How many walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cashews can you eat per day? What are the benefits of walnuts for men?

To support good health and a good mood, you need to eat a varied and high-quality diet, consume daily fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals and nuts. But how many nuts can you eat per day if you are advised to eat the same fruits and vegetables in large quantities? After all, everyone knows that nuts are very high in calories and are difficult to digest in excessive quantities.

Benefits of nuts

Even the ancients knew about the benefits of nuts. They are a storehouse of plant proteins, microelements, fats, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, some of which are found only in nuts. In terms of nutritional value, they can compete with meat and milk, and despite their high calorie content, nutritionists advise people on strict diets to include them in their diet.

Regular consumption of different nuts will bring invaluable benefits body. Vitamins will improve the heart and nervous system, activate brain activity, stimulate memory and attentiveness. A few pieces eaten daily will be an excellent prevention of many diseases - heart attack, pathologies of the reproductive system, impotence, senile dementia, premature aging, obesity. Vitamin E will prevent formation cholesterol plaques, iron will relieve anemia, Omega-3 will normalize hormonal background.

Each type of nut contains its own set of useful substances.


Consists of vitamins A B C E. By availability ascorbic acid far superior to currants and lemon. In addition, it contains iron, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine. This entire set is extremely important for the health of the kidneys, stomach and liver. It is used for hypertension, heart pathologies, weakened immunity, insomnia, stress, flu, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Walnut oil is famous for its rejuvenating and healing effect. It is actively used in many cosmetics, nourishing masks, and by using it internally, you can prevent colds. It is taken to treat diabetes, atherosclerosis, thyroid disorders, chronic forms hepatitis A.

Pine nut

By amount of content minerals pine nuts are ahead of other types of nuts. Cedar kernels effectively restore working capacity, restore metabolic processes, have antimicrobial, immunostimulating, antibacterial effect. They are especially good in combination with honey, which greatly enhances their effectiveness.


It is used for gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, heartburn, colitis. Helps fight biliary tract diseases and obesity. Doctors recommend eating almonds for kidney diseases, reproductive system and anti-cancer therapy. For colds and lingering cough as natural medicine eat almonds in sugar.


Hazel kernels perfectly regulate metabolic processes, slow down aging, and fight overweight. Hazelnuts help restore strength after exhausting long-term illnesses, it is believed prophylactic from anemia, heart disease and neoplasms.


Despite its comparative cheapness, the benefits of peanuts are extremely great. Regular use in food lowers cholesterol, promotes cell renewal, improves function nervous system, helps with insomnia, promotes heart function.


They have a unique tonic property and are extremely useful in stressful situations, depression, overwork. Reduces cholesterol and regulates metabolism.


Strengthen the body's protective functions, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, help with diseases respiratory tract, flu, colds, bronchitis. They have analgesic properties. Cashew-based ointment treats gum inflammation.

All nuts are eaten both raw and roasted. After roasting, it is easier to peel them and a more subtle aroma and taste of the kernels is revealed. It is useful to eat nuts without salt, sugar and various flavor enhancers. They complement perfectly culinary masterpieces, enrich the taste of confectionery and sweets, fill salads and side dishes with piquancy and nutritional value.

Norm per day

It's no secret that any proper diet provides a varied, full menu, and not a rigid 1200 kcal per day, which includes a glass of kefir, an apple and water. Of course, this may seem like an excellent diet, especially to those who want to “quit overeating,” but there will be no benefit for the body from such a menu, and as soon as the diet ends, a devastating feeling of hunger will immediately arise, suppressed by remarkable willpower. In the end, the unfortunate person gives up and leans on everything.

So isn’t it better to eat a healthy and balanced diet and include high-calorie nuts in your menu? Moreover, scientists conducted a number of experiments in which it turned out that regular use nuts improve the functioning of all organs, promote weight loss, good mood and cleansing the body. But how many nuts should you eat per day so as not to harm your body?

Nuts are full of fats, but these are natural vegetable fats that are not harmful to the body and do not increase cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fatty acids burn slowly in the body, which means they constantly provide energy and strength. If you eat 20-30 g per day, there will be no problems with your figure. 30 g contains 200 kcal. How many nucleoli fit into the treasured 20 g?

  • almonds – 20 pcs.;
  • pine nuts - 150 pcs.;
  • peeled pistachios – 40 pcs.;
  • Walnut- 10 pieces.;
  • Brazil nuts – 8 pcs. (it is not recommended to eat more than 3 nuts per day due to the risk of selenium overdose);
  • pecans – 18 pcs.;
  • cashews – 18 pcs.

