Why mood swings occur and how to deal with them. How to deal with sudden mood swings

As you know, women are more susceptible to emotional outbursts than men. In fact, this fact is quite controversial. Almost every person suffers from mood swings. Mood swings are especially noticeable in women - in cases where emotions are so unstable that they interfere with normal existence, medicine comes to the rescue. Mood swings are also called a mood disorder. One of the key signs of mood swings is abrupt change emotions - in a few hours a woman can feel the whole range of emotions, from causeless happiness to anger and despair. However, affective disorder cannot be put on a par with such severe and long-term types as bipolar disorder or manic depression.

Symptoms of mood disorder

A woman suffering from sudden mood swings feels as if she is on a roller coaster - in just a few minutes, the feeling of happiness gives way to the deepest despair. Mood swings are always unpredictable and often do not depend on the situation, and emotions are almost uncontrollable. Periods of recovery alternate deep depression, sleep is disturbed.

Women suffer from mood swings twice as often as men, regardless of social or economic background. About 15% of women experience a mood disorder during menopause. Whatever the causes of depression and sudden mood swings, affective disorder with the right approach easily treatable.

Causes of mood swings

Residents of megacities, where life involves high level psychological stress, higher pace of life and low level tolerance. Several physiological and emotional factors can influence the development of a mood disorder.

Hormonal imbalance, menopause, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, malfunction endocrine system and other biological and physiological problems may influence the development of affective disorder in women. Menopause is a period during which changes in hormone levels occur, including estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. During ovulation, some women experience a variety of emotional, physical and behavioral changes due to changing hormonal levels.

Special people are responsible for human emotions chemical substances- neurotransmitters produced human brain, making a person feel joy, depression, irritation and other emotions. An imbalance of such substances - including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine - can cause mood swings. Exist medical supplies, which can solve the problem and restore the production of key neurotransmitters.

During pregnancy and menstrual cycle changes in hormonal levels can cause sudden changes in mood. This condition is usually called premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder - changes begin after ovulation and worsen before the onset of menstruation. During perimenopause female body does not have enough resources to save natural balance- which results in emotional problems for most women. Emotional problems that were unresolved in the past reappear.

During puberty, when the body begins to produce sex hormones, adolescents are susceptible to mood swings. However, once hormone levels return to normal, emotional condition the teenager also returns to normal.

The menopause period is accompanied by constant attacks irritability and excitability. During this period, a woman's irritation can be caused by anything - from a stupid joke and TV show to work colleagues. During menopause, mood swings can become especially severe and uncontrollable.

Another cause of affective disorder is stress and psychological tension at work and at home. Biologically, women are much more vulnerable than men, and high levels of stress lead to sudden mood swings.

Lack of understanding between spouses or parents and children can make the situation worse. Problems in marriage can be the cause of stress and mood disorders.

Last but not least, mood swings are influenced by habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and fast food, lack of physical activity, stress at work.

How to deal with mood swings

Simple but effective lifestyle changes, coupled with medications, can greatly improve even the most severe mood swings.

Consultation with a qualified physician is a necessary step when dealing with a mood disorder.

Some doctors suggest hormone therapy as the main method of treatment, which, although it works quickly and effectively, can lead to a number of side effects. Besides, hormone therapy provides more high risk occurrence of cancer.

Today you can buy non-prescription supplements containing vitamins and mineral complexes. Alternative medicine based medicinal herbs It can also ease sudden mood swings, get rid of irritability and depression.

Yoga, meditation and different kinds massage.

Aromatherapy with soothing oils - such as jasmine, chamomile and rose - can help curb uncontrollable negative emotions, like acupuncture.

Behavioral therapy allows you to learn to control common negative emotions such as fear, irritation, anger. Behavioral therapy techniques can calm both the body and spirit.

Cognitive therapy provides a number of techniques that help control certain cognitive patterns that cause a person to feel irritable, depressed, or angry for no apparent reason.

Communication is another effective method for dealing with mood swings, whether it's talking to friends, family members or a therapist.

Some therapists are among the most effective methods combating affective disorder is considered physical exercise- The “therapeutic” regimen involves 20 minutes of exercise a day at least three times a week. This regime will help focus energy and get rid of stress, as well as restore healthy sleep, violations of which often lead to irritability and increased sensitivity.

A healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits is a must for those who suffer from mood swings. Peas, for example, contain complex carbohydrates, beans and hot milk increase serotonin levels.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that mood swings are caused by some reason, and sometimes in order to regain control over emotions, an outburst of emotions, a kind of emotional “release” is necessary.

