Pokes his ear. What to do if a child puts a foreign object (a cotton swab, a bead, etc.) in his ear?

Injury to the ears rightfully occupies one of the first places in terms of frequency of occurrence in adults and children. This damage, at first glance, does not pose any danger to humans. However, in case of untimely provision medical care, a person may be in danger death or disability.

The peculiarity of ear injuries lies in their huge variety. Yes, treatment mechanical damage ear injury is fundamentally different from injury caused by thermal injury.

A person can completely cope with some types of injuries on his own, but many of them are completely undesirable to be left without examination and the attention of a doctor.

Ear injury classification ICD 10

Ear injury means any damage to parts of the auricle - be it a superficial wound, injury to the middle or inner ear. The last type of damage is considered the most dangerous to human life.

Ear injuries, fractures and burns, according to statistics, are the most common. Every day a person faces situations that one way or another can lead to damage.

Children injure their ears no less often than adults. This frequency is due to the fact that children are more active and more often find themselves in unforeseen situations, which provokes the occurrence of damage - active games, sports, conflicts with peers.


There are different types of ear injuries great amount. Selected for each type of injury own treatment, which has its own specific features and requirements.

Thus, thanks to the extensive classification of ear injuries, doctors are able to quickly determine the type of injury and prescribe effective treatment.

Each type of injury is dangerous for a person in its own way. Sometimes, the victim can get away with minor damage to the auricle, which will quickly return to normal. Some types of injuries may result in disability and loss of coordination.

External ear injury

Symptoms of an external ear injury include:

  • the appearance of redness;
  • blood or bruising;
  • swelling of the bruised area;
  • pain when touched;
  • pulsation in the area of ​​damage.

Middle ear injury

Injuries to the middle ear can be called one of the most common in Everyday life person.

In many cases, children and adults involuntarily suffer this type of injury. The causes of middle ear injury are as follows:

  • swipe;
  • carelessness when kissing the ear.

Despite the harmlessness of many of the causes, they can actually cause significant damage to the eardrum. So, sudden change pressure can easily lead to fracture and dislocation of the auditory ossicles. Articulation rupture and stapes displacement may also occur.

In most cases, such damage leads to inflammation, which makes surgical treatment somewhat difficult. Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms of a middle ear injury, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Infection of the middle ear almost always leads to the occurrence. Late assistance provided provokes the development of or.

Symptoms indicating the presence of a middle ear injury include:

  • or hearing loss;
  • bleeding from the ear;
  • sharp pain inside the ear canal.

These signs indicate a break in the chain of auditory ossicles. If you discover such an injury in a child, you should not rush to the pediatrician. The only help he can provide is the initial treatment of the ear with the application of a sterile bandage. Help in in this case An otolaryngologist can.

Watch the video in which experts explain how to remove a foreign body from the ear:

Ear tissue usually regenerates and recovers fairly quickly. Therefore, if correct and timely assistance is provided, the victim does not experience complications and hearing returns on its own.

For minor injuries, it may be necessary to repeatedly treat the auricle with an antiseptic and wear sterile swabs inside the ear. This will help protect your ear from infection during treatment.

If the eardrum does not heal within two months or a feeling of stuffiness remains, this indicates the progress of the inflammatory process.

In such cases, the victim is prescribed a short course of antibiotics and the ear is treated with cauterizing solutions. In some cases, laser treatment may be necessary. If the auditory ossicles are damaged, only surgical treatment is prescribed.

Inner ear injuries

Inner ear injury is enough complex damage. As a result of injury (puncture, bullet, shrapnel wound), the structures of the labyrinth may be damaged.

The photo shows where it is located inner ear

With such injuries, a person may develop acute or chronic form traumatic. The symptoms of this syndrome are as follows:

    Chronic type acoustic trauma occurs with prolonged and constant exposure to sound to the inner ear. Most often, the chronic form occurs in those who work in production.

    Those ear injuries that concern the labyrinth require careful diagnosis. It includes the following procedures:

    • Initial examination;
    • Radiography;
    • Studies of the vestibular analyzer;
    • Examination of auditory function.

    Treatment of internal trauma requires effort not only from the doctor, but also from the injured person. Besides primary processing wound and ear cleaning, drainage of the ear canal is carried out, followed by application of a sterile bandage.

    After assistance is provided, the patient must personally monitor his condition so as not to provoke deterioration.