100 g of nuts will replace half of the calories necessary for life. But you don’t need to rush to a package of nuts, hoping to survive on it all day. The body will not be able to digest more than 100 g, and if there is no food poisoning, excess folds of fat on the sides and hips will be ensured.

You should also not eat nuts at night. It is advisable to eat them for breakfast or have a snack before lunch. This will give you vigor, charge you with strength and energy, and enhance memory and reaction.

Nuts and pregnancy. Norm

During this period they will help support the health of the mother and the unborn baby. They are good because:

  • have a high calorie content;
  • energize;
  • reduce cardiovascular disorders and development of atherosclerosis;
  • filled with vitamins and minerals;
  • can increase the tone of the nervous system;
  • improve brain function;
  • normalize fat metabolism, help maintain normal weight;
  • lift your spirits;
  • provide positive influence for development internal organs and the formation of bone and muscle tissue of the fetus
  • Poor digestibility. The eaten dose of nuts should not exceed 30 g per day. During administration, they must be thoroughly chewed or crushed. You can soak them in water for better digestion. Doctors recommend eating nuts with herbs and dried fruits.
  • Irritate the stomach. The fiber contained in nuts helps cleanse the intestines and keep them active. At the same time, during pregnancy there is no need for extra stress on the body. Therefore if there is stomach upset, you should limit yourself in the use of this product.
  • Strong allergen. Nuts can provoke not only an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman, but also cause sensitivity to allergens in their composition in the unborn child. In the second and third trimester, you should completely exclude them from the diet, or limit yourself to a few kernels per week.

When feeding

Despite their calorie content and high fat content, nuts are practically devoid of carbohydrates. Which means dial excess weight, eating a handful of nuts is impossible. But they will fill you up breast milk proteins, amino acids, vitamins, will increase its nutritional value.

How many grams of nuts can you eat per day when breastfeeding, if there are no contraindications? Any should be taken in moderation and with caution. Even if the mother is not worried about allergies, stomach upset, etc. unpleasant symptoms, you should not exceed 15 g per day. It is better if you mix them with the main dish or dessert, after chopping them. If you exceed the permissible limit, the allergy will not appear immediately, but gradually, accumulating in the baby’s body. Then it will be difficult to determine why he has anxiety, irritation and rash.

Nuts can be replaced with any nut butter - peanut butter, cashew butter, hazelnut butter, almond butter. By adding it as a dressing to salads, soups and side dishes, you can provide yourself with everything necessary elements without fear of any unpleasant consequences. On the contrary, the stool will settle after labor activity, constipation will stop, and the frequency of intestinal colic in the baby will decrease.

Nuts for children

All parents are interested in the question, how many nuts can children eat per day? Of course, the children's table will be enriched with many elements necessary for the development, growth and formation of the body. But scientists and pediatricians advise giving them to children after reaching 3 years of age. Moreover, even 4-5 year old children can develop an allergic reaction with swelling and anaphylactic shock if you are predisposed to allergies.

Fully introduce this valuable product It is possible from 5 years old, strictly controlling the dosage and monitoring the reaction. Healthy kids who do not suffer from obesity and severe diathesis, you can diversify taste sensations 20-30 g per week, and there are no restrictions on the types and varieties of nuts.

How to choose nuts?

The beneficial qualities of nuts depend not only on their variety and type, but also on how they were transported and stored before reaching supermarket shelves. When purchasing raw nuts, pay attention to appearance. It is important that they are intact, clean, and do not smell moldy or musty.

The best place to store any nuts is the freezer. If you store them in a room or closet, they may lose some useful qualities, and the fat contained in them can become bitter.

About the benefits of nuts:

Every man wants to be independent of his age. The use of chemical drugs to maintain health is often harmful. How much better it is to use the gifts of nature! Benefit walnuts invaluable for men. It is important to know how this product is useful for the body, what medicinal properties it has and when its use can cause harm.

General Product Information

The benefits of walnuts have been known for a long time. This amazing plant capable of changing qualitative composition and properties depending on the stage of maturity. Even after drying, the kernels are still rich in valuable components.

Greek nuts are good to eat in pure form. The properties of the fruit are revealed in a special way when combined with honey. This combination has a positive effect on both overall health and male potency.

Valuable composition of the product

To understand the benefits of walnuts for men, it is necessary to consider the qualitative composition of the product.

The largest mass fraction is occupied by fats. In some kernels this part accounts for up to 75%. These fats are perfectly absorbed by the body and nourish brain cells. They do not contribute to the clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol, because they are completely processed. The product completely eliminates the feeling of hunger, and satiety remains for a long time.

