The child has pain in the lower left side. Dull aching pain in the left side

The child has a stomach ache? The most common cause of illness in children is abdominal pain. They happen at any age and cause quite a lot of trouble for all family members.

Abdominal pain in a child is a rather difficult problem not only for parents, but also for doctors. A child often cannot indicate where exactly his stomach hurts, much less understand the symptoms of the disease.

Pain can begin suddenly and be a signal serious violations(eg appendicitis). Abdominal pain can come and go and come back again and again with peptic ulcer, Meckel's diverticulum and other diseases.

In any case, a child’s complaints of abdominal pain should give rise to serious concern for parents and mandatory consultation with a doctor!

The following points need to be clarified:

  • How long have you had abdominal pain? If the pain lasts 2-3 weeks, then we are not talking about acute appendicitis. If the pain lasts for several hours and is very sharp, it may be appendicitis and urgent surgery will be required.
  • Is the pain constant or paroxysmal? If the pain goes away and comes back, it could be constipation or bloating; in acute inflammatory process in abdominal cavity The pain is constant and intensifies with movement.
  • Does the pain occur in one place? If a child points to a different place every day, it’s not so scary. But if he constantly points to the same place, it means there really is pain there.
  • Are there other signs of illness? If abdominal pain is accompanied by headaches, it may be a migraine. Fever occurs due to infection, and diarrhea or frequent urination indicate inflammation of the intestines or Bladder.

Child has severe stomach pain

What are the causes of acute abdominal pain?

Acute abdominal pain occurs in children of different ages and most often goes away spontaneously. If the pain continues for more than 2 hours, the child should be examined in the hospital to rule out appendicitis.

Causes of acute abdominal pain in infants:

  • colic;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Colic is a poorly understood condition that occurs in most infants before the age of 9 months. The nature of feeding does not matter in the appearance of colic. The child suddenly begins to “scream on one note”, pulls his legs towards chest, rushes about, but after 10-30 minutes these phenomena pass. Colic usually occurs in the afternoon.

Intestinal obstruction lies in the fact that part of the intestine seems to fit into the subsequent segment (like an umbrella into a cover). Most often occurs between the ages of 5 and 9 months, rarely after 2 years. The pain occurs suddenly, paroxysmal. The child turns pale, nausea and vomiting appear. When palpating the abdomen, a lump is felt, and there is an admixture of blood and mucus in the stool. In these cases, an urgent consultation with a surgeon is necessary, most often surgery is performed.

Abdominal pain in older children occurs due to following reasons:

  • bloating and overeating;
  • inflammation of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis);
  • hypothermia and sore throat;
  • appendicitis;
  • abdominal muscle stretch;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • inflammation of the testicles;
  • liver inflammation;
  • inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.

These are the most common reasons why a child's stomach hurts. Next we will look at additional factors which can cause abdominal pain in children.

Child's stomach hurts, causes

The most common cause of abdominal pain is overeating and bloating due to gas accumulation. The intestines swell and pain occurs. Such children should be examined by a doctor.

Gastroenteritis begins with nausea, vomiting, fever and paroxysmal pain. Later diarrhea appears. The pain intensifies before and after eating. Often similar symptoms Diseases also occur in other family members.

Hypothermia and sore throat occur in younger children several times a year. Viruses and bacteria cause inflammation not only of the lymph nodes of the neck, but also of the intestinal mesentery. Sometimes the abdominal pain is severe, similar to the pain of appendicitis.

Pain in the throat and stomach may accompany infectious mononucleosis and the so-called enteroviral infections.

Appendicitis occurs in one in six children. Rarely occurs in children under 2 years of age. Removing the appendix is ​​one of the most frequent operations in children. In some children, it is difficult to recognize appendicitis, since pain appears only when the appendix ruptures and pus enters the abdominal cavity, when peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) and strong pain, which is life-threatening.

