How to bring down the temperature at home. What happens to the body at high temperatures? Broken mercury thermometer what to do

When the thermometer scale is steadily creeping up, and the general condition is getting worse and worse, the question arises: “ Isn't it time to bring down the temperature?. In this article consider when the temperature is normal and the body is struggling with pathology, and in what situations increased performance considered critical. We will also share recipes on how to bring down the temperature at home, and what medications will help with this.

The main thing in the article

Do adults need to bring down the temperature of 39?

Although the first thing that comes to mind when you see 39 on a thermometer is to shoot down, doctors convince you of the opposite. The fact is that the attack of pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, infections, bacteria) on internal organs and the system calls defensive reaction accompanied by an increase in body temperature. And as you know, at rates above 38–38.5, pathogenic microorganisms die.

By knocking down the heat, you minimize the work, so it is not recommended to bring down the temperature to 39.3–39.5 in an adult.

In order to slightly alleviate the condition of the patient, you can:

  • give him a warm drink;
  • put to bed and cover with a warm blanket;
  • make the room dimly lit.

It is necessary to immediately bring down the temperature, regardless of the numbers on the thermometer, if it is accompanied by convulsions, vomiting, increased pressure, including intracranial.

What is the best way to bring down the temperature in an adult at home?

If the temperature has exceeded the permissible norm, then it can be brought down using folk remedies and various medical preparations . Both of these will be discussed in more detail below.

As for helping at home, the first step is to drink a lot of hot tea with lemon. This will help start the sweating process and the temperature will drop. Also you should take off excess clothes and wipe yourself with vodka . After that, wait until it dries, 5-8 minutes are enough for this, and wrap yourself in a blanket. If such actions did not have an effect and the thermometer stubbornly stands in one place or the temperature continues to rise, then it's time to turn to medical antipyretics for help.

What drugs to bring down the temperature in an adult: a list of drugs

All antipyretics can be divided into three main groups, which are divided according to the active substance.

Antipyretics based on paracetamol.

  • Panadol.
  • Efferalgan.
  • Apotel.
  • Tylenol.

Such antipyretics are the most common. They do an excellent job of lowering the temperature and eliminating mild pain.

There are also multicomponent preparations containing paracetamol. Basically it is tea for colds:

  • Theraflu.
  • Coldrex.
  • Fervex.

Mostly complex preparations are aimed at relieving the symptoms of a cold, so if the temperature is caused by another disease or infection, then taking them will be inappropriate.

Antipyretics based on ibuprofen.

  • Nurofen.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Novigan.

The drugs are considered strong, because in addition to lowering the temperature, they have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Antipyretic based on acetylsalicylic acid.

  • Aspirin.
  • Anopyrin.
  • Therapin.
  • Analgin.

As for Analgin, it has been proven that he has quite a lot side effects in the form of allergies, and other organs. Although not so much time ago, it was actively used for all kinds of pain and to reduce temperature.

The above drugs are first-generation drugs that have a fairly wide range of side effects. Pharmacology has not stood still and today there are antipyretics of the second generation.

  • Nimesulide.
  • Meloxicam.

The main active ingredient in this group can be coxib, nimesulide, meloxicam. These funds have less side effects than their predecessors.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 in an adult with injections?

Injections bring down the temperature when other means are powerless. The ambulance on arrival basically does Troychatka shot, which consists of three drugs:

  • Papaverine;
  • Analgin;
  • Dimedrol.

Sometimes the drugs change a little, instead of Papaverine, No-shpu is used. In cases of home care, Diphenhydramine is replaced by Tavegil or Diazolin, since Dimedrol is released only by prescription.

Temperature after intramuscular injection(usually an injection is given in the buttock) falls after 10–15 minutes.Such an injection not only relieves fever, but also has an analgesic, calming effect.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 in pregnant women?

As you know, pregnant women are not recommended to take all kinds of medicines. But what if the temperature "crawled" over 39? For women in an interesting position, paracetamol is considered the best antipyretic drug. It can be taken at any stage of pregnancy and reduces fever this remedy for any disease. Pregnant women should not practice treatment combination drugs, since they may contain caffeine, phenylephrine or other elements that are prohibited during pregnancy.

