Effective treatment of stye on the eye at home. Internal stye on the lower eyelid: treatment, possible causes and consequences

Good day, dear readers!

The eyes are not only the lamp of the body (Matthew 6:22), but also the calling card of many people. Some people can tell a person’s character by their eyes, others can determine future cooperation by their eyes, and still others even want to build close relationships with the person whose gaze captivated these people. One way or another, stye on the eye, or rather stye on the eyelid, is the fly in the ointment that is often present in many areas human life. In today's article we will look at this with you unpleasant phenomenon, and also learn the causes, symptoms and methods of treating stye at home. So…

What is stye on the eye?

Stye on the eye- a disease of the eyelid characterized by inflammation hair follicle eyelashes, sebaceous gland Zeiss or meibomian gland lobules.

Other names for the disease are hordeolum.

The hair follicle and sebaceous gland of Zeiss are located on the outside of the eyelid, and the meibomian gland is located inside, and therefore, they separate the external or internal barley. Another input from this information is that it is more correct to call this disease stye of the eyelid, and not the eye, however, to expand the circle of readers, in the article we will call it stye of the eye.

The main symptom of stye is inflammation and swelling of the eyelid, which, as the inflammatory process develops, turns red, increases in size, begins to hurt, and then a sac with purulent contents forms.

The main culprit of barley on the eyelid is golden (about 95% of all cases of the disease), however, inflammation is unlikely with strong immunity, so the development of the disease is due to a combination of the two above factors.

Development of the disease

The development of barley, as we have already said, is possible due to a combination of two main factors - penetration of an infection under the skin, in our case staphylococcus and weakened immunity.

Staphylococcal infection is almost always present on the surface skin, however, the protective functions of the body do not allow it to spread inside the body, however, some factors that weaken the immune system still play an important role in the development of staphylococcal diseases.

Among the main reasons for a weakened immune system are stress, hypothermia, the presence of various diseases, especially of an infectious nature, vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis).

Of course, if a person adheres to the rules of personal hygiene, he does not touch with dirty hands eyes, face, then infection is also minimized.

Development of barley. The development of barley begins with the penetration of infection into the eyelash follicle, which is actually a “micropocket” for the eyelash, and moving further, staphylococcus settles in the eyelash bulb, which is its root or a small branch - the Zeiss sebaceous gland. If the infection penetrates under the eyelid, it can settle in the meibomian gland duct. For a better understanding of the localization of the disease, below is the structure of the eyelid with these places (highlighted in red):

Next, the infection begins to actively multiply in these places. At the same time, it develops inflammatory process. First, at the site of the inflamed bulb, they die healthy cells which begin to fester. The site of inflammation begins to swell, turn red, increase in size, forming some kind of hard compaction. Besides external signs, as the disease progresses, the person feels severe itching, and when you touch the inflamed area - pain.

Due to the peculiarity of the localization of potentially vulnerable areas of stye formation, swelling and pustules appear only on the edges of the upper or lower eyelid.

The formation of an abscess usually occurs 2-4 days after infection of the eyelid. At this stage, the conjunctiva also turns red. A small ball with yellowish purulent contents forms on the seal. More than one abscess can also form on one eyelid.

Full ripening of barley occurs in 3-7 days.

Severe infection against a background of weakened immunity can additionally cause an increase in body temperature to 38 ° C, nausea and other signs of intoxication of the body.

After full ripening, usually on the 3-4th day, under the pressure of purulent masses, the abscess usually breaks through, the pus along with dead tissue comes out, after which the pain goes away and the stye on the eyelid resolves on its own, however, if the stye does not go away for more than one week, contact ophthalmologist. After spontaneous opening of the abscess, the swelling quickly subsides, and literally the next day, only slight swelling remains, but the redness of the eyelid remains for another couple of days.

Sometimes the abscess does not open without permission, and the barley spontaneously resolves, but there are cases when the usual form of the disease turns into the so-called cold barley (chalazion). Characteristic feature Chalazion is a long-term development and course of the inflammatory process, lasting about 1-2 months. In some cases, if the chalazion does not go away on its own, it requires removal. surgically.

Barley - ICD

ICD-10: H00;
ICD-9: 373.11.

Main symptoms of stye– inflammation and swelling of the eyelid, as well as redness of the site of the inflammatory process, the formation of a seal on the eyelid with an abscess on the surface, similar to a large pimple.

Other symptoms of stye:

  • Itching and pain at the site of the tumor;
  • Increased tear production;
  • Feeling in the eye foreign body;
  • The swelling of the eyelid can be so severe that it simply closes the entire eye.

