There is a painful shooting in my ear, what should I do? Shooting in the ear - what to do at home

Ear pain can occur in anyone.

This feeling feels similar to toothache, since it also causes great discomfort.

This article will discuss in detail the main causes of ear pain, and what to do when it occurs at home.

Shooting in the ear: main causes

Most often, shooting in the ear begins for the following reasons:

1. Development of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses). Recognize this state based on the following symptoms:

Runny nose and nasal congestion;

Sleep disturbance;

Burning in the nose and in the area near the eyes;

Sharp (shooting) pain in the ears;

Feeling of stuffiness in the ears;


Increased body temperature;

Loss of appetite and fast fatiguability.

Sinusitis can have both acute form, and chronic.

To treat it at home, the most effective methods are inhalation with boiling water and essential oils (inhalation of steam through a paper parcel) and rinsing the nose with soda (in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water).

If sinusitis is chronic, then it should be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs, but therapy should last no longer than three days in a row.

2. Otitis media or inflammation of the inner (or middle) ear. Most often its occurrence is provoked various bacteria and pathogenic viruses that enter the ear when blowing the nose too much.

Symptoms of otitis media are:

Sharp pain in the ear;

Sensation of shooting in one or both ears;

Discharge of blood or pus from auricle;

Partial loss hearing;


Stuffed ears.

For treatment acute otitis needs to be put into sore ear a cotton swab soaked in boric alcohol.

If otitis is accompanied high temperature and purulent discharge, then in this case the person needs to contact an otolaryngologist, otherwise his condition may worsen greatly. After diagnosing the disease, the patient will be prescribed antibacterial and painkillers.

It is important to know what to treat purulent otitis media itself is undesirable, since at this stage the disease is already very advanced and requires drug treatment. If the source of infection is not eliminated in time, the pus will penetrate into the skull and can cause a brain abscess or meningitis.

3. Eustachite is severe inflammation Eustachian tube in the ear cavity. As a rule, it develops as a complication of chronic sinusitis.

The following symptoms of eustachitis are distinguished:

Sensation of rustling and knocking in the ear;

Partial sweating of hearing;

Sensation of fluid leaking in the ear cavity.

To treat eustachitis at home, you need to use medications that contain phenylephrine. In addition, it is recommended to carry out UHF therapy and MV therapy.

4. Frontitis- This acute inflammation frontal paranasal sinus. It usually develops as a result of untreated influenza or acute respiratory infections.

Frontal sinusitis is very difficult compared to other forms of sinusitis. Its symptoms are:

Purulent discharge from the nose and ears;

Increased body temperature;

Facial swelling;

Strong headache and Ear ache;

Pain in the eyes;

Change in eyelid color.

To treat frontal sinusitis at home, you can use naphthyzin ointment - lubricate the nasal cavity with it, and also instill this drug into your nose (in the form of drops). Also, in this condition, the patient is recommended to observe bed rest and take paracetamol to reduce the temperature.

It is important to know that ear pain with frontal sinusitis occurs as a complication from the course of the disease, so if such a symptom appears, it is better not to delay going to the doctor.

5. Sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the sphenoid paranasal sinus. In addition to ear pain, it can cause increased body temperature and a large number of nasal discharge.

He needs to be treated frequent rinsing nose using special antibiotics. It is best to do such procedures in an ENT office, since a person simply cannot completely rinse all of his nasal passages on his own.

6. Labyrinitis- it's a disease inner ear, the appearance of which is provoked viral infections: flu, measles, mumps and chicken pox.

It is best to treat labyrinitis (especially in young children) with proven medications, since with severe complications it can cause severe consequences.

Adults can apply warm compresses to their sore ear as an auxiliary therapy.

Shooting in the ear: additional reasons

In addition to the main diseases, shooting in the ear can occur for the following reasons:

1. Shooting after walking in the wind. As a rule, they are accompanied by the following symptoms:


Noises in the ears;

Increased body temperature.

To eliminate ear pain of this nature, you need to drip two drops boric alcohol in each ear and apply warm compress. If the pain does not subside after two days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

2. Shooting in the ear due to caries. In this case, a person’s ear pain will have a pulsating character and will intensify when pressed.

As a rule, ear pain is caused by caries of the outer teeth, as well as inflammation of the wisdom teeth.

For quick quenching pain syndrome at home you need to prepare the following solution: 1 tsp. soda, 4 drops of iodine and 1 glass of water. Mix all the ingredients and rinse your teeth with the prepared liquid three times a day. This will help remove sharp pain in teeth and ears.

