PMS: concept, manifestation and methods of struggle. PMS - premenstrual syndrome, how to deal with it

Many women the day before menstrual cycle suffer from bad mood, manifestations pain. What to do to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and not give up your favorite things?

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. It occurs in any female representative. Most often this is a mood swing in one direction or another. However, its symptoms can be much broader.

The behavior of the fairer sex changes a week before the start of the menstrual cycle. Absolutely calm earlier, she turns into an angry lioness. Romantically inclined in the evening, wakes up the next morning with severe malaise. Bad mood and sudden depression indicate the onset of PMS.

Doctors unanimously say that the cause of mood swings is an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the body. When there is a large amount of the former, aggression manifests itself. The bright highlight of the second affects the increase in fatigue and depression. At this time the following happens:

  • stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  • body weight increases;
  • appear in the chest area painful sensations, she swells.

Hence the irritability and insomnia. In some cases, doctors advise taking pills to relieve depression.

What are women's mistakes?

First of all, in poor nutrition. You should limit your consumption of high-calorie foods. It is unacceptable to eat into a bad mood. This will immediately affect an increase in body weight.

The second mistake is the refusal of an active lifestyle. Women believe that playing sports can be harmful. This opinion is wrong. Time has shown that movement makes you feel better, so move more. Daily walks relieve stress, balance hormones, and smooth out irritability.

Another mistake is considered active struggle overweight. PMS is marked by an increase extra pounds. However, this phenomenon is temporary. No struggle is required here, especially do not take fat burning pills.

How to determine if a woman is susceptible to premenstrual syndrome

Each representative of the fairer sex is a person with characteristics unique to her. Does PMS affect depression? Changes in mood depend on age, character traits, and external circumstances. To understand how the onset of PMS works and whether it has any effect at all, analyze whether the following symptoms are present:

If all or half of these symptoms are noticed, there is certainly the presence of PMS. A bad mood will have to be pacified. Ask what to do for this? We must learn to live with this phenomenon.

Mood swings and how to deal with them

In the life of every woman there were moments of transition from sadness to joy and vice versa. Sometimes your mood can feel out of control during PMS. But is this really so? Scientists have proven that instability of emotions is inherent in women equally as in men. However, this is especially pronounced before the start of the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon should not be taken for granted. If pick up the right approach To solve the problem, the mood can be completely controlled. First of all, it changes when joy hormones are absent. It takes time for serotonin to be replenished and the fluctuations will go away.

Very often a woman experiences mental fatigue. She receives a lot of information, conducts varied activities, and does not have proper rest. Where can it come from? good mood? Various fears often arise and phobias torment. What to do in this situation:

  • arrange a day of emotional release;
  • do not use tablets;
  • go out of town, turn off your phone, enjoy the surrounding nature.

Time will show that rest has a positive effect on your mood, it becomes good and remains so for a long period.

What to do with your mood during PMS if stress becomes prolonged? It is impossible to lead to such a situation. Moods can get out of control. Contact your doctor - he will prescribe antidepressant pills. Spend more time communicating with friends.

Is Mood Variability Treatable?

Some are of the opinion that bad mood with PMS does not require special treatment. However, such a statement can be disputed. If we influence PMS comprehensively, a whole group of measures will be required. Irritability occurs when certain hormones are missing. Therefore, their immediate replenishment is required. The diet focuses on vitamins A, E, magnesium, and calcium. Special diet not used, but you need to monitor your weight. Frequent walks, running, swimming regulate mood swings during PMS. Avoid drinking drinks with high content caffeine

What to do to recover quickly??

When your period has not yet arrived, there is a little more than a week left before it starts, reduce your salt intake. About 3 g of it should remain in the diet. The harm of salt lies in fluid retention in the body. It increases breast sensitivity, adds excess weight. All of these nuances affect mood swings, increase irritability before menstruation, and increase depression.

There are some more tips:

  1. Try to get more rest when you feel unwell. Lie down with a book. Find another, more enjoyable activity.
  2. What to do if you are tormented by mood swings? Take a vitamin complex.
  3. There are a number of herbs that, when brewed correctly, can improve your mood during PMS.
  4. Avoid alcohol completely. It aggravates the condition and affects growth negative thoughts.
  5. Don't eat a lot of chocolate. It destroys the vitamin in the body that fights fatigue.
  6. To prevent swelling from increasing, drink less fluid.