From 8 to 20% of the nucleus consists of proteins. The man's nut is very nutritious and reliably provides the body with energy.

In addition to fats and proteins, up to 10% of the kernel is carbohydrates and up to 5% is water. The quality composition of walnuts helps you see why this product is so beneficial.

The calorie content of a walnut is 648 kcal per 100 g. To gain only health benefits from consuming the product, you need to know how many walnuts you need to eat per day.

Vitamin composition

Walnuts have a powerful effect on the human body. It is able to saturate cells with valuable vitamins, namely:

  • provitamin A;
  • group B compounds;
  • vitamins PP, E, K.

In addition to vitamins, the nut contains valuable minerals.

Mineral composition

The effect of walnuts on potency is mainly due to mineral composition product. Some components have a powerful effect on men's health.

  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • calcium.

Among other things, nuts are rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, linoleic and arginic acids. These compounds are essential for the functioning of the central nervous system.

Every day a man is exposed to stress, a deteriorating environment, and eats low-quality products. All this affects potency and the functioning of other organs. Over time, the liver malfunctions and prostatitis develops. Medications, which increase potency, most often have only a temporary effect and have a lot of side effects. How much better is it to use natural medicine, capable of supporting the body as a whole and genital area!

How much can you eat

To beneficial features walnuts have opened in full, the product must be consumed in moderation. The daily consumption rate of a ripe fetus for an adult man is 10-12 pieces, depending on the size.

Both men and women need to use walnuts, the benefits and harms of which are related to the amount of product. There are many recipes, the use of which is very effective for humans.

To whom the product is contraindicated

Although walnuts are very nutritious and rich in valuable microelements, there are contraindications. Product not recommended:

  • for allergies;
  • for liver damage;
  • those who suffer from urolithiasis;
  • is overweight;
  • suffers from diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder;
  • with gastritis;
  • heart failure.

If there are no contraindications, it is necessary to use nuts not only in their pure form. Can be cooked different tinctures and formulations and take them regularly.

Who needs a nut

Undoubtedly, using walnuts for potency in men is very important. However, the fruits are beneficial not only for the sexual sphere.

Eating walnuts produces the following effect:

  • strengthens the functioning of the immune system;
  • prevents atherosclerosis, as it increases the level of good cholesterol;
  • supports the body during anemia;
  • improves intestinal function;
  • normalizes work thyroid gland;
  • increases mental activity;
  • supports during high psycho-emotional stress.

The benefits of nuts are high both when used in their pure form and in various formulations and tinctures.

Recipes with walnuts

The best nuts for potency are walnuts and almonds. Often, a recipe for men also includes dried apricots and prunes. Honey is no less useful for potency. Therefore, the combination of these components usually has a very powerful effect.

Walnuts with honey are most often used. For a daily dose you need:

  • 10-12 peeled kernels;
  • spoon of honey.

Using a mortar or coffee grinder, the nuts are crushed to a paste consistency. Honey is injected. Everything is mixed until smooth. The entire volume of the composition can be consumed at one time or divided into 2-3 doses during the day.

Tincture of green walnuts with vodka perfectly increases potency. Green fruits are selected in the amount of ¾ liter jar.

  1. The fruits are washed thoroughly in water.
  2. The nuts are cut into small pieces and placed in a jar.
  3. The product should be filled with vodka and stored in a dark place.

The nut tincture will be ready in a month. Take only the resulting liquid. The raw materials can be filled with vodka again. However, it is worth considering that the tincture prepared a second time will not be as effective.

Important! The drug is undesirable for hypertensive patients and those with an increased risk of blood clots.

Sometimes tinctures are made using only the peel of the fruit while it is still green. They are cleaned, the skins are washed in warm water. No need to cut. The raw materials are placed in a container and filled with vodka. The tincture will be ready in a month. Before starting treatment, the solution should be filtered.

You can prepare not only healthy, but also delicious nut liqueur. To do this, first prepare a regular tincture, for which purified kernels are used. The fruits are poured with vodka and infused for 2 weeks. dark place. Then you need to add a few tablespoons of sugar, cinnamon on the tip of a knife and a pinch of cloves. After another month, delicious and useful tincture will be ready.

It is often recommended to use walnuts with sour cream. The fat contained in the product improves the absorption of microelements. Although it is better to use homemade sour cream, you should not use this product often, as this can negatively affect the condition of blood vessels.

Very useful for male power a recipe in which you need to combine honey, dried apricots and walnuts. The components are taken in equal proportions. You can use a blender to grind. The components are mixed. To achieve maximum results, take the composition twice a day, 2-3 tablespoons.