Depression in women largely depends on nutrition. This point of view was expressed by Australian scientists from the University of Melbourne. According to the author of the study, Dr. Felice Jaca, mood swings are characteristic of those representatives of the fair sex who eat food with high content fat “We can say with confidence that at any age women are advised to follow a diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and whole grain, dairy products With low content fat,” Dr. Jaka emphasized. “At the same time, don’t forget to sometimes treat yourself to some sweets and be friends with sports.”

The study, which lasted for 10 years, involved more than a thousand women aged 20 to 93 years. Factors considered to influence mental disorders include body weight, social and economic status, education, physical activity, bad habits, age. However, only nutrition had the maximum impact on the mental state of the subjects.

Based on the results of observations and psychological examinations, it was found that the so-called “Western diet”, which includes hamburgers, White bread, pizza, chips, flavored milk drinks, beer and sugar, in more than 50 percent of cases leads to depression. At the same time, women who eat the traditional Australian diet, which focuses on vegetables, fruit, beef, lamb, fish and whole grains, are less likely to suffer from mental health problems. But ladies who prefer fruits, salads, fish, legumes, nuts, yoghurts and red wine don’t even know what it is.

To normalize hormones in the body, take.

Mood swings are a significant drawback that complicates the life of a person and his environment. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in women, although it is not uncommon among men. What does this indicate? What to do in this case? What causes emotional instability? Should I worry about this? What measures need to be taken to even out your mood? Can I do this myself? Let's get to the bottom of this issue.

Main causes of mood swings

There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Frequent change mood may be due to physiological or mental processes. Women are more susceptible to it, but such cases are not isolated among men. The main reasons causing sudden mood swings:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Taking medications;
  • Reduced physical activity;
  • Pathological processes;
  • Depression or stress;
  • Diets and physical exhaustion;
  • Bad habits.

Generally speaking, a changeable mood signals a weakness in the body. Undoubtedly, Various types temperament may be characterized by certain specifics. Phlegmatic and sanguine people are less susceptible to mood swings, while choleric and melancholic people experience these conditions more often. But you can still trace the line between the norm and deviation.

Hormonal imbalance

A person’s emotional background is closely related to the production of many hormones. Among them there are those that improve your mood, while others, on the contrary, drop it “below the plinth”. An increase in the level of male sex hormones (primarily testosterone) leads to a person’s aggressiveness. Female hormones(estrogens), on the contrary, are responsible for softness. By the way, any person, regardless of gender, has both types of sex hormones.

Just they are expressed to varying degrees. Hormone thyroid gland thyroxine can provoke irritability. Serotonin, or the “happiness hormone,” on the contrary, makes a person kind and cheerful. Oxytocin determines affection and trust. In men hormonal background rarely changes, but for women, mood swings for this reason are normal, especially during menstruation.

Taking medications

Medicines can affect a person's emotions. This is indicated in the list of side effects. Sudden change of mood under the influence similar drugs shouldn't be surprising. The main thing is to understand why you take these medications. If you can without them, it’s better to do so. When there is no other choice, you will have to put up with side effects, especially since, most often, after stopping the medication, the mood swings stop. If negative effect continues, it is better to go to the doctor.

Decreased physical activity

Health is largely determined by physical activity. In order for energy to enter the body, it must be expended. Therefore the people who lead active image life, play sports and do not sit in one place, they feel much healthier than inert and passive individuals. Mood swings are also much less common among them. When the body is in good shape, it helps in maintaining emotional stability. The fact is that physical activity contributes to the release of a number of useful substances, which, when released into the blood, help improve well-being and improve mood. People who do not show normal motor activity, deprive themselves of this emotional “feeding”.

Pathological processes in the body

A number of diseases can provoke sudden mood swings. The reason is the hormonal imbalance that they cause, as well as the disruption of the production of other vital important substances. It can be acute or chronic infectious diseases, pathology non-infectious nature. To eliminate similar reasons, it is necessary to diagnose them correctly. This cannot be done without consulting a doctor. Therefore, if rest does not help get rid of mood swings, it is better to contact a medical facility.

Depression or stress

These “fashionable” diagnoses really have an impact Negative influence on the emotional background of a person. The fact is that an unhealthy lifestyle, coupled with poor environment and poor quality nutrition, undermine human health. Against this background, in addition to feeling unwell and loss of strength, mood swings may also occur. This is not yet a disease, but if the condition does not change, then pathological changes may occur against its background. Long stay in depressed state, or stress, destroys nerve tissue, changes hormonal levels and depresses immune system with all the ensuing consequences.