Try to relax more, go for walks fresh air. Don’t show everyone how PMS affects your mood, don’t get irritated again.

In contact with

Not every woman can boast of the regularity of the menstrual cycle and its ease of tolerance. Among the fairer sex, this is common unpleasant phenomenon like premenstrual syndrome. What is it, how to relieve PMS with traditional medicine and folk remedies, this article will explain.

The concept of PMS and how to deal with it

Since ancient times, scientists have been arguing about the origin of this diagnosis. Some associate him with age-related changes, others claim that it is justified by the way of life, while others say that it is an echo various diseases. Domestic experts adhere to the “golden mean”, characterizing PMS as a complex of symptoms that occurs in women reproductive age cyclically in the period after ovulation until menstruation (from 2 to 10 days before it).

Its appearance is associated with a combination of factors such as quality of nutrition, age, state of the nervous and other body systems, physical and emotional stress, conditions environment. But the main aspect that occurs in most of those who suffer from cyclical disorder is hormonal imbalance. This is especially true for excessive estrogen production in the luteal phase. Often at risk are patients who have undergone abortions, childbirth, gynecological operations, infectious diseases, and also women over 40.

This trouble makes itself felt with extensive symptoms, which can be roughly divided into classes:

  1. Psycho-emotional. These include nervousness, aggressiveness, irritability, sudden changes mood, depression, loneliness, sleep disturbance.
  2. Vegetative-vascular abnormalities. These are headaches and heart pains, dizziness, muscle spasms, horse racing blood pressure, nausea, numbness of the limbs. Find out in the article at the link.
  3. Endocrine-metabolic. They are manifested by changes in body temperature, swelling, engorgement of the mammary glands, and gastrointestinal upset.

When advancing of this period Chronic diseases may worsen, which also leads to a worsening of the condition.

Is it possible to cope with PMS?

Since the etymology of premenstrual syndrome has not been fully studied, and there is no absolute opinion about its causes, there is also no concrete answer to the question of how to get rid of PMS forever.

Most experts say that it is impossible to cure this disease, but it is possible to alleviate its course and minimize all unpleasant manifestations even at home.

But you should resort to this only after coordinating your actions with your doctor.

Some women endure the discomfort; others are completely incapacitated by it. It all depends on the severity of the cyclic disorder.

  1. How to deal with PMS symptoms? It is very important to maintain the emotional and physical resources of the body by following some rules: Stick to. healthy eating Balanced diet
  2. , which includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, will help the body replenish vitamin and energy reserves.
  3. You should minimize your consumption of salty, fried, smoked foods, sweets, alcohol, strong coffee and carbonated drinks. It is worth eliminating foods for a while fermentative
  4. , promoting intestinal bloating, which often affects the uterus, which is especially sensitive during such a period. Drink plenty of fluids , including soothing teas
  5. , help remove toxins and waste and relieve additional stress from the body. It is important to give up alcohol and smoking. Bad habits that have a detrimental effect on, aggravate the course of this syndrome.
  6. Healthy sleep. It is the main source of strength, energy and good mood, and also helps to avoid stress, to which the fair sex is especially susceptible on such days.
  7. Psychological and physical support for loved ones will help you overcome a difficult period.

How to relieve specific symptoms

Symptoms this phenomenon associated with many factors, especially the presence of diseases in various systems body. When there are disturbances in the nervous system, psycho-emotional imbalance will be clearly expressed. Crashes in gastrointestinal tract will make themselves felt by flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea. Vascular diseases will affect pressure surges, heart pain and headaches.

How to alleviate the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome depends on the specific diseases and their treatment. Single means No PMS symptoms for all.

There are several forms of its treatment:

  1. Pathogenetic - drugs aimed at eliminating or reducing the development of a specific disease.
  2. Symptomatic - medications and others medications that help combat a specific group of symptoms.
  3. Non-medicinal - folk remedies, vitamins, herbs, listed earlier rules healthy image life and other methods that can overcome temporary discomfort.