3. Facial neuritis can lead to lumbago in the ears, pain when chewing, and also redness of the face.

With such symptoms, a person should consult a neurologist. He is also recommended to follow a diet (refuse to eat spicy and sweet food, as well as from coffee and hot tea).

4. Severe sore throat can lead to otitis media, as well as purulent discharge not only from the throat, but also from the ears.

With angina, it is very important to prevent such complications, therefore, even when its first symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a therapist.

Shooting in the ear: non-medical reasons

Sometimes a person begins to shoot in the ear, seemingly for no apparent reason. Despite this, there are still factors that can provoke such a symptom. These include:

1. Traveling on an airplane. Unpleasant sensations in the ears during air travel are explained by the fact that when sudden change pressure, the Eustachian tube becomes blocked. This leads to ear pain.

In order to relieve ear discomfort during a flight, you should follow these tips:

Yawn more often;

Eat during the flight;

Swallow saliva more often;

Use vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.

2. After swimming may arise sharp pain and tinnitus. To eliminate this symptom, it is recommended to lie on your side and wait until the trapped water flows out. You can also jump with your head tilted to the side.

It is important to know that using cotton swabs for this purpose is not recommended, since they remove the protective layer of the skin and can lead to bacterial diseases auricle.

3. Pinched nerve inside the ear. This often occurs due to severe nervous tension and stress. This condition does not require special treatment, since the pinched nerve can recover on its own, however, if the pain is very bothersome, you can drip two drops of essential oil tea tree in each ear.

In order not to provoke a deterioration in the condition, if a nerve is pinched in the ear, you should refrain from drinking hot and spicy food.

4. Blockage of the ear can occur if the ears are not cleaned in a timely manner. In this case, a person may partially lose hearing. In addition, he may suffer from severe ringing and a feeling of tinnitus.

Hydrogen peroxide is the best solution for this problem. You need to moisten a cotton swab with it and place it in your ear for two to three hours. After this, repeat the procedure. This liquid will “corrode” the collected wax and get rid of the ear “plug”.

Shooting in the ear: what to do at home

If you have a shooting in your ear, you can use the following folk recipes at home:

1. Geranium recipe:

Mash a couple of geranium leaves;

Place them in the sore ear and leave them there for two hours;

After this time, replace the sheet with another and repeat this procedure every two hours until the pain subsides.

2. Onion recipe:

Take a piece of onion and chop it;

Wrap in gauze and place in the sore ear;

Leave it on all night. If the pain does not go away, you must repeat the procedure again.

3. Salt recipe:

Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water;

Wait until the solution cools down a little and drop it (1 drop at a time) into the sore ear.

4. Almond butter recipe(you can also use tea tree oil instead, lavender oil or essential oil sage):

Heat the oil slightly;

Drop it into the sore ear (2 drops will be enough);

Repeat the procedure twice a day for three days.

5. Melissa remedy:

Take 20 g dried leaves lemon balm and infuse them in 1 glass of alcohol;

After this, soak a cotton swab in this tincture and place it in the sore ear;

Leave for 10-15 minutes (you can’t leave it longer so as not to cause tissue burns).

6. Oil remedy:

Warm up sunflower oil;

Soak a cotton swab in it and place it in the sore ear;

Leave it there for half an hour.

7. Horseradish remedy(effective for purulent discharge from the ears):

Peel the horseradish and chop it;

Squeeze out the juice;

Place 2 drops into the sore ear.

Horseradish juice has a strong antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, so he will be able to eliminate the source of infection in the inflamed ear.

Shooting in the ear: what to do at home to prevent complications

In order not to cause any complications, you should adhere to the following preventive measures:

When blowing your nose, heal each nostril one by one;

Do not swim in untreated water bodies;

Make sure that foreign objects (insects, glass, small parts, etc.) do not get into the child’s ear;

When bathing small children, do not allow water to get into the ears;

Treat diseases that can lead to ear pain (flu, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.) in a timely manner.

If your ear pain starts to bother you small child, then you need to proceed according to this scheme:

1. Inspect the ear for the presence foreign objects. Do the same with the nose.

2. Rinse the baby's nose with salt water.

3. Place vasoconstrictor drops for children into the nose.

4. Give anesthetic syrup (Nurofen).

5. Make a warm compress from salt heated in a frying pan.

What children should not do at home if they have a shooting in the ear:

Do not put alcohol or other substances into a child’s ear that can damage the skin and cause burns;

You should not give your baby antibiotics or other antibiotics on your own. medications(without a doctor's prescription).