Appendicitis can be suspected by the following signs: children lose their appetite, periodically experience nausea, weakness and fatigue, and sometimes their body temperature rises slightly. In some cases, there is pain around the navel, which lasts for several hours, then intensifies and is localized in the lower abdomen on the right. The pain intensifies, the child tries to lie down with his legs brought to his stomach. Appendicitis may be accompanied by constipation or slight diarrhea. There is severe pain when touched in the lower right side of the abdomen. If such signs are present, the child should be urgently taken to the hospital.

Stretching the abdominal muscles occurs due to excessive exercise, coughing or vomiting. Pain occurs only when walking or if the child tries to sit upright. The pain is sudden and sharp (unlike gastroenteritis, when the pain is dull). General state not disturbed, appetite is good.

Kidney inflammation occurs more often in girls and begins with pain in the side or lower back. Children urinate frequently and experience fever, nausea, and vomiting.

Inflammation of the testicles in boys occurs with a bruise, scrotal hernia or testicular torsion. In these cases, there is, as it were, distant pain along the nerve fibers, transmitted from the scrotum down the abdomen.

Inflammation of the liver. Infectious inflammation liver disease is caused by a virus that enters the body with food. After a few days, the skin and sclera of the eyes begin to turn yellow, and the urine becomes dark color. An enlarged liver stretches its capsule, it becomes tense, and severe pain occurs.

If jaundice appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the disease is dangerous for other family members and children in kindergarten or class.

Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. Inflammation of the lowest segments of the lungs can cause abdominal pain that follows a dry cough. With the development of other symptoms of inflammation, the cause of abdominal pain becomes clear.

If you have any abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor. The doctor carefully interviews the parents and the child and examines the patient. In some cases it is necessary additional research urine, blood, feces, x-ray and other examinations. Sometimes it is necessary to monitor the child in a hospital setting.

Why constantly child's stomach hurts? Causes of chronic abdominal pain can be:

  • constipation;
  • abdominal migraine;
  • food intolerance;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • worms.

Psychological problems occur in 10% of children school age. In 90% of cases it is impossible to identify any physical reason pain. They are caused by worries, stress or other psychological factors. Children describe in these cases a dull pain around the navel that appears and disappears. Such children are usually pale, tired, and have headaches and nausea. Although in most cases these phenomena resolve spontaneously, it is necessary to monitor the child so as not to miss any disease. Abdominal pain caused by psychological reasons, sometimes they are quite strong, so pay more attention to your child and try to find out the reason. Sometimes it is necessary to consult a psychologist and talk with teachers at school.

Constipation - common reason long-term abdominal pain in children. Constipation disrupts the functioning of the intestines and manifests itself as pain in the form of colic, while intestinal bloating and movement of solids feces cause serious ailments.

Abdominal migraine. Abdominal pain with single vomiting is often the first manifestation of migraine inherited from parents. Children at a later age develop typical unilateral pain in the head with blurred vision, nausea and vomiting.

Food intolerance. Most often, lactose intolerance is noted, that is, the sugar contained in milk. Abdominal pain is combined with bloating, nausea, and diarrhea. A lack of enzymes that break down lactose is the cause of this condition. Excluding milk from a child's diet leads to an improvement in the condition. Lactose may be present in other products, so you should carefully study the product labels.

Kidney inflammation does not always appear immediately. If the infection moves from the bladder to the kidneys, back or side pain occurs weeks or months later. In addition, kidney inflammation is characterized by frequent urination.

Worms (most often roundworms) can howl chronic pain in a stomach. In these cases, in addition to pain and bloating, depression and headaches are noted. Children may grind their teeth at night. Most often, worms occur in children who attend children's groups or have contact with animals (cats, dogs).

Remember if child's stomach hurts- Do not try to give him treatment yourself! This can seriously harm your baby's health. Self-medication can lead to very serious consequences! Urgently and without delay, consult a doctor! The doctor will be able to conduct full examination and establish the exact cause of abdominal pain.