Regardless of the gestational age, suppositories are suitable for lowering the temperature. Viburkol . In the period from 14 to 27 weeks, if necessary, it is permissible to use Ibuprofen.

It is PROHIBITED for pregnant women to prescribe any drugs on their own, only the attending gynecologist can prescribe the right medicine. Otherwise, the development of pathologies in the unborn child is possible.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 without pills for an adult?

If for some reason you decide not to use medical antipyretic drugs, then you should turn to the methods and methods that have been helping humanity for decades in the fight against high fever. Consider the fastest and most affordable.

Tea recipes for high fever in an adult

Warm liquid is an effective remedy for high temperatures. Drinking plenty of water helps to avoid dehydration, and you can use the following recipes:

  • Raspberry and black currant tea. Twisted berries are used to make a drink. They are prepared in advance and stored with sugar in the refrigerator or frozen. On a glass of drink take a tablespoon of grated berries.
  • Lime tea. Linden flowers are poured with boiling water regular tea and insist 10 min. The patient can drink lime tea plain or with honey.
  • Black tea with lemon. Tea replenishes lost moisture in the body, and lemon, rich in vitamin C, helps fight viruses.

Water procedures for high temperature in an adult

Rubdown plain water helps bring down the temperature by 1-2 degrees. To start the procedure, you need prepare plain water room temperature . Moisture getting on hot skin, evaporating, cools them. Part of the moisture is absorbed into the skin, which facilitates the process of thermoregulation. For rubdowns, a person is undressed and with the help of a wrung out soft sponge wipe the whole body, often wetting it in water. Particular attention is paid to the head, popliteal cavities, forearms.

After wiping with water, the patient is placed in bed. If the room is warm, then you should wait until the body is dry and only then cover the patient with a terry sheet, but not with a warm blanket. The wiping procedure should be carried out several times, then the body temperature will decrease by 2-3 degrees.

Compresses from a temperature of 39 in an adult

The compress can be partial or all over the body. Consider how to make each of the options:

  • wet terry towel in mint solution, squeeze well and put it on your forehead.
  • Dip a pair of cotton socks in water at room temperature, wring out well. Put wet socks on your feet Pull on a second dry pair of socks over the top. They can be either cotton or terry or woolen. This compress is left to dry completely. You can add a little vinegar to the water in which you soak your socks.
  • At high rates done in 39 degrees compress for the whole body. This is a kind of cocoon of sheets. Required condition- the fabric should be natural. The sheet is dipped in warm water or a decoction of yarrow and carefully twisted. A person is wrapped in a damp cloth, leaving only the head and neck “free”. A dry cloth is wrapped on top and the patient is wrapped in a warm blanket. It is good if the patient sleeps in such a cocoon.

You should not apply a compress to the legs and the whole body in cases where the patient has chills, there are problems with the vessels, there is a symptom in the form of cyanosis of the hands or feet.

How to bring down the temperature of an adult with vinegar?

Adults can use to relieve fever vinegar solution. It activates the glands and the hyperprocess of heat transfer (sweating) starts, and it evaporates quickly enough. Such a solution is made as follows - Five parts of warm water is taken to one part of vinegar. . Wipe the whiskey, neck, groin, armpits and popliteal cavities with an acidic liquid, area elbow joint and other places where major blood arteries. The same effect has alcohol solution, but it is made in a ratio of 1:1.

For children under 12 years of age, such procedures are contraindicated, since vinegar and alcohol have the ability to be absorbed into the skin, and this can lead to intoxication of the body of a small patient.

Folk remedies for high fever in adults

Traditional medicine, as always, has in its arsenal recipes that can alleviate the condition and reduce body temperature at home. The following recipes may help:

How to bring down the temperature of 39 in an adult with a cold?

If the temperature is caused by a cold, then initially you should take combined cold medicines, which already contain paracetamol. These include:

  • Rinza
  • Theraflu
  • Coldflu
  • Coldrex
  • Fervex.

Such medicinal drinks drink every 4-6 hours. In cases of a stable temperature above 39 degrees, you need to turn to stronger drugs:

  • Paracetamol- not only reduces the temperature, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ibuprofen- effective at high temperature, also eliminates other symptoms of a cold (headaches, body aches, sore throats, etc.).
  • Nurofen- It has similar action ibuprofen. There is also a children's form of the drug.
  • Lekadol- is used if colds has an infectious and inflammatory character. Used as directed by a doctor.