A similar recipe, which has a powerful effect on a man’s potency and immunity, also includes raisins with prunes. The preparation technology and dosage of use are the same.

Recipes with nuts - affordable and effective remedy to maintain the health of every person. It improves not only the male sexual sphere, but also the body as a whole. The product can be successfully used regardless of age.

Comment! The younger the kernels, the more powerful antioxidant properties they have. Fruits that have not yet been freed from the green film are softer and more tender, so they are better soaked in honey.

Many recipes for maintaining men's health include a plant such as cranberry. Its berries have an immunomodulatory effect and help the body resist viruses and infections.

Knowing everything about walnuts can bring you a lot of benefits. Worth using different recipes, but we must not forget about contraindications.

Moderate use natural gifts will only bring benefits. The main thing is not to forget about moderation and regularity!

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Hazelnuts are a high-calorie product; the calorie content per 100 grams is 703 Kcal. Content of main nutrients:

  • Proteins - 16.4 g;
  • Fats - 66.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.7 g.

Despite the high fat content, hazelnuts are considered dietary product nutrition. A small amount of carbohydrate nutrients does not pose a danger to a person’s figure and health. Proteins cause a feeling of fullness for a long time and contribute to the construction and growth of muscles.

Includes many nutrients and microelements:

  • Calcium - helps improve the structure of bones, hair and teeth;
  • Magnesium - helps the body fight stress, nervous breakdowns And PMS syndrome;
  • Phosphorus - participates in the structure of bone tissue, necessary for child's body;
  • Iron - helps reduce blood pressure;
  • Potassium - supplies brain cells with oxygen;
  • Yod - plays important role for the functioning of the thyroid gland and endocrine system;
  • Colbat - regulates hormonal levels;
  • B vitamins - promote normal;
  • Vitamin C - strengthens immune system, participates in the fight against viruses.

Hazelnuts, rich in vitamins and minerals, not only have a beneficial effect on the human body, but also add a delicate nutty flavor to dishes.

Beneficial features

Regular use hazelnut in food strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers the level bad cholesterol. Promotes normal heart function. Therefore, hazelnuts are good for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system, athletes.

Impact on the male body

Men are advised to add hazelnuts to their daily ration nutrition. The product has a beneficial effect on reproductive function male body. Increases the number of sperm produced, making them more active.

Also used as aid in the treatment of prostatitis.

Impact on women's health

One of the main features of bush fruits is the slowing down of the aging process. Maintains the beauty of skin and hair. The skin becomes youthful and elastic, the hair becomes silky and elastic, hair loss and fragility are reduced.

Eating unroasted nuts helps normalize metabolism and promote rapid weight loss.

During pregnancy and lactation

There are no contraindications for eating hazelnuts during pregnancy. It is worth remembering that a high-calorie product must be added to the diet in limited quantities, especially in the second and third trimesters.

Availability folic acid has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and the formation of the main internal organs of the child. During pregnancy planning, doctors recommend eating a handful of hazelnuts daily.

Thanks to nutritional composition, contributes to the correct and timely development of the baby on early stages pregnancy.

During breastfeeding Hazel helps milk production and improves lactation. Transfers beneficial microelements and vitamins to mother's milk.

It is worth remembering that nuts are foods that should be eaten with caution and monitor the reaction of the child’s body.

Use in cooking

Hazelnuts have a sweet taste and delicate texture and are used to prepare various dishes.

Cooks preparing hazelnuts different ways: fried, ground into flour, made into butter and nutritious milk, candied, salted.

When crushed, they are added to sauces, soups, and seasonings for meat dishes. Making many desserts and baked goods is not complete without adding hazel. Nutella with hazelnuts is prepared at home. Homemade pasta has a bright taste and healthy composition.

In Austria, a mandatory ingredient for traditional cakes is hazelnuts ground into flour.

Present in recipes for churchkhela, Tuscan cantuccini cookies, honey Spanish turron, Italian panforte pie.

For a variety of taste impressions, they are added to traditional dishes: chak-chak, gingerbread, biscotti, muffins, Turkish delight. At home allows you to create original dishes and experiment with recipes.

In folk medicine

Due to its beneficial properties, hazel is used in folk medicine. Natural healer It has wide range actions.