In case of severe infection against a background of weakened immunity, the following may occur:

  • , lack of appetite;
  • General malaise;
  • , usually in the neck area.

Stye on the eye - causes

The cause of stye consists of two factors - infection and weakened immunity.

Barley pathogen– golden, which is spread by airborne droplets, household contact, nutritional or medically. In fact, in most cases, infection occurs due to poor personal hygiene, the main one of which is scratching the eyes and other parts of the face with dirty hands.

Weakening the immune system is usually done by:

  • The presence or recovery period after them;
  • Hunger strike;
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • Use of certain medications;
  • Absence healthy rest and sleep.

Also unfavorable factor Contributing to the development of eye styes is the presence of other diseases of the organs of vision (,), demodicosis, increased level lipids in the blood.

Types of barley

The classification of barley includes the following types of disease:

By localization:

External stye– the most common site of inflammation, which is located on the edge of the eyelid, because the core of the infection is located in the bulb of the cilium or sebaceous gland Zeiss, located in the same ciliary pocket.

Internal stye– caused by infection entering the passage of the meibomian glands and becoming infected. The glands are located with inside century, near the eyelashes.

We looked at the image with these places above, in the paragraph “Development of barley”.


Hot barley– the classic development and course of stye of the eyelid, which is localized mainly in the ciliary pocket - the bulb or Zeiss gland, and disappears in a week.

Cold stye (chalazion, chalazion, meibomian cyst)– inflammation is localized only in the passage of the meibomian glands, affecting them. Characterized by slow development and course of about 1-2 months, chronic inflammation eyelid cartilage, larger and more rigid subcutaneous seal, similar to a bone to the touch. At large sizes chalazion when it presses on eyeball, surgical removal is often prescribed. Chalazion, like regular stye, can go away and resolve on its own.

Diagnosis of barley

Diagnosis of barley includes next views examinations:

  • Visual inspection.

How to treat barley, how to get rid of it? Treatment of barley includes the following points:

1. Drug treatment:
1.1. Stimulating faster maturation;
1.2. Antibacterial therapy.
2. Maintenance therapy.
3. Surgical treatment.

Important! Under no circumstances should barley be squeezed out! It is necessary to wait until it matures and opens without authorization, as well as the contents of the abscess are removed.

1. Drug treatment of eye stye

At the stage of barley ripening, the inflamed area must be treated with antiseptics - ethyl alcohol, alcohol solution brilliant greens, calendula tincture, etc.

At this stage of the inflammatory process, you can go in two ways - wait for the barley to ripen spontaneously, or accelerate its ripening. For faster healing, medications applied after opening the abscess.

1.1. To accelerate the ripening of barley, you can perform the following procedures:

  • apply a warm compress to the inflamed area, just make sure that when it cools down, it does not remain on the eye, otherwise there is a risk of catching a cold optic nerve, which is fraught with serious complications;
  • For these purposes, a doctor can use UHF therapy, which is based on the use of a high-frequency electromagnetic field.
  • at home you can use a blue or biocon lamp, but their use is allowed only in the absence high temperature bodies.

1.2. Antibacterial therapy

To destroy the infection at the site of the inflammatory process, also after opening the abscess, many doctors use drops and ointments based on antibiotics to treat barley. This is due to the fact that staphylococcus is.

At inflammatory diseases eyes of a bacterial nature, including barley, doctors recommend starting treatment at the first symptoms. As a rule, antibacterial drugs in the form of eye drops and ointments are used first. For example, it has worked well antimicrobial agent wide range action of ofloxacin from the group of second generation fluoroquinolones, which is built into cell walls bacteria and blocks the work of enzymes responsible for the reproduction of DNA molecules, after which the bacteria lose the ability to reproduce and die. Ofloxacin – active substance the drug Floxal, which is available in the form of eye ointment and drops and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. For barley antibacterial ointment applied to the inflamed area, characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but for at least 5 days even if the symptoms disappeared earlier. At bacterial conjunctivitis(red eye with purulent discharge) drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.

Important! Drops and ointments must be room temperature so as not to chill the optic nerve.

Some doctors consider it inappropriate to use antibacterial drugs for external barley, reserving the right to use them for internal localization of the disease.

If you have a stye on your eye, do not cover it up under any circumstances. cosmetics, don't wear makeup.

2. Maintenance therapy

The development of infectious diseases, including eye styes, in most cases is associated with a weakening of the body’s protective functions, the role of which is played by the immune system.

The effectiveness of treatment for eye stye increases when the immune system is strengthened.

A wonderful immune stimulant is, a large number of which is found in fruits, cranberries, sorrel, raspberries, currants and other gifts of nature.