In addition to drugs, it is necessary plentiful drink, bed rest, appropriate nutrition. The above methods of dealing with high fever can be used when "knocking down" the temperature during a cold.

How to bring down the temperature with angina in an adult?

Angina- This is a bacterial infection in which the temperature rises to 38-40 degrees. Therefore, it is recommended to use antibiotics in treatment, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. It could be antibiotics a wide range actions : Amoxil, Klacid, Augumentin. You can also gargle, use sprays containing antibiotics. They relieve inflammation, which helps to lower the temperature. Antibiotics must be combined with antipyretics.

Excellent in the treatment of angina to relieve fever with paracetamol. After the introduction active substance very quickly absorbed into the intestinal wall, and the temperature drops almost instantly.

How to bring down the temperature in case of poisoning in adults?

Poisoning is often accompanied by vomiting and high fever. This complicates the task of normalizing the state, since the reception oral medications does not have the proper effect due to the gag reflex. Therefore, in a situation with poisoning best solution there will be candles. The best should include:

It is better to give preference to suppositories with paracetamol or ibuprofen, as they are the most effective.

What to do if the temperature of 39 does not go astray?

If you've tried everything folk remedies and methods, and the temperature does not go anywhere, then you should turn to medications. The most efficient will intramuscular injection Troychatki. If it does not bring results, then immediately call ambulance, since a consistently high temperature can provoke convulsions and vasospasm, and this is very dangerous for human health and in rare cases, but can still cause respiratory arrest.

Video: how to bring down a high temperature in an adult?

An increase in body temperature happens quite often. An elevated temperature indicates not only a cold, but also other inflammatory processes occurring in the body, for example, blood diseases, food poisoning and so on.

In any case, you should not panic, because there are various methods lowering the temperature with the help of medicines or folk recipes.

Increased body temperature in humans: symptoms, causes, types ^

Everyone knows that body temperature is normal if it is 36.6 - 37 degrees. If viruses enter the body or the immune system works for other reasons, it can increase. This means that the body begins to fight viruses and infections on its own.

Many are concerned about the question of when to bring down the temperature. The answer to it is simple: it is not advisable to bring down the temperature below 38.5, since it has a detrimental effect on viruses and is relatively easily tolerated. But the temperature above 38.5 must already be lowered.

Types of elevated temperature:

  • Subfebrile (37-38°C);
  • Febrile (38-39°C);
  • Pyretic (39-41°C);
  • Hyperpyretic (over 41°C).

The main causes of fever

The main symptoms of fever include:

  • Vomiting and weakness;
  • headache and chills;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Pain in the legs and arms;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Increased sweating.

The most effective antipyretic drugs are aspirin and paracetamol. However, lowering body temperature without drugs is not only possible, but no less effective. Lowering the temperature at home is possible only if it does not exceed 39 ° C.

Pyretic and hyperpyretic temperatures are considered very dangerous, when it reaches 42.2 ° C, irreversible processes occur in the body that are dangerous to human life.

How to bring down the temperature with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

There are many folk recipes to help get rid of the heat. They are available for home use and quite effective.

How to bring down the temperature in a child

When the baby suffers from a high temperature, the mother, of course, does not find a place for herself and tries in every possible way to bring her down. To bring down the fever in a baby at home, it is recommended to perform the following activities:

  • Provide cool air in the room. It is not necessary to cover and warm the baby in every possible way, as this can even be dangerous. When the room is cool, the baby will lose heat and the heat will decrease.
  • Give your child plenty of warm tea, compote, raisin water.
  • You can reduce the temperature of the crumbs with the help of vinegar. To do this, dilute water and vinegar in equal amounts and wipe the baby's arms and legs with the resulting solution.
  • In no case do not force the child to lie still if he does not want to do this, do not give the baby an enema and do not cover him with a wet sheet or towel.