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Cases when a child’s left side hurts in the lower abdomen are not uncommon. The condition can be both pathological and normal. The symptom can be either short-term or long-lasting. The sign can signal the development of certain diseases. It is important that parents recognize the nature and duration of pain. The symptom is very common, so diagnosing the root cause at home is difficult. It is important to consult a pediatrician with your child. Diagnosis of the symptom is difficult. Often the child cannot indicate the exact location of the symptom. It is also worth noting that the stomach is not an organ, but an anatomical region of the body. Various localization can indicate various possible deviations.

There can be many causes of side pain in children.

In this article you will learn:

Painful sensation as a sign of normality

Painful sensation may be normal and not require treatment. The main root causes are described in the table.

Painful sensation in the left side when playing sportsPain after exercise is not uncommon. When playing sports, blood circulation in the body increases. Energy is produced in greater quantities. In addition, there may be a slight increase in body temperature.
Pain sensation is divided into two types. The sign may be:

  • immediate;

  • those who are late.

Immediate pain on the left side is associated with lactic acid. The substance accumulates in the muscles and is considered side effect everyone physiological actions. When playing sports, the concentration of the component increases.
Late pain appears on the second or third day. The symptom appears when the intensity of physical activity increases after a break in training. Indicates microscopic muscle tears. The condition returns to normal on its own after a few days.
Pain in teenage girlsPain in girls aged 12-14 years is also considered normal. The symptom may signal preparation female body To menstrual cycles. The child may complain strongly painful sensation pulling or harsh character.
You need to contact a gynecologist if there is a painful sensation high intensity and does not go away within 5-7 days. The risk of serious violations is high.

The listed root causes are considered harmless and do not need to see a doctor. The small patient should be at rest.

It is important to pay attention to accompanying signs. Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen may be accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • gag reflex;

If, in addition to pain, you notice weakness and lack of appetite, then the child should be shown to a doctor
  • dizziness;
  • change in stool;
  • lack of appetite;
  • changes in body weight;
  • change in skin color.

Painful sensation as a sign of disease

Pain in the left abdominal region can signal improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems located in the abdominal cavity. The most common underlying cause is gastritis. The pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

With gastritis, the digestive organ stops functioning normally. The pain is localized below the ribs on the left side of the abdomen. U little patient observed general malaise. The condition worsens as the pathology develops.

Pain in the left side can be a sign of various gastrointestinal diseases

Symptoms in the left lower abdomen may indicate the presence of dyspeptic disorders. The condition worsens when the food consumed by the child does not correspond in quantity or composition to the possibilities digestive organ little patient.

Pain in diseases of the spleen increases with pressure on the affected area. The symptom may indicate stretching of the splenic capsule or pathological enlargement of the internal organ.

Sharp pain in the left side with stomach pathologies is common. However, sometimes a symptom may indicate that the child has overeaten. In this case, the symptom is not dangerous.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with kidney disease may indicate the development inflammatory process in the organ. The deviation can be diagnosed using ultrasound. The organ may be filled with stones and change location.

Severe, sharp, recurring pain in the abdominal area requires consultation with a doctor

Spontaneously arisen pain syndrome in case of neurological abnormalities, it is caused by compression and irritation of the nerves. The nature of the symptom may vary. The sign can be sharp, burning, dull, etc.

If you suspect that a child has any disease, you should contact a pediatrician. The little patient needs complex diagnostics. Only after this the most adequate and suitable treatment is selected.

In the presence of diseases, the painful sensation is pronounced and prolonged. The symptom does not go away on its own. Painkillers help relieve discomfort only for a short period of time.

Diagnosis of the symptom

In order to establish the cause of pain in the lower left side, it is necessary to take the child to the nearest medical institution. A small patient needs a comprehensive diagnosis. Only on the basis of research can the provoking factor be established.