  • To treat bronchitis and remove phlegm, the crushed unfried product is mixed with milk. Drink half a glass 3 times a day warm;
  • By mixing hazel with honey, they get a cure for anemia, anemia, varicose veins veins Use the resulting mixture daily on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon;
  • For bloating, flatulence and intestinal colic use a decoction (a combination of nuts and shells works more effectively). Grind the product a little, pre-soak for 30 minutes - 1 hour, then boil. The resulting decoction is filtered and consumed half a glass 3 times a day before meals;
  • Healing properties Hazelnut oil is different. The oil has an enveloping effect, shown in complex therapy gastritis, stomach ulcers, enterocolitis.

IN home cosmetology Hazel oil is used to improve hair quality. It is rubbed into the scalp and added to masks. By adding a few drops of oil to the cream, the skin becomes soft and velvety. Use a decoction of bark and nut shells to wash problem skin.

Daily norm

Hazelnuts are good for children's bodies; you should monitor the amount of nuts you eat. Daily norm for children over 3 years old, it is 5-7 pieces.

Just 30 g of hazelnuts can replace a small snack, and 60 g can replace a full meal. But overeating can cause headaches and high blood pressure.

Contraindications and possible harm

The use of hazelnuts should be avoided if there is an individual intolerance and allergic reactions. Common allergy symptoms include redness and itching of the skin around the mouth and swelling of the tongue and larynx.

In large quantities it can cause constipation, migraines, and blood thickening. People with severe liver disease and uncompensated diabetes mellitus should take hazelnuts with caution.

How to choose and store correctly

Signs of quality hazel:

  • A ripe nut is heavier than its unripe counterparts;
  • When you tap or pour in a handful, you hear the distinct sound of the shell clinking;
  • The shell shows no signs of damage;
  • There are no visible traces of mold or odor;
  • There are no traces of insects;
  • Nuts are the same size and shape.

Stores sell shelled hazelnuts. Quality product It is distinguished by its uniform color, pleasant nutty aroma and lack of bitterness in taste.

Peeled hazelnuts are stored in glass or ceramic containers, completely sealed. This method is suitable for short-term storage (3 months).

Hazel in the shell is stored much longer. It is necessary to ensure low temperature air.

At a temperature of 3-10 degrees, the shelf life is one year, and at 0-3 degrees - 4 years.

It is worth paying attention to the air humidity in the place where nuts are stored. The room should be dry. The optimal humidity range is 10-14%. At high rates there is a risk of mold and harmful fungi.

Inshell nuts are stored in a cotton bag or thick paper bag for cross ventilation. Storing in plastic bags leads to spoilage and rancidity.

Every person who cares about their health tries to make their diet only from healthy and nutritious foods.

Nuts are also considered as such: they supply the body with many important substances, but it is very important to know how much you can eat per day, because... they are quite high in calories.

How many nuts can you eat per day: are there standards ^

You can find a wide variety of types of nuts on store shelves, but the most common are the following:

  • Peanuts: contain antioxidants, vitamins B and E, poly unsaturated acids. One of the important properties is increasing blood clotting;
  • Brazil nuts: 50% fat. They also contain vitamins A and B and microelements. Recommended for reducing the level of bad cholesterol and glucose, as well as for diseases of the nervous system;
  • Walnuts: Rich fatty acids, vitamins A, B, E and C, microelements. Help with anemia and hypertension, strengthen the immune system;

  • Hazelnuts: One of the highest calorie nuts, it's best to eat them separately at snack times. They are saturated with fatty acids and vitamins B, C and E. They help to recover faster after operations and serious illnesses, fight anemia, cleanse the liver and reduce the likelihood of varicose veins;
  • Pine nuts: rich in easily digestible fats, proteins and amino acids. Useful for pregnant women, teenagers and children;
  • Cashews: low in fat and high content fiber compared to other types. They contain vitamins B, E and P, as well as microelements and amino acids, which help maintain youth and improve the condition of hair and nails. Suitable for use when losing weight;
  • Pecans: Made up of mostly plant proteins, they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and skin, helps stop the growth of cancer cells;
  • Pistachios: the composition contains unsaturated acids, vitamins A, B, E and P, proteins, starch and carbohydrates. Useful for chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Macadamia: one of the most useful and expensive varieties. Effective in the treatment of headaches, vascular diseases, high cholesterol.

Pecans and walnuts: the difference

Many people confuse walnuts and pecans because... outwardly they are very similar: they have the same shape, reminiscent of the structure of the brain.

  • This is the only thing they have in common; they taste completely different.
  • Pecan is much more tender and sweeter, it lacks bitterness, moreover, it has a different composition and is stored longer.

How many nuts do you need for health?

How many nuts to eat per day

It's no secret that to lose weight you need to use not strict diets, but... balanced diet, whose diet must include nuts. Many people do not eat them because of their high calorie content, which can reach 800-900 Kcal per 100, but if you follow the measure, weight will not increase.