How to bring down the temperature in an adult

To begin with, it is necessary to provide an adult with a plentiful drink in the form of tea with honey, raspberries or currants. After heavy drinking, sweating will begin and the fever will decrease. If such action does not result in positive result, you should move to more active methods:

  • You need to take off your clothes and wipe your body with alcohol, then lie down for a bit, not hiding yourself with a blanket.
  • Very effective tool tea with a spoonful of cognac or vodka is considered.
  • After drinking tea, you need to go to bed and fall asleep.
  • When it's hot, citrus fruits are considered very effective, so it is advisable to eat an orange or grapefruit.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy

During pregnancy, as you know, not all antipyretics can be used, so as not to harm the fetus. Even ordinary paracetamol can be taken by expectant mothers only after consultation with a specialist.

  • by the most in an efficient way to reduce fever during pregnancy is the use of water, compotes and fruit drinks.
  • Wiping with vinegar or vodka is contraindicated for expectant mothers, however, rubbing warm water will be very helpful.
  • Every woman must remember that even the use folk methods to reduce fever should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother

An elevated temperature is dangerous not only for a nursing mother, but also for a baby. Safe antipyretics are suppositories containing paracetamol or ibuprofen.

  • As for children, wiping with warm water or a weak vinegar solution will help women during lactation.
  • It is also important to drink a lot. However, only teas, compotes or fruit drinks should be consumed, to which the baby cannot be allergic.

How to bring down the temperature in the baby

When the baby's temperature rises, his parents need to calm down and start taking necessary measures.

  • IN home first aid kit every mother should have fever-reducing drugs, such as antipyretic syrups (Panadol, Nurofen) and special suppositories.
  • Candles are used if the baby starts vomiting. Giving syrup to him would be pointless.
  • To reduce fever in infants, it is recommended to rub with warm water. In water heated to 37 ° C, you need to lower the gauze, and then apply it to the baby's body.

How to bring down the temperature with vinegar

For rubbing, you need to take apple cider vinegar or regular vinegar.

  • Preparing an vinegar solution is quite simple: you need to pour a tablespoon of vinegar into 0.5 liters of water. It is desirable to prepare the solution in an enamel bowl.
  • Before rubbing, you need to undress, soak gauze in acetic water and lightly wipe the skin with it.
  • As a result, the vinegar will begin to evaporate quickly, and the body temperature will decrease.

How to bring down the temperature with an enema

The enema is also an effective antipyretic.

  • It is necessary to add 1 teaspoon to 100 ml of water beetroot juice and 2 teaspoons of salt.
  • With the help of this medicinal solution, you need to make an enema.
  • It is important to remember that enemas can only be used on the recommendation of a specialist.

How to bring down the temperature with a cold compress

Cold compresses are considered effective when applied correctly:

  • Ice should be wrapped in a clean cloth or polyethylene.
  • It is not recommended to apply ice directly to the body.
  • Cold compresses can be applied to the temples, back of the head, forehead.

How to bring down the temperature with vodka (alcohol)

To wiping with vodka or alcohol medical workers are treated differently. For this reason, use this method they advise only as a last resort.

  • To prepare an alcohol solution, you need to dilute vodka or alcohol with the same amount of water.
  • Wipe the body gently, avoiding the face and genitals.

How to bring down the temperature with herbs

Herbal decoction will also help bring down the fever at home.

  • To prepare it, you need to mix linden flowers, elderberries and mint leaves, pour boiling water over the herbs in a ratio of 2 tablespoons of water per spoonful of herbs and cook for 10 minutes.
  • After this, the broth must be insisted for 30 minutes and filtered.
  • Take herbal decoction twice a day before lunch and dinner. It is recommended to drink the decoction hot.

Prevention and useful tips on how to quickly bring down the temperature at home ^

We have listed common ways to deal with a fever. However, for the treatment to be more effective:

  • It is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
  • Don't forget about physical activity and no bad habits.

Eastern horoscope for February

Most of us know how much trouble a person's body temperature rises above the norm: we get chills, headaches, aching bones appear, we get itchy in every possible way, and someone even begins to hallucinate or is haunted intrusive thoughts. Naturally, we immediately have a desire to get rid of disgusting sensations as soon as possible, and we begin to think how to bring down the high temperature. An adult has many more ways to do this than a child, but you should not immediately grab drugs or folk recipes. Let's find out what temperature should be brought down in an adult, and whether it can be done at home.