An important part in this issue plays an additional trick vitamin complexes, because actually strengthen and support normal functioning all organs and systems.

At elevated temperatures assigned: " ", " ".

For nausea assigned: " ", " ".

For symptoms of intoxication, detoxification therapy is also appropriate.

3. Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of barley is used in cases of long-term disease, when the abscess does not open spontaneously, as well as in the case of the development of chalazion - meibomian gland barley, when the enlarged compaction begins to put pressure on the eyeball.

Surgical treatment of stye is based on puncturing the abscess with a needle or making a small incision with further drainage of the inflamed area, placing it in this place antibacterial ointment.

In case of chalazion, the “bone” is cut out, the purulent contents are removed from this place, and instead of it, an antibacterial ointment is applied, after which the eyes are sealed with a plaster for several hours, or the eye is fixed with a monocular bandage.

The consequences of surgical intervention are not visible, and the treatment itself with this method is usually carried out without complications.

Important! Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor!

Compress. To quickly ripen and open the abscess, use warm (not hot) compresses, applying them to the eye for 5-10 minutes until the lotion cools down, 3-4 times a day.

Aloe. Cut off the middle leaf of an adult, peel it, chop it, pour it into a glass cold water, cover and leave it to infuse in a dark place for 8 hours. Afterwards, strain this folk remedy for barley, and soak a cotton pad or swab in it and make lotions for 15-20 minutes.

Chamomile. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon with a glass of boiling water, cover it, set aside for a day to infuse, then strain. Next, soak in the infusion cotton swab, apply lotions to the eyelashes, lotions for about 15 minutes.

Eyebright. Pour 2 teaspoons of eyebright herb with a glass of boiling water, let the product brew for 10 minutes, strain, and after cooling, use it as compresses for 15 minutes.

Fennel. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of fennel with a glass of boiling water, place the product in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool it, strain and at the stage of barley ripening, treat the inflamed area with compresses.

Collection. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile, and pour a glass of boiling water over them, let the product brew for about an hour, strain, add a few drops of propolis tincture to it and moisten a cotton swab and treat the inflamed eyelid several times a day.

Prevention of barley includes compliance with the following preventive recommendations:

  • Observe - at a minimum, do not touch your eyes and other parts of your face with unwashed hands;
  • In food, give preference to foods enriched with vitamins and - fresh vegetables, fruits and other representatives of the plant world;
  • In the autumn-winter-spring period, do not neglect additional intake of vitamin complexes, especially pay attention to vitamins,

    Stye on the eyelid - video

Barley or, as it is also called, meibomite, is a purulent ophthalmological disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelash. The disease can be either external or internal, affecting the upper or lower eyelid. In this case, the appearance of barley is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, redness or painful sensations in the eye area, so many people wonder: how to treat internal styes on the upper eyelid?


The main reason for the appearance of stye on the lower or upper eyelid is an infection that, penetrating into the eyeball from external environment, leads to the proliferation of bacteria.

There are other factors that contribute to the occurrence of pathology:

  • prolonged exposure to low temperatures on the organs of vision;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • violation of the rules for using contact lenses;
  • reduced immune system;
  • consequences of previous illnesses;
  • frequent eye exposure to smoke, sand or dust;
  • development of seborrhea (skin disease accompanied by disruption of the sebaceous glands);

  • disruption of the meibomian glands;
  • problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mechanical damage to the skin of the outer ear or face;
  • development of an inflammatory process affecting the external and inner surface century;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the functioning of the endocrine glands.

On a note! The use of low-quality cosmetics, in particular mascara or shadow, can also provoke the development of the disease. Low quality products lead to development allergic reaction, manifested as .

Characteristic symptoms

In most cases, the development of stye is accompanied by a feeling of sand or dryness in the eye, but as the inflammatory process develops, the patient may experience other symptoms. Clinical picture domestic barley looks something like this:

  • enlarged lymph nodes, increased body temperature, headache and other signs of a severe inflammatory process;

  • yellow formation on inside century, the size of which, as a rule, does not exceed the size of a pea. The formation can also be painted white;
  • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • painful sensations on palpation;
  • inflammation of the extreme part upper eyelid;
  • acute development pathological process accompanied by strong painful sensations in the area of ​​the sore eye.

The duration of symptoms can be 2-3 days, after which the resulting barley opens inside. In rare cases, inflammation progresses to chronic form, but the size of the suppuration decreases. To quickly and permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms barley, you first need to establish the exact causative factors, so at the first signs you need to consult a doctor for an examination.