Diets and physical exhaustion

A lack of nutrients for mental activity can be caused by, in addition to external factors, also by a person’s internal desire for “perfection”. All kinds of diets and other self-torture sometimes undermine health no worse than seasonal diseases or nearby chemical production. Of course, sometimes it is useful to limit yourself in food, but if you do it with fanaticism, then nothing but harm will come of it. Mood swings are a clear sign that it is time to end the hunger strike, otherwise it will not end well for the body.

Bad habits

Considering all the “delights” of the industrial world, including emissions of hazardous substances into the atmosphere, food colors and flavors, pollution of water bodies and soil, additionally destroying the body with alcohol or nicotine is akin to masochism. Bad habits themselves do not initially cause mood swings, but if they become part of the chronicle, a noticeable blow to the psyche will not take long. This is especially evident during the period of “withdrawal”, when either there is not enough for a bottle, or the last cigarette on the road has run out. Not to mention more serious drug addiction.

How to deal with mood swings?

There is no need to panic in case of mood swings, but you should pay attention to them. Depending on the reason that caused them, there may be various ways prevention and elimination. Most often, rest helps proper nutrition And good sleep. If they are not enough, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo medical examination in order to identify the cause. If mood swings are caused by an illness, then it will be necessary to cure it and the symptoms will go away on their own.

In any case, it is better to learn a simple rule. Preventing a problem is much easier than fixing it later. Wrong image lifethe simplest way get health problems, including mental ones. The best prevention serves physical activity, healthy diet and proper alternation of work and rest. It is equally important to be attentive to your well-being, listen to your body and respond as quickly as possible to all its signals, especially the most distinct ones.

Mood swings are like a litmus indicator indicating that something is wrong with a person. It may be simple fatigue, but there are more serious reasons. If the symptoms are persistent, it is better to carefully analyze its causes, perhaps even by consulting a doctor. But most often, it is enough to rest fully and get enough sleep.

Mood swings, especially if they occur frequently, are sure to disrupt the normal life of any person.

Such fluctuations can be like physiological process, adaptive reaction to a change of environment, changes in hormonal levels or life circumstances, and a pathological reaction, a symptom of a mental disorder.


As I wrote above, the causes of mood swings can be divided into pathological (caused by mental disorder), physiological (can occur as a result of some seasonal, hormonal fluctuations in the body), as well as psychological.

Pathological conditions

Among mental disorders manifested by sudden mood swings, bipolar affective disorder (BAD) ranks first. It manifests itself as alternating manic and depressive phases. You can read about this disease.

Separately, bipolar affective disorder type II is distinguished (previously this state was called as ). His distinctive feature is that the state of elation never reaches mania, being limited only to hypomania.

Unmotivated fluctuations in the emotional background can also be observed in persons suffering from psychopathy (personality disorder). This is most typical for, and can also appear. With these pathologies, affective disorders will be combined with other behavioral disorders.

Strong changes moods can be observed not only in mental disorders, but also in somatic pathologies. More often similar symptoms observed in cases of endocrine disorders. That’s why, if causeless mood swings arose spontaneously, they are accompanied by some kind of violations on the part of internal organs, you should consult not only a psychiatrist, but also an endocrinologist.

Substance abuse may be another cause of persistent mood swings. As a rule, immediately after using a substance or in anticipation of imminent use, a person’s mood sharply increases, and during moments of abstinence, anger and decreased mood come to the fore.

Physiological conditions

I think that no one will dispute the fact that women have mood swings much more often than the stronger sex. The thing is that women are more susceptible to hormonal changes. Among them:

  • monthly fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • real hormonal “storms” caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation;
  • climacteric changes.

Whatever one may say, reproductive function directly related not only to hormonal changes, but also with an emotional background. So women have much more reasons for mood changes than men.

Psychological reasons

The reasons leading to the emergence of emotional fluctuations do not end there, because we have discussed only hormonal aspects. But a person is also an individual, a member of a family and a society.

Difficulties at work, misunderstandings in the family, everyday problems, financial difficulties - all this can lead to mood swings in both men and women. If women, to the best of their ability physiological characteristics, are forced to deal with and cope with affective fluctuations every day, then it is much more difficult for men to cope with negative thoughts.