What temperature can be knocked down in adults

Many, just feeling unwell, and seeing how the mercury column of the thermometer crawled over the mark of 37 degrees, gut their first-aid kits. Without thinking too much whether to bring down the temperature of 37 or 37.5 in an adult. However, even the temperature of 38 does not need to be knocked down if there are no indications for this, for example, certain diseases or dangerous symptoms. Even a temperature of 38.5 degrees should not be brought down unnecessarily. Why?

Raising the body temperature, the body fights viruses, the proteins of which are destroyed under the influence of high temperature. metabolic processes pathogenic microorganisms are slowed down, infectious agents unable to reproduce. Thus, the human immune system fights the infection on its own. Moreover, recent studies have shown that our immune system works best when elevated temperature.

However, if the body temperature exceeded 38 degrees, the patient developed a pathological fever associated with the influence of pyrogens. Pyrogens are substances that affect the processes of thermoregulation in the human body. If we are talking about a cold, then pyrogenic substances are those that secrete infectious microorganisms. These are bacteria that tend to create in the patient's body the most comfortable conditions for your life activity. Such is the body from 39 to 41 Celsius. Trying to resist these bacteria, our body is trying to stabilize the temperature so that the temperature does not rise to the desired level for pyrogens. If the temperature exceeded 39 degrees, this means that the body could not cope pathogenic microorganisms and he needs urgent help. It is very dangerous to ignore the temperature exceeding 39 degrees Celsius.

Thus, whether to bring down the temperature of an adult depends on how far the mercury column of the thermometer has gone.

If it hangs at around 38-38.5 degrees, and at the same time there is no severe symptoms temperature does not need to be lowered. Give the body the opportunity to independently overcome the viral "intruder". By artificially lowering the temperature, you are doing your body a disservice: dangerous microorganisms are not destroyed, but on the contrary, they penetrate further and further.

It is necessary to bring down the temperature of 38 in an adult, if it is accompanied by:

  • cough
  • runny nose
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • severe headache
  • convulsions

This temperature should be lowered for people with diseases thyroid gland and some diseases of cardio-vascular system. To bring down such a relatively low temperature is also necessary for those who do not tolerate elevated temperatures due to individual characteristics.

How to bring down the temperature at home

Whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature of adults, we found out, now we will tell you how to do this, if there is a need. Here it is important to cool the body, and not to let it get too hot.

There are several effective ways that will alleviate the condition and help you recover:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drinks should be warm: cold or hot drinks will aggravate the situation. First, prepare warm tea by adding currants, raspberries or honey to it. Thus, you will increase sweating, due to which the heat will gradually recede. Then drink a lot of ordinary, but not cold water
  • Wipe with vodka, alcohol or vinegar. To do this, take off your clothes and wipe your body well, giving Special attention armpits, feet, elbows and knees. After wiping, do not immediately cover yourself with a blanket, lie down for several minutes, allowing the liquid to evaporate freely. This will bring down the heat
  • Start up the entrance of cooling compresses - take a basin, pour cool water or a decoction of yarrow into it. Soak a cotton towel in the liquid, and apply to the wrists, forehead, groin, temples. Compresses need to be changed often, because at elevated temperatures the towel will heat up quickly
  • You can bring down the temperature in an adult with folk remedies using an enema with a decoction of chamomile. To do this, pour four tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant with a glass of boiling water, and heat in a water bath. When the composition has cooled, strain it and dilute it with water so that 200 ml of broth is obtained. With the help of this decoction, an enema is made

Medical means to reduce the temperature

If the procedures described above did not help lower the temperature, you can look into the first aid kit or pharmacy for various tablets and other drugs. Sometimes, only antipyretic drugs can give the desired effect. But it is better not to take them without a doctor's prescription.

The most popular and cheapest option is the well-known Aspirin. It can be produced in the form of a powder or tablets, which are taken for pain and fever. In order not to harm once again mucous membrane of the stomach, it is better to crush the tablet into powder. Take with plenty of water. The maximum daily volume of the drug is 500 mg on the first day and 200 mg on the following days.

Remember: Aspirin should not be taken on an empty stomach. Be sure to eat before taking the drug.