Diagnostic features

As a rule, to diagnose a pathology, it is enough for an ophthalmologist to conduct a visual examination, but in rare cases additional diagnostic examinations and analyses:

  • immunogram (analysis performed to assess the state of immunity);
  • laboratory analysis for staphylococcus - the main causative agent of meibomitis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • measuring blood sugar levels using a special device - a glucometer.

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to determine the stage and cause of the disease. Only after this the patient is prescribed an appropriate course of therapy.

Treatment methods

Can be used to treat internal stye different methods starting with physical therapy or pharmaceutical products, and ending with proven recipes traditional medicine. In rare cases, specialists resort to surgery. Only the attending physician can decide which type of therapy is best suited in a particular case.

Works great with early forms barley physiotherapeutic procedures. As a supplement, they are also used for running forms pathology. As a rule, doctors prescribe microwave therapy or irradiation with ultraviolet rays (the duration of the procedure should not be more than 8-10 minutes). Patients may also be prescribed infrared or dry air shower (hair dryer). In severe cases of the disease, infrared irradiation of the eyelids is performed - a Minin reflector or electrophoresis using penicillin. Often, these procedures help to cope with the symptoms of barley, but medications are used to enhance the effect.

Pharmacy drugs

The main goal of drug treatment is to alleviate or eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Also, the use of drugs allows you to get rid of the root cause of internal barley. For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • immunostimulants– strengthen the body’s protective functions, thereby increasing its resistance to infection (Immunal is most often prescribed);

  • antibiotics– used in rare cases, for example, during relapses of the disease. The most common drugs in this group include Amoxicillin and Cefixime;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of eye drops(“Tobrex”, “Gentamicin”, “Levomycetin”, etc.);
  • antibacterial medicines , produced in the form of an ointment. Their main goal is to reduce activity and suppress pathogenic microflora. Typically, for barley, “ ” is used;

  • anti-inflammatory ointments– designed to relieve inflammatory processes accompanying pathology (“Diclofenac”, “Dexamethasone” and others);
  • antiviral drugs. Prescribed only in cases where it has been diagnosed viral infection. The most commonly used are “Ocoferon” and “Ophthalmoferon”;
  • antiseptic drugs are also prescribed for the treatment of illness. They are used to disinfect the infected area.

On a note! It is strictly not recommended to treat the resulting product with brilliant green or alcohol. This can negatively affect the patient’s health, since during treatment the infection can spread throughout his entire eye.

Folk remedies

Many people don't trust synthetic drugs, giving preference to traditional medicine, which contains exclusively natural ingredients. Often folk remedies used as an adjunct to drug treatment to enhance the effect. Let's look at the most effective recipes:

  • pour 250 ml boiling water 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and leave for an hour. Then soak a piece of cloth in the prepared infusion and apply a lotion to the sore eye. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes;

  • chop one medium-sized aloe leaf and pour boiling water over the resulting pulp. The product must be infused for 8-9 hours. Apply the resulting aloe pulp 2-3 times a day to the surface of the affected eyelid;
  • for cooking next remedy you need to fill 200 ml hot water 2 tbsp. l. crushed and pre-washed aloe leaves. Infuse the product for 30-40 minutes. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared broth and apply to the affected eyelid for 7 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day until complete elimination symptoms of stye.


If ineffective conservative methods For treatment, doctors are forced to resort to surgery. During surgical operation the doctor removes purulent masses from the resulting abscess using special tools. Held this procedure under local anesthesia and takes no more than 30 minutes. After this, the patient is given a special bandage on the operated eye.

Possible complications

Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to the development of serious complications, including:

  • transition of pathology to a chronic form;
  • the development of a secondary infection, which often causes an abscess;
  • development of blepharitis or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye);
  • thrombophlebitis of the orbit;
  • thrombosis of the cavernous sinus (clogging of the cavernous sinus with a blood clot);
  • the development of meningitis - a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain.

In rare cases, internal stye leads to disruption visual functions or fatal outcome. As a rule, all complications arise through the fault of the patients themselves, who decide to squeeze out the contents of the abscess themselves.

Prevention measures

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, in particular hygiene of the organs of vision, will prevent the appearance of not only barley, but also other ophthalmological diseases. There are other preventative measures.

Table. How to prevent the development of internal stye.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Rinse your eyes and eyelids regularly clean water. If you have previously had to deal with stye, then your organs of vision are very sensitive to the effects bacterial infections. For hygienic rinsing, it is advisable to use baby shampoo. The water must be warm.

Try not to touch your face with your hands, as this is the most common cause of stye. Before contact, hands must be washed with soap.