    If the damage was not too severe, then the prognosis is positive. Within a few days or weeks, the patient may be prescribed an otosurgical operation. It involves removing possible foreign bodies inside the ear and restoring the integrity of the auricle.

    In case of severe injuries, the victim is prescribed individual treatment. It involves therapeutic measures on prevention and neurological disorders. This includes therapy with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the presence of severe pain Gentle painkillers may be prescribed.

    What happens if there is a breakup? eardrum, watch our video:

    As the symptoms weaken, the doctor prescribes surgery and also restores the aesthetically acceptable appearance of the auricle.

If a child pokes a cotton swab into the ear, there is a possibility that the eardrum may be damaged. Sharp crying is a cause for alarm. Carefully examine the outer part of the ear, and without panic, determine the sequence of actions. You must provide assistance without calling panic fear to medical workers. If you find blood, call a doctor immediately. Timely qualified assistance will prevent infection and development of otitis media. Do not try to disinfect the ear yourself or examine it inner part; without special tools, qualified knowledge makes it impossible to draw informed conclusions about the extent of damage.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes individual treatment. Do not experiment: treatment of a damaged membrane is carried out according to the prescribed scheme medical worker. Scratching the walls of the ear is also accompanied by bleeding. The doctor will teach you how to properly treat the damaged area.

It is important to keep water out of the ear until it heals. For protection, it is better to use cotton swabs. Limit your child's stay in crowded places. Monitor your temperature for 10 days. Depending on the specific characteristics of the body, the healing of the membrane lasts from 7 to 10 days without negative consequences subject to timely intervention by doctors.

It is important to monitor the condition of the ear after healing. Ideally, you should visit your doctor again a month after the incident. Dried blood can turn into a plug, which in most cases causes inflammation. The ENT specialist will quickly and painlessly remove the plug and relieve the child of discomfort.

Pediatricians recommend refraining from treating ears with cotton swabs and not performing hygiene procedures in the presence of children. Better practice using special means for ear hygiene, eliminating mechanical damage.

If the child calms down quickly and there is no blood on the stick, it is not necessary to call a doctor. It is enough to observe the baby’s behavior during the day. Similar situation- a reason for conversation with the child, isolation of hygiene items. Each case is individual, do not make hasty conclusions.

Please note: consultation is provided for informational purposes only, based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

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©. BezOtita - everything about otitis media and other ear diseases.

All information on the site is for informational purposes only. Before any treatment, you must consult your doctor.

The Site may contain content that is not intended for persons under 16 years of age.

The child put a match in his ear

A 3 year old child put it in his ear cotton swab, after which he began to scream very loudly. The next day, I noticed blood in that ear. The ENT doctor said that the eardrum was in place and prescribed treatment: rinsing with furatsilin and a drop of sofradex. But if there is damage, Sofradex cannot be dripped. And another doctor said to take 3 drops of dioxidin. 3 rubles each, according to the instructions it is used only for health reasons. I'm at a loss

Question: what drug can be used without such strong side effects in our situation? Can the eardrum be intact if there is bleeding?

Maybe I'm addressing the wrong address, please excuse me. On the Internet, I can’t find anything about appointments in such a situation, but time is ticking.

It is most important. The ENT would have noticed if this were not the case. I wouldn't do anything. I would just wait. If the membrane bursts during purulent otitis, this is also nothing to worry about, it heals.

Maybe we will manage without complications, I really hope so.

Damage to the eardrum

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What to do if a child puts a stick in his ear?

If your child stuck a stick in his ear, and you don’t know what to do, where to run, who to call for help?

Children learn everything with their hands and sensations. They are interested in everything. And how they love to imitate the actions of adults! And, of course, it is not surprising when the baby wants to show his mother that he is independent and can clean his own ear. It doesn’t matter what it is, be it a twig, a match, an ear stick or another sharp object. Just one sudden movement of the baby’s hand can be serious violations.

How can I find out about the problem?

WITH similar problems Usually all families who raise Small child. All mothers and fathers tell their children about the dangers of such actions, but what should those who find themselves in a situation where everything turns out to be much worse than harmless imitation of parents in caring for personal hygiene and hygiene of the baby do?

If your child puts a stick in his ear and smiles at you, you should explain to him that this is dangerous, but not a cause for concern. But if the child cries, then pay attention to it. baby crying(especially if the child cannot yet express his thoughts) - this is the baby’s way of informing his family about the problem. A loud, sharp cry indicates that he experienced unexpected pain, which means that the wand could harm him. In the case of long, continuous crying, we can safely say that the child’s pain does not subside and that it is necessary to resort to measures of help. You can start self-medication, but in any situation it is advisable to consult an ENT doctor. After reading further, you will understand why a visit to the doctor is necessary for you.