Drugs for the syndrome

There is a huge list of drugs for PMS: hormonal and non-hormonal - synthetic and homeopathic (natural).

Some help relieve or reduce several manifestations at once painful condition, others take it to get rid of a specific symptom. Some have an immediate effect, others have a cumulative effect.

Here are the main groups of pills for premenstrual syndrome:


The main symptom of this problem, which worries women on the eve of menstruation, is pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back. The nature of premenstrual pain is individual for each case: some are able to endure them, while others need to take an analgesic. These sensations are explained by intense contractions of the uterus in order to reject the endometrium, which sometimes causes severe discomfort that cannot be tolerated without the help of painkillers. Each woman is given a title separate drug independently, but gynecologists recommend the following: (No-shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine), non-steroidal drugs(Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ketolong), analgesics (Analgin, Acelizin, Baralgin, Dexalgin).


They cannot be called a cure only for PMS, since they have an effect on a deeper level than eliminating the syndrome. Such drugs are designed to correct hormonal levels, compensate for deficiencies or stop the excessive production of certain hormones. Most experts are inclined to believe that this women's problem directly related to hormonal imbalance, which primarily affects the menstrual cycle and system female organs. This often occurs in girls after menarche and in women after 40 years. In the first case, the disturbances are caused by the beginning of stabilization of the background, and in the second - by the extinction of reproductive function. In women of Balzac's age, discomfort manifests itself most actively in the first months of menopause, before menopause.

Use hormonal drugs should be used with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. Most often, such therapy involves taking contraceptives, but there are others that model the action of certain hormones or their complex.

Here is a small list of them:

  1. Duphaston. Reviews on the websites of doctors and patients about the effectiveness of these pills for PMS are more common than about other drugs for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. It is prescribed for elevated estrogen levels and progesterone deficiency. The active substance of the drug is synthetic analogue the hormone progesterone, an insufficient amount of which leads to disruptions of the cycle, psycho-emotional health and other body systems.
    Menstrual irregularities should be treated with Duphaston for 6 months. It is taken from 11 to 25 days of each cycle.
  2. Utrozhestan. Another common hormonal type drug that can prevent or reduce symptoms of PMS by correcting progesterone levels. Available in the form of tablets for oral use and intervaginal capsules.
  3. Zhanin, Yarina and other medications related to the series hormonal contraceptives also show effectiveness in suppressing or alleviating PMS.


Homeopathic remedies are considered effective assistance with PMS. Many of them contain entire complexes actively active ingredients, facilitating serious condition before menstruation. These include:

  1. Mastodinon is a homeopathic drug of complex composition with natural basis. Helps normalize synthesis processes pituitary hormones. Used when various violations menstrual cycle, helps relieve unpleasant symptoms of PMS. The effect is felt after 5 weeks of using the medicine.
  2. Remens - time-tested homeopathic drops, allowing you to cope with malfunctions of the female reproductive system, including during menopause and premenstrual syndrome by regulating the functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system. It has a complex effect: reduces pain, relieves swelling, helps calm the nerves.

Herbal preparations

Application herbal preparations for PMS - an excellent solution for opponents of synthetic medications and for those who have certain contraindications for taking them.

One of the most famous can be called Cyclodinone - plant based(prutnyak fruit extract) helps normalize hormonal levels, and as a result, fights severe manifestations of premenstrual disorder.


Basis wellness during such a period there is a stable psycho-emotional state, since psychosomatics is often the basis for the development of severe disorders of other body systems.

The use of sedatives for PMS helps eliminate unreasonable irritation, bad mood, depression, relieve nervous tension, prevent aggression and inappropriate behavior, emotional outburst.

There are many names and varieties of these medications:

  1. Afobazole is a medicine from the group of antidepressants that allows you to avoid premenstrual neuroses.
  2. Glycine is a representative of sedative drugs, the action of which is aimed at regulating metabolism in the brain. Removes psycho-emotional stress even in very severe cases.
  3. Grandaxin is a drug from a series of tranquilizers that is used for vegetative-vascular dystonia and psycho-emotional disorders. Can be used either alone or in combination with other medications for menopause and menstrual irregularities.
  4. Extract medicinal valerian, valerian tincture relieves irritability, nervousness, but unlike others sedatives causes lethargy and drowsiness, so it is better to drink them before bed or in small quantities.