New lipstick, a cup of aromatic coffee, a smile nice guy- and the girl’s emotional balance is restored.

But for men it is much more difficult to cope with a bad mood. After all, they are much less mobile emotionally. And if so negative emotions mastered a man, then it is necessary to make a lot of effort to cheer him up.

Many representatives strong half of humanity consider alcohol as the simplest and most accessible antidepressant. However, its effect is short-lived, and addiction occurs very quickly. So you need to be on your guard.

Why are affective fluctuations dangerous?

Frequent mood swings lead to severe disruption of a person’s normal functioning. When we are in a good mood, everything works out, we want to work, we make plans for the future. And when you are in a bad mood, you have neither the strength nor the desire for anything.

As soon as the man began to do something, his mood changed. Will the business you have started be crowned with success? Hardly. There is a high probability that all this will lead to. And even if you manage to do everything that was planned, it will take many times longer than usual.

Everything I described above concerns unexpressed mood swings, when extreme manifestations do not reach the state of manic or depressive disorder.

Not only sudden mood swings are dangerous, but also extreme “poles” - depression and mania. A person who is depressed cannot live normally, work fully, and both he and those close to him suffer.

Such patients are overcome by various negative thoughts. It seems to them that all problems and difficulties are only their fault, that nothing good will ever happen in life. All this can lead to suicidal thoughts and even attempts. How to suspect the presence of suicidal thoughts in a person loved one read in.

An equally dangerous affective state is mania ( manic episode). If a person is overcome by depression Bad mood And negative thoughts, then with mania, an overly elevated mood and an irresistible desire to do something come to the fore.

What's wrong with that, you ask. And the fact that a person in a state of mania will definitely “find an adventure for his own benefit.” Being in similar condition people do not so much come to the attention of psychiatrists as they can “get acquainted” with law enforcement agencies by breaking the law, taking out an excessive loan, or doing something else out of the ordinary.

Mood swings: normal or pathological?

The fact that mood swings in girls, women and even men can be normal - we have already figured this out. But how then can we determine where the norm is and where the pathology is? Should I contact a specialist or should I wait?

So, what criteria should you pay attention to:

  1. The very first criterion is the reason. If mood swings occur frequently, without any good reason, or there is a reason, but in comparison with the reaction to which it led, it is insignificant, in this case it is worth considering whether it is time to consult a specialist.
  2. An equally important criterion is how often emotional swings occur. Each person, to the extent of his temperament and personal characteristics, is characterized by a certain, generally stable, emotional background. For example, sanguine people are more cheerful, they are distinguished good mood most time. Melancholic people, on the contrary, are more prone to depressed mood. So, if affective changes occur many times a day, sadness is replaced by undisguised joy - you need to look for a catch.
  3. Another important criterion is the severity of affective symptoms. In general, the mood can be good or bad. But an overly good or, conversely, bad mood should alert you. Especially if there is no obvious reason for this.
  4. It is definitely worth seeking medical or psychological help, if constant mood swings significantly disrupt a person’s life, are accompanied by, if because of them he cannot work, cannot create full-fledged relationships.

What to do?

How to deal with mood swings, what to do so that they don’t interfere normal life— this issue must be approached in a differentiated manner.

If a person’s emotional fluctuations are caused by a mental disorder (most often this happens when all the criteria listed above are present), then the chances of coping with them on their own are negligible. It is necessary to contact a specialist - a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

For example, if a person suffers from bipolar affective disorder, he needs to take medication constantly, otherwise there may be serious consequences. horrible consequences. In case of bipolar disorder, thymostabilizers - valproate or lithium preparations - are necessarily used to treat and prevent mood swings.

If mood swings are caused by hormonal imbalance, then mandatory you need to contact an endocrinologist and follow his recommendations. After all, as long as it is observed hormonal imbalance, affective symptoms may persist.

We manage on our own

If you want to cope with mood swings on your own, you can resort to the following recommendations:

  1. Use aromatherapy. All kinds of smells affect our brain in different ways. Some of them help improve your mood, while others, on the contrary, help you relax. They will help you get rid of irritation and calm down essential oils patchouli or ylang-ylang. If you need to cheer up, then you should opt for bergamot, lemon, lavender or cedar oil.
  2. Yoga classes help achieve emotional balance. It's no secret that many stars who are prone to emotional instability regularly practice yoga. People who practice yoga are better able to control themselves and their mood. Maybe you should try it too?
  3. Full regular meals, adherence to a daily routine, sufficient physical activity, refusal bad habits and all kinds of psychostimulants (including a certain number of cups of coffee or tea) often help improve mental state, equalization of the emotional background.
  4. If in Lately you begin to constantly feel tired, you are worried about mood swings, perhaps this indicates your body’s need for good rest, otherwise there is a risk of development. Don't ignore your body's cues!