If you are wearing contact lenses, then it is necessary to observe important rules. First of all, every time before removing or putting on lenses, you must thoroughly wash your hands. Always use a special lens solution. This will prevent the spread of bacteria.

Cosmetics must be used correctly. It was previously noted that low-quality products often act as causative factor, causing the appearance barley. Therefore, only high-quality cosmetics should be used, and their quantity should be limited. First of all, this applies to those who like to reapply cosmetics throughout the day.

Give up bad habits. Many people don’t know, but excessive drinking or smoking has a negative impact not only on internal organs, but also for eye health. Therefore, in order to prevent barley and other eye diseases It is recommended to give up bad habits.

You should always monitor your health and promptly seek help from a specialist if you have problems with your vision. To identify possible pathologies at an early stage of their development, it is necessary to regularly conduct preventive examinations at the doctor's.

Video - How to get rid of stye

Stye is an ophthalmic infection, which is accompanied by the development of an acute inflammatory process. Externally, stye resembles a small bump that has grown on the upper or lower eyelid. According to statistics, the lower eyelid is affected much less frequently than the upper eyelid. Since without proper treatment, stye can lead to serious complications, at the first symptoms, all patients begin to wonder how to treat stye on the upper eyelid. This will be discussed in more detail in this article.


Barley can occur due to not only a physiological condition, but also a mental one. As a rule, the development of pathology is influenced by the following factors:

  • severe stress;
  • bites of various insects;
  • regular or constant experience;
  • severe depression;
  • general weakness of the body, physical or emotional fatigue;
  • weak immunity;
  • sudden fluctuations in weight;
  • development of infectious diseases;
  • hypothermia of the body.

A weakened human immune system, unfortunately, cannot resist infections, so prolonged exposure to low temperatures on the body can trigger the development of barley. In this regard, doctors recommend using protective glasses or a mask to protect your eyes in cold weather.

On a note! If it does appear, then the first and most important thing that doctors forbid you to do is scratch the tumor that has arisen. Otherwise, the stye will become even more inflamed and the symptoms will become more pronounced.

Characteristic symptoms

The following symptoms may indicate the development of stye on the eye:

  • the appearance of a slight tumor on the surface of the eyelid;
  • when palpating the affected area, pain occurs;
  • the skin around the formed tumor becomes inflamed and swells;
  • redness of the patient's eye;
  • signs of intoxication of the body occur (fever, general weakness of the body, chills, nausea, headache, etc.);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • A purulent area may form on the tumor.

During the development process, the resulting abscess can resolve on its own or open up. Some people suggest that opening a stye will speed up the healing process. But in reality, everything is not so - squeezing or opening the formation can only aggravate the situation, provoking an increase in the source of inflammation. Similar actions They will only spread the infection throughout the patient’s body. As a result, the duration of therapy may increase.

Possible complications

Incorrect and untimely treatment, as well as its complete absence, can lead to serious complications. TO possible problems, provoked by an incompletely cured disease, include:

  • chalazion – pathological condition requiring surgical intervention);
  • relapses of inflammatory processes and chronic infection;
  • development of meningitis (a disease accompanied by inflammation of the lining of the brain);
  • the appearance of multiple abscesses of the eyelid;

Doctors, as a rule, resort to surgical opening of the papule in rare cases. For example, when a purulent abscess increases, body temperature rises, or a severe headache occurs. As noted earlier, it is not recommended to squeeze out the stye or pierce it yourself. Doctors must use special surgical equipment or instruments to make the incision, but most often the operation is performed using a scalpel. No stitches are required after the operation.

Treatment methods

Depending on the severity of the disease or the patient’s condition, the doctor may prescribe a specific remedy. Various methods can be used in treatment, including traditional medicine, pharmaceutical drugs or surgical intervention. Let's consider each of these methods separately.

Pharmacy drugs

For inflammatory eye diseases of a bacterial nature, including barley, doctors recommend starting treatment at the first symptoms. As a rule, antibacterial drugs in the form of eye drops and ointments are used first. For example, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, ofloxacin, from the group of second-generation fluoroquinolones, has proven itself to be effective; it is embedded in the cell walls of bacteria and blocks the work of enzymes responsible for the reproduction of DNA molecules, after which the bacteria lose the ability to reproduce and die. Ofloxacin is the active ingredient of the drug Floxal, which is available in the form of eye ointment and drops and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. For barley, antibacterial ointment is applied to the inflamed area, the characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but for at least 5 days even if the symptoms disappeared earlier. For bacterial conjunctivitis (red eye with purulent discharge), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.