Consequences and help for the child

As one of the consequences similar actions The eardrum may rupture, usually accompanied by a small amount of blood. If a child pokes some sharp object into the ear, this will not necessarily lead to a rupture, but the integrity of the membrane may be damaged, for example, the formation of a crack. IN mandatory it is necessary to use special ear drops to prevent infection. If an infection occurs, a child's ear can quickly develop ear disease– otitis media To avoid this kind of Doctors usually attribute complications to augmentin.

If the eardrum is nevertheless pierced, until complete healing you must protect the child from any impact external environment. Water getting into the ear is especially dangerous. If you are bathing a child, be sure to make sure that the ear is covered with a cotton swab, which must first be moistened with baby oil.

If blood appears, you can also talk about a scratch in the ear canal or the side walls of the ear. If there is bleeding, you need to monitor the condition of the ear, since dried blood can form a deep plug, which can then lead to serious inflammation of the ear. In such cases, constant rinsing is necessary.

It is necessary to monitor the status of temperature fluctuations. If the body temperature begins to rise, it is necessary to take antibiotics. As a result of an increase in temperature, febrile convulsions may begin.

According to statistics medical practice, healing of the membrane usually takes about a week. After healing, a slightly noticeable scar remains on the membrane.

Of course, it is impossible to keep track of a child if he has already planned something. But, be as vigilant as possible and try to remove small and thin objects that could harm him from the baby’s field of vision.

Comments: 4

Oh my God, what a horror. I repeat once again, mothers, read more articles like this. Not everyone, of course, faces such problems, and God forbid that no one does. but still, even I didn’t know what to do in such situations, but now I know. and this is good. After all, the main thing in such situations is to remain calm and provide help to the child in time.

thanks for the informative article. A couple of times I caught my son cleaning his ears with cotton swabs on his own (and this despite the fact that such things, of course, are put away as far away as possible). Thank God I caught it on time. but in the future I will take into account all the nuances described in the article

We are at exactly the same age. It would be nice if they also wrote how to properly wean a child from shoving objects in his ears, because at one and a half years old a child does not really understand what is right and what is wrong.

No matter how you watch these fidgets, no matter how you protect them, something will still happen. And if you put something in your ear or nose, then you need to run to the doctor as soon as possible!

He put a match in his ear

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The child stuck it in his ear. Help

After the bath, I was cleaning the child’s ears, he took a cotton swab himself and began to put it in his ear, this is a normal practice, I never take it away, because he doesn’t bother me too much... and my husband told me, damn it, don’t give it... I turned away, and he obviously stuck it in his ear , he began to cry sharply, so much so that his breath was taken away from him and he could not breathe, but he quickly calmed down, he took him in his arms, two sobs and everything was as usual, he dressed him and put him to bed, there was nothing on the cotton swab, well, maybe just a tiny bit of sulfur. Could he have hurt himself there? Should I go to the doctor? Or if he had hurt him, he wouldn’t have calmed down so quickly?

When he fell asleep, he was lying on his side, on the other ear, and the victim was on top, I quietly whispered into him, he could hear it, because he was answering questions.

Now I’m worried, my husband says that he probably couldn’t, but I don’t know what to think, what do you think?

I could of course... go to the ENT tomorrow

And in general, picking your ears with a stick is harmful.

Just in case, I would run to an ENT specialist to calm myself down and prevent “what if something happens.”

what could he do? damage the membrane? It seems to me that if I had damaged something, I would have cried further and not calmed down right away, no?

but I’m such a re-insurer - I’d run away just in case) you never know if I suddenly “hit” my membrane.

I think everything is fine with the ear, but you can visit the ENT specialist.

Sorry, off topic, but the phrase about a child who is 1.5 years old, that you whispered questions in his ear while he was sleeping, and he answered, made me smile a little.

But it’s better to go to the ENT tomorrow, let him take a look. Although most likely he was scared, it’s not a pleasant feeling when you stick your wand further away.

Whether he hurt himself there or not, only a doctor can say for sure!

I would take him to the doctor to double check!

yes everything should be fine

but be careful with chopsticks))

I think everything is fine, but I would check with a doctor just in case

I had a bloody issue. Everything was fine, thank God it turned out

Did you pour peroxide right into your ear? or on the disk and then in the ear?