To clarify the diagnosis, the child must donate blood.

On initial stage the course of many diseases is similar clinical picture. It is impossible to independently establish a definitive diagnosis. Only a professional doctor can do this.

To establish a diagnosis, the patient may be prescribed:

  • general blood test;
  • general analysis of urinary material.

First of all, the doctor performs a visual examination of the small patient. The doctor pays attention to the condition of the skin and hair. It is important to tell your healthcare professional about any symptoms you have.

The doctor also palpates the affected area. At the same time, he analyzes the intensity of the symptom. Only after this does the doctor refer the child to instrumental diagnostics. In addition, additional consultation may be required medical workers narrow specialization.

If you want to know everything about the causes of abdominal pain in children and their treatment, watch this video:


Treatment is selected individually, based on the main diagnosis. Typically you need to contact:

  • pediatric urologist;
  • pediatric gynecologist.

When treating, the characteristics of the individual patient are taken into account. The child may be recommended:

  • massages;
  • physical therapy or chemotherapy;
  • reception medications;

Treatment will be effective if you strictly follow the doctor's recommendations

Treatment is usually complex. Therapy directly depends on the main diagnosis. Only after its establishment is it possible to eliminate the symptom and the pathology itself.

Many parents do not know what to do if their child has lower abdominal pain. Therefore, they panic and immediately begin to call an ambulance or call all their relatives and friends. This happens even when it is not necessary. To provide adequate assistance baby, parents should first of all understand why the child’s lower abdomen hurts, what caused the pain syndrome. And only after that take some action.

However, if the parent cannot deal with the situation, then there is no need to waste time. You should contact specialists immediately!

If a child (boy or girl) has pain in the lower or central part of the abdomen, then the cause of discomfort may be simple poisoning from stale food. Even newborn babies who are on breastfeeding. Food poisoning can occur in them if their mothers do not follow a diet and eat everything.

To the symptoms food poisoning can be considered:

  1. painful sensations in the left and right lower abdomen;
  2. nausea;
  3. vomiting reflex;
  4. diarrhea (increased frequency of stool more than usual. This may be combined with an increase in its volume after each bowel movement);
  5. colic and spasms;
  6. Sometimes aching character pain, etc.

If a child has a stomach ache on the lower left side and vomits, parents need to do an urgent gastric lavage. This can be done at home by giving your baby a large number of cool water(boiled), to which potassium permanganate is added (agent of choice) or baking soda(Alternative option).

Parents must adhere to the maximum exact dosage so that the baby’s body does not suffer. After washing, the child should be shown to a specialist who will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Dyspeptic disorders

Very often, a child has a stomach ache on the left side due to dyspeptic disorders. They appear due to the lack of a sufficient amount of enzymes in the intestines of children, which are necessary for digestive processes.

The following conditions can be considered as symptoms of this type of disorder:

  • the child has pain on the left side in the lower abdomen;
  • a child (girl and boy) spontaneously begins to feel nausea and vomiting;
  • children develop diarrhea after every meal, etc.

Babies who are diagnosed dyspeptic disorder, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment. After this they will fully recover intestinal flora and are formed in sufficient quantity necessary for the body enzymes.

Intestinal colic

When babies have pain in the lower abdomen in the center, as well as on the sides, parents should suspect intestinal colic. This diagnosis is especially likely in early age(up to six months). Be specific about why intestinal colic Children have severe stomach pain, no pediatrician can tell. This is due to the fact that discomfort and acute pain can appear due to various provoking factors:

  1. constipation;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. dyspepsia;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. disruption of intestinal function, etc.

However, a predisposition to colic in children under one year of age is associated with maternal estrogens. These hormones enter the baby's body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What parents should do if their children experience abdominal pain

If children have pain in the lower abdomen, then parents need to know what actions will bring relief to their children. You need to know what not to do under any circumstances. Experts strictly prohibit doing the following:

  • warm the left or right side in the lower abdomen;
  • give children medications that relieve pain;
  • give enemas;
  • give laxatives;
  • give food or drink (except water).