Shoots in the ear usually when an inflammatory process begins in it or nearby organs or there are some mechanical reasons, due to which this appears painful symptom. Ear pain can be very severe due to damage to the nerve endings in a person's head. A one-time attack of pain can be ignored if it appears during air travel on an airliner or other flying craft. During the period of the aircraft lifting up and sharp decline the eustachian tube becomes blocked, and then shooting pain may occur. The same is observed when descending under water on greater depth and going up.

In other cases, if there is a shooting in the ear, you should contact an otolaryngologist to find out the causes of the symptom and provide the correct treatment.

Man suffering severe pain in the ear that affects the head, should not self-medicate.

If traditional methods treatments do not help and the drops did not bring relief after several times of use, you should contact a specialized medical care so as not to risk your life.

Causes of the disease

Shooting pain in the ear caused by infection usually occurs while eating and chewing food. This is how acute otitis media begins, preceded by the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the gums with carious teeth;
  • ARVI;
  • inflammatory process ;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina.

Treatment of acute otitis media alcohol tinctures may cause burns eardrum. The formation of injury in the internal auditory apparatus due to careless treatment will be the answer to the question of why there is shooting in the ear.

Shooting pains are not always caused by an infection in the ear. Frostbite of the auricle becomes common cause V winter time years of pain inside.

Any mechanical damage external part of the hearing aid leads to external otitis, and the onset of the disease is accompanied by sharp, sudden pain.

Ear pain may occur due to excess earwax. This phenomenon is accompanied by a feeling of congestion and can be painful. It is impossible to hear clearly with a plugged ear, and this may indicate the cause of the lumbago. Getting inside the hearing aid foreign body or insect leads to ear pain.

Symptoms such as pain in the head, ears, pain around the auricle may be due to the development of arthrosis or arthritis of the temporomandibular joint.

The ears may be clean and healthy, but they will feel painful sensations. This may be the case if they are struck nerve endings other parts of the body located near hearing aid. The culprit may be:

  1. Trigeminal nerve inflamed due to toothache or facial injury.
  2. Greater auricular nerve: shoots in the ear and radiates to the head due to inflammation lymph nodes located on the neck. It can get pinched if damaged intervertebral discs cervical spine spine.
  3. Sometimes inflamed facial nerve due to damage by the herpes virus. At the same time, my head still hurts.
  4. Glossopharyngeal nerve and nervus vagus radiates pain to the ear due to cancer of the tongue, inflammatory processes in the larynx.

Pain that appears on the left side should alert the patient. This is how it can go atypical shape myocardial infarction. Like all atypical signs, it is very rare because the symptoms are usually developmental acute heart attack myocardium are observed behind the sternum and in the area gastrointestinal tract. The heart is located on the left side, and the pain from it can radiate to the nearest ear. To find out real reasons persistent pain, turn to specialists.

How to get rid of pain

Levomycetin drops, boric or camphor alcohol can be used at the first symptoms, when opportunistic microflora has just begun its impact in the ears. If alcohol drops do not work and after one use the symptoms still remain, you should stop taking them and consult a doctor. If visiting a doctor is not possible, you need to change medicine.

When it shoots in the ear and radiates to the head, you can try the action ear drops, which contain an anti-inflammatory agent and lidocaine: it relieves pain well. These may be medications such as Otirelax, Otinum, or others similar drugs, which remove the feeling of pain and eliminate the incipient inflammatory process. Before you start using medicines, you should read the instructions that are included in each medicine package. Drops should not be used if the eardrum is perforated. To treat such damage you need antibacterial agents recommended by a specialist.

Ears tied in unified system with other ENT organs, in which disease the infection spreads throughout the head and can cause death if a brain tumor begins. When you have a headache due to ear inflammation, it is serious symptom forcing you to see a doctor. A person who has meningitis is always at risk. Therefore, if within 3-4 days the drops used for therapy do not help relieve ear pain, self-treatment canceled and referred to a doctor.

In complex cases, the diagnosis is made after examination by several specialists. The examination may involve not only an otolaryngologist, but also a neurologist, cardiologist and dentist. At unclear symptoms laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed.

This is a sign of otitis media, and this symptom indicates that the disease has already reached a serious stage. If nothing is done, the problem will only get worse, and this is fraught with very serious consequences.