In the morning there is blood clotted on his ear, a little bit, but it’s there (((I made an appointment with an ENT specialist, I’ll go now after eating

I think it's okay. but it is worth watching the child’s behavior. If you are really panicking, then you can go to the ENT specialist, rather, to calm yourself down.

and it’s better not to use chopsticks in principle. I read somewhere that even adults should not climb inside the ear. those. We wash only what is in the ear, no further. if you climb inside the ear, there is a risk of otitis media. although I’m only so smart in theory))) I clean myself, I don’t get inside my child.

I think if I had damaged something I wouldn’t have calmed down so quickly and something would probably have come out of my ear, but for your peace of mind, see an ENT specialist

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Urgently! Tell me who had this situation. - The child poked a cotton swab into his ear.

Moms who have had this happen: the child poked it hard in the ear with a cotton swab, I pulled it out. He cried a lot, there was no blood, but after a few minutes a little flowed out, he fell asleep almost immediately, and is now sleeping on his sore ear (he didn’t let him touch it). My husband and I don’t know what to do, it’s clear that we’ll go to the ENT specialist in the morning, but now. I can call an ambulance, but how can they help us? Anyone can help!

How much is this? On the pillow when you were already asleep? In what situation did it leak out - lying on this ear? And what color was the blood - bright or rather dark?

call an ambulance and don’t wait until the morning.

Anyone can help!

we can't help you.

an ENT examination is needed. IMHO there is no point in waiting until the morning.

if blood comes out, then it’s not a joke, maybe he just scratched, and what if he hit his eardrum

I'm a reinsurer, better once again I’ll call the doctors. Good health to you and the baby!

The ruptures heal, of course, but they threaten with chronic otitis media.

And problems with hearing 🙁 Now I’ll say a seditious thing: if the child sleeps peacefully, there is no pace, then I would not go anywhere until the morning. But in the morning I would definitely show Laura!

If the child sleeps peacefully, there is no pace, then I would not go anywhere until the morning. But in the morning I would definitely show Laura!

Actually, the worst has already happened, except for an examination, there’s nothing you can do anyway, don’t go into your ear, preferably a sterile bandage and go to the hospital, they will write out the treatment

so that everything is in order!

well, yes, %) he’ll probably write back tomorrow

ENT found barotrauma, traumatic otitis media. treatment for almost one and a half thousand and an audiogram.

Now everything is fine.

I cried and went to bed.. Nothing came out of my ear.

In the morning I went to the ENT specialist - a ruptured membrane... They treated it with drops and ointments for 2 weeks. Then only for prevention... Everything is fine

We had something similar. My daughter got it in the ear.

oh:=-O: it’s good that there are no consequences.

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Foreign body in a child’s ear: what to do at home

Children's curiosity and desire to explore the world are very developed. The actions of the little ones to carry them out are sometimes not harmless and are fraught with serious consequences. One of these situations is getting foreign body in the child's ear.

A foreign body is a foreign object that gets into the ear. True, it does not always end up in the ear due to the fault of the baby himself, who is studying his body, but gets, for example, from the water when swimming in a pond.

A foreign body in a child's ear is quite common.

The most common things that get into a baby’s ear are:

Classification of foreign bodies in the ear

According to the mechanism of entry into the ear, foreign bodies are distinguished:

  • exogenous (came from outside);
  • endogenous (formed in the ear itself): lipoma, cerumen plug.

By nature, foreign bodies are:

  • non-living: all kinds small items(beads, buttons, pieces of cotton wool, toy parts, etc.);
  • live: insects that have flown or crawled into the ear from the air or water.

According to the method of placement in the ear, foreign bodies are distinguished:

  • freely moving and removable without much difficulty;
  • fixed, i.e. stuck in the ear canal.

Clinical signs of a foreign body in the ear

Foreign bodies can get stuck in the ear canal, or they can penetrate deeply, damaging the eardrum, or enter the middle ear or even the inner ear. Symptoms of a foreign object in the ear are specific: decreased hearing acuity, pain, dizziness, vomiting and even convulsions in a child.

Clinical manifestations depend on the type of foreign body. For example, insects, crawling and irritating the eardrum, cause very discomfort, discomfort and pain. The child will worry and try to put his finger in his ear. In this case, the foreign body can be pushed even deeper.

Broken pencils or sharp parts can damage a toy or construction set. skin inside the ear canal, which will also cause pain and bleeding from the ear.