To alleviate the child’s condition, his parents must first create a comfortable environment for him. You should not surround your baby with excessive care, as he may begin to pretend. Parents must measure their temperature, as its increase may indicate the development of acute inflammatory or infectious processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the baby there is acute pain with right side in the lower abdomen, and with slight pressure it intensifies, it is necessary in urgently show to a specialist. The best solution an ambulance will be called, as the symptom may indicate the presence acute appendicitis. With such a pathology, the patient must be transported very carefully to a medical facility.

What to do if the baby does not admit that he has a stomach ache?

Some children are not very willing to share problems with their parents, in particular, they do not inform them about the appearance of pain in the abdomen or other parts of the body. This is most likely due to a reluctance to take medications and undergo physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as a pathological fear of doctors.

Parents who have noticed changes in their children’s behavior need to very delicately ask them about their general well-being and ask leading questions. You should also pay attention to clearly manifested symptoms, which will allow you to decide on further actions.

If parents suspect serious health problems with their children, they should not follow the child’s lead and self-medicate.

Even if the child is very afraid of doctors and hospitals and throws hysterics about this, you still need to get advice from a highly specialized specialist. It is worth noting that when severe pain appears in children, their parents should not hesitate and hope that it will disappear on its own. Often, not only the health, but also the life of young patients depends on the actions and composure of parents. If a child complains of abdominal pain, this is a reason for parents to be wary. In the abdominal region (the area of ​​the body from the lower ribs to the groin) there are about 10 vital important organs

; and discomfort can be caused by problems with any of them. What measures should caring parents take to help their baby? First of all, adults have to find out from the baby where the main focus of his pain is localized - on the right or left.

Causes of abdominal pain on the right or left Mild periodic pain in the sides and abdomen is the norm for those who play sports and regularly receive physical exercise

. Sometimes cramps of a similar nature occur when overeating or after taking certain medications. When a child complains of abdominal discomfort or tingling under the ribs, parents should remember in detail what the child did during the day. If the child has not been overly active, overeating or taking medicines

, adults should be wary. Abdominal pain may indicate problems with internal organs. Abdominal pain may indicate problems with one of the

internal organs

Acute conditions “Acute” refers to conditions that require immediate medical intervention . This category may include any pathology of the abdominal organs beyond the stage of remission, but most often the cause of the crisis is a recent injury. To the symptoms " acute abdomen

  • » traditionally include:
  • cramping pain;
  • tension of the peritoneal muscles, clearly noticeable upon palpation;

a sharp change in the character of the stool. What exactly worries the child and what pathology should be suspected in the first place is determined by additional features . You can get acquainted with them in detail in the specialized medical literature . Young parents should study especially carefully articles about diseases that most often cause sharp pain

  • in the stomach in children under 8 years of age:
  • appendicitis and peritonitis (we recommend reading:);
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction (we recommend reading:);
  • hepatic and renal colic;
  • urolithiasis in the acute stage.

Chronic diseases

The chronic category usually includes any disease whose symptoms bother a person for 3 months or more. As for pain in the abdominal cavity and in the left or right side under the ribs, there are only a few pathologies that contribute to the long-term manifestation of the symptom:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Each of these diseases requires complex comprehensive treatment and long-term observation by specialists. If you suspect any of these problems, adults should immediately discuss their concerns with their pediatrician.

Neurotic (functional) pain

Children under 5 years of age are more likely to fake pain than actually suffer from any pain. serious illnesses. Why is this happening? By telling them that they have pain in their right or left side, children attract the attention of adults or try to get what they want from them.

A classic example is paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen and scrotum of a boy, spontaneously arising every time the baby does not want to go to the kindergarten, and suddenly passing when parents decide to leave their child at home. Convincing complaints of pain in the left hypochondrium, often mistaken for heart problems, are also not uncommon.