The greatest importance is how many grams of nuts are consumed per day: 30 g (approximately 200 Kcal) is considered the norm. In quantitative terms, it looks something like this:

  • 20 pcs. almonds;
  • 18 pcs. cashew nuts;
  • 150 pcs. pine nuts;
  • 18 pcs. pecan;
  • 40 pcs. peeled pistachios;
  • 8 pcs. Brazil nuts;
  • 10 pieces. walnuts.

Thus, you can eat any nuts on a diet, the main thing is not to overuse them, because... they must fit into the total calorie intake for the day.

Do I need to soak nuts before eating?

It is recommended to soak nuts to improve absorption. The fact is that they are, as it were, “preserved” by nature (this happens when the nut is separated from the source of moisture, i.e. from the tree). The nut is “waiting for spring” when moisture appears for germination; for this, it contains enzyme inhibitors that impart bitterness and complicate the nut’s absorption by the body. There are two ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors: cooking the nut as part of some food or soaking it in water.

Bay drinking water before complete immersion, you need to leave them for several hours (from 2 to 12) at room temperature and then rinse well. Soaking activates the “dormant potential” of nuts, revitalizes them and neutralizes harmful inhibitors.

Nut soaking time

The main part of the inhibitors is contained in the skin, so you need to peel the nuts before soaking. Please note that peanuts are often contaminated with toxic mold, so be sure to carefully inspect and discard contaminated fruit.

Soaking is especially recommended for purchased nuts, which are processed before sale for better storage. It is best to buy unshelled nuts and peel them yourself. Note that only fresh, not roasted nuts are subject to “reanimation”.

Nuts while breastfeeding

Every nursing mother should also include in her daily diet nuts, because they are rich in amino acids, proteins and other useful elements, which have a positive effect on the quality of milk and the child’s body.

  • However, other rules apply here: you should not consume more than 15 g of nuts per day, even if they do not cause negative reactions.

Nuts for children

It is very important for a growing child, as well as a nursing woman, to enrich their diet with nuts, but it is not recommended to give this product to children under the age of 3 years.

  • A full introduction of nuts into the diet is possible only after reaching 5 years of age; before that, they should be fed only in small portions of 1-2 pieces. in a few days.
  • If the baby is healthy and not obese, after 5 years he can be given up to 30 g of nuts per week.

Special benefits of nuts for men

Separately, it is worth highlighting the beneficial properties of nuts for men: they restore male reproductive functions, and generally have a beneficial effect on reproductive system. What types should you pay attention to for potency:

  • Walnuts: improve sperm quality;
  • Brazilian: increases testosterone;
  • Cashews: stimulate the production of male sex hormones and fertility;
  • Almonds: improves sexual functions;
  • Pecan: helps fight prostate diseases.

Is it possible to eat nuts at night?

The best time to eat nuts is the first half of the day.

  • It is not recommended to eat them at night, because... most of Food eaten before bed will be stored as fat, and after a while you may notice weight gain.
  • It is advisable to eat nuts between meals, instead of snacks.

It is important to choose the right nuts so that they do not harm, but benefit the body.

  • The best nuts are in the shell. Before buying, you need to shake them: if you can clearly hear rattling and knocking under the shell, it means they have been lying around for a long time and have had time to dry. Such a product is already stale - you don’t need it.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the shell - it must be intact, without cracks, chips or holes.
  • If you want to buy shelled nuts, it is better to choose them in individual packaging, rather than from a tray where they lie in bulk. Give preference to whole fruits rather than crushed and split into halves. The more the nuts are crushed, the faster they go rancid.
  • The color should be uniform. If any yellow spots, then they are already spoiled.

  • You should absolutely not buy nuts with dark spots, rancid taste or traces of mold. In the process of molding in such useful fruits are formed toxic substances— aflatoxins, which cause a severe allergic reaction, harm the liver and can lead to serious poisoning. No amount of manipulation (neither soaking, nor heat treatment, nor salting out) will help you get rid of aflatoxins. Moldy fruits must be disposed of.
  • Ask the seller for a few pieces of nuts to try (it’s usually free at the market) - the taste should be fresh, without foreign impurities or smell. If even one fruit seems rancid, you should not take the whole batch.
  • Nuts ripen in late summer - autumn. For example, hazelnuts - in August, walnuts - depending on the variety in September or October, almonds - in July-August, pistachios - from September to November. Therefore, you should understand that in the first half of the year (winter-summer) you are unlikely to be able to find fresh nuts.