But in other situations - when particles of food, small beads, peas and other bodies enter - no manifestations may occur for some time. If the fact of hitting foreign object in the child’s ear went unnoticed by the parents, then symptoms will appear already at the stage of the complication.

Why are foreign bodies in the ear dangerous?

Any, even the smallest, foreign bodies must be removed from the ear as quickly as possible, since over time they cause an inflammatory process, i.e. otitis media. Foreign bodies of significant size completely block ear canal and reduce hearing acuity, disrupt natural release earwax.

When the eardrum is perforated (perforated), infection may spread to the middle ear and develop purulent otitis media. Its symptoms will be severe pain (dull, then shooting), decreased hearing, and suppuration from the ear. This is accompanied by elevated temperature, headache, child anxiety, loss of appetite. Due to tissue swelling, the ear canal narrows, creating problems for removing the object.

The foreign object causes increased secretion of sweat and oil in the ear. When a seed, corn grain, pea, or bean gets into the ear under conditions of high humidity, swelling is noted. Complete closure of the ear canal is accompanied by painful sensations, decreased hearing acuity, and the appearance of a feeling of fullness. When such organic bodies swell, their extraction becomes difficult. If the object continues to be in the ear, necrosis (death) of tissue in the ear canal may occur.

First aid for a foreign body in the ear

Parents, having seen or suspected a foreign body entering the child’s ear, need to lay the child on his side (problem ear down) - perhaps the foreign body will fall out on its own. You should not try to remove it with a match, a cotton swab or other instrument - this can push the foreign body further along the ear canal and make it difficult to remove or damage the eardrum.

Only if the object in the ear is clearly visible, part of it protrudes out of the ear canal and it is possible to grab it with tweezers or fingers, you can remove it yourself.

If an insect gets into the ear, you need to tilt the baby's head with this ear up and drip into it warm oil(vaseline, baby, olive, sunflower). This will cause the death of the insect. After 5–10 minutes, lay the child on his side (with this ear down) for 20 minutes. Place a napkin under the ear. Along with the oil, the insect will also leak out of the ear. If there is bleeding or discharge from the ear, or pain, then the oil should not be used.

In all other cases, you should immediately contact a pediatric ENT doctor. Attempts by parents to independently remove a foreign body are dangerous with unpredictable consequences. Complications from incorrectly removing a foreign object from the ear may include:

  • damage to the skin in the ear canal,
  • infection,
  • even rupture of the eardrum with subsequent problems with the quality of hearing.

How can a doctor help?

To begin with, the doctor will perform an examination using an otoscope to correctly assess the problem and the condition (integrity) of the eardrum. The doctor will try to remove the foreign object by rinsing (if the eardrum is not damaged). Warm water pour into the ear canal using a syringe, washing can be repeated several times.

When visiting a doctor in late dates There may be pronounced swelling of the tissues, a significant narrowing of the ear canal, which makes it impossible to remove the foreign object. In such cases, anti-inflammatory and decongestant therapy may be prescribed, and only then the foreign body is removed from the ear.

The doctor may use instruments (ear hook, etc.) for removal. In some cases, manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia. After the body is removed, a re-examination is carried out. If skin lesions are detected, they are treated boric acid; if inflammation is present, treatment is prescribed.

If, during the initial examination, damage to the eardrum and deep penetration of a foreign object are detected, then it is removed surgically.

The living body in the ear (insect) is first immobilized (by introducing oil or ethyl alcohol), and then washed with water or removed with an ear hook.

Some children produce sulfur in increased quantity and is deposited in the ear canal, attaching to its walls. This causes a foreign body effect - ear congestion, decreased hearing. Delete sulfur plug rinsing with water after softening it with hydrogen peroxide, which is instilled into the ear a few minutes before washing out.


You can prevent a foreign body from getting into your ear by carefully following the safety rules:

  • small items should be stored out of reach of the baby;
  • toys must be appropriate for the child’s age and not pose a danger to the baby;
  • broken toys must be thrown away promptly;
  • provide the correct hygiene care behind the baby's ears;
  • When swimming in open water, cover your ears with a special cap.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about what to do if a foreign body gets into a child’s ear.

Angelina, 29 years old: How to behave correctly if a child pokes a cotton swab in your ear? Is it necessary to seek qualified help from a doctor?