Vitamins and minerals

Taking vitamins during PMS, as in any other period of life, has a beneficial effect on human body. Modern vitamin-mineral complexes make it possible to eliminate the deficiency of certain substances and replenish their reserves for for a long time, reducing health problems and their unpleasant symptoms. Some experts argue that it is vitamin deficiency that causes bad feeling during female syndrome and gives pain and discomfort critical days.

In these cases it is recommended vitamin preparations containing magnesium, such as Magnesium B6, Magnelis B6. They help in the fight against pain, spasms, dizziness, nervous disorders. Doctors say that those patients who took vitamins or foods high in magnesium at least once a day for a month are 42% less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, and women – also menstrual disorders.

Vitamin-mineral complex plant origin“Ladys formula” has multiple effects on the symptoms of premenstrual disorders.

Folk remedies for PMS

Relief from premenstrual disorder can be found not only in the pharmacy. PMS is also treatable folk remedies. But the effect can be achieved if its manifestation is not severe and is not associated with serious or hormonal disorders.

  1. Please accept the warm herbal bath, it will help you relax and relieve tension. The water temperature should not be more than 37 degrees.
  2. Drinking plenty of warm drinks, such as milk with cinnamon and honey, will help improve blood circulation during this period. It is better to drink this cocktail after a meal.
  3. Some doctors advise drinking more fluids during this time. But it is worth remembering that if swelling occurs, then this advice not applicable.
  4. Aromatherapy, use aromatic oils with thyme, mint, patchouli will help brighten up difficult days.
  5. Don't forget about the role of herbs in PMS. Infusions and teas with lemon balm, mint, valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn have a calming and analgesic effect. But sometimes herbs can cause itching and irritation of the skin, since allergic reactions tend to occur before menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome is usually experienced by women without special problems, but there are often cases when it takes you by surprise with extensive uncomfortable symptoms. Only a doctor can determine its origin. It is not recommended to treat such cases on your own, since the causes lie both on the surface and deep inside, which can only be revealed by careful diagnosis. Be healthy!

Most women begin to experience bouts of severe irritation, sudden outbursts of anger, mood swings and increased sensitivity once a month. But these are not manifestations of character traits, as some men believe, but a condition that depends on a woman’s menstrual cycle. For a very long time it was a mystery, but with progress in the field of medicine, such a concept as PMS appeared and was explained.

PMS - what is it 1

So, what is PMS in women or premenstrual syndrome? This is a complex set of regularly recurring symptoms of disturbance in the physical and psycho-emotional state of a woman, occurring several days before the onset of menstruation. Symptoms are present in more than 25-75% of women on the planet and disappear on the first day of their period. Most often, PMS is observed at the age of 20-40 years and, as a rule, occurs in mild form, which does not require visiting a doctor. But sometimes the symptoms become severe and the situation worsens every month, requiring medical care.

It is interesting to note that over the past century not a single crime has been described that was committed in a “premenstrual twilight state of mind.” However, complaints from women themselves and those around them about the painful situation that develops every month in the family and at work continue and even grow. And, according to studies, residents are most susceptible to PMS major cities and women engaged in mental work. Also, a few days before the start of menstruation, women experience an increased craving for shopping, which often leads to unplanned and excessive spending while shopping.

Symptoms 2

The peculiarity of PMS is that the variety of its symptoms is so great that it is unlikely to find two women with exactly the same pattern of its course. There are approximately 150 different mental and physical signs. Symptoms of the premenstrual period can be divided into groups:

Neuropsychiatric disorders: irritability, tearfulness, aggression, etc.

● Autonomic (nervous) disorders: headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, changes in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart area, etc.

● Hormonal disorders: engorgement of the mammary glands, swelling, fever, chills, increased content gases in the intestines, itching, shortness of breath, blurred vision, thirst, etc.