How to properly store nuts

After purchasing a quality useful product It should be remembered that due to the presence of a large amount of oils in nuts, they have a short shelf life, so it is recommended to pack them in an airtight container, preferably glass, and put them in the refrigerator.

It often happens that when we eat nuts, we come across one that is rancid or, even worse, tastes moldy - under no circumstances should we eat it. A rancid nut is already spoiled, and a moldy-tasting nut is hazardous to health.

Moreover, all the nuts in the region are already infected with mold spores. total mass, so you will have to part with them and throw away everything that was stored in the container. You should not eat moldy or spoiled nuts if you care about your health and the health of your loved ones.

Storing nuts in the refrigerator will also protect you from another scourge - food moths. Often, when buying groceries (cereals, nuts, dried fruits), we get a not-at-all nice pet. Please note that the risk of bringing moth larvae into your home increases if you buy nuts in bulk at a store or market. If moths do appear in the nuts, they should be thrown away.

Nutritionists have varying opinions about nuts in the diet. The thing is that nuts, on the one hand, you put it useful minerals and vitamin. On the other hand, they are very high in calories. Take a clear position on a topic "Nuts and Diet"- It's hard enough. Let's try to figure out whether this food is dietary or dietary.

  • It's easy to get enough of nuts. By themselves, they are very high in calories. Therefore, by eating them during a diet, you can easily get rid of the feeling of hunger. But even this is not the main thing. The main feature is that saturation lasts quite a long time. After eating a few nuts, the feeling of fullness can last for many hours. You can eat 10-20 pieces a day;
  • Vegetable protein. Most nuts are fairly high in protein. Of course, we are not talking about an alternative to meat, but still, 10-15% protein content is a fairly significant figure. It is especially worth noting that vegetable protein processed by the body much faster and absorbed much better;
  • Lots of vitamins and minerals. All nuts are rich in vitamins. But that's not theirs main feature. The most important thing is the presence of a huge amount of minerals. Every day a person needs milligrams of various metals. This seems like a small amount, but people are constantly running short of them. Especially when on restrictive diets. Nuts contain the required amount of potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, iron, zinc, etc. All these substances help the body in various processes: from the work of the nervous system to the processes of the brain;
  • Affect beauty and health. This point follows from the previous one. The presence of huge quantities of various metals contained in nuts helps keep the skin toned and improves its appearance. The amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases, and the blood vessels become much more elastic. This helps minimize the risk of atherosclerosis.

Negative properties of nuts

  • Poorly digested. If you eat a lot of nuts at once, you will lose the feeling of lightness. The fact is that they are quite poorly digested. The main reason is due to the fact that nuts contain great amount various fats. People with problems gastrointestinal tract The digestion process can be quite difficult. In order for them to be better digested, they can be fried. True, another difficulty arises - during frying, some of the beneficial fatty acids die;
  • Peanuts cause allergies. This is true. Quite often, peanuts cause allergic reactions. Therefore, when going on a diet, you need to be careful. Don't start eating a lot of peanuts right away. By the way, peanuts are not a nut, but a legume. Along with peas, beans and others;
  • There are contraindications. Let’s say that almonds are contraindicated for tachycardia, and hazelnuts for diabetes. If you have any illness, it is best to consult your doctor about the nuts you can and cannot eat.

Calorie content of nuts table

Peanut26,3 45,2 9,9 551
Brazilian nut14,3 66,4 4,8 656
Walnut15,2 65,2 7,0 654
Pine nut11,6 61,0 19,7 673
Cashew25,7 54,1 13,2 643
Coconut3,9 36,5 4,8 364
Macadamia7,9 75,7 5,2 718
Manchurian walnut28,6 61,0 7,7 643
Almond18,6 53,7 13,0 609
Pecan9,2 72,0 4,3 691
Pistachios20,0 50,0 7,0 556
Hazelnut15,0 61,2 9,4 651

When counting calories, it is not necessary to bother yourself with strict calculations. All these figures are very arbitrary. You can eat a handful of nuts in the morning and evening, and the amount of calories absorbed will be different.

How many nuts can you eat daily?

There is one fairly well-known experiment. We took two groups of 10 people. For three months, one group regularly ate nuts, while the other completely excluded them from their menu. After the end of the experiment, the doctors measured various indicators surveyed.

It turned out that the group that was on the nut diet had significant improvements in heart function and cleanliness. blood vessels. I even lost weight. But what surprised scientists most was that the level of the hormone serotonin sharply increased in the blood. Serotonin is one of the “happiness” hormones.

The overall result showed that nut consumption was a positive factor. But how much should you eat?
In dietetics it is believed that you can eat no more than 30 grams per day.