You can also take inexpensive Paracetamol, which has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. If you need to quickly bring down the high temperature in an adult, take Paracetamol together with NO-SHPO and Analgin.

Paracetamol to lower body temperature is taken three times a day every four hours for 5 days. Maximum dose at one time should be no more than 500 mg.

Analgin is a well-known analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent that will help reduce the temperature in an adult. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, solutions for injections and suppositories. To bring down the temperature, an injection is given intramuscularly or intravenously, using from 250 to 500 mg of the drug per day.

Nurofen is also a common antipyretic, which, moreover, will help relieve headaches and toothaches. Sold in tablets of 200 mg, which must be taken at least three times a day. The drug should be taken with plenty of water. If after three days the temperature has not dropped, you need to go to the doctor.

How to bring down the temperature with folk remedies in an adult

How to bring down the temperature without pills? Homemade decoctions, tinctures and compresses will help to do this.

Helps relieve heat linden decoction. You will need two tablespoons of dried flowers and water. Pour the linden flowers with a glass of boiling water, stir, and let it brew for an hour and a half. Then strain the broth, add honey if necessary, and take 4 times a day. The tool will increase sweating and reduce the temperature.

Vinegar and potato compresses will be effective. Grate two raw vegetables, pour 20 ml there apple cider vinegar, and wrap the resulting composition in gauze. You need to make a compress for two hours, applying to the forehead.

Raspberries are known for their antipyretic properties; on its basis, you can make a special infusion. Dry raspberries are used: flowers and berries. They are crushed and poured into a glass boiled water. Then the tool must be put on water bath for 15 minutes, then strain and pour into a thermos. Take during the day in small sips.

An oral remedy based on onion, apple and honey is taken orally with an increase in body temperature. You will need to mix half a glass of each product, after grating an apple and onion. You need to use the elixir one tablespoon twice a day.

Another effective recipe with onions: grate the peeled onion on a fine grater, pour 400 ml of boiled water. The composition must be wrapped with a cloth and let it brew for 9 hours. Then drink two teaspoons every hour.

How to bring down the temperature of 39-40 in an adult

If a person's body temperature exceeds 39.5-40 ° C, you need to act quickly. It is necessary to use the following antipyretic drugs based on active ingredients:

  • Ibuprofen, drugs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Navigan
  • Acetylsalicylic acid, drugs: Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid, Citropack
  • Paracetamol, funds: Ibuklin, Koldakt, Panoksekan, Teraflu

The folk remedies that we talked about above will also be effective.

Such a strong increase in body temperature leads to dehydration, so drinking plenty of water is required. Let the patient drink compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas, fresh juices and, of course, plenty of water. Liquid should be at room temperature.

It is impossible to overheat the body during this period, so no bath procedures, mustard plasters and hot foot baths. If the fever persists for more than two days, you should consult a doctor. This should also be done if immediately, if the increase is accompanied by vomiting, strong painful sensations, or it's not caused by a cold. The temperature can rise with many diseases, do not hesitate to call a specialist if the nature of the symptoms is not clear.

Also remember that the above medications have many contraindications and side effects. Be sure to read the abstract.

Heat - common symptom such common diseases as SARS, tonsillitis, pneumonia. To reduce fever and alleviate the patient's condition, doctors recommend taking antipyretics, but this is not always possible. Too much frequent use these drugs can lead to allergic reactions, and to an overdose - poisoning. It also happens that there are simply no antipyretics in the house. IN similar situations it is worth using non-drug, but no less effective ways decrease in temperature. Here are a few of them.

To reduce the patient's temperature, moisten a sponge or towel in cool water, wring out and gently wipe the torso, face, limbs. Droplets of liquid remaining on the skin are allowed to dry on their own. To enhance the effect, a few drops of table vinegar or vodka are added to the water in a 1: 1 ratio. It is better to wipe children with water at room temperature (otherwise, the procedure can provoke shock and febrile convulsions caused by vasospasm).

The procedure of wiping with water, even water at room temperature, has the effect of reducing heat by 1-2 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.