Typically, PMS symptoms do not appear individually, but in combination with each other. If we conditionally divide the variants of manifestations of PMS, we can distinguish several forms of this condition, knowledge of which makes it easier to determine ways to alleviate it. 3

PMS classification 4

According to their belonging to a particular body system, several are distinguished: clinical forms implementation of premenstrual syndrome in women:

1. Neuropsychic (brain) form - includes disorders of the nervous system and emotional sphere. Patients complain of touchiness, tearfulness, irritability, increased sensitivity to sounds and smells, sleep problems, fatigue. Constipation and bloating may occur due to the accumulation of excess gases in the intestines. Adult women experience depression, and adolescents experience attacks of aggression.

2. Edema form - occurs against the background of a temporary change in the functioning of the kidneys, when excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body, including the mammary glands. Patients note weight gain, swelling in the face, hands and legs, as well as discomfort in the chest.

3. Crisis (suddenly worsening) form - a complex set of disorders of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as kidney function. Patients report pain in the area behind the sternum, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, and panic attacks. Often this form of PMS occurs in women during premenopause (the end of the period of childbearing ability).

4. Cephalgic form (form with a predominance of neurological and vascular symptoms) – characterized by headaches, dizziness with nausea and vomiting, migraines.

5. Atypical form– an atypical combination of symptoms, for example, choking, vomiting, elevated temperature and migraines.

6. Mixed form - a simultaneous combination of several forms of PMS. Most often we are talking about emotional and edematous forms.

There are also several stages of development of premenstrual syndrome: 4

● Compensated stage – PMS is mildly expressed, does not progress over the years, all symptoms disappear immediately after the start of menstruation.

● Subcompensated stage – symptoms are so pronounced that they limit a woman’s ability to work and continue to worsen over the years.

● Decompensated stage – an extreme degree of severity of PMS, the symptoms of which disappear only a few days after the end of menstruation.

Based on the number of symptoms that form premenstrual syndrome in women, they distinguish between mild and severe degree severity of the disease. If three or four symptoms are present with a predominance of one of them, we are talking about mild PMS form. If from 5 to 12 symptoms constantly appear, of which several are the most pronounced, they are diagnosed severe form diseases. Due to the variety of symptoms characteristic of a number of pathologies of the neurological, hormonal and gynecological spectrum, the main and almost only diagnostic criterion in the case of PMS, there is a clear connection between the existing symptoms and the approaching menstruation, as well as the cyclical repetition. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a woman’s emotional makeup.

Risk factors for developing PMS 1

If modern medicine It is already clear what PMS is in women, the reasons for its occurrence still have not been able to be established even as a result of numerous studies. There are many theories of its occurrence, but the most complete and closest to reality can be called the hormonal theory. She explains PMS symptoms by fluctuations in the level of sex hormones in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. In order for the female body to function normally, a balance of female sex hormones is necessary: ​​progesterone (“pregnancy hormone”, which helps to bear the fetus), estrogens (“femininity hormones”, responsible for normal functioning female body) and androgens (“ male hormones", which are also produced in female body). In the second phase of the cycle, a woman’s hormonal background changes and, according to this theory, the body as a whole and certain parts of the brain do not react quite adequately to this. This is exactly how PMS appears.

According to doctors, the most likely factors influencing the development of premenstrual syndrome are: 5

● Decreased serotonin levels (serotonin is a compound that controls the transmission of impulses from the brain to the body. Serotonin levels affect emotional states, such as a sense of well-being, self-esteem, fear, etc.) – is a possible cause of the appearance of mental signs of PMS (depression, apathy, tearfulness, melancholy, etc.);

● Lack of magnesium – can cause headaches, rapid heartbeat, dizziness;

● Vitamin B6 deficiency – leads to fatigue, swelling, mood changes and hypersensitivity mammary glands;

● Genetic factor – manifestations of PMS can be inherited;

Overweight– at particular risk are women with a body mass index of more than 30 (to calculate your body mass index, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared);

● Smoking – doubles the chances of PMS in women;

● Consequences of abortion and complicated childbirth, gynecological pathologies, stress.