Usually, eye drops you need to instill it about twice a day, but in rare cases the doctor may change the dosage of the drug or the duration of the therapeutic course. Various ointments are often used as a complement to these remedies. When treating barley, hydrocortisone, erythromycin, tetracycline and other types of ointments are used. Such products are placed under the eyelid several times a day.

On a note! The duration may depend on various factors, but in most cases it is carried out until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated, that is, until the barley disappears. Drug therapy can also be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, UHF.

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional methods Treatment for barley also uses traditional medicine. With their help, you can not only alleviate the symptoms of the pathology, but also completely cure stye on the upper eyelid. All recipes consist of natural ingredients, so they have no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to a particular product. Despite its effectiveness, folk remedies should be used in conjunction with drug treatment, but not instead of it.

Table. Recipes for folk remedies for barley.

Product name, photoApplication

Simply brew one black tea bag and then apply it to the affected area. Make sure the compress is warm. To save money, you can brew one bag several times. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

For cooking herbal collection You need to mix 10 g of wild rosemary, bird cherry leaves, birch buds and chamomile flowers in one bowl. Then pour 200 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. prepared collection and cook for steam bath 10 minutes. Ready decoction should be infused for 30 minutes, after which the product is taken 50 ml 3 times a day.

Grind one small leaf of the plant and pour 200 ml of cold water. Infuse the remedy in dark place throughout the day, then use it as an eye lotion.

To prepare decoction, you need to pour 300 ml of boiling water over 15 g of the plant and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the broth should infuse. To do this, wrap the pan in a warm towel and leave for 2 hours. Strain the finished product through cheesecloth and apply lotions to the affected area 2-3 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

The technology for preparing the decoction is no different from those mentioned above: pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain it and take it internally, and also use it as a lotion. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks or until symptoms are completely eliminated.

On a note! As a rule, folk remedies alone are not enough to treat stye on the eye. Therefore, at the first suspicious symptoms or if traditional therapy did not give the desired result, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help avoid serious complications.

Prevention measures

There are many preventive measures, the regular implementation of which will help prevent the development of this disease. Observe step by step instructions below and you can avoid the appearance of stye.

Step 1. Wash your face frequently to clean your eyelids. If you periodically suffer from this pathology, your eyes may be very sensitive to the effects various types infections. Use only clean towel. You may also want to use a special facial scrub to cleanse your eyelids daily. Rinse your face well with warm water.

Step 2. Avoid touching your face with dirty hands. One of the most common reasons The development of stye is the transfer of bacteria from hands to eyes. Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes with dirty hands. Remember to wash towels and try to never share a washcloth or other personal hygiene items with someone who already has a stye.

Step 3. If you wear contact lenses, pay sufficient attention to personal hygiene. The thing about wearing contacts is that they need to be put in and out every day, which requires touching your eyes, so make sure your hands are clean every time you put your contact lenses in and out. Be sure to use a cleanser for daily washing.

Step 4. Apply eye makeup properly if you wear makeup, of course. Frequent use of cosmetics, and in particular eye shadow and eyeliner, can lead to the development of stye. Try to limit the amount of cosmetics you usually use. This will reduce the likelihood of stye appearing on the eyelid.

Video - Treatment of stye at home

Styes are called blockages and purulent inflammation located near the eyelash bulb of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle. When the meibomian gland becomes inflamed, an internal hordeolum or meibomitis forms on the upper eyelid. Internal styes cannot be seen until you look under the eyelid; external styes are located on the edge of the eyelid and are clearly visible. Their treatment is mandatory and must be timely. Otherwise, the infection may spread and lead to inflammation of nearby tissues and organs.

Causes of stye

Meibomite can form on both the upper and lower eyelids. The cause of its appearance is always an infection. The pathogen enters the gland and under favorable conditions it is activated. This can happen when various factors. The most common of them are:

Often conjunctivitis is associated with internal styes on the eye.

Symptoms of the disease

Main manifestations of stye inside the eye are dryness, a feeling of obstruction and a feeling of sand on the mucous membrane. Regardless of the nature of the course, meibomitis may have other symptoms:

  • inflammation of the edge of the eyelid;
  • at acute process strong pain under the eyelid in the eye area;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • pain when pressed;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • when the eyelid is pulled back, a pea-sized formation of yellow or white tint is visible.

With the development of the inflammatory process, they may increase The lymph nodes, fever and headache.

Styes inside the upper eyelid - treatment

Meibomite is not dangerous disease , however, you should not run it. Treatment is required, which must be prescribed by a specialist.

General treatments

The doctor prescribes antibacterial eye drops and eye ointments:

Inflammation relieved with hydrocortisone ointment or Dexamethosone eye drops. You can also use combination drugs:

  • Sofradex;
  • Tobradex;
  • Maxitrol.