To reduce the temperature, the ice is broken into small pieces, put in a plastic bag and applied to the projection sites. large vessels: to the forehead, to axillary areas, inguinal folds, popliteal fossae. To protect the patient from hypothermia, a folded cotton towel should be laid between the skin and ice. Applying ice is best not to continue for more than 5-7 minutes; after a quarter of an hour, the procedure can be repeated.


An antipyretic enema is an unpleasant procedure that is recommended if all other methods of reducing the temperature are unacceptable or have not given tangible results. For these purposes, use warm water, usually 2 degrees lower than the body temperature at the moment, with salt (at the rate of ½ tsp per 100 ml of water). The amount of liquid for an enema depends on the age of the patient:

  • 1 year - 120 ml;
  • 2 years - 200 ml;
  • 5 years - 500 ml;
  • over 10 years old - 1 liter.

All of the above physical methods lowering body temperature (rubbing, applying ice, enema) are contraindicated in children under one year old - especially with a tendency to convulsions, heart defects. In addition, these procedures should not be used for cold hyperthermia (chills, icy limbs, bluish skin color) - in this case, they will only aggravate the patient's condition.


Plentiful drink

Plentiful drinking at a high body temperature is recommended so that the patient has something to sweat - and sweat, as you know, has a high cooling effect. With such drinking mode the elimination of toxins is activated, the fluid reserves lost during sweating are replenished in time. In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to drink drinks rich in vitamin C: a decoction of wild rose, dried fruits, cranberry juice, Tea with lemon, Orange juice. Increases sweating tea with raspberry jam and other antipyretics, but you should drink something else before drinking it. Drinks should be drunk slowly, in small sips, so as not to induce vomiting. When feeling hot, drink should be warm (about 30 ° C), and when chilly - hot. In order for the body to have a place to give off heat, the air in the room must be cool (no more than 18 ° C).

Colds come by surprise at any time of the year.

Once in the body, they gradually gain strength, having rather harmless first signs.

For this reason, many do not respond to them immediately, which contributes to the spread of the disease.

But when a cold causes a temperature of 38, the patient begins to panic and take everything that he finds in the medicine cabinet at home, without thinking about the consequences.

But with timely and proper treatment the virus can be overcome in 1-2 days!

With a cold, body temperature can exceed 38 degrees Celsius

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to correctly determine the diagnosis.

Of course, for this you should consult a doctor.

But what if this is not possible?

It is important to know the symptoms that distinguish the common cold from other illnesses.

Most often it is confused with the flu and intensive care is started.

Runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, a slow rise in temperature - all these are the first symptoms of a cold.

With the flu, degrees rise sharply, the body begins to ache, often appears headache, weakness.

Having recognized the first signs of SARS, you immediately need to strike a complex blow.

The cold will subside within a day.

For this you need:

  • Go to bed immediately and stay in bed . The body should spend energy on fighting the virus, and not on maintaining a vigorous physical condition. It is best to provide him with peace in the form of sleep.
  • Start a hot drink to remove toxins.
  • Ensure the intake of vitamin C in the body in any of its forms. It provides the production of interferon, which helps the body cope with the virus.
  • Rinse the nose and gargle with disinfectant solutions . For their preparation, you can use furatsilin, potassium permanganate or ordinary table salt(can be iodized).
  • In the absence of fever you need to disperse the blood well and warm the body . For this purpose, you can soar your legs, rub your body with tinctures, do wet warm inhalations and dry foot compresses with mustard.

Flu also requires rest and plenty of fluids.

But rubbing and warming are contraindicated, since one of its first symptoms is hyperthermia - sharp rise temperature beyond 38 degrees.

In this case, any "overheating" is fraught with complications and deterioration of the patient's condition.

High temperature with a cold in an adult. Treatment

First you need to understand what is high temperature?

The temperature of 37-38 degrees for a long time is called subfebrile.

She talks about the presence of an inflammatory process, a sluggish disease, chronic form ailment.

If the thermometer scale ranges from 38.5 to 39 - the temperature is elevated. Above 39 degrees - high temperature.

Temperatures above 38.5 degrees must be brought down

With the help of heat, the body fights the penetration of viruses, bacteria, harmful substances.

Therefore, use any antipyretic drugs not worth it .

A low temperature during illness will allow the virus to spread.

But in a situation where hyperthermia lasts for a long time requires intervention and medication.