If a child pokes a cotton swab into the ear, there is a possibility that the eardrum may be damaged. Sharp crying is a cause for alarm. Carefully examine the outer part of the ear, and without panic, determine the sequence of actions. You must provide assistance without causing panic in front of medical workers. If you find blood, call a doctor immediately. Timely qualified assistance will prevent infection and the development of otitis media. Do not try to disinfect the ear yourself or inspect its inside; Without special tools and qualified knowledge, it is impossible to make informed conclusions about the extent of damage.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes individual treatment. Do not experiment: treatment of a damaged membrane is carried out according to the scheme prescribed by a medical professional. Scratching the walls of the ear is also accompanied by bleeding. The doctor will teach you how to properly treat the damaged area.

It is important to keep water out of the ear until it heals. For protection, it is better to use cotton swabs. Limit your child's stay in crowded places. Monitor your temperature for 10 days. Depending on the specific characteristics of the body, healing of the membrane lasts from 7 to 10 days without negative consequences, subject to timely intervention by doctors.

It is important to monitor the condition of the ear after healing. Ideally, you should visit your doctor again a month after the incident. Dried blood can turn into a plug, which in most cases causes inflammation. The ENT specialist will quickly and painlessly remove the plug and relieve the child of discomfort.

Pediatricians recommend refraining from treating ears with cotton swabs and not performing hygiene procedures in the presence of children. It is better to practice using special ear hygiene products that prevent mechanical damage.

If the child calms down quickly and there is no blood on the stick, it is not necessary to call a doctor. It is enough to observe the baby’s behavior during the day. A situation like this is a reason to talk with the child and isolate hygiene items. Each case is individual, do not make hasty conclusions.

Please note: consultation is provided for informational purposes only, based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.


What to do if a child puts a stick in his ear?

If your child stuck a stick in his ear, and you don’t know what to do, where to run, who to call for help?

Children learn everything with their hands and sensations. They are interested in everything. And how they love to imitate the actions of adults! And, of course, it is not surprising when the baby wants to show his mother that he is independent and can clean his own ear. It doesn’t matter what it is, be it a twig, a match, an ear stick or another sharp object. Just one sudden movement of the baby’s hand can cause serious violations.

How can I find out about the problem?

All families raising a small child usually face similar problems. All mothers and fathers tell their children about the dangers of such actions, but what should those who find themselves in a situation where everything turns out to be much worse than harmless imitation of parents in caring for personal hygiene and hygiene of the baby do?

If your child puts a stick in his ear and smiles at you, you should explain to him that this is dangerous, but not a cause for concern. But if the child cries, then pay attention to it. A child's crying (especially if the child cannot yet express his thoughts) is the baby's way of telling his family about a problem. A loud, sharp cry indicates that he experienced unexpected pain, which means that the wand could harm him. In the case of long, continuous crying, we can safely say that the child’s pain does not subside and that it is necessary to resort to measures of help. You can start self-medication, but in any situation it is advisable to consult an ENT doctor. After reading further, you will understand why a visit to the doctor is necessary for you.

Consequences and help for the child

As one of the consequences of such actions, a rupture of the eardrum is possible, which is usually accompanied by a small amount of blood. If a child pokes some sharp object into the ear, this will not necessarily lead to a rupture, but the integrity of the membrane may be damaged, for example, the formation of a crack. It is imperative to use special ear drops to prevent infection. If an infection occurs, an ear disease called otitis may quickly develop in the child’s ear. To avoid this kind of complications, doctors usually prescribe Augmentin.

If the eardrum is nevertheless pierced, until complete healing you must protect the child from any influence from the external environment. Water getting into the ear is especially dangerous. If you are bathing a child, be sure to make sure that the ear is covered with a cotton swab, which must first be moistened with baby oil.

If blood appears, you can also talk about a scratch in the ear canal or the side walls of the ear. If there is bleeding, you need to monitor the condition of the ear, since dried blood can form a deep plug, which can then lead to serious inflammation of the ear. In such cases, constant rinsing is necessary.

It is necessary to monitor the status of temperature fluctuations. If the body temperature begins to rise, it is necessary to take antibiotics. As a result of an increase in temperature, febrile convulsions may begin.

According to medical practice statistics, membrane healing usually lasts about a week. After healing, a slightly noticeable scar remains on the membrane.

Of course, it is impossible to keep track of a child if he has already planned something. But, be as vigilant as possible and try to remove small and thin objects that could harm him from the baby’s field of vision.