How many pieces are 30 grams of nuts?

To find out how many nuts make up 30 grams, you don’t need to constantly carry scales, a pencil and a calculator. Below is a table from which you can find out how many pieces you can eat to get about 30 grams required by the diet.

For example, according to the table, you can safely eat up to 15 walnuts a day. And it won't have a bad effect on your diet. If you eat several types of nuts, then the norms are different. For example, you bought hazelnuts and cashews. You want to eat them about equally. To do this, take the numbers from the table and divide them in half. Here's what you can eat:

  • hazelnuts - 12 pcs/2 = 6 pcs;
  • cashews - 18 pcs / 2 = 9 pcs

Is it possible to eat nuts in the evening while on a diet?

Regular dieters know how important each factor can be: the number of calories in a product, portion size, frequency of snacks, distribution of calories throughout the day, meal times, and so on. Therefore, one cannot help but be interested in the question, is it possible to eat nuts in the evening?

Most diets prohibit eating a few hours before bedtime. The fact is that the body is designed in such a way that when we sleep, it devotes all its strength to recovering from accumulated fatigue, to restoring the nervous system and muscles. And pays less attention to digesting food. He deals with food simply - he tries to put as much as possible into the “fat depot.” Therefore, a hearty dinner before bed is not a good idea.

But if we talk about nuts, they can be considered an exception - if we decide to adhere to the principle of “no more than 30 grams per day.” If you eat them in their pure form, without eating carbohydrates along the way, then these 30 grams will have virtually no effect on possible obesity.

The fact is that main reason Obesity is an increase in blood sugar. Its excess is sent by the hormone insulin to fats. But nuts are a product that raises sugar levels minimally. You need to eat an incredible amount to get fat.

Therefore, the answer to the question is as follows: when on a diet, eat nuts in the evening - Can, if you adhere to the “30 grams” rule.

Benefits of different types of nuts

Each type of nut contains different amounts of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the effect on the body is also different.


Despite the fact that peanuts are, by and large, a legume, we all know them as nuts. Therefore, a few words about him. Peanuts are a powerful antioxidant. That is, saying in simple words, it fights cell aging. However, you need to keep in mind that you need to eat it raw. Since it is lost during heat treatment the most important properties. The maximum that can be allowed is to keep the peanuts in the oven for a few minutes.

Brazilian nut

Its main function is to cleanse the body of toxins. A cleansed body digests food much better, therefore significantly less is stored in fats. That is, if you eat it on a diet regularly, your body will begin to lose weight. Not to mention the second function of Brazil nuts - strengthening the immune system. This is especially important for athletes whose immunity is at risk after each grueling workout.


Almonds are known primarily for their cosmetic properties. Therefore, it is especially important for women to eat it. Just 20 grams of almonds per day help the body fight cell aging, improve skin, make hair shinier, thicker and softer. The reason lies in the presence of a large amount of vitamin E in the nut, which is often called the “vitamin of youth”.


Walnuts are probably one of the easiest nuts to eat while on a diet. They can often be collected from a tree nearby. It contains various elements that help the body recover. And how after physical activity, and after mental. And also in walnuts a large number of fiber. Fiber is necessary for the body to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.


Whatever the diet, it is always associated with restrictions. It is quite difficult for any organism to adapt, etc. You need to give up habits that have been instilled for years. In order not to change, the body releases stress hormones into the blood. Therefore, any diet always causes discomfort. Pistachios help with this. The fact is that they are, in fact, natural antidepressants.

The best nuts for your diet

As you know, there are a huge number of nuts. In general, they are all healthy if eaten in moderation. But each type has its own specific characteristics.

  • Almond.
    It is good because it contains a large amount of fiber and protein. This makes it easy for them to get enough and not feel hungry for a long time. Consequently, there will be no reason to overeat;
  • Walnuts.
    Just like almonds, they are rich in fiber and protein. Which allows you to eat much less often. Their additional feature is that they do a good job of fighting “bad” cholesterol. Cleanses blood vessels;
  • Cashew.
    The good thing is that they contain substances that help you lose weight faster;
  • Pistachios.
    Pistachios and peanuts are the lowest in calories. Although, of course, the number of calories in them remains high;
  • Peanut.
    In addition to its relatively low calorie content, it became known after certain experiments. It turned out that peanuts increase metabolism in the body. That is, all substances are burned a little faster. Overall, by 11%;
  • Pine nuts.
    Pine nut oil is known to help suppress appetite. Helps cope with the feeling of hunger when during a diet you need to eat less often than usual.