The woman’s psyche is very delicately structured. Nature has awarded the fair sex with increased sensitivity to external and internal changes. IN modern world Women often have to carry an overwhelming burden of problems, stress, and fatigue on their shoulders. IN big cities The load on the nervous system is off the charts, and it is not surprising that mood swings begin to cause anxiety.

In most cases, mood swings in women can be considered normal. What are the reasons for mood changes?


  • Changes in hormonal levels. The nature of a woman is cyclical. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. All this time, the level of hormones in the blood gradually changes. Every month the body prepares for possible pregnancy. Sudden mood swings occur in the days before menstruation, critical days and the period of ovulation (from 12 to 15 days of the cycle). If hormonal balance is disturbed, mood swings can occur at any phase of the cycle. A gynecologist will help you cope with the problem. You should not self-medicate. Maintaining the menstrual cycle is the key to women's health.
  • Failure in the endocrine system. Signs of problems may include sudden changes in temperature, mood, excessive sweating, sudden change body weight, excessive excitability, constant feeling fatigue. To combat the causes and consequences of endocrine disorders, you need to consult an endocrinologist.
  • Hormonal levels change during pregnancy. Sudden mood swings are natural at this time, especially during early stages during the period of toxicosis. Emotional changes accompany the onset of menopause. This is a common phenomenon that does not require outside intervention. 9 out of 10 girls experience increased sensitivity, tearfulness, violent emotional reactions during puberty. Over time, the hormonal levels return to normal, and the problem disappears on its own.


  • Constant stress leads to an increase in tension that prevents the nervous system from functioning normally. Frequent worry, worry, anxiety, fears can cause sudden mood swings, as well as contribute to the development of neuroses and other diseases nervous system. Negative Impact The female psyche is under pressure from others: boss, husband, relatives. Sensitive and vulnerable people are especially susceptible to this. Lack of sleep and constant feeling of fatigue are also stressful situations. Problems in relationships with a loved one, difficulties with children, parents, colleagues lead to the accumulation of negativity with subsequent, not always controlled, outlets.
  • Emotional volatility may be part of temperament, but sometimes mood swings become a sign of affective disorders that require specialist consultation.

External influence

  • The cause of emotional instability may be the weather, changes in pressure, magnetic storms. Exhausting heat often becomes as stressful for the body as internal problems.

Dealing with emotional instability

If mood swings cause discomfort, but are not a consequence of serious changes, then you can try to solve the problem yourself. Some simple rules will help eliminate tension, tone up and restore the joy of life:

  • Lead healthy image life. Make it a rule to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Get more rest. Follow the regime.
  • Watch your diet. Balanced diet will help restore hormonal balance, increase immunity and stress resistance.
  • Traditional medicine will help in the fight against stress. Soothing herbal tinctures will make you sleep peacefully and allow the body to recover after a hard day.
  • Book a massage. It will help relieve muscle spasms and reduce overall tension.
  • Do yoga. Meditation will put your thoughts in order, and correctly selected exercises will make it possible to remove muscle blocks on your own.
  • Reduce the load. There is no need to try to solve many problems at the same time. This increases stress and increases emotional tension.
  • Try not to hold back your emotions where possible. In the modern world, self-control is important, but it is often the cause of excessive overload of the nervous system. Learn to let go. Have a cry. This will really help. Sad movie - excellent remedy to let off steam.
  • Positive emotions and active sex life will also help you relax. Good sex- This is a great way to relieve any tension.

Take care of your health, and may your mood always be at its best.