Eardrum injury

The causes of traumatic rupture of the eardrum are numerous. The eardrum may rupture due to air shock from the explosion. A rupture of the eardrum can occur due to the pressure of the water column when diving to depth. The risk of such damage is especially high if the membrane has areas of thinning after undergoing ear infections, A auditory tube doesn't work well. (See the article “Otitis media and the sea. How to return healthy from seaside resort»).

It is possible for the eardrum to rupture when flying on an airplane. (More details in the article “Ear pain during air travel”). Cases of rupture of the eardrum as a result of a kiss on the ear have been described.

The eardrum can be damaged by any object inserted deep enough into the ear, for example, a cotton swab. Fortunately, in most cases, incidents with cotton swabs are limited to injury to the skin of the ear canal.

Important information! The distance from the edge of the external auditory canal to the eardrum is 2.5 cm.

A blow to the ear can also cause a hole in the eardrum. open palm or hitting your ear on the surface of the water when falling. At welding work It happens that scale gets into the ear, burning through the eardrum. Sometimes injury to the eardrum can occur when medical manipulations(for example, when removing a foreign body from the ear or cerumen plug).

How does a ruptured eardrum manifest? There is pain in the ear, which subsides fairly quickly. There may be a feeling of stuffiness, “fullness” in the ear and bloody issues from the ear canal. When you try to blow your nose, air may begin to escape through the ear with a whistling sound. The appearance of dizziness is not typical for an isolated eardrum injury and may indicate that the inner ear is also damaged. Patients immediately after injury can evaluate their hearing in different ways: from normal to complete deafness.

How is diagnosis carried out? In most cases, examination of the eardrum is sufficient to make a diagnosis. To clarify the degree of hearing loss, audiometry is necessary (testing hearing using a special device - an audiometer). Other tests may be needed if the doctor suspects that the injury is not limited to the eardrum.

Important information! With small perforations in the eardrum, hearing loss may not be noticeable. It can only be detected when hardware research.

How to treat an eardrum injury? IN large quantities In some cases, the hole in the eardrum may heal on its own. The decision on the need for treatment is made by the doctor, depending on the nature of the rupture of the eardrum and the circumstances of the injury. For example, if, after clapping the ear with an open palm, a small linear rupture of the membrane has formed, the doctor may simply recommend protecting the ear from water and coming for a follow-up examination. The likelihood that the eardrum will heal on its own in such a situation is high.

It’s a different matter if the injury occurred on or under water. As a rule, in this case, water enters the tympanic cavity of the middle ear and there is a serious risk of purulent inflammation. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to combat bacterial infection middle ear.

Important information! The risk of water getting through the hole in the eardrum into the middle ear and, therefore, developing purulent inflammation is higher when washing your hair in the shower than when swimming in a pond. The fact is that if the diameter of the perforation of the eardrum is small, then surface tension forces prevent water from entering the middle ear through the perforation. Adding shampoo to water reduces surface tension; soapy water penetrates better into the middle ear through the hole in the eardrum.

If the situation requires it, the doctor may apply a patch to the perforation (hole) in the eardrum. The patch material can be very diverse: glove rubber, paper, hemostatic sponge, special silicone film. The patch is placed in the ear temporarily, it allows you to direct the growth of the edges of the ruptured eardrum in the right direction.

For persistent, long-term non-closing perforations of the tympanic membrane, surgical closure of the defect - tympanoplasty - is indicated. Tympanoplasty involves transplanting a fragment connective tissue(usually from behind the ear) onto the eardrum to close the hole in the eardrum.

The question of the healing time of perforation is discussed in the article “How long can a perforation of the eardrum heal?”

Update dated 05/10/15. Over the past month, in the discussion of the article, the question of prognosis for ear noise after traumatic perforation of the eardrum was raised three times. In this regard, I am adding to the article. The work of Hempel JM and co-authors provides the following figures: 30.8% of patients complain of tinnitus immediately after injury. For most of them the noise goes away. In the long-term period of injury, only 2% of patients complain of tinnitus.

Bleeding from the ear

Spicy otitis media

Why do my ears get stuffy when I have a cold?

How to choose ear drops? (Telephone conversation with pharmacy display case)


1. Protocol for providing medical assistance to patients with perforation of the tympanic membrane. Addendum to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 181 dated 03/24/2009. Resource access mode http://medstandart.net/browse/3073

2. Chukuezi AB, Nwosu JN. An unusual cause of acute tympanic membrane perforation: A case report / International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol 1(4) pp. 097-098, April, 2009

3. Orji FT, Agu CC. Determinants of spontaneous healing in traumatic perforations of the tympanic membrane. / Clin Otolaryngol. 2008 Oct;33(5):420-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-4486.2008.01764.x.