Colds and fever 38. What should I do?

If, when measuring the temperature of a patient, the thermometer mark is in the range of 37-38.5, it can be treated with the same home remedies:

  1. With swelling and runny nose, clear the sinuses from the mucus produced. Fighting the virus locally, it is a "waste" material, the penetration of which into the sick organism is not desirable.
  2. With a sore throat, rinse with herbal decoctions . Do not gargle with soda solution. It dries the mucous surface, neutralizing the natural barrier that protects against the penetration of the virus. Applying saline solutions, you should not make them concentrated, otherwise the action is equated to soda. For a therapeutic result, 1 teaspoon per glass of water is enough.
  3. Need to drink plenty of water . You can take almost any warm liquid: teas, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, juices, broths and plain water. Well suited infusion of steamed rose hips. It will saturate the body with natural minerals and vitamins, especially essential C.
  4. When coughing, apply various emollients and expectorants . For example, drink a decoction of linden, warm milk with a teaspoon of honey, suck a piece butter or candied tea rose.

How to treat a cold with a temperature in an adult

If application said funds does not give the expected result and the fever continues to gain momentum, old reliable methods to reduce the temperature will help.

  • Compresses. To do this, the fabric (towel) must be folded in several layers and soaked in a cool solution of vinegar and water - 1 tbsp. to a glass of liquid. Apply compresses to the forehead, neck, feet, armpits. Change as they heat up.
  • Rubbing. The fabric must be soaked in warm water and wipe the whole body with it, while undressing the patient. Leave it uncovered for a few minutes to remove excess heat.
  • Room air cooling also helps to reduce fever. At the time of ventilation, the patient should be dressed, but not wrapped in countless layers of blankets. For this, the windows are opened for 7-10 minutes. It is important to ensure that this does not create a draft.

Ventilation of the room helps reduce fever, but the patient should be well dressed

Application medicines to combat high fever with a cold in an adult, they begin in the following cases.

  1. By doctor's prescription . Everyone has their own characteristics of the body, chronic diseases, which reduces the protective functions. Fever exacerbates the problem and may be incompatible with general condition sick.
  2. When the temperature is above 39 degrees or it lasts for several days . This often indicates a connection bacterial infection which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. In this case, the direction of treatment can be radically changed by the attending physician.
  3. If a patient of retirement age or, conversely, a child . Such a patient is difficult to tolerate fever, his thermoregulation center does not work at full strength and he can overheat. You should not wait until a too young or elderly organism copes with the disease itself. Such patients need to start bringing down the temperature already at 38 degrees.

How to cure a cold in adults with a temperature above 39 degrees

If all necessary measures are taken, but the body long time does not cope with the disease, and the degree of the body continues to grow - help and intervention are needed.

Self-medication is better not to engage . Required Medications must be prescribed by a doctor .

After all, many popular antipyretic drugs have a number of contraindications.

  • Paracetamol. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, has an analgesic effect, and has a good effect on the centers of thermoregulation. Contraindications: sensitivity to components, kidney disease, liver dysfunction.

  • Ibuklin. Contains ibuprofen and paracetamol. Dealing with heat effectively. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

  • Panadol. In composition - paracetamol in tablets, which does not have any distinctive effects from it.

  • Theraflu. Reduces muscle pain in the heat, fights chills and swelling of the ENT organs. It has dosage restrictions. Contraindications: diabetes, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart disease, pregnancy, lactation, arterial hypertension, chronic diseases.

  • Nurofen. Contains ibuprofen and auxiliary components. In addition to antipyretic, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contraindications: ulcerative and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, heart failure, disruption of the liver and kidneys, vestibular apparatus, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity with components.

  • Coldrex. Consists of paracetamol, caffeine, ascorbic acid and other chemical non-drug substances. Facilitates pain syndrome fights puffiness and congestion respiratory tract. Contraindications: diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, prostate, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, lactation, hypertension.

Coldrex helps adults get rid of fever

The choice of means and method of treatment always remains with the patient.

It is important to help your body in time and not start the disease.

No need to wait for the disease to mow down.

Then you can’t get rid of it with teas alone, and you will need to use more strong drugs maybe even antibiotics.

Remember that timely therapy saves the resources of your wallet and body.