several eggs can mature during one menstrual cycle. In this case, it is not possible to predict ovulation, since it can occur on any day of the cycle.

In addition, violation of the rules of admission oral contraceptives is fraught with an offensive unplanned pregnancy.

Errors in calculating safe days

Maintaining women's calendar requires responsibility, since by marking the days of menstruation and ovulation approximately, you can one day significantly miss.

Thus, you can get pregnant not only immediately after your period, but also directly during it.

Wanting to have a child or, conversely, avoid conception, a woman needs to take a closer look at your own body. The menstrual cycle will allow you to calculate better days for pregnancy and for safe sex.

With regular sexual activity with one partner, many couples refuse contraceptives of any kind. However, pregnancy is still not always desired. And in order to have sex and not get pregnant, you need to know which days of the cycle you can do it without fear.

The most safe days They are considered to be those in which there is no living egg in the woman’s body. This is from 10 to 15 days, of which only 5-9 are considered the safest.

  1. First of all, these are the days of menstruation. Despite the fact that many couples are against intercourse during menstruation (which, as a rule, is associated only with the aesthetic side of the issue), sex during menstruation is considered one of the safest. Since the egg had already died by that time, and the corpus luteum no longer maintained the level of hormones important for conception in the blood;
  2. The first 3-5 days after menstruation, when there is still about a week left until the follicle fully matures. Sperm that enter a woman’s body during this period will most likely die long before the egg is released into the uterus.

But if completely healthy woman leads an irregular sex life, the risk of pregnancy for her is high on any day of the cycle. Because in such cases, very often the body reacts to sex with unscheduled ovulation.

Menstrual periods and the possibility of conception

A woman's menstrual cycle includes several phases:

  1. Follicle maturation phase. During this period, which begins the day after last day menstruation, the dominant follicle begins to mature. It grows and increases in size from 2 mm to 24 mm in 11-15 days. On the 5th day of growth, it already has about 6 mm in diameter, and on the 10th day it is twice as large and can already be seen on an ultrasound. After another couple of days, the fully grown follicle breaks and the next phase begins;
  2. The ovulation period begins with the release of the egg from the follicle. In this case, the egg enters the uterus through the fallopian tubes and remains inside it for some time, where it dies after a few days;
  3. The corpus luteum phase (also known as the luteal phase) begins almost at the same time as ovulation. During this period, the corpus luteum, formed at the site of the released egg, by its existence supports the production of hormones in the woman’s body that are important for conception. The period lasts up to 14 days;
  4. If the egg has not been fertilized, then after the end of the luteal phase, menstruation begins, which lasts from 3 to 6 days.

The average length of each period varies depending on the length of the entire cycle. Typically the cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days. If its period lasts longer or shorter, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

The highest risk of pregnancy occurs during ovulation. However, this does not mean that you cannot conceive a child on any other day. But still, having regular sex during certain periods of pregnancy can be successfully avoided.

On what days of the cycle can you get pregnant: table

If you know average duration a woman’s menstrual cycle, it is always possible to approximately determine the most favorable days for conception.

How to calculate without errors what days you can get pregnant

Today there are four ways to determine the fertile phase female cycle. There are only seven of them - this is five days before the egg leaves the follicle and one or two days after, when the egg still remains viable and can be fertilized by a sperm.

Calendar calculations

The easiest way to calculate this is to compare dates on the calendar. But to make an accurate calculation, you need to keep such a calendar in advance. It is better if a girl notes the days of her menstruation and their nature for at least six months. Then she sees with what intervals menstruation occurs, how long it lasts and how much everything changes from nervous tension or climate change.

  1. It is necessary to count the periods of the shortest and longest menstrual cycles.
  2. Subtract 18 days from the start date of the shortest one. The resulting day will be the day the fertile phase begins.
  3. And then subtract 11 days from the start date of the longest cycle. This will be the day the ovulation phase ends.

That is, at the very short cycle in 27 days, subtracting the number 18, we get day 9 - the beginning of the phase. Subtracting the number 11 from the longest of 30 days, we get day 19 - the end of ovulation. This means that the most favorable period for conception is from days 9 to 19 of the cycle.

For irregular cycles, this method does not work and you need to see a doctor to determine ovulation.

Basal temperature measurement

To more accurately identify the day of ovulation, you can use a method in which a woman measures her basal temperature every morning, immediately after waking up. And she does this for at least three months.

According to this method, a woman should carefully measure the temperature in her rectum in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed or making sudden movements. Moreover, this must be done daily and using the same thermometer. This will reduce the risk of error.

The result must be recorded in a special chart. In the first days after menstruation, the normal temperature ranges from 37 to 36.6 degrees. Moreover, the lowest peak occurs one day before ovulation. And after that, the temperature rises sharply by a whole degree to 37.6 and gradually decreases to 37 during the corpus luteum phase and menstruation.

The method itself is not accurate, because due to bad sleep, drinking alcohol or antibiotics the day before, as well as due to sexual intercourse that took place less than 6 hours ago, basal temperature will be higher.

And in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and other diseases that cause deviations in hormonal background, the temperature after ovulation changes very little. Therefore, it is impossible to determine their optimal day for conception.

Using tests

The most modern and convenient way to determine the days of ovulation are special daily tests that work on the principle of pregnancy detection tests. The only difference between these tests is the substance to which the indicator reacts.

During ovulation, the main thing to determine is luteinizing hormone. An increase in its content in the urine occurs only a day or two before the release of the egg. Then the test affirmatively shows two stripes.

Ultrasound diagnostics

This is the most expensive way to measure fertile days. It is usually prescribed to women with suspected infertility.

Starting from the tenth day after the end of menstruation, a woman should be examined daily. At the same time, doctors monitor dominant follicle, which during this period can be distinguished among others due to its changed diameter - on the 10th day it reaches up to 15 mm, and during ovulation the size is about 24 mm.

After which the follicle bursts and the egg, ready for fertilization, begins its journey to the uterus. An ultrasound shows the presence of a corpus luteum without a follicle.

Day of the cycle and gender of the child

Many couples want to know the gender of their baby in advance. This is especially true for those families that already have one child and young parents who are planning a second child of the opposite sex. And here, too, accurate knowledge of a woman’s cycle can help them.

It has been scientifically proven that sperm with a male set of chromosomes move much more actively than with a female set. But they also live less.

Therefore, in order to conceive a child of the desired sex, a couple needs to have sex in right time cycle. To have a boy, sexual intercourse must take place one day before or on the day of ovulation. The chances of getting pregnant with a girl increase if intercourse took place 2-3 days before.

Of course, this scheme is designed for ideal conditions- if both parents are absolutely healthy. If a woman has changes in the secretion or violation acid-base balance in the genital tract, the sperm will die much earlier. Also, their survival rate is greatly reduced if the man has severe fatigue or even exhaustion.

What days are you most likely to get pregnant?

So, on what days is it easiest for a woman to get pregnant? Most often, this is from 14 to 17 days of the cycle.

That is, during the fertile phase, when the egg has already penetrated the uterus and sperm do not have to wait long for it.

But, most importantly, during this period the entire female body preparing for possible conception. Even the composition changes female secret. It becomes more viscous and slippery. In addition, its acidity decreases. Therefore, on the days of ovulation, sperm that enter a woman’s body live longer and reach the egg much faster.

In conclusion - educational video on the topic of the article.