4. Matsuda Y Effect of tympanic membrane perforation on middle-ear sound transmission. / J Laryngol Otol Suppl. 2009 May;(31):81-9.

5.Hempel JM Traumatic tympanic membrane perforations: clinical and audiometric findings in 198 patients. Otol Neurotol. 2012 Oct;33(8):1357-62.

Angelina, 29 years old: How to behave correctly if a child pokes a cotton swab in his ear? Is it necessary to seek qualified help from a doctor?


If a child pokes a cotton swab into the ear, there is a possibility that the eardrum may be damaged. Sharp crying is a cause for alarm. Carefully examine the outer part of the ear, and without panic, determine the sequence of actions. You must provide assistance without causing panic in front of medical workers. If you find blood, call a doctor immediately. Timely qualified assistance will prevent infection and the development of otitis media. Do not try to disinfect the ear yourself or inspect its inside; Without special tools and qualified knowledge, it is impossible to make informed conclusions about the extent of damage.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes individual treatment. Do not experiment: treatment of a damaged membrane is carried out according to the scheme prescribed by a medical professional. Scratching the walls of the ear is also accompanied by bleeding. The doctor will teach you how to properly treat the damaged area.

It is important to keep water out of the ear until it heals. For protection, it is better to use cotton swabs. Limit your child's stay in crowded places. Monitor your temperature for 10 days. Depending on the specific characteristics of the body, healing of the membrane lasts from 7 to 10 days without negative consequences, subject to timely intervention by doctors.

It is important to monitor the condition of the ear after healing. Ideally, you should visit your doctor again a month after the incident. Dried blood can turn into a plug, which in most cases causes inflammation. The ENT specialist will quickly and painlessly remove the plug and relieve the child of discomfort.

Pediatricians recommend refraining from treating ears with cotton swabs and not performing hygiene procedures in the presence of children. It is better to practice using special ear hygiene products that prevent mechanical damage.

If the child calms down quickly and there is no blood on the stick, it is not necessary to call a doctor. It is enough to observe the baby’s behavior during the day. A situation like this is a reason to talk with the child and isolate hygiene items. Each case is individual, do not make hasty conclusions.

Please note: consultation is provided for informational purposes only, based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

The eardrum (lat. membrana tympani) is a formation that separates the external auditory canal (outer ear) from the cavity of the middle ear - the tympanic cavity. It has a delicate structure and is easily damaged under the influence of various types of traumatic agents. About what can cause eardrum injury, what are the clinical manifestations its damage, as well as diagnostic methods and treatment principles of this disease and will be discussed in our article.

Eardrum: structural features and functions

As mentioned above, the eardrum is the boundary between the outer and middle ear. Most of the membrane is taut - securely fixed in the groove temporal bone. The upper part of the eardrum is not fixed.

The stretched part of the membrane consists of three layers:

  • external - epidermal (continuation of the skin of the external auditory canal);
  • medium - fibrous (consists of fibrous fibers running in two directions - in a circle (circular) and from the center to the periphery (radial));
  • internal - mucous (is a continuation of the mucous membrane lining the tympanic cavity).

The main functions of the eardrum are protective and sound conduction. The protective function is that the membrane prevents foreign substances such as water, air, microorganisms, and various objects from entering the tympanic cavity. The mechanism of sound transmission is as follows: sound captured auricle, enters the external auditory canal and, reaching the eardrum, causes it to vibrate. These vibrations are then transmitted to auditory ossicles and on other structures of the hearing organ. When traumatic injuries eardrum, both of its functions are impaired to one degree or another.

What can cause eardrum injury?

Careless handling of sharp objects (especially pencils) can cause ear injury.

The integrity of the eardrum may be damaged due to mechanical damage, physical effects (barotrauma, thermal burns) and chemical ( chemical burns) factors, and also be a consequence of . Separately, it is worth mentioning damage of a military nature - firearms (fragmentation or bullet) and detonation (caused by the action of a blast wave).

When a secondary infection occurs, the prognosis depends on how timely its treatment is started and how adequately it is prescribed - sometimes it is possible to cope with inflammatory process conservative methods and almost completely restore the patient’s hearing, and sometimes even a slight restoration of hearing cannot be done without surgery or even hearing aids.