The inflammation area must be treated in the morning, afternoon and evening medical alcohol, brilliant green or iodine (skin on top of the eyelid). Every morning and evening, the affected eye is washed with inorganic serum.

It is recommended to use blue light, UHF therapy or dry heat applied to the eye. This is necessary in order to so that the barley ripens faster, and increased outflow of pus began. For this warm compresses superimposed for ten minutes. After using them, the abscess breaks out quite quickly. If pain occurs, painkillers are used.

You cannot pierce the stye yourself. This can only do harm. The abscess must mature and open on its own. Otherwise, another meibomite may form on the same eye nearby. Massage of the eyelids can help with the disease. When used, the outflow from the glands improves. It should only be done by a specialist, since an incorrect procedure can lead to the development of complications.

During the inflammatory process, you should not use eye cosmetics.

If internal stye has developed in the lower eyelid, the treatment is exactly the same.

Treatment in the abscess stage

If the illness lasts more than five days, then in order to avoid complications, a doctor may antibiotics were prescribed in the form of drops or ointments for the eyes and antibacterial tablets. Together with them, it is recommended to take hepatoprotectors to maintain intestinal microflora and protect the liver.

After consultation with an ophthalmologist, if the suppuration is prolonged, you can use the drug Silicea 4CH, if the inflammation in the eye is red and hot - the drug Pulsatilla 7 or CH Belladonna 5CH. They are prescribed in case of exacerbation.

If drug treatment Does not help, requires opening and drainage abscess. This is a minor surgical intervention in which a small incision is made in the conjunctiva or skin at the site of a possible breakthrough. The resulting cavity is washed with antiseptic solutions.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and is virtually painless.

Treatment of recurrent meibomitis

For some people stye on the eye or inside it appear quite often. In addition, other purulent skin lesions may appear together with them. In this case, the following treatment is required:

  1. Antibiotic therapy.
  2. Sanitation of foci of infection.
  3. Preparations to strengthen the body's strength and improve immunity. It is recommended to use autohemotherapy, brewer's yeast, and B vitamins. Attention should be paid proper nutrition and normalization of stool.

Folk remedies

Stye inside the upper or lower eyelid can be treated using traditional recipes. The simplest of these is the use of heat. For this it is necessary boil egg, wrap it in a napkin and apply it to the eye at the site of inflammation. Keep it there until the egg has cooled down.

Externally, to eliminate inflammation, you can use lotions from medicinal herbs:

When using folk remedies, you need to be sure that they will not cause an allergic reaction.

Along with local treatment, exist folk recipes to strengthen the immune system:

  1. An infusion of laurel leaves copes very effectively with the first symptoms of barley. To prepare it, you need to pour one or two leaves with 50 ml of boiling water. The drink has a specific taste.
  2. Rosehip, honey and raspberry tea – stimulating healing drink with excellent taste.
  3. Prunes, dried apricots and raisins will help strengthen the body and support it during a cold or other inflammatory disease.

The appearance of stye on the eye requires treatment. At frequent appearances meibomite It is recommended to take blood tests, perform an immunogram and be examined for therapeutic, immunological, gastroenterological and endocrinological pathologies.

The cause of stye in the lower eyelid, both internal and external, is most often staphylococcal infection. But the inflammatory process can also begin for other reasons; the etiology of the disease must be taken into account for successful treatment.

Causes and process of development of the disease

The cause of barley (meibomitis) is always infectious in nature, the microorganism penetrates the meibomite gland and is activated there. The most favorable factors for activating infection are:

  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • low immunity;
  • constant hypothermia of the body;
  • diabetes;
  • constant exposure to dusty wind and smoky air on the eyes;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • demodicosis;
  • unhygienic use of contact lenses.

Internal stye on the lower eyelid is invisible from the outside; it is located in the thickness of the eyelid and can only be seen by slightly turning it out. The patient experiences constant discomfort and a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

The first signs of meibomitis are redness of the eye and swelling of the lower eyelid on the inside, over the next three days the swelling rapidly increases and increases significantly in size. At the same time, a capsule with purulent contents forms inside the eyelid; after about 4 days, the capsule breaks and the contents flow out.

Sometimes barley does not break through, but resolves on its own, but such cases do not happen often, and the disease requires treatment.

How to cure internal stye in children?

If barley appears, you should not self-medicate! It is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist, and after examination, the doctor will select adequate treatment that will lead to recovery without complications. You need to take the disease especially seriously if it appears in a child.