Simulation by a child feeling unwell not always realized. Against the backdrop of stress, many little boys and girls actually begin to experience abdominal pain every time a psychologically traumatic factor appears on the horizon. Fortunately, similar neurotic conditions completely curable. The main thing is to seek help from a qualified child psychotherapist in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of pathologies for abdominal pain

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How are pathologies of the abdominal organs diagnosed? What does the phrase “the child’s left side hurts” tell the doctor? Surprisingly, even such meager information will be enough for an experienced pediatrician to figure out where exactly to look for the problem.

Depending on what hurts the baby - the left or right side or lower abdomen - the baby will be prescribed appropriate tests and additional examinations. If there are difficulties with diagnosis, the doctor may ask the child’s parents for help in collecting anamnesis. Adults will be instructed to keep a diary for a couple of weeks, where they need to describe in detail:

  • daily routine and diet of the child;
  • frequency of manifestation and nature of the symptoms of the disease (for example, how often did the left side hurt and did the right side bother you, etc.);
  • measures taken to alleviate the condition of the baby.

To help doctors correct setting diagnosis, parents should monitor the nature of the pain and frequency of occurrence

Emergency help for parents

What should parents do if their child complains of unbearable pain in the side under the ribs and clearly cannot wait for a doctor’s visit? Emergency situations when to call immediately ambulance, will be identified and discussed in detail below. First, it’s worth talking about folk remedies that can quickly relieve an attack of pain in the abdominal cavity:

  • Homemade yogurt. Discomfort in the lower abdomen may be a sign of problems with intestinal microflora. Natural dairy products will help fill the number beneficial bacteria in organism. Yogurt is no less useful for those who have a sting in the side. Rich in vitamins and microelements, this product will help the body collect internal resources to fight any infection.
  • Ginger. The root of this plant stimulates metabolism and is good for pain and heaviness in the intestines caused by overeating. Due to the specific properties of ginger, it is strictly forbidden to give this product to children under 2 years of age. If necessary, it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar that is similar in effect, but safer.
  • Chamomile tea. The drink should be prepared in the proportions of 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water. Take a couple of sips three times a day. Chamomile, along with lemon balm and mint, has a relaxing effect and relieves abdominal cramps, regardless of the cause of their occurrence.
  • Hot water bottle (more details in the article:). Bottle with hot water placed on the stomach will speed up blood circulation and help relax muscles during spasm, and ice can be used for quick pain relief.

Chamomile tea is safe and effective remedy against stomach pain of various etiologies

Any of these remedies should be used with caution. For example, warm heating pads should not be used for inflammation, but food products or grass, the baby may even be allergic.

“Is it worth the risk using traditional medicine? Isn’t it better to give the child a pharmaceutical analgesic?” - most parents will naturally ask in this situation. “No, not better!” - pediatricians answer.

Using medications to independently get rid of pain in the abdomen is one of the strictest taboos imposed by specialists. At a wrong time taken pill analgesics can create enormous difficulties in further diagnosing the disease, so parents should refrain from giving their child any medications without a doctor’s prescription. The same applies to laxatives used to alleviate the condition of overeating.

Doctors generally do not recommend self-medicating for abdominal cramps. Severe discomfort in the abdominal cavity may indicate the presence of a serious disease (in particular, this symptom is used to identify colitis and other intestinal problems), requiring immediate contact with a specialist (see also:). It's important for parents not to get too carried away folk remedies and make an appointment for your child with a doctor on time.

Even the most effective methods traditional medicine cannot compete with qualified medical care

When is medical attention required?

Pain in the side or abdomen (on any side) is in any case a reason to consult a doctor. Especially if the spasms are sharp, difficult to bear, and the attacks themselves are repeated many times. Which specialist should you make an appointment with such symptoms?