You should consult a doctor about premenstrual syndrome if its manifestations are severe and significantly reduce the quality of life, including affecting performance. After the examination, the doctor will give everything necessary recommendations to alleviate this condition and prescribe to the patient drug therapy, if there is a need for it.

How to cope with PMS 2

In most cases, doctors treat PMS symptoms by selecting treatment depending on the form and course of the syndrome. For example, psychotherapy sessions may be prescribed, consisting of methods of emotional relief and behavior correction, as well as the prescription of certain sedatives. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for headaches and other pains. Diuretics are prescribed to remove excess fluid from the body. 6

If test results show insufficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the patient is prescribed hormone therapy. For a variety of mental symptoms, antidepressants and sedatives are prescribed. In addition, due to the fact that women with PMS often experience increased level serotonin (a substance that transmits brain impulses between nerve cells and is responsible for a good mood) and histamine (a compound involved in the regulation of vital body functions), doctors may prescribe antihistamines(suppressing histamine production) of the second generation. Drugs may also be prescribed to improve blood circulation and normalize the transmission of impulses from nerve cells, responsible for good mood and vital energy, in the central nervous system.

But you can try to cope with PMS without the help of a doctor, at least in cases where its symptoms are not too pronounced. You can alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome with a full eight-hour sleep, which eliminates irritability, anxiety and aggression, and also has a positive effect on the condition. immune system. To get rid of insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep, you can try breathing techniques and walks before bed.

Regular physical activity increases the level of endorphin (a substance that has a calming effect on the body). nervous system) and reduces the intensity of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. This could be walking and running, yoga, Pilates, dancing or any other type of workout. The relaxation practices used in yoga also help with PMS symptoms. Can help reduce symptoms of PMS proper nutrition with the use large quantities fiber-rich foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs. It is worth limiting the consumption of coffee and chocolate for a while, because these products increase mental symptoms premenstrual syndrome: irritability, anxiety, frequent mood swings. It is also advisable to reduce the consumption of fats and red meat, and completely give up alcohol. Helpful at this time herbal teas and juices. It is impossible not to mention the benefits regular classes sex, which helps fight insomnia, bad mood and stress, and also increases the level of happiness hormones and strengthens the immune system. At the same time, during PMS, women often experience increased sexual desire, which can be in this case perceive it as a hint from the body. Thus, we can say that the combination balanced nutrition, regular and adequate physical activity, healthy sleep and constant sex, along with a positive attitude towards life, can help you forget what PMS is or at least reduce its manifestations. But if your ailments worsen, you should definitely consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

  • 1. Tatarchuk T.F., Ventskovskaya I.B., Shevchuk T.V. Premenstrual syndrome //Kyiv: Zapovit. – 2003. – P. 111-146.
  • 2. Sasunova R. A., Mezhevitinova E. A. Premenstrual syndrome //Gynecology. – 2010. – T. 6. – No. 12. – pp. 34-8.
  • 3. Kovalenko A. A., Gasilina T. V., Belmer S. V. Flatulence: norm and pathology // Attending physician. – 2008. – No. 2. – pp. 38-43.
  • 4. Smetnik V.P., Komarova Yu.A. Premenstrual syndrome //Obstetrics. and gin. – 1988. – No. 3. – pp. 35-38.
  • 5. Yudin B. G. To make a fairy tale come true? (Construction of man) //Bulletin Siberian medicine. – 2006. – T. 4. – No. 5. – pp. 7-19.
  • 6. Demetskaya A. PMS: overcoming small weaknesses // Pharmacist Practitioner. – 2015. – No. 7-8. – pp. 16-17.

Depression, aggression, tearfulness, nausea, weakness, headache and many other unpleasant symptoms that a woman may experience during the premenstrual period or PMS.

What is PMS?

PMS - Premenstrual syndrome is a complex complex of somatic and mental disorders, which appear 7-14 days before menstruation and, as a rule, completely disappear after its onset.

It is important to know, that PMS has more than 150 symptoms and can be a signal of more serious violations in the body such as endometriosis, inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, hormonal disorders and much more. Therefore, it is very important to consult a gynecologist in case of pronounced premenstrual syndrome to exclude the organic component of PMS.