Methods for treating internal styes on the lower eyelid in a child may differ depending on age.

For children, the prescribed treatment must be carried out from beginning to end; it is necessary to ensure that the abscess breaks through and the contents come out. Otherwise, the barley may harden and turn into hard ball

- a cholazion, which may resolve over time, or may begin to enlarge, and then there are no other treatment methods left except surgery.

  • Very young children may be prescribed drops to treat stye:
  • Oftalmoferon, suitable even for infants;
  • Tobrex, in addition to helping well, does not sting the eyes at all and the child tolerates the procedure calmly;

Albucid, a time-tested drug that allows you to quickly cure stye, but it stings the eyes very much, and the child will find it difficult to tolerate the treatment process.

  • Also, for the treatment of children under 2 years old, ointments are used that are placed behind the eyelid:
  • Tobrex - ointment, as well as drops, is suitable for children from 2 months of age;

Floxal is an ointment that can be used to treat newborns. Putting drops in your eyes to a small child

, you must use a pipette with a rounded tip to avoid accidental injury to the eye mucosa.

For older children, the choice of drugs for the treatment of internal stye on the eye in the lower eyelid is wider, but they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment options for adults On initial stage dry heat or an UHF procedure, sessions of which are carried out in a clinic. The eye is washed with Furacilin solution, 1 tablet is dissolved in half a glass of water, a cotton swab is moistened in the solution and the eye is gently wiped from outer corner to the inner corner, the procedure is carried out several times a day.

Eye drops are used for treatment; they must be dripped into both the patient and healthy eye, otherwise the disease can spread to the healthy eye too.

Albucid, Floxal, Vitabact, sodium sulfacyl solution, Tobrex - these drops are of different price categories, but they all have good antiseptic and bactericidal properties, and have proven themselves in the treatment of this infectious disease.

A stye on the inside of the lower eyelid can be treated with ointments. The ointment is less convenient to use than drops, but it does not spread and begins to instantly interact with pathogenic microflora thanks to its thick consistency. The most commonly prescribed are Hydrocortisone ointment, Tetracycline and Erythromycin ointment. You can use eye gels, which are easier to apply than ointment.

At severe course diseases with elevated temperature body, headache and general weakness, the patient should be sent to a hospital. There, doctors will decide how to treat internal styes in the lower eyelid. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics such as: Ceftriaxone intramuscularly, Gentamicin intramuscularly, Amoxiclav orally. In addition to treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy is used, and drugs that enhance immunity are also prescribed.

In the most difficult cases of treating the disease, it is required surgery, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, the abscess is opened, the contents of the barley are removed, after which they are treated with an antiseptic, after which a mandatory course of antibiotic treatment is carried out.

Treatment with folk remedies

At mild form internal barley, you can use time-tested folk remedies:

  • Chamomile decoction is applied to the sore eye. The easiest option is to purchase chamomile in filter bags at the pharmacy. Pour 2 sachets with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes under a closed lid, then drink the infusion, and apply the sachets to the affected eye. This method relieves inflammation and swelling well;
  • Mash the boiled potatoes, wrap them in a sterile bandage and apply them to the sore eye; such a compress helps the rapid ripening of the internal stye;
  • Heat flax seeds in a frying pan, pour them into a linen bag, apply them to the sore eye for a few minutes, and carry out the procedure several times throughout the day.

It is worth remembering that warm compresses for treatment can only be used when inflammation has just appeared. If purulent contents form, do not heat it. Alcohol-containing compresses should not be used to treat children.

Methods for treating internal stye on the lower eyelid with medicinal herbs:

  • A tablespoon of calendula flowers is steamed with a glass of boiling water, left for 40 minutes, a cotton swab is soaked in the solution and applied to the barley several times during the day;
  • Some good leaves plantain, washed boiled water and one by one the leaves are applied to the sore eye, with an interval of 5 minutes;
  • The aloe vera leaf is thoroughly washed, the juice is squeezed out, mixed with water 1 to 10, and compresses are made several times a day;
  • Compresses from bird cherry flowers can help: 2 teaspoons of inflorescences are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for 40 minutes, then filtered, applications with the infusion are applied to the affected area up to 5 times a day.

But these methods of treating barley are unlikely to help, but can only do harm:

  • Drop urine into eyes;
  • Spit in the eye;
  • Show the fig to the growing month;
  • Squeeze out the barley yourself.

It's hard to believe, but there are people who are trying to treat stye with these methods.

If you carry out competent treatment, follow all the recommendations of specialists, after a week the person will not even remember that anything bothered him. But if you have styes more often than three times a year, you should undergo additional medical examination.