A sore ear can be cured without resorting to the help of a doctor, just contact. Geranium can help with this problem; you will need to tear off a leaf from this plant, knead it and put it in the sore ear. It should be changed to a new one every 2 hours until the pain goes away completely.

You can also cope with this illness if you have a tincture of lemon balm, so you need to prepare it in advance, since it is not known when the illness will come. For it you will need to take 20 grams of dry grass and pour in 250 ml of vodka. In a week the tincture will be ready for use. Then you need to moisten a cotton wool in it and put it in the sore ear, and in order not to feel discomfort, you can warm the tincture until room temperature. This remedy will help relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

You can also cure your ear using ordinary onions. To do this, you need to cut a small piece from the vegetable, wrap it in a bandage and put it in the diseased organ overnight. This procedure should be done until complete recovery. If you want to increase the effectiveness of treatment, you should bury your nose three times a day. With this treatment, it is recommended to avoid hypothermia, otherwise all efforts will not bring results.

Traditional treatment

Not suitable for everyone traditional treatments otitis, so you should not delay your trip to the doctor. It is not uncommon for a qualified person to be hospitalized, but not everyone has the time for this. As a rule, then the patient is prescribed drops and. They quickly block inflammation, and within a few hours the pain and other unpleasant symptoms in the ear go away.

It would be a good idea to undergo physical procedures; they will help speed up the recovery process. In addition, the patient will be given special nutrition. He should have more vitamins and he should drink more water. In case of serious inflammation, it is recommended to follow the pastel regime, this way you will be able to recover much faster. At this time, you should be especially wary of hypothermia and avoid drafts, as these factors cause further development of the disease.

Every person who has had a shooting in the ear knows how unpleasant it is. Similar condition It makes it very difficult to concentrate, distracting you from any activities, especially from work. Let's try to figure out when there is shooting in the ears - what to do to quickly get rid of this discomfort.

Effective Treatments for Ear Pain

Every person should know what to do if there is a shooting in the ear, since the disease can strike at the most inopportune moment. Treatment when the ear shoots must begin immediately. In order to remove painful condition, different techniques are used:

  • use antibiotic drugs;
  • use of ear drops;
  • the use of boric alcohol in the absence of purulent inflammation.

What to put in if there is a shooting in the ear

The best option For home treatment when shooting in the ear, are good drops. When there is a lot of shooting in the ear, good drops will help you get rid of the disease at home. Among them we can highlight the following pharmaceutical products: Otinum, Otipax or Naphthyzin.

So, if you have a shooting in your ear, you know what to put in, but you also need to know how to do it correctly:

  1. Lie on the sofa on your side or simply tilt your head to one side.
  2. Place a few drops of the drug purchased at the pharmacy using a pipette.
  3. Do not stand up or raise your head for a while.
  4. Insert a cotton wool or gauze swab into the ear canal, and you can continue to do your business.

What other medications can be treated if there is shooting in the ear, only experienced doctor after a thorough examination of your body.

TO folk recipes, such as, should be resorted to after consultation with an otolaryngologist. Self-medication is especially dangerous; in this case, the doctor should determine it after examining the small patient.

What else can you do if you have a shooting in your ear, at home?

Safe home measures to relieve the unpleasant condition include:

When shooting in the ears, you can apply a warm compress after first measuring your body temperature (it should not be elevated). The most popular home method treatment for shooting in the ear - a compress of vodka.

Don't know how to put a compress on your ear when shooting? The recipe is very simple: mix water with water in equal proportions and take a soft cloth folded in several layers. Make a slit in it to put it on your ear, leaving it free ear canal. Moisten the cloth with the prepared solution, apply it to the shooting ear, and wrap the head with a scarf on top, fixing the compress. Walk around with it until the warming effect disappears and the vodka evaporates.

It is possible that there is a shooting in the ear when pressing on a sore tooth. What to do in this case? A painkiller based on regular soda and iodine. To quickly relieve pain if there is a shooting in the ear, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of a glass of water, a couple of drops of iodine and 1 tsp. baking soda

In addition, there are many based on herbs and other ingredients that are effective if there is a shooting in the ear. A variety of ingredients are used to prepare these products, including onion, olive oil, geranium, chamomile and much more. You can read about them in more detail in a separate article.

Shooting pain in the ear is most often a sign inflammatory process in the middle ear, occurring with acute or otitis media. Shooting can also be a problem with other diseases not related to the ears (caries, diseases of the nasopharynx, neuralgia). Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain. You can eliminate lumbago yourself if it is caused by ear pathology. Take off painful sensations and inflammation will be helped by pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine.