If the doctor has ruled out diseases that can cause unpleasant symptoms, then you can resort to the following 11 recommendations that will help you cope with or reduce the symptoms that arise during PMS.

11 ways to cope with PMS

  1. Keep a diary and mark the days on the calendar when menstruation begins, as well as the days when the first signs of premenstrual syndrome appear. Trace the cyclicity and what preceded the bright PMS. Perhaps you didn't sleep well this month or there was a problem in your life. severe stress, a lot of workload.
  2. Control your emotions. Having shouted at your loved ones once, quite often you want to scream for the entire next week. Try not to let yourself go. So try on initial stage stop your aggression. To do this, you need to find your own ways of relaxation - breathing, yoga, massages, spas and other methods that help you relax.
  3. Make changes to your daily routine during PMS. Minimize unnecessary psycho-emotional stress. Don't overload yourself at work, don't overwhelm yourself with additional work and household chores.
  4. Increase physical activity in premenstrual syndrome. Active image life is an excellent assistant in combating negative symptoms of PMS. Women who regularly engage in sports may sometimes not even notice the onset of menstruation, since it is not psychological, not physical state does not change. But in women with a sedentary lifestyle, the likelihood of PMS increases several times.
  5. Calming herbs - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, motherwort. These Herbs Could Be Yours good helpers, as soon as you feel that premenstrual syndrome is approaching. Also, such helpers include essential oils - ylang-ylang, lavender. Apply the oil to your wrists and earlobes - a little aroma can help you stay in balance during the “emotional period”.
  6. Warm salt baths before bed. It's no secret that a warm bath is a good sedative before bed. During the PMS period, this method is especially necessary and effective.
  7. Sex. Regular sex throughout the month will give you the opportunity not to feel or feel less unpleasant symptoms of PMS. Of course, it is very important that this sex brings you maximum pleasure - both moral and physical.
  8. Dream. Sleep during PMS should be longer, since your body needs more time to recover during the premenstrual days. Therefore, do not neglect this advice under any circumstances. Force yourself to go to bed before 22-00/23-00. And sleep at least 8 hours.
  9. Diet. Avoid salty, spicy foods and alcohol during PMS, which will retain water in your body. During PMS, many women complain of swelling, and salty foods will only aggravate the swelling of the face and body.

10. Don't forget that your aggression, tearfulness and depression– This is a temporary reaction during the period of PMS. Remember that you are now in a state of narrowed consciousness under the influence of hormones. Therefore, try not to make important, serious and categorical decisions. This recommendation is especially important for very sensitive and emotional women. Switch yourself from negative thoughts to some action. Take a walk, go to a sport, do some cleaning, or watch your favorite TV series. The main thing is not to forget that after some time this will pass and you will again feel calm and in harmony.

11. Try, if possible, to warn your loved ones that another period of PMS is approaching. 🙂 Your husband or children, seeing aggression, may feel guilty for your condition and not understand the whole range of feelings that you are experiencing. Therefore, just warn them that during this period you are more sensitive and irritable. This recommendation will help maintain calm relationships in your family.

These were 11 tips on a difficult topic for women - how to cope with PMS? We hope that you have found suitable recommendations for yourself and they will help you during such a sensitive and difficult period for almost every lady!

Harmony and wonderful mood to you every day and period of your life! 🙂

PMS is an abbreviation for premenstrual syndrome. There are women who have only heard this name and are not aware of the problems associated with this condition. Many women are interested in the question of how to deal with PMS, since this state of the body is a serious problem. By the way, not only women suffer from PMS, but also their close men, children and other family members.

Details about a woman’s condition during PMS

to contents

How does premenstrual syndrome manifest?

PMS can manifest itself differently for every woman. Doctors count more than 150 symptoms of this condition. Fortunately, they are not found all together; their set is different for each case. The most common are headache and lower abdominal pain, nagging pain in the back (especially in the lower back), fainting, nausea and vomiting, causeless mood swings, drowsiness or insomnia, swelling of the limbs, intestinal dysfunction, inhibited reaction, fever, nervousness and irritability. Also, premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a general weakening of the body’s defenses, so it is during this period that there is an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases(eg hemorrhoids, allergies, asthma).