First of all, responsible parents should take their child to the pediatrician. In most cases, the matter will be limited to a one-time examination of a small patient and prescribing appropriate treatment for him. If the doctor suspects a child has serious problems with the abdominal organs, he will give the baby’s parents a referral to see another specialist (surgeon, gastroenterologist, etc.).

There are, however, situations when it is not possible to wait for a scheduled visit to the pediatrician. Such cases are classified as emergencies and require an immediate call to an emergency medical service team.

In particular, parents of a preschooler should immediately seek professional help if their child:

  • the temperature rose sharply;
  • problems with bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea) and vomiting are observed;
  • traces of blood can be seen in the stool;
  • simultaneously with cramps, symptoms uncharacteristic of abdominal problems appear (for example, headache);
  • I recently had an abdominal injury.

There are also so-called “risk groups”. These patients should immediately receive specialized medical care, even if their abdominal cramps are not accompanied by other alarming symptoms. In particular, infants under 3 months of age, as well as children with cancer of all ages may qualify for an immediate call to the emergency services.

The causes of pain in the subcostal region in children vary. Depending on the type and location, it may indicate various diseases. Therefore, if there are periodic pain under the ribs in a child, you can’t ignore them, you need to pay a visit to the pediatrician. A timely visit to the doctor can relieve many health problems. Unfortunately, many mothers consider such symptoms not dangerous, especially if the pain occurs rarely, and let the situation take its course. To prevent this from happening, parents need to know what they mean different types pain under the ribs in children.

Pain under the ribs on the left side

In order to know what subcostal pain on the left side signals, you need to study the location of the internal organs in this part of the body. On the left are the pancreas, spleen, left parts of the stomach and diaphragm, left lung and heart. Most often, children cannot describe what type of pain it is: sharp, cutting, dull or aching, so you need to pay attention to its intensity - strong or not strong.

Severe pain may indicate the following troubles:

  1. Spleen contusion. This organ is as close as possible to skin, so it is most susceptible to damage when dropped or collided. If the pain gradually subsides (within 10-15 minutes), there is nothing to worry about; you can apply cold to the bruised area and make sure that the child behaves calmly for a while. Read with him, watch a family movie, or play Board games. In case of severe pain for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as there may be a tear or even rupture of the spleen.
  2. Attack. Inflammation of the pancreas can occur due to malnutrition, fast food abuse, or due to a genetic predisposition. In any case, you need to stop the attack with antispasmodics and then consult a doctor. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that you have to call an ambulance. Pancreatitis is considered an “adult” disease, but in last years his age has decreased significantly due to environmental deterioration and malnutrition in children.
  3. . During an exacerbation of gastritis, severe pain may occur on the left side under the ribs, especially on an empty stomach.

Mild pain on the left side of the hypochondrium can occur due to inflammation of the lower part of the left lung, associated symptoms A cough and a fever that doesn’t subside for several days are the cause.

Pain under the ribs on the right side

On the right is the liver, gall bladder, right parts of the stomach and diaphragm, appendix and right lung. If a child complains of pain on the right side under the ribs, and at the same time he has vomited or feels sick in the near future, then there are problems with gallbladder. Often accompanying symptom is the pain in right hand. The same signs, but with chills and frequent vomiting, indicate cholecystitis, and if the pain radiates to the groin, then it is possible cholelithiasis or liver stones. All these diseases are considered serious, therefore, at the first complaint of a child about pain on the right side under the ribs, you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes appendicitis can also give dull ache in the right hypochondrium, the pain does not decrease, but with light tapping it intensifies. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Pain under the ribs in the iliac fossa

Pain in the middle of the body under the ribs, where the iliac region is located, may be one of the symptoms various diseases. In children, pain in this area sometimes occurs from running quickly or drinking a large sip of water. In this case, you need to ask the child to inhale and exhale deeply several times, and the pain will quickly disappear. In addition, pain may occur after lifting weights or prolonged exercise, especially during the first sessions.