Treatment with medications

If there is shooting in the ears, first of all it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of the disease by taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. These include:

A drugPhotoPrice
From 116 rub.
From 67 rub.
From 70 rub.
From 19 rub.
From 12 rub.
From 97 rub.

Cleaning the ear canal

The ear canal must be cleaned using the following pharmaceutical products:

A drugPhotoPrice
From 254 rub.
From 209 rub.
From 7 rub.

If lumbago is felt on the left side, bury it in left ear. If on the right, the procedure is carried out with right side. The use of these drugs will soften if the lumbago is associated with its formation. It is carefully removed cotton swab. And the procedure itself is carried out for several days until the ear canal is completely cleansed.

Destruction of pathogenic microorganisms

The reasons for the development of the inflammatory process in the outer and middle ear lie in the attacks of viruses and bacteria. Alcohol helps neutralize their effect. If there is shooting in the ear on the right side, you need to drop 3 drops into the ear canal. Similar actions carried out when shooting from the left.

It should be remembered that alcohol can cause burns, so it can only be used when treating the ears of an adult. In the absence of alcohol, it is replaced with vodka, pharmaceutical tinctures. The most effective are:

The effect can be enhanced by using. Cotton buds soaked camphor oil, insert into the ear canal and leave for 30-40 minutes. After this time, the flagellum is removed and alcohol instillations are repeated.

Camphor oil has a warming effect. In some cases, you can use a regular heating pad by applying it to the ear area. But if your ear hurts and shoots, it cannot be ruled out that pus has formed behind the eardrum, in which case any warming procedures are contraindicated.

Preventing the development of eustachitis

People with nasopharyngeal diseases often suffer. If the cause of lumbago is a runny nose, treatment should be aimed at eliminating it. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing eustachitis, which connects the ear to the nasopharynx.

Washing the nasal cavity and using vasoconstrictors will help prevent the development of the disease on your own:

They will relieve swelling from the mucous membrane, preventing blockage of the Eustachian tube.

Antibacterial therapy

In the absence of purulent discharge indicating, antibiotics may be used wide range actions. The most effective are the following drugs:

Before use, you should read the instructions and strictly follow their recommendations. The duration of the course of antibacterial therapy is 7-10 days.

If the ear continues to hurt after treatment, it means that the lumbago is caused by damage to the eardrum. In this case antibacterial therapy powerless.

Folk remedies

How to treat shooting pain in the ear if you do not want to use pharmaceuticals? The symptoms and cause of lumbago can be eliminated using traditional medicine.

You can make your own medicinal oil by grinding the kernels walnut blender and squeezing through cheesecloth. The product is purchased in finished form in pharmacies.

Before starting the procedure, you must lie on your side. Place 3 drops of oil into the sore ear. Next, it is recommended to lie down for 20 minutes, allowing medicinal product get to the affected area.

Application of onions

Onions effectively destroy viruses and bacteria. To prepare the medicine, you need to cut off a piece of onion, grate it, and wrap it in gauze along with the juice. A gauze bag is placed in the sore ear overnight, and the head is wrapped in a towel.

Wormwood tincture

To prepare the tincture you will need the following components:

  • wormwood – 1 part;
  • vodka – 3 parts.

The dried plant material is placed in a bottle, filled with vodka, and infused for 2 weeks. The finished tincture is instilled into the sore ear, 5 drops each.

Chamomile is a natural antiseptic, helping to destroy viruses and bacteria. To prepare the infusion, place 1 tablespoon in a glass container dried herb, pour a glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, it is used to wash the ears, drawing it into a syringe without a needle.

Calendula infusion

It is important to prepare the calendula infusion correctly, strictly following the dosage. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting burned. For the same reason this remedy cannot be used for any reason.

A medicine is prepared from 1 tablespoon of dried flowers and a glass of boiling water. The product is infused until cooled, and then used as a solution for rinsing the ears.

Reach positive effect it will succeed if you repeat medical procedure every 2 hours.

Applications of geranium

Geranium has many useful qualities. With its help it will be possible to relieve unbearable pain. To do this, two geranium leaves are kneaded in the hand, placed in the sore ear, and left for 2 hours.


If the condition does not improve within a few days, you should consult a doctor. Only qualified specialist able to understand why the pain does not go away. The effect may be absent in case of defeat. In this case, self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences in the form of development of encephalitis, meningitis.

Video: What to do when there is “shooting” in the ear