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What are the causes of negative manifestations

Scientists have not yet established the exact cause of PMS. The term is relatively new in science; it appeared in 1931, when this condition was first described. Of course, women in pre-revolutionary Russia did not think about PMS. And when you think about it - either pregnant or breastfeeding. It is well known that in those days women most They dedicated their lives to children; large families with 10 or more children were considered the norm. Children were breastfed, and menstruation could be absent for quite some time long time, what kind of premenstrual syndrome is this? But modern women are more or less familiar with this condition. Not knowing how to deal with PMS, many spend several days in bed - the pain in the stomach is so unbearable.

Scientists have put forward several hypotheses about the causes of premenstrual syndrome. The first reason is a change in hormonal levels (during this period the level of female hormones). The second reason for this trouble lies in the state of the psyche. Scientists have noticed that PMS symptoms occur more often in women who suffer from neuropathy, hysteria and other mental disorders.

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What's the best way to deal with PMS?

Many women accept this condition and do not try to do anything to make their life easier. Unfortunately, this attitude is modern people not only to PMS, but also to any ailments. You shouldn’t rely on chance; it’s better to choose the advice closest to you on how to deal with PMS.

Don't limit yourself in food. A woman’s body is already stressed during PMS; there is no need to suppress it with diets. Allow yourself a piece of cake or chocolate, nervousness and irritability will decrease. But it is better not to abuse alcohol and coffee. Try to keep their use to a minimum, and if possible, avoid them altogether.

Provide yourself with quality rest. Walks in the open air, good dream- this is what you need during the PMS period. Try not to overload yourself with work.

Minimize nervousness and irritability. Teas made from lemon balm, St. John's wort, mint, and valerian will help. And think about this: your loved ones are not to blame for the fact that you feel bad because of PMS. If you mess up, apologize to your husband or child. It will be better for both you and them. You will clear your conscience, and they will get rid of their resentment. Negative emotions They have never brought health and joy to anyone, you don’t need them either.

Some women tend to attribute their irritability to monthly physiological changes in the body. In fact, PMS is a condition that can and should be fought. And if PMS symptoms in your case not physical, but psychological nature, work more on yourself. It is within your power to get rid of irritability! There are many ways to cheer yourself and your loved ones up, and this is much better than spoiling it. Think about it.

If you notice that during PMS you are worried about flatulence, exclude from your menu foods that can cause increased gas formation in the intestines and bloating. These are legumes sour fruits, raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Some vegetables also cause fermentation, such as all types of cabbage.

Body massage helps many people with PMS. It's good if you do for a massage special oil. Take 50 ml of oil grape seeds, add essential oils to it: 4 drops each of citrus and lavender, 6 drops of juniper oil.

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Insomnia with PMS - how to cope with it

A bag of dried lavender flowers or essential oil of this plant will give you a good night's sleep. Herbal teas with the addition of St. John's wort, lemon balm, and valerian help with insomnia.

Before going to bed, take a warm shower or bath, ventilate the room well, and drink soothing tea. All this will help you fall asleep quickly.

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How to deal with PMS pain?

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back pain are perfectly relieved by a bath. It should be warm, but not hot. Add a few drops to the water essential oil fennel, lavender or rosemary.

Will help relieve pain in the lower abdomen hot compress. Make a solution from hot water and a few drops of marjoram and sage. Soak a towel in the solution, wring it out, and place it on your stomach for 10-15 minutes. Cover the top with cellophane and a blanket to keep warm.

Tea with mint, oregano or rose hips will help get rid of swelling of the legs and arms. Excellent output excess liquid from the body cranberry juice. During PMS it is not recommended to reduce the amount of fluid consumed. This can lead to dehydration. But at the same time, try not to drink a lot at night.

Some people experience pain when urinating. A sitz bath helps a lot. Pour warm water into a basin, add 3-4 drops of juniper oil to it, sit for a few minutes.

Doctors say that about 10% of women suffering from PMS require medical help. If you think you are among this number, consult your doctor. You may need drug treatment or additional examination. If you are bothered severe pain before menstruation, it is necessary to exclude the presence of concomitant female diseases.