Hello. The thing that worries me is that I have very frequent and sudden mood swings. Every time it becomes more and more difficult to keep emotions under control. I've been afraid of myself lately... I'm especially afraid of the state of aggression, because in most cases it turns into unbridled rage! Sometimes I go beyond the bounds of reason and only stop when I catch myself thinking that I’m hurting someone physical pain... It’s as if some kind of clouding of consciousness is occurring. This worries me, because before it was very difficult to piss me off, but at the moment even some kind of everyday conflict acquires the status of a problem of the World for me! With the passing of such outbursts, a kind of apathy appeared, it doesn’t matter to everyone and everything that happens outside of my own world, every morning begins gloomy and empty, I no longer see any point in continuing my worthless existence, I also have no desire to look into the future, because it seems to be covered with a thick gray veil. Often the state of simply sitting and looking intently at one point on the wall, probably without even blinking. I always reason from some stupid, pessimistic point of view, trying in vain to convince myself that this is realism. More and more often I want to lock myself at home and not see people at all, much less have any contact with them. I did a lot of different stupid things... Nothing helped me cope. I am asking for help only because I still have a million strange, incomprehensible phobias, but I no longer care about them, they fade into the background, and the word “emptiness” just comes to the forefront and this scares me, because sometimes I I can reason normally and understand in these glimpses that I am scared that now, after some time, I will return to this state of vacuum existence again.
I will be very grateful to you if you can at least clearly say why this is so, and who should I contact with this problem. And is this even a problem? Or maybe this is my next phobia?

Emotional instability.

Your environment and social circle are the main factors that shape your ability to deal with stressful situations.

Developing emotional stability requires your efforts:

1. Talk about your feelings with people who are close to you and whom you trust.

2. Look for the reasons for the difficult situation you might find yourself in. This will give you the opportunity to better understand what is happening, and you will be able to view the crisis not as a hopeless problem, but as a situation in which you can act decisively because you know what needs to be done. Good orientation to the problem helps fight fear, which is usually exaggerated when stress levels increase.

3. Agree that sometimes there are situations that we cannot change. Learn to accept such situations.

4. Spend time strengthening and maintaining relationships with loved ones and acquaintances. The closer and more meaningful your relationship is, the better your ability to cope with problems and stress will be.

5. Cultivate hope and optimism. Even in the most difficult times, don't forget that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Watch and rewatch the film THE SECRET several times: http://psicholog.do.am/index/testy/0-55

6. Come up with a new hobby for yourself - this will significantly add positive emotions to you and distract you from problems.

7. Help other people without expecting a request for help. By providing support to others, you will increase your ability to cope with difficulties. This will make you feel more confident.

8. Remember your lessons from the past, analyze how you dealt with events then - this will help you develop confidence in your abilities to cope with future problems.

9. If you already have experience of exiting stressful situations, create a set of recovery measures for yourself (for example, spending time with close friends), and be prepared to repeat them if necessary.

10. Keep in mind that important decisions should be put on hold during recovery.

11. Strive for healthy eating, exercise, do not forget about rest and ensure adequate sleep. This will help you avoid stress.

The main thing you must remember is that good emotional stability will help you cope with any troubles.

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Hello, Alexandra.

Don't be afraid of the "emptiness". Trust your body. It's reasonable. It is now trying to get rid of the accumulated blocked energy, which, not finding a way out, gives a feeling of gloom, melancholy, apathy, and loss of meaning in life. And when he finds a reason to lash out, it’s in the form of uncontrollable aggression.

You need catharsis: scream, rage, dance, shake your whole body until exhaustion, don’t restrain yourself, don’t suppress it. what comes out, but let some part of your consciousness be a little to the side and watch all this - this is important! Do 20-30 or 40 minutes. Then allow yourself to fall exhausted, lie quietly and listen to yourself, the emptiness, the silence inside. If you are not afraid of her, then she will give you very pleasant sensations, peace, relaxation... Open up to her. Let in a new fresh influx of energy.

It's better to do it with music. First frantic, with drums, and then quiet, relaxing. New age music will do.

In this way, you will free yourself from stagnant energy (unreleased anger, fears, resentment). This will help you. Do this every day for a week, longer if you can. If you like it, do it systematically. :-)

You can scream in a deserted place for 10-15 minutes, just ah-ah! from the heart, to the very bottom. 2-3-5 times. You can beat a pillow or something else. But always remain an observer, not controlling, not restraining, but observing, for example, like a stranger from the balcony of the 6th floor, who is not going to do anything, but sees and notices everything: what is happening to the body, how you scream.

If you can’t do it yourself, find information about dynamic Osho meditations where they are held, study in groups. Or a psychologist engaged in body-oriented psychotherapy.

This is not a disease. Just in Everyday life We are used to it and don’t notice. that our mind chatters endlessly like a telephone exchange. And in the moments when he falls silent, silence or emptiness sets in, which frightens us out of habit. Stay in this emptiness, listen to your body, don't stay outside - take a step inside yourself. These may be important moments of awareness for you, filling you with something new.

Mandatory: first catharsis, and then relaxation.

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